EVENING HERALD nsTAHMSIIUD 1870. 1'uMMiod every livening, Kxccpt Sunday, nt 8 South Jahdin btiiect, Neau Cbs-the. TTImi Herald Ii delivered InSlieunndonh nnd the BiirroimcllliK towni for nix centK a week, pay able to the carriers, lly mail Sl.00 n ymr, or 35 cents n month, payable In advance. Advertise ments elmreed nccordiuK to Pimce nnil position. The publMiei-H reserve the rlRlit to chntiKO the position of Advertisements whenever the pub lication of news demands It. Tlio right fa reserved to reject nny ndvertlseincnt, whether pold for or not. Hint tho publishers may deem lmprocr. Advertl.lnfr rates made known upon application. Entered at the potrtolHee nt Shenandoah, I'll., as second class mall matter. TKLltl'HOXIt CONNECTION. Evening Herald FKIDAY, OCTOliEK 4, 1800. STATE TICKET. STATU TUEASUKKK, Bbkjami.v J. Haywood, of jrarcor. SUPEUIOK COUltT JUDCSKS, JAMKS A. llKAVKK, of Centre. E. W. Willard, of Lackawanna. Chahi.kb K. Kick, of Luzerno. Quokqk II. Orlady, of Huntingdon. John J. Wickham, of Iiwiver. Howard IIkhduh, of Northampton. COUNTY TICKET, junnn of oiii-hans' couirr, 'THOMAS H. II. LYON, of MalianoyCity. CONTUOLLr.lt, 1IENJ. II. SHVKltX, of Shenandoah. DISTllICT ATTOltNKY, GILAS. E. IHtECKOXS. of St. Clair. COKOXBH, Hi:. S. J. SEYFEKT, of rlncgrovo. DIRF.CTOIt OF TIIK I'OOIt, S. It. MIDDIiETOX, of Gilbcrton. COUNTY hl'IlVKYOU, JOSEPH W. OEAItY, Jit., of Pottsvillo. Complaints of dry wells and springs come from all irnrts of tho country. More rain is needed to fill them and replenish the streams. Our exchanges from every point tell of the scrious.eflccts being experienced owing to the want of rain. Tuif autocrat of tho Germans has, to use a common phrase, sat down rather heavily upon his royal brother. Prince Henry, because that royaUndividual presumed to tell his Imperial Highness that he mado a mess of tho Baltic can.il affair. William appears to have got his "Dutch up" at Henry aud has banished him for a year; Sympathy for tho Cuban patriots grows hourly. Wcro it not for tho requirements of international comity, a hundred thousand jirmcd men, nnd all the warships that would 1)0 needed to establish Cuban liberty ou a permanent basis and forever wipe out Spanish tyranny, would bo furnished by this country. NEW MARRIAGE LAW. "fflarAifr riconso'rcfTs'amcnded by tho legislature of 1893 went into effect on Tuesday, last, in every county in tho state. Tho operation of tho law has been retarded two years by a clerk in tho transcribing room of tho Houso of Representatives writing the flguro "fivo" for a "threo" in tho original bill. The marriago license act as passed in 1883 was amended in 18S9 so as to require the marriage ceremony in tho same county in which the license was granted. The amended act, which now goes into effect, provides that a marriago license may ho secured in one county and tho parties bo married in any other county In tho Common wealth, provided tho party solemnizing the eeremotiy transmits a duplicate record to tho other county. This privilege will be of tho greatest benefit to thoso about to marry who can more readily reach tho county seat of an adjoining county than their own and will bo a convenience in many other ways. NIGHT SCHOOLS. Within a short time tho local public School authorities will throw open ten evening schools for tho benefit ot thoso who cannot attend tho day schools. A few years ago night schools wore so little encouraged that it was deemed a wasto of time and oxponso to open them, but sinco then a more livoly Intermit has been evinced mid the school authorities havo folt justified from time to time in increasing tho number. This year the system starts out more ex tensive aud elaborate than over beforo and we hope to see the offorts of tlio Directors ap preciated as they should lie. For tho first time au evening high nohool will lie entob . llahed this year, aa well tw a ceparate 'veiling school fur girl and young wwiusn. " Ths establishment of theee branshwi is "highly commendable. It plutos tho borough, to iOUie extent, on a footing with the large oiiea, lu that none of the ruing generation need grow up in ignorance becaiMe of enforced labor during the day, and lack of means for sci iiiuig a suitable education lu the evenings. The ohuol for girls 1 mu innovation which ! it ia hoped will be fully as successful as the 1 other- It can work an Imwenw amount of j ood in many directions if properly managed and i ucouruged. One of the most painful I ,i;liu is to aee young girls roaming the streets! t ii'it in (Irorea, growing up in the midst or j.uMh educational advantage wimout r 1 1 1 nig enough of it to he able to either rrad or wi it- If tht toftlUli girl will but ,nmtLi mnniK ,i'liool the School Board ill hi i II p.nd lor it-, i-perfuient. Cut i nut for girls of thisebwa alone that tlio si hool has been established. There are ninny who, by force of i in iiuihtain i Imw l)nt Iii i n j I de lo at lend the pu.Mii- school- and who nro anxious to loam nnd know tliAtthoro is something in lifo besides toillngand living. Every sensible girl who Is deprived of a day school education by circiiinstaneos which require hor to labor, will welconio tho open ing of the night school and will lwo no time in having her nanio placed upon tho roll. Every parent should givo tho subject of night schools serious attention, and If any of the younger members of their families liavo missed tho great benefits to bo derived from tho public schools through Inability to atteud tho day sessions, they should seo that they attend the evening schools. There need be no hesitancy from four of cxpeuse, as this like many other blessings of our glorious country, is free and awaits only tho taking. An inuldentnt Williamsport furnishes am munition for tho revivalists. A negro nnd a white man entered Into a discussion on religion und the former closed his argument with the remark, "I am on tho Lord's side, and it will prevail." Tho negro spoko the truth, for in the four-rouud bare, knuckle fight that followed beforo fifty spectators and a refereo ho pummelcd tho white man so luidly that friends of tho lattor stopped tho battle. Aside from tho brutality of tho affair the negro deserved credit for having tho courage to stand by his convictions. Tub summor trolley airs havo not been as liberally patronized during tho recent past as during the heated term. They rarely make their nppcuranco nuw and are not sought. Thero is always danger of getting pneumonia by riding in open ears in cold weather. Cure for Headache. As a remedy for all forms of Headache Electric Hitters has proved to ho tho very best. It effects a permanent cure nnd tho most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield to its influence. Wourgeall who aroafilicted to procuro a bottle, and give this remedy a fair trial. In case of habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures by giving tho needed tone to tho bowels, and few cases long resist tho uso of this medicine. Try it once. Largo bottles only 50 cents at A. wasloy's Drug Store. A Wronged Hu.lmnd'a llwvenge. Chicago, Oct. 4. Edward JIoc, n, pros perous tradesman, shot and fatally Injured his wife nt a North Market streot hotel, to which she had gone with Peter Nelson, a friend of her husband. Moe had been in formed of theirintended meeting, and fol lowed them to the hotel. Breaking down tho door of their room, ho immediately be gan tiring, emptying his revolver nt his wife, Nelson in tho meantime mnklug his escape. DNlione.t HhiiIc Clerk's rtentenco. Richmond, Vn., Oct. 4. It. V. Card well, for ninny years bookkeeper In tho Stnto bank, of this city, plead guilty yes terday of mnklngfuKo entries in his books, so ns to nllow a depositor to overdraw his nccount. Ho was aenteneo.l to two years in tho penitentiary. Tho bank is supposed to hnvo lost tit least $20,000. Card well Is n married man, of ilrst class social standing, and ho returned to tho city to stand trial. Smith I'lemls Guilty of Murder. Decatur, Ills., Oct. I. Charles N. Smith, who last week killed his child, Louise, and slster-ln-lnw, Edna Huebert, pleaded guilty as to tho child, but not guilty us to tho sisier-ln-luw. Tho court lias taken tho caso under advisement until Monday, when it is expected tho death penalty will bo pronounced. .Sliniiiokln's Water t-'Hinlne. SllAMoniN, P.i., Oct. 4. Tho reservoir of tho Hoar Gap Water company ran dry yesterday, nnd tlio .Shumokiu and Ml. Ciirmol Electric railway has been com pelled to shut down on nccount of the drought. Unless ruin fulls within two duys tho Shiunokln street railway will also havo to suspend operations. rnfHor Holers l'oloned Hlmiotr. Camdiiidqe, Mass., Oct. 4. Tho autopsy on tho body of Elliott V. Rogers, tho In structor at Harvard, who was found dead in a laboratory nt Harvard Wednesday night, shows it was u caso of suicide, Med ical Examiner Duroll having found a largo quantity of cyuuldo of potnsslum In tho stomach. Idle Miners to Iteaiiine Work, Shamokin, Pa., Oct, 4. Six hundred ldlo mine workers will find steady employ ment nt the Noilson shaft of J. J. Long don & Co. ou Monthly next. Tho mlno Will resume operations after tin idleness of soven weeks, caused by tho depression lu tho coal trodo. HangHd at Sixty-two. JEltSEY ClTT, Oct. 4. John C. Czech,. alius -'Fish John, was hanged in tho Hudson county jail yesterday for the mur der of his wife, Mary. Czecli was 08 years old, and tho oldest man ever hanged In Hudson county. The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jor ney: Fair; easterly wluds. Scrofula, Salt Rheum And All Other Blood Ci3eaoos-How They May Bo Cured. Speaking simply from what Hood's Sar saparllla has done, not only onco or twice, but'in thousands ot cases, we can honestly say that it Is the best remedy for all dis eases ot the blood, whatever the cause. By its peculiar Combination, Propor tion nd Process, It possesses posltlvo medicinal merit Peculiar to Itself. It has cured the most virulent cases of Scrofula and Salt Rheum, even when all other prescriptions and mediclnea have failed to do any good. Wood poisoning, from u-hatcvev ori gin, yields toltspowerfulcleansing.purl fylng, vitalizing effect upon tho blood. If you desire further particulars, write to u as below. Remember that Hood's Sarsapanlla Is the One True Blood Purifier prominently In the public eye today. Prepared only by O. I. noon & Co., Lowell, Mass., U. S. A. Bold by all druggKts. i six tor ?6. Hood's Pills ai r Urn lient after dlnnci fill i by aMiit lUutnuo HARRY WRIGHT DEAD. The Noted Uaseliall Veteran-a Victim of Cntnrrhnl Pneumonia. Atlantic City, Oct. 4. Harry Wright, chief of umplros of tho National Lcaguo of Basobnll clubs, ex-player and ax.mnnugor of tho Philadelphia olub, died at 13:40 o'clock yesterday nfturnoon nt tho Sanitarium, of ca tarrhal pneumo nia. Mr. Wright, who hns dono in orb thnn nny other Hum to bring basobnll to , V Its present high standing, wns ii native of Eng- ts land, whoro ho wiw born In 1835. A yearlnter, how HAitr.v wrttaiiT. ever, his parents removed to New York, nnd Harry received his youthful ed ucation In that city. In his youth ho wns nlways nn urdent cricket player, nnd In 1867 wns first onjrAgiHl professional bowler by tho St. George Cricket etui), succeeding his fntlior. In 1833 Mr. AVrlght began to play tmse Iiall. Eight years later ho wont to Cin cinnati, nnd thoro organized tho famous Red Stockings. Since that tlmo ho has nlwnys boon n baseball leader, but for years has taken no notlvo part In tho gamo. How lMltorx nro Treated In China. Nineteen hundred editors'of a Pekin paper aro said to havo been beheaded. Some would shudder at such slaughter, who are heedless of tho fact that Consumption is ready to fasten its fatal hold on themselves. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the elll cient remedy for weak lungs, spitting of blood, shortness of breath, bronchitis, asthma, severe coughs, and kindred affections. Stamps, La Fayette Co., Arkansas, Du. It. V. PlEltcK: Dear Sir 1 will say this to you, that consumption is hereditary iu my wife's family ; some havo already died with tho disease. My wife has a sister, Mrs. E. A. Cleary, that was taken with consump tion. She used your "Golden Medical Dis covery," and, to the surprise of her many friends, sho got well. My wife lias also had hemorrhages from tho lungs, and her sister insisted on her using the "Golden Medical Discovery." I consented to her using it, and it cured her. Sho has had no symptoms of consumption for tho past six years. Yours very truly, W. C. KOGEKS, M. D. Delicato diseases in either sox, however in duced, speedily cured. Hook sent socurely sealed, 10 cents in stamps. Address, in con fidence, World's Dispensary Medical Associa tion, Buffalo, N. Y. Shot nt Ills Superior Ofllror." Chicaoo, Oct. 4. Colonel R. E A. Crof ton, commander of tho Fifteenth Infantrr nt Fort Sheridun, nurrowly escaped death or nt least u severe wound lit tho hnnds of Lieutenant S. S. Pnguc, of Company F, Fifteenth Infantry, yesterday nfternoon. Tho lieutenant fired three shots at tho communder. Otio passed through a loo.-"3 fold of his overcoat, just over tho ri:;ht groin, und tho second aud third passed close to the body. Lieutenant Pnguo a few moments beforo had escaped from tho hospital, whore ho had been undergoing treatment for mental trouble, occasioned, It Is said, by over lndulgenco In liquor. At tho fort today it wns said that tho lieuten ant was not rosponslblo for his act, nnd that his meeting with Colonel Crofton was a chance meeting. The Darlington, Wis., Journal says editor ially of a popular patent mcdicino : "Wo know from experience that Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea liemedy is all that is claimed for it, as on two occasions it stopped excruciating pains and possibly saved us from an untimely grave. Wo would not rest easy over night without it in the house." This remedy undoubtedly saves more pain and suffering than any other medicine in the world, Every family should keep it in tlio house, for it is sure to be needed sooner or later. For sale by Gruhler Bros., Druggists. Chinese .Citizen lteftt'd Lail'lln?. San Fiiascisco, Oct. 4. Among tho pas sengers on tho last trip of tlio steamer Rio do Janeiro was a coolio named Geo Hop, who was returning from a long visit to China. Geo Hop claims to bo a citizen of tho United States, und produces docu ments to prove It, and also, among other things, a passport Issued by tho depart ment of stnto, bearing tho signature of Jumes G. Blaine. Collector Wiso, how ever, says ho is tho solo judge as to tho landing of Chinese, and ho refuses to ro cognlzo Hop's credentials. Tho matter will now bo taken into tho United Stutos court. Tlio Discovery Saved Ills Life. Mr. O. Calllouette, DrusKist, Ileaversville, 111., says: "To Dr. King's New Discovory I owo my lifo. Was taken witli Iji Grippo.and tried all tho physicians for mile about, but of no avail and was given up and told I could not live. Havimr Dr. Kine'sXow Discovery in my storo I sent for a bottle and began Its use and from tho first dose began to get better, and after using threo bottles was up and about ajram. It is worth its weight In yolil. wo won't keep store or house without it." (let a free trial at A. Wasley's Drug Store. Gheerlnic for tfoutheru Farmers. TlALTIMOUE, Oct. 4. Report to the Mrm ufucturors' Reoord show that tho high price of cotton is greatly stimulating the business interests of the south. It is esti mated that tho price ot cotton, as ooin parod witli last year, and the inorawe lh grain production will ninice a not uiuer ence to southern farmers of over $100,000, 000 us ooinpid with 1H91. In iron inter ests then) Is considerable elation. The list of Industrial enturprises reported for the week, while covering u considerable range and diversity, is not so long ns for preced ing weeks. OountprfelUr Stein Held for Trial. Nbwabk, N. J., Oct. 4. Before United States Comroiiwioner Whitehead, in this city, Deteotivo Burns, of tho secret servloe, arraigned Jiillus'Stcln, whom he arrested ut his home on West Kinney steet on sus jiioion of being Implicated in the counter feiting of eoins. Ktoln was held iu S,000 bull, in default of which he was locked up to await the action of the federal grand jury. Hums claims to have convicting evidence against Stein and the rest of the goug who were tuken luto custody in Phil tide! ph la. i Will tsfrnohlie Mulatto!. Columbia, K. C, Oct. i.-Tho constitu tional convention, by un overwhelming majority, haw adopted a i-lausu forbidding the lutermaiTicg of a white person with another pnv.n who wit alns any negro blood wlmii v. i in his :' her vein- This, In coiiiic tiiin with tho Miffnw i-lause, Will havu the onVct i-f disfranchising muluttocs. W ' ' f"r 1 tlnH ,l"a A KvirylxHly says lU-d Flag '!, :.'"i . At liiuhli r l!i. is., drug store. BEAUTY. HOW TO INCREASE IN WEIGHT AND OTHERWISE IMPROVE ONE'S PER SONAL APPEARANCE. Every normally constituted man and woman mints to look well. This is natural and right. Wo havo little sympathy for those people who through indoleiieo or gluttony havo permitted themselves to take on too much ilosh. They know that by Ink ing plenty of oxorcise they can get hick to their normal weight. Wo do howover havo a groat donl of sympathy for thoso poor, pale, thin sufferars who either havo no appetite or else whoso food distresses them to such a degree that they are forced to live on a most frugal diet. Their trouble arises from the fact that they aro unable to digest suillcieiit food and when their stomach is out of onler and fails to do its proper work, foods aro worse than useless. They simply ferment in tho stomach and fill the system with poisonous principles. What those people need is something that will iliirest their food after it has been eaten, nnd it is in ju$t such eat.es that the Digestive Cordial as made by tho Mount Lebanon Shakers is proving remarkably successful. It is so prompt in itis action that a sense of relief almost immediately follows the first dose, nnd a rapid increase in weight is soon noted . The .Shakers have issued an interesting pam phlet which may bo obtained upon inquiry at any drug i-toro. Try a twenty-five cent bottle of Digestive Cordial and seo what it will do for vou. READING RJl. SYSTEM IN KFFKCT OCTOHUll I, 18'.B. Trains leave yhennnUoah ns follows : For Now York via l'hllndclphln, week days, 210, 5 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 68, 2 03 and 5 Si p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For New York via Mnuch Chunk, week days, 0 S3, 7 20 a. in., 12 5H nnd 2 So p. in. For Itcndini; nnd Philadelphia, week days, 2 10, 5 23, 7 20 a. in., 12 58, 2 53 nnd 5 53 p. in. Sun days, 2 10 a. in. For I'ottsville, week days, 2 10, 7 20 n. in., nnd 12 5S, 2 53 nnd 5 53 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a.m. For Tmnnqun and Jlahanoy City, week days, 210,5 25, 7 20 n. in., 12 58, 2 53 nnd 5 53 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. For Wllllaniiport, Simlmr.v and I.ewisburg, weekdays, 3 23, 11 ao a. m., 150 and 7 20 p. m. Sundays, 3 23 u. in. For JIalmnoy l'lane, week clays, a iu, ,i m, a 7 20, U KO a. in., 12 58, 1 50, 2 53, 0 53, 7 20 and 9 35 li. in. Sundays, 2 10, 3 23 a. m. For Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 3 23, 7 20, 1130 n. in., 150, 7 20 nnd 9 33 p. in. Sun davs, 3 23 a. m. For llaltiinore, Washington nnd the w est via II. ,t O. It. II., through trolns lenvo Heading Terminal, Philadelphia, I. fc It. B. It.) at 3 20, 7 53, 112S a. in., 3 10 and 7 27 p. in. Sundays, 3 20, 700, II 2(1 a.m., 3 16 nnd 7 27 p. in. Addi tltional trains from Twenty-fourth nnd Chest nut streets station, week days, 1 30, 5 41, 8 23 p. in. Sundays, 1 33, 8 23 p. in. TRAINS FOR SHKNANDOAH. Lenvo New York via Philadelphia, week ilays, 8 00n. in., 130. -100, 7 30 p. in. nnd 1215 night. Sundays, 6 00 p. in. Lenvo New York via Jlauch Chunk, week days, 4 30, 0 10 n. in.. 1 10 nnd 4 30 p. in. Lriivn Phlliidelnh a. Iteadlnir Terminal, week days, 1 20, 8 35, 10 00 a. in. nnd 4 00, 0 02, 1130 p. in. Sundays, 11 sup. m. Leave Reading, week days, 133, 7 10, 10 00, 11 50 a. in., 5 53 nnd 7 57 p. in. Sundays, 1 33 n. in. Leave I'ottsville, weekdays, 2 33, 7 40 a. in,, 12 30 nnd 0 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35 it. in. Leave Tnmnqun. week day, 3 18, 8 50, 11 23 n. in., 1 20, 7 13 und 9 52 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 n. in. l.enve Mnlinnav Cltv. week dnVH. 2 45. 921. 11 17 n. in., 1 31, 7 39 nnd 9 51 p. m. Sundays, 3 43 Leave .Miuiillioy i mm, i-:iv huja, . w, 630. 9 37. 11 59 n. in , 12 68, 2 06, 5 20, 6 26, 7 53 nnd ,., .,.. ,n . 10 10 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 4 00 n. in. Leave Williamsport, weekdays, 7 42, 1010 n. in., 3 33 and 11 41 p. ni. Sundays, 11 13 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION, Lenve Philadelphia Chestnut street wnrf nnd South street wharf for Atlantic City. Weekdays Kxpress, 9 00 n. in., 2 00, 4 00, 5 00 p.m. Accommodation, 8 00n. in., 130, 0 30 p.m. Sunday Express, 9 00. 1000a. m. Accommo dation 8 00 n. in., 4 43 p. m. Returning lenvo Atlnntlo City (depot.) week days, express, 7 35, 9 00 a. in., 3 30. 5 30 p. in. Accommodation, (150, 8 15 a. in., and 4 32 p. in. Sundays tixpres, 100, 7 30 p. m. Accommoda tion, 7 15 a. in., 1 15 p. m. Parlor Curs on nil express train. I. A. SWKIOAItl). O. C). HANCOCK, (len'l Superintendent. (len'l l'nss. Agt. Do you DESIRE to Make MONEY? OUR PLANS OF OPERATION SURE ABSOLUTE SAFETY. AS- Mnkc your money cam you a monthly salary. SlOOOnml more made dully hy our new sys tematic Plan of Operation on small Investments in frrnln ami stoek speoulatlon. All wo ask Is to Investlinito our new and original methods. Past workings of plan nnd highest references furnished. Our Booklet "Points .t Hints" how to make money and other information sent PKK1& Gilmore A. Co., Hankers nnd Brokers. Open Hoard of Trade Hldg., Chicago, IU. -230m-Uw A genuine welcome awaits you at JOE WYATT'S SALOON, Cor. Haln anil Coal Sts. Pool room attached. Finest whlskoys, beers, porter and ale eoimtantly on tap. Choice tem perance drinks and cigars. RUPTURE PERMANENTLY PAY. Wr.uen guarantee to ntMO lulelynirBlll;liiuof)!iipture wtilioul opera! lou n'-dVtentio from bnxlnew. T.xmmlrttk- i5S?,r' w you to Epi;iifci,i, Cuii ot wru tat Jrcti!r. O E MILLER CO. I'lttlitdclpbia. Swj our P'ctor, every Tuesday, ot mm pa. Hewi'l fimiuCy"u with uu.ti' t vcrwo.s ur.tt hy v in y t cwa twn, GAIL BORDEN EAGLE Brand ..CONDENSED MILK.. Has No Equal SOLD EVCRYWHERE rWAS, DERR, Tonsorial Artist. 12 West Oontre street. Stylish lialr I'tittlng u gpeclalty. CU-un touxl with every Hhavo THE TRIAL OF DURRANT. Two Tenons Sentenced by the Judge for Contempt of Court. SAN FitANOtsco, Oct. 4. Tho trial of Theodora Durrant wns replete with sensa tions yesterday. Henry .1. McCoy, gen C ml secretary of the Yo-in j Mou's Chris tian lUMoolatlun, wlio was eitod for con tempt last Monday for tolling Juror Tru man that if ho did not hang Durrant tho pooplo would hang him, was llnod $2.V), with tho alternative of flvo days lu tho county jail. During tho cross oxnmlnatlon of a wit ness summoned by tho defense tho prose cution d.welopnd tho faot that n student at Coopor Medical college who did not at tend thn leoturo delivered by Dr. Cheney on the afternoon of April !l was recorded present on tho roll oull book. This t's'i mony Is of tho greatest Importance to the prosecution, from the fact that It shows the unreliability of tlio roll call buok, in whloh Durrntit was' recorded present on the nf tornooii that Blnnoho Lamout was murdered. The last sensation of tho day 'was an or- dormadoby tho court committing Miss Cnrrlo Cunningham, a nowspuperroporter, to tho county jail for refusing to answer a ouostlon. Tho dofonso dosired to Impeach the testimony of Mm, Leako, who said sho did not tell Miss Cunningham that she saw Durrant nnd Miss Lamont enter Emnmicl Baptist church on tho afternoon of April o. Misa Cunningham testified tliat Mrs. Leako did not tell her what sho had seen, but when asked to reveal tho source of her Information the witness do cllned to nnswer. Au order was mado committing the witness to tho county jail for contempt, but on motion of tho defense It was mado to go Into effect today, when Miss Cunningham would bo given another chanco to answer tho question. Socialistic Orotvlh In Germany. BKItLIN, Oct. 4. Tlio Vorwuerts pub lishes tho year's report of tho sociollst ac tivity, and notes tho lncrcaso of tho so cialist Influeuco In communal sections, de claring that tho term social democracy nnd laboring classes Is liecomlngmdronnd moro synonymous. Tho "Vorwuerts shows that thero Is a surplus of nearly 55,000 marks for tho year In tho revenue of tho party, which amounted to 247,450 marks. Tho expenses were 180,354 mnrks. Tho various collisions with tho state authori ties resulted in penaltlos being Imposed on members of tho party amounting to a to tol of eighteen nnd a half years penal servi tude, sixty-four years of Imprisonment nnd 31,102 marks Imposed as lines. Alleged 1'ension Crooks Arrested. Lancasteh, Pa., Oct. 4. Edwin Book myer nnd his son, Edwin II,, pension agents, wcro arrested yesterday on com plaint of Special Pension Examiner Jenks, nnd held for a hearing beforo Cbmriils slouer Montgomery for nttempted fraud. It Is alleged that thoy endeavored to securo a pension for ono Frank Hart, who did not servo in the. -army, under tho name of Francis Isaiah Hart, afllrmlng that ho is Isaiah Hart, a member of Company E, Thirty-second regiment, United States colored volunteers. Bookniycr, his son and daughter wcro nrrested soveral months ago for pension irregularities, but wore acquitted on trial. Mnjor Illnck Acaln Defeats Tom Wntson, Atlanta, Oct. 4. Major J. O. C. Black, Democrat, defeats Thomas Watson, Popu list, for congress In tho Tenth dfictrby a majority or 1,011. Tho election was ono of tho qulotcst over held In Georgia, a striking contrast to tho ono eleven months ago. At that time threo prominent men wero killed In tlio streets of Augusta. Watson claimed that tho election last year was unfair, and Black, lu deference to Watson's views, resigned. Tho special election was honest In every sense ltaltliiioro's Mnyorulty Candlriftten. Baltimore, Oct. 4. Both tho Demo crats and Republicans held conventions hero last night to nominate municipal tickets, to bo voted for at tho November elections. Unusual Interest was taken in both, as a closo contest is generally pre dicted. Tho Democratic ticket is headed by Henry William for mayor. Tho Ite publlciius nominated Alcacus Hooper as Williams' opponent. To Iteinova China's Capital. Shanghai, Oct. 4. Viceroy Li Hung Chang has gono to Peking nt tho special request of tho dowager empress of China, with whom ho has always hud tho most cordial relations. A grand scheme of ad ministrative reorganization1' has beon pre pared between them, a prominent feature being tho removal of tho capital from Poking to somo moro securo placo in cent ral China. - , - , A New Jersey Horse Thief Caught. E aston, Pa., Oct. 4. Frank KflUnr vroa arrested yostorday, charged with stealing a horso and carriage bolonglng to Dr. H. B. West, of Philllpsburg, N. J. Ho con fessed his guilt and was takon to Bolvl dore (X. J.) jail. Kellur was recently ar rested in Philadelphia for stealing a $150 uloyclo. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho trial of the battleship Indiana will take placo olf Cope Ann about Oct. 18 or 20. Preaklent Olavelund hoe returned to Gray Gables from his Ashing trip on Doug Island sound. A dispatch from Constantinople says It U officially announced that Kiamil Pushn will repluoe Said Pasha as grand vizier. llunluu, the Canadian ounMiiun, an nounces his willliurnea to row Harding, tho ltuglUli sculler, over the Tyno course. The pojatoffloc at Blssell, a suburban town near tst. Louis, luw. boeu closod be cause nobody will accept tho" postmastcr shlp. In n oounagration at Cambridge O., several business blocks wore dostroyed. causing $100,000 loss. One man was burned to dentil. At Slstorvllln, near Parkorsburg, W. Vu., oltizous burned a gambling house kept byAlbfrt Burton, during tho lattor's absence. lAcutunniit .(nines H. Cnvniuuigh hns been appointed to t-'jnptmrlly Hiiecoed the Into Ucuerol Poe. tis ciicf of the engineering dl rb.lon in tho u irthwest. The Loyal Legion of Now York has do elaved ex-Strait Cleaning Commissioner Aiidroww guilty of conduct unbecoming a I goutlemmi. Ho may bo expelled. The Uepuhl'.euus of tho Klghtuouth Illi nois district nominated Judgu CyrtlB B. i Cook, of AI.uli nn, as a cniidldiitu to 1111 tho I vacancy cans -d by the death of Coilgress I in. in Kemaiin Mrs. Louis ToIk', of Clarksburg, Mo., i and her daughte.', the wlfo of Alfred Mo ' Lood, ot Kuii'-fts City, Kan., wore killed at Kmisofc City, Mu., by being crowded from I the ivui pliufoi-in of a car on the elevated ! road. 1 Don't I Worry. 1 tlH Worry wears out your Hi M kidneys. W Hilt s paragus i cures them. If you have worried your self sick, you can gain new vigor by taking Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kiducy Pills. A few doses will relievo. m si i pi m A few bozos will cure. All druggists, or mailed postpaid for SUc. per box. Write Or pamphttt. HOBB'S MEDICINE CQu Chicago. San princitce. In ErrECrMAncn 24, 1895. I'asoencer trains leave Sbeniindosh for Pcnn Haven Junction', Mauch Chunk, Lo hifihton, SlntiiiRtrn. While Hnll.Catasuuqna, AllentownJletlilehcmiKiiston and weatherly at 6 114, 7 38, M IS m., 12 43, 2 67, 5 27 p m. for .New York una rlniadelpliiH, H in, 7 3C, 9 16 a. m., 2 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua kake, Switchback, Gcrhards and Hudsondnle, 9 15 a ni. and 2 57 p, in. tor Wilkes-uarrn. white Haven, littston, Laceyville, Towanda, Sayrc, Wavcrly and uimira. n ut, 95iti,2 57. 9 2Tpm. For RoDbester, BuDalo, Niagara Falls and the Weal. 9 15 o. m. aml 2 57, S 27 p. m. tor uelvidere. Delaware Miner up ana Strondsburg, 6 (14 a. m, 2 57 c :u. for Liatnbertville and irentnn, 9 is a m. For Tsnkliannnck, 1104,9 15 a in., 2 57,5 27 p. in. tor Ithaca and uenevit, 6 in, y is a ni, 5 27 p m. for Auburn, 9 15 a m, a 27 p m. For JpHiicBvillo, bevistnn and Beaver Meadow, 7 SM a. m.,12 43 p. m. For Stockton and Lumber Yard, B 04, 7 38,. 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27. 8 01 p. m. tor Silver lirook Junction, Audenried anil Hazleton. fi 04, 7 38. 9 15 am. 12 43, 2 57, 527 and S 08 n m. t or tinranton, fi ill, 15 a in, z ov ana a P m. T5A For llazlelirook, Jeddo, Drlfton and Fa land, B 04, 7 34, 915 a. 111., 12 43, Z 57, p. in. For Ashland, Girardville and Lost Creek, 4 40, 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in , 12 35, 1 40,. 4 10, 0 35, 8 22 p III. For Raven Run, Ccntriilia, Mount Carinel and Shamokin, 0 13, II 14 a ui, 1 32, 4 20,. 8 22, 'J 15 p. in. . FnrYale3Tillf.JJkI!lacivMhno.v Cit.Y 'and Delano. 6 00, (1 04, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 08, 9 23, 1(1 63 p. m. Trains will leave rilinniokin at 5 15, 8 15, II 45 a. ni., 1 55, 4 3d. 9 30 p. in., and arrive Shenandoah at 0 04, 9 16 a in , 12 43, 2 57, 7, 11 15 p. m heave Shcnumloan for Fnttsville, B 04, 7 .IH.tf 08, 11 05, 11 30 a. m., 12 43, 2 57,4 10, 5 27, 8"M p. ui. Lesva I'ottsville for SbenaDilonh, fi 00, 7 11', 05, 10 15, 1 1 48 ii. m , 12 -.2, 3 00, 4 4(1 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, w 40 p. in. Leave Shennndosh for Iliizmtnn, 8 04, 7 3S Id, u. in., 12 1.'!. 2 57, 5 27. s S u in. Leave Hazlotou for Shenandoah, 7 35, Id 05, 1 1 llfi a. in , 12 15, 2 68, 5 i0, 7 25. 7. 56, p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave lor Raven Run, Centralia,. Alt. Carinel alio Sluum-kin, (1 45 a. m., 2 40 p. m, HiiiiainvM nt r-hatnnkiii at 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. in. Trains nuv- Muniinkin fur Shenandoah at 7 65 ii. in. anil 4 ll p. .. and arrive at Slien- aiidnah at 8 49 a. m and I 6,s p in. Train leave lor Ashland, Girardville and Lot l'r-ek. 9 4(1 a in-, 12 3d ty in. For llHZieii.il, Block Cn -k Junction, Pcnn llavi-u Junetmti, Munch Ohnnk, Allentown, lSothlflii-tii, KiiKtun and New York. 8 49 a. in , 12 II'. 2 '5 p. in. Foii,i'l,ildelphiai 12 3. 2 p. m. For Yiilesville. Park Place, Muhuuoy City Hid Delano. 8 IU, 1 1 S5 a. in , 12 30, 2 55,4 58r . 03 p. m. Leave Hazleton for Sheniindnah, SO' .n iift.-ui.;jiwis';'i) 3o p, iii. l;.V(-"Sneiialidoh "lor Pottsville, 5 55, 8 49, U 32 a. ni., 2 411 p in. Lfnve- Potuvitle for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 4(1 u. in.. I 35, 5 16 p. in. llt'l.LIN H. WILItlUl. Gtuil. 8upl., Soiiin Hot Ii lull o m , Pa. CIIAKl.KK a, LKK. Ciei.l. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia. A. W. '.i v'tMACUEl.. AM. 11. P. A- rtinnli Heilileli-ic Pft VETERINARY SPECIFICS Tor Horsss, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hog?, AND PO0LTHY. S00 Pago Ilook on Treatment of Animals uud Chart Heul l'ree. ecr.EB(Fovcrs,f!oureBl Ions. In (tnmmntlon A.A.lHplanl Jleuingltls, JIIIU l'ever. Jl.ll.Strulus, LamcnvHs, lilicuiiinlisia. !.C;..-lll8lemiier, Mnsnl lllschuraes. ,H,..ltola or tiiiibs, WnrniH. U.K..-Couiibs, Heaves, l'neunionin. l'.l'.Collo or UripcN, llcllyacka. (i.(3.9Ilscarriaiic, llcmurrhniics. , II. II. Urinary nnd Kidney Disomies. J.I..-l!rup(lvo lllnenses, lllanco. . , J.K." lllstusesol l)iiA.tlou, Paralysis, fclngla Bottle (over 60 doscs - - .00 Stable Case, with Specifics. Hanual,. Vcteriuury C ure Oil and Meulcator, ov.uif Jar Veterinary Curo Oil, luo Bold bjllmtllil or tt pr(iiU jnhMwt lowy qoioUljr on receipt of prUo. ill-llrllllETB'lIED. CO.. 1 U 1 1 8 WHIUm Sl1' JH,JMPSBE'2,S, HOMEOPATHIC specific No,; Nervous 'Debility, Vital Weakness, Wiw 1 vo.iiMip. o' ii. DR. A. A. SEIBERT, Siieciulist in diiiiiiM's of tho Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 307 West Market St., PUTl'SYILLK Hours 8:80 a. in. to 12 ni.; 1 to 4 p. TO.. 8 l). ni. Kmidavn ft I- n to IS in Dnui W "it rc CSTiJRt . f.: i a ;. f jn -woiaam s tiAtE STOeaKl'iilAl.i-" Vv lcc, L.-t-.:-i C0.,PHtA.,PA. fii.il'i,'-- mii u m r n if e. i o 1