The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, October 02, 1895, Image 3

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    run w
Dr. J. It. Watts, drufrglst and physi
cian, Humboldt, Neb., who BufTorcd with
heart (llscaBO for four years, trying every
romody and nil treatments known to hlm
Rolf and fcllow-practltlonors; bollovos that
heart dlsoaso Is curable Ho writes:
"I wish to toll what your valuablo medi
cine has dono for mo. For four years I had
heart dlsoaso of tho vory worst kind. 8ov
oral physicians I consulted, said It was
Rheumatism of the Heart.
It wai almost un
endurable; with
shortness of
breath, palpita
tions soToro
palna, unablo to
sleep, especially
on tho loft sldo.
No pun can do
scrlbo my suffer
ings, particularly
during tho last
"months of thoso
four weary years.
DR. J. II. WATTS, I finally triod
Dr. Miles' New Heart Cure,
and was surprised at tho result. It put now
llfo Into and made a now man of mo. I
havo not had a symptom of troublo slnco
and I am satisfied your niedlclno has cured
mo for I havo now enjoyed, slnco taking It
Three Years of Splendid Health.
I might add that I am a druggist and havo
sold and recommondod your Heart Cure, for
I know what It has dono for mo and only
wish I could stato more clearly my suffer
ing then and tho good health I now enjoy.
Your Norvlno and othor remedies also
give excollent satisfaction." J. U. Watts.
Humboldt, Nob.,' May 9, '94.
Dr. Miles Heart Onro la sold on a posltlvo
guarantee that tho llrstbottlo will benefit.
All druggists sell It at $1, 0 bottles for $5, or
A will bobent, propaki, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart. Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
"Purest and
f v Healthiest.
ukoi r i i x
West Coal Street.
For Scientific Dentistry go to
Fifteen vears actual experience. Gold, Amnl
Cam and Porcelain fillings, Uold Crowns, Por
celain Crowns, Aluminum Crowns. JSest teeth
$10.00, no better made nt uny price. Teeth ex
tracted with vitalized air, 60o. Extracted with
out air, 25c. Allowance inado where teeth are
out on now plates. All work guaranteed. Lady
attendant always present.
OMtco hours : Every day, 1 to S p. m. Sundays
1 to 3 p. m.
30 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Max Reese's residence, front room upstairs.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned by I'eter Griffiths
No. 122 South Misslssppl Avenue,
Two and one-half squares from P. U It. station;
half square from beach. Itupalnted, repaporcd
and refurnished. Kverytlil wr complete for con
venience of patrons. MltS. SI. A. U1UFFIN,
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and "Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
When It conies to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you don't come
to town wsiid your orders. They will bo accu
rately and promptly filial.
29 Bast Centre Street
1 llllst
Tenth Yr.
luMtrtit t ii l
Hitual inn.
nu i n. ttiut Nt.,
HU HII lllb
1 uri'inli. .I
1'liu ...u . i...nm ..I fcnilW It .life lit t llt lUUllmtllU lit . "it
Hrifri. unuiar.. Tlll-O. .l'.tHl,I,u.i
llnaklcMDliiif. I
Americans Want to Work Their
Venezuelan Concession
llotli President Clcyelnnd and Secretary
Olnoy, It In Said, Aro In Favor of Knforc
Ine the Monroe Dootrlno Unless Arbitra
tion Is Speedily Agreed To.
ST. PAUL, Oet. 3. Tho Pioneer Press
Bays. Mosos IS, Clnnp left for Now York
last night to nttonit tomorrow evening a
hastily nrrniiRcd meeting of tho Mnuoa
company, limited, to consider Immediate
stop to tako possession of tho territory
omlirnccd.wlthln tho concession from Ven
ezuela. Tho outcomo of tho meeting may
possibly bo fraught with serious results.
It is no secret that a portion, at least, of
tho territory is In dlsputo between "Vene
zuela and Great Britain, and that tho
government of tho former country will not
bo loth to avail Itself of tho moral,, nnd, if
necessary, physical good ofllcos of tho
United States to prevent tho encroach
ment of tho latter. Indeed, it is said that
tho grant of tho concession was a shrewd
stroke of diplomacy of tho Venezuelan
president for tho purposo of drawing tho
United States directly into action to force
Great Britain to abandon her usurpation
of territory.
Tho syndicate has given notlco that It
will tako possession of its territory within
a month. But diplomatic correspondence
on this subject between Washington mid
London havo been actlvo for somo timo ,
Ti t.l.s 01 l...l C;..,.....t., l
past. President Clovoland and Secretary
of Stato Olnoy aro said to bo one on the
quostion of action, nnd thrco lcttors, It is
reported, havo been sent to Mr. Bayard,
Instructing him to notify tho British gov
ernment that unless tho whole question is
submitted to arbltrntion,aud settled within
ninety days, tho United States will act
upon its own vlow of the dlsputo uud en
force the Monroo doctrine.
Tomorrow's meeting In New York, it Is
said, Is called to cousldor tho details of
taking possession of tho land embraced in
tho concessions.
Hecurlnc Arms for Cuba In Chicago.
CniOAOO, Oct. 2. Arms nnd ammuni
tion for tho Cuban patriots aro being col
lected in Chicago. State Senator E. T.
Noouau Is authority for this statement.
Ho says tho Cubans, through their fellow
countrymen and sympathizers here, havo
already rccolvedthe promise of over a hun
dred Winchester rifles, to bo delivered nt
any timo, and that thoy oro only woltlng
for an opportunity to ship them before
they ask for tho delivery. It is claimed
this Is only a beginning, and that the pa
triots expect to procuro In Chicago a largo
amount both of rifles and ammunition.
A Sknlvton on thn Lake Shore.
MEDINA, N. Y., Oct. 2. Tho skeleton of
a man with a fow shreds of putrid flesh
and a bit of clothing clinging to it was
discovered by somo school children play
ing on tho beach of Lako Ontario yester
day. Tlio only means of Identification
was In tho meager remnants of apparel
which clung to the ouo remolnlng arm
nnd tho legs. Tbo garments wero unmis
takably thoso of a prlvato soldier of tho
regular nrmy, nnd it is believed hero that
tho body was ono of throo soldiers who
were drowned near Lowiston last Decem
ber in crossing tho river.
IVhco In the Wli'sWy Trust.
PH()niA, Ills., Oct. 2. J. B. Greenhut,
formerly presldout of tho whisky trust,
returned yesterday from Now York, whero
ho has been spending tho summer. Ho
stated to a reporter that nil differences bo
tweon hiinself nud tho xvorgnnlzation com
mittee and tho American Spirits Jlmm
facturiug compnuy had been fully ad
justed. Ho said: "Wo have shaken hands
over tho bloody chasm tuid aro now fast
friends." Mr. Greenhut says all tho Peorln
houses will bo started by Nov. 1, and pos
sibly sooner.
Unable to Make a Nomination.
HARulsnuito, Oct. 2. Tho Ilepublican
conferees of the Huntlngdou-Miflllu ju
dicial district mot hero Inst night nnd,
after taking a number of fruitless ballots,
adjourned slno die without making a
nomination. As tho timo for filing tho
certiflcnto of nomination expired at mid
night, Judgo Williamson, of Huntingdon,
and Horace J. Culbortsou, of Mllllln, tho
rival candidates, will havo to go on tho
ballot by nomination papers.
The Klina's Crew Itoscued.
SAULT Ste. Marie, Mich., Oct. 3. Tho
crow ot tho schooner Klnnv, oxcoptlug ono
man who wits washed away by tho soa be
fore tho vessel wns abandoned, wero found
yesterday In a lctlgoof tho Pictured Bocks,
sevdnty-flvo foot abovo tho water. Thoy
had passed through great suffering from
hunger and cold, uud wero half dead when
rescued. i
William Henry Not Indicted. '
HltOOKLYy, Oct. 2. Tho grand jury has J
finished tho consideration of tho charge I
against William Houry, known as "tho i
bad son," who has been held for tho mur-
dnr of his father, Charles W. Honry. It is
understood that tho jury decided not to
bring an indictment, although no formal
report will be inado on the caso until Fri
day. A lriest Hits for DainaK.
CHICAGO, Oct. 2. Itev. Anthony Koz- i
lowskl, prloat of tho Polish Roman Catlio- ,
lio church In Lubeck struct,, near Hoby,
bin brought suit for damans In the mm
of $100,000 against Archbishop Kuelmu, of i
the diooeiw of Chicago. Tho suit is tho re-
auH of tho trouble growing out of the ox- 1
communication of tha priest by the arch-1
Disappear! with the Hunk's Cii.h.
MorNT VI5KKON, Ind., Oct v. Alltt i
Wndo, ciishler of the Flwt National bank
of this city, has disappeared. Invetiga- !
tion of his accounts IndluatoA fcW.000 or i
f!W,000 shortage. The bunk is one of the j
strongekt In tho stulo, and tho busiuuhs Is
not atl'ected by the ooourruuuo.
Miners Get the Advance.
I'irrsBUUO, Oct. 8. Iteporte from all
parts of thu coal dUtrlct ludionto that the
advauced rate tor mining law boon genur
ally agreoil to, nnd all are at work with
tha exception of two mine employing
about 400 men. These are expeotcxl to get
In line today.
Twu Years for a Murderous Minister,
Mot nt Vk UNO'S, Ky , ) i ? The jury,
jitter iivtv houi-i' di'lili. r.iti"!) -.ivo Ilov.
0. W. Capps two yours In tho penitentiary
fur shooting his wife five times winn- throo
jlionths ago. rho hud iqiplU d for divorce
on nu'cmul of cruel tivntnienr.
Mrs. White, a Citizen of Itlincn, Was
I From the Ithaca Herald,')
Our representative, hearing of tho case
of Mrs. II. T. Whito, called to seo her nt
Seneca nnd Plain streets. Wo publish their
conversation in the following interview:
"Mrs. Whito, I hear you havo some
thing to say nbout a new remedy for back
ache nnd kidney disorders. Will you glvo
mo your statement for publication?"
" Yes, I am qulto satisfied to do so. I
think tho public should know when n really
pood remedy is to bo had, it is tho least
lean do In gratitude for my recovery."
"Tell mo nbout your complaint."
"About a year ngo I had tho Grippo.and
slnco then my back has pained mo con
stantly in tho region of tho kidneys j a dull
pain at times, nnd nt other intervals, sharp,
darting palna piercing through me, wero
almost unbearable. I seemed to bo giv
ing out ns the pain in my kidneys grow
worse, nnd at last I had to stay in bed tho
greater part of tho timo. Finally, I gave
up altogether. I had terrific headaches,
and suffered so much palu my appetite
left me."
" Did tho disorder affect tho bladder!"
" Finally, it did. Tho urino was highly
colored, nnd varied in suppression nnu ex
cess. I often told my friends I believed I
should go insano from tho pain. I heard
of Doan's Kidney Pills, and began their
use. After taking them two or three days
I began to feel their good effects. I con
tinued, nnd now am perfectly well."
"Am I to understand that Doan's Kid
ney Pills havo entirely cured you? "
"Yes. that's tho truth. I havo no moro
headaches or pains, nnd my appetite has
Ketoro using .Doan's Kidney
Pills I fouud it very trying to go up and
downstairs, or to sleep on my back; but
now I can do so without a single pain, I
feel completely cured, and I wish tho man
ufacturers every possible bucccss."
For salo by dealers. Prico 50 cenls.
Mailed by Fo3ter-Milburn Co., Buffalo,
N. Y., Solo Agents for tho U. &
For Kile at Kirlln's Pharmacy.
rox riiiiiiixs, m.
.Vii. North Junliu Street.
OnleeHnuiH: Prom H to 9:30 n. in.; 1:1)0 to 2:3
p. Ml.: t!.U0to7:"0p. in.
:;. sthin, si. i)..
Olllce Iii.hiii , r.iiiin w rcv lluiltliiiu. come.
Main nnd Centre sticeN. Sliciiiiinlunli. Fa
Odlee lumrH: S to 10 a m.j 1 to : in.; 7 to
p. m. Nlidit oilki No. 1SS0 si link xticct.
v. nuniCK, m. i).
M0 II. I.loyd street, Shcimiidoitli.
Olllce bonis : 7 tn 0 n. in., I to S anil 7 to V
p. in.
M. HAMILTON. 51. D.,
Ofllce Water tympany bnlldliif-, 28
Lloyd street. , " Ste
1;.Wirg-: ' - "
ii. roMi;itOY& .Vfe&rtK Mft
Ofilee lOjran bulldlni;, roruer of Main anil
Centro streets, Shenandoah.
Ofllce. Mellit's'lhilldlnjf, corner Centra nnd
Slarket streets.
Lock liox GS, Mahanoy City, l'a.
Ilavlne; studied under somo of the best
masters In London and Paris, will glvo lesson,
on the violin, guitar nnd vocal culture. Terms
reasonable. Address in emo of Mtrouse, the
jeweliT Sliemiiuloali,
. Per Horses, Cattle, S&eep, Bogs, Hogs,
iSOOFnsc Hook on Treatment of Animals
and Chart Sent t ree,
craraj Fevers, Odnoestlotis, Inflammation
A.A.) tMilnul JleniuBltis, )lllk I'ovcr.
11.11. Strains, Lameness, Khcumatlsui.
CU.I)steuipcr, Nasal Dlsclmiiies.
lt.I.HitH or lirilbs, Worms.
i:.l'....(:oui;hs, Heaves, I'neuiunlila.
lMf.-Colie or liriiics. ltellynclio.
f S.f3.IIIlscarria8e lleniurrhnsci9a
II. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
).l.i:rilitlve lllspnsr-g, niaURO.
J.K.I)lseuscB of DlAsllou, 1'aralysts.
Slnglo Dottle (over CO doscs - - ,C0
Stable Cnse, with 'Specifics. Manual,.
Veterinary Cure Oil ami Medlcator, 87.00
Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - 1.00
Sold byDrarirtitit or ot prfpalil anywberoud Insnf
ntndtf on rccrl)t ol prke.
ItmPIIIlETS'llED.CO., Ill & ttSminamSt., ItewVorb.
In use 20 Tears. Tho ODly ftneooMfnl remedy tor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Trostration, frum over work or other causes.
$1 per vial, or S vials andmrKO vial powder, fur $s,
8oM ty PruxcUM.ur attu ..eipaiil ,m m.ii.t oi prk.
til atfrj rnil bure Tnrout. 1'iniDluu. Com
I1MTL IUU Col.ircd Siuita. Ai he. Old Hi.rr j I
JJUtcors In Mouth, UMMulllnirl Wrltn COtlKI
nii.iit.jii: .hit niiiaonie 'l'eiiiiiJ
Chleiitro. III., for nroorfl of curr t'oiil-l
huii, 90UIIJUH. ivor-t oasescuml in in
no unya. jou-fmse book free
Written gnarnntee to atno
lul. I , iireHll Uliiiladfltupluri'
wiihoui upermioo n ditentto
from hiLilueaa. Kx a nil no
tion Fm. W rfor ou to
00001'nieuiA tall ui write for
See oar Doctor, ever; Ti e ''V,.
IT.iwt'l fin i-,ii .
it l 1 j . .
1$. -i
ir m. nuKKK. "'' x'i ' "
South Carolina,
All Voters .Mint no Alilo to Itiioitnnd Wrltn
or Unst 1'iiy Imm on Threr Iliiiulrvd
Dollar Worth at l'ropnrty As ftuned
In KnglHnd.
Com mdia, 9. C, Oct. 2. The ronnrt of
the Ruffmiro comnilttee of the? odUMlttl-
l!inil convention wns nind-j last nlfekt. It
imviiiw for tits rottlstration of qitttlUlall
7ot()i'H. Thn qii:illllo:itlo'l Of BlecttlW
ilm In thn fol'.owliiK Rectlnn ura m-
Hailed im praotleftlly dlsnunllfying Uiu
tnajority of nt-eroos on rtccotmt of tliemlu
siitlnnnl nnd pro;) n ty roquirenientli:
"Tiie person iniplylrur. for reKltrtrntltm
must bv nbln to re.ul nnd write any Rpetliili
In this eo.i.Uutlon, or must show that ho
owns nnd pnvs taws on WW -orth of pwp
rty in this i.Uto; provided thutnt tho llrit
K'lst'iitlim under this eonstitutlou, mul
aj) to Jim. 1, MIS, all inula iiersons of vot
itil iw w lio enn l'.'nd h clnuie in tho con
.l!tttlion, or ttndorstnnd mid oxpltiln II
when lend to them bythu roxlRtrntlon odl
Mr, slinll be C'llglblo to register nud b
oonin el -cUim.
"A sepnnite record of every illiterate
T"m thus r-'K'erivl, sw'orn to by thu
:'-rlstratlon ollleer, Khali bo filed, onu eopy
vith tile cterl; of court ami one In tho ot
ic.1 ot tho secretary of stato on or boforu
i,a 1, lS'.U, and sttch person shall renialn
i irJnjt his lirjtlmo a (ulivllfled elector, nil
.i'S convicted of soinedlsquallfyllifreriino.
I'hc ci'i'tlfleato of tho elork of court or tho
locettiry ot stato shall lw sufllcient evl
iunco to ostnbllsh tho ritrht of ealil chus of
jlthsons to registration mul tho franchise."
As Yltmed In Knglnml.
I.OSDOK, Oct. 2. Tho Times nnd The
Olironlclo ;rivo lending places in tlr.dr for
Sisjti columns to spjnial tol Jgrams ragard
Ing tlu South Carolina constitutional con
vention. The Chronicles, In a leader upon
this subject, says: "A very serious prob
1 ;:n hat suddenly leaped to tho front in tho
troubled politics of the United States. Tho
nejrro question may completely over
shadow tho currency and tho tariff issue
iu thu presidential election fight."
A Ully Treasurer lmpeiicbetl.
Loxo Island CITY, Oct. 2. Tho finan
cial crisis of Long Island City was ren
dered more complicated yesterday nfter
noon when tho board of aldermen, by a
vote ot five to two, Impeached City Trcas
uror Lueian Ivnapp for malfeasance In of
llco. There tire four charges against Knapp
refusing to publish notices ns rcqniredby
law, refusing to perform other duties of
his ofllce, for demanding and receiving
fejB coutiary to law and refusing to trans
fer unexpended lialances of tlio funds of
1U31 to tlio corresponding funds of 180J,
mul rofunlug to sell sufficient rovenuo
bomlM to make good tlio amounts ot cither
of tho funds from tho uncollected tnxoi of
Frost Itnlus Growing Tobacco.
Danville, Va., Oct. 2. Reports by mail
nnd telegraph from Halifax, Henry. Pott
Ivania and Franklin counties, in vir
nrafijjiud Caswell and Rockingham
coTi)Iil6,''ln North. Carolina show that
ptMonUily nitlxp -was general anil
TOty dastrucllvu. veetalouriJs blasted
Srfrt sorBe dnmiiKo to tobaeco ii feportad.
Howov,T, lint 1UU) tobaeeo wiwnut, trf
haps a ll'tle loss than omv fifth of tiie crop,
but what , .va out was ruined.
Snvlns tliH Mnr puna's Caruo. "
ST. John's, N. F., Oct. 2. Commoilnro
Curzou Howe, cpminandlng th cruiser
Cleopatra, t olographs from lionne bay that
tho steanur Mariposa is stll hanlng on
tho rocks, while several steamers and
cruisers aro ongaged iu taking out the
cargo salvage Slio Is only supported on
tho rocks by half her length, but It sho
does not go to piecos nearly all tho cargo,
except tho grain, will bo saved.
Cheering for Michigan Miners,
InoNWOon, Mich., Oct. 2. After a thrco
days' strlko tho deninnds of tho miners
aud other employers nt tho Brothcrton
mluo nt 'Wakclleld for higlicr wages havo
been granted. Tho minors struck for $1.06
a day. Minos which have been ldlo for
years aro opening up every week, nud tho
prospects of rango towns wero novor bet
tor. Jersry Korsst Fires Start Acnln.
CapkMay, Oct. 3. Tho forest fires havo
again been fanned Into activity by tho in
creased winds. Although thero Is no dan
ger, they aro burning close to tho towns of
Frankllnvlllo, Millville, Port Norrls, Den
nlsville. Tuekahoo, Seavlllo, Swalnstown,
Woodbine and Belloplnlu.
Gloainc Quotations of thn Nat? York and
lWiilailelpliln Kxehanges.
New Yoiik. Oct. 1. The stock market today
again .bowed a shrinkage In the volume of
imslniis. The course of prices was In tho
main toward a higher plane of values, al
tlmmtli the movement was Interrupted at In
tervals. Closing bids:
1 Del. & Hudson .. .11HM
' l.. I. & W 101
i Krie ia
! LaUnKrlefcW.... fH
Lehiiih Nv 4
N. Y. Central 10l5i
N. Y. & N. K 81
Pennsylvania 55J6
Heading 21
St. Paul 7K!4
W. N. Y. & Pa 4
West Shore 100
Lehih'li Valtay .... UK
New JerseyCon-lH
Oeneral litrlcets.
I'liiLAUHLi'lUA. Oct. 1. Flour rlnn: wln-
ter suiierflut, $3.aWia.tO; do. etraK, $-.W3b
' s.7."; Pennjrlvanla roller, ulear. JS.WHja.loi
do. do . atr&Kht, gl.H08 iH; western winter,
t cli-ar. 9 Wheat unettlel, lower, with
Stic hid and W0. tanked for Outouor. Corn
I dull. weak, with 3TMo. Md and HHv. usked for
Oi tobtr. Out quiet, easier, with SOc. hid and
, aut'jo atked torOetol)r. IJeef steady. Pork
in tmr demand. Ird quiet; western staui,
i tn '.'"..I ii -7)4. Hutter very firm! western dairy,
1 liUjiil.l i do. ereamery, luKo.; do. fuotory,
I 8i(.i-"ai' ; Klglu, U2c- linlUtlon ureutnery. 11
1 taiar , New York dairy, 183J)o.:dn. breaif(My,
vlv.; I'eumylvanla and western Dreamery
I nrinta. faney, Sic.; do. choice, aBo.i do, fa(r to
ennii. xvL-jeo.; prints jotiuing tu mmma.
! L'hf ee tlrmer; New Vnrk large. 08Vfo.
small. H9!4e-: art skltns. Si38Mo.i full
skims, 2QHo. V.xn Unn; New ork and
Pennsylvania.. 18SlVo.; webtern troeh, 1TM
I.lro Stock .llnrlieta.
Nkw Yoiik, Oet. 1 European eft 1)1 us quote
Amerlcnn tcerhat'ii'i 1"'.' . driaed weight;
refrlgi rator heef at T'" I'alvea steady;
poor i" lioice veal- ? ' (' ,'ru-.ers, $.H(a
Ts: ln'i'Diinil IhuiIi - iirht ! !i. mw; poorto
prim -lu'i'ii. t . i iirnii. n i" choice
inniii- 81"' ii, " il i.ii' in. ,' ,-i - '15.
I ki . im ii i I'' Oi t 1 iimi'Meady
i anil unchanged. Hok-. ai tie. i.i imo medluiii,
$4.8H'ii t rV. fair to In i Vufur-. fl Hii.' I 7H;
roiiBlit SSli ifi Sic i p nn ii . iru, Jl lliis
J, fan l.i Kin I, il'n 'I. ' lunrli'.i ."l'e.
lamh- f M Venl n i, (r J
The Qualifications Proposed
One of those great big
pieces of
Battle A,$c
Fo ir so cent's.
If&Qlid 'Ss' 3omtlmes noeJs a Tollable, monthly, reRUlallng usedletne. Only harmlesioad
nw-S T tho purest drugs should be utea. If you want the best, get
.rMC d. tf ESmmSS'n IQntiMiismn,.sis.l KISIBm.
' Ther are prompt, safe an) certain
For salo by P. V. D. KIKLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Of ft head-sphttlntr headaches linmedt .tely ro
iicvei uy mo use oi
Anti-Headache Powders.
They nron positive nnil speedy euro nnd nro
gunrnnteed absolutely linrmless. Tlieir grcnt
success is nmple proof that they are an effective
article, which can bo always used with the best
of results. 1'rocuro them from Uruhler Uros.
After All Others Fail
329 N. 15tll St.
Ilolow CnllowlilU
To secure n posltlvo nntl jicrmnnent cure of
Error of Youth nnd I.ohh of Manhood nnd of
nil dl&oa-st'S of tlio blood, Kidneys, IJ ladder.
Slcln and nervous Hystrm connult nt once Iir.
Iobh, lie 1 in ran teen In nil onsen caused by
Kxcesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health nud Strenffth by bulldlnt; up tho
shattered nervous system and Adding new life
nnd energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation nnd examinations free uud strictly
confidential. Olllee hours, dally and Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to J P. AI. and 0 to 9 ovoininjfw.
Head Ida book on errors of Youth nnd obscure
dlsenso of both sexes. Kent free.
Culoliettor KnclUh Dlmnond ItronJ.
Drlfrtnut and Onto Grnulnu
Are, alwkjrv rvliublu. ladic uk
briumitt tor Cklchtttera Bnotiak Din.
mmdBran I in Keil aud Gold tuatalUoN
Diet, avaleu villi uluo ribbon. I nLo
Hunt and imitations. At HruUEirUS, or maA -If,
la tainpi iur purtloularai liatlnoiiliU a4
Itilf foi f.B.ilnn in It tier, bv retlurn
Mull. 10,()0O TvUmaolml. .VtiiiA
lob! bi ail I--0:
Your Stomach
Cannot stnud the same woshinjr that youi
boots do, uud the witer you drink isn't
even fit ir that iuirpoe. Use
Lorcnzschmiiips geer antj p0rter,
Manager Slienandoali Hraneli
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters. Wnim beer. Itottlcr ! the
duett inger beer.
17 and ippeacli Alley, ShonaitUoah.
nillions of Dollars
IfWok" every ymr. Take in
WsW-'t your house, at., el. "tu
ire, Insuiedlii fli rc
If ci'giiinieii a nprewitud l.y
'. '.if, iiicl eolii i.i, .mm
In result. Tbo eenulne (Dr. Peal's) never dlsan.
svnvf.(u.h DIVISION.
Kl.t rKMBKKlU, lMJfi.
Trains will I' ir c Sheiiamloiih after the nbovo
date for ii. .-, nilbertoii, Fraetville, Dart
i Wnter, lt. i hiii PotlBvlllo, llniiihurRr, ItMidltur,
Pottstown l'lioi i.i xvllle, Norrlitown aye Phil
adelphia i ilii.ail stu-et station) at 6 OS nnd. JJ 4S
t a. m. and I 1"' p. in. mi week day. Ppr VOtts-
' vllle and n.t.-rinediate " .itlons 0 it) a. in,.
i For Wlir.uus, CJIlhorton, 1'raekville, Dork
Water, St. I'Uni, I'otlville, nt 0 OH, 9 to a. m. and
3 10 p.m. i'"or llaniUurn, Itcmlinir, Pottstown,
Phoenlxvllle, Norrlfctown, Philailehihla utCOO,
U iQ a. in., 3 10 U. m.
Trains ietive lJVackville for Mieiiandoali nt
lOJOa. tn.navl lilt, not, 7 VI and 1017 p. m.
Sunday. U 18 a. in. and -i (0 p. in.
Leavy Pottsvlllo for Shenandoah nt 10 15. 11
a. m. nnd -1,14, 7 15 and 1000 p. in. Sunday at
10 to a, in, ,5 18 p, jn.
LcnvoPllllaileJtihla. (Ilroad street station), for
I Shenandoah otpti" and 8 35 a. in., 4 10 and 711)
t p. mweeliTla'fo. Sundays leave at G fiO a. in.
I I-mvVUrpad&trcet Station, Philadelphia,
Kiiprfs8, week days, 3 20, 1 OT, 4 50, 5 15, 0 5O,
'733, 8i0,96, 1030 (Diniiitr Car), 1100, 1111 a.
1 ,111., 12 noon, 12 1)5 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. m.
, DinitutOnrs), 140, 230 (DinliiK Car), 3 20, 4 00,
0 00, BSC. (DI11I nu Car I, 00, fl 50, H 12, 10 ) p. m.,
12 01 night. Sunday. 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 515, 812,
I 9 50, 10SO (DlniiiK Carl, HOC! 11. 111., 1235, 230
IDuuiiK carl, 1 im U'linlteil -1 El), a -11, a oil ti)ln
liiK Car), 0 35, no, H 12, 10 00 p. 111., 12 01 niuht.
ISxpri'hs for Iluslun, without chaiiRO, 1J 00 n.
111. week das, nnd 13 50 p. 111. dally
For lialtlmoiv and Washington, 3 60, 7 20, 8 81,
910,1020,11 IK II at 11. 111.. (1J81 Limited Din
inn Car), 112, 3 411, 4 41 (5111 OoiiKreseional
Limited, l)liiiii Car), 0 17, 6 55 (DiniiiK Oar),
7 40 (Dtnlnif Carl 11 111., ami 1205 night week
days. SuniiiiiH, U 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 IS. 1188 11. in.,
112,4 II. 051 fDiiilng Car), 7 10 p. 111. (Dining
Cm-) ami 12 05 niuht.
Leave Market street Ferry, Pliilaulelplda,
Kxpress, 51.0, 8 50 a. 111., 2 00, 4 00, 4 20 and
5 00 p. 111. weekdays. Siindnys, 8 00, ttOOand
9 15 a. 111. tl 00 excursion, 7 00 a. in. Sunday
For Cape May, Angleaaea, Wildwood and
Holly Ucaeh. Iixprem, 9 00 a. 111., 2 30, and 4 05
p 111 week ilaya. Sunday,,, 8 20 a. in. Kx
ctuMim, 7 (0 a. 111. Sunday only.
For sen Ulc C'it), Ocean City and AveJon.
KxprtM., 9 10 a. 111., 2 30, 4 20 p. 111. week davs.
Sundays, 8 20 a. in. Excursion, 700a. in dailv
For Solium Point. Kxpresn, 8 50 a. iu., 2 00
aud 4 00 p. 111. week days. Sundays, 8 00 nnd
S .'pukvoT, J. It. Woou,
Qen'l Manager. Ucn'l l'iWgr Aul
. Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
'inVOWOUY Frame Bulldin,,, M tMt
I. fefmlli aietlillt street. licaSV W
uiontli; will Ue sold elieap.
IMK tVAI.IL Halt lot and twajtenses, sltjiated
i. mi b weinre struct wiu
uay 12 ner
. cent, on Investment, and can I
iiought vm easy
i lerius.
7i.mi FOUSALK.-.Vfnmt ' acn-.. with
in uuee miles or uoea ma kit ivreuty-
nine ocrea umler enU
ea umler enUiMitioit, ml tour r. -eg ol
uiiwr. Frni.e turn mm--, v wms,
man. lull in IM4 fMBu. i. v. Ill l,
iroai tiuilier.
'oa bam
ii.iu lor
I,H)I( i i;iblpU4Hty on Past 1.1, n,
I si net i.. i i.iittt,,!, mk. i, iimiis,., ;
U'!l lest,,, I. AiCgMtpttf r. II. .,1 -H(l i.r
irieuiii. Atnd- 1 M
I w, No. my . t u