The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 30, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY. SEPTKMHElt 30, 1895.
Mnhnnoy City IIuhIiiuks Cnlle;.
This new collcgo opened Monday, Septem
ber Otli, in tho Hoppes' building, 805 Kot
Centre street, Jlnlmnoy City, and already
shows plainly that It will soon he one of tho
hast business training schools in the state, for
tho many students now in attendance nro pro
gressing rapidly and new onus are continually
Tho teachers arc tho very best that can bo
secured. They are practical busliioss nicil,
aro highly educated, and havo had long and
v successful oxporienco in teaching thoroughly
all tho branches that aro of use to tho busi
ness man. Bookkeeping, Business Arith
metic, Grammar, Spelling, and tho Laws of
Business aro taught plainly and fully in the
Commercial Department ; and Shorthand,
Typowritiug, Spelling and Grammar aro
given in tho Shorthand Department. In both
departments students must also tako Penman
rihp and-CoitnEPi-oNUUNCK so as to ho ablo
to writo plainly, neatly and correctly tho
different kinds of business letters.
Tills college is a branch of tho splendid
Wilkosbarro Business College, and tho mrno
cflectivo methods of teaching Bookkeeping
and tho same kinds of typewriters arc used.
Tho Commercial and the Shorthand and
Typewriting courses together (time un
limited) can now bo had for $50 in tho day
school, or $-10 in tho night school. If only a
foW subjects aro taken special rates will be
mado to suit. Send for catalogue. Students
may enter at any time.
0-14-tf G. W. Wh.masis, Principal.
Tho Ladies' Medical Institute- at Hotel
Kiiiur, North Main street, Mahanoy City, has
como to stay. They nro not hero for a few
days, then gono, no one knows whore. They
will givo you an equivalent for your money
and all and every patient under their care
will receive full benofit of their skill and ux
porlonco. They eok to inspiro confidence
and thoir treatment will provo their honesty
jind skill. Consult them. !)-2ti-tf
Sprung: Any Leaks JLntcly?
Wo can't stop the leaks from tho clo'ids but
Bell, tho plumbor, corner Main and Ontro
streets, can stop all your leaks in water .md
gas mains with satisfaction.
Sent It to Ills Mother In Ocriimiiy.
Mr. Jacob Esbcnscn, who is in tho employ
of tho Chicago Lumber Co., at Dos Moinos,
Iow.v, says: '"I havo just sent some medicine
back to my mother in tho old couutry, tlu.t I
know from personal uso to bo tho host medi
cine in tho world for rheumatism, having
used it in my family for several years. It is
called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always
does tho work." 53 cent bottles for sale by
Gruhlcr Bros. Druggisti.
Xnlleo t Water Cmumcn.
Xotico is hereby given by tho Water
Committee of the Borough Council that be-
ttlnnluir with Tuesday, the aith inst., tho
water supply will be curtailed, and eon
sinners of tho public water works will bo
furnished witli water only between tho hours
of 5:00 and 0:03 a. m. and 3:00 and 7:00 p. m.,
until further notice. By order of tho com
mittee. A. D. G.VIH.E,
t)4K-tf Chairman.
liollc f In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "Nrw Grout
h'outh American Kidney Cure." This new
luuiortv m a great surprise on account of its
jjxecodiujj promptness! in relieving pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, hack and every part
of the urinary rckssages in malo or iemale.
It ivlieu-j ntontion of water and pain in
passing it aivntwt immediately. If you want
iiuicl relief and euro this is your leuiedy.
Kuldliy I-iutc Sliivpitti, druggist, 107 South
Jfr-.'i' stroet.
Larger Than JEvcr.
For a fine hoot, shoo or rubber nt lowest
prices, any man, woman or child should not
fall to pay Womer, the shoe denier, 133 North
Main street, a visit Call and bo convinced
where you can buy the cheapest footwear,
ltucklcn's Arnica Salve.
Tho best salvo In tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rheum, fevur sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
skill eruptions, nud positively cures piles,
or lio pay required. ' It is guaranteed to give
perfect satishietjon or moiiy rcfiiudid. Price
25 cents per box. 1'or sale by A. Wnsley.
' Notice.
In addition to tho times fixed by the
rule of court relating to naturalization
aturday, Octobor tith, lfcffi), at 0 o'clock
Ji. in., is now hereby specially designated for
' hearing naturalization applicants. By tho
0-21-eod Jamks It. Demian, Prothon'y.
( VTien Baby was sick, we gave her Costorla.
. When she was a Child, she cried for Costorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Costorla.
When she bad Children, she goto them CastorU
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithlng dono cull
on K. P. Gallagher 18 West Centra street.
Daaler in stoves. 8-1-tf
For Itching Piles, irritation of the genitals,
or itching in any iwrt of the body. Doan's
Ointment is worth it weight in gold. No
UwWor how longstanding the trouble, Doan's
Ointment will not fail to give instant relief.
Anxious to bo tho Victim.
A few days ago we published an item
abating that a wealthy Chinaman wanted a
aeu-ln-law, aud foi-day tho following letter
was retmlvod : "Kl. Herald: Ihi:eseeuau
advertisement iluit there is u wealthy
Chinaman who wantod a win-in-law. Please
tend mo tho address of him, aud I will write
to him. Yours truly, John Klapcdti, 02 N.
Wyoming street, llazleton, Pa."
Consumption is the natural result of a
reflected cold. Dr. Wood's Norway Hue
yrup cure coughs, bronchitis, asthma, and
nil lung troubles down to the very Ixtrder
I mil of consumption.
El. E3. FOLEY,
Danler In Clroorrle, Hlonr, l'rnvleloiui, Teus,
Coffees, te. IiooUm delivered.
Itnilly Crippled Yenrs Ago by n Train
Ifmv llelieadeil.
lift id Traverse, a cripple, was lioheiided by
a coal train al Uirardvillo Saturday night.
He was about SO yours of ngo and resided
with Ids parents at Glrardvillo. The accident
happened while the young man was trying
to get on a moving train, despite the fact that
lie was minus his natural loft arm and loft
leg. 116 ucd false limbs,
About eight years ago Trover-" lint his
limbs whllo trying to jump on a moving coal
train near tho place whoro ho met his death.
Ho was taken to the Miners' hospital nnd
recovered in spite of his terrible injuries.
Whou ablo to go about he was mado gato
attendant at the hospital and conducted a
candy and fruit stand nt tho entrance Ho
remained there about four years and became
well known to many people, who had occasion
to visit the institution.
How Kill tors nro Treateil In China.
Nineteen hundred editor of a Pekin paper
are said to linvo !cen beheaded. Some
would shudder at such slaughter, who nro
heedlossof the fact that Consumption is ready
to fasten its fatal hold on themselves. Dr.
Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is the elll
cient remedy for weak lungs, splttingof blood,
shortness of breath, bronchitis, asthma,
sovero coughs, nnd kindred afflictions.
Stamps I.i Fayette Co., Arkansas,
Dn. It. V. PlEncn : Dear Sir I will say
this to you, that consumption is hereditary
in my wife's family ; some havo already died
witli the disease. My wife has a sister, Mrs.
E. A . Cloary, that was t ikon with consump
tion. She used your "Uolden Medical Dis
covery," and, to the surprise of her many
lnemls. she cot well. JIT wife has also hail
hemorrhages from the lungs, and her sister
insisted on her using tho "Golden Medical
Discovery." I consented to iter usinc it. and
it cured her. She has had no symptoms of
consumption lor tno past six years.
Yours very truly, W. C. UOGEltS, SI. D.
Dellcato diseases in eithor sex, howovcr in
duced, speedily cured. Book sent securely
sealed, 10 cents in stamps. Address, in con
fidence, World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, Buflalo, N. Y.
The llnrrlnoim Defeated.
The game of baso ball at tho Trotting park
on Saturday botween tho Harrisons, of
Glrardvillo, and tho Lost Creek club, re
sulted in a victory for the latter by a scoro
of 11 to 1. Tho gamo was for $50 a side nnd
the championship of tho two places. Mc
Donald and Coylo formed the battery for
Lost Creek aud Gallagher and filled
tho points for Girurdvillc. David Ueilly, of
town, was tho umplro. Tho attendance was
quite large.
Dr. Emma Wain makoJ all irregularities'
and weaknesses a specialty, but treats nil
other diseases. Ladies' Medical Instituto,
Hotel Kaier, Mahanoy City.
Coming Invents.
Sept. 30. Grand opening ball, Shenandoah
Foot Ball team in Bobbins' hall.
Oct. 22. Grand supper, under auspices of
Olivary Baptist church, in Bobbins' hall.
Oct. 2t. Grand suppi r jy tho Trinity Re
ornied church, in Bobbins' opera house.
Oct. 25. Second annual Telegraphers' As
sembly aud conte.'t, in Bobbins' auditorium.
Tho only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
I.eetnro on Physiognomy.
To-morrow evening, in tho Primitive
Methodist church, comer Jardin and jO-ik
streets, a lecture on physiognomy will bo
delivered by Prof, Nathan Fellows, formerly
of Antioch Colloge, and who has for the past
month or so been dolhcving similar lectures
In l'ottsvillo, Miuorsvilio and othor towns in
this county. The le -t'i .- will prove an in
teresting and instruct! v'i one, and the ad
mission will-be free to all who desire to at
tend. The professor has madu tho subject a
life sttuly and has gained a national reputa
tion. The unaly.-is of the different types of
noses and their various significance will he r.
pleaaing part of tho lecture. Prof. Fellows
can be consulted privutoly ut tho house of
Mrs. Flower Becse, corner Jardin nnd Lloyd
streets, during his stay here.
From all accounts Clianibi rlain's Cough
fiemedy U a Godsend to the aflllcted. Thero
is no advertisement about this; we feel just
like saying it. Tho Democrat, Carrolltou,
Ky. For sale by Gruhler Bro.s.. Druggists.
The Itato of AVugiu.
Tho committee appointed to dotermino tho
rate of wages to be paid tho cmployos of
collieries has made the following returns :
Maple Hill colliery, 1'. ,t It. C. iz I. Co. 2.01
imo . a.
Oak Hill
Locust rtpring
IjciHoiirlng & Co. 1.8M
1'. & It. V. & I. Co. 2.057
" 2.&18
Tho average of those prices is $1.97.0 and
the rate of wages to belaid for the last half
of September, aud first half of October, 1805,
is seventeen (17) per cent, below the ?2.50
The receivers of tliu P. & R. O. & I. Co.
havo agreed to pay "wages at the ratu of 10
per cent, below the basis.
A shoe storo that is destined to become tho
workiugman'sfriend, becauso his hard earned
dollars grow biggor here.
I'AiToitY Siiok Stork,
3t Bcddalt's Building.
An Old Kngliieor IteslgiiB.
D.ivid Bechtel, who was an engineer in
the employ of the Lehigh Valloy Railroad
Company for the-past 32 years, resigned tho
position on Saturday to eugago in tho truck
business at Leliightun. Mr. Bovlitcl ran an
engine on the Mahanoy division of tho rail
road until a short time ago, when ho moved
to Orwlgaburg and was put on tho Lizzard
Creek brauch. Ho is the father-in-law of
Constable Taliesin Phillips, of town, and liat
many warm friends.
Fits, Kpllepsy and Convulsions positivaly
eureil in young or old at Ijidlos' Medina!
Institute, Killer's Hotel, Mahanoy City.
Iiiiiiiloyiiiout Agency.
Mas Reese luu opened an intollegeuco and
employment offloe In Bgan'a building. Girls
whu want ompioyineui ami inoso who wain
lervuuts su get all inlormution gratis.
Ufmmthin and railroad tickets at lowest
mm. .. IW-lt
TBethltuf children should lie treated with
LllfeS soothing syrup. tf
hlmmoklii Won.
Jieuandoah foot bull tuim went to
in Saturday afternoon and ployed a
vltb the team of that place at Maya-
rk. The ShamokinlttMl wou by a
of 20 to t).
Have vou i ,nu' he. toothache sore throat,
tiMOr stteiijti, s t any sort' it w ap
i il will
cjiEluua ut " J mmnid I'.eieeirc
tiring jellef almost Instantly.
Opening Services Held Ycstenlnv An
tcrestlng Meeting To'iilght.
The work of tho National Reform Insti
tute was oponed at 10:30 o'clock yesterday
morning in the Trinity Reformed church
before a very large nnd intelligent gathering.
Prof. J. K, Dill opened the work with a very
forciblo address on tho defenso of the holy
Sabbath, his theme being, "Tho Keystone of
tho Moral Arch, or Tho Sabbath's Sign."
Tho nddress was an, improMlvo one and at
onco aroused intorost in tho work tho Hoform
Institute has put on foot horo. In tho cvon-
ing there was a largo gathering in tho
Methodist Kplscopal church, whoro Prof.
Dill, in pursuanco of tho Institute work,
made another vory cll'ectlvo address, his
theme lielng, "Tho Mind of Christ on tho
Sabbath Question, or tho Sabbath for Man."
Tho attendances at both meetings comprised
niembors from nearly nil tho congregations in
the town and tho meetings wero of a union
charactor. Prof. Dill will continue his work
to and iucluding next Friday ovening.
Thero has been an Important ehango in tho
program for to-night. Prof. Dill was an
nounced to speak on "Iaw in tho Millennial
State," but it has been decided to postpono
the subject until to-morrow night, and after
an otitlino study by Prof. Dill, a lecturo on
"Dangers Threatening our Public Schools"
will bo dollvorcd by Rev. T. P. Stovenson,
D. D., of Philadelphia. Tho lecturo will bo
delivered in tho Primitive Methodist church,
and members of tho P. O. S. of A. nnd Jr. O.
U. A. M. nud all other patriotio citizens aro
invited to attend. The lecture postponed
until to-morrow night will he delivered in tho
Presbyterian church.
"Burdock Blood Bitters entirely cured mo
of a terrible breaking out all over my body.
It is a wonderful medicine." Miss Julia
Elbridge, Box 35, West Cornwell, Coun.
Louis Herman, of West Centre street, is
dangerously ill.
Councilman Jamos McEllicnny and wifo
havo returned from Philadelphia.
Arthur C. Morgan, John Prico, Jr., and
John Schcifly havo gono to Philadelphia to
resume their medical studies.
Miss Eva Lenhart, of Berwick, who was a
guest of Mrs. Jacob Hess, of North Jardin
street, left for her homo to-day.
Henry Kroll, one of the popular passenger
train brakemen on tho Lehigh Vnlloy rail
road, lias recovered from his illuoss and is
again on duty.
Mrs. A. R. Trcziso and family left town
yesterday for Brooklyn, N. Y., to join Mr.
Trezise, who has established his homo in that
city. Mrs. John G. Davis accompanied Mrs.
Trezise and will remain in Brooklyn for two
Among the townsmen who went to tho
county scat this morning wero S. A. Beddall,
H. E. Denglcr, L. A. Bamberger, Thomas
Lee, E. W. Shoemaker, Esq., Justice Will
iams, T. J. D.ivies, Chiof of Police Tosh, M.
M. Burke and J. II. Pomeroy, Etqs.
William Soward, lately in the employ of
J. F. Ploppert, the baker, has accepted a posi
tion as traveling salesman for tho Bradigan
Boot and Shoo Company.
Miss Aunio Hartley, of Mahanoy City,
visited town friends yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Leo spent Sunday in
Tamanua, visiting friends.
Mr. and Mrs. IJogyrs, of West Oak street,
are visiting friends at Pottsvilie.
John F. McGinty, of, was the
guest of town relatives yesterday.
W. C. Balrd left this morning for Philadel
phia, to rosumo his studios at tho Medico
Chirurgical collcgo.
P. J. Dowling, of Philadelphia, visited his
parents yesterday on West Cliorry street,
George Knott, of West Centre street; called
on Pottsvilie friends yostcrduy.
Charles B. Hanford, Elihu R, Spencer and
Miss Nora O'Brien, of tho Hanford, Spencer
and O'Brien Company, aro registered at the
Ferguson House Ihis company will pro
duce Booth aud Barrett's production of Julius
Caesar at Ferguson's thcatro to-night,
Miss Faunio Kothsteiu and her brother,
Jacob, of Pottsvilie; Mrs. M. Rabiuowitz and
daughter, Annie, Louis Femberg, of Maha
noy City, and Mr. and Mrs. Harry Martin,
of Mt. Carmcl, wero tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. E. F. Supowitz, on South Main street,
Miss Bridget Roach; of East Centre strcot,
left to-day for Philadelphia to learn tho art
of millinery.
William Morrison, of Brownsville, has
accepted a position as driver with Beddall
Bros., tho hardware merchants.
A girl for genoral housework in a small
family. Apply at 23 East Centro streot. tf
I'lnying to Good Houses.
Tho Hanford, Spencer and O'Brien Com
imny arrived in town this morning from
Hazleton whero thoy appeared on Saturday
evening to tho capacity of the theatre. Tho
company is splendidly equipped, carrying its
own special scenic outfit which is so vast fte
to rcquiro tho use of two largo baggage cars.
Tho organization numbers 22 peoplo and is
meotiug with unprecedented succoss, boing'
greeted by crowded houses all along it routo.
Maloy, the jowelor, for silvorwaro, wiitchos
aud jowelry, 10 North Main street.
A "Wedding.
A pretty wedding occurred in town yester
day, tho contracting parties being Mr. Barney
Friedman nnd Mlw Punuie Harrison, both of
town. Rov. H.MItnick porfornied tho coro
mony at tho synagogue. Charles Rubiusky
was groomwnau aud Miss Ida Rubiusky acted
as bridesmaid. The wedding party wero ten
dered a sumptuous dinner at the residence of
Mr. and Mr. 11. Rubiusky, on North Gilbert
streot. Friends from Pottsvilie, Shenandoah,
Mahanoy City, New York city and Montreal,
Canada, were present. Tim couple will ro
sldo at 22(1 West Centro street.
Babies made happy with Luks' Syrup,
Publisher1 Announcement.
Tho local circulation of tho Uvknino Hun
.u,i continues in tho hands of Messrs. Hooks
it Brown, stutlonors, No. 4 North Main street.
"People who arc, not receiving the paper urn
havo it served ovory ovoning ny carrier upon
leaving their orders at the place stated.
Orders for job work and ad vei Using will also
receive prompt attention if placed in thoir
itaby modlciuo Lukb' Syrup.
Columbia Comity People Claim Damngcs
l'rom the Ilorodgh.
Six potltions wero presented to tho court
at Pottsvilie this morning by S. II. Kncrcher,
Ksq., on bohalf of J. B. Nuss, John Shell, J.
S. Holler and olhors nsklng for tho appoint
ment of vlowors to estimate aud report tho
damages sustained by them, respectively, by
reason of tho diversion of tho wators of the
Cntawiam creek nnd lis tributaries by the
borougiiof Shonnndoah in tho orectiou of the
public water works. Tho court directed the
petitions to lie filed nnd granted counsel for
the borough until Thursday to fllo oxceptions
thereto, if any. Tho petitioners nro all rosi-
donts of Columbia county. Exceptions to
tho petitions will lie filed,
Go to Werner's for your cheap boots, shoos
and rubbers. Largest stock in town.
Julius Ciesnr.
"I'm no boaster," began tho managor of
tho Charles 11. Hanford, Elihu It. Spencor
and Nora O'Brien Shakosperian Dramatic
Company, "hut I am so proud of tho all
around excellence of this combination that I
feel liko putting reluctant persons in to
witness its performance. Othor companlos of
this sort nro content with one star, wo have
threo. Any ono of them is a bettor player
than any American star I know of. Why,
thero aro actors in tho company who aro far
clevcror than ono half of tho so-called legiti
mate stars. Tako Jamos Garden, for instance.
Wo aiako no fuss about him, yet I'd liko to
see a man picked from another company who
could impersonate Brutus half as fiercely as
ho. And as for Marc Antony, why no ono
can approach Mr. Hanford in that charactor.
Mr. Spencor is tho best Qissius I know of,
and ns Portia, Miss O'Brien charms everyone.
Then you should know that wo have all tho
Booth-Barrett Julius Ciesar scenery." At
Ferguson's thcatro this evening. Owing to
the groat length and massiveuoss of the
Julius Cmsar production the curtain will riso
at 8 p. in. sharp. Patrons of the thcatro aro
requested to bo in thoir seats at that time.
Children's fine Dougola kid-skin button
shoos at 17, 25, 33, 40 and 00, to 75 cents.
Great values at tho prices.
3t FAcroitY Snon Stohk.
During tho porformauco to-night call at
Breon's cafe for free Grand Army beau soup.
riotiKuro Trip Spoiled.
William Becker and wife and Mrs. Peter
Becker hired a horso and buggy ut O'Hara's
livery stablo yesterday afternoon and drovo
o the Cutawissa valley to visit friends. On
the journey homo tho horse ran away and
throw tho occupants out of tho buggy. The
horso returned to tho stablo at five o'clock
this morning. Tho buggy is on tho moun
tain, in pieces. None of tlto occupants sus
tained dangerous injuries. The women re
turned to their friends in tho valloy. It is
said Mrs. William Becker sustained a frac-
turo of tho nose. Her husband claims the
horso was not properly hitched before tho
start was mado from tho valley.
No advance in prices at Womer's shoo store.
Selling cheaper than over before.
An Kxcellent Actress.
Dainty, graceful nnd pretty Miss Nora
O'Brien, who plays Portia to-night in Julius
Caesar, is a graduate of tho Lorctta Convent,
at Niagara Falls, Ont. During tho visit of
tho Papal Ablegate, Monsignor Satolli, to tho
convent Miss O'Brien lead tho addressof wel
como to tho roprcse uuitive of tho Vatican and
ho was so taken up with it that lie asked for
a copy, had it engraved, and it now hangs
over Ills desk. Miss o Urien is a devout mem
Imr of Cardinal Uilihoiu,' Cathedral church in
Baltimore, and before she left on her starring
tour tho reverend Bishop sent for tho talented
actress and gave her his blessing aud host
Clam soup at the Schcilly llouso to-night.
j -
Y, ''
J .1 V
V1 proj
Interlined "CelluloicV'Collars and Cuffs
turn water like n duck's baclt and show
neither spot nor soil. They are not
effected by perspiration, and always
look as if right out of the liox. When
they get soiled you can clean them
in a minute by simply wiping off with
a wet cloth. These are but a few of the
advantages of wearingtlie "Celluloid"
Collars and Cuffs. There nrei many
others that you will readily discover
tho first time you wear one.
They are the only waterproof inter
lined collars and cuffs made. Be sure to
get the genuine with this trade mark
stamned inside, if vou desire nerfect
satisfaction. Made in all sizes and all
styles. . If you can't get them Bt the
dealers, we will send sample postpaid,
on receipt of price : Collars, 25 cents
each. Cuffs, 50 cents pair. State size,
and whether you want a stand-up or
turned-down collar.
427-2D Ilroadwnr, NEW YORK.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking; !
13 N. Jardin Street.
articles thai orotd'lb immersed, a bit
g ascertain if it isot the right beat.
p uic i-ouoicnc is rcauy. icvcr let
Tmtn UrotriRT Tout.: Th. frjlof pan Iboati bt eoM wa.a tb. Ooltolene Is put la. Cotuileat belli to
tb cooking point wio&er tbtaltrd. Ita.rer iputteri wbenbot.
Thft Cottolena lradA-m&rlcl are "CbloZn" And a Mtrer'a KrnA in mitnn.nltii .IS
6 Till! K. K. HUM! INK COMPANY. CHICAGO noil 1S3 V. Ikliirnn .1.. rMillmlolnM. ft
on't Believe Us !
Ask your neighbor what kind of bread she
has from the
she received. This is our best testimonial. If
you wish to try it give your grocer your order.
If he has not got it he will get it for you, but
insist on getting "GOLD MEDAL."
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo havo just received a flno lino of tho most boautiful and artistic papers in the
market, which wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also iu stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which wo aro selling at a sacrifice. Como and
sco our lino of goods. Wo havo the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store In Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
P- r-t i iv i llouso, Sign and Decorative Painting.
- I C I 1 , jfo. 224 West Contra Street, Shenandoah,FPenna.
perguson's Theatre.
Monday Night, September 30th.
A Rare Dramatic Treat.
and a matchless group of 15 actors
MR. HANFORD, as Marc Antony, Ciesar's Brilliant Dcfendi''895-
as tassius, The lcan ana Hungry
Portia, A sweet type
Five Freat scenes
1 The Conspiracy. 2 Assassination
4 Antony's Great Oration.
The Superb Julius Cxsar Scenery made for JiDWIN BOOTH, and
AWRENCE liARRUTT, will be used in this revival.
Buy Seats quick nt
Cll A R 1 FY SMG NEW Chinese laundry, X J1L U, NO. 6 SOUTH JARDIN STREET.
First-class Work at Low Prices.
All Work done In first-class manner, and
and ironed, 10c; shirts ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cutis, 4c; undershirts, rc;
underdrawers, ?c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
WANTED. A girl for genoral housework.
Apply nt the Ukkald ofllce.
TriSTItAYED. Iirgo red raooley cow, with tip
'J of tall cut off. Came to the farm of Daniel
Nclawlnter, Catawlnsn Valley. Owner call have
same by paying nil expense.
o-3CK)t Daniel Neiswenter.
TTT ANTED A reliable, active gentleman or
lady to travel for reliable established
house. Salary $780, payable 515 weekly, and
money advanced for expenses. Situation steady.
Itcfercnccs. Enclose self-addreMed stamped
envelope. II. E. Hess, President, Chicago.
0-1-1 mo
L First Mortgago ft per cent. Gold llonds of
tho Schuylkill Traction Company, ilue October
1, 18ai, will bo paid on that date, attlie ofllce or
the Equitable Trust Company, Trustee, No, 621
Chestnut street, Philadelphia,
lit John A. Joiiasn, Treasurer.
Hooks & Brown,
The Stamp of Newness
Is on our line of after-dlnnor cups
and suitors.
Uisauu figures.
Bisqiia ornaments.
40 now styles.
See window display.
Agents for all Dally Papers.
4 N. Main Street
with a full line of Millinery floods, of
the Jntest New York styles, at l'rices so
Low to surprise vou. Trimmed lints
fi.oo up. See them before buying.
Closing out our Children's Sacks aud
Caps at Cost.
Our Tatrons anil the Public arc invited
to inspect our opening on Saturday, Mon
day and Tuesday, next, aud every day
niter, uon t lorgct iue numuur.
Cheapest place in town.
Should remember to use onlv two-thirds
much Cottolene as they formerly used
lard or butter. With two-thirds tlicw
t quantity they will get better results at less
cost than it is possible to get with lard or
When Cottolene is used for frying'
of bread should be dropped into it to
Vhcu the bread browns in half a minute
v - ouoicnc get not euougu to smoltc. o
... 1 iii
in Shakespeare's grandest
Conspirator. Al I fir ,7grenan
of noble Womanhrraycb Chur, (
in Tulius Ca:sar"- WW
of Ciesar. 3 RfcJfco's H3 18, $ Mob.
5 The Death of Brutus. ? T
Kirlin'a Drug Shop.
satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
flrt in fhn Klmnnnrlnali Tlnfol T?nmna for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your nrtifical teeth do not suit
you call to see us, All examinations tree.
We fai'ake all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns. Crown
and Brlclgo work and all operations that per-
lain u ueiuai ourgcry.
No cliarces for oxtractlnir when plates aro
ordered. We ure tho only users of vitalized
air for the painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltmnn's Block)
East Centre Street.
Ofllce Iloura: 7 n. m. to 8 p. m. !
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be first-class In every
particular. 811k ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. Atrial
order solicited . .
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight J
Our delivery wagon does tho rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardin Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Stylish hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel
with every shave.
' ilk v