The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 26, 1895, Image 2

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Published every Evening, Except Sunday, nt
8 SotJTn Jauuin Stiiect, Nkau Cksthk.
Tho Ili-nilil Is delivered in Shenandoah and (lie
surrounding towns for nix cenN n week, pay
able to tlic curriers. By liuill $1.00 year, or 25
cento ti month, jMiyablo In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever tho pub
lication of news demands It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject nny ndvertlsement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rates mndo known
upon application.
Entered at the postofllco at Shenandoah, Pa., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Henjami.v J. Haywood, of Herccr.
Jamks A. Reavkk, of Centre.
E. V. Willaud, of Lackawanna.
Charles E. Rice, of Luzerno.
Gkoboe 15. Orlady, of Huntingdon.
John J. Wickham, of Beaver.
Howard Reeder, of Northampton.
The fiill-timo eehedulo at tho collieries lias
put a little brighter look on local business.
Although they have not aroused much
outward interest, the Republican primaries
to bo held in town next Saturday will be
very interesting.
There is no doubt tliat under the reduced
hours of supply arrangement tho borough
can be supplied with all tho water required,
witli economical nso, until tho much needed
rain season arrives. Tho supply is giving
excellent satisfaction under the new schedule.
The Iiattimcr murderers aro still at large.
Tho latest discovery in connection witli tho
case is that a large force of detectives aro at
work on it. It is surmised that while tho
detectives aro watching each other the guilty
parties aro carefully covering their tracks.
Too many cooks are spoiling the broth.
The contractors have almost completed tho
water connections and there has been no law
suit, injunction, or other liko hitch in con
nection with their work. This is so unusual
with work done for the borough by contract
that many peoplo can hardly realize that the
-work is Hearing completion.
The public school teachers of Hazleton
have requested the School Hoard of that
place to allow them the privilege of spending
tho tinio allotted for tho county institute in
visiting schools at Norristown, West Chester,
Philadelphia and Cleveland, Ohio, tho
teachers expecting remuneration at the same
ratio as when in attendance at tho institute.
It is not surprising that tho Board quashed
tho proposition.
The peoplo who will bo entitled to vote at
tho noxt election aro warned against tho error
of voting for seven judges. No more serious
mistake could bo made. Tho matter is one
of great importance and every voter should
hear it in mind. The Republicans should not
forget that tho minority party must iiavo a
representative ou tho Superior Court bench
and only six Republicans can bo elected.
Governor Hastings, in appointing the judges
lo first compose the court, could only name
six Republicans. He was compelled to name
a Democrat to fill tho seventh place. Tho
best advice to follow in order to avoid any
mistake is for tho Republicans to vote for tho
tix Republican nominees for Judge of the
Superior Court, and not attempt to bother
with tho candidates of tho other party.
Tin; votur who wants to havo a voice in
the making of tho Itopublieun county ticket
for tho next election can have it by proxy;
that is, ho cm cast a ballot at the primaries
for the delofjatos. Tho Republican priniarios
will bo hold noxt Saturday. The voter who
stays away lessens his chances for having his
viows expressed at the proper tiutc, and con
sequently cannot gracefully complain if tho
ticket does not suit him., Tho man who will
not tako tho trouble to go to tho priniarios
and veto as he would liko to havo tho regular
ticket made up, but trusts to the judgment
of his neighbor, makes a mistake and is fre
quently theone who always growls, no mattor
how good the ticket may bo. do to the
primary and vote for tho men you considor
will tako tlm host courso for tho party's in
It is impossible to ostimate tho real value
of a newspaper. Not a day passes that some
substantial evidence of its influence and
power doos not como to light, and tho story
of how some fireside has Leon cleared of a
gloom and made bright and cheerful through
the sorvico of some newspaper is daily re
peatod. One of tho latest striking casoe has
developed in Scrauton. Thirty years ago
Sirs, liautz Ackloy, of that place, was scp-
arattid from hor hushand and flvo children.
An advertisement placed in a newspaper led
to information by which the woman traced
and located one daughter at Buffalo and threo
of her sons and tho husband in California
There is to Lo a graud reunion and no doubt
JJrs. Ackloy and thoso who wero so long
separated from her will appreciate the value
of newspapers during the balanco of their
Scrofula in the Eyes
&b well as hi every other form, is pcrma
nontly cured by Hood's Sarsaparllla.
"I had scrofula
in my eyes end
tried sovernl phy
sicians but found
no cure. My wife
persuaded mo to
try Hood's Barsa
parllla. I bad a
choking sensa
tion, was troubled
with night sweatB,
and had dyspep
sia in very severs
form. After tak
ing Hood's Sarsa-
parilla two weeks the choking spells and
dyspepsia troubled me less. I have now
taken several bottles of Hood's Sarsapa- I
rilla and find that I am entirely cured." !
William L. Payne, Berryville, Virginia.
E-fiood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only True Blood purifier Promi
nently in the public eye. fl; six for f5.
Prepared only by 0. I. Hood & Co.,
Lowell, Mass., V. S. A.
Unnrj'c Dille act hsrmoniouslj with
nUUU 5 nilv Uood'iSartapiuiUju
rs1. J. LAWLOR,
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
a TWO-STORY Promo Building, 30x15 feet on
South Chestnut street. Itcnts for $18 per
month ; will be sold cheap.
FOR SALE. Half lot nnd two houses, situated
on West Centre street. Will pay 12 per
cent, on investment, and can be bought on easy
I7IAU3I FOR SALE. A farm of 33 acres, with
! In three miles of good mnrkct. Twenty
nine acres under cultivation, and four acres of
good timber. Frame farm house, six rooms,
good barn and alt In good condition. Will be
sold for $1,200 cash.
ITIOU SALE. Valuable property on East Lloyd
J street. Lot 45x150 feet ; seven houses, In
cluding restaurant. Aggregate rental, SS0 per
month. A raro bargain. Apply to M. J. Lawior,
Justice of tho Peace. No. 123 East Centre street.
After AH Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
329 N. 15th St.
Below Callowhlll
To secure a positive nnd permanent cure of
Errors of Youth and Loss of Manhood and of
all diseases of the blood, Kidneys. Bladder,
Skin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
Lobb. lie guarantees In all cases caused by
Kxcesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up the
shattered nervous system and adding new life
nnd energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
confidential. Office hours, daily and Sunday,
from 9 A. M. to 3 V. M. and 0 to 9 evenings,
Read his book on errors of Youth and obscure
diseases of both sexes, bent free.
3UJLUC Vnil Throat, Pimples, Copper-i
MnAVC lUU Colored Snots. Aches. Old Boreal
fl Ulcers in mourn, liair-raningj write vuuif
IKESiEiix tu yu7 juuaonic enuie
nchlcutro, in., ror proof or cures, cupi-i
4tai, wouujuu. worst cases curea in m
Ito 85 duyt. 100paee book free.
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of the
finest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
PChlchMtrr'. KngU.h Diamond Brand.
OrljpnAl and Only Genuine. A
rc, alwKva reliable, ladies tik X
Pragglit for Chlthuttr English Dia-ffK
mona jtram in itea ua oota mciiuo vtr
iboxM, ie&li wliti blut ribbon. Tako Vy
nnnflir. Ktfiut Annaerou luhttitu v
now and imitation. A t nrsggUta, or Bead 4c
In t amp or particular!, testimonials q1
"Ilelief for Ladle, inlttUr, bj return
MalL. 1U.UUU TViiimouiKii. ime juptr.
Specialist in diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., POTTSVILLE
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 m.; 1 to 4 p. m
8 p.m. Bundavs 0 a. m. to 12 ro.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
When It comes to
Our stock speaks for ltwclf. If you don't coma
to town send your orders. Thny will be accu
rately and promptly Illicit.
29 Oast Centre Street
News from Imilrgnnt Bourses Which Dls
credits Hpnnlsli Statement..
Nkw Yonrc, Sopt. 2(1. Reports of tho re
sults of tlio ciiu;iigenicnti lu. Cuba, which
nro received through insurgent sources in
tills city, differ lnnterlnlly from tho reports
sent from Ilnvmin, whom a press censor
ship is maintained. Yesterday President
I'nlmn recolved n long letter from General
Carlos Koloff, which describes a spirited
engagement that took place near Los l'a
sltos, which is within hulling distance of
Los Villas.
Tho letter snys: "On tho 0th Inst. I
found myself in camp near tho plantation
of I'oyo Azul with forces tinder the com
mand of Colonels Joaquin Castillo nnd.
1'cdro Diaz, which Included tho celebrated
"Cayo Hess" infantry regiment, under
JosloKaflel Zcgon. Ho told mo that it
would ho comparatively oasy to enpturo
tho forces of Do Fagtiasco by surprise. I
placed under Zcgon seventy picked cavalry
men, with whom ho nttneked tho Spanish
forts. Ho was stoutly resisted, however,
and had to retreat. I reinforced him with
tho "Cayo Hess" regiment, led by Cap
tains Esquerrn. and Sierra, and later on by
our entire troop of cavalry. Wo advanced
nnd after many spirited cugngomcnts,htst
ing until the Uth, the fort unconditionally
surrendered. In tills engagement we had
six killed and twelvo wounded. The Span
ish loss was heavy in killed nnd wounded.
"On tho 11th wo made a junction with
General Serullu Sanchez at Los Pnsitos,
whero wo wero at oneo attacked by a Span
ish column, which wo repulsed. Wo aro
forcing the enemy to retreat along the
road to Santa Spiritus."
The Taxa Prlzn Fight Content.
AUSTIN, Tex., Sept. 20. A petition for n
writ of mandamus to compel Stuto Comp
troller Finlay to Issuo a prize flglit license
has been filed with Justice Denman of tho
supremo court, but it will hardly bo acted
on until the first Monday In noxt month,
when court meets. A mandamus has also
been served on Collector Williams, of this
country, to compel him to issuo prize fight
license. Tho case is brought by county
oflicors to test tho law. Should tiio decis
ion concur with Judgo Hurt's opinion it
is bolieved that tho light will tako placo.
Japanesn Victorious la ForrungA.
St. Peteksburo, Sept. 20. Tho Novoo
Vramyn states that tho Japanese captured
Changhua nnd Tniwan-Fu from tho For
mosan rebels after severe fighting in tho
latter part of August. Tho Japanese, at
lost accounts, wore marching ou Anplng,
where tho rebels are concentrated. Tho
Japanese army In Formosa, which num
bers 00,000 men, will havq to bo reinforced,
us tho troops nro worn out with the hard
ships of the campaign, It is added that
8,200 Japanese soldiers aro in tho hospitals
In Formosa.
Alleged Bank ThleTm Flclit Ki tradition.
OMAHA, Sept. 20. Nebraska's governor
yesterday decided to honor tho requisition
of Missouri's chief executive for B'oster nnd
Barnes, alleged bank thieves, wanted at
Kansas City for robbing banks of largo
sums by tho ancient deposit game. They
at onoo applied for a hnbeas corpus writ,
which will bo nrgued next Monday. Tho
mon aro well supplied witli funds, and aro
making a dosperato effort to avoid return
ing to Missouri. They wero captured in
Omaha whilo attempting to work a bank.
Valkyrie Will Remain Awhile.
NEW YoitK, Sept. 20. Tho World says:
It may be safely statod that Valkyrio III
will not cross tho ocean this year. Slio
will, unless nil signs play false, 1)0 laid up
for tho winter nt South Brooklyn or the
Erio basin. Lord Dunraven's chungo of
front is in reality not so sudden as it
seomed to thoso who took tv trip down to
tho Erio basin expecting to seo Valkyrie
departing, nnd found instead tho crow
busy unloading hor stores and carrying
them aboard the City of Bridgeport.
rrne1l Again Defeat the Hova.
PAKIB, Sept. 20. Ofliciul dispatches from
Madagascar havo been received hero, ac
cording to which tho French advance guard
crossed the Ainbouimcna mountains and
met nnd defeated tho wholo of tho forcoa
of tho Hovas. Tho uttaok upon tho Hovus
was a complete surprise. The French suf
fered no losses. Tho troops, wlto nro most
encouraged over thoirvictory, lutvo arrived
at Autoby, which is only forty miles from
Antananarivo, the capital of Madagascar,
A VU Known Trnile I'llMlHher llratl.
New Yop.k, Sept. 20. Anton Schwnrz,
managing director of the United States
Brewers' academy, publisher of Tho Amer
ican Brewer, und tho leading expert in tho
country on browing matters, died sud
denly yesterday at a house in East Eighty
sixth street. A mystery surrounds tho
circumstances of his death, and the mem
bers of tho family refuse to make public
any statement concerning it.
liellcve IXU Hon Wkh -Murdf red.
Washington, Sept. 2G. A letter re
ceived hero from Kov. W. C. Davenport,
tho father of Dana Davenport, tho young
divinity student who was found dead on a
railroad track near Glasgow, Scotland,
says that thero Is a strong suspicion that
tho young man was foully dealt witli,
Kov. Mr. Davenport is in England. Ho
snys Scotland Yard officers aro working
on tho caso.
ffe Vutit to be llaucod.
Portsmouth, N. II., Sept. 20. M. A.
Carter, alias Kd Harrigan, of Baltimore,
was arrested hero last night upon Ills own
confosslou of having killed a woman on
Aug. 17. He stated to tho police that his
crlmo lias worrlod him until ho can stand
It no longer, and ho wnnts to bo haugod
Tho police havo suspicious as to his sanity.
Aecusnd OUlmiH Again Acquitted.
Key WliST-.iflu., Kqit. 2(1. Tiio case of
tho ollogod fiflb'ut.tprs captured ucarBnfila
Hoada last Thursday ww hoard before
United States Commissioner Otto. After
hearing tho ovldnoo and tho nrgumonts
of tho attorneys Commissioner Otto dis
charged tho Cubans, stating that nothing
had been proved against thorn.
Hnntor ltlackliurn'H Confidence,
Mexico, Mo Sopt. 20. Captain O. T.
Allen, of this city, has recolved a letter
from United S.tatQS Sunator J. 0. Black
burn, of Kentucky, In which he says;
"When I first outored tho raco for ro-elec-tlon
to tho United Stntos sonata tlilngf
looked shady. Now I nm a puro winner
Things look brighter overy day."
Yesterday National., I-inso flHln. I
At Baltimore Baltimore,, 7; Phlladol
phla, . At Washington (10 tunings)
Washington, 7j New York. 0. At Brook
lynBrooklyn, -1; Boston, 2. At Louis
Tllie-Pittsburg, 11; Louisville, 4. At St
Louis First game: Clnclunutl, IS; St.
Louis, 8. Second game: St. Louis, 6 Cin
cinnati, i.
Every Joint In His Body Racked by Rheu
Could Not Move His Arm and Was in Con
stant Pain A Truo Story of a Re-,
markable Case.
William F. JIaler, No. 18 Park place,
Zanesvillc, O., writes: "About a year ago I
had to quit work on account of rheumatism.
I had the discaso in my hips, Lack and arms
in fact, in every joint in my body, Tho
pain was intenso, and I sailercd the most ex
cruciating agony. My doctor could not do
anything for mc, and I tried overy remedy
that could bo suggested; node of theirf did
me any good, and finally my joints became
btiirened and sore. At times I could not
move my right arm anfl was in constant pain.
I procured- a bottle of Munyon's Rheuma
tism Cure and within a short time was. com
pletely cured. I am frco from stiil'ucss and
pain, and can cheerfully recommend Mun
yon's Kcmedy as the best I havo over
Munyon's Ithouniatism Curo acts almost
instantaneously, curing many obstinato cases
in a few hours. It is guaranteed to cure
rheumatism in nny part of the body. Acuto
or muscular rheumatism cured in from ono
to five days. It never fails to cure sharp,
shooting pains in the arms, leg, side, backer
breast, or soreness in any part of the body
in from one to threo hours. It promptly
cures lameness, stiff and swollen joints and
all pains in the hips and lotus, chronic rheu
matism, sciatica, lumbago or pain in the back
are speedily cured. It seldom falls to give
relief after ono or two doses, and almost in'
variably cures beforo ono bottlo has been
Munyon's Homoeopathic Homo Remedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics
for nearly every disease, which aro sold by
all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle.
Ik Effect MARcn 24, 1895.
Passenger trains leave Shenandoah lor
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Le
highton, 8latington, White IIall,Catasauqna,
Allentown,Bethleiem,Enston and Wcathcriy
at 0 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m., 12 43, 2 6T, 5 27 p m.
For New York and Philadelphia. 6 04
7 3H, 9 15 a. in., 2 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua
kake, Switchback, Gerhnrds and Hudsondale.
9 15 a. m. and 2 57 p. ra.
For Wilkes-Barre. White Haven, Pittston,
riaceyville, Towanda, Sayre, Waverly and
Elmira. 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57-5 27pnu
For Roohester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 15 o. m. and 2 57, 6 27 p. m.
For Belvidere, Delaware Waier Gap and
Stroudsburg, 6 04 a. m, 2 67 p. :n.
For Lambertville and Trenton, 9 15 am.
For Tankhannock, 6 04, 9 15 a. ra., 2 57, 5 27
p. m.
For Ithaea and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 am,
5 27 p m.
For Auburn, 9 15 am, 5 27 p ni.
For Jeanesville, Leviston and Beaver
Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38,
9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenried and
Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 am, 12 43, 2 57, 5 2T
and 8 08 ii in.
For Scranton, 8 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 2?
p m.
For Hazlebronk, Jeddo, Drlfton and Free
land, fi 01, 7 3s, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
.. m.
For Ashland, Girardvillo nnd Lost Creek,
4 411, fi 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 4(1,
4 10,fi 35, 8 22 p. in.
For Raven Run, Centralis, Mount Curmel
andSbainokin, 0 13, 11 14 a m, 1 32, 1 20,
8 22,9 15 p. in.
For Yatesville, Park Placo, Mahanoy Citj
and Delano, 5 50, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. m .
12 43, 2 57, 5 27, H OS, 9 23, 10 53 p. m.
Trains will leave Shainokin at 5 15, 8 la,
II 45 a. in., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. ru., and arrivr
Shenandoah at B 04, 9 16 u m , 12 43, 2 6",
'7. U 15 p. in
beavo Blienandoan for Pnttsville, 8 04.
7 38,9 OS, 11 05,ai 30 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10,
5 27, 8 08 p. m.
Leave I'otlsville for Shenandoah, 6 00,
7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. m., 12 i2, 3 00, 4 41'
5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, fi 04, 7 35
9 15, a. 111., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 03 ni.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35,
10 05, 11 08 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 5fi,
p. m.
Trains leavo for Raven Run, Centralis
Mt. Carmel and Shamokiu, C 15 n m., 2 40 p.
in, and arrive at Stiamokfu at 7 40 a. m, and
3 45 p. m.
Trains leave Shamokin for. Shenandoah a
7 55'n, m, and 4 uO p. in., and arrive at Sbcn
andnah at 8 49 a. m and i 58 p. in.
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardvillo ano
Lost Creek, 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Peni.
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allcntown
Bethlehem, Kantnn and New York, 8 4V
a.m., 12 30,2 65 p. in.
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 . in,
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy CiK
and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. in., 12 30, 2 55,4 ib
fi 03 p.m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, i 30
11 30 a. m., 1 05, 5 30 p.m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvillo, 6 55
8 49,9 32 a. m., 2 40 p m.
Leave Pottsvlilc for Shenandoah, 8 Su
10 40 a. in.. I 35. 6 15 p. in.
ROLLIN H. WILUUR, Genl. Hnpt..
South Bethlehem, i'h
OHAlthKS 8. LEE, Genl. Pass At.,
A. W.NOts MAOHKR, Asst. G. P. A.
South B-tble),i . I
Dr. Humphreys Specifics
are scientifically and carefully
prepared Remedies, used for
nearly half a century by the
people with entire success.
o. gptcinc ros
l-Tcvers, Congestions, Inflammations..,
it Worms, Worm Fever. Worm Colto...,
3- TecthlnBi Collo, Crying, Wakef ulntea
4- Dlarrhca, of Children or Adults.......
7 Cougba, Colds, Bronchitis
8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceache......
0 Headaches, Glck neadache. Vertigo..
10- Dyipcpsla, Biliousness, Constipation.
11- Bupprcssed orl'nlnful Periods...
l'i-Wliltes, Too Profuse Period
13 Croup, Laryngitis, noanencu....
14 Salt Itheura, Erysipelas, Eruptions.,
15 Rheumatism, Jlheamatlo rtlns.....
10-Malnrla, Chills, Ferer and Ague.......
10-Catarrti, Influenza, Cold IntbeHc&d.
20 Whooping Cough
37 Kidney Slteaeea
28-Nervons Debility..
30-Drlnary Weakness.
34-Bere Throat, Quins, Diphtheria....
77" far HAY FEVER
BoW I? DrnirUta, or itat prcp!4 cm rtoelpl offrtt.
or for tU.jmiy U ttaortfdtf ept J, $U ill
Celebrated remote
l'owdnrt never fall,
Mfudfun(tfUr fklliaf
with fwj fi IWrojal rule 4 otKit Ilk
ncaedlM), Jdwxji bur lit kt and nl4 ditto.
tuinM sppwler , ). S5lMLr
iwMnuiti 1 --- anrrliV
K.UMtlati.Brl, AKo. L l-artkalao,.- Br.
r. b.
U, ul ar, soma, sum-
Rmllcnl Speechrs Against England at the
Chlcngo Convention.
CHICAGO, Sept. 20. Ex-Conirrcssmnn
I'iucrty whs chosen pcrmnnent chnlriniin
of tiio Irish convention yostontny, n'litl
mntlo a llcry speech, in tiio course of which
ho raid:
"Wo nro tho friends of every enemy of
Emrlimd," ho said, "mid tho onemy of
every friend of Kuglnnd, nnd wo wnut to
drlvo it homo mid null it to tho most until
tho teeth of tho, lying Whlga nro looscnud
from their socltctsniidfnll from thejrlyiifjj
months. Todny Irelmid is tho kept luvrlot
of tho spoil of tho Kmpliv. Some of our
pnpors Ruem to bo uCr.ild wo mny coniplU
cnto this country with England. Suppose
wo ilot Let tho EiiKilsh daro to flro tho
flrst shot. Wo sound today tho death
knell of WhlKpcry In Irish politics."
At tho afternoon session tho chairman
rend u clipping from Tho I'nll Mnll Ga
zette, whicli fifvorcd mTOting tho Irish
half way iu their struggles for Indepen
dence. Tho reading was received witli loud
applause, and the delegates seemed to
think that it was the flrst symptom that
England would glvo attention to their de
Tho session was spent in snccchmaklng,
and all tho speeches wero of tho most; rad
ical character. O'Donovan Rbssa seemed
to voice tho sentiineuts of tiio majority
when ho said:
"I nm not In favor of waiting. In my
judgment tho tltno to strike Is v?hcn you
aro ready, and the plneo to strtko is Eng
land. All this talk of organizing to light
tho English out of England Ik very well,
hut it has uo terror for England. Now Is
tho tltno for us to strike, nnd tho quicker
tho hotter."
Cleveland to rittsbnrj; br Iilnctrlelty.
Cleveland, Sept. 26. Within tho last
fow days representatives of Xew York
capitalists huvo been In this city consult
ing with Crosby Thompson, nn electrio
railway promoter, ns to tho advisability of
building an electric road between Cleve
land nnd Pittsburg. They assured him
that tlioy would produce from $1,000,000 to
$3,000,000 roady capital. His verdict was
that it would requlro $10,000,000 to con
struct an electrio railroad well enough
equipped to competo witli tho steam rail
roads. Tho New Yorkers returned homo
to consult their principals.
A Ilusso-Chtnese Hank.
St. Peteusbuko, Sopt. 20. Delegates of
French and Russian hankers hnvo gone to
Shanghai on businoss connected with tho
scheme for the establishment at that placo
of a Kusso-Ohlucso bank. .The capital of
the projected bank will ho $1,000,000. The
reports which havo been published of a
Franco-Ilnssinn loan for China aro with
out foundation.
Amrlenn Liner Parts Overdue.
New York, Sept. 26. Tho American
liner Paris, which left this port for South
ampton nt 11 a. m. last Wednesday, has
not been reported by cnblo. She is thirty
hours overdue her usual time. Tiio Ma
jestic, which cleared Sandy Hook bar nt 6
p. in. the same day, readied Quconstown
on Tuesday.
Constitutional .Amendment Defeated.
Providence, Sept. 26. The special elec
tion held yesterday to decide tho qui'ht in
of biennial state elections and tho division
of Providence Into representative districts,
at a Into hour seemed likely to result In
tho defeat of the amendment to tho consti
tution embodying tho proposed change.
Silver Ingots Stolen In Transit.
London, Sept. 20. Silver ingots of a
total weight of .15,000 ouncos, which had
been shipped by Vivian & Co., Swansea,
to Sharp & Williams, London, wero stolen
from the van In which they wero shipped
whilo In transit from tho Midland depot.
Thero is no clow to the robbers.
Two Killed by a Train.
Bohdentown, N. J Soot. 26. Henrv
Fletcher, aged 30 years, nnd Henry Myers.
aged 00, both colored, were killed by n pas
senger train whilo driving across tho
tracks of tho Amboy division of tho Penn
sylvania railroad, near Hlghtstown. The
horse balked on tho track.
IJaby Killed, Mother Fntnllj' Injured.
GUTHHIE, O. T., Sept. 26. Near Inde
pendence, n team of mules driven hv How
ard Mott ran away and clashing into a
canyon hurled Mrs. Mott and baby upon
tho rocks below, and Instantly killed thb
baby and injured tho mother so badly that
It Is feared Mio will die.
Heavy Italns Cause Ilavoo In Spain.
AfATillTn Rnnfr TTrn.,- v.iln
havo prevailed in the province of Sara
gossa, causing rivers nnd small streams to
overflow their banks and doing n great
deal of damage to property. Tho town of
Alhamn is submerged, und railway trafllo
John It. Gentry's Itemarlcable Heat.
DUIIUOUE. III.. Sent. 2ll. Snvon flmiimn,!
neonle saw vesterdav's races nt TCiiumr,,!
Park. In tho special pacing, third heat
Gentry inado tho fastest record of tho sea
son and tho fastest third lieut over paced
or trotted 2.03.
Kxpelled from the Slock Exchange.
NEW York, Sept. 20. The aovernlnir
commlttoo of tho New York Stock Ex
change decided to oxpel Joln B. Manning,
a broker, aceusedof alteriug Union Pacific
bonds by erasing indorsements showing
Tho Amnesty Illll Itrjected.
LONDON. Sunt. 2(1. A Rio .7nnolrn ,11a.
patch to Tho Times says that tho gonornl
amnostv 1)111 1ms been roleefed In tlm
chamber of deputies by a veto of 118 to 58.
luucu oxoiiumoni; ami msonior provalls.
Mayor Sohloron, of Brooklyn, nnnounccs
that ho will not accopt a ronominntlon.
A gas rato war in Kuusas City, Mo., has
reduced tho price to consumers to fifty
cents per 1,000 feet,
Senator A. O. Bacon, of Georgia, was
ono of tho passengers on tyio steamer Tou
tonio, which arrived at New York yester
day. Representatives of tho Wnbaah railroad
at Kansas City positively deny tho report
that a strike Is imminent among tho train
men on that Hue.
Ileports from Republican primaries la
Massachuseets show an overwhelming
iiontlment In favor of tho rcnomtnation of
Governor Greonlialgo.
I A Washlngton'lls(ijUcl stating that the
Satana, a four lasted schooner, Is beingr
fitted out In Oakland creek for a piratical
crulso to lower California, is not credited
In San Francisco.
The Mexican congress prssed a bill pro
hibiting stutcs and municipalities from
taxing foreign or domestlp mprchandistt
entering or in transit through thoir respec
tive jurlidlctlong.
One of the Most Common Symptoms of Kid
ney Disease, Sometimes of Brain
How It Can be Cured Without Danger
. our. Drugs and Opiates.
Sleeplessness is nioro tommon than it should
It is a sign .of dangerous sickness, which
may turn out Imdly.
Sleeplessness means either one or both of
two things: First, kidney trouble; second,
brain trouble.
But if there is brain trouble, it is probably
a complication of the kidney trouble.
Brlght's disease, the most dangerous kidney
trouble thero is, is generally accompanied by
Nino times out of ten tho sufferer from
Uright's disease doesn't find out ho has it
until it is almost tuo late to bo cured.
Tho symptoms are so liko unimportant
sickness that you don't think you need a
doctor, and SQ things go on until the doctor
can't help yon.
Even then Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
Pills would be probable ablo to curo you.
Hut tliat is another matter.
To return to sleeplessness.
No ono tan do without sleep for more than
a few days.
Sleeplessness is a drain on your brain and
vitality. It must bo stopped or some
thing will give way.
Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will cure
They do it by curing the kidneys, by taking
away the cause of tho whole trouble, by
purifying tho blood.
Asparagus has a special effect on the
kidneys, ns every one who has eaten it
This effect is strcngethened and mado more
powerful in Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
If it is your kidneys which cause your
sleeplessness, Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
PilU will curo it by toning them up and giv
ing them fresh life and strength.
If it is your brain, by cleansing and renew
ing the blood, through tho improved action
of tho kidneys, Dr. Hobb's Sparagus Kidney
PilU wll 'euro the brain by giving it fresh
nourishment and new life.
To bo healthy and to do your best work,
you must have enougli sleep.
When you aro losing it, a few doses of Dr.
Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills will cure you
and bring rest to your body and mind.
liesidos sleeplessness, the symptoms of
kidney trouble aro headache, nervousness,
shortness of breath, evil forebodinirs. loss nf"
flesh, swelling of tho feet and ankles, pain in
mc oac.K.
All theso symptoms aro caused by sick
kidneys. All of them can be curc'Jl'y Dr.
Hobb's Sparagus Kidney Pills. u
When no other drugs or medicl.i' .ir?A trivo
you relief Dr. Hobb's Sparagus r 1ilis
will. The preparation of AmV II 1 -...I l.lfT i"
a special process for theso pilhjF
known to fail. i?T.,i,
Dr. Hobb's Spamgus Kf" m, '(
sale at all drucrffists for 50 S". u.uri-
lm kenr. nnstnniil tn nnv nilft'IVW
price. ir -VjiI
A few doses
eve, A few V
Please writ
ra pamphlet containing
full part
it the kidneys, Hobb's
i or San Francisco,
No. 7 North Jnrdln Street.
Ofllee Hours! FromSlo 9.30 a. m. 1:30 to 2:30
p. m.; 8:00 to 7:30 p. m.
-yy N. STKIN, 31. I)..
Ofllce lioom 2, Kgan'n New llulldlnp, corner
Jfnln and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllce hours s K to 10 a.m.; 1 to ,1 p. m. J 7 to
p. in. Nlgbt ofllce No. 230 West Oak street.
p F. IJTJHKE, 31. D,
30 E. Lloyd fctrect, Fhennmloab.
Office hours :-.7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9-
p. m.
Office Water Company building, 26 West"
Lloyd street.
Shenandoah, Pa.
JJ 31. UUltKE,
Ofllce Egan building, corner of Jfaln and
Centre streets, Shenandoah,
Odlce.SIellet's Building, corner Centre and
Mnrket streets.
Lock Vox 03, 3Iahanoy City, Pa.
llavlntr studied under some of the best
masters in London and I'nrts, will give letocms
on the violin hud vocal culture. Terms rewon
able. Address In caro of Strouso,he Jeweler.
Shenandoah. .
Do you DESIRE to Make
Make your money earn you u monthly
salary. , ,
810.00 and more made dally by our new sys
tematic l'lan of Operation ou small Investments
In grain and stock speculation.
All we ask Is to Investigate our new and
original methods. Post workings of plan and
hlcliest references furnished. Our Uopklet
"Points & Hints" how to make money und
other Information sent FJtEE.
riiumr i Co,, Hankers and Brokers.
QltoS" Board of Trade Bldg., ChlcoKo, 111.
Your Stomach
Cannot stand the same washing that your
boMs do. and the water you drink Isn't
even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorcnz Schmidt's geer and Porter,
Manager Shenandoah Branch.