J EIIENIN HERAT VOL. X.-N0. 239. SHENANDOAH, PA., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, 1895. ONE CENT. PLACE VOUR ADVERTISEMENT IN THE "EVENING HERALD" AND REACH THE BUYERS Refrigerators, Baby Carriages. Large Stock, J. P. WILLIAMS & SON, iouth Main St., Shenandoah. Thanks to the "Herald" Readers Our opening day was a great success, and wo liavo been crowded ovor sinco. We havo been obliged to cngago tbo services of Mr. lias Eceso to assist us, and he will bo glad to sco all Ills old friends and former customers who are in want of MEN'S, BOYS' AND CHILDREN'S CLOTHING, hats and caps, gent's furnishing goods, ladies', misses' and children's shoes, men's boots and shoos and rubber boots. Wo will continue the same as we havo started, to sell good goods at bottom prices. Call on us; wo will bo pleased to show our goods. Cooper & Schiller, Reliable Out-Flttera, Dornbach's New Building. 23 East Centre St. Fresh Home-Made Bread and Cakes every day. If you wmit a good home-made loaf of bread or a cake givo us a call. OYSTERS - IN - ALL. - STYLES. licet accommodations and cosiest ladies' parlors In town. Families supplied at short notice. ICE CREAM IN ALL FLAVORS constantly on hand. All orders promptly attended to. Special attention given to hall, theatre parties and sociables. I I II Tl F" L . L.I B I I t 5 's ART WALL PAPER Store. received a fino lino of tho most beautiful and artistic papers in the b wo will sell at vory rcasonablo prices. Wo liavo also in stock a last year's mtterns which nir linear goo'J Wo havo tbo most t Paper Store Finest Stock J. R. CAR? ( 3 No. FV' PAIL ft" lAYS FRESH . A 'Beef, Pork, Mutton, Veal, Spring: Lamb, bacon, bologna and sausage'. TKY C0T0SUET, the great lard substitute and shortener. filled and polite attention paid to all customers at THOS. JONES, DO YOU WANT A GOOD Wo are tho solo agents for tho celebrated "Laura" heater, made by tho Buckwalter Stovo Works, Itoyersford. You can buy this heater from us from $-1 to $5 less than anywhero elso in this town. Tho squaro heater "Happy Greeting" and tho "Art Ringgold" sold ai bargains, a nut line ot cooKing stoves, sucn as tno Apollo" range; "Wow Cresta, Art Canopy" ami "Sun Canopy" besides other makes. Also all kinds of Tinware. and Hardware, Call at D. & J. SIEGEL, 123 & COFFEE Our Fancy Java, or Iu regard to Tea, we occupy a front rank, all our Teas being very carefully selected by competent judges, and a" trial order will convince you that we can please the most fastidious customers. We offer nothing but good grades that are noted for quality, color and flavor, and they are sold at popular prices Best Make, Lowest Prices. Caterer and Confectioner, Cor. Tardin and Oak Streets. wo aro sellin! at a sacrifice. Come and beautiful and artistic papers. In Town. and Lowest Prices. IIouso. Sign and Decorativo Paintlnc. 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Fenna. Smoked Meats ofall descriptions, dry salt All orders promptly - - 119N. Main St. STOVE OR HEATER ? 224 S. Main St., Shenandoah. AND TEA Man, supplied with reasoning and dis cerning powers, may improve his con dition by the exercise of these faculties. This can be applied with very good effect in the purchase of Coffees and Teas. A good cup of Coffee depends not only on the making but the brand of Coffee, the grade, the roasting and preparation are very important factors. We feel confident that we can meet all those requirements. A delicious cup of Coffee is a certainty if you use our Fancy Blended Coffee. At KEITER'S. State Democracy Withdraws From the v State Convention. WILL FIGHT AGAINST TAMMANY I The Leaders of the Anti-Tammany Organ ization Declare They Will Support an Independent Ticket for County Officers. SmAcusE, N. Y., Sept. 20. The Domo cratlostato convention finished Its work yesterday by nominating theso officers: For secretary of state, Horatio C. King of Brooklyn; comptroller, John B. Judsonof Glororsvlllo; state treasurer, D. 0. Bow of Coblesklll; attorney general, Norton Chaso of Albany; stato engineer, Russell U. Stuart of Syraouso; judge of tho court of appeals, John D. Toller of Auburn. Tho convention then adopted Its plat form of prlnelplos substantially ns already published. Tho oxclso plank Is ns follows: "Kqunl and honest enforcomont of all laws; a proper obsorvanco of a day of rest, and an orderly Sunday; modlllcatlons or repeal of laws unsupported by public opin ion; no unjust sumptuary laws; recogni tion of tho fundamental American princi ple of freedom of consclenco; homo rule In exclso, ns well as In other matters, within rcasonablo limitations established to pro tect tho Interests of tompcrauco and mo rality, and an amendment of tho excise and other laws by tho legislature) of tho stnto which shall ponnlt each municipal ity expressing its sentiments by a popular voto of a majority of its citizens to dotor mine within such propor legislative re strictions as shall bo required by the Inter ests of tho entire state what may best suit Its special nocossities and conditions." Within two hours after tho close of tho convention tho delegations had taken reg ular and special trains for homo. Thoro has been an absolute lock of enthusiasm, for up country delegates aro angry that an understanding was not arrived at with tho State Democracy people, and Tammany, whilo exultant at tho Stnto Democracy's defeat, Is still qui to disgruntled at tho platform declaration on oxclsc. Never at any political gathering did so much depend upon tho admission of con testing delegations, and uover woro plans so rudely broken as when tho Stoto De mocracy refused to onter tho convention. In tho morning Norton Chaso, of Albany, was running for comptroller nnd John B. Judsou, of Fulton, was looking for state treasurer, whilo Augustus Schou, of Krio, was slated for comptroller and D.inlel B. GrllTln, of Wntertown, was considered tho choice for attorney general. An hour bc foro the tlmo sot for tho meeting of tho convention tho slate was unchanged, and the platform as already sent by tho Asso ciated Press, vory llttlo changed. Half an hour later both Daniel Griffin nnd Augustus Schou had declined to allow their names to bo usod, Judson was trans ferred to tho comptrollership, Dow of Sehohrio was slatod for state treasurer, and Norton Chaso was put on tho slate for attornoy general, although ho had novor boon mentioned for tho ollico. Tho nominations woro rapidly put through by the convention and with no groat en thusiasm. Tho results detailed were all because of the withdrawal of tho dolegates of tho Stato Democracy. Various reasons woro given for tho sud den changes In tho slntu. Jlr. Soheu, of Erio, who had been turned down in tho comptrollorsblp light, was very bitter. Ho said that the personal enmity of ono of tho leaders was tho causo. A friend of his statod that tho reason was that Horbort Bissoll refused to nominate him, and Mr. Sohou would not run unless tho nomina tion was mado by a Clovehvnd adherent Daniel Griffin said, when asked by tho Associated Press reporter for his reason for withdrawing: "Had my namo boon presontod to tho convention I would havo boon nominated unanimously. But af tor tho report of tho majority of tho committee on credentials had boon adopted by the committee I labored bo far ns I could to prouuro tho adoption of tho minority report by tho convention, bellovlng that tho situation iu Now York county logically required tho eamo treatment as had already boon mado in tho case of Kings county. Before tho report had baen adopted I saw my friends and said to them that if tho roport of tho majority of tho committee In tho Now York city contest should bu Indorsed I would not baoomo a omiJldato, and I ad hered to that position." When tbo State Demoeraoy p?oplo loft the rink after being denied morj roprasou tatlou, tlioy woro In a fighting frame und continued no until their train left. The leaders were very freo In their expansions of disapproval, and bore are some of their remarks: Corporation Counsel Frank M. Soott: "Tho notion of tho convention ratifying tho report of the committee on contested seats made it Impossible fur tho State Dj mocraoyto retain tho soats allotted thoin In tho convention, because tho report taken tho ground that tlioTammany alone is tho regular organUation of tho olty of New York, and that the members of tho State Demoeraoy had no right to participate in the organization of the next convention." John Joroloman, prosidnnt of the board of aldormou of Now York: "We are going buck, to pulverize Tunimiiuy Hull. It Is not the giving to us of one-fifth of tho del egation that Ave object to, but the action of tho convention In humiliating us; that wo havo no state oominitteemou or repre sentatives In tho party organization. Wo will fight them on comity and legislative tickets, nnd beat them." Thoodoro Sutro: -'Tho effect will be to draw numjof tho German-American voted awo'y from tho nominees of thooonvontlon nnd Tammany Hall." John J. Qulnlau: "Wo aro golug baok to fight ihom to thoond. Whilo wo will not iudorso tho looal Republican nominees wo may support a consolidated ticket, tho eamo Ha we did last yonr" FUb, Epilepsy and Convulsions positively cured in young or old at Ladies' Medical Institute, Kaier's Hotel, MahauoyClty. PERSONAL. Charles A. Snyder, Ksq., of Pottsvlllc, was a town visitor to-day. G. A. Wilde, of Scrauton, transacted busi ness in town last night. Miss Annie Laulwch left this morning for Philadelphia, to visit friends. Miss Hannah Burke, an estimable young lady of Mt. Carnicl, is visiting friends hero. Jacob Kodrian, John Phillips and Mattrico Hfiywood, of Frackvlllc, were In town last evening. Mossrs. Ramagc, McDico and McCready, of Mt. Carmel, circulated among friends hero last evening. Hon. James 11. Iicilly, John F. Whalen, Esq., and stenographer Moore, of Pottsvlllo, made a business visit to town to-day. Mrs. Henry Maskcll left to-day for her homo ill Philadelphia, after spending two pleasant weeks with friends in town. L. V. IJausch, of tho Tribune, Mahauoy City, was over to tbo Masonic celebration last evening, a3 wcro also Thomas L. Thomas and T. L. Hess. E. C. Price, A. L. Laubeustein, E. K. Walter, Frank Weiser, Gcorgo Hadostyand W. H. Landcfold, Jr., of Ashland, were visitors to town last evening. Miss Annie Boador, accompanied by .her brothor, I.oiiis, of Philadelphia, and Miss Carrie Fosslcr, of Pottsville, aro tho guests of tbo Acker family, on North West street. Freo mock turtle soup at Iircen's tonight. Open Air Concert. Tho Grant Hand will givo an open air con cert on1 tho Watson IIouso awning to-morrow evening, under the direction of Mr. J. M. Schoppe, and tho following program will bo rendered : March, "IhmlopCoinmnmlery," Ilnll. Overture, "Ncliucodonosor," Verdi. "ls TltigiiLMiots," selection Meyerbeer. "I.ittloIliilNuclicH," trio tor piccolo unci clarionet (Kiiug), Messrs. Datldow, Sehoppo und Hal- fllianlek. "King Cotton," march Sou. Idyl, "Tlio Koruu In the Forrest." Synopsis: Midnight. Morning, lly the Ilrook. Fivo o'clock. Morning prayer. At tho forgo. "Tho Coquette," characteristic dance Sousa "Tho Jolly Minstrel," comic medley, Huniliouse. Schelily House. Clam soup to-night. Chicken soup. Oysters in every stylo. The Johnson l-'uupml. Tho funeral of the late Edward Johnson, Sr., took plate this morning from tho resi dence of his daughter, Sirs. William Jeffer son, on Ea-t Lino street, ltev. John Bath, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church, conducted the ceremonies at the residence. Tho remains were taken to Huzlcton for in terment nnd were accompanied by a largo number of relatives and friends to that placo. The pall bearers wore Charles Haskins, Isaac James, Winfield Major, Lincoln Moore, Arthur Caston and William Collins. Dr. Emma Wain, greatest lady specialist, permanently located. Ladies' Medical Insti tute, Hotel Kaicr, Mahanoy City. Peddler lleateu ami llohbed. Morris Greenberg, a peddler of town, says ho was brutally treated iu a Polish saloon at Gilberton yesterday. Ho went into tho placo to get a drink and while ho was standing at tho bar three drunken Polos assaulted and robbed him. They beat and kicked him, toro patches from his long beard and took his pack from him. Greenberg returned to town and made complaint before Justico Cardin, but thus far tho men who mado tho assault have not been found. Watson House Free Lunch. Boston baked beans to-night. Clam soup to-morrow morning. Chrltitluu Eudontor Societies. Tho Schuylkill County League of Y. P. C. E. will hold a two-days session at Ashland, beginning to-morrow afternoon, in tho Ger man Lutherau church. Bcprcsontativos from every society in tho county will bo in at tendance, and tho program prepared will bo an interesting ono. Tho local societies will leave hero to-morrow evening via electric cars. ltev. Luthe'r DeYoo, of Hariisliurg, will deliver u lecture on "Denomination alism." Dr. Emma Wain makes all irregularities and weaknesses a specialty, but treats all other diseases. Ladlos' Medical Institute, Hotel Kaior, Muhanoy City. The Alleutiiwn Kxciirslon. About soveuty-flvo peoplo of town patron ized tho L. V. It. It. excursion to Alloutown to-day to tako iu the fair. Among them wore observed Mr. and Mrs. D. It. Lewis, Mr. and Mrs, Martin Unibaeh, Councilman Gable, Henry Hoehler, Charles Sturm, George W. Beddall, John Welter, J. J. ltohland, Philip Hoohler and Abraham Mummy. Go to Warner's for your cheap boots, shoes and rubbers. Largost stock iu town. May Hutu Uvea Martin Oillnn. It is belloved that tbo man who was chopped to pieces by tho Beading oxpross near Hester's eroding, at Locust Gap Junc tion, was Martin Quiun, of Excelsior, as tho latter mysteriously disappeared nt tliat timo and remnants of the victim's clothing have been identified by his wife. The only baby medicine Luks' Syrup. Created u Disturbance, Louis Wnuus was arrested by Chief of Police Tosh lust night for creating a disturb ance and trying to force an entrance into tho theatre. He paid a fine and was released. Teething children should be treated with Luks' soothing syrup, tf Another Jewish llolldity. All the Jewish places of business will bo closed from 6 p. in. to-morrow until 0 p. m, on Saturday for the oltservunce of Yom Kippur, tho Israclitish day of atonement. Fcinalo weaknesses and irregularitlos a specialty at Ladies' Medical Iustilute, Kaior's Hotel, Mahanoy City The Republicans Will Have Their Battles Saturday Next. HAHY DELEGATES IN THE FIELD. There are Throe 'Sets Out In the Fifth Ward and all the Other Wards Have Two Each More May Come Later on Before Saturday. Interest In tho local Iicpublicau primaries is increasing quito rapidly now, and from the present time to tho closo of tho primaries on Saturday evening will in all probability con stitute tho leading topic. Although very little has been said herctofure tbo parties in terested havo by no means wasted timo. Tho calm has beiin deceptive. Thcro will be a hot contest in every ward. At least two sets of delegates will bo presented at each primary and each set is evidently determined to light up to tho closo of tho polls. In tho First ward Colfax Brown and Edward Doherty havo announced themselves as delegates nnd aro said to bo making a light for Ilrockons. Charles Smith and Joseph Morris aro also out for delegatcships. Their friends havo mado no declaration of their in tentions further than that they are for Severn for Controller, but it is understood that thoy favor Edwards for District Attorney. Tbo light boro will be hot, and probably a very close one. Boll Sheolor and Edward Kestoraro out for Edwards and Severn, it is said, in tho Second ward, while Abraham Williams and William E. Davies aro also in the field. This is tho smallest ward in' tho town, ImUhere is more mystery regarding tho intentions of its candidates for tho dele gatcships than is manifested in all tho other wards combined. Tho Third ward will bo tho sceno of one of the hottest battles of tho day. Two strong teams arc now in the field, and it would not bo surprising to hear tho announcement of a third. At present the contending teams are ex-Councilman A. 11. Lamband John Huberts, a brother of Deputy Sheriff Huberts. They aro said to bo declared Ilrockons men, and William Neiswenter is named as tho peace maker, being a candidate for Standing Com mittee. Marshall Hughes and William Gilfillan compose the' opposing team and aro for Edwards, while Moses ltogers runs along with tlicm for Standing Committee. In tbo Foil rth ward T. J. Da vies and Georgo Lorah aro' seeking tho delegatcships to repre sent Edwards at tho convention. It is said Councilman A. D. Gable and George Hares will bo alternates and David Morgan will run for Standiug Committee William Patterson and Samuel Shone aro named as the llrcckons delegates. Tho Fifth ward is iu tho battle up to and above its ears. Three sets of delegates have already been trotted out. They aro Samuel Davis and Charles Hornbergor, George Flock and David Cale, Benjamin Beecher and Thomas Iiedclill'. Tho latter team is un questionably for ISreckons. It is said that Edwards will find support from any of the other four that may bo elected. Flock and Culo aro out as Edwards delegates, but tbo other two apparently havo not made up their minds. It has been said that they are for Edwards. The string is of sullicient length to satisfy any ono that thero is a big fight at tho end of it and that tho Itepublican primaries will not, by a long shot, be as quiet as tho Dem ocratic primaries wcro. Eleven bets of dele gates in fivo wards is sullicient evidence of interest. Should any moro develop by Sat urday the average voter will find himself in a state of perplexity bordering on despera tion. But it will all bo over iu about forty eight hours. Kemlrlck IIouso Free l.uiuli. Vegetable soup to-ulght. Oysters and clam soup to-morrow morning. Port Norris oysters. Cape May clams. Meals served at all hours. Watch for Suturday night's lunch. Twcnty-tlilnl Auuliersary. Shenandoah, Lodge No. 511, F. & A. M., signalized the 23rd anniversary of tho insti tution of the lodge last .evening. A largo number of prominent Masons from various points wore present and tho event was als. graced by the pretence of 1). D. G. M., Mr. M. M. MaeMUlan, of Mahanoy City. After the work of the lodge was over adjournment was had to the Ferguson House, whore Mine Host Hutchinson had prepared an elogant collation to which ample justico was done by all pres. out, und the fmters of tho lodge and .Mr. Hutchinson were highly complimented by tho visitors upon the entertainment furnished, Woolen Undent cur, A placo to go where you need not hesitate whethor you can get It or not. Natural wool, scarlets, and Dr. Wright's lleeeo lined under wear. A special invitation is oxteniled to corpulent people, as we have all sizes of undershirts from 31 to 50 inches, and drawers from 80 to IB Inches. At Max Levit's, 15 Iiwt Centre strttet. It . - To Wed at Giiimlon. Bobert Yoagor, of town, and Miss Salllo Kline, of Glrardvllle. took an early morning P. & It. train for CJimdtHi, N. J., to-day and by this time u 10 united In marriage. The ceremony was to liave taken jdsee in town to-day, but uufin-fisaen .circumstances caused a ehauge of progum. Tho Only Way Of keeping cool these hot days Is to drink Cohunbla beer, which is pure, wholcsomo and refreshing. Every well regulated house should have its supply of Columbia beer, put up expressly for family use. THE BUSY STORE 116 and 118 North Main Street. A WIFELY WIFE is one who saves her husband's dollar's. One who has the task and ability to obtain with 50 cts. a dollars worth of goods. How to buy, when to buy and where to buy, are three things she is master of. She known when she sees a $1.00 Damask Towel at 50c. These Damask Towels, full of drawn work, we have now dis played, at the price from$i.oo to 50 cents. Many of our patrons know they paid $1.00 a piece for them. Our window shows what they are. BUTTONS: An odd lot we are Belling at 5c. a card of 2 dozen. Many among them worth 50c. a card. HEMINYVAY SILK. A large assortment of all shades, Crochet and Knitting Silk, on large spools has just come in. We offer this lot at 15 cents a spool, or 2 for 25 cents. This is extremely low in price, especially where all silks are advancing rapidly. LANCASTER GINGHAM ENDS Enough for one large apron in each piece; 12 cents a piece. Did you try the P. N. Corsets ? MAX SCHMIDT. DIED DURING HIS ABSENCE. .Ill's. Ciirrlo llollck, of IucIisoiih, Kxiilreil Last K ruing. Carrie, wife of M. J. Iiolicb, died at her residence in Jacksons last night, between 10 and 11 o'clock. Tho deceased had lieen ail ing for about a year. Last evening her con dition became worse than usual and her hus band came to town for Dr. J. S. Kistler, who had been iu attendance from timo to time. Mrs. llolich failed so rapidly that slio ex pired before her husband returned with tho doctor. Tho deceased left three children, tho youngost being ton yours old and tho oldest sixteen. At Iircen's Cafe. Mock turtle soup for free lunch tonight. Xico prhno oysters. Little neck clams. Beef steak, lamb and veal chop-). Pig's feet, tripe and lamb's tongue. An Kvrellciit Mloiv. Tho sensational niclo-drama, "A Money Order," was presented at Ferguson's theatre last evening. The play is well constructed, and tho support of Mr. Julo Walters was far above the average. A pleasant feature of the evening's entertainment was tho staging of the play. The audience was liberal iu its applause. Tbo Ladies' .Medical Institute at Hotel Kaicr, North Main street, Muhanoy City, has eomo to stay. They aro not here for a few days, then gone, no one knows where. They will givo you an equivalent for your money and all and every patient under their euro will receive full benefit of their skill and ex perience They seek to inspire confldenco and their treatment will provo their honesty and skill. Consult them. l)-2(t-tf Tho Water Works. Gallaghor & Lamb will linish work under their contract to make the connections this week. Thoy aro now completing tho llowors and White streets lines. The water committee last night decided to put the regulator at the north end of Emorick street and Apple alley. It will bu sheltered by a small brick structure. Notice. Wo, tho undersigned, are in a position to sell all manner of steam lilting supplies at Philadelphia prices. Thoo contemplating putting In steam heat and plumbing work would bavo money by gotting our prices. D-2tl-3t (1. W. llEUDALL & BltO. Injured at Wlgguuii. John Beglnskl, a Polish minor, employed at Wiggans colliery, was injured by a tall of coal lost night. The side of his fttce was badly lacerated. Ho walked from the col liery to his home here. Breen's for your freo mock turtle toniaht. Ups V DVs f Ve. Flour is Down . . . And we have prepared to sell it to you at the reduced price. Cheese is Up . . . But we have a few week? supply on hand at the old price. Rich and fine flavor. Graf's, 122 North Jardln St., Shenandoah'