EVENING HERALD Monday, September m, isiw. MhIihiio.v ( My ilimliK'BH CiillcR-. Tlilx now crillojji- npt'iii'd Monday, St'pti'iu- 1tr (Uli, In the- Hoiiiu'h' building, 05 East (Vntrt' street, Mnlinnoy City, and ulrrnil, hIiowi plainly tliat It will noun Ik one uf best lmslticns training schools in the ntdA t&T tlio many students now in attendant'! rtttptl RrumiiiK rapidly and now ones art' odMtRWttt entering The teachers are the very M tlt Cxtl lc secured. They are pmclUnl lMJtn tiwu, arc highly educated, and lmvo hud long and successful experience in teaching Uioroiighly all the branches that tire oi UM to the busi nen man. BookktMiitgf Jlusitit'iis Arith nictic. Ummtittr, Stmlltng, mid tlio Laws (if JUisincrw aro (might ldnlnly and fully in the Conimervial DaiwrtnimH ; and Shorthand, Typewriting, Sptffllig and (Iraninmr are given in U Sliortliand Department. In both leii rtw6H hi lndentin list also take 1'uxman ,' amr amt CnRitKsroNDKM'K sons to ho ahle U- writ plainly, neatly and correctly the diHerfiit kinds of business letters. , Tills college is a branch of tho splendid Wllkesbarru Business College, and the saint' directive methods of toaehing llookkeeping Jid the sanio kinds of typewriters are used. Tlio Commercial and the Shorthand and Typewriting courses together (Jime un limited) can now he had forSoO In the day school, or $10 in tlio night school. If only a few subjects are takeli special rates will he made to suit. Send for catalogue. Students may cntor at any time. D-ll-tf G. W. Williams, Principal. Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Stniwborry has been used for forty years and has nover yqt failed to cure a case of diarrhoea, dysentery, or summur complaint in any of Its various forms. A1liHrt on tli Wnrpntli. TTAZI.eton, Ph., Sept. 10. Tho I.ntiiner coal roRions was the sceuoofneoldldoodiiil murder. Tlio ilisch..nr, 1 Italians, who wore recently dismissed from tho milium nro on tho warpath au : havo ereaten it reign of terror. Willi" poing Ui bin iiome Loto Ijashaw was tittiu-Ueil on tlio mUroml behind tho Latimer post Oflloe and Rtc-blXHl to death. Andrew Hospauder nw at tacked at No, 1 breaker and stubbed five times in tho back mid body. Ho oann live. Charles Jacks, watchman nt No. Latimer breaker, was assailed by four Italians at midnight. Ho was badly wounded. Superintendent Lovnn,' of. Mil uesvlllo, was accosted by tlio same etuiR, but was not harmed. Several arrests havo boon mado. Sent It to Ills Mother In Germany. Mr. Jacob Usbcnson, who is In the employ -of the Chicago Lumber Co., at Dcs Moines, Iowa, says: "I hive just sent sonic medicine back to mv mother in the old country, that I know from personal use to be the best medi cine in the world for rheumatism, having used it in my family for several years. It is tailed Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always does the work." 50 cent bottles for Kilo by iGruhler Bros. Druggists. Coining K.ciits. Sept. 17. Box social for tho benefit of Harvey Stetlor, in Ferguson's front hall. Sept. 17 Illustrated Iccturo on Japan, in Presbyterian church, under auspices of Y. P. . c. i:. Sept. 30. Grand opening ball, Shenandoah Foot Ball team in Bobbins' ball. Oct. 22. Grand supper, under auspices of Calvary Baptist church, in Bobbins' ball. Oct. !Jt. Grand supper by tho Trinity I!e ormed church, in Bobbins' opera house. Oct. 'Si, Second annual Telegraphers' As sembly and contest, in Bobbins' auditorium. V"hen Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla. When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla. When sho became JIIss, sho clung to Castorla. When sho had Children, she gavo them CastorU Sprung Any Leaks Lately.' Wo can't stop tho leaks from the clouds hut Bell, tho plumber, corner Main and Centre streets, can stop all your leaks in water and gas mains with satisfaction. Two I.Ives Siled. Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, 111., was told by her doctors she had Con sumption and that there was no bono for her. hilt two bottles Dr. Kinp's New Discovery foinnletelv cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thus. l.KKcrs, 13!! Florida St.. Han Francisco. suH'eiud from a dreadful cold, approaching Comminution, tried without result everything ule thull liouglit one bottle of Dr. King' Now Discovery and In two weeks was cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such result, of whidi.these are samples, that prove tho wonderful utiicativ of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottles nt A. Wakley's drug store. Kegiilur size 50c and ijl.00. rolillslii rs' Announcement. Tlio local circulation of tlio Kvk.vi.no Hkh ai.I) continues in tho hands of Mosrs. Hooks & Brown, stationers, No. 1 Xorth-Main street. People who are not receiving tho paper tain havo it served every evening by currier upon leaving their ordeim at tho plupo stated. Orders for job work and advertiiing will also receive prompt attention if placed in their hands. Ilutklen's Arnica Salve. Tho best salvo in tho world for cute. liruUes. sorca. ulcen.. salt rheum, fever sores, tetter, elutmietl IwniU. chilblains, corns, and all akin nrutitiniuL nil nosltlvolv cures idles. or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give nerfeet satisfaction or mony refunded. Price 85 cent per lox. For salo by A. Wasley. Notice. Tho HkiiAI.I) no longer occupies tho olllccs In the Bsfowleh building. Tlio only olUro tlio paper luts in this town is at tho now quarters, No. 8 South Jardin street. Tho only baby medicine Luks' Syrup. EL. E3. FOLEY, FiNEQroceries 201 WEST CENTRE ST. Ptii.ler In (irooerlee, Klonr, Provisions, Teas, CofTew, tc. Goods deliverer! free. A PRESENTATION. Mr. Andrew ( ruttim-d I'ri'Amilrit AVIIIi u t.ol1lltmd"d rune. Mr. Ahdru OWwfori, Wb In- held tile position of 'aaitttoit tatmian ai f V KohllHKir rollienprMW'fMIt five years, has resigned Hiidtl9Wft Providence, It. I. He left fotlw kttar rii'c tliin morning, where ho XJl'lijtl Utettlig the grocery business. Will Mm HUOtArv ami ltieliard 1). Kecte have ffolntfd to succeed Mr. Crawfmil. TJieolIlciaUattlie colllerj' detided to pre Mit Mr. Crawford with a token of their Wteem, previous to his departure, and accord ingly that gentleman was invited to the Ferguson House Saturday evening to par take of an oxcelicnt supper and receio a gold-headed cano inscriled as follows : "Presented to Andrew Crawford from his friends of Kohinoor colliery, September M, lSWi." The presentation speech was mado by C. T. Strauglin, of tho HliltALl), and in accepting tlio same Mr. Crawford was perceptibly nf fected, but found siitUcient words to express his appreciation of the gift, and stated that he would remember tho event as one of the mot pleasant of his life. Iusido Foreman Thomas J. .lames supplemented tlioso remarks with a few timely words. Previous to tho presentation tho party sat down to a sumptous supper prepared by Mine Host "Hutchison. All tho delicacies of the soason were served in the oxcollent stylo for which this house is noted and much favorablo comment was heard upon tho service This was an important feature of tho evening's enjoyment. Tlioso present were : Thomas J. James, D. B. Jones, Maurico Fitzgerald, Mart. Durkin, William Mitchell, Thomas O'Ucarn, William McOuirc, U. I). Itcose, James Dougherty, A. D. Gable, William Trez'ne, Patrick Oalllgau, Arthur Whomsley, John Brown, John Mahon, Harry Bishop, Jacob Ifildcnbrantl, Joseph Kcnnard, Bonj. Brnston, John Pooler. Tho cano presited to Mr. Crawford was a Jiighlypollshstd and very pretty one, and was purcbasedAlf E. II. Brumm, tho East Centre street jm'welor. Mossrs. John Pooler, Arthur Whomsloy, Patrick Gafligau and Benjamin Bros ton added to tho evening's enjoyment by thoir vocal and instrumental music, and Counuilman Gable also King, In tho German dialect. It was midnight beforo tho party left for their homes. They were in excellent spirits, and all voted the event a pleasant one. A Determined AVoinun Recently knocked down a burglar and held him until the arrival of assistance. Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Djseovory is a med icine that checks tho frightful inroads of scrofula, and, if taHen in tiliio, arrests tho march of pulmonary consumption. It cures indigestion and dyspepsia, chronic diarrhea and similar ailments. This wonderful med icine lias also gained great celebrity in curing fever and ague, chills and tevor, uumu ague, and like diseases. Asthma cured by newly discovered treat incut. Address, for free nainphloO testi menials and references, World's Dispensary Medical Association, But alo, ;. Y. BUROLAES AT WORK. Get Into the VoiHtcls l'ropcrty and Se curt Some Kings Shortly after IS o'clock Saturday night burglars got into the saloon of Charles Norkewicz, in the Yodkois property, on East Centio street. They found a till on tho bar room counter and robbed it of four gold rings and a hit of receipts. There was no money in tlio till. Kutramo to tho place was efl'ected from a hallway between the oyster hay and the Milnnu by tho removal of a piece of tin from a window. Suspicion is directed against four young men who dined in tlio oyster hay. The burglars left tlio saloon by way of tlio front entrance. Old People. Old people wlio require medit ino to regulate tho bowels and kidneys will find tho true reinedviu Electric Bitters. This medicine does not stimulate and contains no whiskey nor other Intoxicant, hut acts us a tonic aim alterative. It acts mildly on the stomach and bowels, adding strength and giving tone to the organs, thereby aiding iv.ituro m tne nerfonnanco of tlio functions. Electric Bitters is an excellent appetizer and aids digestion. Old neonle lint! it just exactly wliat they need. Price fifty cents per bottle at A. vt aslcy's drug store. Farewell Party. Miss Utile Parrott, 5-year-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Harry J. Parrott, of Philadel phia, will leave town on Wednesday to join her parents. Saturday nfternoon a number of her young friends tendered a farewell party at the residence of her grandmother, Mrs. Mary A. Parrott, on North Jardin street and had a very enjoyable time. Among those present were Marion Kistlor, Mary Bed dall, Bortrum Wilde, Lizzie Llewellyn Albeit Graf, Charles and Evelyn Dengler, Ethel and Harry Mo :;.in, Monipo Niswe.iter, Loitie Ball, Bonle'la and Horace Anstock Irene Collier, Boy and Charles Shcclcr, Canie Itcose, George Bedea, Emerson Soager, Frank Brown, Helen and Horhet Schmidt, Vasthi Wasloy, IuCz Hornborgcr, Frank Collier Blanch Yost, John and Ifobcrt O'Boylo, John Swulm, Mnllio Morrison, Emma and Mary Keithan, Nellie and Willie Wntkins, James Morgan, John and Mabel Bcese, Anna and Willie Strauglin, Helen Davis. .Sehellly House, Tomato soup for freo lunch to-night. Lobsters. Maurico rivor covo oystors. Hard and soft shelled oral. Chicken soup. Oysters. Clams. DeVilcd crabs. Fish cuke. Child Htirnetl liy I.yo. John, 1-year-old son of Frank and Mary Schlltchor, residing at tho oornor of Jardin and Cherry streets, had its mouth terribly burned by lye yesterday. Tho child found the solution in the house of Jacob Frank, neighbor, and was discovered while writhing in convulsions by Mm. Frank. The child condition is sorioun, but not daugorous. It i not likolv that auy of tlio lye was swallowed Teething children should bo treated with Luks soothiug syrup. tf Hall l'lajer Injured. John PitU, a man residing at Locust Dale, was struck, op the host! by a pitched ball while playing i" a game of base lll yostor day and curried to his homo unconscious. His eojullUuP is critical, He Is suffering from ttiHttUu of the brain, Buy" .KsyiUmo Hour. lie sura that tho name J(HIO & I! A Kit, Ashland; I'm., I prints o,n every sack. tf la. Beauty and Purity Found In Cuticura Sold thronjlwui th world. I)rltlh depot P. Ntir. BIRT AHn 8ow 1, Kins Edward-tit., l.ondon. rotTSft JJuo CniK, Corp., Sola I'ropi., Uoston, U. 8. A. PERSONAL. Miss Ella Whalcii is on tho sick list. Albert Haskins is visiting friends in Phila delphia. Miss Ella Bowman is visiting friends in Tamaqua. Edwaitl Johnson spent last uvaning at Mahanoy City. Messrs. BodinO, of Plainfiold, N. J., spent Saturday in town. Isadora Friedman loft on a business tour to Scrauton to-day. John Bairtl, of Brownsville, spoilt yester day at Mauch Chunk. Charles Shaw, of Pittston, was a guost of tuwn friends yesterday. ltlchard O'Harc, one of Pottsvillo's rising ivwycrs, spent Sunday in town. Levi Kolowich, tlio ciotnior, transacicu business at tho county scat to-day. Mrs. David Lcvino, and family, left for hiladclphia to-duy to visit friends. Miss Sallio Southam, of Tamaqua, passed a few pleasant hours in town yostorday. John Coslctt left for Now Jersey tills morn ing to purchase another air load of peaches. John Wells left this morning for a two- cok tour through tho New England states, Miss Caddie Feeney, of Minorsvillo, is the guest of the Brcnnan family, on South Main street. C. E. Brcckons and A. L. Shay, Esqs., of Pottsville, were visitors to town Saturday evening. Mrs. Jane Cathor, of Wost Oak street. shipped hor household goods to Beading on Saturday. Mrs. Jacob Hess and sister, Mrs. Fulweiler, f Allcntown, visited friends at High Point yesterday. Daniel Webster, of Mauch Chunk, U the guest of Miss Mury A. Beynolds, on Wost Oak street. G. A. Wilde and family left town to-day for Scrauton, whero they will make their future home. Wash Ormc, one of tho attendants at the Schuylkill Haven almshouse, was a visitor to towii yesterday. David Owens left for Philadelphia this morning to resiimo his studios at tlio Tierco bushiest college. Hon. C. N. Brumm and IMnlel Dull' wero in town Saturday and wero chaperoned by Hon. Joseph Wyatt. P. J. Monaghun, of the New York Progress Manufacturing Company, transacted business at Wilkesbarro to-day. Misses Annie Sanger, and sister, Gortrude, of Scott, spent Saturday in town with their sister, Mrs. W. B. Pratt. Miss S.illie Senior, the North Main street milliner, went to Philadelphia this morning to purchase a fall stock. Isaac Waters and wife, of St. Clair, spent Sunday in town, tlio guests of Mrs. Water's mother, Mrs. Williams, on South Jardin street. Misses Mattio Makley and Mattie Lauiout, two charming young ladios of St. Clair, arc tlio guests of tho Bowman family, on West Lloyd street. Louis N. Friedman, who lias accepted a position.as traveling salesman for tho New Y'ork Progress Hat and Cap Manufacturing company, left on a flvo weeks Western tour to-day. Mr. Friedman is a hustler in the profession, having served in a similar capacity for several largo western jobbing merchants. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to tho afflicted. There is no advertisement about this; wo feel just' liko saying it. Tito Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For salo by Gruhler Bros.. Druggists. On Knty Again. We aro pleased to note that Frank W. Mc- Durmott, tho genial and hustling manager of - the Philadelphia & Bending Telegraph Com pany's ofllee, is again on activo duty. Ho started in this m jruiug, looking vory much improved by his vacation of two months, during which timo ho visited Atlantic City, Ocean Grove and other seaside resorts and made frequent trips on his "liiko'! tinough the Cutawissa Valley. Mr. McDerraott was so much broken down physically when he scoured his leave of nbance tliat many of his friends feared his fingers had worked the kovfor tho last time, but he now looks strom; and healthy and his smiling conn tcnanco will be with us fur many years yet, at least we hope so. Jtellef In blx Hours. Distrosslna kidney and bladder diseases relieved In six hoiira by the "New Great South Amorioan Kidney Cure." This new remedy is a groat surprise on account of Its exceeding promptness In relieving pain In tho bladder, kidneys, back and every jiart of tlio urinary passages in mala or lemule It relievos retention of water and pain In passing it almost Immediately. If you want quick relief and euro tills is your remedy. Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South Jiam street. lEtllllllng Short. Superintendent Botteritlgo to-day cut oil' the supply the P. & B. collieries have leeii receiving from tho public water works until the ro6orvoiii can 1k replenished. Tho plant lias lieou supplying Slipna.nu'oah City, Tur key Bun and Indian Bidgo collieries and tho horo hole, and tho drain has been vory heavy, Tho contract allows the borough authorities to shut off tho water whenever the town supply is threatened with shortage. Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's true remedy for constipation and kindred ills. It acts tlTreetly oh tho bowels, the liver, the skin, and while cloniisiug tho blood imparts strcn.3111 to tue Digestive orgum. PITHY POINTS. Happenings Throughout llieltegloii Cliron Itiletl for llusty l'erttsnl. To d i.v is the tiiit for straw list. iiiirin iiihbor leads the EvBRlNo Hi:nAl.i. Hi come a regular subscriber and keep posted on all c uts. Allcntown fair is the next of the big pumpkin shews which attracts the crowds. It opens next week. Local steamship agents were advised to-day that all steerage nttos to tho United States have advanced J10 and In some cases $12.50. By the bronkingof a ladflor A'rchlo Lamont, a cariieiitcf at Ruler's brewery, Mahanoy City, was precipitated 13 feet to a floor and painfully injured. Bt. ltov. Leo Haiti, Abbott of St. Mary's Monastery, O. S. B. of Belmont, North Caro lina, dedicated tho parochial school of St. John's German Catholic church of Pottsvillo yostorday. Tho ceremony was an imposing ono. MahSnoy Piano stnrtcd up again to-day. Operations wero stopped Friday night owing to n lack drive wheel slipping on the shaft. Gordon piano is about ready for operations again. Miss Emma Bher, servant employed by Mrs. William Strohinclor, at Ashland, was terribly burned about tho lower limbs and buck on Saturday by her dress catching fire from some rubbish sho was burning. Her life was saved by John Kull and Ed ward Kane. Their hands and arms wero badly burned. When you want good roofing, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tinsmithing done call on E. F. Gallagher 18 West Ccntro street. Dealer in stoves. 8-1-tf Interesting Temperance Service. In tlio absence of tho pastor, Bov. B. M. Lichtenwalncr, the regular service was dis pensed with in the United Evangelical church last night and a very interesting servico of tomponinco song and chat was substituted. Tho hall of the congregation was crowded to thivtluors. The service was given under the auspices of the Christian Endeavor Society and there will bo a repetition when tlio opportunity is afforded. Card Taken Mown. Tho diphtheria curd has been removed by Health Ollicor Conry from the resilience of Charles J. Quinn, manager for tho Singer Manufacturing Company, on South Whito street. We are pleased to bo able to state that Mr. Qtilnn's children havo so far re covered that they aro able to be about again. The only baby medicine Luks' Syrup. till' to a Convention. District Deputy William H. Dettery, Harry Bichards, stale delegate, and C. T. Strauglin, member of tho state transportation committee, left town to-day on the S.10 a. m. P. & B. train for McKeesport, Pa., whero tlio annual sos-tion of the State Council, Jr. O. U. A. M., will convene to-morrow. Maloy, the jeweler, for silverware, watches and jowelry, 10 North Main street. Died. GOODMAN. At Shenandoah. Sent. 15th.. Colli- nnim. reiul ot the late .lolill .u. uooiunnn. agetl 110 years, II months and 5 days. Itela tlves uinl trlc-nds are resiieetfidlv Invited to ' attfcml the funeral from tliri residence ot her I., t T.-..M. 1IT Wl .rill A..... EHHIlllm , I, III, I JV.MIJ, 1 l .l,fli. ,U Dill.., nt 1 o emeu p. in., n eouesony, cpc. isiu. in terment hi the Odd Fellows' cemetery. 21 CAMPBELL At Ashland, Sunday, Sept. 15th., nose, imogiitei- of I nomas ami -nury iminn hull, riired it months, l-'umral will leave Ash land Via i' fc It I It for New Philadelphia, on 1 ii. in. tntln Tucsf av. Jitii lust, ericmis and rclu.. ,es k.i. i.'.iil;. Invited to attend. It I1I51SK1! At .SlienaiKloan, l'a., on tho 15th Inst Tlioin:.s lle.mr le-etl 70 yeais, 1 montli, la days. Funeral will take place on ednosday. 1st i nst . at 1: ii. in . Irian t id residence ot iurs Dennis J Doyle, North White street. Inter ment !u .he Odd Fellows cemetery. Friends and rejei.ves respectfully Invited tonttend. You say a collar and cuff that orq waterproof? Yes. Andpcrspiratiou will notaffect them? Yes. And when dirty you need only wipe them off with a wet cloth or sponge ? Yes. Wonderful I How arc they made ? A linen collar covered on both sides with waterproof "Cklluloid." Looks exactly like a linen collar. Is it the only waterproof collar and cuff made? No, but it is the only one made with the linen interlining and consequently the only one that can give entire satis faction, because it is the best. How can I know that I get the right kind ? Because every piece is stamped as loiiows : TRADE LLULOI0 MARK Inquire for that and refuse anything else, or you will bo disappointed. Suppose my dealer iocs not have them ? He probably has, but if not, send direct to us, enclosing amount. Col lars 25c., Cuffs 50c. State size, nnd whether collar wanted is stand-up or turned-down. THE CELLULOID COMPANY. 427-20 IJromlwny, NEW YORK. The Schuylkill Valley Cottage Owned by Tutor Gritlltlis No. 122 South Mississppl Avenue, ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Two and one-half squares from I'. k It. station: half (iuari' front beacji. lUpalnted, repapercd niiil ralurnlthed. Everything complete for con vcnlenco of patrons. MltS. M. A. OUIPl'lN, Proprietress, -pOU DIUEOTOH 01' T1II5 I'OOIt, LEWIS BENDER. Of West JUuhunoy Township, 8iihJct to Itepuhllcan rule 1 mmmm tf v e Shorten it with Cottolene insteadiof lard and see what a crisp crust it will have ; how be. Tie maae witn wouoiene win ao a uyspcpuui'WK. everybody good because it is good. There is only one secret in cooking with Cottolene use but two-tmras as mucii as yuu would naturally use of lard. Follow this rule and Cottolene m.1 tl.a Oenulnn Is .old eYf-rrwlioro In tic with trde-mrkt-"r..!'nM," UO tue rest. .na heat in talton-nlanl mrenti-on every tin. Made unlj by HIE N. K. FAIUBASK COJUMSt, CHICAGO on't Believe Us ! Ask your neighbor what kind of bread she has from the GOLD riEDAL FLOUR" she received. This is our best testimonial. If you wish to try it give your grocer your order. If he has not got it he will get it for you, but insist on getting "GOLD MEDAL." THOS. E. SAMUELS & CO., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa, MISCELLANEOUS. 0il KKNT. An elegant iloublo room. Host location In town. All conveniences, lten- sonnble rent. Also ft lodo room for Wcdncadny cvenitiffs. Apply nt 1If.kal.ii ofllee. rANTUD A reliable, active gentleman or lady to travel for reliable established house. Hnlnry $7S0, payable. Sl5 weekly, nnd money advanced for expenses. Situation steady. Itcfercncea. Unclose self-addressed stamped envelope. II. 12. Iless, President, ChlcaRo. u-i-jmo ITOK SAI.K. Property of William J. Yco, shoe : merchant, l'arkcr street, Glrardvlllo. J.urfro store and dwelling;, with warehouse and stable on premises, uuou cstuuiisiicu statm. unanic for any business. Ilest location In tho town. Owner Ipjivlliir for the West, flood omiortllnitv anil cheap, for cash. Apply on premises. William J. Yeo, Uirardville.I'a. 9-11-U Get Our Prices on OASOLINE and Headlight Our delivery wagon does tho rest. Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks, Burners. Eclipse Oil Com'y, 213 South Jardin Street. ' Mall orders promptly attended to. JjlOU DISTRICT ATTORNEY, S. BUKD fcDWAKDS, Of Pottsville. Subject to Republican rules. Evan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. JOHN D ALTON, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For- BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. Hooks & Brown, FULL LINK OF Base Ball Goods, Celluloid Frames, Paper Covered Novels, Fino Stationery, Hubbor Stamps, Etc. Agents for nil Dally Papers. 4 N. Main Street delicious ana wuoiesorue it win and 142 S. llclattnrc Arc, l'Mlatlelphia. 5! NOW ON EXHIBITION. 15th annual salo of a car load of Western horses which will be sold at tho corvirviEreciAL- hotel., .Shenandoah, Pa., on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, '95, at 1 o'clock p. Hi., rain or shine. This Is the finest cor load ever brought to Shenandoah, and will be bold to the highest bidder. Every horso sold will bo guaranteed. Horses always on sale at my stables, corner of Muln and Coal streets. WM. NEISWENTER. OPEN EVERY D AY Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms for painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver lllliugs. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit you call to see us. All examinations free. Wo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridgo work and all operations that per tain to Dental Surgery. No charges for extracting when plates are ordered. Wo are tho only users of vitalized air for the painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Tltman's Block) East Centre Street. Ofllee Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. John A. Reilly, Wholesale Liquors. AGENT FOIt YUENQLINQ'S LAGER BEER AND PORTER. STOCK ALE A SPECIALTY. Welter's, Berliner and Weiss Beer. 22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. niljions of Dollars Go up in smoko ovory year. Tako no risks but got yqur houses, stuck, fur niture, etc., insured in flnjt-clusa re liable cpropanios as represented by DAVID FAUST, !SC Also Life and Accidental Companies. When tt comes to GROCERIES Our etoclc speaks for Itself. If you don't come to town send your orders. They will be aeeu rately nnd promptly filled. riUSSJER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street 4D. A. A. SEIBERT, Specialist in diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, 807 West Market St., POTTSVILLE. Hours 8;30 a. u, to 18 ra.j I to 4 p. m., to 8 p, ni. Sundays 0 a. in. to 13 m. '71