The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 14, 1895, Image 3

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    m AM UVi
For Skin Tortured
Weak, Irritable,Tired
I Was No Good on Garth."
POh -met
5 :'
W V.
And Tired
In One
Application ot
BrEKDT Cons TheAthemt. Warm baths
with CcTlcvnA Soai-, genilo application ot
CtmcunA (ointment), and mild cloaca of Cun
ccra IIksolvint (tbo new blood purifier).
Sold throughout the world, Rrlthh ilenoti F. New
T4KBT ft Sons, lt King Edward-it., London. Fottkb
Dbuo ikb Cum. Cosr., Bole l'ropi., Denton, U. 8. A.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight
Our delivory wagon does the rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardln Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
PIT 7.lllH. rinntiatrv on tn
Fifteen venrs actual cXDcriencc. Gold. Amal
gam and Porcelain fillings, Gold Crowns, Por
celain Crowns, Aluminum Crowns. Best teeth
810.00, no bettor mado at any price. Tcetli ex
tracted with vitalized air, 50e. Extracted with
out air, 25c. Allowance mado wlicro tectli are
out on new plates. All work guaranteed. Lady
attendant nlwnys present.
Offlco hours i Kycry day, I to 5 p, m. Sundays
1 to 31. in.
30 J East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa?
Mnv rH-tl il pm-i" frntlt room UDstlltrsV - '
Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters. Weiss beer. Bottler of the
finest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
Nothing has &ver been produced to
equal' or compare with Humphreys'
"Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or.Internal, Blind or Bleeding Aching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c and $1.00.
Sold by Druggists, or eent post-paid on receiptof price
IIUJBF1IRKY8 BED. CO., Ill A 111 WUUui St., fltw Toil.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are suf
fering from weakness and feel
exhausted and nervous; are getting
thin and all run down, Giltnore's
"jromatic Wine will bring roses to
your cheeks and restore you to
flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is the
regulator and corrector for all ail
ments peculiar to womanhood. It
promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
106 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Of h beatl-eplittinK headache Immediately re-
lleved by the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
I They are a positive and speedy cu re "id Rr
-i uunrautued absolutely harmless rhetr great
success is ample proof tlmt tin y arc 1111 e-ronve
nrtiole, which mii he always used with the uest
of results. Procure theiu from tlruhler llroa.
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Wtylish hair cutting specialty. Clean towel
With every shave.
Celebrated Female
with Tny
tonyronJ PUJi Abd other lit
Iluk Bsr, Outuu, Mwt.
Tho Boys in Bluo Finish Their
Work at Louisville,
Tliey Ilevlew tho Work Accomplished by
the Soldiers nf tho Union Muring the
Wnr nnil the I.nws Paused In Their lie.
half A Monument to Nurses.
LouiBVILLR, Sept. 11. Po fur its tho vet
erans nro concerned, tho twenty-ninth an
nual encampment closed lust night with
as inniiy nttructlons ns on any othor night
of tho wook. Tho lndlos, however, will
conttuuo in session today. Yesterday them
Were over 70,000 at the old Kontueky bar
bcono, nnd last night tha cniiipllrt'8 won)
largely nttcndcd.iwlth tho principal oventa
nt Mtislo Hall, 1'hconlx 11111, nnil National
Park. Among tha speakers wuro Geuenils
Gordon, Uuckncr, J. W. Burke, Cassias
SI. Clay, Senator Burrows, Colonel -U. 1).
Wloltershnm, Samuel 'MeKeo, H. C. Rus
sell, John II. Leathers and others.
Iho veterans romnlu longer than usual
this week, na mnny nro going to other
army events furthor south and to tho At
lanta exposition. General I.tiwlor nnd
staff lcavo tomorrow night to spend tho
first part of tho week at tho national en
campment of tho Sons of Veterans and tho
Inst of noxt week nt Chattanooga and tho
Chlckamauga battlefield.
Tho report of tho committee on pensions,
after reviewing tho work accomplished by
tho soldiers of tho union during tho war
and tlio laws passed In their behalf, says:
"In somo quarters tho old soldier has
como to bo looked upon In tho light of a
burden Instead of a great nnd patriotlo
privilege, as ho should still appear, when
viewed lu his truo character. Referrlngto
this view wholly unworthy of a great and
pntrlotlo people constructions liavo been
put upon tho laws, wiso nud just in them
selves, by and under which bunions and
restrictions have been Imposed upon thoso
Illy nblo to stand under them. Tho just
provisisions authorized havo been grudg
ingly doled out as though tho law passed
lu tho Interests of tho penslonor as a just
recognition of tho obligations of tho
country were criminal laws, to bo strictly
'JCOnstrilnil nnil thn Tinlilln iwmnflnJnrtf.a
Stfiorcof wero public encinlcs or parisites
'seeking ndmlsslpn to tho treasury of the
united states."
After commenting furtheron tho Justlco
of tho pension laws and tho purpose for
which they wero passed, tho report con
tinues: "Wo demand for our comrades tho just
duo which tho country gladly concedes.
No niggardly cutting down of pensions'
under tho guiso of reissues; no partial and
grudging allowances that out hero and paro
thero will meet with the full measure of
duty that tho country owes to Its surviv
ing herpes. Nothing short of full moas
uro, dealt with an honest hand, a liberal
heart, will over meet with tho approbation
of tho American people. For this wo ap
peal to tho grateful, patriotlo sentiment of
tho wholo people, nnd wo earnestly be
Uevo that otir appeal will not bo In vain.
"Receding from no position that wo havo
heretofore taken, reafllrm'lng all our pre
vious declarations on tho subject, wo
specially demand a liberal and just con
struction of tho laws passed for tho benefit
of tho pensioner, to tho ond that In his de
clining yoars ho may not bo harassed
with doubts born of distrust, or tho diffi
culties thrown around him by a rigorous
or restricted construction of tho. laws
passed In tho past to relieve his condition."
Tho report was unanimously ndopted.
A resolution was adopted appointing a
commltteo of flvo to nrrango for tho erec
tion of a monument at Washington to
commemorate tho loyal women who served
ns nurses or In- other ways aided tho sol
diers of tho Uulon.durlng tho rebellion.
A resolution was adopted recommending
that congress should p.iss a law equalizing
tho ponslons of war widows, so thnt all
shall rcccivo at least $13 a month. Somo
of them are now receiving from $8 to $10 o
Tho committee on resolutions reported
adversely on tho resolution asking con
gress to fix a penalty on the law regarding
the favoring veterans applying for gov
ernment positions.
Tho senior vico commander, surgeon
general and junior vlco comrpander wero
theit Installed, after which tho chaplain
nnd commander lu chief wero in turn in
stalled. 'Tho encampment then adjourned to
meet In St. Paul next year,
Commandur in Chlof Walker said that
ho would not announce his, stuff until next
week. Ho will Issue tho order appointing
lt from Indianapolis.
Thp Daughters of Veterans elected Mrs.
Ellen M. bilker o Worcester, Mnss.,
president, , ....
Tho ladies' circle of tho G, A. R. elected
Mrs..Catherlno Hlr-jh, of Koutuoky, presi
dent. Cholera and Yellow Fever Statistics.
Wakiunqton, Sopt. 14. Tho following
reports huve been received at tho surgeon
CBUoriil H oltlco of the murine hospital ser
vice: At Osuka-Hlogo, Japan, for the two
weeks omluig- Aug. 1, thero were 1,00
oasos of cholera uud 717 deaths. At Kobo
Illogo, for tho wool? ending -Aug. 11, there
were 246 cases and 103 death. At Bio do
Janeiro, for tho week ending Aug. 17,
there wero eight deaths from yellow fever.
At Vera Cruz, for the week ending Aug.
29, there were seven deaths from yellow
A Itanchmnn Murdered,
Gtrrmim, pla,w5It' Jl. A week nsro
Wllltmtt unQwHl, ftMicoknuui living near
Couopffl, diirapeamd, 41H did nlso his sev
eral lfjiptJlHtuWdfll.ouliUe., ills body has
JuUlii ,foua .MrW ueur his ranch,
with the UfimyBwt)(Ut'y and sovoral knifo
statin ty, flaVlt., It h lMjicvod thut two
nnned itShngettr -who vjWted Holland's
rauah commit! tjia crime,
1 1 r !
Voimc I'nllman to Wed.
ClHOAOO, Sept. 11. The- eugmroment is
nnuounced of Oourge AI. Pullman, Jr.,
eldest eon of the aloeplut car magnate, to
Mlee Felicity Oglosby, daughter of ex
Govemor llphurd J. Ogleaby. The young
couple beoiune acquainted this, aunuiicr
whuu Mum Oglesby was visiting the sitter
of Mr. Pullman nt I.onii Branch.
International Crlulmt,
Philadelphia, Sept. 14. The contest at
orU Wet betwoeu the University of I'oun
sj lvauia and the vlalting 0Hibrldgo and
Oxford toum opened In Philadelphia yes
terday, and ut the cloao of the duy'n pluy
the KiiK'i'-'h Warn was retired for &1.
Th Viithr.
For eastern Pfiiusylvnuia, Now J i-hoy
anil IVIuwure: Fair, continued tool;
nortliciustiTi wind.
Dr. Allies' Ncrvlno strengthens
tho weak, builds up the broken
down constitution, and permanently
euros every kind of nervous disease.
"About one vcttvago ItcttH afltlcted
trtllt iiervottmicHs, tilccjlensncnn,
Crecptnti sensation in my legs,
Slight italvitntton ofmv heart,
Distracting coil fiistonofthcmintl,
Serious loss or lapse ofviemarg.
Weighted tloirn with care unl
teorry. I completely lost apjtcttte
And felt mu vitality wearing out,
X teas treat:, irritable attd tired.
Sly trclghticas reduced to tOO lbs.,
In fact I teas no good, on cartlu
A friend brought
mo Dr. Miles' book,
"Now and Start
ling Facts," and
I finally decided
to try a bottlo of
Dr. Miles' Ko
oratlvo Nervino.
Before I had taken
one bottlo I could
sleep as well as a
lO-yr.-oId boy. My
appetlto returned
greatly increased.
TFJtcii I had taken tho sixth bottle
Sly tcclght increased to 11 G Vs.,
Hie sensation Inmy legs teas gone;
My nerves steadied completely;
My memory teas fully restored.
My brain seemed clearer than ever.
I felt as good as any man on earth.
Dr. Miles' Restorative Nervine is
A great medicine, I assure you."
Augusta, Mo. Walteii R. Bchbank.
Br. Miles' Norvlno Is sold on a positlvo
cuarantco that tho first bottlo will benefit.
All druggists sell lt nt 81,0 bottles forts, or
it will be sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Br. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Our Plans of Operation
Absolute Safety of Investment.
Dividends Payable Monthly.
Principles of LIFE INSURANCE and BUILD-
$10 to
Can bo Invested with lafttv.
convince any rfasonabU perso
this is a truthful statement.
Tho Iodis looted fnrimWafjim'r'aB
Is at hand,
Unancial v
Everr indication in thn
Unancial world signifies an erivunco
In values.
Prior to Kfnv 1
tvcryming were siorueiow me cost
of production. Will you join tha
prousston and reap tbo benefits ot
ibis boom ?
Will establish thtse fcts by refer
ring; to soma of tha leacllni lUnk
ana Trust Companies of our city
nc Our past svues) Justifies us in
ZO DerC6nt staling tbal e feel assured ol
mm our ability to pay a monthly dlv.
fini" Mnnth I dead of H per cent or more on
pui "luiiiii.jaiimvealtucnts.
IMIfCC If you want to malt moiwif, all we
I is &o I ask Is for you to tntit,((7nfr our new
TIPfiTC f and original methods. Will suaran.
I lUrl 1 1. ' tee to convince the roost skeptical.
Full particulars cent frco on npplica-j
lion. uepreBenia lives vvaiuea.
co-operaiive Trading Ass'n,,
IS Dearborn St., Chicago, IxMra
Tjsjip Pronounced by medical journals, the
t public press, and the highest medical
authorities of all schools as the only true and
genuine advertising specialist In the United
States of America, able to cure the most dan
gerous cases. DR. THBEI. has had the most
extensive hospital and private experience.
A 33 years' continuous practice is surely a
guarantee of success. Those afflicted with
EASES, or HABITS which destroy both
body and mind and send thousands to insane
asylums and premature death, call or write and
be saved. DR. THEEI, has cured more des
perate cases of SPECIAL DISEASES and
the results of S A. B. In less time and at less
expense than alt others combined. RE WEE
at once. FR.ESII CASES cured in 4 to 10
Rl AYS. Send five two-cent stamps for book
Troth" a true friend to all sufferers. Hours,
q to 3; Kevening. 6 to 9; Wednesday and Sat
urday evenlnt's, 6 to 10; Sundays, 9 to la.
Easily, Quickly, Permanently Restored,
YTealtneacy Nervousness,
jDemiity, and au the tram
01 evils irom early errors ot
i.. . ,.;. . c
overwork, slcknets, worrjf,
v etn. Full strongth, dovel.
opraenianu tone given to
ievery organ ana portion
of the body. Simple, nat
every organ and portion
ural methods, fmmprli.
uia improvement seen. I
Failure impossible, aimi reierences. uoog,
explanation and proofs mailo! (sealed) free,
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Ovi-m d hy I'etor tlrifflths
No. 122 South Miultisppl Avenue,
Tw tuMI uu-hnlf wiuktm fnmi P. .Jt,tntion;
half salr' froih hem h Bvpaliitadj
iihi r-rurt mrirn j,vt-ryiuiuiro
vfininni-, iMtmuo Mtfl. M.
iihI wfun lalird
j,vi-ryiuiur ooxnpjeie ror eou-
Your Stomach j
t iiutf Htaiul th saino wuhli)K tlmt your
'.t do, ttnil the wuti-r you drinlr. laii't
"11 fM for that iiurpiiM'.. I'se
Lorenzschmiafs Beer and Porter,
i " 1 err Shi'imiiilimh Hraueh
Vflll ft"'" Turont, llraplea, L'uwwr a
. i UU ColureU HpuW, Achsa, Old
l.i Mouth. Unir.l'HltnBt Write COOKI
1 11! (I). a7 Musonle leinpif
III.. ntoufd of lUim
t,.IOi,l, IV, ,i p t-AH-i ( ur a l 1
'. I V!-rtCI- hook Kf"
jjj 0ESIRE l makC
-OriritC-i 1 1
Terror,! of the Great Honduras
nundreds Known to Hare IVrl.heil, nnd
Thero .n ir lie Many Alor.. OrMnlnar vt
tle l.rulr,, n the ut I.k-.m.
lfwr Hint ll.o w,,d fs Not Ti't.
NF.W ' iiuic. S 't. 11. A ill mutch frum
I - In, nomlttvijt, my: A vi,w
j a", n.-il ';tinly from Yetupan and ipi
"ounif ! iho iii'jsttorrlbloearthqtuik -e-
i known in tlmt section. The hus of til--I
mil pro,rty Is cnonnous. Tlin-n hun
I .Iri'il pt-o il" an- k.-i'mI to havo perished. On
j -iundav ii- fh eks commenced, hinting nil
! lay and nl'rht i.t tntcrvnls, causing inurh
dninngi' nnd the gBN.Uwt far among tha
inl'ii'iitanti of tho c ity and neighborhood.
Tii'-sh.- nviriiinar tho shocks opaji'vl.
j quiet . - rv.tonil and people left town
j !urthri h(im:-s. AlUoVlonk that night,
i iK,wt".-i" h -uvy rumbling noises wen
h nrd. liortly nftor followed by a reap-
,v iimnci. nf tho ilani'-s In tho niountHinv
1','iioh Mint up sevtTal .hundred fot-t.
I r'-'ijlitencdiKHiph. asrnln flooked to town.
I i .,,1 ! 'nidi t I't tho church tower fell,
.i-vym,- with It.the roofs of three houses.
Mnj p ipltt wro killed tnd eighteen
wound' 'I. Rambling, which soundedllko
'h1 heaviogt eunn'.iii' ling, eommonced
. 'id lasted ovir an hour nud a half, tho
"ople rushing madly through tho streets,
; rayJng and orylnjt.
Just b 'foro daylight another prolonged
h'H'k, which, is variously calculated to
' .'vo hii ted fiwn two aud a quarter to
irvo pii'intes. rocked tho whole town as
'! It wit.1 a or.idl'j. Many ileeiiig people
v.w killed I)v rocks, which fell in a per
fret shower II y a hailstorm. Smoke from
1 ho mnunUUns to the northwest rose to an
ei. iii.ii is height, followed shortly after
ty the huratlug of flames from the mount
ain sUh-a and tiio throwing out of rocks
nd lava.
Shojtly after streams of molten lava
sot fire to a number of houses on tho
mountain si le. Cattle grazing nearby
lied and wero killed, being engulfed lu the
lavu, which continued ilowingln Immense
tivams. It Is reported at Yotapan thnt
neventy-one houses were destroyed. Ono
hundred and flfiy-three dead bodies havo
been recovered thero and many more are
musing. At Covajuancji thirty-seven
houses wero destroyed. Xinety-livo bodies
were l-ecovered. Mauy small settlements
are believed to hnvo neon dostioyod.
tju) Flmeks havo now. ceased, but tho
smo&els still discorulblo at different points
In tho' mountains. It is feared thnt the end
W Hot yet. A company of soldiers which
loft in pursuit of bandits from Yetapnn to
tho coast havo not hivm heard of, and it Is
feared they are all killed.
Ueatfii by Miners.
PlTTSBUr.O, Sept. . Emtl Domor, tho
employment ngont, nnd Charles Stoll, Jr.,
01 f.tnn uorougu, wero set upon hy a
mob of infu-i.'tted mlnpin and stoned,
Deaten au'd clubbed. Stoll was so L.: .Uy
hurt that ha may die. Doth men wero
beaten until unconscious and wore only
-OHCiied after tv hard fight by a few of the
Injured man's friends. Domor had just
rivuvftml from ho fearful b?atlng lio re-
iveU at Kmleyvllle a few daysfineo.
Phi1 mob, it Is charged, was led by Pit
r. '-.s Kiniioy. Wivrrttnts were isHti?d for
'.. urn." t.n.i well as for some of t'i' ineu
Who took a lending part in tho attack.
llulett Wiih a Swindler.
MovrooMEitY Oitv, Jfo., Sept. 14. Hon,
Sol Iiuglctt, ex-prosecutlng attorney of
Montgomery county and member of tho
Missouri lejrislnturo for two terms, who
died two weeks ago from a gunshot wound
supposed to have been accidental, it is now
learned defrauded various people out of
sums nggrorntlng $l'0,000. It is now be
lieved thnt Huglett took his life.
Killed While Trylnr- to Hoard a Train.
"Wilmington, Del,, Sept. U. Homer
Chirk, the son of a jeweler nt St. Joseph.
Mo., wns killed nt Cnrpeutcr station, on
tho ualtlmoro and Ohio railroad, nt
o'clock, while trying to get on a train. Ho
had considerable money on his person.
A Had Sinn Hanged.
PATHS, Tex., Sopt. 14. Chnrles n. Key,
murderer, gambler and robber, was oxo-
cuted in tho janyard here yesterday after
noon tor the Killing or Smith McLathlln
In tho Chlcasaw nation, on July 1, 189-1.
Closing notations of the Now York and
Philadelphia Exchanges.
New 1'ouk, Sept. 13. The eccontricity
movement which hus nearly nil of the week
characterized tho speculation in Wall street
was attain conspicuous today. The volume of
the transactions In stocks exceeded tho record
of the previous day by ICO.OOO shares, and the
distribution or the baslueas was excellent.
Ulosing olds:
Del. & Hudson... .131
N. Y. Central 102M
N. Y. & N. E 58
Pennsylvania 51'
Heading 10H
St. Paul 74)4
W. N. Y. & Pa.. .. M
West Shore 107K
D L. & W. 1K1
Erie m
Lake Erie & W... 35
Lehigh Nav 484
Lehigh Valley Jl
New Jersey Cen.-llO
Gonerat Alnrhots.
Pnir.ArBT.PBiA, 8ept. 13. Flour slow; win
ter super. $a.2S9V); do. extra, .Wt&SJ);
Pennsylvania, roller, clear, (3.83(8.10; do,,
(trnlght, $3.1(X3,; western winter, clear,
a.r,i U10; do.,lraIiht, 3.I(XJ.. Wheat
quiet, steady, with Sfo. bid and 80c. askd
for Heptember. Com quiet, hut about Mo.
hlgh'T, with snfe. bid and Mc. asked for
September. Oats firm but quiet, with Mo. bid
and xtJMio. asked for Septetnber. Hay steady;
choke timothy, 111.30:15. iiuef steady;
family. $1001. Pork quiet; new mass,
$10.iVffll0.T. Lard dull; prime western steam,
$6OH nominal. Mlttec finn; New York
dairy, IKle.: UU. ertjAHteiV, e.; western
dairy, 9H18o.t d, mMnff, 189Mio;
Pennsylvania and wHtoftMWeiAery prints,
fancy, r'''T-"""1Bif iTn fair to
choice, nygpsuo. ; prints taMWK a
uneese steauy; aow xorc tM
no. siuuii, D'itJuc.; wenero pan mi
feJe.; full skims, lt'.3u. ISggs BrsJU tW
York and Pennsylvauia, ltiaiTci wiiuri
Live Hioek Atarhets.
New York, Set i.i beeves itolive and
steady tor good sihti; loiunion to medium
dull and lower' native bteers, poor to fair.
$-l.7."nC')0: rangers sud t'oliir.nlob. 3.U5
4.2(1; stmts and oxen, $:.',M; hulls. $t
Euroiieau stahles iUntu Amurhan steers at . droased wiiKlit; refrigerator beef
at 8Vtit$c. t'al us. ut linn; poor to
prime veaU, $.'i.('i l.anilm dull, lower;
poor to good sheep .' I .". iniiiioii lopriinu
lambs. M.Toai4." il'u ' ak at t M I .111.
Kam Liutitrt, - ii :i -' .1 1 1 it- sUatly at
unchanged prions II iw m unchuiigi-il
prli t ,; prime light iin-illiini grailes. l ;n
H '. eoiuiiiitn In M . ,irki-r- II i' 'I
rouu.. . ffij' iil; ,"inl, iw .",
1 mrn mms. hmmm
islHHH MIHn S ' 17111 l.llllil
. I lZS5
The largest piece, of
o d
ever sold for 10 cents,
September 10, 1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after tho above
daio for Wiggans, Ollherton, Fraekvllle, Dark
Wnter, St. Clair, Pottsvllle, Hamburg, Reading,
1n,l. ...... ll.,., V., 1.1....... n...l lit. 11.
ndclphia (hroad street station) at 0 08 and 1145
a. m. nnu -t id p. m. on wceK nays, for i-otts-vllio
and intermediate stations 9 io n. m.
For Wictrnns. Ollherton, Frnckvllle, D.irlc
tfn.n. u. I.I..I- 1f..i....llln n n ,A ., ... nn,l
310p,'m. For ilamliurg, Steading, I'otttown,
l'lioenixvine, jsorrlstown, I'liliaueipnia atuin
'J 10 a. in., :i 10 p. in.
xranis leave rracKviiie inr Mienaniioan nt
1040a. in. and 1211. 501. 742 and 1027 n. m.
Sunday, 11 13 n. m. nnil 5 10 p. in.
Leave 1'ottsviuc lor Kiienannonii at lu in, nn
n. m. and t .0, 7 15 nud 10 00 p. in. Kunduy ut
lu -iu a. in., ,) la p. ill.
Leave Philadelphia, (Rroad street stationl, for
Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a. m., 4 10 nnd 711
p. ill. week days. Sundays leave at 0 50 a. lu.
I-eavo Uroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Express, week days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 0 50,
7 83, 8 20,9 50. 10 30 (Dining Cnr), 1100, 1111 a.
m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 122 p. m.
Dining Carsl, 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 100,
5 00, 5 55 (Dining Cnr), 6 00, (150, 8 12, 10 00 p. in.,
12 01 night. .Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 150, 8 15, 8 12,
950, 1030 (Dining Car), 1103 u. in., 1235, 230
(Dining Cnr), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), 5 20, 5 50 (Din
ing Car), 0 35, 0 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 1201 night.
K-Tprjss for Iloiton, without change, 1100 a.
m. week days, and C 50 p, m. daily.
For Unlllmore aud Washington, 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,
9 10, 10 20, 1118, 1138 u. m., (12 31 Limited Din
ing Car). 112, 3 40, 141 (510 Congressional
Limited, Dining Car), 017, 0 55 (Dining Car),
7 40 (Dining Cnr) p. ni and 12 aTMiight week
days. Sunduys, 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 1118, 1138 a.m.,
1 12, 4 41. 0 55 (Dining Car), 7 10 p. m. (Dining
Cnr) and 12 05 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 5 00, 8 50 a. in., 2 00, 100, 120 nnd
5 00 p. m. weekdays. Sundays, 800, 9 00 nnd
9 45 a. in, $1.00 excursion, 7 00 a. in. Sunday
For Capo May, Anglesscn, Wlldwood and
Holly Bench. F.xprcss, 9 00 a. in., 230, nud 4 05
p. m. week days. Sundays, 8 20 n, lu. Ex
cursion, 7 00 a. m. Sunday only.
For Sen Islo City, Ocean City and Avnlon.
Express 9 10 a. in., 2 30, 120 p. m. week days.
Hiitulnvu- R 50 A. m. KveiirKtoii. 7 CO n. m ihillv.
For Somers Point. Express, 8 50 n. to., 2 00
nnd 1 00 p. in. week days. Sundays, 8 00 nud
uuun. in.
S. M. Piikvost, J. lt. Wood, ,
Oen'l Manager, tlen'l.Pivss'g'r Agt,
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Cliris. Schmidt, Agt.
West Coal Street.
Clilhlri lulUh Diamond llrnni.
urlsliialuua l.ulv Qpi.tilnc..
BArc, tlwsys rulUtilo. uaoii.!. A.k
llruL'ZUt Ibr Cnichzittra 1 m"i b .1
"una Bran 1 tu Mil ' u.l u.vitlllo1
.ifi . iuii.1 wild tilu" iM TuLo
ii ulhi'P. hi fuat duimr. i.i. , m. ' .Mu.
i. hi ill, I Hi mi Mlliu o.,'.tI4i
i -I r ml'u'i i I i mi .1 1 hi
I- . r Tin- 1 u '!,." ii- i ri-llli i
Mi I 1 .mi" I ii' , ( I, .
I'hti u-fi-r .u ii.Il.i1' u.. II-. tt.uu .
' . -..!!- I1
n -r
No. 7 North Jardln Street.
Ofllco Hours: From 8 to 9:30 a. in.; 1:30 to 2:30
p. m.; 0:00 to 7:30 p. in.
yf, N- STEIN, SI. I).,
Office Itoom 2, Kgau's Now Dulldlng, corner
Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, P&.
Ofllco hours: 8 to 10 a. in.: 1 tu 3 p. m.; 7 to 9
p. in. Night ofllco No. 230 Wtt Oak street.
p F. HUItKE, M. D.
30 11 Lloyd Mreet, Shennndonh.
Office hours : 7 to 9 u. m., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. in.
Ofllec Wnter Company building, 26 West
Lloyd street
SlicnniKlonli, la.
m. urnKi:,
Ofllco Ku.m bullilhitf, corner ol Mutn aud
Centre strecth, Sheiiuiuluali,
Lock IIox (SI, Malimoy City, Pa.
IlnvitiLT htmlletl under Homo of tho best
nmstern in London und Paris, will jivo les-tona
uu tho violin timl viwal culture. Tonus roa.son
nhle. Adilr'rri in cut of tftrouse, the jeweler,
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In the World for Driving:
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
, It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
Then la no delay; no firing up; Tie aehes to
oloMAway; no vxlrn iiiHurAiibe to pay, no r
lrlng neoeasry; no coal hills to pay, and '
aleayf ready nir use. It U involi'vl le for
blowing Oh urcli Orgnns. fur runuir.r printing
Ffcaago, Sewing Mutliim-s, Turning lathes,
scroll Saws, Grind HtoueH, Coffee Mills, Sausage
Jtlaehlnea, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Elevators,
Kte, Four horse power at 40 pounds pressure ot
water. It le noun-less, neat, noiiipaei, steady,
and above all
Price, $15 to $300.
Send for circular tn the Uut-kus Water Motor
Co., Newark, N. .1 , stating paper you saw
advertisement In
We also manufacture Patent Rotating"
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on