The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 13, 1895, Image 4

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FRIDAY, SEl'TEMRElt 13, 1808.
Throw C.mdiea ItnrnllMl. '
Guwwixm, Minn., Hoof. 1H. Train No.
107 on (hi' Mliinoii)iillH, Ktiult, Kto. Marie
nml I'nclflo railway, had u narrow ocnu
from h terrible disaster botwoon BcIritoIo
ami llro -n. Alius W ivy I!, of Cnswl
ton, K. 1).. vfw fatally injuml, ami ox
Senator Waslilinrn roei-ivcd aso-wo wound.
In tho la-fid. Tin) tbroo roar rnnrliei of tbo
train worn ib-rallcd, two of (bom rolling
down tin1 bank. Tho nirident was wHisctl
liy tho breaking of the forward axlo of tho
tllnlug car. Although Jtr. 'Washburn'
. wound Is an ugly one lie will mwor. Minn
Urunil's arm Is limkun and hur Kick In
jured. The ooloml pnrtor 011 the Hk-oopcr
had his hand cmshod and several other
injuries, though nono serious. Tho train
had pussod only four foot luyond a hlgli
briilgo when the accident x curml.
Two Children llllrnoil In llenlli.
SroKASi;, Wash., Sept. 111. Word has
just been received here of the burning of
two children of a fanner named J. H.
Lavender. One little girl, aged 7, was
consumed In the burning of tlio rancli
liouse, and Jacob, a boy of 18, was so badly
burned in trying to escape that he died In
a few hours. The third child jumped from
the second story window and escaped witli a
few minor Injuries. Tlio father is a prom
lnent farmer, well known all over eastern
Washington, especially in church nfTiilrs,
Tho older folks were n short dlstnncofroin
tho'houso, with their backs towards it,
and heard the roaring of tho flro, but sup
posed it to 1m a passing railroad train.
Due Up Coin.
CllHSTKlt, I'a., Sept. I!!. While work
men were engaged In lning a steam heat
ing main across Market square they dug
tip an earthen jar tighUy sealed contain
ing S150 in gold and silver Spanish coin
The oldest plcco lioro tho date of 1S00, and
the remainder represented tho mintage of
various succeeding years. A m irket houso
built In tho middle of the last century
stood in the eeutcr of 'lie sqnnrountU ISTiT,
and it is probable that tho money was se
creted there by one of the stall k. cpers.
Ironworker U'ncn Seal,, l"-fc,l.
PiTTsnruu, Sept. II). The adjustment
of the wages of ironworkers in Votings
town resulted in a 2 per cent, advance for
all employes of finishing mills, and a con
tinuance of thp present wagesforpuddler-.
The settlement affects about :!.,000 mer,
and will control wages in every union mill
In tho country. Tho puddlers were not
advanced because tlio manufacturers a few
weeks ago granted them a voluntary in
crease of twonty-llvo cents a ton.
Tlio only baby medicine Luks' Symp.
When Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When sho was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castorla.
When she had Children, &he gave them Castorli
3!nli!ilioy City IIusIneHS College
Opens .Monday, September tttli, in both day
ami night suasions. Hoppes' building, 205 E.
Centre street, is tho homo of the college.
The rooms have been roll tied entirely, and
commercial desks, typewriters, electric lights,
etc., put in. More than 200 btudents have
hiven their names for enrollment, and others
me added every day. The success of tho
college is absolutely assured, and the manage
nient'liavo derided to m.ike tlio school ecpial
to the best in the state.
We oiler a few nunc charter member
scholarships, which will entitle tlio holder to
a complete course (time unlimited) in tlio
I timinoiTial and English branches, and Short
h.i'id and Typewriting, for only SJoO.
Night school charter member scholarship
only $10.
Toe celebrated S.ullor systeu of book
keeping will be used for teaching accounts.
The Clnilmm system of shorthand will bo
taught, and both Kemington and .Sniith
I'l'oinior typewriters used. Visitors welcome.
O. W. Williams Principal.
Old lVoplc.
Old people .lio require medicine to regulate
the bowels and kidneys will llnd the true
remedy in Electric liitteri. This medicine
does not stimulate and contains no whiskey
nor other intoxicant, hut acts us a tonic and
altonttivo. It acts mildly on tho stomach
and bowels, adding strength and giving tone.
to the organs, thuiehy aiding Nature in the
performance of the functions. Electric
hitter is an excellent appetizer and aids
digestion. Old people Hud it just exactly
what thoy need. Price llfty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley s drug store.
INi hi Islivrs Aiiiiiiuuceiiieiit.
The local circulation of tho Kvk.vinu llnie
ALU continues in tlio hands of Messrs. Hooks
.v. Ilrown, stationers, No. 4 North Main street.
1'eoplo who aro not receiving tho paper can
have it served every evening by carrier upon
leaving their orders at tho plaiu utatcd.
Orders for job work and advertising will also
receive prompt attention if placed in their
Kent It to Ills Mother In dei-mauy.
Mr. Jacob tislxuMen, who is in Uie employ
of tho Chlcani! Lumber Co., at Dos Jloinos,
Iowa, nays : "I Invo just sent somo Medicine
luck to my mother in the old country, that I
know from personal use to bo tho host modi
cine in the world for rheumatumi, having
used it in my family for several years. It Is J
called Cliamlwrliiiii's Pain ltaliu. It always
does tlio work." B0 cent bottles for sale by
i rubier Bros. DruggUU.
When you want good rooting, plumbing,
gas tilting, or geuoral tinsmithing done call
on E. F. Gallaghor. 18 Wont Centre street.
Dealer in tovo. 8-1-tf
Ilocklcn's Arnica Saltu.
The best salve In tlio world for cuts,
bruise, soret, ulcere, salt rheum, fever sores,
ti tter, cliapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil skiu eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or moay refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
Pooler In nioerles, Flour. Provisions, Turn,
( iiITioh, etc. li'iodsilclivcriU (in-.
riTHY row
Happenings Throughout the Iteglou Chi on.
lelod lor lltisl lVrtmnl.
Yesterday w n big day at the Heading
fair, 5,000 people being In attendance.
.lames Oleniian mid Miss Katie Oerrlty,
liotli ofl'ark l'Uce, were married yesterday.
The Lavollo postolllco wfwrolihod of twenty
dollars. The thieves have not liccn captured.
The Ashland School Hoard will issue bonds
to the amount of $9fl,00(), hearing four per
cent. Interest.
"The W'icklow Postman" showed to a poor
house at Sluimoklu Tuesday. Also at Shen
andoah Wednesday.
Dr. Charles W. Weaver, of .Shaniokin, was
buried at that place on Wednesday. The
funeral mis largely attended.
Raymond .loseph, the foiir-nionths-old pon
of Silas Frost, of Ellrngowon, died on
Wednesday of cholem infantum.
Erackville anil Giihcrtou base ball teams
will cross bats to-morrow for$2." a side. " Tho
game will lie played at Mahauoy City park.
Shaniokin Council has adopted plans and
specifications for a new hose house for the
Liberty Hose Company, and work will begin
The Schuylkill Traction Company reports
$2,0S0 gross earnings for the first week of
September, an Increase over the same week
of 1&D1.
Miss Annie Moore, an inmate of Weruers
vlllo Asylum, who had escaped from the
institution, was found asleep on the electric
railway track near Heading yesterday morn
ing by the motorniHii.
Alem Stiiner, a Mahanoy City barber, was
thrown from a wagon and sustained a bad
wrench of the neck and sovcro nervous
shock. Ho was rendered unconscious, hut
no serious results are anticipated. Steiner
formerly resided hero.
An eminent professor says, ,in explaining
tlio slowness with which uorvous sensation
travels, "Stick a pin In tlio tail of an elephant
and quite a porccptihlo interval occurs before
the animal feels the pain." Our devil says it
would not do to try this experiment on a
mine mule.
She Didn't Talio With the Gentlemen.
She was refined, intelligent, and not bad
looking, but somehow she never seemed to
take witli the gentlemen. They didn't like
hurllstlesi ways; they said sho hadn't any
"snap" about her. Poor girl ! she was suf
fering from functional irregularities, and it
yens actually impossible for hor to take much
interest in anything, lint a change came.
One day sho hcaid of Dr. Pierce's Favorite
Prescription. She procured a bottle, and she
had not taken half its contents when she felt
like another woman. Now she is in tlio en
joyment of perfect health, and lias suitors
by the store. No woman need sillier from
functional irregularities ami weaknesses.
Tho "Favorite Prescription" is a safe and
certain cure for all the weaknesses to which
women are peculiarly subject.
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure constipation, bili
ousness, indigestion and headache.. One a
An 1 1111110110 Throng Was on tin; fJround
The present fair season at Lavelle H one of
the most successful for several years and will
he very profitable to the Mahanoy Valley
Agricultural Association. It is estimated
that fully 12,000 people were on the grounds
yesterday. The horse and bicycle races aro
proving big drawing cards and exciting much
The trotting and pacing race was won by
"Yalo M," owned by (!. ,1. Rein", Jit. Carmel.
The time was 2::i?i, 2-3IIJ and 2:3(1. "Hell
King, J. r. hliur;., t'oit Allegheny, was
second; "Hilly O," 1,. E. Stoey, Oriole, Pa.,
third; "Emily D," W. F. Carty, Phillips
burg, N. .1., fourth.
The free-for-all nice was won in 2:311, 2:37,
:3.- by "Strait Flush," owned by J. T.
Chambers, Dubois, Pa. "Eddie," John
Short., Port Allegheny, second ; "Joe JI,"
John Huanic, Port Allegheny, third ; "Excel,"
Frank Shafer, Dubois, Pa., fourth.
Tho Hist prize in the three-quarter mile
run was taken by "Lone O.ik," owned by W.
It. Edwards, of Scranton, in 1:22, 1231 and
1:2.). "Hob Lee," .1. D. Drawing, Wilkes
bane, wiiSjoeoml ; and "itadicnt," Joseph
Muitltind, Heading, third. -
The five-mile handicap bicycle race was a
fcatiiro of the day. Tho following were tho
competitors: F. Hernetand Joo Lambruskini,
l'otthville, and John Harry, Horwick, scratch;
Theodore Hcdfoid, Lost Creek, 275 yard
murk ; Charles tiohlsmith ami Thomas
Williams, Jit. Carmel; Dell Orcssang, Potts
vllle and JIarlln Baylor, Ashland, -100 yards.
The contestants finished in the following
order, Hornet, Harry, Luinbruskini, Saylor,
Williams and Oressaig. lScdford and tiohl
smith dropped out after going two miles.
Hornet's time was 11:15 and the prize was a
diamond stud. Hornet sulisequently gave an
exhibition half-mile and made it in 1:00.
.Sprung Any Leaks Lately.'
We can't stop the leaks fiom tho clouds but
Boll, tho plumber, corner JIain and Centre
stroets, can stop all your leaks in water and
gas mains with satisfaction.
Coming Ktent.
Sept. 17. Hox social for tho bem'llt of
Harvey Stetler, in Ferguson's front hall.
Sept. 17 Illustrated lecture on Japan, in
Presbyterian church, under auspice of V. P.
S. 0. E.
Sept. 30. Grand opening hall, Shenandoah
Foot Hall team in HohbiiM' hall.
Oct. 22. Grand supper, under auspicos of
Calvary Haptist church, in Hohhiui' hall.
Oct. 21. Grand supper by the Trinity He
formed church, in Hobhins' opera houso.
The Secret of Beauty
of the complexion,
hands, arms, and hair
is found in the perfect
action of the Pnres,
produced by
The most effective
skin purifying and
beautifylng soap in the
world, as well as purest
and sweetest for toilet,
bath, and nursery.
SVild thnrarhsut Hit world. JlrW.h dtpoti
P. New.
LERr ft so. i. uiwtra-ii., inaon. cotter
Druo ahd Cusm. Cuiir., BoJ fropt., Uotton, U. S. A-
Tho Local I'otltlcbins Are Muting Among
the Voters,
Tho Republican primaries will b0 held on
the tiSth llist., and thoe of tho Democrat on
the Slat.
Larry Mangam ami Miclwol Qmhain aro
making a spirited fight for tho nomination
for Poor Director.
Lewis Homier has political njplmtloiis and
wants tho nomination for Poor Director on
the Hepubllcnn ticket.
The rumor that Governor Hastings will
appoint a Cent roller for this county in a day
or two seems to ho without foundation.
The fight for District Attorney, so fur as
the Hepublican nomination is concerned, is
the centre of attraction now, and the man
who wins Will do so by much work.
The Lnvollo fair wis tho mcccu for politi
cians yesterday.
OiirJ'6ttsville letter caused considerable
comment. Star chamber meetings will not
benefit tlio party.
Stove Jlidilleton, tho Hepuhlionn war horse
of Oilbertou, is anxious to servo tho people at
the county almshouse.
S. Hurd Edwards appears to have the
united support of tlio young Hepublicans,
and a goodly number of tho old war horses.
Lawyors Schalek and Heblich aro working
hard for tlio Orphans' Court judgoship nomi
nation on the Democratic ticket, whilo Judge
Lyon has no opposition on tho Republican
What will Shenandoah get with fo many
candidates in the field ?
H. Jefferson Yost says he will conduct the
all'airs of tlio office of Clerk of tho Courts
after 1800. Jell" is not backward, by any
Tho olllco of County Controller is not at
tracting much attention in the Democratic
ranks. JL H. JIastor, of town, will receive
the plum with cry little effort. His nomina
tion will certainly add strength to tho
ticket, and it will necessitate the naming of
a strong candidate by the Hepublicans if
they hope to bo successful. No barnacles
will fill the bill.
Tho friends of Dr. Stein aro working in
dustriously in his behalf for Coroner.
Horse Tor Sale.
A good horso and harness for sale. Apply
at 32 East Coal street, this evening or to
morrow morning. ll-13-lt
Harry Preston transacted imsinoas at Ash
land to-day.
T. E. Harding, of Delano, transacted liusi
ncss in town to-day.
Hev. H. JL Liclitcnwalner and wife are
visiting in Philadelphia and will not return
until next week.
Ex-Senator H. J. Jlonaghan has recovered
sulHciently from -his illness to boablo to take
walks on the streets.
Jliss Hose Hefowich, who is a student at
the St. Genevieve Academy, Ilarrislmrg, is
home to spend tho Jewi-Ji New Year.
Jliss N'ellle Haird, who lias been seriously
ill for some time, is now much improved and
is making steady progress toward complete
All those terrible, itching diseases of tho
skiu tliat help to make life miserable for us
aro caused by external parasites. Dean's
Ointment kills the parasite and cures the
disease. Perfectly hariules-i, never fails.
Sudden Death.
Hcnjamin Oliver died at his home on West
Strawberry alley last evening after an illness
nt a few hours. At 1:30 o'clock yesterday
morning he was attacked by cholera morbus
and at 0:10 in tlio evening ho expired. The
deceased was 40 years of ago and loft a wife
and four children, tho oldest child being 1!2
years of age. The funeral will take, place to
morrow afternoon. Oliver was employed as
a miner at the Kuhlcy Hun colliery and
worked thereon Wednesday.
Ouo application of Dr. Thomas' Electric
Oil takes away tho pain of tho most severe
burn. It is an ideal familv liniment.
St one Carting Completed,
Tho stone carving on tlio new building of
tlio Pluenix Hose Company was completed
to-day. The work was done by Joseph F.
Hradley, the Philadelphia sculptor, and adds
much credit to his reputation in tills line.
The lusido work of tlio building is being
pushed forward as fast as possible, and "when
completed the structure will be an ornament
to tho town.
Cholera morbus, cholera infantum, diur-
rhioa-dvsotiterv. and all those other deadly
enemies to the little ones are infallibly cured
by Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry.
DIIV.'i i il With the Justice,
Jtr. and Jlrs. Hutsivage, of the First wild,
were arrested on a charge of stealing four
chickens from Jlrs. Hose Carr Justice
Toomey took charge of the chickens and re
turned them to the Hutsavages, having con
cluded that tho chickens belonged to them,
but now a jury at Pottsvlllo has decided that
tho poultry belonged to Jlrs. Carr. The
Hutsavages have decided to apply for a new
trial. '
Keep Warm.
Just received a full lino of fall underwear
in red flannels, camel's hair and lleeco lined,
frumfS cents to J1.50 per suit. Dr. Wright's
undorwonr a specialty. At Max Levit's, Up-to-Dtu
liutter. 15 Eat Centre street. lit
Toot Hull To-nioriow.
Tho Shenandoah Foot Hall team will play
its second game of tho icason at Jtahuuoy
City to-morrow afternoon, witli the Mahanoy
City team. The home team will be composed
of tho following players : Ivellc, Hircli,
Jtcllale, Wertz, Hurkhart, Shortall, A. Hoso,
H. Hose, Frost, HliiKhoiter, Jennings, Fahoy,
MA'orniick and JIcN'alis,
Lightning Wolii.
Two traveling sign painters were engaged
i to-day in iKiinting the Pear alloy side of tlio
, Ilcddiill building, on whioli they executed
i with lightning rapidity a very artistic piece
' of advertising work.
From all urootmti Chamborlaiu's Cough
Itemedy is a Godsend to tho allllcted. There
is no advertisement about this; we feel just
like saying It. Tho Democrat, Carrolltoti,
Ky. For sale by Uruhler Hro.. Druggists.
Huy Keystono Hour. He sure that tho
name LKfeBIu & Hakk, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Constipation is tho cause of all soits of
serious disorders of the blood. Strong catliar
tiis on- wurso than useless. Hurdock Wood
Hitters i-, imture'souu remedy for t roubles ot
t'ii ort
to Accominoflntn n ihirnr n Itocces In
Taltcn Until .Ttoiidiiy.
SKS FnAKrctsco, Sejit. 18. Pouring rain
did not Usaon tho crowd of curiosity seek
ers nt the trlnl of Durrant yesterday. As
the defense will lay stress on tho Inability
of ono mim to onrry n heavy body tip such ii
steep Illght of stnlrs us loada to the belfry
of Knmnuol church, tho prosecution wns
elated nt tho the testimony of Richard
Clmrlton, n grocer, who had weighed
Hlnuchu each week for six months, Her
greatest weight wns 181 pounds.
Henry Slmlniont, u cublo conductor, tes
tified that Durrant and Miss Lamont had
ridden together to school the morning of
April 2. Ho had soon them frequently bo
foro, and his attention was particularly
directed to them on this day bytholr ovl
dont intimacy.
Herman .1. Schbigior, a classmate of
Durrant nt tho medical college, testified
that four days after Hhuicho had disap
peared Durrant had asked Schlaglcr If ho
romoinbercd seeing them together, and If
ho did not remember that Durrant parted
from Blanche before tho fornior left tho
city. Witness wns unablo to remember.
Durrant volunteered tho Information that
Hlancho was missing. Tho prisoner told
tho witness that ho feared sho had gono to
somo quostlonablo nbodo.
Miss Minnio Hell Kdwnrds, a classmate
of Blanche, testified that on tlio ntternoon
of April !i lllaneho Lamont and herself
loft tho Normal school together. Miss
Lamont was soon joined by a young man,
whom Miss Kdwnrds recognized as Dur
rant. Miss Edwards last saw tho couple
nt tho cornerof Jfarkct and Powell stroets,
Whcro sho left tho car.
To accommodato a juror a recess was
hero taken until Jlondny.
llt-llcf In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladdor diseases
relieved in six hours by the "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." Tills new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in malo or femalo.
It relieves retention of water and pain in'
passing it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief and cure this Is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Jlain street.
Tho only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
Half, Sanger nntl Xmrtnn Carry off tho
Honors nt Springfield.
Rrr.IXGFlKU), Muss., Sept. 13. Tho
tournament Is over, tlio 'lnclng season of
18a" is practically finished, and Bald,
Sangernnd Xewton hiivo firmly established
their ownorshlp to tlio title of champion
la their respeKlvo classes.
There was a BathorlnRof 7,000 yestcrdny,
nnd tho track was in- its best condition.
The interest was diviilf'd between tlio inllo
open, Class B, tho twi milo professional
handicap and tho ntlompt of i .1 Vitus to
bent his record of las; year, whun ho rodo
26 inllos, 1.470 yard i in an hour.
In tho Class B nvt Wells and Titus did
not appear. Tho sprint was not begun tin-1
til tho crowd hud almost reached tlio turn, i
ISxCcpt for tho i.ict that Klser Inut got n i
good lead on Cubunno Bald, who was In
fourth piano, would have lx-cn unablo to
get through, but ho saw tho hole, inndo a
dart for it and crossed tlio tilpo with n
good length to his credit, leaving Kiser
nnd Cnbanno 10 lljT'it it nut. Tylor and
Johnson did not start, and Sanger was tho
only man on tho scr.itch. At tho milo nnd
a half mar'.; he caught ids field, and tho
time card was hung out for 1.0! :i-5, a now
world's record for tho two milo profes
sional hnnili-an.
In tho hour ride Titus lr-a-i to break
records on f !i" "iit'i '' , : id bad cov
ered at tho end of the . a- d' miles nnd
185 yards, b.Mtiiig (ho American record,
but not cir.allu;5 t'u wo. Id s record mndo
abroad by Ileixell in ot'; ago.
Starbuok beat tli" five mile professional
record, paced by a ipiad, ami also tho class
B record, finishing thedlsr.inoain 10.11 1-5.
Fred I.oui'hend.of Sm-nla, Out., reduced
tho class A. unpaced m Jrd of C.03 2-5 for
two miles to 4.fi0.
jjThe Railroad aOfl
fTh Clergyrnan,
I and all other men who have to
look ucat while at work, should 1
kuow about "Cewjloid" Col- I
S LARS and CUFFS. They look ex-
5 actly like linen, wear well and
a being waterproof do not wilt
down with heat and moisture.
They do not soil easily and can
s be cleaned in a moment by sim- I
ply wiping off with a wet sponge
or cloth. Do not confuse these m
I your mind with composition
poods. Every piece of the genu-
Ask for these and refuse nnything
g uisu ii yun wisu sansmciion. kc
member that goods so marked
are the only waterproof goods
5 made by coating a linen collar
3 with waterproof "Celluloid, "thus 1
giving strength and durability, i
I If your dealer should not have 1
the "Celluloid" send amount di- 1
I rcct to us and we will mail you 1
S sample post-paid. 'Collars 25c. 1
I each. Cuffs, 50c. pair. State size
S and whether stand-up or turned- I
I down collar- is wanted,
the celluloid company,!
427-29 Broadway, New York.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
this J
For fiying, Cottolesie must be ?, but dou't let it
i get hot enough to smoke or it will bum. To find if 1
i it is hot euough, throw mto
I When at just the right heat, the water will pop.
Genuine bu trade marks "CottoUnt" and ttter'i head In eoffon-jifonl unalt-on every tin. H
I inE N. K. FAIHIUXK C03IPAXT, CHICAGO sn.l 132 X Delnnnro Arc, Plill&delnlita. 1
on't Believe Us !
Ask your neighbor
has from the
she received. This is our best testimonial. If
you wish to try it give your grocer your orders
If he has not got it he will get it for you, but
insist on getting "GOLD MEDAL."
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
First-class Work
All Work done in first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
and ironed, 10c; shirts ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c:
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
IjOH KICNT. An clcffiint double room. Hwt
location In town. All conveniences. lien
Honable rejit. Also a lode roemi for WcdiiC8lny
evenings. Apply at HnitAi.n ofllce. S-lW
IOST. On tho 12th Inst.. 011 Janlin street, he- j
1 tween Oak and Lloyd, a brown leather pipe
l'limer will please leave same nt iikkai.d
I 8-12-2t
J7OIt SAI.K. Itiikery, confectionery, icecream
nnd soda water business. One of the oldest
and best payliiBstniidMinHhcnaiidoah. I'.ocnted
011 Jlnln street. Iteasoiis for selling, party
wishes to leave town. Terms reasonable.
Nothing asked for good will. Apply at tho
IlKIIAI.Dotllce. 9-9-tf
"llfANTKD A reliable, netlvc Rentlemnn or
1? lady to travel for reliable established
house. Salary $780, paynblo 215 weekly, nnd
money advanced for expenses. .Situation steady.
References. Kncloso self-addressed stamped
envelope. II. K. Hess, President, Chicago.
v-i-i 1110
-Proposals will ho received up
I to Kentcnibcr llth. I8W. forthe reinouelbnr
mid extension of the Schuylkill lint and Cap
Factory ouiiuimr. bpeciiieations lorsaine can
be seen nt ourolllce. Work to hcstnrtfd nt once.
Sefi' k Lauteiisteis,
23-5 ICnst Coal street,
0-12-3t Shennndonh, l'a.
15th annual sale of a car load of Western
which will be. sold at tho
Shenandoah, l'a., on
Wednesday, Sept. 18th, '95,
at 1 o'clock p. m., rain or shine.
This is tho finest car load ever brought to
Shenandoah, mid will he sold to the highest
bidder, livery horso sold will bo guaranteed.
Horses always on sale ut my stables, corner of
Main nnd Coal streets.
Hooks & Brown,
Base Ball Goods,
Celluloid Frames, Paper Covered Novels,
Fino Stationery,
Kubbor Stamps, Eto.
Agents for all Dally Papers.
4- N. Main Street
A ermine welcome awaits you at
Cor. Hal n and Coal Sts.
Pitnl rrtnm ntinnhed. Fllieat whiskevs. beers.
porter anil ale constantly on tap. Choice tem
perance drinks and clours.
Of West Mahnnoy Township.
SubJ'-ct to Hepublican role '
BIffcl qnart flnnr, 1 srt'tapoonftil saH1 naltaporm
fa srnunii nutmeg or elui,tinon, 3 rounding tea
EpoonfnlH baking powder, together. Bdat 2 cffRif
add 1 cup sugar, 1 cup milk, 2 tefcspnfiils nisltrd
Cottolemi. Stlrthefto into ttm Ouur, roil r.nd cut
into ntnipM. lUve kitting full if ('nllnlt'fjf (it
jniit tho rlif ht heat tnd Ity tho doughnuts lu it for
3 minutes.
it a single drop of water. 1
kind of bread she
at Low Prices.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Itooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
lillings. If your art i Ileal teeth do not suit
yon call to seo us. All examinations frco.
Vo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Dridgo work awl nil operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when plates aro
ordered. Vo aro tlio only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Block)
East Centre Street.
OMco Hours: 7 o. m. to 8 p. m.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Ucrliner nnd Weiss Beer.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
s Bohemian Beer.
millions of Dollars
Go up In sraoko overy year. Take no
risks but get your houses, slock, fur
niture, etc., insured In llrst-class re
liable companies as represented by
DAVID FAUST, !Sc5la),?Bl,
Also Mia and Accidental Companies.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to bo first-class In every
particular. Bilk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called tor and delivered, A trial
order solicited