The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 11, 1895, Image 2

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i:staiii.isiii:i irto.
Published every Evening, Kxcept Sunday, at
8 Sooth Jaiipin Street. Nbaii Cuntiii!.
The llernld l delivered InSlienniiitonli nnil tlie
tmrroiinding town for six cents n week, pay
able, to tlie carriers, lly tnnll S1.00 n year, or 25
cvuta a month, ayobIe 111 advance. Advertise
ments charged according to fpacc and position.
The publishers reservo the right to chniiKO the
fioMlttnn nf luivertlHeiiipiitn whenever the nlll-
lientlon of news demands It. The right Is
reserved to reject any odvcrtlnuiioiit, whether
paid lor or lint, that the pubUlicM may deem
improper. Advertising rates made known
upon nppllcotlon.
Entered at the postolllee at Shenandoah, Pa., w
second class mail matter.
Evening Herald
Benjamin J. Haywood, of Mercer.
TAMK8 A., of Centre.
Vj. W. Willaiid, of Lackawanna. E. lilcH, of Luzerne.
Or.onaE II. Okladv, of Huntingdon.
John J. Wickham, of Beaver.
Howakd Kkkdiih, of Northampton.
WhAt witli the yacht race mid the big
crops the American people have no timo for
politics just now. Tlie Democratic convention
at Williamsport has struck a had week to at
tract public attention. But, perhaps, that is
just as well.
The Valkyrie turned tlio tables on the
Defender yesterday, but did it by so narrow
a margin that there is no cause yet for any
apprehension as to tlie future of the Americas
Cup. Three more races are to be sailed and
the Valkyrie must wiu two of them before
she can take the prize home with her.
When will tlie borough olllcials cuforeothu
ordinances prohibiting the owners of hogs
from allowing them to roam at largo 1 Prop.
erty owners in all parts of the borough aro
continually complaining of the damage done
bv tho rooting of the animals. Curbstones
seem to be special marks for their work.
The Borough Council has accomplished two
very important and commendable financial
undertakings this week in making final
settlements on the tax duplicates of 1891 and
1892 and with tlio contractors of the public
waterworks. It is seldom the Council ac
complishes so much important work in such
a short space of tipie.
Williaiu Connkll, of Scranton, who led
the opposition to Senator Quay in Lacka
wanna, accepts the result like a good soldier,
and if elected National delegate, will support
the Senator's candidate for tho Presidency, if
tho delegation does not come out spoli
taneously for tho Beaver statesmen, which is
tlie outcome predicted by many.
Oun Democratic friends now in convention
in Williamsport, will if they listen to the
Schuylkill contingent, nominate Hon. O. P.
Bcchtel as a candidate for Superior Court
judge. Should this be done tho Judge's great
popularity at homo will bo attested by an
immense vote in Schuylkill, ns hundreds if
not thousands of his Itepublican admirers
will vote to seat him on the appellate bench.
Autumn-tinted leaves aro appearing in
tho woods and weather-beaten faces aro
numerous on the streets. All signs point to
an early fall ; oven tho cool waves are grow
ing chilly, the hills are slightly frostbitten,
and the summer girls and summer boys can't
stand it any longer, and aro returning in
noticeable bunches. Every hour adds new
life to tlie sidewalks, and it Tcally if
the summer was over and iho year .had
gotten a good start towards tho finish.
Tub political pot is not simmering very
loudly as yet in the county. Thcro is no
scarcity, however, of hungry .patriots who
are seldom, if ever, heardofat any other time,
who aro anxious to servo their fellowmenand
havo a pull at tho public trib particularly
the latter. Tho great majority have no
claims upon their party, and their sole merit
is that they waut an orlleeand want it badly.
Among the names announced are few of
acknowledged standing in the community,
and outside of those few it would be much
lietter if the rest wore relegated to tluit
oueetirity from which they have for tlte
moment einerged. , But, Uh) Hiillaiihim lias
not arrived yet.
Apmapos to the fair and racing season it
is remarked that there i A marked dill'erence
between the trotting hone mw and a few
year ago. When you gee them on the track
at the present day you see a hone that is
I'om.d and sleek. A few years ago the owners
"f trotting horse thought that to secure the
best results on the turf In contest fur ied
it ,.a necessary to have bltu worked down
until lie was lean and lank, nearly every rib
iming visible. Horsemen have found out
t hat the above system of training was not
riglir as it served to reduce the vitality of
the iiiiiaal. The track horse is to-day
hrou. iu mi rb race course in hettrvc uiidition
than . f i l"H , .mil t!'e icioids they are
making have never been equalled.
nel hi r until isililt I'uc t ulut the Imrvs at J
lie fairs, till year i- tin laiLe in re ise in I lit- I
nuinU r of pai . ih. Tin re are movt at haul
.e proportion than litve appeared In pre ioun j
HW 1 I
(Continued from First Page. I
Bounding ntwo her udorutlou for tho
Pointing their noses lmvnnl tlio fleet
moved quickly along, forming!! protecting ,
lino nrounil tlio two us they wero towetl to ,
their berths nt Buy llltlgo. On Defender
Mrs. Iselin nml tho yellow dog, both inns
cots thut hnd never boforo been ut fnult,
consoled with each other under the mnln
boom, while Cnptnln Huuk HnlT, when
asked ns to the' nccldrut, looked nlott
grimly and bivwled, "iiikyiies main
boom tore nwtiy our ringing," and would
say no more. That wns the extent of the
information to be had on I)i t inh .
Later It vu given out at the New "iork.
Yacht club thut the cup comm.: toe would
not render n decision in regard to tho pro
tost until some time today. ,
Tlio statement in nindo that Lord Dun.
raven has offered n pension of thirty shil
lings weekly to every member of tho crew
of Vulkyrio should they succeed lu wiu-1
ning tho American cup.
In a recont letter to tho manufacturers 5lr.
W. F. Benjamin, editor of tho Spectator,
Bushford, N. Y., says: "It may ben plcas
uro to yon to know the high esteem in which
Chamberlain's medicines aro held by tlio
peoplo of your own state, whore they must
bo best known. An aunt of mine, who rc-
sidos at Doxter, Iowa, was about to visit me
n few years since, and beforo leaving homo
wroto mo, asking if they wero sold here,
6tatlng if thoy wore not sho would bring a
quantity with her, as she did not like to bo
without them." The medicines referred to
aro Chamberlain's Cough Kemedy, famous
for its cures of colds and croup ; Chamber
lain's Pain Balm for rheumatism, lamo back,
pains in tlio side and chest, and Chamber
lain's Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Kemedy
for bowel complaints. These medicines have
been in constant use in Iowa for almost a
quarter of a century. Tho peoplo havo
learned that they are articles of great worth
and merit, and unequaled by any other.
They are for salo hero by Oruhler Bros.,
tvorybody nt Sen rtcgnrdlna; tlio Outcome
of Today Convention.
WlMlAMSPOUT, Pn., Sept. 11. Tho
Democratic state convention, which met
this forenoon to nominate candidates for
state treasurer nml sis superior court
judgeship, promises to bo very interesting.
Tho interest centers in tho judicial places
on tho ticket, and owing to tho fact that
there nro fully twenty candidates for tho
places, tho politicians aro all at sea. The
fight seems to bo tho country ngainst tlio
cities of Philadelphia and PitUburg, with
a. fulr prospect of tho country winning.
B. F. Myers, of Harrisburg, will bo tho
nominee for stato treasurer.
Tho nctivo scrnmblo for tho judicial
nominations is due to tho fact that while
tho superior court cenfists of seven judges,
the Republicans, nt their recent conven
tion, nominated only six men, so that nt
least one Democrat is bound to bo elected.
Tho lenders have been busy all morning,
getting tho plntfonn into shape. Tho
document, ns far ns outlined, will, It is un
derstood, glvo President Cleveland tho
usual hearty Democratic indorsement nnd
declare unequivocally for sound money,
and point to tlio returning prosperity of
tho country as a result of tho Dcmocrntio
tariff and administration. Governor Hast
ings' administration will bo severely con
demned, nnd reference will be made to tho
recent factional contest nmong the Ke
publicnn louden of this stato.
Ex-Stato Chairman .Stnmuhun, of Mer
cer, is temporary chairman, and John T.
Gnrmau, of Luzerne, may bo the perma
nent presiding olhcer.
Negroes Shot Down by Masked Men.
Westville, Fin., Sept. 11. Two negroes
were shot to death nnd sovoral wounded
by a band of masked men In tho northern
portion of Holmes county. The tragedy
occurred near u largo sawmill, which is
owned by Graves & Beatty. Tho firm em.
ploys many negroes, and operates a short
rauroiul from tho sawmill to tho Choctaw
hatchee river. The. shots and the screams
of the negroes brought Messrs. Graves &
Beatty and a number of white employes
who live near tho scene, and then the
masked men fled. An examination showed
that 'Henry Johnson und Sam Evans,
negroes, had been killed, and that a dozen
had been woundod, some of whom will
die. It Is thought that tho attack was in
stigated by white men who had been uls
charged by tho owners of tho plant.
Bobbed by a 'Follceinan
PniLADELrillA.Scpt.ll. About month
ngo Gcorgo C. Smyth, a barkeeper of
Brooklyn, N. Y., came to this city, and af
ter drinking heavily, fell In with a police
man, who agreed to take him to a hotel
A few hours later Smyth was found by two
other policemen in nu alley, having been
jobbed of his valuables, among thorn a dia
mond shirt stud valued at $500. Efforts to
find tho missing jewel were unavailing,
and a week later Smith committed suicide.
Charles B. Cullen, a policeman, was ar
rested and subsequently confessed that ho
robbed Smyth of his jowels, leaving him
in no unconscious and drunken condition
in an alley.
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Made Pure Blood.
"I was nil run down and could not sleep
tX night on account of the continuous
and severe pains
through my body.
I had also stom
ach troubles and
catarrh. After
taking Hood's
BnrBaparillc a
short time I com
menced to im
prove, and aftej
using three bot
tles In all, my
complaint en-
tiraJy left me. I now have an appetite,
sleep wall and am free from all stomach
trpnUle. I know Hood'u Sarsaparilla hm
cured me, and I cheerfully recommend its
use by all woman who are run down and
need a building tin medicine." Mum
Auck Wbav, W. Brldgewator, Pa.
E-Sood's Sarsaparilla
Is the only True Blood Purifier promi
nently in the publii eye toda'
Hood's Pills SSI
Their Meml-CentennlM Jubilee neglnt In
Philadelphia with a Homing Pamdo.
Philadelphia, Sept. 11. Tho seml-ccn-tcnnlnl
jubilee of tho Order of United
American Mechanics wns begun In this
city yesterday. Tho sessions of the na
tional council was opened In Independence
Hall, when Mayor Warwick welcomed tho
delegates. National Councillor W. N.
Simons, of Norwnlk, Conn., presided over
iho session, which was held in socret.
In the afternoon tho big parade took
place, with over 12,000 men in lino, mar
shalled by Lietenant Colonol A. L. Thomp
son, of tho First regiment, National Guard
of Pennsylvania. Tho parade was re
viewed by National Councillor Simons,
Governor Hastings, Mayor Warwick and
n number of other prominent persons.
One of tho most impressive features oi
the celebration was tho practical exempli
fication of tho degreo work of tho order in
tho Academy of Music last night, in which
councils from Now York, Connecticut,
Massachusetts nnd New Hampshire of
ficiated. While these ceremonies were be
lng held tho visiting Daughters of Liberty
participated In a "trolloy party" given by
the Dauchtqrg of Liberty of Philadelphia.
In Effect MAitcn 2i, 1895.
PnEseneer trains leave Shenandoah lor
Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, ho
highton, Slatington, White IIall,Catasaiuina,
Allentown,Bethlehem,Ea8ton and Weatherly
at 0 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m., 12 43, 2 bl, o 27 p m
For New York and l'hlladciphla, it in,
7 38, 9 15 a. in., I 2 43, 2 57, p. m. For Qua
kako, Switchback, Gerhards and Hudsondale.
9 15 a m. and 2 57 p. in.
ror Wilkes-uarre, wans iiaven, rmsion.
Laceyvillc, Townnda, Sayre, Waverly ann
Elmira, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 p m.
For Roihpstor, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
the West, 9 15 a.m. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m.
For Bolvidere, Delaware Waier Gip and
Stroudsburg, 6 04 a. m, 2 57 p. ai.
For Lamuertville and Trenton, 9 15 a m.
For Tankhannock, 6 04,9 15 a.m.,2 57,5 27
p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 am,
5 27 pn.
For Auburn, 9 IS a m, 5 27 p m.
For Jeanesvillc, Leviston and Beaver
Meadow, 7 30 a. m., 12 43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38,
tf 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audenriod aud
Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 am, 12 43, 2 57, 527
and 8 08 p m.
For Scranton, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 2"
p m.
For Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Drifton and Free
land, 0 04, 7 33, 915 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 !!7
p. m.
For Ashland, Girardvillo and Lost Creek,
4 40, 8 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 411.
4 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. m.
For Raven Bun, Centralia, Mount Carine
andShamokin.O 13, 11 14 a m, 132, 4 20.
8 22,9 15 p. m.
For Yalesville, Park Place, Mahanoy CU,
and Delano, 5 50, 0 04, 7 38, 9 15, II 05 a. in..
12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. In.
Trains will leave tihamokln at 5 15, 8 15
11 45 a. nl.. 1 55. 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive
HheuandoaU at 6 04, 9 15 a. in , 12 43, 2 57,
7, 11 15 p. m
Leave Shenandoan for Pottsville, B 04
7 38, 9 08, 11 05, 11 30 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10,
5 27, 8 08 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 6 00
7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 46 a. m., 12 22, 3 00, 4 40
5,20, 7 15, 7 65, 9 40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazietnn, 6 04, 7 38
9 15, a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 n. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35,
10 U5, 11 08 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 66,
p. in.
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia,
Mt. Carmel and Sliamokin, 6 45 a. m., 2 40 p.
m, and arrive at Shamokin at 7 40 a. m. and
3 45 n. ni.
Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoah a
7 55 a. ra. and 4 00 p. in., anp arrive at Shen
andoah at 8 49 a. in. and 4 58 P. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Girardvillo and
Lout Creek. 9 40 a. in.. 12 30 p. in.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction. Mauch Chunk, Allentown
Bethlehem. Easton and New York, 8 iV
a.m , 12 30,2 55 p. m.
Por Phllnilnlnhln. 12 30. 2 55 n. m.
For Yatesvilie. Park Flaoe, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 8 4U, 11 36 a.m., n so, 2 6,4 b,
6 Oil p. m.
Louvo Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30
11 30 a. in.. 1 05, 5 30 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 65,
8 49,9 32 a. In., 2 40 p. in.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8 8,
10 40 a. m., 1 35, 16 p- in-
South Bethlehem, 1'.
UIlAKljtvS a. Jjlir., Ueul. Pass Agt.,
A. W.KOaVFMACHER, Asst. G. P. A..
South BetlilMi-iui.Pa
Has No Equal
The Schuylkill VaUey Cottare
Owned by Peter lirittlths
No. 122 South Mlsslssppl Avenue,
Two and one-half squarr from I Alt station
halt square from beach. K'-puintei!, i, ijrcd
and refurnished. Everything coniphte for con
venience uf patron. J1IW-M. A i.ltll l )N,
How the Two Yncliln l oucht for Victory
In till) Second Knee.
New Yokk, Sept. 11. Tho committee
boat. Wnltcr A. Lnckenbach, wns on the
ground In good season, nnd promptly hunrf
up tho signal which told tho racers that
tho courso would bo over a triangle of ten
miles to tho angle, tho first log being tc
windward south, tho second northeast bj
east, and tho third northwest by west half
west. As tho committee bont made known
tho directions of thoso in chargo tho wind
dropped to tho speed of about flvo miles nn
hour from tv force of something llko oight
miles. Thoro was no kind of a sea on nor
.swell. Tho surfneo of tho ocean wus most
fnvorablo to tho "Vnlkyrio.
The preparatory gun was fired from tho
committee boat sharp on tho appointed
time of 10:60. lloth yachts hod baby jib
topsails set, when nfter some very clever
maneuvering nbovo tho lino which hud
been drawn between tho Lnckenbach to
tho westward of tho Sandy Hook and tho
tho line. Coming to that first station tho
Yalkyrlo was to windward and tho Do
fender something llko two lengths astern
and to leeward. D.-fcnder overhauled
Valkyrie In n very rapid, mnuncr and had
her nose ulmost up to Valkyrie's beam
when tho latter cased a2 und blanketed
tho American boat so t'h'irouiibly that De
fender's baby jib topfull nnd jib shook In
in the wind. Captain Haff, when ho saw
his head Sulla shaking, throw Defender
high upus though about to tack or ut least
to pass uniK-r Valkyrie's stern uud get to
windward of the Briton.
Tho Vnlkyrio was very promptly awaro
of this movo nnd luffed up well into tho
wind. Thoy wero then both almost on tho
lino. As Valkyrio luffed her boom smashed
against tho topmast backstay of Defender,
and that concussion was tho cause of tho
protest that camo Inter. Of courso Val
kyrie went over tho lino first, and to wind
ward Defender was closo after her, but sho
had barely got over tho lino when tho sheet
of her jib topsail parted. Both boats wero
on tho starboard tack at tho timo, so botli
claimed that they had tho right of way.
Tho slack of tho topmast stay allowed tho
topmast to bend far over toward tho wotcr
on the port side so far that It looked for
a moment as though tho mast wns about
to be carried away.
Captain Haff Instantly eased his vessel.
Tho Defender hud in good seamanship
stylo held up tho red protest flag when
Vnlkyrio's boom interfered so much with
her progress. Still sho went on her jour
ney, very much worsted -by tho collision,
but still gaining. After crossing tho lino
she camo around in about n minute and a
half before tack, and sagged to leeward so
far becnuso of Captnin Haft's apprehension
that her upper starboard rigging would
hold, that a good many pcoplu said that I
sho was out of tho race that sho had given I
it up. Others who knew better remarked I
that tho Defender people would bo cowards i
if they dropped out beforo they got a de- !
clslon from tho committee If It proved that '
they were right. I
After tho yachts camo about to tho port
tack soon after crossing tho lino, Vnlkyrio i
was a good eighth of a milo to windward
and several lengths ahead. As they stood j
away on tho port tack tho wind In- 1
creased to eight or nluo miles nn hour.
During that tack Valkyrio plainly outr
footed and outpointed tho Defender, who
did not daro to run up any sail on tho jib ,
topsail stay. At ll:-'l .Defender camo
about to starboard. Valkyrio followed its
promptly as though sho had been racing
with a fellow well met. On this tack De
fender pointed up pretty well and went
pretty fast, but Valkyrie did better in both
points of sailing.
At 12:10 tho yachts camo around to port
and at 13:24 back again to starboard, on
which tack they wero both ublo to mako
tho first mark, whera their timo was taken
as follows:
n. M. s.
Valkyrie 12 67 43
Defender - 1 oi as
So it will bo seen tho Vnlkyrio raced out
to the first mark by three minutes and
fifty-two seconds.
As Valkyrie rounded sho set her big bal
loon jib topsail and took in her jib. Thut
big front sail filled magnificently. De
fender, however, was only able to run up n
baby sail on the jib topsail stay. A larger
spread of canvass would have caused too
much strain on tho weakqned stay De
fender did, however, set a balloon staysail,
and not long afterward Yalkyrlo followed
suit and sent up a balloon on her forestay,
Tho wind wns then going at tho rate of
something llko twelve miles an hour.
On this second leg the crippled Defender
overhauled tho Briton by no less than sev
enteen seconds. At tho end of this broad
reach tho yachts rounded the second mark
as follows:
II. u. s.
Valkyrio 1 58 10
Befender - - w 2 01 45
Now tho wind had slowed down to eight
miles an hour. Tho last leg was by com
pass direction northwest by west half west,
and sheets wero hauled aft so that the ves
sels would meet the breeze abeam. As
soon as tho boats hud both laid their courso
for homo Defender with her sound rigging
to windward began to rapidly overhaul
Valkyrio toot in her balloon jib topsail
and replaced it with a baby. She also set
a balloon staysail, but do what sho would
tho orlpplo overhauled her iu a really ridio
ulous manner, and gained on tho English
boat so fast that whon tho finish wus
reached Vulkyrio was only two minutes
and eighteen seconds ahead, after having
gono over tho starting lino ono minute
and two seconds ahead.
More than one competent witness of tho
day's sport said that considering every
thing Vulkyrio was beaten worso yesterday
thau on Saturday. Defender gained on
her on tho second and third leg. Asa mut
ter of fact, tlie ouly time at which both
vossols had tho same sails set was on tho
third leg, and during thut run Defender
gained ouo minute and seventeen seconds.
Tho official time tnblb is us follows:
lt Sd Elapsed
Start. Mark Mark. FinUh. Time.
Valkyrle.U:00:13 157:18 1:48:10 i:65:22 a-.ZY.uo
Defender. il;Ul:15 y.aum a:01:45 3:57:10 3M-.2A
Corrected time: Valkyrie. 3:56:08: Defender.
Thus It will be seen that the Vnlkyrio
won by one minute and sixteen seconds on
elnpsod timo uud after deducting twenty
nine seconds, which no allows Defender,
by forty -fcoven seconds.
The Expreiiilnn Abroad)
London, Pept. 11. The morning papers
very gent'ially comment upon the Val-kyrio-Di
fi niU'i- ..uitr-it, and expressions of
regret at the fouling of Dcfendw are com
mon to nearly all of thiuu.
From all accounts I'humlierlnin'H t'oiiah
liflmdy Is a (iodsund to the atllicUd. Then advertisement about tliU; we feel ,j 1 1 -, t
like M.iyiuK jt -The Democrat, Curiollton,
Ky. For wile by (iruhler Bros., nrug.ji-.l-.
Tho ouly baby medicine Luks' riyrup.
The Only Remedy in tlio World that Refunds Purchase
Price if it Fails to Cure the Tobacco Habit in 4 to
10 Days is
It Cures While Cjou Continue the Use
of Tobacco.
The greatest discovery of the age I
A certain, pleasant, permanent
A lifetime' hunVrlug ended,, for
Why smoke and spit yonr life
awaj ? Why sutler from dyspepsia,
heartburn, mid drains on your vital
forces ?
Stop uslujr tobacco, but stop the
right way I Drive tho nicotine from
your system by the use of this won
derful remedy.
XAitCOTJ-cuiiE Is warranted to re
move all desire for tobacco in every
form, Including Cigar, Oigwtti) and
Pipe Smoking, Chewing and Snuff
Use all the tobacco you want while
under treatment, and in tiOm four to
ten days your "hankering" and
"craving" will disappear the weed
won't taste good.
Then throw away tobacco forever.
NAKCOTi-Ci'liKlseutlrely vegetable
and free from Injurious Ingredients.
It never fails to give tone nnd new
vigor to the weakest constitution.
Remember iNAjccoTl-Cuitl! doesn't,
deprive you of tobacco while effecting
a cure ; doesn't nsk you lo buy several
bottles to be entitled to a guarantee j
doesn't require a month's treatment i
and, finally, doesn't enablo you to
stop tobacco only to find yourself a
slave to tlie habit of tablet chewing.
With Nahchti-Cuke, when you
aro through with tobacco, you are
through with the remedy. One bottle
go fishing,
trip, be sure
cures. Sl'IUNGFIKLI), MAS8
8 SSS?
en if i f
For all pain internal or external
iuuruus, uiitnuuca auu ijysentBry, it is almost a spccinc. ooia every
where at 25c. a bottle. (Quantity has been doubled. 1 Accent no imi
tation or substitute. The genuine.bears the name Pijrry D vis & Son.
Bomsrlccesncetii reliable, monthly, rerulntjns medicine. Only hirmlau and
the purest drug ihould b usoj. It you want the beat, get
Dr. Peai's
They an prompt, aalo and certain In result. Tho cennlne (Or. Peal's) never disap
point. Bent anywhere, tl.00. Addles Peal, MzoiciBD Co., Cleveland, 0.
For salo by 1. P. D. KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Get Our Prices on
ana Headlight J
Our delivery wagon does the rest.
Oils, Gasoline; Candles, x
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardln Street.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Writ fan uniuniu. 4a -I
huMv -ere all kiudaofitupturp
wUhoutopemUoQ ordetentlo
from hunliieea Examina
tion yjv, Wft refer you to
mflPMittms. Call or nme for
See our Doctor, every Tue3!ay, at
UNION HOUSE, Asiiland, Fa.
Mi wilt nunlav .t stt'u nio.wt 11. cas cured liy
u-iu v -nri'wu tiA.ii
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Cor. Hah. and Coal Sts.
Pool room attache,. Finest wliUkeys, beer,
porter and ulo foimtantly uu tup. Clioii'o tein
lu'runL ririnkri mul ukui-s
Celebrated Female
1'owilcrfl never fall.
1 ante and lure I after flUUiff
with Taniv mul Prnnvmval Villa And other Hie
remedial. Alwavibuvlhe beat and avoid dUup
polctmeitt Uuarttnteed superior to all other. ltUivdy
th: trct in the uwrket, A No I. IVrUcullTI, CU. Df.S.T.
SIX. Back liar. llo.toot Mm
Send for bok ofpiominent testi
monies like the billowing :
. -Huktisotos, Mass., March 18, 1895.
Tim jfAnco-ri CiidmioaL Co.,
Fpringtlcld, Mns.,
Gentlemen 4-1. huvo Used tobacco .for
over twenty-five yenr, chewInKandsmok
Inp every day from 7 a. m. to 9 p. m. stop
Idk only for menl.
tin Monday, Fcbrunryt, I called nt yonr
olllce. In Springfield, and bought h bottle ol
tho Cuns which I used u direc.Ud, Mid on
ihe tenth ilny tho deflre for tohRcco hsd
left mo and it ban not r( turned. 1 did not
loveHincnl while Inking Ihe Cuku My
appetite lius improved und I consider
NAncoTi-CUBE a grand thing.
Very respectfully,
CKArt. X. UNCO -N.
f T.' i - lr -Krn.n nr il. I T.- 1 1 ,.
Mass., Into Inspector of Public Buildings
I used tobacco for twenty-five ears, and
was a confirmed smoker. In Just eight
davs' treatment with NAKCOTi-CunE I was
through with tobacco, in fact the desire for
Very respectfully,
If your drucetst is unable to give
full particulars aboutNAUCOTi-CaitB,
send to us for Book of Particulars
free, or send $5.00 for bottle byTflalf,
The Narcoti Chemical Co.
: mil
of Bees, Wasps, Hornets, Centipedes orj
Scorpions bites of animals, reptiles or m-j
sects, are instantly soothed and quickly cured i
Pain-Killer. It counteracts the effect
of the poison, allays the irritation, reduces j
the swelling and stops the pain. When you
on a picnic or on any outing
and take a bottle of
it has no equal, and for Cholera!
September 10, 1895.
Trains will leavfyftheiinndoah after ihe above
date tor Wiirfrons, UllbJrton.' .Fracltville, Dark
Waterl7gt. Clulr, Mttaville, Hamburg, lloadlnir,
l'ottbtown, l'lioeiiixville, Norrlbtown and Phil
adelphia (llroal street station) at 6 03 and 1145
a. m. and 4 15 p. m. on week days. For Potts
ville and intermediate stations 0 10 a. m.
For Wlgfrnns, Qllbcrton, Frackville, Dark
Water, St. Clair, Pottsville, at 0 OS, 9 40 a. m. and
3 10 p.m. For Ilamburjr, ltemling, PotUtown,
l'lioeiiixville, NorrUtown, Philadelphia at 6 00,
0 40 a. 111.. 3 10 11. m.
Trains leave Frackville for Shenandoah at
10 40 a. m. and 1214, 5 01, 7 42 and 10 27 p. ra.
I Sunday, 11 18 a. m. and 5 10 p. m.
1 Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15, 11 48
a. III. Ulltl 1 IO. T1R nnil IOOO 1. ... uk
10 40 a. m.. 5 15 p.m.
Leave Philadelphia, (Ilroad street fetation), for
Sliemiiuloah at 5 57 and 8 35 n. in., 4 10 and 711
p. 111. week days. Sundays leave at 6 SO a. m.
Ieave Ilroad Street Station, Philadelphia,
Kxprew, week days, 3 20, 1 05, 4 50, 5 15, 8 50,
7 33, S 20, 9 50, 10 30 (DlnliiK Car), 1100, 1114 o.
111., 12110011, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. 111.
Dlnlnel'ars), 1 40, 2 80 (Dining- Cur), 3 20, 4 00,
5 00, 5 88 (Dining Car), 0 00. 050, 812, 10 00 p. in.,
12 01 night. Sundays, 8 t 4 05, 4 50, 615, 8 12,
950, 102b(DlnliiB Oar). 1108 n. in., 1285, -880
(Dining Cor), 4 00 (Limited 4 221, 520, 558 (Din
inu Cur), 6 as, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00 p. in., 12 01 night.
ICxpress for P,otpn, without change, 1100 a.
ui. week days, and 0 BO p. 111. dully.
For Daltlmore and Washington, H 50, 7 20, 8 81,
10, 10 20, U 18, 11 3S a. 111., (12 31 Limited Din
ing Onr), 112, 3 48, 4 41 (5 16 Cmgreslouul
IJmltwl, Dining Car), 617, 8.VS (Dining or),
7 10 (Dining Car) p. m., and i2 05 night wecK
days. Sundays, 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 88 a. m., '
1 12, 4 41, 0 55 (Dining Car), 7 10 p. m. (Dining
Car) and 1205 night.
leuve Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
F.xprewi, 5 00, N.10 11 111., 2 00, 4 00, 120 and
SOU p. 111. wi-i-k. dii. Sundays, 8 00, 9 00 and
9rm. in. gi.ou ex.. ursiin,, 700 a. m. Sunday
For Cape May, Anglessea, Wlldwoud and
Holly ltirnli Hxpriua. 9 00 11 111,230, and 105
p. 111, week day. Sunday, S20 a. 111. F.x
tiirkion, 7 00a. in Siinduy onlv.
Tor W'u Ile City, lleeuu I Ity and Avalun
RxpretHi, 9 10 a 111 . 2 :w, 4 20 p. 111 week day.
Kuiiduii. S 20 11. 111 lCxi'iintnm, 7 00 a. 10 daily.
For Sinners PiMiit Kxpriua, 8 50 11 111 , 2 00
and 4 00 j,, jyiek d.iyii .Sunduys, 8 00 and
HOOu. Ill
S. M Pi:toT, J. I. Wooii,
ueiri Jimiuger. Utll ipass'g r A(ft,
r Y buy e
r ag i-1.
.MY -ii h tf"