The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 10, 1895, Image 3

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Official Records Open to the
From LaGrippe.
How Dr. Allies' Ncrvino Restored
One of Kentucky's Business
ffiiV'ii Men to Mcaltli.
Interesting Ooones Attending tho
Kaiser Manouvers.
Many Veterans Exohango Greet
ings at Louisville.
I 1
A Well-Known Physician Tests the" New
Discovery With Most Successful Results.
Dr. George V. ltrooks, No. SO Temple
place, Hotton, says :
"I have used a Rood many rheumatism
medicines In tlio course uf my practice, hut
I ran candidly my that I never saw a remedy
as ofll-ctivo as llunyon's ItlieuinntiMu Curt-.
1 gave the wimple bottle I got Holiday to one
.of my patients, a lady, who has had chronic
rheumatism in her limbs for want. Her
kiico find olbow Joints were still", and "lie
suuereu great, pain, iu etlctt was simply
marvelous. IJolief from pain was obtained
in a few hours after the ilrst dose, ami inside
of twenty-four hours the lady was feeling
Jittei; than she had for yours. 1 thall pro
scribe Munyoii's Cure for all eases of rheu
matism that conic under my rare in the
Munyon's IilieiilnatUm Cura is Kiiarantced
to cure rhetiuiatlstn in any part Of 'tho body.
Acute or muscular rheumatism cured in from
one to five days. It never fills to eurwsliurp,
shooting pains in the arms, legs, sides, baek
or breast, or soreness in any part of the
body in from one. to three horn's. It is
guaranteed to promptly cure lameness, still
mid swollen joints, stiff baek and all pains
in the hips and loins. Chrouir rheumatism,
sviatia, lumbago or pain in the baek are
speedily cured.
Munyon's llonucopxthtc Homo I'emedy
Company, of Philadelphia, put up specifics
for nearly every disease, which are sold by
all druggists, mostly for 25 cents a bottle.
Those who are in doubt as to the nature of
their disease should address Professor
Munyon, 1503 Arch street, I'hiladelphla,
giving full symptoms of their disease. Pro
fessor Munyon will carefully diagnose the
case and give you the benefit of his advice
absolutely free of all charge. The ltemedies
will be sent to any address on receipt of ro
tail price.
Condensed Mill;
f rronounced by medical Journals, the
' nubile nress. and the hinhest medical
authorities of all schools as the only true and
genuine advertising specialist in the United
States of America, able to cure the most dan
gerous cases. DR. TIIEEI has had the most
extensive hospital and private experience.
A 33 years' continuous practice is surely a
guarantee of success. Those afflicted with
EASES, or HABITS which destroy both
body and mind and send thousands to insane
osvfumsmul nrem.iture death, call or write and
be saved. DR. TIIEE& has cured more des
perate cases of SPECIAL DISEASES and
the-resultsof S A. B. tn-ts time and at less
expense than all others combined. RELIEF
at once. FRESH CASES cured in 4 to ip
IjayS. Send five two-cent stamps for IwoK
"ruthatrue friend to all sufferers. Hours,
a to i; Eevenitig. 6 to 9; Wednesday and Sat
urday evenings, 6 to 10: Sundays, 9 to 12.
, Easily, Oalckly.'.Permancntly Restored.
Weakness, Nervousness,
lienimy, ana an tna train
01 evits irom eariy errors or
later excesses, ths results of
overwork, sickness, worry-,
. etc. Full strength, doveU
cpment ana lone given to
every organ ana portion
of the boav. Slmrilc. nat-
nrttl yriptrinilfl- fmmprlt-
I Ml ate Improvement Been.
Cniinm tmnnsnlhln. 2.000 references. Book.
explanation ana prooismauea tseaieajiroa
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight (I B I g J
Our delivery wagon docs the rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardin Street.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Of ft liemNpUttlnjr lionilacho timutMliately re
I.vtd by tit ue of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They are a positive ond speedy cure and are
guaranteed absolutely lmrinlew). Their great
success is ample prooi that they are hi; effective
article, which ean he always used with the best
of results Proem-" them from liruhler Bros.
?i. in for oroola of cures. uupi-B
'a.t. M-.iinj.toil. Worst casei curoa In o
Tonsorial Artist.
12 AN fat CVntre street.
KtylishlmireuttlHB a specialty, fiean towel
with I'M i v -have.
Celebrated Female
l'ovrdera nover fall.
ta'te anil lure (after failing
. --?.': H!, ."7l othe7 1.15
l riih Taney ana i qiu.v-: 3--,-,., ,uo.
2K3tlL .1 I
111 ill A I
It Is rropnsed to Urine the Women's
Itellof Corps and Ladles of tho O, A. It.
Into One Organization In Order to Carry
Out Their Work on a Greater Scale.
LouisvaUi.Pept. 10. I'rolmbly tho most
Important business that will bo transacted
tthe present cmcmnpmont will bo tho
Joining of the Women's Itcllcf Corps nud
thoLndles of the G. A. 11. in ono order.
Whllo it has not been fully determined to
do tills, it will bo recommended, and tho
sentiment in Its favor la such that there Is
lmrdlyrt doubt of tho consummation of
the plan. The Woman's Kelief Corps hits
expended In the neighborhood of iv million
dollars In charitable purposes. It works
through nil chiinnels.whlh) tho other body,
OMiiK conllned in Its lnbcrs to the wives
nnd relutlvcH of tho veterans, is nocessa
rily limited. If tho proposed plan is carried
out tho work will be on h grcnter scnlo
than has over been known before.
Ilenr Admiral Allen, of tho Naval as
sociation, went east Saturday to meet tho
Eastern Naval associations and was to
liavo been received with n largo escort at
noon yesterday. Ills train was threo hours
lato and the parade 'was put off, ns tho
naval veterans were also delayed. The
ladles were also disappointed, as tho train
bearing Mrs. John A. Logan was tilso de
layed several hours.
Union Jmic and tho pennant proudly
waves over the Tell City, the ilagship of
tho lleet of tho National Association of
Naval Veterans, today. Tho Tell City was
formally "put in commission" hist night.
The vessels of tho squadron were profusely
decorated with Hags und bunting. They
were equipped and surrendered to Hear
Admiral Allen, commanding the National
Association or Naval Veterans, by Captain
George Fritehuer.
Governor John Young Brown, Admiral
Allen and others made addresses ut tho
dog watch of tho naval veterans last night.
Campurcs were held In Now Albany and
.Jeirersonvillo as well as In Louisville,
whllo receptions were tendered Com
mander Lawler, Admiral Allen, Mrs. Lo
gan, Mrs. Wallace and others. At Camp
Caldwell, where twelve stato departments
and thousands of unattached veterans are
quartered free In tents, there was singing
and story telling und many very informal
campflres. Most of tho Indiana veterans
nro quartered at New Albany and Jeffer
souville. The posts of many stato depart
ments are quartered In school houses and
other buildings about tho city. Tho schools
wyo dismissed this week, and all school
buildings are used by tho veterans.
Governor McKinloy, of Ohio, is among
tho last of tho governors who will arrive.
ilo cannot bo hero until tonight. 1
lho colored veterans nre being treoted
with special consideration in contradiction
of tho report about tho eoler line being
drawn here.
Governor John Y. Brown nnd other stato
officers canto over from Frankfort to assist
In welcoming tho visitors.
After holding all day receptions General
Lawler and staff at 0 p. m. dined with
Colonel H. S. Colin, and at 8 p. m. were
formally presented to President Shcrly, of
tho citizens' commttteo, Ransom post, of
St. Louis, and the Cincinnati posts seren
ading tho party nt tho riherly mansion,
where a brllliuut soclul event was In pro
gress. The Alleged Counterfeiters Arraigned.
NewYoiik, Sept. 10. Dr. Orlando E.
Bradford and John H. Nixon, an ex-keeper
at Slug Sing, tho nlleged counterfeiters
who wero arrested by secret service ogents
last Saturday, was arraigned before United
States Conimissioiicr Alexander yesterday
ufternoon. Bradford's bail was fixed at
S5,000 and Nixon's at Jli.OOO. Chief llazcn
announces that Secret Service Agent
Thomas Callaghau, who, with W. J.
Burns, was In chnrgo of Dr. Bradford at
tho ttmo of tho hitter's escape, lias been
discharged by Secretary of tho Treasury
Carlisle. An effort will bo mado to huvo
him reinstated. It is suspected by all his
brother oiricers that some powerful drug
had been used byBoutley or some other of
Dr. Bradfonl's friends to overpower tho
The Michigan Minn Horror.
HoimiiTON, Mich., Sept. 10. Tho situa
tion at tho Osceola copper mine, whero
thirty miners aro entombed, remains about
the sumo. Captain Richard Edwards and
a couple of men went down us fur as tho
second level in shaft No. 1 to make some
repairs to the pump, but they suddenly
felt themselves being overcdmo by tho gas
and started up. Ono of these men became
exhausted before going far und had to bo
holped to tho surface. Tho shafts will re
main buttoned down In order to smother
tho lire until Wednesday, when they will
be opened and an effort made to reach tho
Tortared and Itobbed.
Tonovro, Sopt. 10. Threo masked men
entered the house of John Bullock, a
fnnnor near this town, and tied Mrs. Bul
lock feocnrely to her bed. Hor screams
woke Bullock, but ho was Immediately
tied and guged. Tho burglars demanded
money, and whon Bullook refused they
roasted Ills feet until the agony was un
bearable. Thirty-live dollars mid ft watch
were geaured, and then the burglars took
from the stable home ud buggy and
rode iiwny.
A Tailor Arretted" for Smug-cllnc.
NRW YoilK, Sept. 10. Louis Meyer, of
Bultimore, u tailor, Wftrf arrested In Hobo
kon bh ho disembarked from tho North
Germnn Lloyd gteanuhip Fuldn, on a
ohnrgo of smuggling. Tho insjioetors
found silk dresH goods and jewelry to the
vuluo of W0 In his trunk, upon which tho
duty would bo W0. Commissioner Ito
tnalno, of Jsnjay City, held Meyer for the
grand jury.
A I.uily C.vcllKt Doing tlin niobo.
Clinton, la., Sept. 10. Miss London
derry, the lady cyclist who loft Boston
T. . QK iaui titml?A II tiinr nf Mm u-nrlll
within llfteen mouths, arrived here yestor-
. ,1, -...1... ll.lnn
llay irom wio wen. i hu oi tut) uuuiiiuuua
..r ,1... e..ii van,rlint aliH wiult.l fllllall rith
jio.ouo over and above nil expeuseei, and that
she must travel at ii-usr, i.uou mnes on u
wheel. Tlio wager Is JIU.OOO. She left for
Chicago today.
c!iaoer Ashoro,
DALTIMOIIK, Sept 111 l'i,"r Carrroll. of
tjio steamer Corona, report the vchooner
Kim City ushore in the Ci-uighill channel
on the wet side. She appears about ono
foul oul t wilier ImIhu- her lloatlng
dr.. i In The Mm fiiy .-i.ihil from hero
on r-aiiii icy lor Lus.l.ju.
No DISEASE has over presented so many
peculiarities as LuQrlppo. No dlseaso
leaves its victims so debilitated, useless,
kleoploss, nervoless, as LaOrippo.
Mr. I). W. Hilton, state agent of tho Mut
ual Llfo Iniuranco Co., of Kentucky, says:
"In 1R89 aud '90 I had two sovero attacks
of LaOrlppe, tho last ono nttacklng my ner
vous jystem with such sovorlty that my llfo
was despalied of. I had not slept for more
than two months except by tku uso of nar
cotics that stupefied mo, but pavo mo no
rest. I was only conscious of Intenso mental
wcaknoss, ajronlzlns bodily pain and tho
fact that I was hourly prowlns weakor.
When In th Is condition, I commenced using
Dr. Miles' Ketoratlvo Ncrvino. In two days
I beran to Improve and In ono month's tlmo
I was cured, much to tho surnrlso of all who
know of my condition. I havo been In ex
cellent health slnco and havo recommended
your romedles to many of my friends."
Louisville, Jan. 22, 1893. D. W. IIilton.
Dr. Miles' iYervino Restores Health.
Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hogs,
300 Tate Rook on Treatment of Animals
aud Uuart (sent Free.
cukes (FcverConacstionR.Iiiflnmmatlon
A.A.tiinnl Jlonlneltls, Milk Fever. Ktrnlnfl, IiamcncHi, Klicnniuilsni.
!.U. --Distemper, MnBnl IHneliurgeH.
ILD.IImH or Crubs, Warms.
V.K.OoiikUh, Heaves, Pneumonia.
1'. I'. Colic or Urlpes, llellyacbc.
(3.U. miscarriage. Hemorrhages.
II. II. Urinary and Kidney Diseases.
1. 1. Eruptive) Diseases, nlnnge.
J.K.Diseases of DlkTJutlou, Paralysis.
Single Cottle (over SO doses), - - ,00
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual,
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, S.OO
.Jar Veterinary Cure Oil, - 1,00
SoM tyDraggLtai r feat prepaid anywhere tod Inaey
qnaotltr on receipt of priee.
linirnRBIS'aED. CO., Ill lit nilllin St., XewTork.
In uee SO yean. The only fraccessral remedy lor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, irom orer-vork or otber causes.
$1 per vial, or 6 viala and large vial powder, tor $5.
Sold by Urugclite, or lent poetpaldon receipt of price.
lICHrimBTS' EU. Ca, m 113 HIMam Xew Tort.
auer s
Lager and
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
For Scientific Dentistry bo to
Fifteen vears nctnnl experience, (jold, Amnl
Bnm nnd Porcelnln flllinjfi, Hold Crowns, l'or
cclnlli Crowns, Aliuiilmim Crowns. Bent toeth
S10.CO, no better made at any prlec. Tettli ex
tracted with vitnllwul ah-, B(V. Uxtrncted with
out air, 25c. Allowance) mado where teeth are
out 011 new platen. All work Kuaranteed. Lady
attendant always prudent.
Oniee hours: Kvery day, 1 toS p. in. Sundays
1 to 'J p. m.
30 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
j Max lteese's residence, front room UwbdrH.
Chtcheeh-r ltagltali Diamond llrftnd.
safc. always rtUabkt. laoics aiK .
DruMlst for Chichtlr a mihk Itla-i
boxe tetutM wlib blue riuboii. ItiLo
ttoni and imitation. AtnruuiMa.ortead-Xe.
In ttAmpa lot partloulnri, teiUmoiiltU ai
'ltfllpjr far lnllt. br return
r MttlU 1 (1.000 IWilnwuinli. Xm Pay.
hlijhUrCliettlulCo.,MutlUoii "quu.-,
ant all tha
t tll.l.liCil'.,
nu ciic, tout nt.,
Phlladi luhla.
Tenth Year.
lnwtrtK-ti i.
t uruiBhiM!.
rh ioax tmaui ofkuuwludffoatthe mlatmnm of cuat.
HreuM-airaUor,. T11I.O. W. 1M,M, VmU
Your Stomach
Cannol stand the same wMhlnK that your
limit do, and the water you drink isn't
........ nt ...... . i
Lorenz Schmidt's Beei and Porter,
Manager Sheunudonh Bnun li
Of I'littsvilU-
Hnliji'il to Itiiml.lli
The Iinpvrlnl Kxcuralnnlata tlonnred by
lSUIiorutn IlltmiliiMtloiM nnii a Grand
Uvular of I'lrnworliH Aloinj tho Koutr
of Ihnlr Jnurnej- on tlio Itlver Oder.
ftTBTT.s. Sept. W.-TheThlrtlnmlXlnth
array corps and. the Kunrds liegali t!ie
mlntle war ojierni Inns yi'sU-rtlny when Km
peror Wllll.iiii una hU suite assuinei! 11
position on the I'ecun Hills, on the out-
j sirts of the advance guards of the smuh
I em division. Tho northern divisl'i-i
hrought up Its entire cavalry hrlgode u.n
I two bnti' -ies nud made a splendhrBttHe'..
which, however, was chokctl by the nrt'il
lery of the southern division long enout !i
to frlve the southerners time to lirlnp-up
MX e.r-iilry reiriment, which churpotl Upon
the :ioi ih-rivrs, driving them buck Iwhlnd
The ei.tperor rode nt the head of the
charge. Ca;jialn Kvans, military itttivc'.io
ti the Vnit.-d St; res eui!, followed
tiio char;- throtuhout, but ColonfM
S.viilhe, the military attneho to tho Il:lt
i.,h omhiHsy, was oMijed to dismount.
The mini). th uriny men concentrated
upon Grelfcnhnsron, while the hourthern marched upon Kollietzow, leaving
tiio enemy, somewhat upon their Hank, en
tlrely uumolostcd. At 0110 time tho oppos
ing forces wore vory much mixed up.
Tlie operations wore controlled from a
".relive balloon, shaped like a clfrar, which
..stccl above tho movlin; masses.
At a banquet last evening Kmperor
Francis Joseph sat nt the rlirlitnud t'i
:.ingof Sa.touyat tho left of Kmperor Will
lam. The quests included tho Count of
'I'u.-'ii, the Princess of Turin, Prince Leo
pold of Bavaria, 1'rlnco Albrecht of I'nir
and Maximilian of Uaden, Gene-al
V .rt I'uttkammer, General Von Peh.'lle:i
dvirf and Lord Huberts. After tho banciurt
tho empeior and empress drove to Boll
vi rl; for mi excursion on tho Oder. Tii"
iiivtiks of the rlvir were lllumlunted nlul
cli.'iorute fin-works wero set off at differ
nt point!-, while thousands of spectators
h.ohed on Many of tho streets of Stettin
were also Illuminated.
The Impi'rlul excursion proceeded as far
as Glienken, whero tho party witnessed 1.
reyn tent utum of a flro at r.ea. Among tho
Illuminations wero tho inscriptions "H;.l'.
to the Kmperor," "Thou Art Ours nnd V. v
Aro Thine." The AMkln ship at tho Vulcan
works wui a splendid electric effect.
A Tlirllllnt: Horseback Ride.
"Wrcrr CllESTUit, Ph., Sept. 10. Mrs. C.
G. I'upschs, of Philadelphia, who Is sum
mering ut Dr. D.iker's, two miles outsida
of West Chester, was tho victim of an ex
citing runaway last cvenlng.Sho mounted
u horso to take a rldo and the animal ho
enmo frightened and ran away. Jlrs.
Papschs was taken from the horso in an
unconscious condition, and is still pros
trated. Her husband was following tin:
runaway horso on a bicycle, maklxn; an
exciting shnse.
A lranner's Narrow Kflrupn.
Atlantic Citv, Fept. 10. August
I5oehm, n 'Hakersvlllo, Athtntlo county,
farmur, narxowly escaped being killetl by
u Camden aud Atlantic railroad train.
Tho engine struck tho wagon and demol
ished it, throwing Uiolim nbout thirty
feet In tlio air. Beyond a few bruises l,e
fortunately oscaped serious injury. One
of the horses w;u killed Instantly.
Another Itoyni rtetrntlml.
Bnr.LIS, Sept. 10. Princess Alexandre
of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, third daughter
of the Duke of Saxe-Coburg aud Got'ui
(Duko of Hdinburg), was formnlly be
trothed to the Hereditary Prince Krnest of
Hoheuloho-Liingonburg. Princess Alex
andra Is 17 years of uge and Prince Ernest
Cholera on the Increase.
LOSDON. Sept. 10. An Odessa dispatch
says that there has been an increase of
cholera ut Volkhmu, and that U50 deaths
are occurring dally In tho governniout of
Podorla. Erzeroum Is ulso serloosly In
fected. The Wenther.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
and Delaware: Generally fair; southerly
winds, possibly southwesterly on the New
Jersey coast.
Cloalne Quotations of the New York nnd
rhlladelpliia Exchange!.
New Yoiik, Sept. 9. The speculation today
was active, and with tho course of prices in
clining downward London quotations for
American securities came higher In most
cases. Clo3lng bids:
Del. 4- Hudson-...131Ji N. Y. Central 103
D., L. & w nay N. Y. & N. E 00
Erie 8J6 Pennsylvania 57
Lake Erie & W... 25M Heading 20
Lehigh Nav 4D HI. Paul - 7T?fi
Lehigh Valley iM V. N. Y. A Pa... m
New Jersey Cen.. 113Jti West Shore 107fi
General Mnrtteta,
PniLAnELPUlA.Sept. 9. Flour weak, unset
tled; winter s'iper., 8!f.a3!.40; ilo. extras, 82.50
0)2.75; Pennsylvania roller, clear, Sti.83S8.10;
do. do. straight, f3.IOftJ.25; westera winter,
clear. $3.85.10; do. do. straight, $8.1008.35.
Wheat dull, lower, with GOMc. bid und Ulc.
asked for September. Corn lower, quiet,
with 3Mo lad and c. asked for Septem
ber. Oats lower, quiet, with 25c. bid and
ttAic. anked for September. Hay easier;
choice timothy, 514.5015. Heefduli; family,
$103)12. Pork quiet; new iness. $10.3uii(10.75;
fHirilly. $1111.51) l.unl Bteady; western steam,
ta.W. Ilutttr steady; western dairy. H13o.;
do. creamery, lSaaio.i do. factory, 8ai2Wo.;
ElKlns, SOo.i imitation oreamery, Uiai5o.; New
York dairy, 18QlS)fp.;do. oreamery. lKl)e.;
Pennsylvania and western oreamery prints,
fancy, 21o.; exceptional IoU higher; do. fair
to choice, 18QJ)c.; prints lobbing at aaak.
Cheese qultt; New York large, 5-J! Tc. ;
small fancy. HMato. part kinis, OSHo.;
full ikim,l4iije. Eggs steady, New York and
Pennsylvania. 1541Bje.; western freeh, 11
LIvh Stoak .Marliotn.
Nkw Yohk, Sept. 9. Heeves uetlre, higher;
native steers, poor to prime, tltfi6.55; Colora
do.), SH XXH.Vi; slags and oxen, &8.:iSQ3.T0;
bulls. S.OWM.05; dry cows. $.XX&5. Calves
active, staady; poor to prime veal, $508;
granaer and buttermilk calves $2.7oQ8.K.
Sheep nnd lambu ui tic; firm for good lumbs;
common to medium lambs a shade wwier;
poor to prime sheep. ""'1 '.30; common to
choice lambs, $3.5nu "'" Jlos Arm at $1.80
East IjIBButv, Pu . S'eit -i utile firm,
with pric es a sbadi tiet'er um uon I und me
dluiu gnules; llgbt i- id--- l .i '.' Uigher;
prime, fjJJUlUa.lj; guo.t. il .Oii.l.Iu, InilU, cows
and blags, $l.50a!l. H' ueilve: prime light
and medium grade-,, Ti'.ii 71; fair Voi-keri-.
81 Whi t r.V, rouU, ti 1 1 '-heep hlroniii-r.
extra, v I tivi:i ?u. K i u. mi II.-, j; u
it." i. i,n, ;u to w lbs . Vtal n.iti,
J. r,ll 'J
A Great Big Piece fop
lO Cents- v
IN EFFECT JUNE 20, 1691.
Trains leave Shenandoah as follows:
For New York via Philadelphia, week
dais, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 u. in. and 12 58, 2 55,
5 55 p. ui. Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For Now York via Mauch Chunk, weM
days 5 25, 7 2(1 a. m. and 12 5S, 2 55 i.. w.
For Heading and Philadelphia, week davs,
2 10, 5 25, 7 2u, a. m. and 12 58,2 55, 6 ai p.
m. Sundays. 2 10 a. ui
For l'ottsvillo, -eek days, 2 1' , 7 20 a. i .
and 12 58, 2 55. 5 55 p. in. Humlaii 2 10 a. m.
For Tamaqua and Mahanov City, week
days, 2 "l. 5 15, 7 211 a.m. and 12 53,;' .'5
5 55 p. n Sumlai s, 2 10 a. m.
For Willhinsport, Sunbury and Lpwishiiri;,
week davs, 3 25, 1 1 30 a. in. nnd 1 50, 7 20 p.
m. Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mahanov Plane, week days, 2 10, .'. !5,
5 25, 7 20, II 30 a.m. and 12 8, 150. 2 5,
5 55, 7 20, 9 36 p. in. Buudflys, 2 10, 3 25
a. m.
For Ashland and Sbamokiu, week days,
3 25, 7 20, II 3(1 a. m. and iV 7 20, 9 35 p.
m. Sundflys, 3 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washinjrltio and the West
via B. St 0. li. li., ttirouxh tiains leave Read
ing Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. A It. It. B.)
at 3 20, 7 55, 11 2d e. m. nud 3 40, 7 27 p. m.
Sundays 3 20, 7 00, 11 26 o. in and 3 46, 7 27
p.m. Additional trains from Twenty-fourth
and Chestnut streets station, weekdays, 1 50,
5 41, 8 23 p. in. Suudays, 1 35. 8 23 p. m.
Leave Now York via Philadelphia, week
days, 8 00 a in 1 30, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. and
12 15 night, Sundays, It 00 p. ni.
Leave New York via Maueh Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 1 0 a. m. and 1 10, 4 30 p. m.
Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
week days, 4 20, 8 35, lb 00 a. ni. and 4 On,
6.02, 11 30 pm. Sundays, 11 30 p. ie.
Leave Reading, week days, I 35, 7 IV,
10.06, 11.50 8. m. and 5 55, 7 57 p. in. Sun
days, 1.35 a. m.
Leave Pottsville wi ek days, 2 35, 7 40 a.
in. and 12 30, 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35
a. in.
Leave Tamaqna, week days, 3 18, 8 50.
11 23 a. in. and 1 20 7 15, 9 2s p. in. Sundays
3 '8 a. ra.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45
9 21, 11 47 a. in. and 1 51, 7 39, 9 51 p. m.
Sundays, 3 45 a. m.
Leavo Mahanoy Plane,wcekdayi",2 40,4 00,
6 30, U 37, II 59 a. in. and 12 53, 2 05, 5 20,
6 26, 7 6.1, 10 10 p. in. Suudnjs, 2 40, 4 01'
a. ni.
Leave Willlamsport, week dwva, f 42,
10 10 a. in. and 3 35, 11 15 p. m. Sundnts,
11 15 p. in.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut St. Wharf
and South Strent Wharf for Atlantic City.
Week days Express, 9 U0 a, in., (Satur
days onlv 1 30), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. m
Accommodation, 8 00 a. in., 5 45 p. in.
Si nilav Express, 6 00, 9 00, 10 ug a. ni.
Acoomma lotion, 8 00 a. in. and 4 30 p. ni.
Depot,oorner Atlantic and Arkansas avenue,
Week da kxprenn, 7 00, 7 M, 9 00
m., 3 15 f.i d 5 30 p. m. Accommodation, 8 16
a, m and 4 32 p. in.
Sunday Express, 4 00, 5 U, 8 M p. m
Accommodation, V 15 a. in., and 4 15 p. in. .
Parlor Cars on .ill Express trains.
General Super ntendent. Gen. Pas. Agt
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lofob,'
IIO N 1 Ctrl Qt , llelow rallowhlll
Pi. lOlll 31. Philadelphia.
To secure a noaitlve and ucrniAiient cure of
Itrror of Youth and Ixa of Manhood and of
nil (li.eusea or the blood, Kidneys, llladder,
Skin and ncrvnua System cunault at once Ir.
Lbb. He guarantees In all ciues caused by
Excesses. Imprudence or Inberitiinoo to leatore
to Health and Strength by building up the
battered nervous system und adding new life
und energy to the broken down oonatitiitlon.
('oiiHUlbitiim und exuinluutions free and ulrletly
coiitldentl'il. Oflice hours, daily aud Hunday,
from '.' A. M to a P. 31. and 0 to 0 uvenlugs.
Head IiIh liouk on errors of Youth und obsture
di(e h of li.ilh v a. Sent fr e.
. v. n
No. 7 North Jardin Street.
Ofllce Hours: From 8 to 9:30 n. m.; 1:30 to 2:30
p. in.; 0.00 to 7:30 p. in.
y N. STEIN, M. I).,
Ofllco Itoom 2, Kfrou'i New HulKllng, corner
Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Olllco hours : 8 to 10 b. in.; I to r, p. m. ; 7 to 9
p. in. Night olllcoNo. 3)0 Wist Oak street
p P. IlUItKU, M. V.
30 K. Lloyd etrcet, Shenandoah.
Olllco hours t 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. m.
Ofllce Wnter Company building, 20 West
Lloyd fetreet.
J H. POMLlliY,
Shenandoah, Pa.
Oniee E).an biilhliu,';, comer of Main and
Centre street'-, Shenandoah.
Lock Ilox C3, Mahanoy City, Pa.
Ilnviuir studied under hoiuo of tho best
masters in Loudi'ii and P.ulrivlll glvo lessons
on tho violin and v.ieal culture. Terms reason
able. Addre-B in ei:-.v of Strouite, tho jeweler,
The Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best In tlie World for Driving;
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
There is no delay; no Axing up; no anliee to
clean away; iioextrn ineurauce to pay; no re
llrlng iiecfsuury; no ooal bills to pay, anil It U
always ready for use. It U invaluable for
blowing Churoli llruans, for running Printing
lreea, Sewing Machines, Turning Lathes,
Scroll Saws, Urlnd Htonea, Coffee Mills. Sauaage
Moublnea, Pood Cuttera, Cirn Mills, Elevators,
Etu. Pour-horae rxiwer at 40 pounds pressure of
water. It i noiaeleaw, neat, cuiupact, ateady,
aud above all
Price, $15 to $300.
Head for circular to the lucl:n, r Motor
Co., Newark, K. J., atating i 'i i mu auw
udveitiiwident in.
We also manufacturt Pat nt Itotatlng
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Catalogue on