EVENING HERALD MONDAY. SKITKMIIKU It, 1805. JliilniiMi.v City IIiikIih'h C(i1I('k Opens Monday, September 0th, in both day mul nlglit wmiom. Hoppes' building, "05 K. Centre street, U the homo of tho college. Tlic rooms have been refitted entirely, nnd commercial desks, typewriters, electric lights, etc., put in. More than 200 students have given their names for enrollment, and others are added every day. The succoss of the collcgo is absolutely assured, and tlio manage ment have decided to make tho school equal to the best in tho state. Wo offer a few moro charter member scholarships, which will entltlo tho holder to a complete coursu (time unlimited) In tho Commercial and English branches, and Short hand and Typewriting, for only ?30. Night school, charter member scholarship only flO. Tho celebrated Sadler system of book keeping will bo used for teaching accounts. The Graham system of shorthand will bo taught, and both Remington and Smith Premier typewriters used. Visitors welcome. G. V. Williams, Principal. Shu Didn't Take With the Gentlemen. She was refined, intelligent, and not bad looking, but somehow sho never seemed to take with tho gentlemen. They didn't like her listless ways ; they said sho hadn't any "snap" about her. Poor girl ! sho was suf fering from functional irregularities, and it wns actually impossible for her to take much interest in anything. Hut a chaugo came. One day sho heard of Dr. Pierce's Fuvorito Prescription. She piocurcd a bottle, and she had not taken half Its contents when sho felt like another woman. Xow sho is in tho en joyment of perfect health, and has suitors by the score. No woman need Miller from functional irregularities and weaknesses. The "Favorite Prescription" is a safe and certain euro for all the weaknesses to which women aro peculiarly subject. Dr. Pierce's Pellets euro constipation, bili ousness, indigestion and headache. One a dose. Coming1 Kout. Sept. 11. Festival in Nubbins' opera house, uuder auspices of Patriotic drum corps. Sept. 17. l!ox social for the benefit of Harvey Stetler, in Ferguson's front hall. Sept. 10 Illustrated lecture on Japan, in Presbyterian church, under auspices of V. P. S. c i:. Sent It to Ills .M oilier In Gernmtiy. Mr. Jacob Kshensen, who is in the employ of the Chicago Lumber Co., at Des Moines, Iowa, says: "I lnvejust sent some medicine back to my mother in the old country, that I know from personal Use to be the best medi cine in the world for rheumatism, having used it in my family for several years. It is called Chamberlain's Pain Balm. It always does the work." !0 cent bottles for sale by Gruhler Ilros. Druggists. Notice. The Hi:n.I.I no longer occupies tho ollices in the Iiefowich building. The only office the paper has in tills town is at the new quarters, No. S South Jardin street. All Tree. Those who have used Dr. King's Xow Dis covery know its alue, and those who iiavo not, have now the opportunity to try it free. Call on tho advertised druggist and get a "trial bottle, fne. Send your name and .iddress to II. E. Iiucklcn it Co., Chicago, and get a sample box of Dr. King's Xew Life Pills Free, as well as a copy of Guide to Health and Household Instructor, free. All of which is guaranteed to do you good anil cost you nothing. A. Wasley's Drug Store. Sprung Any Leaks I.atcly? Wo can't stop the leaks from tho clouds but Hell, tho plumber, corner Main and Ccntro streets, can stop all your leaks in water and gas mains witii satisfaction. RAILROAD NEWS. Interesting lilts of losl (llenued From Itulluiiy Circles. Tlio liichmond compound engine, which was given a tttifictory test on the Pennsyl vania, is now running over the Grand Trunk lino. Many are tho tales of wreck and disaster of thrilling escapes bnrely averted could tho railroad engineer tell, were his experiences reduced to words. Theodore N. Ely, chiof of the motive power of tlio Pennsylvania, returned from Europe, where ho attended tho International Itallway Congress, which was held in London. On several occasions the excursion trallic on tlio P. & K. this summer lias been so heavy that tlio company was obliged to uso several of their freight crews in tho passenger service. It is rumored in railroad circles that tho Pennsylvania and Lehigh Valley companies are considering the advisability of building a lino from Allentown to connect with the Pennsylvania a short distance above Heading. Several of tho train crews on tho East Pcun and Lobanon Valloy branches aro working overtime. Tho mills and furnaces In tho eastern part of tho stato aro nearly all In operation, and tho railroads aro now feel ing its effects. Superintendent Hertolcttc, of the main lino division, has promoted W. H. Haring, a well-known dispatcher at Palo Alto, to the position of train dispatcher at Reading. Commenting upon tlio new order issued by the Pennsylvania, which relievos operators on tlio main line two days n month by tho employment of a substitute, tlio Railroad Gazette says: "Tho provision of this sub stitute by the company at its own expense is a commendablo act; tlio chief defect in it is that the operation ought to bo relieved about onco a week instead of only one day for each two weeks." Chief Clerk Gore, of tho railway mail service, has made theso appointments in the service : J. S. Zorbe, of Slioemakersvillc, to the clerkship on tho New York and Pitts burg run, made vacant by tho deatli of E. A. Millersdorf, of Xow York stato; O. JD. Fine, of X'ewton, X. J., to the clerkship on the Xew York and Pittsburg run, made vacant by tho resignation of F, J. McElroy, of Brooklyn, X. Y. The tool boxes on all tho Pennsylvania locomotives will hereafter bo supplied with padlocks, and at the end of each trip theso will bo locked and tlio keys turned over to the round house foreman, who will only give them out again when the crow is called for the next trip. The company has grown tired of supplying engines with new tools every week. Hereafter when the trainmen want to make repairs about their houses they (tvlll have to buy or borrow the tools they need. From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough Remedy is a Godsend to tho aillicted. There is no advertisement about this; wo feel just like saying It. Th" Democrat, Carrollton, Ky. For sale by Gruhler Ilros.. Druggists. LABOR DAY AT ORWIGSBURG. ratrlnllc Order Turn Out In I-nrge PERSONAL, Mr. and Mrs. Jesso Hughe spoilt Sundav at Royorsford. Patrick Graham transacted business in Hazloton to-day. Daniel Coakloy visited frlendslit tho county seat on Saturday. Georgo Spado nnd wife, of Gordon, spent yesterday In town. Walter Smith and wlfo, of Philadelphia, are visiting town relatives. .Mrs. David Urown Is visiting hor daughter, Mrs. T. J. Davis, of St. Clair. Miss Sadie Reese, of East Ccntro street, is visiting friends at Mt. Carmel. Mrs. Max SupowIU has gone to .Mt. Curmcl to spend a few days with friends. Levi Refowich, tho clothier, left for New York this morning, on a busincss'trip. Mrs. Jacob S. Williams returned on Satur day after a pleasant visit to Wilkcsbarrc. Mrs. Chnrles Glrvln has returned from Lancaster, whero she spent a vacation of now meet rhrriaoelf. CoATESVILLU, I'd., Sept. 0. Tho Lnkons Iron nnd Steel coinpnny hns tho fotintln tlon laid for two moro steel furnaces, with a capacity of forty net tons each. Tho building will bo 105 by 115 feet, nnd will bo lu tho shnpo of nn nddltlon to tho prcsont largo plant. Worth & Bro. will build two or tlirco moro furnnccs In tholr now plant than nt first decided upon. Kclioonnr Sunk, Crew Iost BnowssviLLK, Tox., Sept. 0. A report has just reached hero that tho schooner Garlock, of Lake Charles, La., was wrecked fifteen miles south of tho Rio Grnndo, Aug. 2!). Hor cargo of lumber, Captain B. Torosara, a crow of four men and ono passenger, Joseph Simon, Jr., of Port Isabel, wero till lost. Tl When Baby was tick, we gave her Castoria. When she wa3 a Child, she cried for Castoria. When she becamo Miss, she clung to Castoria, When she had Children, she gavethem Castoria I'lihllshi'in' Aiiiioiiiit viiieiit. Tlio local circulation of the Evkxino Hun ALU continues in the hands of Messrs. Hooks & Hrowu, stationers, Xo. 1 Xortli Main street. People who aro not receiving tho paper ran havo it served every evening by carrier upon leaving their orders at tlio place stated. Orders for job work and advertising will also receive prompt attention if placed in their hands. Shares For Suits Tlio Snfo Deposit Building and Saving As sochition will open another series September Stli. This fund is especially succosnfiil. A large uuuilier of the principal businimg men of town carry stock in this fund. Shares can bo had at tho otljco of 31. H. Sinister now. 8-lS-13t-eod Tree fills. Send your address to 11. E. Biickleu & Co., Chicago, and get a fiee sample box of Dr. King's Xew Life Pills. A trial will convince you of their merits. These pills are easy In action and are particularly oilectlvo iu the cure of Constipation and Kick Headache. For .Malaria anil liiver irouiiies moy navo own proved invaluable. They aro guaranteed to be purely vegetable. They do not weaken by their action, but by giviiiBtona to stomach and bowels greatly Invigorate the system. Regular size 25c per box. Sold by A. Wasley, druggUt. Buy Keystone Hour. Be sure that the nanie Lnwio & Baku, Ashland, I'm., it printed ou every aek. tf Numbers. The American Demonstration Association, composed of the P. O. S. of A. and Jr. O. U. A. 31. and their auxilaries. celebrated Uibor D.iy at Orwijjsburg on Siturduy under most favorable circuuistane.es. It is estimated that seven thousand people visited the old county seat. Tho decorations were quite elaborate, and the rod, whiu and blue was seen every where. A monument ".-i iVet high surmounted by a life-sUe figuie of Washington in full uniform was erected in the public square. The parade was composed of fourdivisions. and about 1,500 mei- were inline. II. II. Browniniller was chief marshall. Carriages containing prominent members of both unions preceded the first divisiun, which was headed by the Third Brigade Band. Several Hunts were noticed along the line. The joint convention met shortly after 10 o'clock, with a very small attendance. S. 31. Enterline, of Pottsville, presided. The .selection of a place for holding the demon stration of 1S90 resulted in considerable dis satisfaction becauso of the slim attendance. Port Caroou was selected over Frackvillo by a vote of 18 to 0, the dolegates from the latter town refusing to vote. The following otllcers, constituting tho executive committee, wore elected: President, Wm. H. StroU, es-Xational Councilor Jr. O. U. A. 31.; vice presidout, John W. Reese, St, Clair: secretary. Prof. C. H. Jloyer, Port Carbon. The executive committee will meet at St. Clair on Washington's Birthday, lSDf). Tho announced visit of Gov. Hastings and stato and national otlieersof thetwoorgaulza tions failed to materialise, ox-Xational Coun cilor Wm. 11. Strob' being tho only one present. The r.aielli) I air. The Lavelle Fail on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday promises to oxceed all previous events of its kind ever held in this region. The management have gone to considerable expense In securing the celebrated Okabo Japanese troupe of acrobats who will give fieo exhibitions dally. The Uiloou party arc now on the ground and will give ascension and parachute leaps eVory day. And the entries for the races exceed all former events. Great iuterest is being token In the bicycle races which are ailed with entries. at-D-U-12 llitcklon'tt Ai'iiloH Suite. The liest salve in the world fur cuts, bruises, sores, ulcers, mX rheum, fever sores. ti.tt.pr nhnuned bunds. chlllllsillS. OOrllS. alld nil ttkin erllt, Hon, and nudtivel v en res piles, or no pay required. ItU guaranteed to give parfiet satUtaetion or mony refunded. Price ip qwits per box. For sale by A. Wasley. sovcral wcoks. Anthony Monaghau left town this morn ing for Lock Haven, whore ho will enter a Normal School. John Coslctt, tho truck dealer, loft for Now Jersey this morning, to pilrchaso another car load of penches. C. H. Frank, of Allentown, who Was the guest of J. G. Tliumm tho past week, left for 3Iauch Chunk to-day. Frank Black, formerly of the Kaicr House, Muliauoy City, has accepted a position as bar tendor at Brccn's cafe. 3Iiss Anna Gibson, of Philadelphia, who has been spending a pleasant vacation with friends here, left for 3lt. Carmel to-day. 31iss H. Beatrice Morrison, an estimable and fascinating teacher of East Ccntro street, spent yesterday with friends at Tumbling Run. 3Ir. and 3Irs. Thomas Lawless and daughter, of St. Clair, spent Sunday in town tho guests of tho Tempest family, ou East Coal street. ' 3Iiss Jennie Cooney left this morning for 3Iancbester, X. II., where she will visit her aunt, Sister Veronica, who is stationed iu tlio convent there. 3Iessrs. William Reinluml, Gus Oschnian, William Xonneniachcr, John Haleand George Bachman, of 3Iahanoy City, were town visi tors last evening. After an extended trip to Germany, Rev. Schuttlchafcr, pastor of tlio German Catholic church of town, has returned homo much improved in health. 3Iiss Jeanctto H. Raiuagc, tho efficient ex teachpr of music, is slowly convalescing at tlio home of her sister, 3Irs. Kincaid, of South Jardin street. 3Ir. and 3Irs. H. Fricdburg, Louis Fein bcrgaud Miss Annie Rabinowitz, of Mnbanoy City, were the guests of 3Ir. and 3lrs. E. F. Supowitz yesterday. Miss 3Iaynio North, of East Lino street, left this morning for Baltimore, lid., where she hulds a lucrative position in tho Homo Friendly Society office. T. J. KhiH", general eastern freight agent of the Lehigh Valley railroad, and wife, of Xow York, spent a short timo in town yester day, while on thoir way to 3lt. Carmel. W. S. 3Iantz, representing Rogge & Koch, toy and fancy goods dealers of Baltimore, 31(1., and who is building up a nice trade in town, was a guest of Prof. E. W. Wilde, of Xortli Jardin street, yesterday. 3Ir. and 3Irs. B. L. Tulley, of Baltimore, Md., and their son sue guests of the hitter's parents, 3Ir. and 3Irs. Garrott 3tcKcnian, of North White street, and will remain forabout two weeks. 3Ir. Talloy is the president of the Hume Friendly Society, of Baltimore, 3Id. 3Irs. Thomas G. Slattery and daughter, Miss Sadie, who had been gucots of town friends since the funeral of 3Irs. Slattcry's husband, left for their homo in - Philadelphia this morning nnd wero accompanied by 3Irs. James 3IcElhenny, who is also u daughter of 3Irs. Slattery, and will spend about three weeks in the city. Thieves Accompany a Show Altoona, Pa., Sept. 0. Buffalo Bill's show, which arrived horo Saturday, was accompanied by n band of thlovcs. D. Wood, ofsTyrono, lost a $950 diamond plnj Contractor John Kline $150 in cash, nn other man a gold watch and chain, and two residences were burglarized. New Pennsylvania Postmasters. "WASIHNOTON, Sept. 0. Thoso fourth class postmasters havo been appointed in Pennsylvania: M. K. Smith, Indian Springs, vico H. G. Smith, resigned; John Bussard, Pansy, vico Aaron Roitz, re signed; W. K. Hoyl, Whltcstown, vioj Peter Johnson, dead. Young Girl's Ktrnnga Dentil. Boston, Sept. 0. Tho body of Mabol Doyle, aged 17, of Dorchcstor, was found on tlio flats of tho Ncponsct river with hor head sticking1 In tho mud. Tho Indica tions point strongly to foul play. Sho was last seen alive walking along, the bunks of tho rivor. The Wentber. For eastern Pennsylvania: Fair; south easterly winds; warmer In central portion For Now Jersey: Fair, light, variablo winds. Constipation is the cause of all sorts of serious disorders of the blood. Strong cathar tics arc worse than useless. Burdock Blood Bitters is nature's own remedy for troubles of this sort. Ills Coat ou l ire. While Baggagemaster Golden, of the Lehigh Valley depot, was walking up 3Ialn street this morning smoke curled from one .of tho pockets of his coat iu a manner that in dicated the presenco of fire. Patrick Mul doon was the first to notice the smoke mid he wanted to tear off the coat, but 3Ir. Golden put out tlio fire with less trouble. A pipe was the etiuso of tho trouble. FeiuV N'mw I'r'l(lent. LISIA, Pern, via Galveston, Sept. 9. Lima presented h uav ( 't.iclo yustordny, tho festival Miijc in J- if tho assump tion of tho o.'lbv ol '-.'.'.'nt by Senor Nieiiln Pierola. who wn . r.nvntly elected to it. President Plorotu has announced tho following cabinet; Homo, Antonio Beutin; justloo, Augusto Alb.irraulni for eign, Jlelitou Porras; war, Domingo Purriv; Iluunoo, Federico Bresnni. KiiHef III Six Hold's. Distressing kidney and bladder dimmes relieved iti six hours by the "Xew Great South American Kidney Cuie." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of its exi'eeiling promptness iu relieving iaiu iu the bladder, kidneys, back and every wtt of the urinary jiHssageH In nialo or lemale. It r 1 1, i - retention of water and pain iu passing ii almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Isaac Shapiro, druggist, 107 South 3la.fi' street. E. E3 FOLEY, FiNE'-Qroceries Stole the Grave Clothes. DovKll, Dal., Sept. 9. Undertaker Ii. Pritchett prepared for burial tho body of Hurry llli'lmrds, colored, laying out tho olothos In which he proposed to array tho dead man for the grave. When be went to tho house bo was surprised to find that a tlilof had been there and stolon tho grave clothes. The thief also took souio athei articles that had leen owned by the dead man. 201 WEST CENTRE ST. Jtealcr in t offeos, etc 1 1 nrg, Flour, ProvUions, Teas, "'til delivered free. 1 Nt Kftlimpplug. A report was spread throughout thewegion j to-day that Raphael, the 11-year-old son ol' Peter McKernan. of Haaletou, had been kid-1 UBped. Mr. MeKernau. who is a son of (iarrett McRernan, of town, arrived here 1 this morning iu tompany with ills sou, , Garrett, and made search for the son, ; Raphael. They found liiiu with friends named Mgloy, at Wm. Penn. Mr. McKcrniui says there was no kidnapping. That the boy lrtjardeds tqdn at Haaletou Saturday night and enu i" il'bt towti without notilymg his pa re 14 ts, ai . I 'i l whole story When you want good ri oflng, plumbing, gas fitting, or general tiusmlthing done call on E. F. i illugliei is West Centre street. Dealer ni l' acs. V 8-1-tf The eii'y l...l.y medn ineliks' Syrup. the great SKIN CURE Instantly Relieves TORTURING Skin Diseases And the most distressing forms of Itching, burning, bleeding, and scaly skin, scalp, ami blood humours, and points to a speedy euro when all other remedies and tho host physi cians fall. Si'Ekdv Curb Treatment. 3Varm batln, wth C'utioura. Boav, gontle applications of Cotici'UA (ointment), and mlla doses of Cu ticuua ItisuLviiNTCtlio new blood purifler). 8old throughout th vorld, Orltlih dfpoti T Nsv birt Soul, 1, Klag Kdward-t London PoTTlg lUOSDClllU.Cosi'.l8l'Cfl. notion, V 8. A. 9i a Bili one quart of flours two round (tut teaitmnnfnlR of hnVintr twiwrW. And nn lAianoontal of u 5 i Bltt One aotrt Of floor, two ronnrilnir taainnnnfnla nf hftVlnir n.r MnA nn tiannnnttlt of i slt Into bowl i dd three teipoonf uli of t'l ITTOI.UN K "d rob togf ther nntll thorough! 9 uii,u, tucu ouu uMiciea miiKio mugs soil nongnt Kneail tllffnur, roll oot anoui n&n nn i Inch thick, and cnt with s smull blicult entter, PUoa a llitln apart In s s'eaied pan, and bake a In a quick oren for fifteen or twenty minutes. Theee bticulta shonld ba a doltcata brown top I and bottom, light on the aides, and enow? whit when broken open. The secret of success iu this recipe, as iu others, is to use but k two-thirds as much Cottolene as you used to use of lard. Cot ! tolene will make the biscuit light, delicious, wholesome. Better than any biscuit you ever made before. Try it. Be sure and get i genuine Cottolene. Sold everywhere in tins with trade-marks J (.oioient anastcer s hcadtn cotton-plant wreath on every tin. 2 E TriK x. K. FA111IUM COJIIUXY, CHIC ICO and 1:12 X. Delsnsre Aie.. Philadelphia. Qon't Believe Us ! Ask your neighbor what has from the kind of bread she "GOLD flEDAL FLOUR" she received. This is our best testimonial. If you wish to try it give your grocer your order. If he has not got it he will get it for you, but insist on getting "GOLD MEDAL." THOS. E. SAMUELS 8c CO., Wholesale Grocers, 105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CHARLEY CTMp NEW CHINESE LAUNDRY, vjlll VI, N0 6 SouTH JARDIN STREET. Aill Open on Saturday.. Waterproof collars and cuffs that will not wilt, arc not effected by moisture and look just like linen arc all the fashion now. They are made by cov ering a linen collar or. cuff with "cel luloid" and are the only waterproof goods made with an interlining, con sequently the only ones that will stand wear and give perfect satisfaction. Try them and you will never regret it. Al ways neat, and easily cleaned. When soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth or sponge. Every piece of the genu 'ne is stamped as follows : t? w TRAOf All Work done in first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed and ironed, 10c; shirts ironed, 8c; collars, 2c; cuffs, 4c; undershirts, 7c; underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c. CHARLEY SING, Manager. PUBLIC Sale ! Sale ! ! OPEN EVERY DAY 6fl fl. " MARK- Ask for thoso so marked and refuse any imitations, as they cannot possibly please you. If your dealer does not keep them, we will send a sample di rect on receipt of price. Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair. State size and whether stand-up or turned-down col lar is wanted. THE CELLULOID COMPANY, 427-129 nroadvrny, New Yorlo Died. STOUT - ()i Satin ilny innrnlnir, Dora, (laugh- ler u 1 normnn ' . im'i i.izziu ruour, npcn i j iwk, 7 111011II1H 11111I SilayH. Funeral 8crvlcc will lie 1 !') lit tlir 'ionic of tlio )uirrnt, No. 5 Smith Whiti' street, nn Tumilny afternoon, the 10th inst , nt 2 (clock. Interment In tho St Odd I'VllmvN frmrti'ry MISCELLANEOUS. 7OmtKNT. All clr-smit douhlo room. X locution In town. All convenience,. Ilest Hco- Houahle rent. AIpou lotliro room lor Wednesday evening Afply nt Hkkam olllco. 8-19-OT IUOl'OSAI. 1'roiioMiln will he received for tho HliorluK 1 f n hrlck IiuIUIIiik for tho piirpo'e of imttliiK'ix Iror niti!cn under. Apply 111 JIOIHOII to J. J. Kkanbv, fMVtf Bliciiandoah, I'd. 1710 II SA1.1". llnkerj-, confectliinery, icccreiun ; mid f4Mw wn'cr hiiMlnortH. One of the oldest and hot tKivlni;itiiiidHtiiSheiiaii(loah. I.ociit(d on Main t-trcct. KeawniH for (telling, party wUIich to lenvi town. Term renHonahle. Xotliini; linked for Rood will. Apply nt tho IlEItAI.IK.fllCC. 0-0-tf "ATANT1'D A relliihlo, active gentleman or It ladv to travel for rcliahlo cNtahliidied hoiitie. Solary ?7W, payahlo 815 weekly, and money wit iinced for (ixpenxeH. Situation fcteudy. IlofeieiKirf KiicIom' Kelf-nddrcfeMed statnpwl envelope. II. IS. Hew,, 1'renideiit, Chlcaiso. U-Mmo DISbOl.l TlON OK l'AKTKKIIsiim-Xoilve In hereby ylven lluit Harry J. DowlliiBiiud l'atrl.'k J. (Imhani. tradtnnr iindftr thn fir ill lift tun of nuwlhisr Si (IrLhuni, at Slimmiidonh, I'a., Iiuve this (In v dlHwilvnl iwitiMsmhlii. Hurry J. DowIIiik will continue the hlipliiw- and all chiiinaiiicnliiHt and hlllo due tlio firm must he prmtented to him, an ho nwumss all lewnongt hllity. I'ATHICK J. (JllAllAH. Sheuniidoiih, a , Nipt. 7, IN. 'J-7-3t 15th annual Halo of n car load of Vcsteru horses at the COIVirviERCIAL. HOTEL, Shenandoah, Pa., on Wednesday, Sept. 18th, '95, at 1 o'clock p. in1., rain or slilnc. Horses will ho on cxhlhltiou at the Com mercial Hotel stables, three days prior to tho sale. Kvery horse. Hold will ho guaranteed. Horses always on sale at my stahles, corner of Main and Coal streets. WM. NEISWENTER. M. J. LAW LOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St. rtlWO-STOHY Frame Dulldlnir. SOxUi feet on X South Chestnut street. Itcnta for $18 per month ; will be sold cheap. ToOU SALE. Half lot and two houses, situated .1 on West Centro street. Will pay 13 per cent, on Investment, nnd can bo bought ou easy terms. FAllMFOUSAI.K. A farm of 33 acres, with in three miles of Rood market. Twenty nine acres tinder cultivation, and four acres of Go to tlio Shenandoah Dental Itooms for ji.inlcss extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit you call to sco tis. All examinations free. Wo niako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown and HridBq-work and all operations that, rier taln to Dental Surirery. ' " Xo charges for extracting when plate3 aro ordered. Wo nro tho only users of vitalized air for tlio painless extraction of teeth. SHENANDOAH Dental : Rooms, (Titman's Hlock) ast Centre Street. Ofllco Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. John A. Reilly, Wholesale Liquors. AGENT FOR YUENQLINQ'S LAGER BEER AND PORTER. STOCK ALE A SPECIALTY. Woltcr's, Berliner and Weiss Beer. pltOK. JOHN .IO.NIM, MUSICAL INSTRUCTOR, Lock llox OTi, Sfalianuy City, I'a. Having Undled unit!)' wune or the hent nituttcni fi Ixmilitu unit 1'arU, will ahe mtom on the violin ami vooftl cullure. Terms reiiMm nhle. Attdnw In chib of Struune, the Jeweler, HIieiiHiidouh. Evkn J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking1 ! 13 N. Jardin Street. jrood timber. Fmmo farm house, bIx rooms, good lmrn nnd all in good condition. Will bo hold for $1,200 ciisli. TAOlt SAIJ3. Valuable pronctty on Kabfc Uoyd Jj street, Ijot-lxlSO feet; seven house, in cludincr restaurant. ABRreKate rental, per month. A rare bnrcrain, Annly to M. J. Iiiwl Justice of tho Teaeo. No. 12) JSust Centre street, Hooks & Brown, FULL LINK OP Base Ball Goods, Culluloid Kminai, l'dper Covered Kot1, Fine Stationery, Iluhber Stamii, Ete. Agents for all Dally Papers. A N. Main Street JOHN F. CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mlurl wutors, AVelm beer. Rottler of the luiHKt lager beer. 17 and 1 9 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. DR. A. A. SEIBERT, Specialist lu dlscnsea of tlio Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat i!07 Wogt Market St., POTTSVILLE. 22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa. JOHN D ALTON, Agent for Shenandoah and Vicinity For BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Try Barbey's Bohemian Beer. Hours 8:30 a. m. to V. 8 p. in. Huuilayg 0 a. m. ;n.; 1 to 4 p. in., to to 13 m. millions of Dollars . Go up In vnoke every year. Take no risks but get your houses, stock, fur niture, etc., Insured in llret-cla&s re liable oomiunlog an represented by DAVID FAUST, !5'' Also I.lfo and Accidental Comiwulea. SHENANDOAH'S Reliable : Hand : Laundry, Cor. LLOYD AND WHITE ST8. All work Biiarunteod to ho AmU-ln in nartloillnr. HML- tloa I .Z1T. ' " 1 V" 0.pod''J"eil for nnd delivered. a spec-Atrial