The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, September 02, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY, HlU'TEMllEl! 8, 1SU5.
Muliiiiioy City ltulnes ColIe;i.
The work of organizing tlie now Hiudnons
College in Muliiiiioy City wns begun last week,
and the way students aro enrolling It will ho
ft very successful business school.
Being a hranch of the excellent Wllkos
barro Business College, nnd the liuitmRCtnont
offering so low rates of tuition for the first
year to orgnnizo it thoroughly, it gives tho
people, of this county nn opportunity to
attend a first-class business college at nearly
half tho usual cost.
A Charter Memhcrship is issued which en
titles tho holder to a complcto courso (timo
unlimited) in tho commercial and English
branches, and shorthand and typewriting for
only f50. In night school only $10.
There will he excellent teachers and
thorough In the commercial depart
ment the celebrated Sadler system will bo
used for teaching accounts. It is being
adopted now by tho best and largest schools
in the country. The shorthand and type
writing department will bo nicely equipped.
The Standard Graham system of shorthand
will be taught, and both Iteinington and
Smith Premiers Typewriters used.
Fur further particulars write to
(. W. Williams, Principal.
Did Vim llwr
Trv Electric Hitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a Imttle now and get
relief. This medicine has been found to be
peculiarly adapted to the relief and euro of
all IVnmlo Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct inlliiciiro in giving strength and tone
to the organs. If you have Low of Appetite,
Constipation, Heiidiiche, Fainting Spells, or
are Nervous, Sleepless, Excitable, Melancholy
or troubled witli Dizzy Spells, Electric Hitters
is the medicine you need. Health and
strength aro guaranteed by its tins. Large
bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug
Coining Invents.
Sept. 2. Lawn party, at tho residenco of
Dr. l'. M. Iiordner, for benefit of AH iuiinU'
Sept. 11. Festival in nubbins' opera bouso,
under auspices of 1'atiiotlc drum corps.
Sept. 17. Bos social for the benefit of
Harvey Stetler, in Ferguson's front ball.
Sketch or ltev. Williams, Who Is Doing
ltmlMil Work Here.
Itev. George Williams, who is holding tent
revival meeting in this cits', is a Welshman
by birth and wis born in North Wales, which
placo he left when ho was about nine yours
of age, for Leamington, England, where ho
was educated and he first got a love for stage
life. He would spend much timo on tho
Campion Hills, trying to throw his voice over
a given point. His companion at this time
was Edward Smeaton who, in after years,
made his mark as an actor In Paris. London
was tho nost placo In which tin
this sketch lived and entered the music hall
profession at tho nge of fifteen. Ho was
known as a "femalo impersonator" nnd
worked in three halls a night. ISoforo ho
was seventeen years of age ho was making
blc money and at eighteen entered tho dm-
arrival of the family somo parson stole tho
groceries and a watermelon. Mr, Davis does
not believe nny of his neighbors committed
tho theft, as ho thinks they tiro nil honest,
but snys some time the miscreant may run up
against tho muzzle of a gun and cause tho
trigger to snap.
In a recent letter to tho manufacturers Mr.
W. I Hcnjamin, editor of tho Spectator,
Itiishford, X. Y., snys: "It may be a pleas
ure to you to know the high esteem in which
Chamberlain's medicines are held by tho
people of your own state, where they must
be bet known. An aunt or mine, who re
sides at Dexter, Iowa, was about to visit mo
a few years since, and before leaving home
wrote me, asking if they wero sold here,
stating if they were not she would bring a
quantity with her, as she did not like to be
without them." The medicines referred to
are Chamberlain's Cough Itcmcdy, famous
for its cures of colds and croup ; Chamber
lain's Pain Halm for rheumatism, lamo back,
pains in the side and chest, and Chamberlain'.-Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Itcmedy
for bowel complaints. These medicines have
been in constant uso in Iowa for almost a
cp.arter of a century. The peoplo have
learned that they are articles oi great wortli
and morit, and uncqualcd by nny othor.
They aro for sale hero by G rubier Una.,
The IlnitALD no longer occupies the ofllcts
in the Itefowieh building. The only olllco
tli. p.ipor haB in this town is at tho new
(piancrs, No. 8 South Jardin street.
Keller In Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
iviu'vcd in six hours by the "New Groat
South American Kidney Cure." This now
remedy is a great surprise on account ol its
n., liutrnriMiintness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every lwrt
.if the urinary passages in male or iemalo.
it relieves retention of water and pain in
lus-i.ig it almost immediately. H you want
on relief and cure this is your remedy,
hold by Isaac Shapiro, druggist, 107 South
Mum -treer.
matlc profession and traveled with
the leading companies throughout
England, and remained very pop
ular to tho end.
At tho time of his conversion
licv. Williams was just entering
the Shakespcrian school of actors,
but gave up his profession as soon
as he was converted and went to
work in tho mines at St. Helens,
Iiucashiro. All the salary he re
ceived was four dollars a week.
After being nt the mines over
twelve months, during which time
ho became a great favorite with
the miners, who used to call him
"Preaching George," nnd before he
left the mine presented him with
a beautiful llible. At this time
licv. Williams became a Methodist
local preacher and soon after be
gan the work of an evangelist.
Few men have traveled and
preached more than he has. After
preaching in England, Ireland,
Scotland and Wales for some time
lie caino to this country, in 1881.
in company with the great Scotch divine,
Dr. Honar, and they traveled together,
preaching to large niuliences. After n very
successful evangelistic tour, and remaining
with his spiritual father, D. L. Moody, for
thirty days at Northfleld, Mnss., ltov. Will
iams returned to England. Ho came again
to tills country in 1883 and was in charge of
Mr. Moody's tabernacle in Chicago for three
months, nightly drawing immense congre
gations. He again returned to England nnd
went to Australia, and for twelvo months
drew great crowds in the leading cities. His
home is now in Mahanoy City, wbero ho re
sides with his wile and threo children. He
was ordained to the ministry at that place.
Key. Williams' tent was not occupied yester
day on account of the cold wavo nnd damp
weather and services were held in tho Cal
vary Ilaptist church on South Jardin street,
through courtesy of the trustees. Tho
change of placo for fio meetings do not
seem to diminish the interest tho people
take in them and the evangelist, who is a
man of marked ability and a magnetic
Work or Distributing Finn , Fruits, Liter
ntitrc nnd Provisions.
The report of Miss Price, superintendent of
the Flower Mission of tho "Y," for tho month
of August, isns follows: Distributed 2 bouquets
subject of I of llowers, 2 baskets of fruit, 10 pages of liter
ature, 1 basket of provisions, 25 pounds of
Hour, 1 glass of jelly, 1 quart of beef tea. One
poor family was assisted and 10 visits wero
made. The donations amounted to 50 cents
and the collections 50 cents.
Miss S. H, Wasley, assistant superintendent
some of of the mission, submits the following: Dig"
Happenings Throughout thn Itcglon Chron
icled for Hasty Perusal.
Court opened this morning.
There aro seventeen murdorors in the
Luzerno county jail.
Tho Heading and Lehigh Valley collieries
resumed operations this morning,
Sliainokin has organized a branch of the
Hctall Liquor Dealers' Association.
Tho Shamokin Electric Hallway will intro
duce tho block signal system on their lines.
Quito a number of our townspeople nttended
tho colored people's camp meeting nt Ash
land yesterday.
Thousands of fish aro dying in tho Sus
quehanna river at Sunbury in consequence of
tho extreme low water in tho river.
A preliminary injunction has been granted
the P. & H, company restraining tho Mincrs
villo Wotor Company from cutting off its
water supply.
The shooting match between tho lloffmans
of Mahanoy City nnd the lloffmans of Ta
maqua, which was to have taken placo nt the
former town to-day, has been postponed. It
will take place on Saturday.
Fred. Wltzel, of Mahanoy City, who has
been employed during the past summer as
bookkeeper nt the Jcanesville colliery, leaves
for Ursinus College, Montgomery county,
to-day, where he will continue to study for
l the ministry.
I During tho past week there wero a largo
I number of visitors to the residence of .1. K.
1'. Sclicilly, on Noitb Main street, to view the
bloom of a night blooming ccreus, which
opened last Wednesday night and remained
ipen three nights.
linelclen's Ai'iilru Solve.
Tho iiost salvo in tho world for cuts.
bruises, sores, ulcors, salt rhouin, fever soros,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, mid
:iu skui eruptions, aim positively cures n Ios.
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or inony refunded. Prico
S,i cents per box. For mile by A. Wasley.
tributed 18 bouquets and 1 basket of fruit and
j made 4 visits.
! Miss Price's report for tho past fivo mouths
I is : Visits, 70 ; bouquets of flowers, 02 ; baskets
of provisions, 21 ; pages of literature, !5tl ;
baskets of cake, 2; baskets of fruit, 18; J
dozen of rolls ; 3 glasses of jelly ; 1 loaf of
bread ; 3 dishes of ice cream; 23 pounds of
Hour; 1 quart of beef tea. Tho mission re
ceived J3.10 in donations and 01 cents in col
The I-mello Fair.
Thn 10th annual fair will be held at the
La velle fairgrounds, Ashland, Pa., on Septem
ber 10, 11, 12 and 13. The groiindsaro con
veniently located, and premiums of $2,500 arc
offered. Many new features have been added
this year. Japanese performers will givo
daily exhibitions, and the Midway Plalsamo
will lie an attraction. Thero will lie trotting,
pacing and running races. 8-27-lOts
Sent It to His Mother In Germany.
Mr. Jacob Eshensen, who is in the employ
of tho Chicago Lumber Co., at Dos Moines,
Iowa, says: "I hive just sent some medicine
back to my mother in tho old country, that I
know from personal use to be tho best medi
cine in the world for rheumatism, having
used it in mv family for several years. It is
called Chamberlain's Pain Bnlm. It always
dots tho work." 00 cent bottles for sale by
(iiuhler Bros. Druggists.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gus fitting, or general tinsmitking done call
on E. K. Gallagher. 18 West Centre street.
Dealer In stoves. 8-1-tf
Struck Woman.
Joe Bresitis, while drunk Saturday nlglit
and walking down West Centre.treet, struck
a Hebrew woman named Goldmine on the
arm. The assault was an aet of pure rfna
liciouaiUMS, as there was no provocation ami
the parties are stranger to eaeli other.
Ilreaitis settled the ease by payiugjbe costs.
Tho Trolley Broke,
Tho trolley wire of the lakeside liullwny
broke near Columbia park last night and
caused a delay in tbe operation of the road
from 8 to 9:30 o'clock. Eighteen passengers
vt. ilked to town from a stranded carat the
n.irk. Several people also walked from tbe
vime plane and frmn a car at Jackson's to
Mahanoy City.
Tent Mewling Tu-nlght.
Evangelist George Williams will preach in
the gospel tent to-night, at 7:HO o'clock.
Majpy, the jeweler, for your wedding rings,
10 North Main street. "
Tho llonvy Old or a Mntcli.
"Mary," said Farmei Flint at the break
fast lalile as he ask for a second cup of
coffee, "I've made a di.-covery."
Well, Cyrus, you re about the last one I'd
expect of Mich a tiling, but what is it?"
1 havo lounil tint tho heavy einl ol a
match is its light ind," responded Cyrus
with a grin that would :mvc adorned a skill.
Mary looked disgiisi' il but with an air nf
triumph quickly ret".!' 1, "I've got a dis
covery too, Cyrus. Il was made by Dr. D.
V. Pierce, and U called a 'Golden Medical
Discovery.' It drives away blotches nnd
pimples, purifies the blond, tones up the
system and makes one feel brand-new. Why,
It cured Cousin Hen who had Consumption
nnd was almost reduced to a skeleton. Helbre
his wife began to use it sue was a pale, sickly
thing, but look at her; she's rosy-cheeked and
healthy, and weighs 105 pounds. That,
Cyrus, is a discovery that's worth mention
Young or middle-aged men. suffering from
premature decline of power, however in
duced, speedily and radically cured. Illus
trated Iiook sent securely sealed lor iu cents
in stamps. World's Dispensary Medical
AsMiciation, Buffalo, N. Y.
All infant son of William Myors, of North
Chestnut street, was buried yesterday after
noon in tho Odd Fellows cemetery,
Tho funeral of tho l.ito Mrs. McCarthy, of
West Line street, took placo this morning.
High mass was celebrated at tho Annuncia
tion church and interlnent was made in the
parish cemetery.
Tho funeral of tho l.ito Edwavff Griffiths
took place Saturday afternoon from the resi
dence of his aunt, Mrs. liobort Hoberts, on
West Applo alley. Tho remains were in
terred in the Odd Fellows' cemetery.
The remains of the into Thomas G.Slattcry
were brought to town this morning and met
at the P. it II. depot by a large cortege. The
funeral proceeded to tho Annunciation church,
when' requiem high mass was celebrated.
Interment was mado in the parish cemetery.
Tho pall bearers were James Duffy, T.J.
Iliggins, E. J. Gallagher. J. H. Dougherty,
Micb.iel Neeliam nnd John Lawlor.
Ho Showed Them, Xlt.
a Schuylkill Traction car nearcd
Once a Model, Always it Model.
Krnin the Sunllay News.
Owing to an oversight wo forgot to con
gratulate the new management of our o
teemed Jardin street contemporary. It is
turning out a good paper, and in tho course
of a few weeks wo expect to bo In tho swim
witli them. Wo admire a model and always
aim to follow it. Occasionally we surpass tho
model and become one ourselves.
Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
When bIio was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When she becamo JIIss, she clung to Castorla,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorl
l'ubllxhers' Announcement.
Tho local circulation of tho Kviuuku IIkiv
alp continues in tho liandB of Messrs. Hooks
& Drown, stationers, No. 1 North Main street
People who are not receiving tho paper can
have it terveiLovery evening by carrier upon
leaving their orders at tbe place stated
Orders for job work and advertising will also
rocclvo prompt attention if placed in their
A Household Trtaisuro.
11. W. Fuller, of Caniiioharie. N. Y., says
that he always koeiis Dr. King's Jew Dis
covery in tbe house and his family law
always found the very best results follow its
use; tnat ne wouiu noi oe wiwumi u, u m
euroWe. G. A. Dykeman Druggists, tits-
kill, X. v., says taai nr. Kiug s new
Discovery is uudouousoiy mw uuugu
,.mwlv! that he has used it ill ills family for
eight years, and it lias never failed ti do all
that U claimed for it. Why not try a romody
su long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at
llflalinrfit ilrnv rftitm. ltairlllur aim .fli
J . umvj - -' -" o a
and 1 .00
Bender's hotel at Win. Penn yesterday after
noon a Polish young man who stood on one
of tho steps said to tho conductor, "Don't.stop ;
I'm going to show some of these peoplo how
to jump off." He mado tho venturo and Ins
face ploughed up tho road for a .distanco of
iibout ton yards.
A. P. Talior's residenco in tho Dornbach
property is finished and Mr. Tabor is moving
into it,
Hell Sheeler's proporty on South Jardin
street looks very much improved smco tho
carpenters and painters have completed their
Shot Ills Wire and Stepdaughter.
Decatur, Ill8.,Scpt. 2. Gcorgo P. Allen
yesterday shot his wife and stepdaughter,
Minnie Doffenbmigh. Tho lattor's wound
Is fatal. Tho wlfo will recover. Allen sat
on thn porch after tho shooting and kept
his nelgliliors off with n revolver for an
hour. Finally ho called for tobacco nnd a
match. They wore taken to him, and us ho
Hunted his plpo ho was overpowered. Ho
is now in jnll. He refuses to say why ho
tried to kill the womou. Filemls think ho
is insane.
Captain Snmntr to bo Court Martluled.
Washington, Sept. 2. Hocrutnry ' Her
bert 1ms ordered a court murtinl for tho
trial of Captain .Sumner for negligonce In
tho ducking of tho United States oruisor
Columbia nt Southampton. Commodore
tiiciird will ho chairman of tho court.
Captain Sunnier is charged with culpable
inefficiency in the performance of duty,
suffertng iv vossol of the navy to bo haz
arded, and negloct of duty.
To 1'ruvnt a Lynching In Maryland.
Maiilboro, Md., Sept. 8. Sheriff Dovo
and deputies are guarding tho county jail
to prevent nny attempt to lynch John
DavidKO, n 10-year-old colored lM)y,ohargeil
with foloiiiously assaulting Kinnm Stew
art, the little daughter of his employer.
Davldge pnssed lust night praying mid
crying and dashing himsjlf ugnlnst his cell
door. He has lwon put in irons.
K. C. Mallck visited his parents at Sliainokin
P. J. Kelly, of Hazleton, was a Sunday
visitor to town.
Joseph Grumm spent yesterday nt Ashland
as the guest of the Lewis family.
Misses Ida Natteress and Emma Clark, of
Girardville, spent last evening in town.
John Coslctt left for Wyoming, Del., this
morning to purchase a car load of peaches.
Miss Sadie Haugh has returned from
Sliainokin, where she was a gueBt of friends
for several days.
Miss Mattio Jones returned from Piiiladcl
plua and Atlantic City on Saturday, alter a
vacation of severil weeks.
Messrs. Martin Dovitt, Harry O'Hcarn and
Ainbroso Toole cillcd on tho fair sex at
Mahanoy City last evening.
Missos Katie and Mary Barrett, of Danville,
wero in town to-duy, tho guests of the
Sullivan family, on East Lloyd street.
George Vt . Jlns'Icr, ot Allentown, was in
town yesterday and to-day as tho guest of
relatives and returned to his homo this after
.Miss Clara Butts, formerly of this placo
and now a resident of Philadelphia, is spend
ing a few days as the guest of Miss Mary
Griffiths, of West Oak street.
Owen C. Thomas, J. W. and Benjamin
Daddow and John Portz returned on Satur
day from Boston, Mass., where they attended
the Knights Templar roiii-k.Vf.
Charles Joluuon, as hool teacher of Colum
ma county aim a risidcnt ol illoonisluirg, is
inspecting the public si' of town and is u
guest of his undo, William Kimniel, of North
Jardin street.
From all accounts Chamberlain's Cough
Hemedy is a Godsend io the afflicted. There
is no advertinient about this; we feel just
like saying it. The Democrat, Carrollton,
Ky. For silo by Grubler Bros., Druggists.
Nominated for Judge.
The Heptiblicans of Berks count' held their
convention on Saturday, and besides placin
a full county ticket in tho field elected the
first delegate from this state to tho Kepublican
National convention to lie held in 180(1, in the
person of A.M. High. The latter states that he
is for anything that Senator Quay wants. The
convention placed tho name of ox-District
Attorney R. II. Koch, of Pottsville, at the
head of the ticket as a candidate for Judge
He had no opposition.
Baliios made happy with Luks' Syrup.
WE WANT Every grocer to keep it.
WE WANT Every housewife to ask her grocer for it.
WE WANT Every housewife to use it.
Wb WAN 1 Everybody to know that it makes the best bread
WE WANT Everybody to know that one barrel of Gold Medai
FlOUr will make 30 loaves of bread more
than the same quantity of any other flour.
WE WANT Everybody to know that 100 lbs. will cost $2.50.
WE WANT Every housewife to try it and thus give us an
opportunity to prove what we state.
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
LANQTON. On the 1st lnt., nt Shenandoah.
l'n.. Isadora, daughter of Dr. D. J. nnd Isnlicll;
Iinaton, icrcd 10 years nnd 10 months, Knncrnl
will take place on Wcdiii'sdny, Kb lust., at 10
n. m. lllitb mass in the Annunciation eliurcl
and Interment in the parish ceni'ter,v. Iteln
tives nnd friend respectfully Invited to attend
MANNING. AtSlieiiaiido.iIi. I'a.. on the SOtl
iiihtmit. Marv Mnmiliitr. rellu of the late
Michael Manillas;, nged !0 years. I'ltncnd will
take li lace on TneMl.n . Meitelilher3d. reouli'
high mass lieinic celebrated In thu Annuncia
tion clicreli nt 10 o'clock. Jntinneiit will lie
liiiide nt Port Qsrlioii, tho funeral cortege leny
ing lu re nn the !2:W p. in. licnling troln, via
Tuniaqiiit. Friends and relatives Invited to
mm tea
UINU is put in.
You fry fish or oysters in Cot
tolene they will not be greasy. R
AUvnvs have tlioslrillct nr frv-l
tu mg pan cota wne uie iotto-
Retncmber that Cottoleni heats to the cook-
when lightly used, never imparts to food any dis-
11 1 n ta
& agreeaDie greasy oaor or navor. r or pastry or any a
f, shortening purpose, but
f the quantity that was
w j I
Snoooce'iTO if I offn I f11 o
Look for tb trade-marks "Cottoltn" and tfeer'f htai in totlon-pUnl urtat on ttvtrr tin.
THE S. K. F.U1UISK COMl'VST, CHirAfiO and 182 N. Pelanare Ate., riilladclDMa. &
Makes the Best Bread.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo havo just received a (Inc lino of the most licautiful and artistic papers in tlio
market, ivliieh wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which wo aro fcclling nt a sacrifice. Como and
hco our line of goods. We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices.
Jl 1 f V CP I E3" rv I House, Sign nnd Decorative Painting.
- i - I ' I No. 224 West Centre Street. Shenandoah. Penna.
"Will Open on Saturday.sste,
All Work done In first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed. Shirts washed
ana ironed, 10c; stuns ironea, tsc; conars, zc; cuns, 4c; unaersniris, jc;
underdrawers, 7c; handkerchiefs, 2c.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Rooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
tlllings. If your artifical teeth do not suit
you call to seo us. All examinations free.
Wo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
luminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery. .
No charges for extracting when plates arlT
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Ofllco Hours: 7 n. m. to 8 p. in.
Atlantic City's Favorite Kesort,
Brady House I
Isolation, Routli Arkanan avenue, Atlantic
City, N. J., near tlio ocean; rooms airy and
plojiMuit; handsomely furnished; good board;
large garden and lawn. Send for circular. Itates
moderate: 1". O. ltox 207.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned hy Peter Griffiths
No. 122 South Mississppi Avenue,
Two and one-half Bonares from I. & It. station;
lmlf Kciuare from lieoeh. Kwnalnted, renancred
and refurnished. Everything complcto for con
venience of patrons. Aiua. ai, A. ouii'i'in,
i ruiirifirueo.
Hooks & Brown,
Base Ball Goods,
Celluloid Frames, Paper Covered Novels,
Fino Stationery,
Ituhhcr Stamps, Etc.
Agents for all Daily Papers.
4 IN. Main Street
Alfuro'ii Troop Capture Quito.
Colon, Colombia, Sept. S. Authentic
i information is rewired hero that Genernl
j Alfero's troops have tivken Quito, Gonarol
Snriuitl, who lul the government forces,
I lied to the American legation and Snlasur
1 lied to tho Peruvian legation. Fretiident
, Oaro kIvos nubile ttttmrnnoe that Colombia
Is in u tranquil state, iindlote report of nn
uprising ium denied.
lii Hler 'm t.ri officii. Flour, I'n.xinWms Tea.
Sprung; Any I.oaliH Jitely?
W nku't top the leaks from the clouds hut
Itell, Ui dumber, corner Slain and Centre
streeU, can top all your leaks iu water and
gaa mftltii with satUfuctiou.
A Hnoak Tliiuf.
Saturday evening the driver for J. T. firaf,
the grocer, delivered a Ihix of grouerios and a
hark of rlower at the house of Hamuel Davis,
on Went I.lovd street. Mr. and Mrs. Davis The Weatlmr,
lieiiiK u'i-i nt. the goods were put in tlio For eastern 1'ennsylvniiia, Now Jersey
kitehm und Uk door elosed, ns had be n nnd Delaware: Fair; light vaiiublo winds;
IMw. en tl is time and the i" hi ly wurmer this ovonin.
I'ouml on Atlantlo'a Ilonch,
ATMKTio OlTY, Sept. 8. The body of
John Jewett, of Gerinnntown, ytho was
drowned while bathing on I'riduy after
noon, was discovered yoatttrtlay lying on
tlio lietwh. It Is thought that Jewett was
strlukun with heart dleue while lutho
water, as lie was subject to that litnible.
AT?ANTKD. I.bi1v In Bhcniindoali to xoll
cniwu. Wrmiiut. Ohio Ooruct I'd., Cln
elniuUi, O. SWat
VANTKIJ. A fln K'rl r KmerHl
houacwork. (mmI wages paid. Apply itt
U. jr. I'etem', 8H North Jitrdln street. It
TTOIt UKXr. A good dtalile, nituatB on Nnith
' While Blrec I, between Coal street and Apple
ulley. Kent reasonable. Apply at the 1Ibkai.ii
oftlee. 8.27-1 w
TTIOU ltJCNT. An elegant double room, Iliwt
' location In town. All winveiileiiew. Ilea
Honable rent. Alio o bulge room fur Wednesday
evenings. Apply at IIrbaui oTOeo. H.1WK1
"lirANTKD A reliable, active geiitlenuui or
V lly to travel for rulhible intiibllnbed
houne. Salary WW, payable 15 weekly, nnd
imi-v lulvuneed for exnenses. Situation oteariy.
lteferenees. Kuulose itelf-addriuMxl Mlnpwl
enveloiie. II. 1C. Hess, I'resldent, ChUaigo.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to be llrtt-clai In every
lartlculur. Silk ties nnd lace curtains a spec
altv. Qoodx called for and delivered. Atrial
order solicited
A gonuino wolcomo awaits you nt
Cor. rialn and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers,
poller and ale constantly on tap. Choice torn
lieranee drinks and cigars.
For Suientiflc Dentistry go to
fifteen vears actual exnerienoe. Gold. Ainal.
gam and l'oreelaln lllllugs, (Jold Crowns, l'or
celalu Crowns, Aluinimui. Crowns. lltt teeth
$10.(10, no better made nt any price. Teeth ox.
inuttul with vitalized air. 50a. ICxtracted with-
out air, afic. Alluwaueo made where teeth are
out on new plates. All work guaranteed. I.ady
auemiaiK always present.
Onloe hours
1 to 3 p. in.
Kvery day, 1 to 5 p. m. Sundays
3Q East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Max Itecse's residence, front room upstairs.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Berliner and Welsjs Beer.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight J
Our delivery wugon does tho rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil ConVyA
213 South Jardin Street.
Mall or dens promptly attended to,
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Stylish hair cutting (1 specialty. Clean towel
with everv shave.