I EVENING HERALD r.sTAiMsnr.n isto. l'libllslied every livening, Kxrrjit Sunday, nt 8 Sot-rn Jaiuhn Streht, Near CnxniR. Tim Ilrrnlil In delivered InShcimtidonli nnd tlio surroundliiK towns for six eents n week, pny Mile to thr carriers. Ily mull SI OOn yenr.or IB cents n month, iKiyiiblc In iidvnnoe. Advertise ments chnrKedBocortllinr to space nnd position. The publishers reserve the rtjelit t chantre tlio position of iwlverllenients whenever the puli licntiou of news demands it. The rUht Is reserved to rejeet liny advertisement, whether jmld for or not, that the publishers may deem improper. AilvertiMiiR rates inndc known upon application. JCntered at the imstonVo nt Shenandoah, Ph., iw second class mull mailer. telephone CONNECTION. Evening Herald MONDAY, SEITHMHBU 2, 1M. STATE TICKET. STATE TMiASUKKK, IIWNMAMIN J. Haywood, of Mercer. SUPEllIOIt COURT JUDGES, Jamks A. Hkavkr, of Centre. E. V. Wim.ahi, of lAi kawaima. Chabi.br E. Kick, of I.uiserne. Gkorok B. Oklady, of Huntingdon. John J. Wichham, of Denver. HoWAllI) KkmiEK, of Northampton. And still Schuylkill .county has no Con troller. Hut everything comos to him who waits. Tin: reports from official coal circles stato that all operators complain that mining is being conducted at a practical loss. However this may be, it will not require a coitus to And tho number of miners who aro getting rich. Tho profits certainly cannot be traced to the homes of tlio men who develop tho valuablo product. Tub Ilorks county KepubHcans can con gratulate themselves upon securing so able a man as ex-District Attorney Koch, to head their ticket. If ho is elected as judgoof that county the people will secure an able and conscientious jurist, who will havo no en tanglements in the shapo of relatives and a large clientage to bias his judicial opinions. May Hichard carry Holland, is tho wish of his friends here. Tin: week just closed was tho last of the hcason at tho seashore. There will, of course, be many visitors during September, but there will not bo the immense crowds that liavo llockcd thither during tlio past month or two. Jf tho weather proves propitious this month a visit to tho seaside resorts will bo well repaid, for the several reasons that tho hotels and boarding houses will bo less trowded and the temperature not likely to lie so oppressive. Somk of tlio employes of tho electric rail way companies aro in need of a lcctmc from their superiors as to tho extent a conductor may deal with passengors who may transgress Titles. For instance, while a conductor has the right to mako an ejectment ho dare not resort to any undue violence, and certainly cannot justify himself for smashing a pass ongor in tlio faco and knocking him down into tho muddy street. Such a spectaclo was witnessed on Main street last Saturday. The oyster season proper opened yester day. It used to be that oysters were for bidden fruit during May, June, July and Ausiust. tho four months in tho names of which the letter It does not occur, but for some reason there does not appear to be any legal restriction now. If there aro they are not obeyed. Eating fresh oysters during their spawning season, which is during the months named, is not considered cither good or safe form. They are, in point of fact, not lit for tho table then, but there are those who think otherwise, and who eat them all the year round with about the same relish Some discretion may be used in regard to tho halt varieties, which aro genomlly regarded as in season nil tho timo, but they, too, aro Inferior in fatness and flavor during the Miuimor. With tho opening of tho regular wason there will, of course, bo tho usual demand for oystors, and it will no doubt bo a satisfaction to loam that the prospects for an iinuwmlly Urge crop were never brighter. A WISE STEP. After mouths of hesitation and discussion the people of Girardville have at last taken steps towards securing relief from a dearth of w.itur and street lighting. - hi the latter respect the borough is behiud every other in the region, and in the matter of water ifcfli shown itself little, if any, Vettttr. But general change for the bettor seeius to le at baud, and it is pleating to see that the borough is now governed by a lwdy of men who are alive to the general interests of the place and have been able to present them in aiich a light to the people as to aroiiso an almost general desire for Improvement which the size of the town requires. At it last ueotyiug the Horough Council awarded a Ave year contract to a 1'iuckville com pauy to have its street IlluiuiiiuUxl by twenty electric lights, ami at the same time gave Instructions for an investigation to tb'tortubie the cost nf erecting a 10,000,000 gallon reservoir on the O'Noil tract of laud in the Utile Mahaitoy Valley and a reservoir with a capacity uf from 8,000,000 to 8,000,000 gallons for distributing purposes, the estimate to also include the cost of 0-iuch steel pipes to i-ouuect the two reservoirs. The iu lion of tile Borough Council is in direct line with progress and au ultimate enhancement of tlio vnluo of property throughout tho town, A still moro enter prising spirit might hiivo lieon shown If tho street lighting contract hail heen provided for mid itwiirded to homo enpitnllsts, but tho start inado is a good one nml thoso who havo undertaken it should recclvo the hearty support of all the taxpayers and citizens of tho town. SHENANDOAH SCHOOL MATTERS. A Mmily Dcfeneo of tlio Action uf Directors or Ttint District. IConiimiuicatsd Editor Hmialo: The action of certain School Director in appointing a qualified, instead of an inexperienced, music teacher for the Shenandoah Public Schools has nauually aioused the enmity of n few narrow-minded and disappointed per sons who would sacrifice everything to self inter est in the nlacina of Instructors in our admirable school system. Hut happily In thh) Instance a de sire to be juit backed by precedent and State law saved the fearless and conscientious direc tors the humiliation of stultifying their manhood, and opposing the wishes of their constituents who overwhelmingly endorse the judgment exer cised In the particular case. Slurs and innuendos prompted by defeated selfishness, have ap peared from time to time in a Pottsville paper, with the object of creating disaffection among the few who do not fully understand the motives which led to the satisfactory result attained. Th rnntttiatAil iilnas and venom exhibited hv this splenetic correspondent may as well receive an antidote now as at any ttuure time. Directors who have the moral backbone to stand by their ntitfilinna ami nn( lm ftWSVftd 1V tltOSe wllO are endeavoring to advance personal interest at tne expense of our school i chilil Jren do not deserve to be libelled and maligned by a party of midnight nnliticians who would cneeriuny violate estah- llshed customs and law in their efforts to gain their ends. Believing in the principle that economy, jus tice, custom and State law should govern the ac tions of School Directors In the filling of vacan cies in our corps of teachers, we feel satisfied that this principle has been adhered to In this case. The selection we made was clearly in line with tho old established rule of promoting any of the old corps of teachers to higher positions when they present the proper credentials. Surely no right-thinking person can see any vindictive ness in such a course. No wire-pulling, political influence or other pressure would be sufficient to proveut upright men from carrying out such n policy. The people who elected us gave us credit tor possessing at least the common Instincts of manhood, and we shall continue in all our future actions, as in the present case, to justify the os timato placed upon us, tho idle vaporings and mouthings of disgrunted people to the contrary notwithstanding. Our defence, If any is needed, for doing what was eminently just and proper, may bo summed up as follows: 1. A bad precedent is established by takine up an inexperienced person to fill a responsible position, especially when we havo no less than twenty-two (22) tried and competent reachers from our old corps who could givo us infinitely better service. 2. It would be a direct violation of the law ,-nl, t,naltv nt lnnin.. the State annronriation, or about $19,000,001, to elect a music teacher who eked the necessary certincate ox ijiittiim-auwii. 5. A mrtlficato is the only and safest guide in controlling the selection of a teacher. 4. The election of Miss Wasley to the position made a vacancy in the corps of teachers which wo could fill from the ranks of 14 old applicants, all graduates or and holding normal scnooi cer tificates. Four of them have been knocking at our doors for four jcars. How unjust it would be to shut them out, and take up an inexperienced person on first application. 5. We allowed the light of reason to enter into our deliberations and not views evolved In tlio oImwIc! ntmnanliprp fif midnight reSOrtS. b.wuuu ........ , r, 0. In promoting troin our ranis anu uic m mi ni, l,o vnrnnrv ransnd therebv. with a Normal graduate wo save to the School District the mod- e eiim nf f.Sn fl Is this economy right, or snouiu we nave squan dered this inonty. 7. We oclieve it is wrong to cnaige uui tuwuu with a new teacher at 60.00 per month, when we pan secure an cxnerienced Normal graduate at Our schedule of wages, which is strictly ad hered to, is as follows: hirst year's service 35 00 Second year's service 35 00 Third years service 37 00 courtu year s servitu - - Fifth year's service 4200 sittl) vpnr's service 45 oo Seventh year's service 48 oo Hiehth vear's service 5 It can readllv be seen by tile above table that a pnntinti.l cr.rv!rn nf eiolit vears amounts $3,320.00. Miss Wasley would receive by right of IMUU 3C1 VilO jpu.w J'G. ivu., w j In urnTiintmiT Her, and electing oiiss tsase suojeci to the schedule, which after eight years service would be 53,320 there would be a clear saving of SG80 or more man enougn to cover uie &uiary u. music teacher for one year. Nnw. no intelhaent or well-balanced person who believes in the economical administration of ur school business, would givo us credit lor throwing away a sum like the above in order to place an outside applicant (even nliowing all qualifications to be equal) as music teacher to developed a pecuniary luierebi in uypuiiiuiiuma to our staff of teachers. A word as to our caucuses. We went into our first caucus with only eight members, Mr. James being absent and repeatedly declaring he would not attend a caucus. At tho meeting there were applicants to be considered. After some discus sion we proceeded to vote on two, Miss Wasley and Mis6 Morgan, the latter being supported by four members, not wnustancling me laci mat they knew that certificates of qualifications were necessary and not lurnisned Dy tneir cuoice. The result was of course a tie. Upon the strength of Mr. James' assertion we consented to go into a second caucus knowing that with eight members we could hold our own In the endeavor to win the point for which we were striving. Hut behold Sir. Tames has a change of heart and for reasons, which he will not divulge, but which may be easily guessed at, he attended the second caucus in accordance with the causo of his sudden conversion. The result could be only what they figured on, 5 to 4 in favor Miss Morgan. We ot tered to compromise and gave them the choice of any applicant who possessed the requisite diploma, but in vain; it was Miss Morgan or nothing. Satisfied that we did all In our power to hx on a teacner wuose appointment wuum w in compliance witn tne law we ceastu our euons. Th Hnard met the following Wednesday. Au gust 14, to fill the vacancy. The business had not irnrf.iefi verv iar ueiore our wormy ouiiuiiii- tendent of Schools and several Democratic, mem bers, whoso knowledge or law ana precedent in cirli rn&ns is far suncilor to that disnlavcd hv the adherents of Miss Morgan, warned the Board by pungent and pertinent remarKS mat tliey snouiu no carefully, as the law was very strict in the matter, and all annllcauts must have proper cer tlficates. Mr. Ilanna referred to the statutes in question, and the Superintendent read aloud tor the benefit of those whose business it was to have been alreatly llilormed. illlfa nomusnell stopped proceedings after a motion was passed n.nniriiiB all anolicanls to furnish the board witii their certincates on the occasion of its next and final meeting August iq. All the applicants, wttli tha eiceution of Miss Morgan, presented their diplomas at this time, some of them dating as tai back as 1K87. Miss Morgan presented a letter of qualification dated three days after the meeting Ol AURUSt 14. ine uuumuee uu i eatucix aim Salaries wunt into session and in consideration of th late issue and character of Miss Morgan's credentials did not consider tneui, but recoin mended the names of Misses Wasley, Cavanaunh Deuiler and Cooean. This was with the consent of Messrs. Prirr and Baugh. members of the committee, who u not satisfied should nave pre pared a minority report which they failed to do. The Board acted on the recommendation and elected Miss Wasloy, three Democratic votes be ing the brst cast for her. It was not necessary for us to enter into collusion with tha Democratic members, as we knew they understood the law. Oo the contrary it is a notorious fact that the other side solicited the aid of prominent Irish cilisens in winning over Democratic members. But to the credit and honor of those be it said, that they would not or could not be swayed from tha path of duty to assist persons who were mak ing a last desperate effort to grasp the plum that at one time seamed illegally within their reach. It is surprising to us how intelligent lm-iutui of the Board could be led astray by the diminu tive minds of a few unpopular men who si tuplt at nothing to further their own welfare. Three of the men who supported Miss Moi.m made candid admissions before the final inectui that tbey knew they were pursuing the u ron ourt. . one of them giving lias his xiubi, tliut he wanted to get even with somebody. Ye Gods what high minded diiectorbhip! We must apologirn for consuming so inm n space, but oner us an eicuse a desire to let oui constituents know what we have done. We art' Sit kSMBttd of the record, and the sign of the g hat has no terrors for us. f T. R, EDWARDS. Sinned i WM- T' TREZISE, btgned jOHN g LKE. I DAVID MORGAN. ' SMBUMISOAH, August 3l, 1895. Iu eons of hums, spruins, scalda, or itny of tho other acciilt-iiUl puius likely to conic lo the human body, Dr. Thoouta' Kcloctric OH Iflvce aluloat instant relief. THE BASEBALL RECORDS. Standing of the Olntis In tlia llaea for Championship Fonnauts. National League cr.uns. vr. L. I!altltnoro..07 80 Clevelnnd...71 41 Phllada 00 45 lloston 59 45 HrooUlyn...S8 47 IIttsburK...J9 49 P.O. .050 Alt .671 .807 .553 .615 OLUna. vf. L. Chicago 87 SO P.O. .633 .634 .510 .320 .303 .218 New YorkBS 50 Cincinnati.. 60 Washton...32 03 Bt. Louis.. ..3.1 74 Louisville. ..20 79 BATUltDAY'S NATIONAL LEAGUK GAMES. At Urooklyu Olovclauil, IB; Brooklyn, 7. At Boston lloston, 18; Cincinnati, 0. At Washington First gnino: Loulsvillo, 8; "WmOiluBton, t. Second gmno: AV'ash tuRton, 0; Loulsvillo, 7. At I'lillndolphliv 1'liiludclphiu, 10; 1'lttsbtirg, 0. Kastorn T.eaEtio. ci.uns. w. u P.O. 01.U11S. w. i r.c. Sprlngfiold.oe 5 .060 Utitrato 67 IS .fiOi) Provld'noe.0. 40 .010 Sorant0n....48 58 .441 Wilk'ba,'o.6.1 41 .650 llocheator..4U 71 .377 Syracuse 81 48 .820 Toronto 31 70 .31(1 SATUIIDAT'S HASTEltN I.MAOUB GAMES. At Hocheater Providence, 12; llochos tor, 11. At BiifTnlo Buffnlo, 34; Spring field, 3. At Toronto Toronto, 29; Scrnn ton, 9. YESTKRDAT'S TiASTEItN LKAGtlE OAMBS At Iloohoster (10 innings) lloeheiter, fl; Provldoni'c, 0. At Buffnlo Sprlngflold, 9; Buffalo, 5. Pennsylvania Stato I.eano. cLuiis. w. u r.o. ot.un. w, r r.c. Hazleton....37 23 .037 LancaBter-.30 33 .51.5 Carbond'le.31 35 .554 Heading ...-21 3!) .412 SATURDAY'S I'ENNHVLVANIA 1.KA0CIK GAMK8 At Lancaster Lancaster, 10: Cnrbon- dnlo, G. At Keudlng Huzletou, 7; Heml ine, 0. TIIK QUAKE IN NEW JEItSEV. Tho Disturbance Affected Only th North ern rortlon of the Stnte. JuttsEY City, Sept. 2. Now Jcrsoy felt tho foreo of tho earthquake, tho tremor ox tendlnc throughout tho northern part, while the southern section appears to havo escaped tho oxperlenco entirely. From all of tho cities and villages In tho northern section tho story received is tho same. Tho shock was preceded and accompanied by tlio low rumbling sound that marks tho truo earthquako. This trembling motion lasted for several seconds. In some places tho estimate of tlmo is as low as thrco seconds, while others plnco tho duration of tlio dlsturbanco nt from ten to twenty seconds. Tho general courso of tho shock was from east to west. Thcro Is much difference- in tho reports ns to tho truo direction from which the shock camo. Tho early hour is perhaps responsible for this difference of opinion, as tho majority of thoso who felt and heard tho shock wcro nwnkened from their sleep by tho sound, and tho vibrations and tho quake ceased before they had recovered consciousness, and wcro sulllciently awako to realize tho causo of tho trouble. Tho shock does not appear to havo been suffi cient to causo much damage. In all places tho effects appear to have been about tho samo. Houses wcro shaken and dishes broken, but nothing worso than this bus been reported. Tho mountain dis tricts appear to havo felt tho vibrations tho most keenly. That section of Patcrson which is situated on higher ground was generally shaken, whllo tho pcoplo living in tho lower sections of tho town report having felt nothing of tho effects of tha quako. Tho shock enmo between 0:01! and 6:05 11. m. Tho towns along tho ocean shore report little dlsturbanco in couse quence of tho earthquako. Trenton and Bordentowu report that the earthquako cvme with a loud rumbling sound, which was at tirst thought to bo tho wind or tho rattling of a heavy wagon. Thero was n very perceptible vibration, tho shaking of houses and tho rattling of win dows being plainly felt. Reports of violent vibration also como from Burlington, Palmyra, Freehold and Toms Itiver, and nt tho latter place, It is said, a second shock was felt at 3 o'clock in tho afternoon. Don't Get Excited Was what tho doctors told meand they Bald I must not run, on account of Hut- fcprlnn- nf mv heart. I was siok over year with dyspepsia, could not sloop or eat in comfort, was generally miserable. Hood's Sarsapan5!a gave mo refreshing sleep, steady nerves nna Detter neann r,nnn ever, j. hvbici faith in Hood's. II. II. PlUCK, Hearting, ra, Wo,H- D;c easy to buy, easy to take, tiuuu 43 i urn easy in cneci. 25C. RUPTURE PSRMAKENTLY bUHLU PAY. Written tmarintcr to fthtio-Inn-ly cure till kindaof Rupture from bufltneaa. Kxmulna Ih frrr. W refer you to 60O1) PaUenU. tallur wrtiulbr circular, O E mu.-.R CO. I hil.titi ipbii. See our Doctor, every Tuesday, at UNION mm, AM, Pa. Howill furr 1 1. in your i.v i 1 'i rnnid ly JfUCVnil "um Tnri'at. I'imples, CopiieH IHlC IUU t'ulored Snots. A. Iik. Olit hurt. Llitri In Mouth, llalr l allln rl Wrlto f 'OOKI ihi:mi:ui i ciiui aiusonie ieiuine. M'lilciiL-11. 111.. lor oroois or cures, itmi- tul, ff.lOOAtoo. worn causcurea in l. to u. tiuys. lwu-pnao noon; iree. Arfthnwtl PAUtasnsh ni'NiMtsH I J uorouuu, mi the 1710 Obertnnt rft., I WMlllll, Plillsdnluhla. I I ur .i.l,. Oomnisrelsl Vhemailrauninf kuuwledgoatthemiuluiuiii uf oust Itrsuoues. H'nuoralrMtlari. 1J1LU, W. J ALMS, 1 reel. ' .s, J IlaokKMDinir. f " MEXICO'S FIEPICEST STORM. Many Miles of Itnilroads Washed Away and Truffle Entirety fiapndd. LAREDO, Tex., Sept. 2. Information re garding tho fearful storm of Friday, ex tending from Corpus Christl and across tho border soveral hundred miles into Moxlco, Is very ineugor.. Scarcely anything di'fllllto cah be learned, as tho railroad of ficials aro very reticent. Enough Is known, however, to stalo that tho storm is tho worst in tho history of northern Mexico. First reports wcro to tho effect that tlio telegraph wires ami railway tracks would be In working condition nn Saturday, but lulrlcpfl this morning Indicate that wires to tho City of Moxlco over thy Mexican National railway willnotbewtf Iceabloun til this aCternoon.nnilofflcUl sources would indicate tho alxindonmont of through trnhw until IIih 1ntti- tuirl. nf the wivk. I I Ml Five miles of Mexican National Tclo- I ! frnmh wires are down, with numerous brills m washed away. In many places tho Mexican National romlbod is washed out for hevvrnl hundroil yards. At one point lti)0 vnrds of tho trnck was washed Into a, sni.i. i river and twisted into all sorts of sh .p -s. It is reported that ono pnsseuger train is stranded near Salome Botelo, n small mining oamp about a hundred miles fromLaredo, tlio embankment being wii li.il out nt the head mill the rear end of the train. There aro no reports of loss of life or h.mies. Therv is no telling what dcOilopmcnts vs ill bring t;i ll"?'it. Tho Mexican govern ment wires live equally ns lwtllv damaged, but eonmi'.mif r.tlou with tho City of Mexico is established by way of Eivglo Pass. Steam Ynclit Tnnhes Doodle Aflamo. PlllhAliELPlltA, Sept. 2. Tho steam racing yacht Yankee Doodle, owned by MoBrido Brothers, of this city, was dam aged by fire yosterday to such au extent as to incapacitate her for servico hereafter. Tho Messrs. McBride, with n party of twelve friends, had steamed down tho Schuylkill rivor on a pleasure trip. Near tho foot of tho city a quantity of oil escaped from tho tank and became ignited. Tho party was safely landed, but tho boat's ma chinery was damaged to tho extent of $0,000, undslio was otherwiso injured. A mllo record of ono mlnuto and forty sec onds was claimed for tho Yaukeo Doodlo. Oernmny'H Celebrntlon of Victory. Br.lll.lN, Sept. 8. It is evident thnt tho German nation, especially tho Berliners, intend to celebrato tho anniversary of tho ittle of Sedan in a peaceful but de termined manner. . Tho enpitnl presents such n spectaclo as has seldom been seen. The newspapers nil agrco that It Is a demonstration to tho honor of United Ger many and not a manifestation of satisfac tion at tho defeat of tho French. Tho jar ring tones of tho socialists, who wero at tempting ,a demonstration of disapproval of the celebration, find llttlo echo among tho people, and the projected nntl-dcmon- stratlous havo been abandoned. The Wife's Bide or the Story. Altoona, Pa., Sept. 3. Sirs. William K. Cowden, formerly Miss Stella Law, who was murrled to William K. Cowden, of this city, in Camden, on Aug. 15, hos taken steps to contest Cowden's applica tion for divorce. Tho young bride denies tho story widely published that her hus band Is only 10 years of ugo, uud that ho was under tho Influcnco of drugs when tho ceremouy was porformed. Sho says sho is prepared to provo that young Cowden was most persistent in his nttempt to carry her off to a clergyman, whllo her father tried to prevent him from seeing her. Her hus band, sho says, is S3 years old. Ignoring Ilia Governor's Orders. NEW Yohk, Sopt. 2. Joseph II. Vendlg, manager of tho Klorida Athletic club, tho organization which has charge of tho Coiv bett-Fltzsimmous fight, has received tho following telegram from Dallas, Tex., signed by Dan A. Stewart: "Pay no at tention to absurd rumors from Austin, Tex. I reiterate a thousand tiinos stronger than heretofore that parties coming here to see the Corbett-Fitzslmmons or other fistic contests on Oct. SI will not bo disap pointed. Lumber all delivered on grounds ready for bulldlug." Frenchmen Want null Fichtlne;. Batonne, France, Sept. 2. Tho police Invaded a bull ring, where a fight was In progress yesterday, nnd stopped tho first of n series of intended fights, and conducted tho celebrated toreador, Alnzzantinl, to tho Spanish frontier. Tho populace of tho town hooted tho polico, and the munlolpal officers, senators and deputies of tho town vainly pleaded for permission for tho fights to occur. Tlio municipal authorities there upon met arid decided to resign, which de cision caused tho inhabitants to offer them a great ovation. Accused nf Hint and Abetting1 Murder. Uniontown, Pa., Sept. 2. A sensation has been created by the arrest of Earnest Nichols, Philip Kromor, Cyrus Flndley and Krnest May, of Soottdale, on charges of riot and being nccessory to tho murder of James Welsh. Tho information was mado by Airs Gallagher, mother of James Gallagher, tho young man charged with tlio murilor. Welsh was killed during a riot ft few weeks ago. Gallagher dis appeared, but afterwards returned und gave himself up. Itnasted Ills Feet anil Itohhed Illm. IJEAVKI! Falls, Pa., Sept. 3. Masked robliers visited, tlio house of Jacob Kehsler, of Franklin township, late nt night, nnd by binding him hnnd nnd foot, roasting ins h'it over a tamp unit uoatlug lilm un mercifully, they compelled him to give up 1500 which he had secreted in the house. They failed to secure tl.OOO more that was hidden there. Ketsler live alone, and Is reported to be quite wealthy. Ills injuries aro serious. Two Killed While Wnlklni; on the Track, Wilminotok, Del., Sept. 8. Laura Jack son and Alfred. Pratt, both colored, of Armstrong, were killed by the Norfolk ojcpifMS tnvin, about midnight, while walk ing on tho truck near Mlddletowu. NUGGETS OF NEWS. According to offiohtl announcement cholera prevails at VlmllvOBlock, Russia. The number of steers now being fed for market in Texas and tho Indian Territory aggregate lW,0-" bend. Major Hicham II. Sylvester, the oldest luul one "f the lx'st known journalists in Washington, died there yosterday, aged 06, A flru U raging in mine No. 1, of thel'nna Coul company, at Vtuia, Ills. Tho miners are cjcpecu-d to oscape through mine No. 3. Muyor C. M. K. McClintook, of Ashland, Wis., hail been charged with accepting bribes, und an Investigation Uag been oiv dered. After falling to commit suicide by shoot ing, 11. T. Allon, of Omaha, Nob., yesterday succeeded by swallowing poison at a BuX- The Only Remedy in tho World that Refunds Purchase Price if it Fails to Curo tho Tobacco Habit in 4' to Days is It Cures While LJou Continue the Use of Tobacco. Tho greatest discovery of tho age I A certain, ilciusHiit, permanent cure. A lifetime's suffering oiiilwl for $5.00 Why nrnokn nhd spit your lifo nwivy" Why stiller from dyspepsia, heartburn, and driilus on your vital forces V Stop uplng tobacco, but stop the rliibt way I Drive tin) nicotine from your Hysti'iii by the use of tills won der! ul remedy. NAitcnTI.t.'ultJS Is warranted to re move all desire for tobacco In every form, including Olgnr, Cigarette and ripe Smoking, Chewing and Snuff Tailing. Um all the tobacco you want while under tieatnient, and in from four to ten days your "hankering" and "craving" will disappear the wt;ed won't tnsto good. Then throw away tobacco forever. NAitcOTi-CUKK Is entirely vegetable and free from injurious ingredients. It nover falls to give tone and new vigor to tlio weakettt constitution. ltemember NaiiCOTi-Cuke doesn't deprive you of tobacco whllo effecting a cure j doesn't nsk you to buy soveral bottles to bo entitled to a guarantee j doesn't require a month's treatment j and, finally, doesn't enable you to stop tobacco only to find yourself a slave to the habit of tablet chewing. With Nakcoti-Cuhe, when you aro through witli tob.icco, you are through with the remedy. Ono bottle cures. Lager and Finest, Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, Agt., 207 West Coal Street. HE NEVER FAILS Or. G. F. THEEL 131 7 Arch st.PHILfl rronounceo; oy meuical journals, tne nnhHe- nress. and the hitrhest medical authorities of all schools ns the only true and Rennine advertising specialist In the United States of America, able to cure the most dnn gcrous cases. DR. TIHtETy has had the most extensive hospital nnd private experience. A 33 years' continuous practice is surely a JSuarantee of success. Those afflicted with SPECIAL DISEASES. BI.OOD POIS ON, KIDNEY and BLADDER DIS EASES, or IIABITS which destroy both body and mind and send thousands tojnsane asylums and premature death, call or write and be saved. DR, TIIREL has cured more des perate cases of SPECIAL DISEASES and the results of S. A B- 13 tlme anl at less expense than all others combined. KELIEP at once. FRESH CASES cured in 4 to 10 DAYS. Send five two-cent stamps fnrhook "Truth" n true f tiend to all sufferers. Hours, 9 to 3: Revelling, 6 to g; Wednesday and Sat urdav eveni""-. 6ft xc Siiurlnv: 9 to 13. Easily, QuIokly,.Permanently Restored. "Weakness, Ncrvousriefie, tieniMiv, ana an tno tram , of evllj from early errors or (later excesses. th results of overwork, Blcknew, worry. tito. Full strength, Uovel. oprneai ana lone given to levery organ ana portion of the bod v. Simnle. nut-. ural methods, linmedi. uto ilnnrovement sasti. P.-iilnre lmnosilble. .000 references. Itnnlr. explanation and proofs mailed (sealed) treaT ERIE MEDICAL GO.. Buffalo, O, Don't be Foolish and take some other brand of condense4 milk, thinking it is "just as got3 " as the GAIL BORDEN ' EAGLE BRAND No Equal Chlrlieater's Lngll.u Dlauonl llmnj. OrlHnul nml Oitlv dctnulno. Arc, always reliable. laD!K aak K UriuKlst Air Chuhtttfra F.wUtk a-iV mun Bran J In llci ami (.M uetalUoXVA' oiea, with blue rtlitwn. 'J nkO V niinlhp. Return dmutruui tuhttUu V ttomand imltatUma. At Drugstatt, or tead f Id itainp itJt jmrtloulari, it-attmualaU and " n filer tup i,tuuua.'r in , i7 return llUlh iOsVVVI "iuruiiisi, 4fMiV' ChlheiitepnciutculOo.tMu(ilMutSiuai j A i $ li Has rEYrievL fills iw vKS IM U tit. Send for bonk of prominent testi monies llko the following : I IIPNTtN-oTOX, MAM., MHrch 18, 1895. TheNabcoti Chemical Co., PprliiKllcId, Mnss., Gentlemen : I hnvo used tobitceo for over twenty-live yuitrr, cliuwlnp;nudsniok Iiir every ihiv from 7 n. m. to V p. ni. stop- j tin; onlv for nieuW. I in Mondny, Fchrunty 4, I called nt your J omce in sprinKiiPid, nnu timiunt n-unitip oi tho Cum? which 1 used its directed, iind un 1 !, tcnlh .lav tlm il.telo. fur ttntnn ltfl.l left mo nnd ft has not rttuinetl. I dhl not II i ,.,.. n it,.. 'I lUO U 111 ITtl I 11111U ttllltUK I11U l.tHl" i". 11 n'ppctlto has Improved nml I consider NAitcoTi-Cuitr. n Brnnd tlilnu. Very rcsppctfully, CHAS. I. LINCOLN. Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Chlcopco Falls, Mnss., Into Inspector of Public Uulldlnirs for Mnssncliusctts, says ; I used lolmcco for twenty-flvo yenrs, nnd was a conllrmed smoker. In just eight tlnys' treatment with NAItcoTi-Cunn I wnH throiiRh with tobacco. In fact thodeslro for tobnCCO VANISHED LIKE A UIIUAM. Very respectfully, FItANK If, MORTON. If your druggist Is unable to give full particulars nboutNAltcoTi-CuitE, send to us ' for Hook of Particulars free, or send 83.00 for bottle by mall. The N.'ircoti Chemical Co., blMtlNGFIBLI), MASS PROFESSIONAL CARDS. QL1FTON ItOIlllINS, M. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. No. 7 North Jnrdln Street. Ofllco Hours : From 8 to 9:30 ft. m.; 1:30 to 2:80. p. m.; 6:00 to 7:30 p. 111. N. STEIN, 31. V., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Iloom 2, Kiran's New lliiihlinp;, corner Slain anil Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pn. Ofllco hours : 8 to 10 n. in.; 1 to 3 p. 111. ; 7 to 9' p. m. Klght olllce No. 230 West Oak street. P. F. BURKE, Jf. D. 30 E. Lloyd street, Shenandoah. Office hours : 7 to 9 a. m., 1 to 3 nnd 1 p. 111. to0 31. IIA3III.TON, 31. D., PHYSICIAN AND SURGEON. Office Water Comimnv buildlnjr, 20 "West- Lloyd street. II. POaiEKOY, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Shenandoah, Pa. 31. BURKE, ATTORNEY-AT-LAW. Ofllco Ecnn buildliiR, corner of Main Centre streets, Shenandoah. nnd' M. J. LAW LOR, Justice of the Peace Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St. mWO-STORY Frame Iluildlnif, 30xf5 feet on A, South Chestnut street. Itents for SIS icr month ; will ho sold cheap. IjtOR SALE. Half lot nnd two houses, situated 011 West Ccntro street. Will pay 12 per cent, on investment, nnd can bo bought on easy terms. ITlAHr.1 FOK SALE. A farm of 33 ncro, with J1 In three miles of kooiI mnrket. Twenty nine ncrea under cidtlvntioii, and four ucrew of Kood timber. Frauio farm house, six ronnul, Kood Imru and nil In koo1 condition. Will bo sold for SI, 200 rash. IrtOH 8AI-1C Vnluahle property oil East Lloyd 1 street. Lot 45x150 feet; seven houses, in eluding restaurant. Auirrcnate rental, M) jwr mouth. A rare bnrKnlii. Apply to SI. J. ljiwlur, Justice of the l'euce. No. 123 East Centre street. JOHN F. CLEARY, Temperance Drinks. Mineral waters, "Wets beer. IJottler of tho fluent lutfer boerM. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah. AVheu it co men to GROCERIES Our tovk it peaks fur ltelf. to town 6ml your orders. If you don't come They will be avou- ruieiy nnu jtromjiiiy iiuwi. HUSSER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street. HilUons of Dollars Go hji lu Biuofce every year. Tafce.no risk but get your hoiibeg, stocK, l'ur- ' ulture, etc., insured in llrst-cluss re lluhle ooiDlnitw as represented liy DAVID FAUST, iKsl!1' Also Life and AooiilentAl (!nnipanieii. poll IJISTItlOT ATTOIINKY, S. BURD EDWARDS, 't. Of I'otUville. Subject to ltepnjillojiii rules. ( k.:j 4 J jffiiiw&tii imtltKttt '''li " nlin'8