The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 29, 1895, Image 4

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I Gil flUY III.
E ms yffiN. ess
TIlt'IisDAY, AfUVST 20, 181)3.
3luliiino.v City UiihIiichs College.
Tlu' work of orKHiilzins the hew Business
College in Malmnoy City wasliegun last week,
mill 1 1 its way Muiluntit are enrollliiK It will lie
ii ery miLTuwfnl business school.
Using a limiirh or llio excellent Wllkos
lrru Busiuoiwi College, mill the limiiagenieiit
offering so low rates of tuition for the first
year to organise it thoroughly, it gives the.
pcoplo of this county an opportunity to
attend a llrst-clas lmsinom eollego at nearly
half the usual cost.
A Charter Membership is issued which en
titles the holder to a complete courses (time
unlimited) in the commercial and English
hninchos, and shorthand and typewriting for
only $50. In night school only f 10.
There will lie excellent teachers and
thorough courses. In the commercial dcimrt
ment the celebrated Sadler system will he
used for teaching accounts. It is heing
adopted now hy the heat and largest schools
in the country. The shorthand and type
writing department will he nicely equipped.
The Standard (irahani system of shorthand
will ho taught, and both lieinington and
Smith 1'reniicM Typewriters used.
Kor further particulars write to
(1. W. Wij.mams Principal.
A Laughable Mlitiiko.
Two ladies entered a book-store lecently
and tlio younger Hiked the clerk for a book
called "Favorite Proscription." The puzzled
attendant was unable to comply witli her re
quest and she left the store disappointed. In
quiry elicited the fact that she bad overheard
a conversation between two literary ladies in
which "Favorite Prescription" won mentioned
witli extravagant praise, and had jumped to
the concliiKion that it was a hook. She now
knows tlint Dr. Pien c's Favorite Prescription
is a sovereign cure for the ills and "weak
nesses" peculiar to women, for she lias been
cured by its-u&e. Scud for a free pamphlet,
or remit 10 cents in stamps for hook (IBS
initios) on "Woman and Her Diicases." Ad
dress World's Dispensary .Medical Asms iation,
llullalo, N. Y.
Dr. Pierce'-. Pellets cure perpi incntiy con
stipation, sick headache, biliousness, indiges
tion and kindred ailments.
Outstanding Tuxc.
The County Commis-iinners say ti e indif
ference of tax collectors in settling their
duplicates lias caused the county trcaii'ivto
run very low, and they aio now agitating
the question of compelling tho delinqiu it
collectors to pay up. On the first of January
last there remained unpaid on the duplicate
of 'IB, 'laud Mil the sum of $121,000. Vp
to this time about $00,000 of the abo.c
amount has been turned in, leaving about
half still outstanding. The Commis-iioners
have been compelled to make a number of
temporary loans, the aggregate of which foot
up to $100,000. This is the limiting indebt
edness of the county, and, together with tho
bonded indebtedness, which is $.w0,000, cats
up a nice little sum annually in interest pay
ments. Tlie Commissioners have decided to
adopt strong measures to bring the collectors
who are delinquent to time.
Six weeks ago I sufl'orcd with a very
severe cold; was almost unable to apeak.
My friends all advised me to consult a phy
sician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough I!em
cdy advertised in the St. Paul Yolks Xcitung
I procured a bottle, and after taking it a
short while was entirely well. I now most
heartfiy recommend this remedy to anyone
siill'erilig with a cold. Wm. Keil, 07S Selby
Avu., St. Paul, Minn. For sale hy Oruliler
llros., Druggists.
Cluuile Cmilln Pound.
Charles, the 13-year-old son of .lu-dico J. .1.
Cardlti. who was reported missing, was found
last night. His brother found him on tho
mountain north uf town and induced him to
return home, where there was much rejoicing
liytlie family, cpmully on tho part of the
parents, who had heroine almost distracted.
Tliis morning the boy again attended school.
In giving an account of himself Charles said
that while in school on Tuesday morning he
became impressed with the idea that the
other pupils of the class weio ridiculing him
oil account of hi stammering. At noon he
concluded to neither return home nor to
school and went up on the mountain. He
remained there until night and then sought
shelter in a shanty utthe rein-of his home.
Early in the morning he again went to the
mountain an 1 remained there until found by
lilo brother. lie feared to return homo dur
ing yesterday, lest he might be punUhcd for
truancy from "ciiool. When ho got home
laet night his iiarentu wore so much rejoiced
that they forgot about the truancy and there
was a killing of the fatted calf instead of
serious lecture.
'i'lio Lavollu Pair.
Tho 10th annual fair will be held at the
LHVello fairgrounds, Ashland, Pa., on Septem
ber 10, 11, 13 and 18. The grouudsare con
coniciitly located, aud premiums of $2,500 are
oH'ewxl. Many new features liave been added
this year. Jupuuew performers will give
dally exhibitions, and the Midway Plaisance
will bo an attraction. There will be trotting,
pacing and running races. S-27-10ts
"I'or throb years I suirered from iSalt
Itheuui. It covered my hands to filch an ex
tent that I could not Hush them. Two bottle
of Burdock Blood Hitters cured me." l.lhble
Young, Popes Mill, St. Ijiwrenoe Count)',
N. Y.
I'iuule lit I JihuHlile.
'Viia Trinity Jteforruod SHmday school mid
iimny friends held a picnic at lakeside to
day. Untcirtuuately their pleasures weie
interrupted by the storm, hut not until
several very pleasant hours were spent.
(Continued from First Page.)
every promise of li-ing one of tho most
exciting over known In tho attite, de
veloped into n "lovo feait," mid wound
tip about ns tanioly us nny ever seen hero.
Tho confining, for purposes of safety, of
tho spectators' tickets to 100 for each fac
tion, whllo n prudout move, rubbed the
proceedings of much of tho usual accom
paniment of noise, nnd tho oitstoniary
band playing botween tho acts was no
tlconble by ronson of Its nbsonco.
Tho first battle hotweon tho factions
camo on tho oloctlon of n temporary chair
man. Tho Quay enndidato won by n ma
jority of thirty, and aftr this tho sonntor
had his own wny completely.
An incident of tho day wns tho offorlng
by Sonator Quay of a resolution culling
for tho purification of politics and civil
servico in all branches of tho publlo sor
vlco, which was aftorwards embodied In
the platform.
Because, of the foar that tho outside
rabblo might broak In It was doomed un
wlso to open tho doors of the hall nftor nil
ontltlod to admission worn Inside, and It
was necessary lor tho iirty pinttorm Hunt
ers to got in ono corner and discuss thoir
business. Tlioautl-Quny minority, led by
Congressman Dalzull, fought for a moro
dofiulto expression In fivvor of sound
monoy, mid,balng outvoted in commlttco,
brought thoir fljjhr ro tho convention floor
and horo carried tlmlrpolnt without much
opposition, Sonntnr t juny accepting thoir
plank as nn nddiiom to tho ono In his
own platform. 'I.ih resolutions woro pre
pared by mou oppod to Governor Hast
ings, and tho mutter of indorsing his ad
ministration was very nearly overlooked,
u thoughtful delegate offering tho neces
sary plank a low minutes before final ad
journment. The day was tho hottest of tho season,
and for more th.m four hours the dele
gates, nowspapurmon nml spectators woro
Imprisoned in a swoltcriiiK atmosplioro
without food or drink. AVlth a few ex
ceptions, ovory iniin sat In his shirt
alcoves, Senator Quay being one of tho
first to set tho example.
Tho delegates who arrived early found
over 123 man In tho hall, guarding tho
entrances to prevent toughs and heelors
from taking possi-slon of tho premises.
They had buen there all night and showed
evldonces of their long vigil as thoy
innrolied out of tho hull shortly boforo tho
hour for couvonintr.
Although there was nn outward indica
tion of harmony and forgiveness, It Is
said that this oxtends only to Governor
Hastings and his friends. Those on the
platform observed that Senator Quay did
not look at or speak to C. I Mngeo, David
Martin and Senator Porter, tho men who
have led tho fight against him, and it is
predicted that tho wounds now tempor
arily healed will bo reopened In a very
jhort while.
NEURALGIA and simitar Complaint),
mnanlaoUrei under the utrlnirent
kjirescrlbodby eminent physicians:
66 ei nmaummtt
'Onlv eonulne with Trade Mark"Anrl,r,
F. Ad. Klchterft Co., 17 Wares Ct.,USW fOSS.
12 Branch Honeei. Own Glassworks,
A: 60 rts. In Rhciinmlonli for sale by
1'. 1. 1). Klrlin, 0 8. Main ft , .1. M
ni in 7 M. in frt , t j lin-
tich N. Is. cor. a:nln
' Moyil St-s
A lluilMiliold Tlokmore.
1). W. Fuller, of Canajohane, X. Y., says
that he always keeps Dr. King's New Dis
covery in tho house uud his family lias
always found the very lH-st resulU follow Its
use; that he would not he without it, if pro
curable. ' t. A. Dykeaian Druggists (ats
kill, N. Y., says that Dr. King New
Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough
remedy; that he has used It in Ids family for
i iglit years, and it has never failed to do all
that is claimed for It. Why not try a remedy
so long tried and tested. Trial liottles free at
A. WWey's drug store. Kcgular size 50c
and $1.00 .
fine Groceries
IValer lu f.n' eries, Flour. l'ro ijtlnns, Teas,
C'uAevif, etc C. ool. ill hvered ii ' 'iiqal
Iieltef in lv Hours.
Distressing kidney and bla'ddcr diseases
relieved in six hour ')y tho "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in malo or female.
It relieves retention ot water anil pain m
passing it almost immediately. 11 you want
quicK reiiei anil cure tins is your remcoy.
sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street
To Study for tlio Priesthood.
The following Catholic students are getting
ready to attend the Seminary of St. Charles
liorromeo, Overbrook : Dauiel.I. McGcttigan,
of Silverbrook ; Joiiu J. Campbell, of New
Philadelphia, and .1. P. McDonald, of
Tamaqua. Those who will attend the St.
Charles Seminary from tltis county are P. J.
Uarry and Linus Schwartze, Poltsvillc ; John
J. Mooro, Ashland; William J. Garriga'n,
Port Carbon ; J. J. Whitakor, Shenandoah ;
Klmor Slapletou and Dennis Maley, Tama
qua ; Thomas Kealy anil Patrick Kelly,
Minersville ; August Wachtor, Peter Schaaf
and Thomas Hanney, St. Ciair; Itev. Charles
Pendergast, Deacon, and William O'Donncll,
Heckscherville ; John Mal'-y, llranchdalo ;
Thomas O'llricn, Mahauoy City, James
McConncIl, Malmnoy Plane ; Dennis Meare,
of Pottsville; Kdward Larkin, of Now Phila
delphia : Cornelius 1'eing, Jr., Mahauoy City,
ami William uruiicl, ol .Mcclianlcsvillo, nro
those who passed a favorable examination for
admittance to the Seminary. Miners'
A dose of Dr. Fowler's Kxt. of Wild Straw
berry brings immediate relief in all casus of
cramping pains of the stomach or bowels. It
is nature's specific for summer complaint in
TlilllliqlUt' i:if( trio Light.
AUan adjourned meeting of the Iiorou
Coiiiic'ilof Taieaqua acontmct was mnde with
the Edison Klcctri" Liglit Company to fur.
nisi) the borough with eighty are lights, S,000
caudle power each, at $75 per light per year.
Heretofore the borough had used incandescent
light only, and the citizens had agitated arc
lighting, and Council heeded it. Tho Kdlson
is the local company. A Now York company
had also put in a hid.
Sliaros Tor Mill'. !
The Safe Deposit liuilding and Saving As
sociation will open another series September
Sth. This fund is especially successful. A
large numltcr of the prinuiiwl luminous men
of town carry stock in this fund, Shares
can be had at the onico of M. It. Master
now. 8-12-lSt-eod
Since 1878 there Imvo leu nine epidemics
of dyseutary In ililt'eiant parts of the coun
try in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Kemody was used with per
fect tuecess. Dyseutary, when epidemic, is
almost as severe and dangerous us Asiatic
cholera. Heretofore the best eil'orts of the
moat skilled physicians have failed to check
it ravages, this remedy, however, luw cured
the most malignant cases, Imth of children
and adults, aud under the most trying con
ditions, which proves it to be tho best modi
cine in the world for bowel complaints. For
sale by G rubier Itros., Druggist.
Tim Circus.
Washliuru'sclrcus tents were pitched at tho
Trotting irk to-day and at noon a very
creditable street parade was given. Tho
storm interfered considerably with tho per
formance, which was said to be very good by
those who were in attendance.
The Coal Trmle.
Tho anthracite coal trado appeal's to have
at last struck bottom for low prices, and,
from the best information wo can gather,
from now on the general situation of the
trade should improve, says the Philadelphia
The larger producing and carrying com
panies are no longer inclined to hook orders
for future delivery at the ruling low prices,
aud they are also more strictly curtailing
their own output of coal hy partial suspen
sion of colliery operations as well as holding
down tho production of the individual oper
ators by keeping short the supply of cars in
the mining regions. On a trip through the
anthracite fields the absence of the Usual long
tmins of coal ears, either full or empty, is
quiet noticeable, and neither nro thoy to lie
found standing along tho linos of the rail
roads, hence tho belief that many of the
coal cars are now being used to store coal at
the tidewater or lako shipping points.
Several of the companies nro roportcd to
be now short of stove aud egg coal, but chest
nut and tho other "junior" sizes, pea and
buckwheat, are stacked almost mountains
high at the storage pockets In the mining
regions. For the smaller steam sizes tho
companies expect a largely increased demand
during the fall and winter, when thoy will
bo required for both manufacturingand steam
heating purposes, aud then the companies ex
pect to get better prices, whllo thoy would
have to sacrifice tho coal if any furthor effort
is made to move the surplus tonuago now at
the prevailing low quotations.
My liltlo boy, when two years of age,
was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was
advised to uso Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Itemedy, and luckily pro
cured part of a bottle. I carefully read the
directions and gave it accordingly. Ho was
very low, but slowly and surely ho began to
improve, gradually recovered, and is now as
stout and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved
his life. I never can praise the Remedy
half its worth. I am sorry every ono in tho
world does not know how good it is, a I do.
Mrs. Lina S. Hinton, Grahamsvillc, Marion
Co., Florida. For salo by Gruhler Rros.,
Miss Lydla Dolman spent to-day at Potts
ville. Alfred Richards nnd Gordon Drown are at
Atlantic City.
Ileilry L. Jones made a luminous trip to St.
Clair this morning.
Mrs. John Kay, of St. Clair, is tho guest of
Mrs, Hi-own, of town,
lloll Sheeler returned to town last evening
from a trip to Atlantic City.
Miss Sarah llarrctt, of Glrardvlllc, wns a
guest of town friends yesterday.
Mrs. Flower l'coso is visiting hor daughter,
Mrs. Harry, at Steclton.
Miss Sadio Haugh is spending soveral days
at Shamoklu, tho guest of friends there,
Mine Inspector Stein was ot Silverbrook
to-day, In consultation witli mine ollicials.
Ike Kaplan, of Kingston, Pa., has accepted
a position as salesman with Max Supowitz.
C. J. Quliin, the energetic manager for tho
Singer Manufacturing Company, spent to-day
at Hazlcton.
David Herlilne and Miss Com Stauflcr en
joyed a plcasHiit drive through the Catawissa
Valley last evening.
Miss Bachman, of Lynnville, Lehigh
county, is visiting her uncle, Dr. J.S. Kistlcr,
of North Jardin street.
Mrs. Iko Orkln yostorday afternoon pre
sented her husband with a Kiby girl. Mr.
Orkin is all smiles to-day.
Harry llafuur, who was confined to his
liomo by an attack of painters' colic, is nblo
to be on tho streets again.
Miss Annie Scager 1ms returned to her
homo in Philadelphia, al'tor spending several
weeks in town as a guest of relatives.
Kdward Johnson, Sr., of North Ilowers
street, is visiting his daughter, Mrs. Kli
Weaver, at Sandy Uun, Luzorno county.
1!. II. Morgan, of town, who represented
the Mahauoy City llocordat Harrisburg, gnvo
that paper an excellent report of the proceedings.
Thomas K. Purcell, a prominent business
man of Shamokin, was n visitor to town last
night, a guest of his brother, Joseph, the
Last Centre street grocer.
Miss Mary Whalen, accompanied by hor
nuests. Misses Fanny Halpln and Nellio
Connors, of New York, and James Coakley
spent to-d.iy at Glen Onoko.
Thomas Smart, the genial salesman of tho
Quaker City Manufacturing Comp.iuy, and
his sister, Miss Uebccca, were guests of the
O'Connell family last evening.
3 nn A
Sift 1 nntirt flour, 1 aultipoonfnl salt, 1 giltiipoon
ful ground nutmeg or clnutmon, 3 ronndinc tun
spoonfuls bnkiag powder, together. Bt&t 3 eaun;
add leap eoar, 1 enp mllk.s tenpoonfnls melted
;lloleno. Btir three Into tin fionr, roil nd cut
Into ehopp. HavekettloJJ full jf t'otlolc Jl!'-it
juet tho right heat and try the duughnuU In It for
M For frying, Cottolene must be hot. but don't let it I
m get not enougn to smoiie or it will burn. To hnd if i
t 1 . 1.1 ". . i -. - 3
it is not enougu, tnrow into it a single drop ol water, m
iWhen at just tlie rigbt beat, tbe water will pop. 1
g Qennlna hao trade marks "GottoUnt" and (r'i htad in cotton-plant icrtath on arery tin
THE 5. K. FAIKIUXK COMPAXT, CHICAGO and 182 If. Delaware Are., Philadelphia. 1
itiiiiitnniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiuiiiiiminiiiniimmimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiii iii""iniiiiinjjiijjMg
Makes the Best Bread.
WE WANT Every grdcer to keep it.
WE WANT Every housewife to ask her grocer for it.
WE WANT Every housewife to use it.
WE WANT Everybody to know that it makes the best bread
WE WANT Everybody to know that one barrel of Gold Medat
Flour will make 30 loaves of bread more
than the same quantity of any other flour.
WE WANT Everybody to know that 100 lbs. will cost $2.50.
WE WANT Every housewife to try it and thus give us an
opportunity to prove what we state.
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
When Baby was sick, we gavo her Castorla.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
When sho becamo Jllss, bhe clung to Castorla,
When sho had Children, she gave them Castorla
for your
a oottlo now ami get
lld Von Kver
Try Klcctric Hitters as a remedy
troll i esY 11 not. get
reliel. This medicine lias been found to be
neciiliarlv ndantcd to tho relief and cure of
all Female Complaints, exerting a wonderful
direct nillueiice in giving strcngtn aim tone
to tlie organs. If you have Loss of Appetite,
Constipation, Headache, Fainting Spells, or
are ervous, Sleepless, j-.xcitanie, jiciancnoiy
or troubled with Dizzy Spells, Electric Bitters
is the medicine you need. Health and
strength are guaranteed hy its use. Largo
bottles only lllty cents at A. Wnsley's drug
Maley, tho jeweler, for your wedding
1U North Main street.
"Weill lo 11 (1001I I'lnce.
At noon to-day a Hungarian with a wild
stare in his eyes, hatless, aud as nervous as a
cat, made a dash out on Poplar street into
Jardin, and on to the porch of the English
Lutheran church. Seizing the brass knob of
one of the doors he held on to it like a drown
ing man to a plunk. So.oe people thought
he was a Hastinn-, ndheront seeking a place
lo hide hi;; lip.;d, b,ii '..e proved to be a Pole
named Iiice who has i.tting strangely of
late. Two citizens took fhargo of the man
and escorted him to ids home on Poplar
strei t.
The I ). S. of A.
Tlie third day's session of 'the state camp
of the P. O. S. of A., now being held at Allen
town, was very largely attended, it was de
cided to hold the next convention at Altoona,
and tho s-oini-centonnial celebration of lh07
will be held at Heading. A. II. Conger, of
Scmntou, was elected State Lecturer. To
day's parade was very large, about 3,003 men
being in line. The following appropriations
were made : State president, $o00 ; vice presi
dent, $50; secretary, $1800, an increase of
$20U ; Camp Sown, $750. Tho per capita tax
was increased, after a hot debate, from 10 to
15 cents. A session was held last night, and
the business of tho session completed. After
Installation of olllcers tho stato camp ad
journed. Most of the delegates remained to
day to witness tho imrnde.
Dr. Thomas' Electric Oil lias cured hun
drcds of casus of deafness that was supposed
to bo incurable. It never fails to cure car-acliu
Aiiiilti Sues John Again.
Uright and early tills morning John Sned
don and his wife, Annie, made the vicinity
of their residence on North White- street
noisy by indulging in a vigorous disagrce
nient.'aud shortly after Mrs. Sneddon ap
plied to Justice Lawlor lor John's arrest,
charging him with boating and kicking her
and smashing some ornairfeuts in her parlor.
The war rant wus issued and executed and
John is awaiting trial on charges hy his wife
for the fourth or llfth time since last Deeem
lier. He is a one-armed veteran of the re
bellion and those who lmvo watched the
progress of the litigations say that John will
be at home again about the time his pension
falls due. ltissflld that, between pension
days John fet cranky and his wife swears
htm behind be bars as soon as he commits an
overt act, hut as the time for the pension to
be paid draws nigh she relents and every
thing heeoraes lovely again. Verily, this is a
funny world.
A I.hely Time.
Chief of police Tosh had a lively time this
morning. He lulled at the residence of Mrs.
Moses Wiueatiue, on West Coal street, to
make an attachment on some furniture imiler
the raudiiloul debtor act. Mrs. Wiuestine
jumped at the officer with a determination to
punch his head and quite a struggle followed.
Tush forced the woman to the street with the
intention of taking her to the lockup, but
she liecaiue uuieied and was released. The
attachment was made on n claim for $40 by
laudore ljaudensteiii against Mrs. Wincsline's
Did you ever-sec one of the famous
vfaterprooflutcrlined Collars or Cuffs?
It's very easy to tell, for they are all
marked this way
'iJL te.
They are the onlv Interlined Collars
anil Cuffs, and are made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof " Cehuloid."
They'll stand right by you day in and
y " ar catms way
The first cost is the onlv cost, for
they keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet cloth
iuui L iuiu luutuu uris way
These collars and cuffs will ouUast
six linen ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
you uct a collar marked this way
o ir
P-JL . tew
Vill Open on Saturday, w
Shirts washed
All Work done in first-class manner, and satisfaction guaranteed
aim iiujiwu ivvi ami ia iiuiiiu ou vuiiaio -tu. v.
SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry,
10 North Main Street.
Clothes of all description neatly done up in first-class manner. I can refer to scores of
families in this town as to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up clothing.
I do my work.bettcr and quicker than any other laundry in tho city.
The Last Clearing
Mid-Summer Sale
Consisting of trimmed leghorn hats from $1.25 to $2.50. Largo lino of hell-top sailor and
Knox hats from 25 cents to $1.83. Plain sailor for 15c. Ladies' untrimmcd hats from 20c.
up. Silk mull hats $1.00. Infants' caps 5c. up. Infants' and children's Slouruing goods very
cheap. Nuns veils from $2.25 up.
No. 26 South Main Street,
Shenandoah, Renna.
Garden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Vi'o have just received a flno lino of tho most heautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which wo will sell at very rcasonahlo prices, Wo havo also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which wo are selling at a sacrifice. Conic aud v
see our lino of goods. We have the most heautiful aud artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
Finest Stock and Lowest Prices
J CD f V CP I CT" IVI House, Sign and Decorative Tainting.
- I . rK-1 -1 1 , No. 221 West Centre Street. Shenandoah, Penna.
Evan J. Dayies,
13 N. Jardin Street.
Ask vour dealer first, and take noth
ing that has not above trade mark, if
you desire perfect satisfaction. All
otlicrj are Imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, we will send you a
sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair.
Give your size aud say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
437-20 llroadwny, NEW YORK.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Booms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silver
fillings. If your artifical teeth do not suit
you call to sco us. All examinations free.
Wo make all kinds of platos. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Uridgo work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgory.
No charges for extracting when platos aro
ordered. Wo are the only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(TItmnn's Uloek)
ECast Centre Street.
Onico Hours: 7 n. m. to 8 p. 111.
Your Stomach
Hooks & Brown,
Base Ball Goods,
Celluloid Frames, Paper Covered Novels,
Fine Stationery,
Ruhber Stamps, Etc.
Agents for all Daily Papers.
4 IN. Main Street
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Berliner aud Weiss Beer.
22-24 S. Mnln St., Slienandoah, Pa.,
IrtOU ItENr.- icond Btaule, nltuute 1111 North
J White dtn-i-t, between Coal lreet anil Apple
alley. Kent rt-uioiittble. Apply at the IImiiaui
oHlce. 8-W.lw
f riOlt ItHNT. All elegant double room. Itett
y location In town. All convenience. Iteui
Minalile rent. Alito u lodge room for Wotluniiliiy
evening. Apply lit IIkuAmi ollleo. K-llKir,
luHHi. Tin
lliiclilon'H A ml mt Salve.
Ut salvo In the world
for ouu,
X.. In ..H.t..l. ...... IIP. n
Ointment hrings iustant relief In all ease of hmisen, sore, ulcer., salt rheum, lever sores.
Itching rile., l'in WorniM, Kcaema, ICIng- ier. niupiwu "",
iiiv.. .... ,..i,..r if,.i.....u. r a,. n II bkm eruntions, and lioditively cuies piles.
tietitii youi ih-ali r. or no pay remiin d. It is guaranteed tu rive
It u
I Bahii iiudi luppy with LuW Syrup,
lierfect siitislHi tion or inony refunded. I'rl
1 B5 cent!, per box. Tor sule ly A. Waslty.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work nouranlecd lo ho flrnt-cliwin In every
particular. .-4ilk tie ami luce enrtalns n xw
liiltv (limit-i-ulled fur and delivered. Atrial
ordct solicited,
uaoiioi. Biiiiiu mu Biinie waiiing mat your
i)ois no, nnu 1110 water you ilrink Is
even lit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and porter)
JIauager Shenandoah Branch.
A gemilno welcome awaits you at
Cor. Haiti and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest whiikeys, bors,
I'uiit-r iui itiu uoiiKiuiuiy on rap. unoice iviii
lieruuce drinks and cigars.
ihas. derrT
Tonsorial Artist.
13 West Centre utreet.
HtylUh halrcuttliiE ft eneolalty. Clean towel
with every sliuve.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight
Our delivery wagon does the rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Caudles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardin Street.
Mai orders promptly attended to.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage.
Owned hy Potor Grilllths
No. 122 South Mississpp! Avenue,
Two and one-half sijuares from 1'. & It. statiom
halt equarc from beach. lUpointod, repapcred
and refurnished. Kvervthinu comnlete for con.
vcnleiice of patrons. MltS. Id.
A tiltIFHIj