The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 24, 1895, Image 2

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Cleans n. condition of uncertainty.
That's just the condition of any
man who wants to push his busi
ness and hesitates for a moment in
regard to advertising. Those who
are shrewdest select the best me
diums and advertise judiciously.
Such wise advertisers are found
every month in the columns of the
Evening Herald. They know its
worth. They know that it is
the only daily in the largest town
in the county. These shrewd and
clever advertisers know what they
are about. They are never "afoot
or on horseback," but are always
leading the procession.
K.STA1H.1&IIKD 1870.
Published every Evening, Except Sundiiy, at
8 South Jahiiin .Stkket, Near Cestui:.
The Herald ts delivered In Shenandoah nnd tho
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay
able to tho carriers. Hy mail 80.00 a year, or 25
cents a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space ami po-miou.
The puhlWiers reserve the right to change the
imsltinii of advertisements whcne er the mib-
llcntion of news demands it. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
tuna lor or not, Hint toe puuiinicrs nmy uccin
Improper. Advcitislug rates made known
upon nppllcntion.
Entered at the pontoflleo nt Shenandoah, l'n., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
Delkoatks to the Republican county con
vention arc springing up quite lively in the
different wards.
Tin: Delaware peaches already marketed
have been the finest grown in that state for
years, and thoe of tlio later varieties yet to
come give full promiso of equal superiority.
The ministers of Mahanoy City, lead by
the Daily American, are after the Lakeside
oflicials with a big stick. They want better
accommodations and less rowdyism.
Tun old legend of the red-headed girl and
the white horse has been remodelled. It has
been discovered that whenever a red-headed
girl is seen on a wheel there is in the neigh
.borhood a white man on a bicycle.
Anotjikk good man gono wrong. This
time it is an ex-Mayor of Trenton, X. J.,
who is in a peck of trouble and two law suits
because ho violated the commandment, "Thou
shalt not covet thy neighbor's wife," and all
the good gossips are discussing it as a sweet
morsel, both parties being wealthy and promi
nent. The demoralization of the Democratic
party in Kentucky is so great that it looks
very probable tho Republicans will carry that
stronghold of the Democracy this fall and
elect a Governor and state officers. Tho op
position to Gorman in Maryland also looks
very encouraging to tho Republicans, who
liave a very strong ticket nominated and
liave perfected a good organization for activo
Lehiqu county yesterday voted to send
llastings-Gilkcson delegates to the state
convention. This winds up the elections and
both sides still claim they aro ahead. The
administration forces aro holding conferences
-while the Governor is soliciting delegates
.known to be committed for Quay to consult
with him Tuesday morning. Straws of this
kind disprove the claims so loudly made that
they have a majority. Tho convention
likely to be an exciting one as no such con.
test has been waged for years. Congressman
Jack Robinson, of Media, is likely to be tho
Quay candidate for temporary chairman, and
as that officer will name the committee on
credentials, this will bo the test vote which
-will settle tho question of supremacy.
Some facts and figures recently set forth hy
government geologists concerning the fuel
resources of tho couutry, and particularly of
our own state, make interesting reading.
It is shown that the production of coal in
tliis country in the past fifteen years has
reached an aggregate of 1,783,874,284 gross
tons. The anthracite region in Eastern
Pennsylvania, which covers only four buii
dred and eighty square miles, yielded 510,370,
258 tons, or nearly thirty per cent, of this
total, and the 0,000 squaro miles of bitumin
-oub coal area in Pennsylvania produced 470,
807,700 gross tons. Of both bituminous and
anthracite coal Pennsylvania has produced
-during tlio past fifteen years 090,238,037 gross
tons, or over fifty-five per cent, of the entl
output of tho couutry.
The first thought of tho average reader on
contemplating these enormous figures natur
ally is that such a drain upon tho supply must
in a comparatively short time exliaust tho
latter. Hut the calculations of Dr. H. M.
Chance, of the Pennsylvania geological
survey, are likely to dispel fears on that
Dr. Chance assort that flio untouched re
servo of bituminous coal in Pennsylvania
mounts to about 33,547,000,000 gross tons.
Tlio 470,807,709 tons of soft coal which have
been mined during the list fifteen scats,
therefore., represent only about ono-foiirth
pur cent, of what remains. At tho rate of
production of the past year tlio bituminous
coal supply of Pennsylvania would last nearly
1,000 years; and that (shut a small fraction
of the fuel resources upon which this coun
try draw as necessity demands.
Industrial Troubles Less Threatening and
l'toipenta tiuoil for Fall Trade.
New Youk, Aug. Si. U. G. Dun &
Co.'s wookly review of trade says: Tho
volume, of business Bhrinks.ns Is natural In i
Ar-rust, and tiio shrinkage seems rather
larger than usual because transactions
In July were soinowhnt inflated for that
month. Somo Industries aro doing more
than over before In August, Mid tho pros
pects for fall trade is good In others, al
though much depends on the crops, and
the outcome Is less clour than speculators
on either sido aro disposed to admit. In
dustrial troubles ham not entirely coased,
but during the past week have become
much loss threatening.
It Is certainly a relief to turn to the
great In Jus tries, In which the enormous
orders placed some weeks or months ago
causo phenomonal activity for the season.
In iron, notwithstanding some uneasi
ness because the output has greatly in
creased, heavy purchases by two leading
companies have advuncod the prico of
Bossamer steel fifty cents, and a new com
blnatlon has raised galvanized barbed
wire to $1.80, while combinations are
being formed in wire rods and common
wire, and advance in prices is expected.
Failures for tho week have boon 223 in
the United States, against 234 for the same
week last yoar, and 43 in Canada, against
Bradstruots' review says: Tho volumo
of gonorul trade throughout tho east,
south, southwest and on the Pacific coast
Is no larger in volume. In fact, at sev
eral southern nnd eastern centors rather
more of qulot is roported than a week ago,
At westorn and central western points,
with somo exceptions, signs are conspicu
ous of the favorablo Influence on businoss
of the prospectively enormous Indian com
crop and the vory large harvest of spring
wheat. At the east stimulating influ
ences are found in tho continued activity
in leading industrial Hues, notably iron
and steel.
NntlonM League.
At Philadelphia First game: Philadel
phia, 5; Louisville, 4. Soconugame: Phila
delphia, 12; Louisville, 3. At Now York
New York, 7; St. Louis, 4. At Brooklyn
Brooklyn, 7; Pittsburg, 6. At Balti
more First game: Baltimore, 8; Wash
ington, 6. Sucond game: Bultlmoro, 11;
Washington, 4.
Eastern League.
At Providence Providonco, 8; Scran
ton, 7. At Sprlugflold Wllkesbarre, 7;
Springfield, 3. At Buffalo Buffalo, 0;
Rochoster, 4.
Feumijlvanla Stat League.
At Reading Lancaster, 10; Reading, 6.
At Curbondi.le Hazletuu, 0; Carbon
dale, 6.
Durant Will Testify.
San Francisco, Aug. 24. The prosecu
tion in the Durant case is in fresh troublo
over the business connections of Juror
Nathan Crocker, who owns a rook quurry,
and has been endeavoring to Induce the
board of supervisors to use material for
concrete work from his quarry. Attorney
jJicuinsou, or Durant s counsel, is also
attorney lor the majority In tho board of
supervisors. Durant will probably bo a
witness on his own behalf, this determi
nation having been reached on account of
Mrs. Leak's claiming to have seen Durunt
and Blanche Lamont enter the church to
gether the day Blanche disappeared. It
is belle red at least six persons will cor
roborate Durant's alibi statement.
Probablj Murdered by Trumps.
ALTOONA, Pa., Aug. 34. The body of
an unknown man was found in a corn
field a mile and a half west of Tyrone
yeaterday. A small fir burning neur by
indleattd that trumps had spent the night
there. Th head of the man was covered
with blood, and a mark on the head in
dicated that he had been itruck with a
blunt instrument. A book, printed in
Hungarian, found near the body had the
name Hudak Mehaly ou the fly Uaf. A
blackjack was alio found nuir the corpse.
The clothei had been partially remoTed,
aa if In a aearch for money.
Race IXarM Din m the Track.
Rochester, Aug-. 24. While the Ro-
cheaUr meeting; of the grand circuit wa
not a incceta financially, good sport wm
furnished, specially yesterday. In the
3.21 trot great excitement waa cauaed by
the death on the track of Comanche,
wned by Mr. Curtis, of Fort Erie, and
attached to Lon McDonald's string. The
horse was coming down ths finish in the
last beat when he staggered and fell, Mo
Donald lumping to snre himself. A blood
venal was burated and the animal died
Immediately. He waa valued at 11,600.
Fatally Hart la a Mia. Car.
Petersburg, Ilia., Aug. 4. Eight
miners atart.d to work at 7 a. in. in Hill
top mine. The engineer bud been in the
habit of letting the cage drop nearly to
the bottom, then catching it. This time
the grlppers failed to work, and fire men
had their legs broken and were Injured
internally, and will probably die. Three
will certainly die. They are John Lin
berger, Patrick Kelly and Qua Nelson.
Cham.d wltk PurnlDf n.r Slstar.
Minneapolis, At sr. 24. Miss Lora Per
kins was arrested a i the oharge of killing
her sister, Mrs, Loll, Hawkins, by setting
her on fir on Aug. 0, for the sake of 17,000
life Insurance. The warrant was sworn
out by Dr. Todd, medical inspector of one
of th lnauranco companies. It has been
supposed that Mrs. Hawkins met her
death by accidentally overturning a lamp.
Bold Dlam.nd Tlilef Caught.
Atlantic City, Aug. 24. A bold dia
mond robbery occurred ut tho Hotel
Majestic A sneak thief entered the room
of Mrs. Max Ulernbanm and stole f 1,200
worth of Jewelry from a bureau drawer,
while she lay In bed alongside her child.
The thief was aftorwards caught, and
gave the names of Dave Martin and Morse,
Johns.a Makes a New Cycling Record.
Rochester, N. Y Aug. 34. On th
grand circuit track yesterday Bicyclist
John 8. Johnson, paced by two tandems,
wheeled a half mile in 61) 2-5 sooonds,
breaking the world's record by a llttl
over four seconds. The first quarter was
made In 27 seconds.
The Builder of the Now Yaoht Eo
futes Published Statements.
Mr. Herraftolioff Declare Thnt tho Rnoer
llni Not Proved n Disappointment In
Any Wny, nnd Will b Prepared to Do
feml America's Cap.
BniSTOL, H. I., Aug. 21. Tho many ru
mors nnd reports which hnvo been printed
nnd circulated by othor moans In runny
quarters during tho past few days rogard-
ing the condition of tho yacht Dofondor
woro answorod last ovening by a posltlvo
statomont mado to an Associated Press
roportor by Prosldout John B.llorreschoff,
of tho Horreschoff Manufacturing com
pany, in which ho Hot only denied em
phtttically that there was any truth In
those reports, but declared that tho boat
had more than mot tho highest expecta
tions of her builders.
The sovcrat recent accidents which havo
happened to tho Defender, including tho
fact that sho has boon aground twice since
the unfortunate accldout at tho time of
her launching, and her withdrawal last
Tuesdayf rom the race with tho Gould boat,
have led many people to believe that the
designers and bulldors were sadly disap
pointed at tho outcomo of tholr labors.
Although tho Herreschoffs and members
of tho syndicate havo been fully cognizant
of publlo opinion, they have horotoforo
strenuously declined to mnko any denial.
Mr. Hcrrosohoff deplored tho fact that
such reports had found their way into
print, and Bald that in many of tho pub
lished storlos thoro had not been a par
ticle of truth.
"There is nothing the mattor with tho
Defender, and never has been any serious
trouble with her," said Mr. Herroschoff.
"Tho boat was ns sound as a dollar when
taken off of tho ways, and is just as sound
today. Tho reports that her hull has
been wrenched either on the ways or in
running aground, or in nny of tho trial
spins or racos, are unqualifiedly without
"Tho breaking of tho first spar and
many of the slight accidents," Mr. Hor
reschoff continued, "wero unavoidable,
and wore not unexpected in a new boat.
The breaking of the gaff was tho only
sorious accident that has occurred. Asldo
from this everything has stood as firmly
as it could bo expected to stand on a new
"Last Tuesday, in tho race," Mr. Horre
schoff went on, "it becamo apparent that
tho mast stopped after tho previous acci
dent was scarcely strong enough for the
new rigging, and osipuclally in tho weather
that prevailed at that time, and in order
to prevent any possiblo accldout tho De
fender withdraw and was brought back
to Bristol that sho might bo thoroughly
overhauled nnd havo everything time
thut could bo done to anticipate any fu
ture accident, cspaclnlly after sho should
bo rigged with her stool boom and gaff.
"Assoou as the now mast Is put iu po
sition tho steel boom will bo put on, and
tho Defender will then be roauy to no her
duty in protecting tho America's cup
from tho Valkyrlo III."
Mr. HorroseholT remarked In conclusion:
"Thoro Is one thing that I want to make
as Impressive as possible, and that Is that
tho Defender has more than met tho high
est oxpoetnUoii? of her builders,"
Chicago's Hospital Ncnudiil Grows.
Chicago, Aug. 21 Tho scnudiil urislng
from tlio death of patient Pulck, at tho
Duniilui; hospital, Uai rosultod In charges
bcliir prufornjd ng.ilnst tho followinj;f
Preisiduut Heuly, Superintendent Mor
gan, (JummU'ilonor Rlttor and Butcher
Evaus. It is charged against Healy and
Morgan that they have appointed and re
tained employiM ut tho Dunning asylum
who havo liuon bribed. Healy Is further
charged with violating ths civil service
law bv "favoritism, incompetency and
neglect of Ills odlolal duties." Tho charge
ainlnst Butcher Evans Is soliciting of a
bribe from the meat contractor, and Com-
nils-donor Rlttor, It is alleged, took active
pare In the contract.
Ollkcmn Wins In T.nhlgh County.
ALLKSTOWif. Pa., Aug. 24. The Hast
ings Gllkoioti ticket has beun elected In
Lehlnh county by an overwhelming iiia-
iorltr. Tho Indications are that Senator
Quay hn but 43 votoi out of a total of
1(3(1 in tortuv s convention, xnis insures
tho Lohlch delegation lnthostate conven
tion fofHastlncs and Ullkesou. ur Mr.
Ouav's votes ton were olocted In Allen-
town. Hastings securing tne remaining
sixtv-one. Of the thirty-two outside of
Alleutown wiuen went lor Mr. yuay
nearly every one waa carrlod by David H.
Thomas, of tlio Tliomaa iron worK. Tlio
vote was thu heaviest ever polled at n
county primary.
Our Commlstloner Said to be Prisoners.
LOSUOV, Aug. 24. A special dispatch
from Shanghai says that the members of
the cuiumUsluii which recently loft Foo
Chow for Chong Tu, in order to investl
irnto the recent massacre of missionaries
there, are virtually prisoners, nnd that
Commander Newell, of the United States
steamship Detroit, has gone to Cheng Tu
to consult with .Mr. J. C, Hlsson, tho
United Status consul at Foo Chow, who
la tho luudluK member of the cummlsdlon
about thu landing of mnrlnos for his pro
tection nnd for the protection of the other
members of the commlMlun.
Miss Kmran Ilockefeller to Wed.
New Yokk. Aug. 21. Tho World snyss
Miss Kmma Rockefeller, eldest of the
four children of William G. Rocknfoller,
one of tho two brothers who control the
Standard Oil compuny, is engaged to
marry Dr, David Hunter McAlplu, Jr., of
this city, sun n tne millionaire touueoo
manufacturer. Miss ij.utii iiuukolvllev.
tho youngest daughter of John 1).. is to
be married li.'xt month to Harold MvCor-
mlok. William G. Ilockefeller, cousin of
Miss Kdlth and brother of Miss Kuuuu, is
soon to marry Miss Kinnin btlllman.
Germnn Monoiuetalllsts Jubilant.
Lotjnox. Auk. 21. Tho Times' Berlin
correspondent says that the supporters of
tho gold curreuoy aro jubilant at the t.ito
ment made by Hon. A. J. Balfour, llrst
lord of tho troasury in tho houso of com
mons, to tbe effect that tho Kngllsh gov
ernment will take no stops looking to on
International bimetallic conference,
Tltre Killed la a Church Fanlo.
Vienna. Aub. 24. During the celebra
tion of mass In a church nt Ilogonio,
Gallola. a panle was caused by ths upset-
tin of n taper. During tho oonfuslon
three persons were killed and many wera
Know Hood's Cured
Because It Mario Pure Blood.
"I was nil run down and could nut sleep
et night on Recount of tho com. .u . us
and necie !ns
tbroURh my Uviy.
I had r.!'i stom
ach troubles and
catarrh. Alter
taking Hood's
Baraaiinr.'llfi n
ehort tiers I com
menced to im-
nrove. nnd p.ftrr
;5J using tVirt-.- but
fj4 ties in all. avj oo w plain t rti-
titoly left mo. I now havp n:i a)i'!tp.
Bleep well nnd am froo from all stuimu-h
trod',! '. 1 "iiiow Houd's Earna 'ii. . is
curd ni", ind I choerfully recomr'tn itn
us bv ill vnan who w-n n down nnd
reed n bn:Uln up medi'nr1." ilieo
A . 'cs Wxay, V. Bridgewater, Pa.
Herd'; tSarsapanya
Id tho only Trua P.lood Purifier promi ,- j-i tli-1 nnl Hp rvp t'v'nv.
I .
t ituke.
. 1LII11.
IU1UC Vflll Mo TBroat, I'imples, Coppcrf
StlAlL IUU Colored Snots. Aches. Old Korean
juicers in Houin, uair-rsjiingl write cuuaP
aicuaiUDX cu., su7 .unnonic Trmnic i
Chlcntrn. 111., tor proofs of cures. Canl-f
cai, atoUUMUU. worn cases cured in &f
Slo OS uaya. lOO-pnirc book free.
JVOo you 0ESIRE to makeHL
Our Plans of Operation
Absolute Safety of Investment.
Dividends Payable Monthly.
$10 to
Can be Invented wltb talttv. Will
V convince any rtatonabU person tb&t
toil ua truiniui statement.
The loDglooked for butt nM rtrfni!
Is at hand. Every indlcatUm Id tho
nnanclal world signiftet an advance
In values. Prior to My 1 prices of
ei'trithlno were at or below the cost
of production. Will you join the
pretention and reap the benefit! or
this boom ?
Will establish thie Uclt by refer
ring to some of tbe leading Ban
ana Trust Companies of our city
n yl uur past ffucccai iubuucb us in
25 Der CGnt 1 statin that we feel assured of
our ability to pay a monthly dlvl-
nor Mnntn. laena oi a
dend of 25 per cent or more on
r w jail
If you want to ma fee money, & we
. ask is fur you to investigate our new
and original methods. Will cuaran
tte to convince tbe roost skeptical.
Full particulars sent free on nppllca.
lion, iiepresenuiuves vvaiuea.
Co-operative Trading Ass,
15 Oearfccrn St., Chl:ec3, lit
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned by Tetcr Griffiths
No. 122 South MisslssppI Avenue,
Two nnd one-half Bnunres from P. & It. station;
half sounre from beach, lttpalntcd, rcpopercd
and refurnished. Everything complete for con
venience of patrons, suts. at, A. umi'i-in,
I Toprieirctts.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are suf
fering from weakness and feel
exhausted and nervous; are getting
thin and all run down, Gilmore s
Aromatic Wine will bring roses to
your cheeks and restore you to
flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is the
regulator and corrector for all ail
ments peculiar to womanhood. It
oromotes dicestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength
Sold by
1 06 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 Eaat Centre St.
mWO-STOIlY Frame Ilulldinir. 80x43 feet on
X South Chestnut street. Itents for $18 per
month : will ue soui cueap.
TnOK SAIJ5. Half lot and two houses, situated
JJ on West Centre street, will pay 12 per
cent, on investment, ana can ue uougni on easy
I71ARM FOIt SALE. A form of S3 at re, with
! In three miles of good market. Twenty
nine acres under cultivation, and four acres of
good timber. Frame form house, six rooms,
good uarn ano, an in guuu nonunion, in uo
gold for 1,300 cosh.
ITIOIt BALE. Valuable property on East Lloyd
street. tatOxlDO feet seven houses, In
cludlnB restaurant. Aggregate rental, $H0 per
month. A rnre bargain. Apply to JI. J.Ijiwlor,
Justice of the Peace, No. 123 East Centre street.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to lie flrst-clasa in every
particular. Hilt tics nnd ince curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for and delivered. A trial
I order solicited.
7' A !:ttzt
Tha M.etlns;. of Cubans In Thta Country
TlEOroualy Criticized.
Madrid, Aug. SI. In regard to tho nows
that Estrada and other Cuban lnsurgont
loaders aro allowed to hold n mooting in a
Forestor hall, "with tho flag of tho Cuban
ropubllo flying alongside tho stars and
strlpos, onlumlnatlng Spain, hornrmy and
Cuba, colluctlng inonoy nnd rocrultlng
men for robolllon," as announced In a
dispatch rocolvod hero, tholmpnrclal snyss
"Tho government of America and Its
representatives may think as they llko of
this mode of understanding that neutral
ity to which they aro bound, but outsldo
of them thero Is no man who supports fair
play who will not cenauro the conduct of
tho government of the Unltod Statos. If
thoy contlnuoto authorlzo such mooting.',
in which Spain nnd her army aro Insulted
nnd funds collected for expeditions against
us, ourcoursols clear, nnd Europe shall bo
mado acquainted with how tho United
Statos understand their international ob
ligations. Dcoda and not words, nets nnd
not promises aro what wo want. Lot us
saorlflco everything rather than tho honor
of our country. Lot us reach tho mostex
tremo dlsastors, if suoh Is our lot, but lot
us not olthor be deceived or degraded by
any weakness,"
Tho soml-olllclnl El Nnclonnl says thnt
tho government has decided to dispatch
100,000 men nnd all tho ships necessary to
blockade tho Island of Cuba, nnd crush
tho robolllon during the first months of
General Salcedo has nrrived ntCorunna.
Ho states that it is only a question of tlmo
and weather whon Captain Martinez
Campos will "sweep the rebels into the
Maximo Gomez, tho lnsurgont leader,
it 1b stated, has lssuod a proclamation
Bontenolng n numbor of woll known per
sons to death.
A Missing Clergyman.
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 24. Rov. Mllnor
Morris, of Nlantlo, Conn , has myster
iously disappeared while on his wny from
his homo to Montrose, this state, where ho
was to no Installed as pastor of the Mont
rose Baptist church tomorrow. Ho tele
graphed Thursday morning that he would
surely be thoro. A committee was at tho
station to meet the afternoon train upon
which ho wired ho was coming, but he
was not among tho passengers. The po
lice havo learned that a man nnsworing
the description of tho missing clergyman
had left tho train in this city at 12:87
Thursday afternoon. Later a clerical
looking man with a tickot for Montrose
boarded tho (1:07 train, but instead of
changing cars for Montrose paid his fore
on to Binghamton, N. Y.
Saved from Suicide.
Philadelphia, Aug. 84. Two young
women. lonujuamed Do Clare, and the other
unknown, called nt tho boarding house of
Mrs. Ada Pirn, on Molmoth street, and
Inquired whether Elizabeth Crompton,
aged 35 years, a boarder, had committed
suicide during tho night. Tho door of
Miss Crompton's room was forced open,
and sho wns found unconscious In her
bed, a handkerchief tied firmly over her
mouth, the gas turned on and every ap
erture stuffed with wool. Two notes wero
found. In ono sho bequeathed all her
worldly goods to Miss Do Clare, and In
tho other begged thnt no one should mourn
for her. It was learned that a few nights
ago tho two womon visited Miss Cromp
ton and discussed her approaching death.
She will recover.
Shot Down by nn Officer.
Nashville, Aug. 24. At Winchester
J. C. Arlodgo was shot nnd killed by
Oflicer McClaron. The ofllcer had noti
fied Arlcdgo to closo his saloon, as the
hour for closing required by tho city law
had arrived. The saloon wns closed, but
somo parties remained outside, while
others asked for admission. By somo
moans a glass In a show window was
broken, and Arledge shot through tho
window into the saloon. Officer McCluron
returned the Are. Arledge fell dead. Mc
Claron was shot through the leg and ear.
Big Tannery Destroyed by Fire.
Altoona, Pa., Aug. 24. At 7:80 last
evening a flro broke out In tho Irvona
Tannery company's eztenslvo buildings.
The town being poorly equipped with fire
apparatus, the tannery wns completely
destroyed, and tho flames communicated
to the shed, which contained 80,000 tons of
bark. At 10 o'clock the Are was spreading
through tho bark shod, but on tho arrival
of a flro engine from this city soon after
that hour it was gotten under control.
The loss will probably reach $76,000.
Peaceful ProipceU In Fro.
Washington, Aug. 24. Hon. A. J. Mo-
Konzte, United States minister to Peru,
who Is In this country on leave of ab
sence, is In Washington for a law days.
Mr. McKentle takes a hopeful view of af
fairs In Peru, and sayi the prospects for
peace and prosperity In that country are
better now than they have been at any
period during tho time of his stay. He
also expresses the belief that the disturbed
relations now existing between Peru and
BollTla will be settled by arbitration.
The Universal Feae Dulon.
Mtbtic, Conn., Aug. 24. The conven
tion of the UnWersal Peace union closed
yesterday. The following officers were
elected: President, Alfred H. Love; vice
presidents from tbe societies of each state
Miss S. V. Whipple of Now York, Miss
Daisy Earle of Boston, George W. Mlnler
of Mlnler, Ills., Frederick W. Hippie of
Westerly, H, L, and Mary Frost Ormsby
sf New York were elected to All vacancies
In tbo executive oommlttee.
Glass Workars Accept m Compromls.
PlTTSDUno, Aug. 24. The prescription
department, the most Important branch
of the flllnt glass workers' scale, was set
sled by the workers agreeing to an advance
of i per cent.. Instead of 9W per cent, de
manded. It Is Intended by the manufac
turers to start their factories on Sept. 16,
which Is a moncii lator man tney are
usually started. The wages of about
B.000 men are affected by tho settlement.
Two Killed In an Excursion ltlot.
MiDDLKSDOitouait, Ky., Aug. 21. News
has just reached here of n desperate light
on the Kuoxvllle, Cumberland Gap and
Louisville railroad, In which two men
wore killed, nnd Cuptuln Wynne, super
intendent of the road, was knocked in the
head. A negro excursion of 1,000 people
woro en route to Cumberland Gap, when
Captain Wynno and the other two men
attempted to quell a row.
Abe Small Convicted of Murder.
Savannah, Ga., Aug. 21, The trial of
Abe Small, the negro who shot' Police
man Nueves nnd was recently brought
back from Baltimore, resulted yesterday
In a vordlet of guilty of murder. Tbe case
has attracted unusual attention.
Contractor Dakln or Syracuse Tells
of tho Final Success of a Ills
(From the Suraciite N. Y. rosf.)
Mr. George Dakln is a well-known con
tractor ftnl resident of Syrnctiso, nnd. a
representative business man of that city.
Our representative found him oversee
ing tlio sewer work at tlio Arsenal, and in
tho following interview lie describes how
ho has finally completed the biggest con
tract lie has over undertaken.
"Mr. Dakln, doesn't your business ex
poso you to many unhealthy conditions?"
" Yes, I am continually catching cold."
" Docs It affect your general health?"
" It lias brought on kidney disorders."
"Have you been troubled from that
source any length of tlmo?"
"I think it started during tlio war, in
which I took an activo part, and every
cold I catch has aggravated it."
" What wero the symptoms?"
"Lame back and troublo with tho kid
ney organism. I have doctored for years
nnd used nil kinds of remedies I heard of,
without relief. My case is as follows ":
"Somo little time ago I was iu a very
bad condition, hardly able to hobblo
around; I had been in Madison County
looklng nf tcr n contract there for the State";
I got very wet, and, as usual, was laid up.
I wns simply twisted way around nnu
doubled up on one side; when I attempted
to stand up it seemed as though I would
tear out ono of my kidneys; while in tljis
condition I saw Doan's Kidney Pills nd
vcrtiscd. Being almost desperate, I was,
willing to try anything for relief. I be
gan using them, and tho result was truly
wonderful. I feel as young as a boy, and
it is tho first tlmo in many years that I
havo been perfectly free from pain in tho
smau oi my uacu. ah urinary trouoies
gone. I am perfectly well, and no traces
of my former troublo remain. I gladly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills."
Price, CO cents per box ; for salo by all
dealers or mailed by Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for the U. S.
For salo at Kirlin's Pharmacy.
No. 7 North Jnrdln Street.
Ofllce Honrs: From 8 to 0:30 a. m.j 1:30 to 2:30
p. in.; 0:00 to 7:30 p. m.
yy N, STEIN, 31. I)., ;
Onice Room 2, Kgnn'H New Building, corner
Main nnd Centre streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllce hours: 8 to 10 a. in.; 1 to 3 p. ni. ; 7 to 9
p. in. Night office No. 230 AVest Oak Btrcet.
p V. HUItKE, M. D.
30 E. Lloyd (street, Shenandoah.
Ofllce hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 nnd 7 to 9
p. m.
Ofllce AVater Company building, 20 AVebt
Lloyd street.
Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllce Egnn building, corner
Centre street, Shenundouh.
of Main and'
1JTJ jrs'
In C2r r B KBIT
2317 Arch St. Phiia. Fa.
Cor-j't Oil ltoncHt Ur. Tlieel. wht
h.ui. -ml ujro muerers tli.uuul others
coinMnwl. 'i he ohlcHft specialist in I'liit
i.leluUU. as (Uiilonms nnd recllf rntcit
.me, countersigned Uv hcertry of
Amrmi!i i-CUiltlc-n At r.erlln. notivlth
nti.n.ilnn what Quacks nd hpeclnlljliiul
cv itiIh! or Miy. TliPretsnonetuequullilm
n til. if M.iuent of Hperial dlNi-nxr uf eutu
o r HKnii; poIhoii. all tan hiiiI ille.'ls of
j n.Miii'nl ei'i oi'M, lent power, bludilt r, Ul.l ievv
xl.tii a.i.I ih'1-vuuh dlHiu-ilcru, etc, trfu roaw.
cuir.ll.i-1- lUdiO'H. Relief at once. I'oor.i e
lw i--l llld Or. R. 1'. Tlncljthu
(inl) xiiccinllHt, wlio lia inu.1, umu!
allile, m'l I'.-or. .lluller, ,llopHlMe,ilic lo
.i.M.r. in.- ni-,1 &rtf:tHltLg. Tills 1-. Iflf orilMllftt
uIvrrtlM-iuYiiL rtlinu and avulri tue juu'.iir
uu.a-Oi- oM rimiihn cwyiue same in run
nolo. Th-y c,o t'lls to inib(ed you. 1 tin tin' only
1,1) who ever e. posed quacks and wameu nuieiei!
:aliiiliniHi,teis. me quncus opi-niy
llr. Tlieef l.iwris a new oilvertiseineni 10-iii.y ;e-
ivUleouyiir.i -.insosu'oe somewhut
,vlll not, knif :iiatwe nre the very rru:i
now-d. UfllcK .juri, 9 A. M. to s 1. M.; ev'u. 1-8.3
Wed and at. ev'irs. fc-8.20. V undny.t A. M. to 111
Send llw iwiweni stamps for tnolc Truth," oti
onu tvuoalrii: qmick ana iki luroiuiinu yum, .
loisle ur married, poor ana ricu. a new iricit ui
muni Itu.YiH.rietlf-ed docturft Klld aOM kS Id tUIS!
'rhu. ...n .in ..'.1 Mtithll.hMl nfliA flf kll f.l I fluO-HM
physician, bavlnu an om man (uo physician) I" tbtlf
luce whom toey use aa a aecoy.
M OkiHlii Eurllsh DtaasMd I!ra.
Pennyroyal pills
atOat&J'K. ttavr. lan Mllabll, t-jVDIKS tut
ibslXM. MftlM VILA LltM tlDMB. '1 HO 1
U lUMM tot MrllcaUrt, UiUambUU ul
M UUr fr U4IH," UUt, tj rctwm
Bookkceplnc, I PA I.MR I Tenth Year.
Arithmetic, I TtllHIVVHH I Tboronib.
sad all the I . ''.H. I lastructlon.
Oommercisl I 110 Chntnnt St., I Hituations
Rrsnchcs. Philadelphia. I'umisbeU.
Tbsmsximemofknowledre attbaminlinamsf cost.
WriUMtirtuUri. TIIEO. W. PJtLUB, 1're.U
For Scientific DentUtry go to
Fifteen vmm actual exnerlenee. Gold. Amal
gam and Porcelain fillings, Gold Crowns, Por
celain Crowns, Aluminum Crowns. Ilent teeth
$10.00, no lietter made at any price. Teeth ex
tracted with vitalized air, 50c. Extracted with
out air, 25c. Allowance made where teeth are
out on new plates. All work guaranteed. Lody
attendant always present.
Ofllce hours s Every day, 1 to S p. in. Sundays
1 to 3 p. m.
30 yi East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Max Reese's residence, front room upstairs.
Atlantic City's Favorite Resort,
Brady Houses'!
Location, South Arkansas avenue, Atlantlo
City, N. J., near the ocean ; rooms airy and
Iilea&ant 1 handsomely furnished; good board ;
arge garden and lawn. Send for circular. Hates
moderate: 1. O. Box 207.