The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 22, 1895, Image 4

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F---, T . ... .
" THURSDAY, AUGUST 212, 1803.
An Intirnotlonnl fcqu iblilc.
St. Johns, N. l, Aug, 23. The news
pajpergnithbuncq that tho French ndralrnl
colnmiitullng 'tho itfrencli squndrtin for
flstfery'protibHbn nl&riff tho NowFouhd
Utt'd?cdnst Is waiting ht liny of Inlands to
profejit1 ngnlilst tho now trnns-Jriaular
raltroVid, Dow In course of construction,
p.lefclng tho fcountry nnl touchlrig'hny
parVof tlnrao called French shore' where
FroVch fishing claims exist. The -British
nuthorlUPsVipprohond prompt'and decisive
notion on the part of the French. It Is
feared that tho question will load to vol
Important International trouble, The
British' flagship Cleopatra Is lylhg lrt'the
same waters.
Salvationists In .lull.
MadisoN", Wis., Aug. 23. The whole
local Salyatlon Army, Including the visit
ing brigadier of Wisconsin, W. W. Win
chell, of Milwaukee, wns arrested by the
pollro last night. Its members wore noti
fied by tho chief of police that no moro
blockading of streets would bo permlttod.
Tho Army paid no heed to tho warning,
but plnnnod a groat demonstration In
honor of Brigadier Wlilcholl. A police
man' bo I zed him In tho midst of a prayer,
and other officers took his ten associates
to tho jail. Tho women wore rolcnsed,
but tho men wcro placed behind the bars.
Promised Ilnfnrins In Turkey.
CoxsTANTiNot'Mi, A ucr. 23. It is stated
hero that tho sultan has decldod to Issue
a docrco on Aug. Hi announcing general
reforms throughout tho empire. Tho ten
dency of this reply to tho powers, how
ever; Is moro rotrogrndo than progressive,
asitfoT'lnstancd, Christians nro not ndmic
ted to bo eligible to hold the post of vail,
In splto of the fact that Christian vails
have existed for yoars past.
Richard Crokrr mill Tnintnnny.
NEW YortlC, Auu, 22. Today's World
says: Ulchiird Grokor is slated for reap
pointment to his old position in Tarn many
Hall as chairman of tho flminco commit
tee. Verification of this comes from
sources which cannot bo doubted. The
ox-leader has bcon cnblod about it, hut
has not replied, and tho placo will not be
filled until ho returns.
Ngro Shot by a White Womnn.
Bridoeton, X. J.. Aug. 22. William
Crawford, colored, during a fit of jealousy
yesterday afternoon nttackod his white
mistress, Ella Gaunt, choking nnd knock
ing her down. Tho woman soized u re
volver nnd shot him through tho stomach,
tho ball lodging In his sido. It Is thought
that ho will dlo, and tho woman has bcon
Nebraska Dmnocrntlo Convention.
O.MAHA, Aug. 22. The Democratic stuto
convention convened In Omaha today.
Since all opponents of froo silver in tho
party will hold a state convention Sept. C,
it Is conceded there will bo no fight along
this line.
Sighted Thirteen Itlff Iceberg.
LONDON, Aug. 22 Tho British steamer
Lycla, Captain Jones, at Avonmouth from
Montreal, reports that sho sighted thir
teen largo icebergs on Aug. 11 nnd 12,
from twenty to 160 miles east of Bolle
Publisher' Anniiiiiii'i'Uicnl.
The local circulation of the Kvi:ninci IIkr-
am continues in the hands of Messrs. Honks
A Drown, stationers, No. 1 North Main street.
lVnple who are not receiving the paper can
have it served every evening by carrier upon
leaving their orders at the pluce stated.
Orders for job work and advertising will also
receive prompt attention if placed iu their
hands. '
Jtelli-r 111 SI Hours.
Distressing kidney and Madder diseases
relieved In six hutirs by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness1 in lclieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and evory part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
nnssiiiL' it almost immediately. If you want
quick relief anil cure this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shaplni, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
The no longer occupies tho- offices
in the liefowich building. Tho only ollice
the minor has in this town is at tho new
quartern, No. 8 South .lardin street.
My little boy, when two years of ugo,
was taken very ill with bloody flux. I was
advised to uso Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily pro
cured part of a buttle. I carefully rend tho
directions and gave it accordingly. Ho was
very low, but slowly and surely ho began to
improve, gradually recovered, and is now as
stout and strong as over. I feel guru it saved
his life. 1 never can praise the Remedy
half its worth. I am sorry evory ono in tho
world does not know how good it is, as I do.
Mrs. Una S. Ilinton, Giuhamsvillc, Marion
Co.. Florida. For sale by Grnhlor Ilros.,
Coming Ktcnt.
Aug. ai. Lawn party, at tho rosidonco of
Dr. C. M. Rordnor, for benefit of AH Saints
Sept. 11. Festival in liobbins' opera house,
under auspices of Patriotic drum corps.
Since 1878 thore have been nine epidemic)
of dyMMitary in diirerent parts of tho coun
try in which Cliamlicrlaln's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea ltemedy was used with per
fect nuceeiK. Dysentury, when epidemic, is
almost mi severe and daimerous as Asiatic
cholera. Heretofore tho bust offorts of tho
mot skilled physicians have failed to check
iu ravages, this remedy, however, has cured
tho most malignant eases, both of children
and adults, and undor the most trying con
ditions, whlehproves it to bo the best medi
cine In the world for bowel complaints. For
sale by Gruhlor Bros., Druggists.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tinsmithing dono call
on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stoves. 8-1-tf
Miss Hannah Davis spent yesterday in Ash
land. I. N. llird and;i!oWt' ITflnes arc at Ocean
Adam I'. Smith Is transacting business at
George Hrill, of Delano, Is fishing at Lake
Harmony. " 1
' John Senior nn'd'Kli Webster left to-day for
Ocean Grove. ,;
James Collier and wlfo left for Atlantic
City, this morning.
.lames' ltofugll and Fred Wasloy are sojourn
ing at Atlantic City.
'Mfs. Robert' Benning, of Nanticokc, is
visiting friends Tn town.
'Squiro J, J. Cardiu transacted legal busi
ness at Pottsvllle yesterday.
Dav!dr Levlne, the Palace clothier, is trans
acting business iu New York.
Immigration Inspector Monaghau Is spend
ing a few days at his home hero,
Mr. arid Mrs. N. .T. Owens, of Frceland, i
were visitors to town last evening. j
E. C. Urobst and Joseph Rail joined tho I
excursion hero this morning for tho seashore.
Jehu lilckcrt, of Shilmokin, is visiting his
brother, Joseph Blckert, of tho Watson House.
Joseph Luckus left for I'hiladolphiato-day
to undergo treatment nt ono Of the diospitnls
in that city.
Miss Annie Yost, who has been spending
the past week or two with Allentown friends,
arrived homo yesterday. 1
Mrs. Harry Rowse and Miss May Ramsey,
of Jit. Carmel, who is tho guest of tho former,
spent to-day In Pottsvllle.
Messrs. Andrew Hughos and William
Ranier wero. among tho people who visited
the Heiiald office to-day.
Mlsws 'Mary and Maudo Haiighney, of
Mahanoy City, .passed throughntown .this
morning on their way to Atlantic City.
John O. Bishop, bookkeeper for the
Columbia Ilrewing Company, is confined to
his room in tho Ferguson House by 'sickness.
Miss Pauline lilum, of liniddock, and Mrs.
B. Gilhctt, of Huiiting'don, who arc tho
guests of the Heiscnbcrgor family, spent to
day in Pottsvllle.
George F. Helms, formerly city editor on
tho Evening Chronicle and.until recently on
the Philadelphia Press stiilf, has accepted a
position on tho reportorial staff of tho New
York Herald.
K. W. Sheelcr, the North -Main street
i barber, left this morning for Atlantic City.
Is. .1. Yost, now that tjuay's election is as
sured, lias eschewed politics for tho present
and will conduct Mr. Sheelcr's business dur
ing his absence.
"Beware the pine tree's withered branch,
Beware the awful avalanche" I
was the peasant's warning to tho aspiring
Alphine youth. Dangers greater than these
lurk in Hie pathway of tho. young man or
young woman of the pre wnt as they journey
up the rugged sidehill of Timo. Butthey
may all he met and ovrcomo by a judicious
and timely use of Dr. 1' eree's Golden Medical
Discovery, the cell !n ted curo for colds,
coughs, catarrh, and consumption. Better
than hypophosphites or cod liver oil; un
rivalled and uu-ippmnrhahlc in all diseases
arising from a scrofulous or enfeebled condi
tion of the system. Send for a free book.
Address World's Dispensary .Medical Associa
tion, No. lu:i Main street, Buffalo. N. Y.
Hernia, or liuptiirc, permanently cured or
no pay. For treatise, testimonials, and
numerous references, address World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, Bull'alo, N. '.
17M, Fmnieue
for ' . .
fihd slmlUr Complain t,
manniMiureo aimer me stringent
pain expeller:
lOtdV conulno with Trade Mark"Anchor."1 1
j F. Ad. Blchterft Co.,17 Wurtn Ct.,lIIW SOBil
12 Branch Hoisei, Own Olnawoike.
L 2 Ac 50 cts. In Slicnnndonh for sale by
-. I-, Li. riirtin, u is. iimn ri , .1, in
liilluti. if 31. n-t .1 II 11h- .
k5cnbuch N. 15 cgr. Mnln.(V
AVork nt tho lIlnes.
Tho collieries of tho Lehigh Valley Com
pany shut down last night, and will remain
idlo for tho balance of tho week. Tho Phil
adelphia & Heading collieries will probably
work a full week, but nothing definite is yet
known. The coal trade Is still in unsatis'
factory condition. In speaking of tho coal
tonnage, an official of tho Beading said : "It
is amusing to know that wo have agreed to
submit our figures for examination pending
tho adjustment of tonnage percentages.
They havo always been open for examina
tion. I do not know whether tho receivers
aro willing to submit tho question of per
centages to arbitration, hut if they aro you
can rest assured thoy arc confident of secur
ing 21 per cent."
Maley, tho jeweler, for your wedding rings,
10 North Main street. tf
The I.nrge!.t of the Seuson.
Tho excursion that left here this morning
at 9:30, over tlte P. ei I. road to Atlantic
City, was the largest iu the season. It was a
rain of five cars, and 111 tickets wero sold at
the local depot. Tho special from Ashland,
Which included the O. A. it. and their friends
of that town, was composed of eight coaches,
and thoy were packed. This is tho last ex
cursion of the season over the Beading road.
IWahnnny City Hoslness College.
A branch of tho well known Wilkcsharro
Business Collego will open in Mahanoy City
on Monday, September 0th. Thcro will bo
three distinct courses : Commercial, Short
hand and Typewriting and Academic. Day
and night sessions, first-class teachers, and
commodious, well-equipped school apart
ments. Rates of tuition lower than any
other first-class business collego in Pennsyl
vania, and instruction equal to the best. To
facilitate organizing tho school, the manage
ment has decided to sell 100 charter member
ship scholarsliips, entitling tho holder to a
complete courso in the Commercial and
English branches and Shorthand and Type
writing, for only $50. In night school, only
$40. Other schools chargo at least from $100 to
$150, for tho same courses. Those desiring
instruction in special branches chosen by
themselves can havo special rates on applica
tion. For further information in Tegard to
Wilkcsharro or Mahanoy City colleges write
8-17-tf G. W. Wii.mams, Principal.
Curo I'or Heailaebe.
As a remedy for all forms of Headache
Electric Bitters has proved to bo the very
best. It eil'eets a permanent cure and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches yield
to its influence. We urge all who aruafllietcd
to procure a bottle, and give this remedy a
fair trial. In case of habitual constipation
Electric Bitters cures by giving tho needed
tone to the bowels, and few cases long resist
the uso of this medicine. Try it once. Large
bottles only 50 cents at A. Wasley's Drug
Tours to fhe South ln Pennsylvania Kall-
Happenings Throughout the Iteglon Chron.
1, . ,,lclcd.(or 4aVy f(etijinl,
John lioJtQr, ppd nob Jllaketv attended tho
hay-party at Lcllncl's, Tuesday evening.
Mrs. Llzzloi.Willivmsof town, instaljcd tho
officers of Camp '53, True Americans, on
Tuesday evening. .. ,
Hazlcton'a water works aro estimated to
cost $310,000. Ours camo cheap, compared
with theso figures. . 1 -
Tho Bloomsburg Car Works havo recently
received largo orders for cars, .which insures
a busy fall season.
Richard M. Mulono and Miss Ella J. Mc
Avoy wero married in St. pjjtf.rlgkjja church,
Pottsvllle, yesterday.
Dennis Whalcn beat Frank Hoffman in a
shooting match nt Mahanoy City Tuesday.
It was an 8 to 7 affair.
Tho Reading Railroad Company is putting
In n stone arch near tho depot at Gordqu to
replace a wooden bridge.
This is tho season when tho Methodist
preachers hie themselves to Ocean Grove.
Tho camp-mcetlng is iu progress.
Twenty members of tho Mt. Carmel Kohley
League arc in attendance , at tho National
Kehley League convention at Harrishurg.
Barney Mcfccarns was arrested1 by Officer
George Geiger for the theft of a teloscopo con1
tabling a lot of boots from tho L. V. depot on
Tuesday night.
Georgo Chisncll, who shot his wife at llaz
loton .Monday, has been committed to jail to
await trial. Ho says tho shooting was en
tirely due to drink. '
Conductor Michael Reynolds was caught
between tho bumpers on tho L. V. R. R. at
.Audenried, Tuesday evening, receiving pain
ful though not serious wounds,
A track laborer named O'Neill had a gash
tbrpe, inches long cut iu his bead hy,,4ho
slipping of a bar with which ho was pulling
spikes out of a rail at Mahanoy Tunnel.
Shamokiu nnd Coal township adjoining it
nro nfllicted with all epidemic of scarlet
fever and.diphthcria, and an absolute (juar
antiiio of all houses whui-p flip discases.cxist
is threatened.
Sljampkin's curbstone market had 209
wagons.backcd up to tho pavpmentou Sat
urday last. It was only the tender con
science of tho newspaper matt that prevented
it being reported ns 300,
John Flaherty, of Mahanoy City, sued tho
Schuylkill Traction' Company for, $50 .dam
ages for killing his cow,'nnd Justico- .O'Brien
gave him judgment for Jhe amount. Tho
case has befiu taken to a higher court.
Saturday last tho largest singlp- shipment
ever made lelt Slatington via tlie Jersey
Central and P & R. for.thp west., It .was a
train .load of 37 ajra,. ovpr a quarter of a mile
lone and the weieht of tlie slate alono was
over 1,000,001) pounds.
Apropos of tlie election of a music teacher,
which our School Board wrestled with tho
other eveninn. Pottstowli had a difficulty in
regard to the saniQiollico. In that caso Hugh
Unriih was engaged 1 to lunch music in the
public schools but held no regular teacher's
crtiflcate.nnd StatoSupcrintflpdeut Schacffer
decided that music teaiiliprs,. must hold
regular certificates the amo as other teachers
ISiieklcii's Arnlcit SaKe.
The best salve in tho world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers. Kilt rheum, fever sores.
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin emotions, and nositivcly cures piles,
or no pay roquiied. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satislaction or mony refunded. Price
25 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
When your .cake,8hcayy, ,oe
y, indigestible, it's "st pretty sure
ry, inaifrcstible, it's d pretty sure
sjgnrtliat you didn't shorten It'
with COTTOLjENiJ. When this
creat.shortenirijrna rilflitly used, S
the? result will .surely satisfy the
most fastidious . Always reineiiiber
tliat the. quality. of COTTGiljENE,
make3 a little of itfgo "a iStig vay, s
It s wllnul waste to use. niore g
than two-thirds as much as vou'
1 - : . . . . - - . n
woujd.oflardi or butter. Always
useiCOTTQLj'ENE this way,.nnd'
vmit- sht hurl fi-ictrv wilt nlwavs)
be . light wliojesome, delicious.;.
Grnnlh COTTOtEJOT ll sold eVrrttLett IntS
tins, nlth trudf-miitlti ''CWofw'' nd iUer'i'jm
htattincAUdn-plan'irrralh-vn titrrttn.- at
niininn j 191 v ntunr 1,... lhll Vi
Is Ail
Makes the Best Bread.
WE WANT Every grocer to keep it.
WE WANT Every housewife to ask her grocer for it.
WE WANT Every housewife to use it.
.W WANT Everybody to know that it makes the best bread.
WE WANT Everybody to know that one barrel of Gold Medal
rlOUi win make 30 loaves 01 bread more
than the same quantity'of any other flour.
WE WANT Everybody to know that 100 lbs. will cost $2.5o.
WE WANT Every housewife to try it and thus give us an
. " opportunity to prove what we state.
Wholesale Grocers,
105 South Maih Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Shares I'or Halo.
The Safe Deposit Ihillding and Saving As
sociation will open another series September
8th. This fund is especially Micccssful. A
largo number of tho principal business men
of town carry stock in this fund. Shares
can ho had at tho ollico of . H. Master
now. 8-12-13t-eod
.Mine Acclilcntt.
A Polander, residing on West Lloyd street,
had his right leg broken below tlie knee by a
fall of coal at Jndjan liidgo colliery thisafter
uoon. John Honolofi-kl, residing on North Chest
nut street, an iiHdo employe of Indian liidgo
colliery, had his riitlit ankle painfullybruised
by a full of coal. Hois being attended by
Dr. ti. M. Hamilton.
ILibios made happy with Luks' Syrup.
Itupldly Improving.
Joseph M'andour, who accideiitly shot him
self iu tho left hand, is rapidly improving.
Tlio revolver with which he shot himself was
ono out of n caw of 7!i, and ho did not know
it was loaded. Tlie bullet Is Minponcd to have
been put in by one of his clerks while testing
Tho only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
Vhen Baby was sick, we gave her Costorlo.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Costorlo.
When sho became Miss, she clung to Costorlo.
When sho had Children, sho gave them CastorU
Dealer In Groceries, Flour, Provisions, Teas,
oRees, etc. Ooodt delivered free.
Tlirouii l'liim tho AViikoii.
While O'Noil's team wus going out Jardin
street last evening, one of tho wheels of tho
wagon fell into a liolo mado for tho connec
tions, to the new wator line, and throw a
young lady to tho ground. She lost hor
pocket-book, but received no bodily Injury.
Tim Discovery Saved Ills T.Ifi!.
Mr. O. Cuillouette, Druggist, lleaversvillo,
111., says: "To Dr. King's Now Discovery I
owo niv life. Was taken with 1a (hippo and
tried all tho physicians for miles about, but
of no a villi and was glvon up and told I could
not live Having Dr. King's Now Discovery
In my store 1 sent for a bottle, and began its
uso and from tho first doso begin to get better,
and after using threobottlos wis up and about
again. It Is worth its woight hi gold. Wo
won't keop storo or huuso without it." (Jet
a freo trial at A. Wasley's Drug btoro.
Rprnng Any Leaks Ijilely?
We ran1 1 stop the leaks from tho clouds hut
Dell, the plumber, corner Main and Centra
streets, can stop all your leaks u wator and
gas mains with satisfaction.
Two very attractive early Autumn tours nro
announced by the Pennsylvania lEailroad
Company. They iucludo the battlefield of
ticttysburg, picturesque Kluo Mountain,
Luray Caverns, tlie Natural llndge, Grottoes
of the Shenandoah, tho cities of Itichmond
and Washington, and Mt. Vernon. Tho tours
cover a period of ten days, and will start
from New York1 in special trains of parlor
cars on September 21 and October 8. P.ound
trip rate, including all necessary expenses,
$.") from Now York, $53 from Philadelphia,
and proportionate rates from other points.
I'or dctailed.itinorary apply to Ticket Agents
or to Tourist Agent, 111)0 Ilroadway,
York, or Itoom 411, llioad Street Station,
Dr. Thomas' Klcctric Oil has cured hun
dreds of cases of deafness that was supposed
to lie incurable. It never tails to curo ear
ache. '
Cannot Km ploy Children.
Thcro will ho a liooin in tlie demand for
common labor all over the state between now
and September 1st, as tho result of tho en
forcement of tho factory law regulating tlie
employment of children under sixteen years
of -age. . Uoginning with next month there
will bo a strict enforcement of tho law by
Factory Inspeetoi Campbell, and thousands
of boys will bo out of work. The law is
companion of the new compulsory eliool
law, and thousands of children undersixtcen
years of ago who have worked iu mills,
factories and shops since thoy were babies
will have to go to school.
A dose of Dr. Fowler's ivxt. of WildStraw
berrv briiurs immediate reliof iu all cases of
crumping pains of the stomach or howels. It
Is nature's snecilic for summer complaint iu
all its forms.
Taiuiiqiia'H I'liiiiuces.
Tamnqua received from all sources last year
$17,450.18 to support tho municipality. Of
this $10,800.81 was for water routs, while the
tuxca amounted to $1,021.05 and miscellaneous
items $1,038.38. Thore was expended for work I
in tho water department $1,035.S0, and the I
Treasurer closes the year with a balance ofj
f8U8.00on hand.
Teething children should bo treated with
Luks' soothing syrup. tf
Child Itiiiiud.
Stanley Olios, a throo-year-old child, living
on Marshall street, Shamokiu, waa proliably
fatally burned yesterday. Ho was playing
about tho stove when ids clothing caught llro
and he was badly burned hefero it could ho
A Chhnco for Steady Work.
At the Mt. Pleasant mlno, Port Oram, Now
Jersey. Contracts for "Tributlng" irou ore
In this mlno will bo given to lowest bidders,
iu tho order iu which thoy aro received, on
and after Septcmhur 1st, 1805. For particu
lars apply to
Tub Mt. Pi.kasant Mining Company,
Port Oram N. J.
lluy Kystono flour. Bo ?uro that tho
name; ' Luegio & 11AER, Ashland, Pa,, . Is
printed ou every sack, ' - - tf
Tho only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
Closeil the Church
St. Michaels Slav church, at Lansford, has
been closed by Arch'.ishop Ilyan until such
time as tlie parishioners learn to conduct
themselves decorously, and the priest in
charge, Father Kaspcn-k, has been transferred
to Audenried. There wasa riot in the church
a few weeks ago wliicii caused this action by
the Archbishop.
1 of Daily Wear
i This Collar
11$ Still in Good Condition.;
i That'sbccause it'stuc"CEi.i.ui.oiD"
Collar. Its original cost was 2; cts.
$! anil it cost the wearer nothing after-
J wards to keep it cleau. When soiled,
S simply wipe off with sponge or wetl
I cloth. I
I These collars nnd cuffs are water-
proof, mid nrc the only waterproof 5
4 goods mado with nu interlining ofj
j linen; therefore the only ones that 5
tan last and give absolute satisfac-
nun. every piece in uic genuine is i
stamped as follows : S
Refuse nnvthine that is not sol
marked, nnd if your dealer has not 5
I got the right kind send direct to us, J
5 enclosing amount, and we will mail ?
a you a sample postpaid. Collars 25 i
Sets. each. CuiTs 50 cts. pair. Give 5
S size, and state whether stand-up or 4
Si. .1.1 .. 11 S .-.I ?
J turned-down collar is wanted. j
5 127-20 llroadwar, NEW YORK. ?
Tne Last Clearing
ivilci-sumrrier sal
Consisting of trimmed lcchorn hats from $1.35 to S2.50.
Knox hats Irom Uo cents to f
No. 26 South Main Street,
"T7ANTHI. A pood girl for general liouso-
1 1 worK. Ki'ierciioo preierreo ami gooil
wanes pain, -ppiy 111 me ivnisou limine, zi-
lOIt HUNT. An elegant double room.
X' location 111 town. All conveniences.
tlliuiAMi ollice.
soniiblc rent. A)(io a lodge room for Wednrsiloy
. Apply nt j
171011 BALK. Tltreo iloublo dwellings.
J In best lirt of Jit. Carmel, will bo sold
single or as u whole. One of the best paying
properties uijiowji, iiyjiryjsij, p, niters, int.
Largo lino of boll-ton saifor and
Flain sailor for 15c. Ladies' untrimmcd hats from 20c.
Silk mull hats f l.'OO, 'Infants' caps 5c. up. Infants' and children's Mourning goods very
cap. Nnns Veils frpm 2.25 up.
Shenandoah, Pcnna
larden's ART WALL PAPER Store.
Wo have just received"a find lino of (ho most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market', which wo will sell at very reasonable prices. Wo havo also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which wo aro selling at a sacrifice. Come and
sco our lino of goods. Wo havo tho most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town.
FinestStock and Lowest Prices.
JP -" V r CT" IVI Ilouse, Sign and Decorative Painting.
. I - Vr yt 1 , Ko. 224 West Centre Street, Shenandoah, Fenna.
SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry,
10 North Main Street.
Clothes of all description neatly dono up in first-class manner. I can refer to scores of
families in this town as to my caro in washing and superior neatness in doing up clothing.
I do my work better and quicker than any other laundry in tho city.
Lager and
Pilsner Beers,
Purest and
Chris. Schmidt, Agt.,
West Coal Street.
Agent for
ftrionnnflnnli nfifl irMtlirr
Beer and Porter.
A genuino wplcomo awaits you at
Cor. Main and Coal Sts.
Pool room attacked. Finest whlskevs. beers.
porter and alo constantly on top. Choice tem
perance- uniiKS linu clours.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Welter's, Berliner and Weiss llecr.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa,
Pronosals will bo received bv tho underatcnpfl
committee up to Monday, August 20tli, IBM, at
5:00 p. m., for furnishing tlio publlo schools of
Blienanuoaii, i'a., witn coal from the colllcrle
of tho riilladelnhla & Itendlnir Coal & Iron
uomnany anu Keniey nun.
lllda must be made on store, eitg and 1:
All bids must bo In the hands of the Secretary
of the Board at rive o'clock p. m. on Monday,
AllL-UBt ZOt 1. 1893.
Tho committee reserves the rlcht to relect any
or nu uius,
Thomas Manley, 1 HAUOii, .
TlidaAS H,' James,
' Oomralttei
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental Booms for
palnloss extraction of teeth. Gold and Silvor
fillings. If your artlfical teeth do not suit
you call to seo us, All examinations freo.
Wo mako all kinds of platos, Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridge work and all operations that por-
tain to uontal Surgery.
No charges for oxtracting when phitos aro
ordored. Wo aro tho only usere of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction "of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(TltmaiVa Block)
East Centre' Street,
Ofllce Hours: 7 n. m. to 8 p. m. ,
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.