The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 21, 1895, Image 4

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Washburn Circus.
I.con W. Washburn's Blunt allied shows,
Mr three-riiii? , circus, museum, inonauorlo
anil hippodrome comes to town Thursday,
August 20. Manager Washburn, while lioing
ninoiiK the younger school of circus owners,
is also one of the wealthiest, and in organiz
ing his shows Tor this season ho has spared no
money to secure tlio hest for every depart
ment. His horses, many of them imported,
are models of liorse-llesh, whiio Ills trained
animals do everything hut talk. They will
appear at every performance witli their
original trainor. A royal troupe of Japanese,
imported expressly for this vast enterprise,
and the only double troupe, ever brought to
tills country, is another feature.
Kellef In Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." Tills new
remedy is a great surpriso on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary inssiges in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you -want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Hold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
The Hkrald no longer occupies the offices
in the Itefowich building. Tho only office
tho paper has in this town is at the new
quarters, No. 8 South Jardili street.
Six weeks ago I suffered with a very
severe cold; was almost unable to speak.
My friends all advised me to consult a phy
sician. Noticing Chamberlain's Cough I!om
edy advertised in the St. l'anl Volks Zeitung
I procured a bottle, and after taking it a
short while was entirely well. I now most
heartily recommend tins remedy to anyono
Mitrcring with a cold. Wm. Kcil, 078 Selby
Ave., St. Paul, Minn. For sale by Gruhlcr
llros., Druggists.
ttl.fll) I'nr tint KoiiihI Trip to Occnii (iroo
And return via Pennsylvania llailroad,
Thursday, August S2d. Tickets good for
return passage until August 20th. Train
leaves Shenandoah at (1:08 a. m. Stop-off
permitted at Philadelphia on return trip.
Camp meeting week. 8-17-3t
Why continue to pass your nights in
scratching, and your days in misery? Dean's
Ointment hrings instant relief, mid perma
nently cures oven the Worst rases of itching
piles. It never fails.
Maley, tho jeweler, for your wedding
10 North Main street.
3Iarveloos Hermits.
From a letter written by liev. J. Guilder
man, of Iliniondale, Mich., we aro permitted
to make this extract : "I have no hesitation
ill recommending Dr. King's New Discovery,
us the results were almost marvelous in the
rase of my wife. While 1 was pastor of the
Baptist church at Hives Junction she was
brought down with Pneumonia sueeeedlng
La Grippe. Tenible aro.-yni ot toughing!
would last hours witli little interruption and i
it seemed as if she could not survive them, j
A friend recommended Dr. King s New
i.Vvrrrrrri--: -if vim ijiiiek in its work and
highly satisfactory in results." Tilal bottles
tier ut A. Wasley s drug store. lEcgitlar size
50c anil $1.00.
Coining; Kenls. ,
31. Lurn party, nt the residence of
Dr. f. M. P.unhier, for benefit of All Saints'
.-H pi. 11. Festival in Bobbins' opera house,
un . . auspices of Patriotic drum coqu.
Thuiis'inds of people are subject to bowel
titniMe ill some of its various forms. Dr.
Fowler's F.xt. of Wild Strawberry is an uu
lailing remedy in all such cases.
My little boy, when two years of age,
was taken very ill with bloody tlux. 1 was
advised to use Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily pro
cured part of a bottle. I carefully read the
directions and gave it accordingly. He was
very low, but slowly and surely ho began to
improve, gradually recovered, and is now as
stout and strong as ever. I feel suro it saved
his life. I nuver can praise tho licmedy
half its worth. I am sorry every ono in the
world does not know how good it is, as I do.
Mrs. Lina S. lliutou, Grahaiusviile, Marion
Co.. Florida. For Kilo by Grulilcr llros.,
Kxtri'im ly Low Kato to Ocean (iroio
Via Pennsylvania Bailroad, Thursday,
August 82. Hound trip tickets, good until
August 29, $1.00. Train leaves Shenandoah
at 0:0 a. m. Camp meeting week.
Since 1878 there have been nine epidemics
of dysentnry in diU'erent juris of tho coun
try in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea licmedy was used witli per
An Important Suit.
Sovcral days ago tAc Hr.nM) mado men
tion of a suit entered against tho Shenan
doah Citizens' Water nnd Gas Company by
Charlos Itndzciewlcz In trespass. It now up
pears that the suit is entered to ascertain the
responsibility of tho water company to its
consumers for tho loss of property during
tho night of tho recent conflagration. It is
claimed by tho plaintiff in the case his
property could have been saved had not tho
wntcr been shut off. It is said this is only a
test case, and if successful others will fid
low. Tho legal question Involved is an im
portant one, nnd its result will bo wntched
with much Interest.
"Gold .Medal I'lour."
To tho Housewivesof this city : Our repre
sentative will call on you shortly soliciting
your order for a trial bag of this (lour, which
will bo delivered by your regular grocer.
This flour will produce thirty loaves of bread
raoro per liarrcl than any other flour on tho
market, and is therefore the cheapest. You
can buy 100 l(s. for $2.50. Give him your
order when ho calls.
Tiios. K. Samuels & Co.,
Wholesale Grocers,
8-10-tf 103 S. Main St., Shenandoah Pa.
Tho only baby niedicino Luks' Syrup.
Tumbling Klin ltegatta.
Tho boat clubs of Tumbling Hun have
arranged for a grand regatta on Friday.
Aquatic sports of various kinds will take
place, including scull raco, four-oar race,
diving contest, swimming contest, tub race,
expert swimming, and prizes awarded to best
decorated boat houses. Thcro will also bo a
grand carnival, and tho program will wind
up witli a display of Arc-works. Excursions
from various parts of tho county aro being
arranged. It will bo tho star event of the
season at this popular resort.
Tainaqiia Wants Light.
The question of light is being considered
by the Tamaqua Borough Council, and at its
meeting last ovening it received two propo
sitions, one from tho Ball Electric Light
Company, of New York, to furnish SO arc
lights at ?(i0 per annum each, while tho
Edison Company, of Tamaqua, offers to fur
nish 00 arc lights and 40 incandescent lights
for $5,000 per annum. Council gives them
until next Monday to formulate their bids
and submit bonds of $3,000 each.
Every day symptoms of digestive disor
ders acid stomach, distress after eating,
burning at pit of stomach, dull, heavy leel
ing Burdock Blood Bitters never iails to
correct any troubles of this sort.
Tlio Squirrel Season.
According to the game laws "gray, black
and fox squirrels may be killed between Sep
tember 1 and January 1 of any year." Ho
ports coming in from the wooded districts of
tho county tell of a great plentifiilness of tho
frisky little denizens of the forest trees, and
the man who loves squirrel shooting is
patiently waiting fun lie coming of tlio day
when it shall lie lawful to kill them. The
gray squinels are particularly plentiful this
Go to Maley's for silver belts, ladies'
buckles, 10 North Main street. tf
I.elilgli Valley Itallroail.
Another opportunity for a cheap trip to
Boston. On account of Knights Templar
Conclave at Boston, the Lehigh Valley Bail
road will sell tickets at very low Rites on
August 23rd to 20th, inclusive, good ffir re
turn until September 10th, inclusive. A
choice of variable cute by any of tho i-ail or
steamer lines from New York. Consult L. V.
agents for full particulars.
aug 111,10,31,23.1111121.
Miss Helen Prico spent to-day nl Asfi'land,
D. K. Lewis was a county sent visitor to
day. William Pooler, of St. Clair, was a towu
visitor yesterday.
Joseph W. Purccll, tho East Centro street
grocer, visited Shatnokin to-day.
John J. Shore, a clerk at tlio Mammoth
Clothing House, spent to-day at Delano,'
Miss Mary Croiiin, of Bonding, is visiting
tlio Delanoy family on West Centro strict.
William Gregory will nccompany the P.
& It. excursionists to AtlautioCily to-mflrrow.
Jacob Lovit, of tlio .Mammoth Clothing
House, transacted business at Fraokvllto to
day. Miss Annie Manscll returned yostorday
from n short vacation among friends in New
York city.
Levi Ucfuwich, tlio South Main street
clothier, transacted business at Pottsvillo
this morning.
Miss Julia Norton, of Hazlcton, is visiting
her cousin, Miss Annlo Hcnnesoy, on West
Cherry street.
Itlchurd Amour has been appointed a
special officer for tho Lakosido Electrio Kail
way Company.
Bov. Kobcrt O'Boylc and family loft'to-day
for tho seashore, where they will spend
several days.
Miss Lou Sclicuhing, of New York city, is
homo to spend her vacation with her parents,
on West Coal street.
Mr. and Mrs. Morgan Williams, of Newark,
N. J., nro tho guests of tho Biekleman family,
on West Coal street.
Mrs. John Grulilcr and daughter, Mrs. L.
Schurz, attended tlio funeral of a relative at
Pottsvillo yesterday.
Mrs. Josiah W. Johnson will leave to-morrow
for Atlantic City, wliero she will enjoy
tho sea breezes for a week.
II. Clemens Hillegas, representing tlio
Bloomsburg Daily, paid tho 1Ii:rai.i ofllco
a pleasant call this afternoon.
Miss Bay Smoycr, of West street, has I
returned home after spending a few weeks '
with her aunt in New York city. j
Miss Ida Kolb, ono of tho local corps of ,
school teachers, lias returned homo to enter
upon her duties to-morrow morning.
John Morgan, of Denver, Col., who has
been visiting his parents in town for tlio past
few weeks, left this morning for Philadelphia.
Ho will remain there several days and then
return to his homo at Deliver.
Mahanoy City lluslness College.
A branch of tlio well known Wilkesbarro
Business College will open in Mahanoy City
on Monday, September 0th. There will bo
three distinct courses : Commercial, Short
hand and Typewriting and Academic. Day
and night sessions, first-class teachers, and
commodious, well-equipped school apart
ments. Kates ot tuition lower than any
other first-class business college in Pennsyl
vania, and instruction equal to the best. To
facilitate organizing the school, tho manage
ment has decided to sell 100 charter member
ship scholarships, entitling the holder to a
complete course in tlio Commercial anil
English branches and Shorthand and Type
writing, for only $50. In night school, only
$10. Other school charge at least from $100 to j
$150, for the same courses. Thoso desiring
instruction in special branches chosen by
themselves can have special rates on applica
tion. For further information in regard to
Wilkosbane or Mahanoy City colleges write
S-17-tf G. W. Wii.mams, Principal.
Happenings Throughout tho Region Chron
icled for Hasty Perusal.
A hand of gypsies nro encamped uear
Mahanoy City.
Heading lias a bicycle purchasing company
witli n membership of 134 persons.
Dr. J. S. Klstlor is having built a new
porcli in front of his rosidenco on North
Jardili street.
Shippton Is building an opera house which
is to he opened with a new play called "Tlio
Midnight Alarm."
Frank H. Denhard, county detcctlvo of
Berks, died at his homo in Bonding on Sun
day of pneumonia, contracted while working
up tho Stilzcl murder caso.
Not only wero tlio receipts of August 15th
tlio largest in tlio history of tho Lakcsldb
Kailway, hut last week was the biggest week
financially in tho company's oxporionco.
Wo nro prepared to do job work at short
notice, and in tlio latest style. Wo mako n
specialty of first-class work, and our prices
will compare favorably witli any establish
ment in the county.
A Chanco for Slendy Work.
At the Mt. Pleasant mine, Port Oram, Now
Jersey. Contracts for "Tributlng" Iron oro
in this mine will bo given to lowest bidders,
in tho order in which theft aro received, on
and aftoi September 1st, 1805. For particu
lars apply to
Tub Mt. Pi.kasant Minino Company,
Port Oram, N. J.
Tin Wedding Celebralhin.
An elaborate tin wedding celebration took
place at Wm, Penn last evening at tho homo
of Mr. nnd Mrs. Benjamin D. Beddall, in
honor of the tenth anniversary of their mar
riage. There were about 150 people present
and the music was furnished by the
Mandolin and Guitar Club of Mt. Carmel,
under tho leadership of Prof. Wilde,
of town. Among tho town pooplo who
wero present wero the following: Mr.
and Mrs. T. 11. Hutchison, Mr. and Mrs.
C M. Bordncr, Mrs. S. A. Beddall, Mr.
and Mrs. Georgo Beddall, Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Beddall, Nathan Beddall and W. II.
Ladles' Muslin Underwear,
Direct from the factory, at low prices. Ladies
in attendance. Max Kkkse, 305 East Centre
street, up stairs. 8-10-Ot
Tlio only baby medicine Luks' Syrup.
Head Crushed by a l'all of Hock.
Charles Trumble, ol Mahanoy City, a
young Polish miner, aged 25, sustained
serious if not fatal injuries at Schuylkill
colliery. Trumble was employed in tho
third lift, breast No. 33, and was engaged in
mining coal when a largo pieco of overhead
rock fell, striking him on tho head and
crushing it so badly that la till results aro
Teething children should bo treated with
Luks' soothing syrup. tf
I Cures
the Tobacco
I M 4 TO 10 DAYS
Use All The Tobacco You Want Till Your "Caroing
is Gone.
Naucoti-Cure is the only remedy in the world that acts directly
on the nerves and drives the nicotine from the system in from four
to ten days. It leaves the patient in better health than before taking,
and is warranted free from any injurious ingredients.
Naucoti-Cure is popular because it allows the patient to use all
the tobacco he wants while under treatment, or until the "craving"
and '"hankering" arc gone. It is then no sacrifice to throw away
tobacco forever.
Naucoti-Cure is sold at the uniform price of $5.00 a bottle, and
one bottle cures.
Money refunded if a cure is not effected when taken according
to directions.
PltOF. W. N. WA1TE,
Of Amherst, AlnsnMClidivc(lTnlmcco for 40
Ycaiif,aiil'Vii Ciirvil by Nnrcoil-Ciire.
Amiirust, Mass., February 8, 1S95.
Tin: XAncon Chemical Co.,
fiprlngfleld, Mnss.
Gentlemen: licplyliis to yours of the 1st,
would say that I have used tobacco for 40 years,
and of latohavo consumed nlO-ecnt plug a day,
besides smoking considerably. I commenced to
uso tobacco when I was only 11 years old, nnd
have never been able to give up tho habit until I
took Naucoti-Cure, although I linvo tried other
so-called remedies without eflect. After using
your remedy four days, nil "hnnkering" for
chewing disappeared, and In four days more
smoking became uunlcasant. 1 hnve no further
desire for tho weed, and experienced no hud
effects, whatever. I am gainingln flesh, and feel
better than 1 have for a long time. To all who
wish to ho free from tho tobneco habit I would
say, use Nakcoti-Cuke.
I Yours truly, W. N. WAITP.
If your druggist is unable
to give you full particulars
send to us for Book of Parti
culars free, or send S5.00 for
a bottle by mail.
SuringMu, Mass.
llrAKTE ) A uood Protestant irlrl to do irciv
housework in a smalt family, (food
Appiy at 1Ii.i:ai.i,iiI11h'.
TTANTK1). A ;rlrl for general housework in
l a family of four. Apply at '.''1 South White
Babies mado happy with Luks' Syrup.
Two Inlci otln Lectures.
Two very interesting lectures will be
given in the Methodist church on
Thursday ovening, August 23, at 7:31) p. m.
Ono will bo on "Jamaica, the Queen of the
Antilles," and is to be delivered by a
Jamaican. Tlio other will bo given by a
Macedonian, telling the trials of his native
land under Turkish rule, lloth young men
aro students of tho Lehigh University. All
are cordially invited.
Will lie Sold Cheap.
A Webster piano, only becn in uso 0110
month, will Iks bold cheap. Must bo disposed
of within ton days. This is a bargain.
100 South Main St.
Ashland's Water Supply.
The consumers of water of Ashland have
been given notice that the supply will bo
shut oil' from the entire borough for a period
of fifteen horn's out of tlio twenty-four,
beginning with this afternoon. It is thought
this will permit the gaining of siiflicicnt
wator in the dam to prevent tho borough
Jert frtict'otik. Dysoutury, when epidemic, is I from going dry altogether, but of this there
almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic
cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the
most skilled physicians have failed to check
it- ravages, this remedy, howovcr, lias emcd
the most malignant cases, both of children
and adults, and under tho most trying con
ditions, which proves it to bo tho host medi
cine in tho world for bowel complaints. For
sale by Omliler Bros.; Druggists.
Sprung Any Look Ijitely?
We can't stop tlio leaks from tho clouds but
!tdl, tho plumlier, corner Main and Centro
streets, can stop all your leaks in wator and
gas mains with satisfaction.
Kleetrio Hitters.
Lleetric Hitters is u.modiciuosuited for tiny
season, but perhaiis more generally needed in
the spring, when the languid exhausted
feeling provulls, when tho liver is torpid mid
sluggish and the need of a tonic and altora
tlveisfelt. A prompt use of this niedicino
lias often averted long and perhaps fatal
bilious fevers. No medicine will act more
surely in counteracting and freeing tho sys
tem from the malarial poison. Heudiicho,
Indigestion. Constipation, DizzincM) yield to
Electric Bitter. Only fifty cents per bottle
at A. Wasley's drug store.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlnsmithlng douo call
on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stovos. 8-1-tf
is 110 certainty.
Hastings CJuh.
A meeting of the Hastings CI11I1 was held
last evening in their rooms in tho Titman
building, to make arrangements toatteud tlio
Bopublioaii statu convention at Harrisburg
on Wednesday, August 86th, and was largely
attended. The club will go about two hun
dred strong. Tho following committee on
music wm appointed : James McKlhenny,
O. A. Koim and II. .1. Yost. A final meeting
of tlio club will bo held on Friday ovening.
Opened New Olllces.
Dr. Clifton llobbius, son of John M.
Itobbins, of town, lias opened an ollico at No,
7 North Jardln street, for tho practice of
modiciuo. His olllces aro centrally located,
and aro furnished witli all the necessary ap;
pliauces for the medical profession. The
doctor is a popular young man, and will with
out doubt establish a largo practice.
Dealer In G rocerlrs. Flour. Provisions, Teas,
Coffees, etc. Goods delivered fr.
Chen Baby was sick, we gave her Castoria.
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When Bhe became Miss, sho clung to Castoria.
When she hod Children, she gave them CostorU
They Mont Vacate.
Tho P. & It. C. & I. Co. has issued notices
to six fauilllos occupying tho company's
houses on tlio road loading iuto (lilborton, to
vacnto tho samo in ton days. Tho company
will sink a shaft where tlio houses now
It. C. Joiner, Allen I'. O., Hillsdalo Co.,
Mich., says : "Nothing gave my rheumatism
such quick relief as l)r. Thomas' Electric
Too lteallstle.
A novel and interesting buit lias been
brought in tho Supremu Court at Nyaek,
N. Y., by (icorgo Weinier, of New City. In
March, lB'Jl. while being initiated into
Hakiat Tribe, Improved Order of Ked Men,
of Congers, Mr. Weinier had his leg broken
during somo part of tlio ceremonies. It
uppoars that the Congers 1'ed Men became a
triflo too enthusiastic, and tho breaking of
tho candidate's leg was the result. Mr. Weinier
has had much trouble and expeiiso with Ills
injured limb, and thinks that $2000 would
recompense him for becoming the victim of
tho lied Men, even if theyare improved. His
doctor's hill is said to have amounted to ?(S00.
He wanted the tribe to settle this, but they
could come to no agreement, and so tho suit
was instituted. Somo say that tho caso will
never come to trial, as tlio Itcd Men would
not desire to have their secrets revealed upon
the witness stand, and they may therefore
settle with Mr. Weimer.
"llcwaro the pine tree's withered branch,
Ileware the awful avalanclio" !
was tho peamut's warning to tho aspiring
Alphine youth. Dangers greater than these
lurk in the pathway of the young man or
young woman of the present as thoy journey
up tlio rugged sidchill of Time. Hut they
mav all be met and overcome by a judicious
ami timely use uf Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical I
Discovery, the cciennnoii euro ior coins,
coughs, catarrh, and consumption. Hotter
than hypophosphitos or cod liver oil; un
rivalled and unapproachable in all diseases
arising from a scrofulous or enfeebled condi
tion of tho system. Send for a frco book.
Address World's Dispensary Medical Associa
tion, No. (103 Main street, ISuU'alo, N. Y".
Hernia, or Itupturo, pormanently.cured or
no .jwy. For treatise, testimonials, and
numerous references, address World's Dis
pensary Medical Association, llufl'alo, N. ".
Opening of tho Schools.
Tlio public schools of Shenandoah will
open to-morrow morning, nnd from prosont
indications tho attendance will bo good.
Superintendent Whltukcr was at his ollico
yesterday and to-day issuing admission
tickets. He also met tho teachers at the
High school room this afternoon, giving in
structions and other information preparatory
to tlio latter entering upon their duties to
morrow morning. It is ino uosiro 01 1110
Superintendent that parents shouhUund tlielr
children on tho first day of tho term, bcunv
tary Trosdso has been busy for tho past day or
two making up tho necossary supplios for tho
various schools, and to-day ho made tho de
livery to tho different buildings.
llucklen's Arnica Salve.
Tho host salvo in tho world for cuts,
bruises, soros, ulcers, salt rheuni, lover sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
all skin eruptions, and positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It li guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or uiony refunded. Prico
23 cents per box. For salo by A. Wasloy.
street. 8-21-2t
"I YrAXTKI. A (rood girl for general liousc-
I work. Itefercnce preferred and good
wages paid. Apply at the Watson House. 21tf
iTSOIt HUNT. All elegant double room. Best
; location in town. All conveniences. Rea
sonable rent. Also a lodge room for Wednesday
evenings. Apply at I1i:iiali ollico. 8-KMV5
TVAXTKI). A IW.-cl.iSH plumber. None
11 other need apply. Cull at K. F. (lalla
gher's, 20 West (Vntie sticct. 8-19-tf
ITIOIt HA Mt Three double dwellings, situated
in best part of Mt. funnel, will be sold,
single or as a whole. Ono of the best paying
propel tics in town. Address I.. S. Wattcrs, Jit.
Carmel, l'a. tf
No Longer an Experiment.
We are Here to Stay.
We have proved to the merchants of this city and vicinity that tve
can sell as cheap as they can buy in Philadelphia or New York and
save them the freight. We invite any merchant who has not called on
us to come and be convinced.
Wholesale Grocers
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Proposals will bo received by the undersigned
committee up to Monday, August 20th, 169, at
5:00 p. in., for furnishing the public schools of
Shenandoah, Pa., with coal from tlio collieries
of the Philadelphia A- Heading Coal A: Iron
Company and Kchlcy Hull.
lliils must be made on stove, egg and pen coal.
All bids must he in the hands of the Secretary
of tho Hoard at five o'clock p. m. on Monday,
August 2Mb, 1SOT.
The committee reserves the right to reject any
or all bids.
CiiAin.ra Hooks, Chairman.
Thomas Manlkv,
.Makhiiai.i, llAvau,
.lAMKS Df.vitt,
Thomas H. Jamks.
8-10-6t Committee.
SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry,
10 North Main Street.
Clothes of all description neatly done up in first-class manner. I can refer to scores of
families in this town as to my caro in washing and superior neatness in doing up clothing.
I do my work better and quicker than any other laundry In tho city.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Buy Keystone flour. Bo suro tlmt tho
name Lessiq & IUkb, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
,,, Purest anu t . .
Chris. Schmidt, Agu
West Coal Street.
Specialist In discuses of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat,
207 West Market St., POTTS VI LLE.
Hours 8:30 a. 111. to 12 m.; 1 to 4 p. m., to
8 p. m. Sundays 0 a. 111. to 12 m.
Atlantic, Clty'o Favorite Resort,
Brady House!
Location, South Arknnsai avenue, Atlantio
City, N. J., near tho ocean; rooms airy and
pleasant; handsomely furnished; good board;
largo garden ami lawn. Send for circular. Hates
Barney's Bohemian Beer.
Evan J. Davies,
Undertaking !
13 N. Jardin Street.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work etiarantced to bo flrt-clftM In every
particular. Hllkties and lace curtains a ep
lalty. Goods called lor and delivered. A uiui
order solicited,
Tonsorial Artist
12 West Centre street.
Stvllsh hair cutting a specialty. Clean towel
with every shave,
Goto tho Shenandoah Dental Eooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold nnd Silvor
fillings. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit
you call to sco us. All examinations free.
Wo mako all kinds of platos. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Bridge work and all operations that per
tain to Dental Surgery.
No charges for extracting when platos aro
ordorcd. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painless extraction of tooth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Titman's Block)
East Centre Street.
Ofllce Hours; 7 a. m. to 8 p. 111,
A genuine wclcomo awaits you at
Cor. nnln nnd Coal Sts.
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, beers,
porter and ale constantly on tan. Uhoico tem
perance drinks and cigars.
Temperance Drinks.
mineral waters, Weiss beer. Hotticr 01 the
finest lager ocers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.
John A. Reilly,
Wholesale Liquors.
Woltor"s, Berliner and Weiss Beer.
22-24 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.