The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 21, 1895, Image 2

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    Jl(f oot or 09 t
gleans a condition of uncertainty.
That's just the condition ,of any
man who wants to push his busi
ness and hesitates for a moment in
regard to advertising. Those who
nre shrewdest select the best me
diums and advertise judiciously.
Such wise advertisers are found
every month in the columns of the
Evening Herald. They know its
worth. Thev know that it is
the only daily in the largest town
in the county. These shrewd and
clever advertisers know what they
are about. They are never "afoot
or on horseback," but are always
leading the procession.
there is moro education In a bright, newsy
paper than there la In a novel. You will
find the brightest boy on practical, sensible,
cvery-day questions, la tho boy who reads
tbo newspaper."
Tin; latest Drltlsh yacht to attempt tho
task of winning hack tho Queen's cup which
the yacht America won from them In 1854,
Valkyrie III, is now in tho-Uric basin at
llrooklyn. She is tho subject of a great deal
of attention from yachtsmen and they aro
divided in their opinions as to her ability to
accomplUh tho task, though the contensus of
opinion is that she is not as speedy as l)c-fonder.
Tin: Democrat of tho Hazlcton legislative
district, in electing delegates to their stnto
convention, felicitated themselves that be
cause tho Ifepublieans aro contesting for tho
control of the state organization, they, tho
Democrat, will get their "just duo." That
was entirely suporlluous, as they will get tho
usual walloping which, although not yet
'just duo," will bo early in November.
Published every Evening, Sunday, at
8 South .Takdin Street. Neaii Cestiik.
Tho Herald Is delivered tnSlicnamloali and the
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay
nble to tho carriers, lly mall S1.00 a year, or 23
cents n month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever tho pul
llcntlon of news demands It. Tho right Is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers may deem
Improper. Advertising rutcs mode known
upon application.
Entered at the postolTlce at Shenandoah, l'o., os
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
At the last session of the Legislature of
this stale a hill known as tho "Firemen's
Pension Hill" passed and subsequently re
ceived the signature of Governor Hastings.
Under tho requirements of tho Act it is
necessary, in order for tho various companies
to receive the money from tho state with
which to pay pensions, that they organize an
association in each town, and the association
must be in working order by January 1st,
T.'ie law directs that the money shall bo paid
to tho treasurers of the various cities and
boroughs and by them to the association.
The latter body attends to the payments to
tho beneficiaries through its lioard of
Tho law further stipulates that hut one as
sociation shall bo formed in the same town
and all firemen who desire to reap its benefits
must bo members in good standing of one o
tho companies included in their association
Tho money is paid those who become disabled
in tho service, or to tho widows of those who
may bo killed in service.
Many towns in tho state have already
formed an association for tho purpose, and
have placed themselves in a position to derivo
tho benefits of the law for their members and
their widows.
Shenandoah has three strong companies,
and so far wo have heard of no steps being
taken by them looking to tho formation of
an association for the purposes enumerated in
tho hill. If tho members desiro to receive
tho benefits of tho law they should at once
urnrred to carrv out its requirements. It is
legislation enacted for their special benefit,
unci moro especially in tho interests of
-volunteer companies. Tho latter receive, as
a general rule, very littlo encouragement
from either tho law-makers or the pcoplo in
general or, at least, nothing adequate for
the services they render tho public and it is
a nleasant knowledno to know that an
opportunity is given them to place their dis
aided members npon the pension rolls of tho
state. The local firemen should orgauizo
themselves at once and reap tho benefits
Tun primary election in Philadelphia last
evening resulted about as was expected by
conservative calculators. Senator Quay re
ceived eighteen vote, with a probability of
four more, Tho loudest Combine shouters
conceded him 1Ut 8 or 10. Tho Junior
Senator's fight is now won, and no amount
of force, fraud or bribery can chango tho re
suit. One of tho surprises of the contost was
tho defeat of Mayor Warwick in his own
division and ward, which was not counted
upon by tbo Senator's friends. Tho result
will place Lehigh, tho only county yet to
elect delegates, in tho Quay column. This
much is now assured : Senator Quay will bo
chairman of the state committee and Gov
ernor Hastings president of tho state conven
tion; and the Heuald feels quite Ihappy,
thank you.
Foreign Representatives Will,.' Doubtless
bn Farinlttvd to Participate,
Washington, Aug, 21 The. stnto de
partment htui been Informed tbiit thero
was somo disposition on the part, of tbo
Chinese officials not to allow, this Ameri
can and British officials to bo prosent nt
the Investigation of the Kuchong riots.
It is stated at tho department that tho
usual hitch has occurred, In which tho
Chinese officials have refused to allow nny
lntcrf orenco with their form of procedure
In evory case whoro thoro has been an In
vestigation of tho kind proposed tho same
objections have boen mndo, the Chinese
feeling that they will lose prestige with
their poople 1C they allow foreigners to
participate In their courts. Theso objec
tion? havo always ended in the submis
sion of the Chlneso after some delay.
It can be stated authoritatively that tho
Instructions to Minister Donby cover all
questions now In controversy, and that
the investigation will be conducted iu
such manner as to allow the American
reprosentntlvo to secure complete and full ,
Information as to tho cause of the riots
and the parsons uurtloipatine iu them,
whether high or low. Tho nssurnnco la I
also given that this will bo dono In such a I
manner us to lonvu uothlug for complaint
by the American people on tho score of
(allure to obtain the facts relating to the
It Is not at all probable that Minister
Denby bus been dlrcctod to make nny
such demand as that to bo mado by tho
British minister nt Poking, as It is known
here that BUch a domand would not bo
necessary. It Is understood that tho
Chlnoso minister has lnformod his govern
ment that tho best Interests of China will
be served by according to the American
and British officers tho most thorough fa
cilities tor obtaining all information de
sired. It is not bellevod nt tbo state depart
ment that the rofusal of the Chinese au
thorities will do moro than to delay the
investigation for a time.
Many Legal Contests Growing Out of a
Bult for Damages,
Scranton, Pa., Aug. 31. A profound
sensation was oausod in court circles and
through the city yostcrday by the filing
of a suit by Attorney Cornelius Smith
ngalnst Prosldont Judgo K. W. Archbnld,
Suporlor Court Judge K. N. Willnrd and
bis partuor nud sou-in-law, Major Ever
ett Wnrrou, ox-Congressman Lemuel Am
merman, ox-City Solloltor I. II. Burns,
Prothonotnry O. E Pryor, Doputy Pro
thonotary Myron Kassou, ox-County De
tootlve Thomas K. Itoynolds, and tbo Lo
high Volley Kallroad company.
Tho action Is brought by Mr. Smith ns
counsol for John G. Jonnlngs, nnd the
dainnges nsked aro $100,000. Tho caso
grows out of tho woll known Jonnlngs
, suit. The plaintiff's minor son, Jnmos
I Jennings, was Injured in tho Mud Hun
disaster, on the Lehigh Valley, on Oct.
And distress In the stomach caused me 10, 188S, and brought suit for $50,000 dam
intense agony. I lost flesh, strength nnd nges. At tho same tlmo his father brought
energy. I was bo weak that I could not I nn action to rocover damages for the loss
wnlk without my cane. My family and j of his sou's services. The oldor Jennings
is now unuer nan on a cuarge or porjury,
based upon allegations mndo against of'
Dyspepsia, indigestion
friends prevailed on mo to try
Blood's Sarsaparilla
and now I am a well and strong man ot
66 years. I owe my life to Hood's." W.T.
BrENOEit, Fort Mitchell, Virginia.
Knnti'; P!l!k easy Vrnr, easy to taio,
By tho Upsetting or a Small Fleaaure
Yaolit Near nunalo.
Buffalo, Aug. 21. By tho capsizing of
the small pleasure yacht Hung Brothers
last ovenlng soven men of tbo thirteen on
board were drowned. That thoro was not
n greator loss of life Is duo to tho nearness
of tho tug K. C. Maytham and tho quick
ness of two of the life saving crew ln get
ting to tho scone.
Frank Buggiuann, married; Jacob Bau
maun, leaver a wife and threo children;
Honry Schlndler, married; Thomas P.
Cannon, single; Charles Fischer; fire
man, name unknown, nud nn unknown
The mombors of tho party were em
ployes of tho East Buffalo llvo stock yards.
A strong wind was blowing, which mndo
a heavy sea, nnd ns she was ontering tho
harbor a heavy sea swept over hor, com
plotoly ongulflng boat and all on board.
Most of the llfo prcsovcrs were looso and
easily grabbed by thoso who had tho op
portunity or the presence of mind to do so.
Tho skylight ovor tbo engino wns floated
off as the boat sank, and this was seized
by soino of tho men. Two men grabbed
ono llfo preserver nnd went down.
Tho tug Maytham rescued four of tho
men, and two members of tho llfo saving
eorvlco succeeded ln saving two others.
Pennhvi.VA.nia has three of tho six lead
loir agricultural counties in tho United
States, Lancaster leading tho list.
Sl!I-nnlNTENI)ENT WlllTAKKB and his
corps of teachers havo been very busy for tho
past day or two preparing for tho opening of
-tho public schools to-morrow. Shenandoah
can justly fcol proud of her schools and
teaeheni, for they are second to none In the
Interior of tho state. May they ovor retain
tbo present high standard.
Thirteen Bodies Recovered Tito Romance
of l'oter Gumry's Life.
Denver,, Aug. 21. Thirteen bodlos have
so far been taken out of the ruins of tho
Qumry hotel, and it is evident that the
death roll, when complete, will contain
twenty-four or twenty-five names, possi
bly more. The dead already taken out
and Identified were:
Frederick Houbold, manager of Opera
House, Lisbon, la.; Robert C. Groiner,
manager of Gumry hotol; Mrs. Robert C.
Greinor; James Murphy, contractor, Den
ver; George Burt, Rock Island railroad
conductor; E. F. McCloskoy, mlno owner,
Crlpplo Crook; Mrs. G R. 'Wolfe n'ld
child, Lincoln, Neb.; William Richards,
elevator pilot; B. I. Lorah, Central City,
Colo.; Ferdinand French, treasurer jf
Gilpin couuty, Colo.; Myron E. Hawlov,
Union Pacific railroad olork. E. W. Ed
wards, a Denver butcher.
I'liu statement that Mrs. R. C. Grclner,
ono of tho victims of tho disaster, was a
daughter of Potcr Gumry, provos incor
rect. Mr. Gumry was novor married, and
lonvcs no known relatives. All he know
about himself was than ho was of Frein.h
birth, and that his parents were drowned
at sea. Of all thil crow and passengers of
tho British brig Poter Gumry, when sho
foundered off tho banks of Nowfoundlund
over fifty yours ago, ho ulono was saved.
His rescuers gave him tho name of tho
wrecked vessel. He leaves property vnluul
at S100,100.
Flro Chief Roberts says ho saw Elmer
Losher, also known as Plorco, the youn
engineer whoso carelessness caused tho
explosion, walking rapidly away fromlno
scene of the disaster about ten minutes
after tbo flro department arrived. Detec
tives aro searching for him.
Written guarantee to abso-Intel-cure
allklndaof Rupture
wlthoutopernlkm ordetentlo.'
from business. Kxntnlnav
tlnnFree. We refer vou to
tooo Pattern. Call or write for
See our Doctor, every Tuesday, at
DNION HOUSE, Ashland, Pa.
Ho will furnish you with names of persons cured by
mln ymirnwn town.
flclals of tho court ln nn affidavit filed
when his case was called for trial last
Attorney Smith then went to the su
premo court for a mandamus to compel
the lowor court to dlsohnrgo his client on
common ball, and in doing so ho mado
charges which lnducod ox-City Solicitor
Burns to sue for $50,000 damages for llbol
a few wooks ago. In yosterday's suit
Mr. Smith avers that tho defondonts con
spired to hinder, dolay and dofcat his ac
tions, although his client was entitled to
rocover damages.
Hooks & Brown,
Base Ball Goods,
Celluloid Frames, Paper Covered Novels,
Fine Stationery,
Rubber Stamps, Etc.
Agents for all Dally Papers.
4 IN. Main Street
Maintaining the Gold Itesorvo.
Washington. Aug. 21. Tho gold syndi
cate yesterday provoutod tho gold reserve
from falling bolow the 8100,000.000 mark.
About 2 o'clock the treasury department
was lnformod that $2,850,000 ln gold had
been withdrawn for export from the sub-
treasury ln Now York. As tho gold ro
sorve at the close of business stood at
1102,527,110, the withdrawal would havi
reduced tho reserve to $99,C77,U8. A fow
minutes afterward, howover, Acting Sec
retary Curtis reoelveda telegram saying
that Mr. Plerpont Morgan, of the syndi
cate, had denoslted 3,000,000 In gold. In
exchange fo- greenbacks. This deposit
swelled the reserve to $101,077,148.
Thn Massacre, of Bannock Indians.
Washington, Auk- 21. The question of
what action should bo taken by tho gov
ernment ln connection with the kllllngof
tho Bannock Indians ln tho Jackson's
IIolo country on July 13 last has boon re
ferred to tho department of justice. It U
bolloved that tho arrest of oertaln settlers
by thn United States authorities has been
rocoinmondod, so that tne caso may be
brought into court nnd the relative weight
of tho treaty with the Bannocks and of
tho laws of Wyoming may be Judicially
A little encouragement shown tho
children will act as an incontlve to save and
hocomo economical in habits. There aro hun
dreds of children in Shenandoah who spend
their money as fast as received, and this
habit is due, in a great measure, to tho want J
of propor early training. If they aro en
couraged to put away a portion of tho money
tltoy recoive, whether for wagus or for gift,
It will bo surprising how tho economical idea
has advanced in tho course of a few years.
Tho child will novor forget tho lesson thus
The man that pennod tho following know
Just exactly what he was talking ubout : "A
newspapor is always printed In a rush. Thoro
Is always something lb it that should be left
out, something left out that should havo
been put In. It is sometimes too quick to
act, hut witli all its faults and short-comings
Guilty ot Felonious Assault.
Lancaster, Pa., Aug.- 21. The Jury in
tho case of Adam Bortsch, accused of
felonious assault and battery on William
Jlalz, a prominent hotol keepor, last
spring, last night brought In a verdict of
guilty. Bertscn snot lialz in tne luce,
cutting out one of "his eyes, and for weeks
hU llfo was despaired of. Balz hod be
friended Bortsch, and the latter shot him
because be had boen discharged for offen
sive conduct.
No Hull Fight at Atlanta.
Atlanta, Aug. 21. Tho bull fight
which has been so oxtenslvoly advertised
to tnko place In connection with tho Cot
ton States and International exposition
will not come off. The proposed exhibi
tion bos novor had any connection with
the exhibition Itself, being moroly a side
show lntonded to be presented in tho Mid
way, Tho directors of the exposition havo
discovered, however, tliRt the proposed
fight has become confounded In the public
mind with the exposition proper, and for
this reason decided to withdraw from the
concessionaries ot the Mexican village the
right to present the proposed light.
Fighting Over a Dead Woman's Kstate,
Huntingdon, W. Va., Aug. 21. Mn
Unda Smith, keeper of a saloon at Gray,
a small place south of hero on tne .Nor
folk & Western railroad, was crossing
Big Sandy river ln a skiff with a colored
woman named Llnallass, when the boat
unsized and both tbo occupants were
drowned. Tho relatives of Mrs, Smith,
who was a widow, flocked to her houso
and fought nn hour over her effects, Sam
Hunt being shot m the Knee.
Minnesota and Dakota' Wheat Crop,
Chicago, Aug. 21. Tho Orange Judd
Former publishes tho result of a spcnlnl
Investigation covering tho wheat crop In
150 counties in Minnesota and tho Dako-
ton. estimating tho crop by states as fol
lows: Minnesota, 31,000,000; North Da
kota, 50,000,000; South Dakota, 83,000,000.
Crnel Turkish Tax Collectors.
Constantinople, Aug. 21. The collec
tion of the arrears of taxos ln the Moosh
district Is accompanied with deeds of re
volting cruelty. Tho Armenians liberated
under the amnesty have been rearrested
on trumpery charges.
Kxtradlted for- Abandonment.
TltENTON. Aug. 21. Governor Worts
granted a w.-.rrant for tho extradition of
George S. Ugers, who lanow In .Morris-
town jail, and who is wanted In Now
York city for abandoning his 5-year-old
child nt tho Continental hotel, ln that
city. At tho tlmo of tho abandonment
Rogers said tne child was uot his, he
moroly having' adopted It. The crlmo
which Rogers Is accused of Is punlshablo
by from one to soven years In jail.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight
Our delivery wagon docs tho rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardln Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
For Scientific Dentistry go to
Fifteen venrs at-tunl experience. Gold. Amal-
enm nnd Porcelain fillings. Hold Crowns, Por
celain Crowns, Aluminum Crowns. Best teeth
810.00, no better made nt any price. Teeth ex
traded with vitalized nir. fiOc. Kxtractcd with-
out air, 25c. Allowance made where teeth are
out nn new plates. All work guarantccu. uiuy
attendant always present.
Ofllce hours: Every day. 1 to 5 n. m. Sundays
l to a p. m.
30j East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa,
Mux Reese's residence, front room upstairs.
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
National League.
At Philadelphia Cincinnati. 9: Phila
delphia, 8. At Boston Louisville, 0; Bos
ton, 2. At Brooklyn-Brooklyn, 7; Pitts
burg, 6., At New York New York, 8; St.
Louis, 2. At Baltimore Baltimore, 0;
Chicago, 0. At Washington Cleveland,
8; Washington, 7.
Eastern league.
At Wllkesbarre Wllkcsbarre. 6: Scron-
ton, 2. At Providence Springfield, 0;
Provldonco, 1. At Rochester Buffalo, 15;
Rochester, 4.
Pennsylvania Stats League.
At- Carbondalo Carbondalo. 9: Lancas
ter, 5.
Alleged Fugitive Murderer Caught.
WlLKKSBARIiE. Pa.. Aua 21. Gfiorrrn
Motzger, who, with William Ponn Bow
man, Is charged with tho murder of an
Arabian peddler In this city, u year ago,
was brought to Wllkesbarre yesterday
from Mauch Chunk, where ho was ar
rested Monday night. Ho was committed
to jail without a hearing. Metzger os-
caped on tho night of the murder, and
has beou a fugltlvo ever since. Bowman
was convicted of murder ln tho first de
gree and the case was appealed to the su
prome court, where It is now bonding.
Bowman claiming that Motzger fired the
latai snot.
Democrats Win in South Carolina.
Columbia, S. C, Aug. 21. Very full re
turns from tho thirty-five counties of
South Carolina show that tho Democratic
nominees in every couuty havo been
elected, with a few posslblo oicentlous,
Two Independent Demoorutio candidates
may uo oicctcu in union, and two negro
uepuuucans ln Darlington and two in
Beaufort. Tho reform Democrats will
have a largo majority In tho constlui
tlonal convention, which insures tho milk
ing of a constitution which will largely
eliminate tne negro vote.
All Hor Llfo Happy Release at J,st
of Miss Allco Younjr. who Upsides
at 302 Alexander Street,
lloeliestcr, N. Y.
(fVom Jtochettcr Democrat nnd Oironictc')
Our representative was received very
pleasantly at 392 Alexander Street by
Miss Alice Youne. who told how sineo
childhood sho had been held In the bond
age of. pain from her back, nuver re
mcmucring the time that sho had not suf
fered palu or nehes In the region of tho
kidneys. Many were the mean? sho used
to find relief, but thero seemed no remedy
for her caso and sho still remained ti cap
tive; then along eomos thoso little enemies
to backache, Doan's Kidney I'ills, nnd a
half box releases tho bonds, as one by one
the aches and pains disappear, she'flnds
herself a slave to palu no more, by their
continued use. Sho soys: " I was entirely
relieved of all my suffering nnd now I am
periectly strong, healthy onil well.
now iltd you talto this remedy ? " Miss
Young was asked by our representative.
sho replied that she followed directions
explicitly. Miss Young then told how the
inaiauy uuccteu her, saying her symptoms
were: "Stooping, bending over, walking
or standing any length of tlmo always
fnve me a pain in the small ol my back,
had a pain iu the kidneys all the time,
nnd If 1 caught cold It would always
settle there; the pain I suffered was of
a very exhausting nature; at night I
could ouly Ho Hat on my back nny other
position causing pain anu suileriug; the
nerves passing up my back, wero alTcctcd
and this brought with it severe headaches,
but as I said before, Doan's Kidney Pills
have removed all pain and suffering en
tirely nnd I novcr felt better and healthier
in my life.-"
Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all
dealers, price 50 cents, mailed by Foster
Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y Sole Agents,
for the United iStatcs.i
For sale at Klrlin's Niarmacy.
2317 Arch St. Phila. Pa.
OiGMf.t OKI Ho next Dr. TIihuI, wh
atMr,Mr.t UM Ho next ur. TliHul, w&
tbttycumt more Burtefra tluuuul others '
e. il.t.uM. 'ihbolileHA HP'du.U1n I'tiH 1
un.pnut, its (liiiloiniiH ana t. ii'cnleM
yftCJJV i'vi c-iuniitDunt'd iy be .y of T
.w&M a ii.rc.ui iAvuie.i nt LarJin, no. with
tiMiti.t what tin'-'k i nt tin t .
riv? v .itu. Bay, 'I iwn If nunc u
n i t i.muut or NpcrmI 1U('hn"4 u (Jtl
t-i j.Umu iilmi. nil I he mi. I eh- -M (U
(Mitti.fil u.'rnrt, lnt pavcr: bluuik'i , uanov,
hKIil kilt IUTVOUS diftol'flui', t'tC . f -t -Utx.-t,
'Mir..ti:i J.- J'JiIuj's. itelti-f nt micr.
hi iwl mi itt'-'iM, oti8ilt OWi . I. Titrt'llli
oiuj avituiiif HiU'c'.a'.lHt, who tuw nm.i - u ' '
j' initio ii t nu-l r Prof. iiRlir, tft .u-u-Hiithh',
i tul I'l-wi. ,1Eii)l;r Atlomithi' - ' t,v
wort J rtiioiviiL-d Mi'clailaU. 'Ltxn 1 my tiritttrm?
advt'rtiu-znem. Mi mm and avoid t-u youujc
woua-U.' old ppecliittstn copying Mime l:t p.tit or
ivho!e. i h d.i rata to ruliicad you. I an tin only
one ;vlci fver unused quacks nud warm .. tp.i
nAl-m Ln posters. The quncUtt openb nUulf
tr. Tltcrl inseru a new advertisement "Hl..yw
will copy or cuiu'Q miruo somewhat anil the p'-ihll
uot I; no wo nro tbo very i-crio.i ho er
nosd. Ofllco ,wura, 9 A. M. to 3 X W.; ev irs, 6-8.
Wed and t, ev'iss, 6-y.SO. Hunday.D A. M. lo Ul
Bend llvo two-cent stamps for book "Truth." on
one fcx posing quack mid best ioroMunrt youn
BhijiiV ur married, poor and rich. A nrw trick ot
youns Inexperienced doctors nd quae its Ii this'
Ttey run an o'd established olflceof an old djcensw
pnysleliui, having an oiu mun (no physician) In thLV
oHice 'vhora they use ua a decoy.
"Got the Drop" on a Terror.
EL PASO, Toi., Ausr. 21. John Wester
Hardin, the terror of tho borilor, was shot
and killed In the Acnio saloon, ln this
city, by Constable John Sellmnn. Sell
man's son, who Is on the police force, ar
rested a feraalo friend of Hardin's a few
days ago, and Hardin threatened to run
Sellman out of town. While Sellman was
standing at tho bar of the saloon Hardin
entered and attempted to draw his pistol.
In an instant Sellman sent a bullet crash
ing through Hardin's brain. Sellman
and all the
The maximum of knowledge at the minimum of cost.
Hrmor circular,. T11KO. IV. l'ALMS, I'ioU
1710 Chebtnnt St.,
Tenth Tear.
Four Kallor. Held Tor Murder.
PlIILADELl'lIIA, Au?. 21. James Car-
berry, Jme White, John Donley nnd
James Ford, tonmon of the steamor Karn
wood, were arrested last evening on sus
picion of having boon concerned iu Hip
death of Charles McLaughlin, a sailor,
whoso body was found ln the Dalaw.
river Inst Friday, the skull having bee.
fractured. The men wero soon quarrel
ing hoforo MuLaughllu s disappearance-.
Hevein Arrested for Anon,
Kenosiiai WH.. Aul'. SI. Another ar
rest has been mado ln the arson nud con-
sulraer cttao-In connection with th hurtl
ing of tho factory of the Chloago Ueddlng
company. Tho prisoner In llernard liiief-
fur, ii wealthy Linlcugoan. Tins maKes
soven men now under arrest on the same
charge. Thn police nro after two more
Chicago mou.
Ilia; Mill ritrllie Iu HcotlHml.
DUNliEK, Aug. !31. Wlthout waltlng for
a reply to iwlenmnd for nn Increase if 10
per cout. ln their wages, tho mill wurl;tr.(
hero haw begun a strike. Ten mills nro
closed nnd 7.U00 Immln nru Idle, The mill
owners and manufacturers at a meeting
this uftnrnuou decided to refuse to (jrant
tho increase. A general strike Is expectod,
mWO-STOnY Frame Huildlnir. 30x15 feet on
JL South Chestnut street. Itciita for $18 per
month ; will be Bold cheap.
IriOU SAI.K. Half lot and two houses, situated
' on West Centre street. Will nay 12 per
cent, on lnve-rtment, ami can be bought on easy
tAItM FOR SAL11 A farm of 83 acres, with
in three miles of L'oixl market. Twenty-
nine (Mires under cultivation, and four acres of
good timber. Frame farm house, six rooms,
Konri burn and all iu good condition. Will be
sola lor Jl.'JOO cash.
ITIOIt SAI.K Valuable property on East Lloyd
street, Lot 43x190 feet; seven houses, In
cluding restaurant, AKgvefrute rental, $30 per
mouth. A rare bargain. Apply to 31. J. Ijnvlor,
The St. tools r Complete Succen.
Southampton, Aug. 31. The speed
trials of the Amorlcan line steamer. St.
Louis over a measured course in the En
glish channel were a complete success.
The course wns from Portland BUI to
Start Point and baok, vrhloh Is a distance
of 101 knots. The time In which tho courso
was coverea vfasi 4ttr. 41 mlns. 1 sea..
which gives a mean speed of S3 8-10 knots.
The trial was mads to ascertain whether
the steamship comes up to the, require
ment under the contract for carrying the
Three Klotous Strikers Killed.
Berlin, Aug. 21. Twelve strikers from
Skalwelt's mills ln Labiau, east Prussia,
became engaged ln an altorcatlon with
the owners ln the mill yard, and Anally
nitacitea mem. xiio ponce wero sura-,
moned, but the rioters turned upon them
ana attempted to drlvo them away. A
sharp oncounter onsued, during-which a
policeman fired five shots from his re
volver, with the result that three of tho
strikers were killed.
I'roliKhlj a Double Druwnlue,
HuitMVOTON. N. J., Aug. SI. Mrs.
Annie Wright and Mrs. Julia Glberson,
young married women of this place, havo
dlsnuoonred. They went rowing on the
Delaware last Friday , uud havo not sliico
beon seen. Their boat was found floating
near Bristol. Both wero well supplied
with mouoy.
No Quarter for Spanish Troops.
Havana, Aug. 21. It is rumored nt
Santiago do Cuba that tho Insurgent
leader. Mncco, has ordered that no; quar
ter bo glvon Jn future, lu consequence of
an attack made on an insurgent neia Hos
pital at whloh many rebels were killed.
Justice of the l'cocc, No. 123 llast Centre street,
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are suf
fering from weakness and feel
exhausted and nervous; are getting
thin and all run down, Gilmore's
Aromatic Wine will bring roses to
your cheeks and restore you to
flesh and plumpuess. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is the
regulator and corrector for all ail
ments peculiar to womanhood. It
promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
106 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa,
I Chlchcwtcr'a EnjrUih Diamond II rand.
Original and Only ucnuine
SAtX, iUway rtllfcble, ladies ik
pragglflt lor Chlchtsttr Fnglith
;ria.ln lfu1 anil fioLt mtlll0
Iboiti, mum vim blue ntoon, i gho
nn nlltt. Rf tkA fiMflfVOUl MllbttitU
(tmj and imxtalioni. At nrnezUtl, c lend 4o.
In itimpl or ptrUcoUri, teitimonUla tod
"Keller for Iadle,"inlcer, by return
r Mali JtP.uuu teniiDiDi. foww ropr.
I lirfM?t HeaJtb I
rT cum i ivui '
ife m
34 It Is a nutter of vt Importance to mottvrj. St?
m The manufacturer of the OAIL BORDEN .
iji lsueapimphll.entltled"lNFANTHEALTH," &
ili which should beln every home. Address, NEW y
ig Street, New York.
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lofob,
329 N. 15th, St.
French and Italian Workman Fight.
PAItis, Aue. 21. A dispatch to Lo Jour
nal from Marseilles reports that a-serious
riot has pecurrod betweon. French and
Italian vrorkmon employed In tho salt
works at Berre, sixteen miles northwest
of Marseilles. The lighting was ot a moit
desperate character, and flro men were
seriously wounded before tho police could
qnell the riot. A number of the ring
leaders were arrested.
Below Onlluwhlll
Krrors of Youth niul Loss of Mnnhood and of
all diseases of tho blood, Kidneys, Illadder,
Hkin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
Lobb. lie fruanintees ln nil cases caused by
Kxcosses, Imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength by building up the
shattered nervous system nnd nddlnt; new life
nnd euertry to the broken down conntitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
confidential. Ofllce hours, dully and Sunday,
from 0 A. SI. to 3 I'. M. and S to 9 evenings.,
ltead his book 011 errors nf Youth nud obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
Four Fire Fighters Jump to Death.
Spokane, Wash., Aug. 21. W. Mo-
Creary, superintendent of bridges for the
N or t Horn I'ncino, reports tbo death near
Ccour d' Alene of four carpenters while
engaged lt extinguishing a lire on n burn'
lug bridge. The flames cut off their ro
treat and ovontually all four bad to jump
Into a chasm 138 foet deep and wero dashed
to pieces.
Preferred Death to Farm Work.
Heading, Pa., Aug. 31. Arthur, aged
13, jiom ofr-Nntban Zimmerman,- of this
city, committed suicide- by taking Paris
green nt Bloomsburg. The boy had been
hired out on a farm. lie did not like the
business, nnd said ho would rather dla
than follow that kind of work.
l'liyslclan Drowned While llathlng,
Oapk May Court House, Aug. 31. Dr.
James W. H. Walker, a prominent Phlla
dolphlan, was drowned at Wlldwood yes
terday. He was on -his yacntloivhavlng
come to the seashore on Monday. Br.
Walker was ln bathing nnd was carried
out by the undertow.
Of a henilocho Immediately ne
lieved by the use of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They1 nro a positive and speedy euro and aro
..nrLninlf.ert nbgalutclv harmless. Their crcat
success Is ample proof thattthey are un effective
article, which cniv be always used with tho best
of results. -Procure them from Oruhlcr llros.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned by Poicr Grittlths
No. 122 South Mlsslssppl Avenue,
Twq and one-half squares from P. & It. station;
half square from beach, lteiminted, repaired
and refurnished. KYrrythinir complete for con
venience of patrons. MRS. SI. A QUI WIN,