The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 17, 1895, Image 2

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1'iihllshcd every Kvcnliii:, Kxcejit Sumlny, nt
8 SoL'TIt jAlttllN Stheet, Nuau Ckntiik.
Tho llcmlil In delivered In Shenandoah mid the
surrounding towns for six cent a week, pay
ahlo to tlie carriers. Hy ninll $3.00 a year, or 115
rent a month, payahlo In ndvunee. Advertise
ments charged nccnrillng tn space nnd volition.
The imhlishcra reserve the right to change the
position of advertisements whenever the puln
Mention o news demands It. The right Is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publishers inny deem
improper. Advertising rntes nuido known
upon nppllentlou.
J5ntcrcl nt the iHwtofllcc nt Shennndonh, Pa., as
second clni mull mntter.
Evening Herald
Anothku story uf b man at Taninqtia being
willed mi almost fiihtilous wim of money is
nailed as a fake, lut that does not deter tho
1'hiladelpliia newspapers in allowing them
selves to be hoodwinked by unscrupulous
It is said the jewelry trade Is being injured
by the trading of watches for bicycles. Hut
nothing is said of how the young wen who
havo traded good chronometers feel after
using their bicycles fer.iv season. Tho injury
to the jewelers is not permanent in its
On Tuesday the new Secretary f tho Hoard
of Health, John W. Curtln, and Health
Officer, Hon. Patrick Conry, assume tho
duties of their otllces. If they do as well as
their predecessors their records at the end of
tho year will be very creditable, and they aro
men from whom this may he expected.
The Phoenix Fire ConiisiJiy is continuing
its picnic to-day and to-night for the purpose
of further increasing its building fund. The
peoplo should stand ready at all times to aid
this and all volunteer fire companies in com
mendable they never hesitate
to serve the people when the fire fiend
makes an attack upon the town.
KnoM all parts of the region come reports
of coal companies pumping out and re-opening
mine workings that havo been idlo for
many years and many of tho operations are
in towns that have been on a plane of decay.
This is good news and indicates that much of
the surplus labor in the anthracite region
will boon be in demand.
Wjtii each day comes an array of curb
stone fakirs and peddlers. In almost every
instance the articles they sell aro far inferior
to those sold by the legitimate merchants and
what appear to be bargains are really imposi
tions. The peoplo should liear this lu mind
and spend their money with tho people who
help support the town by paying rents and
Tin: Tory government, recently voted into
power in 'England, feel so secure of their
position that they intend to proposo no new
legislation and only intend to pass tho ap
propriations necessary to keep the wheels of
government in motion. Irish allairs, as well
as the Welsh and Scotch disestablishment
bills, will be shelved until public conscience
is quickened again.
The law which goes into etTect in tho state
of New York on September 1st, requiring
tho staffs of telephone companies to bo as
secretive regarding the nature of their busi
ness as aro those who handle telegraphic
messages, is a good ono. Tho telephone
servico lias in many respects supplanted the
telegraphic service and there is no reason
why tho same laws should not he applied to
Fitm: Silvek is apparently no more
popular in tho Democratic party than in the
liepublieun. The conference of free silver
Democrats held in the Metropolitan Hotel,
Washington, on Wednesday was attended by
but 05 delegates, and they were mostly from
Missouri, Virginia and Illinois. Of the
.Eastern states Delaware was the only one
represented, and tho loaders of tho move
ment wore greatly disappointed at the slim
The fate of the young man who was crushed
by an electric cur at Mahanoy Plane is an
other warping to people to stop, look and
listen when approaching railway tracks, and
hy all means not try to run across a track
when a moving ear, or train, is near. 'There
are regulations wlileh all jnllrortd companies
are hound to respect for the preservation of
life and limb, but unfortunately it sometimes
hnpiKm tliat tho (wrclesoiiessi, or Indillerence.
of those intended to be protected thwart the
To-day the ItepublluaiHi of Cameron,
Pulton, Chester, Milllin, Lycoming and Le
high counties hold thoir primary elections.
They elect 10 delegate to the state conven
tion, and of thaw it is expected Senator
Quay will secure all hut tho three from
Lycoming. As iio already has 141 these
counties will run his llgures up to 154, or I)
more than is necessary to eloet" without
counting Wyoming's 1, or any from Phil
adelphia, where he is likely to get any
where from 15 to 36 . more. Tho Combine is
beaten, a the whiiies of tho Philadelphia
Press to-day plainly indicates, hut they are
atill whistling to keep up tlioir courage.
Campot' Dauanil for More Troeps rieasts
the Insurgents' Sympathisers.
Nkw York, Aug. 17. President Palma,
of tho Cuban revolutionary headquarters,
said today thai u distinguished Cuban,
now in this city on n secret mission, hot
rocoivod a lottor dated Aug. 4, from his
brother, one of tho best known artists In
Cubit, describing tin engagement that bad
taken place. outhnt day.
Tho letter lu part says: "General Go
mez, with 800 Cubans, attaokod n convoy
of Spanish troops going from Gulamaro
to Port au Prince today. The Spaniards,
undor Isnlz, numbered l,C00,and werewoll
equipped. Tho fighting was hot and
heavy, and at ono time tho patriots al
most succeeded in capturing the convoy.
A Spanish major and anothor officer woro
killed, also soventy soldlors. Tho Cuban
loss was trifling."'
It is reiterated -every day at Cuban head
quarters that tho lack of detailed news is
owing to tho strict editorship exercised
by the Spanish authorities ovor tho mall
and tolograph linos. Prcsidont Palma and
his colleagues profess to bollevo, howover,
that the engagements that have so far
taken place have boon mostly In favor of
their side. They point to tho fact that
General Campos, lu asking for more
troops, practically indorses their belief.
Shot nis Wife nnd Then Cut Ills Throat.
Allentown, Pa., Aug. 17. At Egypt,
this county, John Philiipl shot his wife
in the neck and then cut his own throat.
Tho woman is badly wounded, but may
recover. Phllllpl died almost Instantly.
Ho was the night watchman at tho Amer
ican Cement works, and wasnovcr known
to have had any trouble with hlB family.
Phllllpl was a native of Hungary and
returned quite recently from n trip to that
country, whoro he received an inheritance
of $15,000. The couplo have two children
living, three having dlod recently. It is
bollovod that Phllllpl's mind was unbal
anced as the result of an accident, his
skull having boon fractured five years ago.
A Dor's Miraculous Escape.
CAPK MAT, Aug. 17. Al bert Phillips
the 8-yoar-old son of Russol Phillips, a
photographer of Alexandria, Va., slipped
away from his father while on the incom
ing express on tho West Jorsoy railway
yostorday aftornoon, and either jumped
or fell off. The train was going at tho
rata of forty miles an hour, and, strango
to say, tho llttlo follow not only escaped
instant death, but was not injured in tho
slightest degree. Ho wns picked up and
carried to the homo of his grandfather,
whoro his father found him wreathed in
smllos when ho arrived after a fruitless
search for tho body.
Suit to Itecover for n Sale of Slaves.
Bloominqtos, Ills., Aug. 17. George A.
Hill, a colored lawyer of this city, com
menced suit to recover tho price of twelve
slaves, the sale of which was ma'do thirty
seven years ago by Samuel Lowls, a
wealthy slave owner In wostorn Tonnes
see, and who died in 185S. Among his
personal estate were twelve slaves. Hill
brought tho slnvcs to Illinois, nnd It Is al
leged that at Genevieve, Ills., tho negroes
were sold to William Korr, who is mado
defendant in the lawsuit.
Three Injured In a ItuIItllng Collapse.
DENVElt, Colo., Aug. 17. The two story
brick building nt Santa Fo nnd Ninth
avenues, known as the O'Donnol block,
collapsed without warning. Tho follow
ing persons were Injured: Mrs. Miller, hit
on head by bricks; Fred Miller, 0 months
old, sovoroly bruised; Captuln K. V. Will
lams, managor of the Hocky Mountain
Cnrrlago works, arm out and severely
shocked. It Is supposed that the heavy
rains loosened tho roof supports, drawing
tho sldo walls to tho ccntor.
Governor Kvans Will Knforce the Lan,
Columbia, S. C, Aug. 17. Governor
Evnns had an Intorviow last night with
J. E. Mnrtln, chlof of Charleston's police,
nnd nftorwnrds announced that if thero
was not quickly a chango for the better
in tho enforcement of the dispensary law
in Charleston he would assume control of
the police of that city under the metro
palltan police bill, passed at tho last ses
sion of the general assembly.
Fftchbure Mill Workers on Strike.
Fitchbukq, Mass., Aug. 17. Seventy
five spinners, spoolers nnd warpers tenders
at the Grant Yorn mill wont out yostor
day without giving notice. Tho manage
ment claims it was not Informed of their
reason for striking. During the dull per
iod tho mills ran without a shutdown,
and with but ono cut of less than S per
cent. The operatives ask for a restoration
of this cut in wages.
Independent Union or Wire Workers.
Cleveland, Aug. 17. Representative
wire workers from soveral places have
boon in session hare during tho past week
for the purposo of forming an indepen
dent national organization. Heretofore
they hnve boon aflllintod with tho Ameri
can Federation of Labor. The now organ
ization has been porfeoted and will bo
known as the Federal Association of Wire
Workers of America.
For raising; Counterfeit Money,
Altoona, Pa.. Aug. 17. Jacob Engel,
of Johnstown, charged wlthpasstngcoun
torfolt money, wus hold in $1,500 ball by
tho United States commissioner hore. Ho
in ho trioii in October.
I Was an Invalid
Bo long I did not expect ever to be well
again. I was confined to the house the
whole winter
with nervous
debility and fe
male weakness,
having no
strength, appo
tlto or energy.
A friend urged
me to take
Hood's Barsapa
rilla which I did
and I was soon
able to do my
own work and
feel that life is worth living. I cheerfully
recommend Hood's Sarsaparilla to all
afflicted Jn llko manner." Mna. M. E.
Hoskins, Manard, Virginia.
Hood's Sarsaparilla
Bs the Only
True Blood Purifier
Prominently In thepublloeye. fl; Of or, 5.
Hood's Pills ifa
Leading Manufaetarlnir Industries Especi
ally Tjnsy for the Beaten.
Kew Youk, Aug. 17. Brttdstreoti' re
view of trade says; Midsummer quiet la
more conspicuous than a weok ago,
though less so in industrial than in com
mercial 'lines. As a rule, leading manu
facturing industries are exceptionally
busy for-tho season, nnd it is worth ad
ding that.the lnoroaso in .output of de
mand and prices of Iron and' sfqcl still
continue!. Gross and net railroad earn
ings returns for tho first half of the pres
ent year hows very satisfactory aggre
gate gains over last year, a porlod of great
coal and railroad strikes and of financial
and industrial depression and derange
ment. The 'best showings In not earnings
ore made by the central western, eastern
and southwestern roads, while the only
decreases noted are in tho granger and
southern roads.
R. G. DunSs Co.'g roview says: It Is a
belated soason. A frost mny set ovory
thlngback. Tho heavy" business which
ought to have been done in Mny nnd Juno
was pushed into July, so that the mid
summer dccllno duo in July comos in Au
gust, With this in mind ono Is not sur
prised to find the shrinkugo from July to
August rather moro conspicuous than
Tho disappointing crop reports of last
Saturday, though evidently distrusted,
lesson confidence in regard to thu future
of trado, oven while somo speculators gain
by them,
Back of all doubts is tho fact that tho
industries are doing better than nuybody
could have expected. Wages In the iron
and steel Industry have been generally
advanced and strikes are fow. Minor
metals chango little, though largo sales
lift lake copper to I2l4 cents. Textile im
ports havo been very heavy, and advances
In cotton goods to somo extent cheek buy
ing, while Fall River spinners are organ
izing for restoration of wages paid beforo
tho panic.
Failures for the week havo been 190 in
tho Unitod States, against 211) for tho
samo week last yoar, nnd 33 In Cauuda,
against 45 last year.
NAtlonnt League.
At Philadelphia Philadelphia, 9; Bos
ton, 7. At Brooklyn First gamo: Now
York, 0; Brooklyn, 4. Second game:.
Brookivn. 10: New Vnrl- i it av...i,.
Ington Baltimore, 12; Washington, 8.
y.u uiuvoiuuu uioveianu, o; Uinclunntl,
2. At Chicago Pittsburg, 0; Chicago, 2.
At St, Louis St. Louis, 8; Louisville, 5.
Eastern League.
At Scranton Scrnnton, 9; Wilkosbarre,
3. At Springfield Springfield, 3; Provi
dence, 0. At Rochester Rochester, 13;
Toronto, 9. At Syracuso Syracuse, 17:
Buffalo, 4.
Pennsylvania htats League.
At Huzloton Hazlcton, 7; Lancaster, C.
At Cnruoudalo Carboudale, 10; Reading,
7. In tho Huzloton gamo Lancaster left
tho ground in tho ninth Inning on a dis
pute, and the gamo wasnwardodto Hazle
ton, 9 to 0. !
Lit the Fire With Kerosene.
Philadelphia, Aug. 17. Mrs. Martho
Stowell, aged 27 years, was litorallj
roasted to death last night by tho explo
sion of coal oil nt her home, on Lolthgo
street. Mrs. Stowell, In attempting tc
light a fire, poured tho explosive upon the
coals, and then touched a match to it.
Thu explosion immediately followed and
her clothing ignited. Sho ran into tho
stroot and fell to the pavement, but be
fore tho flames could bo extinguished had
been burned almost to a crisp.
The Stir Jersey Governorship.
TnEXlON, Aug. 17. Tho reports from
tho northern tier of counties show that
John V. Griggs is very likely to havo a
very strong following for governor when
tho Hepubllcan convention meets in Sep
tember. Of course Mr. John Kcan, Jr.,
Is making u good showing, but tho Griggs
men who havo boon hore this week nssert
that their candldato will havo moru dele
gates lu tho convoutlou.
Pennsylvania Republican Committee.
PlTTSUUItQ. Aug. 17. In pursuauco of
tho aupeal of Senator Quay for a special
meeting of tho Republican state executive
committee to moko up tho roll of tho com-'
lug convention a majority of tho members
of the cmnmlttco havo called a meeting
for that purpose on Aug. 20 at Harris
burg. This calls tho committee toguclicr,
in spite of Chairman GlikcMin's refusal
to do so.
Ttrothers Iillnded by Dynamite.
Somkksut, Pa., Aug. H.'-By tho prema
ture explosion of dynamite in a quarry
hero yesterday Frank nnd William linker,
brothers, wero hurled thirty feet Into tho
nlr. Tho former had both oyes blown out
and his left hand torn off. "William had
lost uu oye In an nocldont somo tlmo be
foro and tho second ono was blown out of
its sooket yostorday. Uoth men will prob
ably die.
Ryls Discharged from Custody.
BltOOKLYN, N. Y., Aug. 17. Samuel B.
Ryls, who was one of the men brought
from Boston by Beteotlve Delehanty
charged with assaulting and robbing Dr.
George Drury, was arraigned for exami
nation in the Adams Btreet polioe court.
Dr. Drury testified positively that Ryls
was not one of his assailants, nnd tho ac
cused was promptly discharged from cus
tody. Cut to Death In a Thresher.
York, Pa., Aug. 17. A horrible acci
dent occurred on tho farm of L. K. Ole
weiler, near East Prospoct, this county,
rosultlug In tho almost instant death of
a form hand named AVllholm. Ho was
assisting in feeding the threshor, when ho
fell feet foremost into tho machine, tho
lowor portion of his body being literally
ground to plecos.
TounsT Cheseuoro Convicted of Murder.
QHANn IlAVKN, Mich., Aug. 17. A vor
dict of guilty of murder in the first de
groo was returned against Goorgo Cheso
boro, tho 17-year-old youth who killed his
graudmothor, Mrs. Mary Pierco. There
was much surprise at tho vordlct, as it
was expeoted to be manslaughter.
Spring Valley Jtloter Arrested.
SPHlNd VALLET, Ills., Aug. 17. Sheriff
Clarke, of Princeton, arrested over thirty
of tho men who ran the negroes out of the
village. He was assisted in tho work by
fiftoon nrmod deputies. The,arrosts were
made vory quietly, and no 'trouble was
Ten Thousand Witness it Huuclna.
Mount Sterling, Ky., Aug. 17. John
Johnson, colored, was hanged hore yes
terday for tbVmurdcr of a policeman on
June 15, A crowd of fully 10.000 'persons,
Including many negroes, witnessed the
PAINT cracks It
often costs more to prepare a
house for repainting1 that has been
painted in the first place with cheap
ready-mixed paints, than it would
to have painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
linseed oil.
Strictly Pure
White Lead
forms n permanent base for repaint
ing and never has to be burned or
scraped off on account of scaling
or cracking. It is always smooth
and clean. To be sure of getting
Btrictly pure white lead, purchase
this brand:
"John T. Lewis & Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure
White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can
to a 35-pound keg of Lead and mix your own
paints. Saves time and annoyance in matching
shades, and insures the best paint that it Is pos
slble to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
points and color-card, free; it will probably save
joo a good many dollars.
Of n IicnilpMltlntr licntlnclic iimnct'Vcly rc
lfcveu l.y the Ufc of
Anti-Headache Powders.
They nro n positive nnd speedy cure and nre
gunrnntccd iiW.IutcIy hariiiiexs. Their great
surer U ample proof that they nro mi effective
article, which ean Le nhvayn used with tho best
of results. 1'nieurc them from (Iruhler ltrop.
Get Our Prices on
and Headlight
Our delivery wagon does tho rest.
Oils, Gasoline, Candles,
Lamp Wicks, Burners.
Eclipse Oil Com'y,
213 South Jardin Street.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are suf
fering from weakness and feel
exhausted and nervous; are getting
thin and all run down, Gilmore's
Aromatic Wine will bring. roses to
your cheeks and restore you to
flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use
it for your daughters. It is the
regulator and corrector for all ail
ments peculiar to womanhood. It
promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
106 North Main Street, ' Shenandoah, Pa.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned hy Peter Griffiths
No. 122 South MIsslssppi Avenue,
Two mid 0110-fialf souarcs from I l It. station:
hnlf square from liencli, Iteiiainted, rcpapered
and refurnished. Kvcrythlujr complete for con
venience of patrons. MItS. M. A. OKIFFIN,
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
mWO-STOItY Frame HuldlnKl 30x15 feet on
1 South Chchtnut street, ltents for tlB per
month : will be sold cheap.
InOlt BAI.H. Half lot nnd two housed, bltuatod
; 011 West Centra street. Will iy 12 per
cent. 011 Investment, and can lie liought on eswiy
ITIAltM FOR SAI.K A farm of 3R acres, with-
..In three miles of (rood market. Twenty
nine acriw under cultivation, mid four acres of
good timber. Frame farm house, nix looms,
jrood harn nnd all in good condition. Win be
sold for 11,200 cash.
T71011 HA MC Valuable property 1111 East I.lovd
X' street. i.ot i.ixiou icct ; seven nouses, u.
chiding restuurant. AKfrreKHte rental, 9ri0
month. A rnre liartmln. Aimly to M. J. 1-aw
Justice of the l'eace, No. 128 Knst Centre street.
After All Others Fail
spkciaiTst Dr. Lobb,
329 N. 15th St.
ISelnw Cnllnwhlll
To secure a positive and permanent cure of
Krrors of Youth and 1-ofi of Manhood nnd of
all diseases nf the hlood. Kidneys, Iltiuliler,
Skin and nervous System consult at once Dr.
I.oljl). lie ttunnintcee In ull cue caused hy
Kxresaes, Imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health and Strength hy hulhllnp; up the
shattered nervous. yt and addlni; new life
andcneriry to the hrokeji down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and strictly
contlilentlal, Olllve hours, dally and Sunday,
from 9 A. jd. 3 ' M u,l1 8 to ovenlmrs.
lteud his hook mi errors of Youth and obscure
disease of hoth saxes, rient free.
A VeUrnn of Two Wrs and Twice
United States Senator.
PxniB, Tex., Aug. 17,-Goneral S, 11,
Maxoy died yostorday at Euroka Springs,
k4.., ui u corapucatiou of diseases inol
detit to old ace. HIrnmi,lD ,,-,. i,,-i,f I
to this city for lntormont today.
Ho wns born in Todd county, Ky.,
March 31, 1835, was graduated nt West
Point with Gonoral Qrnut, served In tho
Mexican war undor Gonoral Scott and
was at tho sloge of Vera Cruz, tho battle
of Chorubus county and storming of Che
pultopec. IIe!amo toToxas in 1853 and
was stato senator of tho Eighth Judicial
dlstrlot from 1838 to 1800, when bo was
elocted to tho state senato, which position
he roslgned nnd raised tho Ninth Toxas
lnfautry, Confedornto volunteers. Ho was
shortly mado n brigadier gonornl and later
a mnjor gonornl, nnd distinguished him
self on many battle fields.
After tho war ho resumed the practice
nf tnw nrwl In 1Q7K wna n1Anfn.1 TTmU.,1
States sonntor over Hon. John II. Iloagan
ana ex-liovornor Throckmorton, nnd was
re-elected In 1881 over thesnmoopposltlon.
Ho was defeated for a third torm in 1887
because ho would not ylold to the popular
clamor against railroad and other corpora
tions, sinco which time ho has lived in re
Over Thousand Lives Lost Through
Hurricane and Flood.
San Francisco, Aug. 17. Reports have
been received hero to the effect that Japan
had boon visited by a terrible storm on
the 24th nnd 26th of July. Tho hurricane
Bwept across Klusha, passed along the
shores of the island sea, crossed, over tho
control districts of the mainland and
emerged Into the Pnclflo ocean.
Its track wos ovorywhero marked by
great loss of life and destruction of prop
erty, nnd ns the catastrophe was followed
by a hoavy rainstorm, Inundations added
thoir devastating effects to tho havoo
wrought by tho wind. It is caloulated
that over a thousand peoplo wor j killed
or drownod.
Ujina, the town that served as a mili
tary basis during tho recent war, folt tho
full force of the tempest. Tho placo waB
completely swamped by tno sea, and over
100 boats wero smashod. Among those
boats woro 120 belonging to the army
stores dopartment. Tlioy woro lnden with
supplies destined for tho uso of tho troops
in the Lino Tung peninsula.
Currenoy Reformers la Parliament.
London, Aug. 17. A meeting of the
mombers of parliament favorable to cur
rency reform was hold in tho houso of
commons yesterday. Sir William Honry
Houldsworth, member for the northwest
division of Manchester, Conservative, who
was a dologate of Great Britain at tho
Brussols monetary conference, presided.
It wns resolved to form a parliamentary
committee, its mombors bolng engaged to
promote nn international conference for
tho purpose of considering what moasures
can be taken "to romove or mitigate tho
ovlls resulting from tho fluctuations grow
ing out of tho dlvorgouco in tho relative
value of gold and silver."
Deadly Duel lletween Doctors.
Portland, Ore, Aug. 17. The report
of several shots in rapid succession wns
heard to come from tho office of Dr. II. K.
Holmes, in the Dokum building. Tho
tenants of the building rushed in and
found tho prostrate bodies of Dr. Holmes
and Dr. Itobort Ausplund, each of whom
wns holding a smoking pistol In his hand, !
nnd both badly woundod. Ausplund's 1
wounds will undoubtedly result fatally.
It Is thought tho duol was due to n criti
cism of Holmes of Ausplund's method of ,
treating a patient in tho Portland hospi- I
tal when Ausplund called at Holmes' of- j
flee to mako him retract.
Death from Yellow Fever.
New Youk, Aug. 17. Burt E. Hyde, 1
who was transferred from Hoffman to 1
Swlnoburno Island, suffering from yellow i
fover, died yesterday aftornoon. Hyde
arrived from Havana by the Ward line
steamer Seneca on the 12th Inst., and
was unable to produce a certificate of no- ,
climatization from Medical Inspector
Burgess at Havana. While at Hoffman
Island Hyde developed symptoms of yel
low fover, and was promptly trnnferrod
to the yellow fever hospital at Swinburne
Brazil's Friendship for Uncle Sam.
WASHINGTON, ' Aug. 17. A roport has
boon received at tho navy de'piirtmoift from
Admiral Norton, mado at Hlo do Janeiro
beforo ho sailed with, tho Newark for
Capetown, In which he says that tho
friendliness pf the Brazilian peoplo with
tho United States is very marked. "Very
frequently the flags of the Unitod . States
and Brazil are seen on the streets toI
gother, and the government of the Unitod
States is frequently choered by the people.
To Settle Glasswarkers' Scales.
Pittsburg, Aug. 17. Conferences will
be hold here next week to Bottle the wage
scales for over 10,003 gla9sworkers, Tho
annual mooting of the United "Stntoss
Glass company is also to bo held on Wed
nesday. It is belloved that D. O. Ripley
will bo retalnod at tho head ot th'o coli
corn, and it is stated tbat ho will be' au
thorized to outer into a compromise with
tho union glassworkers, who have been
locked out for soveral years.
Nine Prisoners Kscape.
DEOATUlt, Ind., Aug. 17 Thero was a
general jail dollvery Thursday nlghfc. As
Sheriff Aeohbrtsher's wife was passing a"
pall of water to the prisoners they all
made a rush at her nui ovorpowored her,
making their escapo in tho darkness.
There were nine oriminals, among whom
was Ed Johnson, 'n noted forger and
swindler. The shorllT and posse are in
Mrs, Gardner Declared to he Insane.
Lincoln, Nob., Aug. 17. Mrs, E. L.
Gardnor,the Nebraska Christian Endeavor
dolegato who deserted her family lu Bos
ton nnd was later found in Norwich,
Conn., in a supposed donlonted'c'oudltlo'n,
has boon brought here for medical treat
ment. I'hysloliins nttonding her declare
positively that she is insane, with some
hope of rocovety.
lirntallty on a German Warship,
LoKDtij,' A:ug. 17. The Timos lierlln
correspondent says that gravo cases of ill
treatment of tho crow of tho steamship
Kaiser Wllholm havo been reported. Two
stokers jumped overboard In dospalr und
wero drowned. A third dlod from brutal
ity inflicted by the englueer.
Tho Weather.
For District of Columbia, eastern Penn
sylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, Maryland
and Virginia: Showers; cooler; southerly
Winds. - - V
MUNYON'B Rheumatism Cure never
falls to relievo in three hours and cure
In three days.
MUNYON'S Dyspepsia Cure is guar
an teed to correct constipation and curr
all forms of Indigestion and stoniacn
MUNYON'S Catarrh Cure soothes and
heals tho afflicted parts and restores them
to health. No failure; n cure guaranteed.
MUNYON'S Kldnoy Cure speedily cures
( paln3 in tho back, loins or groins nnd all
forms of kidney disease
MUNYON'S Nerve Cure cures nervous
ncss and builds up tho system.
MUNYON'S Vltalizer imparts new life,
restores lost powers to weak nnd debilita
ted men. t Price $1.00.
No matter what tho disease is or how
many doctors have failed to cure you, ask
your druggist for a 25-cent vial of one ol
Munyon's Cures, and if you are not bena
filed vour money will be refunded.
i mm
t:& St. Fhita. tJa.
lot. r 1 Ol I llnn.'Ht Dr. Tlicel. whs
11, sci.nt guoiv fjMi'tcre thsiii..i ntherv
Cii.iiUni.'il. 1 111 olili-nR nr ih I t lu Mill
i.ue.unn. at diiilniiiuD utn' ri". Urrnlen
i-uvf. e juiitvraunej l.y t)u , of
yft "' whai tiuncks ami i . ill
1 iHm' or y. 1 here In hunc i'i n, i.i. i
i-mi i.((ouioii fit I.etuw, 11 'tli
a t
u mcni or xncriul iIUciihcm ui Lola
I n.itlilnl errni'H, lost power, uliu:i(t-i, Kiimcv.
1.U1.1 nail McrvniiM c'imirdcrH, i-ie , iiw.t., ,rfiaesi. In t- lil ilu). Iti'lli'l'ut onic. Ir,le
Mimi: mine. i i,.iiiis ill. Old lir. !. If, Tln eljfha
only jr.'uiihic Hpcclnltnt, who hn dih.i jil
ol tli. si (Ham 4 tinilir l'rol. .lulir, II uuu o
imtlilr, nn1 I'rul'., .11 vi Her, Alliuml),.-, two
i.e.i.l-iiiiuwneil speclalM. Uita i mr i ,'iHf mil
advert miikmiu Mmmi ami moid i f 1 011110
wou'a-be old snecldltata copying bumy In 1, t or
whole. Tlieydj tills to mislead you. 1 am tli'i only
01 j who over exposed quacks and wain-u n'liftier"
attalust Inipoitera. Ttie qunckn openly asserted ir
llr. Thed Inserts a new advertise tuiii.y we
w.H i iipy ,r, ciuime sarau enmawliat uu.l tl:.-1 .bH
ivlll nut kiio tha-.X'e an) the very itmoi, lie e
i.ii'iil. i)luce.3ari, 0 A. M. to a l. M.:ev-t. t-s.j
Weil, nnd nut, ev'ga, 0-U.3U. Sunday.l. A. Id. to ISi
Kond Uvelwo-cent stamps for booK "Truth," on.
one etposlng itmck and best for old and vdon'
Blnslo or married, poor nd rich. A new trick ot
young Inexperienced doctors and quicks U this!
They run an old established ulllcoof nlii ducensei
pnyulclan, havlni; an om man (no payblclanl In thelf
olllco vhom they ubo as a decoy.
Our Plans of Operation
Absolute Safety of Investment.,
Dividends Payable Monthly.
Principles of LIFE INSURANCE and BUILD
$10 to
Can be Invested nlth mirtn. win
convince any rfnsonable prrsou tbat
tuis is a trutniul statement.
The long looked for bmlnm rrrrnal
Is at hand. Kverr tndtcaium tn tho
tlnanclal world signifies an advance
In values. Prior to Mny 1 prices or
everything were at or below tbecost
ot production. Will you Join tho
procession and reap tbe benefits or
this boom 1
Will establish I fir it f jfj m rrrr.
ring to some of tbe leading Banks
Conservative.) and Trtut Compantts of our city
nc i,sl Our past success Justifies ns lr
Her Cent I stating tbat wo feel assured or
.. our ability to pay a monthly dlvl
ner rfinnth. I '.A 24 PBr nt r more on
( 4 an investments.
If you want to make money, all we
ask u fur you to invxttiqate our new
and ortyinnl method. Will ouaran
tte to convince the most skeptical.
rull particular sent free on ft p plica-
Representatives Wanted,
Cooperative Trading Assty
IS Dearborn SL, Chicane, III.:
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
B&er ait Sorter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
".HAVE YfHI ttoaV i;""Pies., Copper J
dicers In Mouth, Halr-Fallingl Write COOKfl
Dij,.ii,ir x utf uu7 Alusonlc TempleJ
jwwrMuu. worst cjlscb cared in 1C
to .. uuyi, ioopiige book free.
and all tbe
PAl uu
171U Cheiitnnt St.,
uuron fro.
WrU9rtircvUr$, T1IKO. W. I'ALUH, IreU '
fat Chleheafer'a LnCUh Diamond Ilrmmt
Penhyroyal pills
urisinal aad Only Gcnnlae.
arc, alwy rtJlibU. LDicm uk
Uruiflit for CUktttr JinalUh Via
rvnd Urarulln lied tod OUd meulUa'
wnei. levied wim bla rlbboa. Take 1
DO Olhr Itefut danaerotiA Mu.htUitm
tiOtLM anJ imilrUianM. AintBvvUla ssshJs
la (Unipi pirtleuUn, leiUmoolAU dJ
'ltUef fur Indies," (n Uutr, by return
JL" . Will. IViVVU iuuiuvuiui, AaMl jvvtr.
JWOo you OESIRE to makeH
I TisnthV..,.
II - V
tell It auLoci ,rmt.itaj i'tv