The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 16, 1895, Image 3

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Mrs. J.P.ltcll, OxsmcatomiCjKaiu
wifo of tlio editor of Tho Graphic, tho load
ing local paper of Miami county, writes
"I teas troubled with heart disease
for six yoars, sovero palp!ilons, short
ness of breath, together with such ex
treme nervousness, that, at times I would
walk tho floor nearly all night. Wo
consulted tho best medical talent.
Tlicu said there teas no help forme,
that I had organic discaso of tho heart for
which thoro was no remedy. I had read
your advertisement In Tho Graphic and
a year ago, as a last resort, triod ono bottlo of
Dr. Miles' Xew Cure br tho Heart,
which convinced me thai, there- was true
merit In It. I tookthrco bottles each of tho
Heart Curo and Iiostoratlvo Nervine- and
Xt completelu cured me. I sleep
well at eight, rny heart beats regularly and
Ihavono moro smothering spells. I wish
to say to all who are- suffering as I did;
there's relief untold for them it 'hey will
only glvo your remedies Just ono trial."
Dr. Milos Heart Onrols sold on a positive)
guarantee- that tho first bottlo will uenout.
All druggists sell it at tl, 0 bottles for$5,or
It will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prico
by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co.. Elkhart, lud.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
'3317 Arch St. Phila. Pa-
CoiMiilt OKI Ilnncnt l)r. Tbccl. win
hsis uim-il Aiore suiierera tlian nil olliurs
cmnblnt'ii. '1 he olilcft specialist In 1'liU
uJelpuU, as illiiluiiiuM and eertiPcntcs
provo, coumersl:rncd bv HfcrPury of
American Legation nt lierlln, nouvltli
'."Wilis wnut mucus and specialists uu
ri "Ct rl'1 e or my. There Is none to equal hlin
n 11. tr .uiucut of Npcrial dUenMCH or both
W.-JCS itluoi! imiNoii. nil lliu unit clll-Clf ol
) nntliiol errors, loit power- blnililer, kldiicv
hUui ma nervouH .H-nirileirt, etc c.iet. lOflnyi. Itelirfut onre. I'
luitl u i.'r -rs.ionsiilt (Mil l)r. IJ. V. Tlice!) the
.nil) ueiiutmt specialist, who has raftilr ustudy
of i.ttse ni-i.n'3 under Prof. .Inhr, Ifoiiiico
lnl!ilc,.inil Prof", .tlnllcr, Alloiinlhlc.irio two
wor1 i-i. it. Miwl specialists. Tbl3 U
rulvvirt. .'i.unu Slum ami uvolil thu jimiis
woum-be old specialists copylntf sarno In part or
tvliole. Tin y do Mils to mislead you. I am tlio onlj
ors ivno evtr evposeil quacHs and named sutlereii"
us.iiim Impo-iter. The qiincUM openly asserted II
Dr. Tlieel iiri-ils n new advertisement to-duy v.e
will copy .r c'-.iti4e same Bomewhat andthepubll
will not kilo that we are the very ireon ho e?
poked, onice ,iours, 9 A. M. to V. ev'gs. 6-8.9
Wed. and Sat, ev'gi, i-9.30. Kunday.9 A. M. to 121
Send Uvo two-cent stamps for boot "Truth," on
ono etposinir quacks und best loroldnnd youn
single or murrled, poor mid rich. A new trick ot
youns Inexperienced doctors and quacks Is this
They run un o!d established nlllco of i,n old deceasei
physician, havlnt; un om man (no physician 1 in thelf
ollico 'Vhoni they use u3 a decoy.
In Effect lUncn 24, 1895.
Passenger trains lcavo Shonandoah lor
Ponn Haven Junction, llnuch Chunk, Lo
highton, Slatiugton, White Hall,Catasauqna,
Alleutown,Bothlehem,Easton and Weatherly
at 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m., 12 43, 2 67, 5 27 p m.
For New York and Philadelphia, 6 04,
7 38, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, p. m. For Qua
kake, Switchback, Gerhards and Hudsondale,
9 15 a. in. and 2 57 p. m.
For Wilkes-Barre, White Haven, Pittston,
Laceyville, Towanda, Sayro, Wavcrly and
Elmira, 6 01, 9 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 pm.
For Itoshester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and
tho West, 9 15 a. in. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m.
For Belvidero, Delaware Water Gap and
Stroudsburg, 6 04 a. m, 2 57 y. rn.
For Lambortville and Trenton, 9 15 am.
For Tankhaunock, 6 04, 9 15 a. m.,2 57,5 27
p. m.
For Ithaca and Geneva, 8 04, 9 15 am,
5 27 p m.
For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27 pm.
For Jeanesville, Levistou and Boaver
Meadow, 7 38 a. in., 12 43 p. m.
For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38,
9 15 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m.
For Silver Brook Junction, Audonried and
Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 am, 12 43, 2 57, 527
and 8 08 p m.
For Bcranton, 6 01, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27
p m.
For llaslebrook, Jeddo, Drifton and Free
land, C 04, 7 38, 915 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27
p. m.
For Ashland, Glrardville and Lost Creek,
4 40, 6 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35, 1 40,
4 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. m.
For Raven Ilun, Centralia, Mount Carmel
and Shamokin, 13, 11 14 a m, 1 32, 4 20,
8 22,9 16 p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 5 60, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. m.,
12 43, 2 67, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. m.
Trains will leave Bliamokln at 5 15, 8 16,
11 45 a. ni., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive
Shenandoah at 6 04, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57,
57, 11 16 p. m.
Leave Shenandoaa for Pottsville, 6 04,
7 38, 9 08, 11 05, 11 30 a. m., 12 43, 2 67, 4 10,
5 27, 8 08 p. ra.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 6 00,
7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. in., 12 32, 3 00, 4 40
6 20, 7 15, 7 65, 9 40 p. m.
Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38
9 15, a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 o. ra.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35,
10 05, 11 06 a. ru., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 66,
Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia,
Mt. Carmel and 8haraokin, fl 45 a. in., 2 40 p.
m, and arrive at Shamokin at 7 40 a. ra, and
3 45 p. in.
Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoah at
7 55 a. m. and 4 00 p. m., and arrive at Shen.
andoah at 8 49 a. m. and 4 58 In. m.
Trains leave for Ashland, Glrardville and
Lost Croek, 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m.
For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn
Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown,
Bethlehem, Eastou and New York, 8 49
a. m., 12 30, 2 55 p. m.
For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. m.
For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City
and Delano, 8 49 H 35 a. in., 12 30, 2 55,4 58,
6 03 p. m.
Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30P
31 30 a. m., 1 05, 6 30 p.m.
"Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 55,
8 49, 9 32 a. m., 2 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8 30,
10 40 a. m., 1 35, & 16 p. m.
ROLLIN H. WILBIIIl, Genl. Supt.,
South Bethlehem, Pa,
CHARLES 8. LEE, Genl. Pass. Act.,
South Bethlehem, Pa.
It Causes Cremation of a Child
Aftor a Railroad Collision.
A Trnln on the Camilen nml Atlnntlo lioad,
or the Fennsylvanln System, Crashes Into
a Car Containing Colored Sunday School
Casiiien, N. J., Aug. 10. Ono person
was killed nnd n scoro ot othors mors or
less seriously Injured In n renr ond col'
Union on tho Camden and Atlantic rail
road, in tho southern part of this city, Inst
night. Tho Atlnntlo City nccommotln
lion train crashed Into tho roar car of an
recursion train from Lakesldo, at Liberty
Park station, Immediately aftor tho col
lision tho rear car of tho excursion train
caught flro and wna complotoly destroyed.
Tho car was ignited by oil from tho lamps
of tho car.
Marshall Johnson, tho 0-year-old son of
Itov. Marshall Johnson, pastor of tho
Afrloan Union Methodist ICpiscopnl
church, ot this city, was burned to death,
nnd tho following aro tho moro seriously
Maggie Cannon, aged IS years, Camden,
Incised wound of breast and logs burned;
Daisy Nahon, 0 years, Philadelphia,
spralnod ankle; John Wilson, 40 years,
Camden, badly shocked nnd burned on the
faco and hands; Lucy Buckman, 25 years,
West Philadelphia, shoulder fractured;
Matilda Quash, Garrotsford, Pa., anklo
sprained; Carrie Quash, SO years, GnrretB
ford, hip injured by jumping from car
window; Mrs. Marshall Johnson, wlfo of
tho pastor, injured on back and hips; Mrs.
Lizzlo Watts, Camden, log Injured; Mrs.
Mary Jano Grovors, West Philadelphia,
Injured about the body; James Grovers,
West Philadelphia, lnjurod about head
and body.
Tho train was In charge of Conductor
J. J. Kay, and was tho first section of
fifteen cars which loft Lakeside Park at
7:03 p. m having on board the parents
and scholars of fourteen colored .Sabbath
schools from Camden, Philadelphia nnd
sovoral counties In Ponnsylvnnia. It hnd
stopped at the station to lot off passongors
from South Camden. Tho headlight of
tho Atlantlo City train was soen as it
rounded tho curve at City Lino, nnd a
panlo ensued. A rush was made for tho
doors and windows, and children wore
thrown from tho car to tho plotform,
whllo others jumped from tho windows.
Mrs. Johnson seized her boy's hand and
started for tho door, but In tho crush of
struggling humanity ho was wrenched
from her grasp and trampled upon by tho
excited passongors. Tho crash then fol
lowed, and In a moniont tho car was
ablazo. An alarm was sont to tho Cam
don flro department, nnd the onglncs
qulokly responding, tho flames woro
quickly subdued. Young Johnson's body
was afterward found undor tho car,
burned to a crisp. It had fallen through
wlion tho floor gave way.
Tho Atlantic City train was in charge
of Conductor William Butler, Engineer
Charles Glondinning and Kiroman Sam
uol Hlnchman. Tho forward part of tho
ongino whs stovo in, tho smokestack
brokon and tho pilot knocked off. Tho
mon declare that thoy did not know of tho
presence of tho oxcurslon train nt tho sta
tion until nftor having rounded tho curve,
and it was thon too lato to avert tho acci
dent, ulthough tho lovor was rovorsed, tho
airbrakes appilod, and every effort mado
to provout n collision.
A. K. Johnson, tho oporator at tho sta
tion, assorts that his signals woro correct,
and Englnoor Butler claims that so wero
his when he left Collingswood, tho llrst
station beyond LIborty Park.
Serious Charge Agnlnst a Slate Ofllclal.
ALUANT, Aug. 10. During tho regent's
department investigation Secretory Dowey
testified under oath that Profossor Hall,
director of tho state museum, had sold
somo of tho state's most valuable speci
mens to the American Science associa
tion In Now York, for which ho had re
ceived $70,000, and had sold about $1G,000
worth to tho University of Pennsylvania.
Ho further alleged that Dr. Hall's em
ployes gave a percentage to the doctor
from their salaries, and that tho corps
was debauched and Immoral. He alleged
that tho putting of an end to those trans
actions was what led to tho personal con
troversy between himself and Dr, Hall.
Shot In n Free-for-All Battle.
Point Pleasant, W. Vo., Aug. 16.
Word reached here of a serious shooting
scrape which occurred nt a threshing In
the lntorlor ot tho county. Tho BarnettB,
Walkers, McClouds and Johnsons got
into n dispute which terminated in a free-for-all
battle, In which stones, pitchforks
und revolvors were freely used, Jesse
Walker was shot four tlmos, and will die
from his Injuries. James Harnett has
been arrested for the shooting.
Now Full Fledged Citizens.
Armour, S. D.t Aug. 10. Yesterday, at
the Yankton Indian agency, Agent Smith
distributed (20 gold piece struck off for
tho occasion as souvenirs of the signing of
tho troaty coding tho lands to the United
Statos, which recently went Into effect,
About 450 Indians received Bouvonirs.
This Is the lust payment to be made this
tribe for twenty years, when J500,000 will
be duo thorn. They are now full fledged
Murdered nnd Thrown Overboard.
Dbtroit, Aug. 16. A post mortom ex
amination was held at Amherstburg on
tbo body of Alfred K.Walker, a raco book
maker, whoso body had been found float
ing in the Detroit river. It loaves no
doubt that Walker was killed by n blow
on tha head with a blunt instrument, and
tho body then thrown Into tho river.
Lowered the World'e Sprinting Record,
Bloominoton, 111., Aug. 16. Tom Rob
inson, of Falrbury, Ills., at the fair
grounds yesterday, ran 100 yards in 0 3-5
seconds, breaking tho world's record. Ho
Is In tho mulch at Brockton, Mass., Sept.
2, In which all the crack sprinters of the
oountry are entered.
Postmaster General Wilson Accept.
WAshinoton, Aug. 16. Postmaster
General Wilson has formally accepted the
Invitation of the National Letter Carriers'
union to be present at their convention
In Philadelphia next month. Ho will re
view tho parado and call the convention
to order,
Staiutiulon' Or-ve Desecrated.
London, Aug. 10, Tho Sofia correspon
dent of Tho 'Imos telegraphs that the late
M. Stambu oil's gravo has been deso
cratod, tho polico arriving just in time to
prevent tho exhuming of tbo remains.
Contractor Daltln of Syniouso Tolls
or tho Final Success of a lllg
(.From the Syniciwe AT. 1'. Pott.1)
Mr. George Dakln is iv well-known con
tractor niiil resident of Syracuse, nud a
representative business man of that city.
Our representative found him oversea
Ing tho sewer work nt tho Arsenal, and in
the following Interview ho describes how
ho has finally completed the biggest con
tract ho has ever undertaken.
"Mr. Dakin, doesn't your business ex
poso yon to ninny unhealthy conditions?"
"Yes, I am continually catching cold."
" Does it affect your general health?"
" It has brought on kidney disorders."
" Have you been troubled from that
6ourco uny length of time?"
"I think it started during tho war, in
which I took nn uctlvo part, and every
cold I catch has aggravated it."
" What were the symptoms V"
"Lamo back and trouble with the kid
ney organism. I have doctored for years
and used all kinds of remedies I hoard of,
without relief. My caso is as follows " :
"Some little time ago I was in a very
bad condition, hardly ablo to hobblo
around; I had been in Madison County
looking nfter a contract there for the State;
I got very wet, and, as usual, was laid up.
I was simply twisted way around auu
doubled up on ono side; when I attempted
to stand up it seemed as though I would
tear out one of my kidneys; while in tills
condition 1 saw Doan's Kidney Pills ad
vertised. Being almost desperate, I was
wining to try anything lor reiiet. 1 be
gan using them, and tho result was truly
wonderful. I feel as young as a boy, and
it is tho first timo in many years that I
have been perfectly free from pain in the
small of my back. All urinary troubles
gone. I am perfectly well, and no traces
of my former troublo remain. I gladly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills."
Price, GO cents per box ; for sale by all
dealers or mailed by Foster-Milburn Co.,
Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for the U. S.
For sale at Kirliii's Pharmacy.
Tor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Bogs,
SOOFaso Hook on Treatment of Animals
nud Chart tjent Free.
ctoes jFcvpr,CoiiKCglioiifi.IiilInmmatlon
A. A. (Spinal Alentunltls, Al lie Fovcr.
ll.ll.ISlrnlnH, Lamcm-nfi, Klicnniatism.
t:.l! Jlistemiier, Nnsnl lllncliaritcs.
1). II.--Hots or lirubB) Wormx.
12.K.C011SU8, Heaves, I'lii'iitiionta
I'.F.--Collo or UrincR, Jlcllyacuc.
(i.O.-OliHCarrlilKC, llrniorrlinKCs.
II. II. Urinary nnd Kidupy I)Ucnscs
J.l.-.Uriiptlvo Disrnncs, niniiac.
J.K. Diseases of DlKcutloii, l'aralysts.
Single Bottle (over 50 doses), - - ,00
Stable Cnse, with Specified, MnnudL
Veterinary Cure Oil and Mcdlcator, $1,00
Jnr Veterinary Curo Oil, 1.00
Sold brDrniritUlii or frnt prepaid ao;nfaeraAnd la any
qDlullty oil receipt of price.
IirarURKYS'XKD.rO.,!!! ltSTHllinSt.,Kewyorl.
In uib art TPRm. Tha onlvfrncRAMftil remedvfoi1
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work op otbftr causes.
91 per vial, or 6 vial and large vial powder, for $5.
bold by Druggists, or sent jjoetpuld on receipt of pric.
HL'BIMIItKKS'aJED. CO.,lU&H3UUnat.,NoYoik.
and all the
Tenth Year.
1710 Chestnut St.,
Yu rniflhcih
The maximum of knowledge at the minimum of cost.
Writeor circulars. TIIKO. . PALMS Prcitt.
Evan J. Davies,
13 N. Jardin Street,
the Backus Water Motor
Is the Most Economical Power Known,
and the Best in the World for Driving;
Light Machinery.
It takes but little room.
It never gets out of repair.
It can not blow up.
It requires no fuel.
It needs no engineer.
Tliere is no delay, no firing up; no ashes to
clean away; no extra Insurance to pay; no re
putrintr ncc'rosary; no coal hills to pay, and it is
always ready for use. It is Invaluable for
blowing Church Organs, lor running 1'rintlng
Presses, Sewing Machines, Turning Lathes,
Scroll Siuvs, Clrlnil Stones, Coffee Mills, Sausage
Machines, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, l'.levotors.
Etc. Four-horse power ot 40 pounds pressure of
water. It Is noiseless, neat, compact, steady,
and above all
Price, $15 to $300.
Send for circular to tlio Backus Water Motor
Co., Newark, N, J., stating paper you saw
advertisement in.
We also manufacture Patent Rotating
and Exhaust Fans.
Send for Special Caialogueon
Your Stomach
Cannot stand tlio samo washing that your
boots do. and tho water you drink isn't
even fit for that purpose. Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter,
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
f i I
Cruel Treatment of American Cit
izens in Marsovan.
Demands tlio Rolens of Americans Un
justly Accused and Frompt Trial of ,
ThoieWho Arollovolutioultts Tho Lnt
tor Threaten Olijeetlnimblo Persons.
WAsniNoTON, Aug. 10. Tlio depart
ment of stnto lins just received from Mln- 1
later Torroll a report which throws somo
light on tlio report tuloaranhoil from Con- I
stnntlnoplo n few dnys uro, anylnp; that
American cltlzons had boon Injured nt
Marsuvnn. From Minister Terrell's roport
it appears that on July 1 an Armenian
named Garobod was assassinated at Mar
sovan, closo to the church door, as ho was
coinu to attend early service He was tho
chief man of tho Protestant community
and chairman of the council of thirty,
who are responsible for the peace of the
city. It was alleged that ho had glvon
tlio government Information In regard to
the revolutionists.
Consul Jowett, In reporting this caso
July 13 to Consul General Short, nt Con
stantinople, says that numerous Arme
nians woro arrested, as it was said there
was littlo doubt Garnbcd was murdered
by them. Among those arrested was a
naturalized American citizen, who had
boen a studont at tho American college
nt Marsovnn, but who, as Mr. Jowett was
informed, hnd beon dropped from tho roll
somo months ago.
Mlnlstor Terrell was promptly informed
concerning the assassination and tho Im
prisonments which followed It, and took
immediate steps to lnsuro fair treatment
of tho nnturallzed citizens, and called
upon Mr. Jewett for any trustworthy In
formation he might have regarding tho
danger to tho missionary toachors at Mar
sovan from Armenlnn revolutionists. Ho
Informed Mr. Jowett that though Turkey
has a right to-jycpol undesirable classes of
pcoplo from ho? territory, she has no right
to treat tho acquired American citizenship
of any of them as an offense, nnd to im
prison them for that causo.nor to Imprison
them on mere suspician. Ho Instructed
him in such cases promptly to demand
their rolease, and that If any of thorn aro
arrested whilo engaged In armed resist
ance to tho govornmont to demand n fair
Mr. Terrell's report of tho troubles nt
Marsovan is based upon a vorbal state
ment of Mr. I) wight, a leading American
missionary at Constantinople, and is as
"Moro than it year ago sixteen persons
nt Morsavan received written notices that
thoy would bo killed unless thoy co-operated
with tho Armenian revolutionists.
President Tracy and Profossor Uriggs, of
Marsovan college, wero two of these.
They had incurred tho 111 will of tho revo
lutionists by refusing to rocelvo in tho
college tlio sons of certain men suspected
of being revolutionists. Garabed. who was
assassinated, was another of tho sixteen
who received notice, and Mr. Dwlght bus
lieon informed that still another has been
assassinated. A Turkish guard was fur
nished at tho requost of Mr. Torril to pro
tect tiie American families from tho assas
sins. Mr. Dwlght considers that guard
suilieiont to protect the missionaries at tho
collogo, and Mr. Terroll has not applied
for nil additional force.
"Tlio local governor Informed tho Arme
nians, after tho killing, that ho intended
to arrest all suspected persons and im
prison them until thoy revealed tho names
of tho guilty ones; that their object was
to provoke Turkish vengeance In order to
securo tlio sympathy and intervention of
Christian Europe, but that thoy would
not succeod,as he hnd caused to be preached
in the mosquos for months that such was
tliolr object, and that any Turk who killed
n Christian would bo tho worst onomy of
Mr. Terroll adds that the revolutionists
of Marsovan had organized, and marked
the American professors long before the
Sassoun atrocities.
To Suppress the Santa Cran Indians.
MERIUA, Yucatan, Aug. 10. Tliere Is
great enthusiasm hore over tho intention
of President Diaz, as announced from tho
City of Mexico, to occupy Baclar with a
strong force of troops. Tho Santa Cruz
Indians aro filled with dismay, because
they now realize that their depredations
are to be sovoroly punished. Many of those
Indians are fleeing to Belize to accept
British hospitality among the people who
for many years have been furnishing them
arms and ammunition. It is not believed
that the leaders of the Indians can bring
over 000 men into the field against tho Mex
ican troops.
Cloilnc Quotations of the New York and
Philadelphia Exchanges.
New Yohk, Aug. 15. The share specula
tion today was without important feature.
The tone of the market was better than yes
terday, but the trading was dull unto stag
nancy. Closing bids:
Del.& Hudson 130?4
U., L. & W -
Erie SH
Lake Erie & W.... 20
Lehigh Nav mi
Lehigh Valley 37H
New Jersey Cen...lO$
N. Y. Central 101
N. Y. & N. E 02H
Pennsylvania 64
Heading IBM
St. Paul 7Wi
W. N. Y. & Pa.... 4
West Shore .
General Markets.
Philadelphia, Aug. 15. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, 1 2.503.05; do. extras, f 3.153;
Pennsylvania roller, clear, J3.1O0J3 35; do.
straight. $3.35Q3.50; western winter, clear,
J3.10&3.35. Wheat weak, lower.wlth Wic.
hid and K)o. asked (or August. Corn unsettled,
lower, with tic. hid and ljjc. asked for
Auirust. Oats quiet, steady, with 37c. hid
and SHyia. asked for August. Hay firm;
choice timothy, tlili.60, llecf steady. Pork
dull, Lard higher; western steam, 8.42H.
Butter quiet; western dairy, WaiSc.; do.
creamery, 13i&20o.; do. factory, SHUJl-Hc;
Kleins. 20c.; Imitation creamery, ll15o.;
New York dalry.KOlSHc; do. creamery, 20o.;
Pennsylvania and western creamery prints,
fancy, 21c; exceptional lots higher; do. fair
to choice, 18ffi20e.; prints Jobbing at 22&25o.
Cheese irregular; New York large, b)iZ7Ho.;
small, CSSJdc; part skims, 25c., full skims,
H4aWc. Kggs quiet; New York and Pennsyl
vania, ltGlSc.; western, fresh, 12Hai3c.
Un Stock Markets.
NbwYohk, Aug. 15. European cables quote
American steers at ll&HWo., dressed weight;
refrigerator beef, DaWic. Veals in fair de
niaind; other calves dill and weak; poor to
prime veals, ft7.60; grassers and butter
milk calves. tLSmMi. Sheep and lambs
very dull; poor to prime sheep, $1.25(&3.50;
common to choice lambs, 3&3. Hogs lower
at i5ffi5.30.
East Liuenty, Pa., Aug. 15. Cattle steady
ut unchanged prices. Hogs weak, lower;
prime light, ;55.10; medium, f 1.00(35; com
mon to fair yorkers, tl.75Q4.85; roughs, 13.25
(23.75. Sheep and lambs very slow; exports,
t3.70(3(; fulr to good, l.toa2.W: common,
60c.Ql; spring lambs, $2.6031.50. Veal calves
T Shorten it with Cottolene instead of lard and see what a
crisp crust it will have ; now delicious ana wnoiesome u wm
be. Pie made with Cottolene will do a dysptptic good. Do
everybody good because it is good. There is only one secret
in cooking with Cottolene use but two-thirds as much as you
would naturally use of lard. Follow this rule and Cottolene
...111 v.iof Genuine l sold erf wliern In tin. with trode-mnrks- "r amtrnt"
Will UO Uie lest, ,0il,.,.r'jt,.ll.'u..n-i(.n(ttrtijH v.rj tin. Mud, unljr by
Sometimes needs a reliable, monthly, reenlatlni? medicine. Only haraltea oad
tho purest drugs should be ueoJ. II you want the best, gst
Db. PeaB's PeEHBf!?Fo7aB PiSis
They are prompt, sale and certain In result. The genuine (Dr. real's) never dissp.
noint. Soot anywhere, 81.00. Addrou Fiiai. IIedicikb Co., Cleveland, O.
For sale by P. P. D. KIRMN, Shenandoah, Pa.
IN EFFECT JUNE 2d, 1891.
Trains leavo 8' enandoah as follows:
For New York via Phila lihia, week
dat s, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m. ond 12 53, 2 55,
t bb p. m. Sundays, 2 to a. m.
For Now York via Mauch Chunk, wr-pk
days, 5 25, 7 20 a. m. nnd 12 08, 2 55 p. m.
For Reading and Philadelphia, week (lavs,
2 10, 5 25, 7 20, a. m. and 12 58, 2 55, 5 5i"p.
in. Sundays, 2 10 a. in.
For Pottsville, "eek days, 2 IP, 7 20 a. m.
and 12 58, 2 55. 5 55 p. m. Sundnp 2 10 a. m.
For Tamnqua and Mahanoy City, week
days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m. and 12 58, 2 55
5 55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m.
For Williamsport, Sunbury and Lewisburg,
week davs, 3 25, 11 30 a. m. and 1 50, 7 20 p.
m. Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Mnhanny Plane, week days, 2 10, ' 25,
5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. m. and 12 1 8, 150, 2 55,
5 55, 7 20, (I 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25
a. m.
For Ashland and Shamokin, week dnys,
3 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. ra. and 1 51' 7 20, 9 35 p.
in. Sundays, 3 25 a. m.
For Baltimore, Washington nnd tho West
via II. A- O. li. H., through" trains leave Rend
ing Terminal, Philadelphia. (P. A R. It. R.)
nt 3 20, 7 55, 11 2 a.m. nnd 3 40, 727 p.m.
Sundays 3 20, 7 00, 11 2fi b. ni and 3 46, 7 27
p. m. Additional trains from Twenty-fourth
ana uiicstnut streets station, weeKcinys, sv,
5 41, 8 23 p. in. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. m.
Leave New York via Philadelphia, week
days, 8 00 a. in., 1 30, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. and
12 15 night. Kundnys, 6 00 p. ni.
Leavo Now York via Maueh Chunk, week
days, 4 30, 9 10 n. m. and 1 10, 4 30 p. in.
Leavo Philadelphia, Reading Terminal,
weok days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 00 n. m. and 4 00,
fl 02, 11 30 p. m. Sundays, 11 30 p. in.
Leave Reading, week days, 1 35, 7 ll,
10 00,1150 a.m. nnd 5 55, 7 57 p.m. Sun
days, 1 35 a. m.
Leave Pottsville w ek days, 2 35, 7 40 a.
m. and 12 30, 6 12 p. in. Sundays, 2 35
a. in.
Leave Tarnnqna, week days, 3 18, 8 50,
11 23 a. m. and 1 20 7 15, 9 2d p. rn. Sundays,
3 18 a. m.
Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45,
9 21, 11 47 a. m. and 1 51, 7 39, 9 54 p. m.
Sundays, 3 45 a, m.
Leave Mahanoy Plane,week days,2 40, 4 00,
fl 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. in. and 12 58, 2 00, 5 20,
6 26, 7 63, 10 10 p. m. Suudays, 2 40, 4 00
a. in.
Leavo Williamsport, week days, T 42,
10 10 a. m. and 3 35, 11 15 p. rn. Sundays,
11 16 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut St. Wharf
and South Street Wharf for Atlantic City.
Week days Express, 9 00 a. in., (Satur
days only 1 30), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in.
Accommodation, 8 00 a. m., 5 45 p. m.
Snnday Express, S 00, 9 00, 10 00 a. m.
Accommadotion, 8 00 a. in. and 4 30 p. ni.
Depot,corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues,
Week davs Express, 7 00, 7 15, 9 00 a.
in., 3 16 ami 6 30 p. in. Accommodation, 8 15
a. m. and 4 32 p. m.
. Sunday Express, 4 00, 5 15, 8 00 p. m
Accommodation, 7 15 a. m., and 4 15 p. rn. .
Parlor Cars on all Express trains.
General Superintendent. Gen. Pass. Agt.
oniecr-Egan building, corner ol Mnln and
Centre streets, Shenuiidonh.
y N. STKIN, M. 1).,
Ofllce Itoom 2, Kgun's New Building, corner
Main and Centre struetH, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ollico hours : 8 to 10 n. in,; i to 3 p. in. ; 7 to 9
1. in. Night oillee No. 230 West Onk street.
Olllce Wntcr Company building, M West
Lloyd street.
Shenandoah, Pa.
p V. HUItKK, M. D.
30 K. Lloyd street, Shenandoah.
Onico hours : 7 to 9 a. in., 1 to 3 and 7 to 9
p. in,
Ol Pottevllle.
Subject to Republican rulee.
and 11)2 N. Delaware Ate, I'lilladclplila. !
Pennsylvania R. B.
July 0th 1895.
Traius will leave Mienuudouli after the
hUovo dato for Wigguut. Gilher on Frack
ville, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottjvillo, Ham
burg, Rending, Pottstnwi,, l'hoenixville,
Norristown, ami Philadelphia (Broad street
station) nt 6 l)H and 114 a.m. nnd 4 15 p.
m. on week dayB. For Pottsville and inter
mediate stat ons 9 10 a. m.
For Wiggnn's, Gilberton, Frackville, New
Castle, ft. Clair, Pottsvillo at 6 08, 9 40 a.
m. and 3 10 p. m. Fot Hamburg, Reading,
Pottatown, Phoenixvillo, Norristown, Phila
delphia at 6 00, 9 40 . ni., 3 10 p. m.
Trains lcavo Frnckvillo for Shonandoah
at 10 40 a. m. am' 12 '4, 5 04 7 42 and 10 27
p.m. Sunday II 13 a. m. nnd 5 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15,
11 48 a. in. nnd 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. rn.
Sunday nt 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station)
for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 410
and 7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leavo
atfl 50 a. in.
Leavo Broad Street St.itinn, Philadelphia,
for Now York. Express, week-dnys, 3 20,
4 05, 4 50, 5 15, fl 50, 7 3', 8 20, 950, 10 30
(Dinin. Car) 1100, II 14, a.m., 12 noon,
12 35 (Limited 100 and 122 p. m.Dinin"
Cars) I 40, 2 .10 (Dining Can, 3 20, 4 00, 5 00,
5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 6 50. 8 12 10 00. d.
m 12 01 night. Sundays, .". TO 4 05, 4 60,
5 15, 8 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 1103 a.
m., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited
122), 5 20, 5 50, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 DO,
8 12, 1( 00 p. in., 12 01 nielit.
Expross lor Boston, without change, 11 00
a. in., week-days, and 6 50 p. m. daily.
For Baltimoro and Washington 3 50, 7 20,
8 31,9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 38 a. m. (12 31
Limitwi Din'iig Car), I 12, 3 46, 1 41, (5 16
Congressio' al Limited, Dining Car), 6 17,
6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m.,
and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50,
1 an, y 10, II 18, 11 ,SB, 6. m., 1 12, 4 41, 6 55,
(Dining CHr), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and
12 05 night.
Leavo Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express 5 00, 8 20 9 30 a. m., 1 00 (Saturday
only), 2 00, 3 1 0, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. n.-week-days.
Sundays, Express, 6 00 " 30,,
8 (10, 8 30, 900, 9 45 a. in. 4 30, p. ni. Excur
sion, 7 00, a. in. daily.
FOR CAPE MAY, Anqlesea, Wildwood,
and Holly Beacil Express 9 00 a. m.2 3n,
4 05, 5 00, p. ra. week-duys. Sundays, 8 20,
a. ra. Capo May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays.
Excursion, 7 00, n m. daily.
FOR SEA ISLE CITY, Ocean City and
Avalon. Express, 9 10 a. in., 2 30,4 20 p. m.
week-days. Suudays, 8 5u a. m. Excursion,
7 On, a, m. dailt .
FOR 80MMERS POINT. Express, 8 20,
9 30, a. m., 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. m. weok
days. Sundays, 8 00, 9 ( 0, 9 45, a. m.
8. M. Prevost, J. R. Wood,
Gen'l Manaeer. Gen'l. Pass'g'r Agf. .
Justice of the Peace
Insurance and
Real Estate Agent,
123 East Centre St.
rmVO-STOHY Frame Building, 30x15 feet on
X South C'hchtiuit htrert. Rents for 818 per
month ; will ho sold cheap.
ITtOIt SA1.K. Half lot and two houses, situated
: un West Centre trtt. Will pay 12 per
cent, on investment, and can be bought on easy
IAAHM FOR SALE. A farm of 33 aero, with-
In three miles of good market. Twenty
nine acres under cultivation, and four acres of
Kood timber. Frame farm house, sli rooms,
Kood burn and nil In cood condition. Will b
Hold for 81,200 cosh.
"TTlOIt HAI.R Valuable property on lio.t Lloyd
J1 Street. Lot -l.1vl.V1 feet . R,.vf.,i linnus In.
cludinir restaurant. Agregato rental, SSO per
mouth. A rare bariraln. Aimly to M. J. Lawlor.
it-tlco of the Peace, No. 133 Hast Centre street.
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smoke evory year. Take no
risks but get your houses, block, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liuhlo companies ns represented by
DAVTn FATTsT Insurance Agent,
Lift. V IU r UOl, 130 South Moln St.
Also Life and Accidental Companies.
'.Temperance Drinks.
Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Dottier of the
finest lager beers.
17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah.