The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 09, 1895, Image 4

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'I !
FRIDAY, AUGUST ti, 1805.
Harper's M'oclily.
During August tlio publication of a series
of articles of oxcopllonal interest to tlio people
of the West will begin In Harper's Weekly.
There will be an exposure of mi extended
conspiracy under the Civil Service Uw ; an
account of the efforts to rob the civilized
Indians of tbeirlandsin tlio Indian Territory;
a clear account of the practical results of co
education in Western college; a series of
papers on experiments in municipal govern
ment in tho West ; a paper on Western streets;
a paper on club life In the West; a paper on
Western libraries, etc. These articles are the
fruit of a tour through tho Western states
undertaken by Julian Ralph at the inMnnco
of Harper's Weekly.
Vhen Baby was sick, wo gave her Castorla.
When she was a Child, sho cried for Castorla.
When sho became JIIss, sho clung to Castorla,
When sho had Children, sho gavothem Castorli
I'uMMiriV Announcement.
Tho local circulation of tho Hvb-s'ino Unit
AM) eontitiUHH In the hands of Jluwirs. Hooks
& Drown, stationers, No. 4 North Main street.
People who aru not receiving tho paper nun
lmvu it served every evening by carrier upon
leaving their orders at the place stated.
Orders for job work and advertising will also
receives prompt attcntionjlif placed In their
Ki-licf hi SW lloui-h.
Distrew-ing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New (I rent
South American Kidney Cure." This neW
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
parsing it aliuoit immediately. If you want
quick relief and euro this is your remedy.
Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 South
Main street.
The Treasurer and Secretary of the l!or
oiigh Council have established an olllce at the
ollico of the Uvknino HmtAM), 8 South
Jardln street.
Since lb"S there have been nine epidemics
of dyscntary in different parts of tlio coun
try in which Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy was u-ed with per
fect success. Dysentary, when epidemic, is
almost as severe and dangerous as Asiatic
cholera. Heretofore the best efforts of the
most skilled physicians h ive failed to check
its ravages, this remedy, however, has cured
the most malignant cases, both of children
and adults, and under the most trying con
ditions, which proves it to be the best medi
cine in the world for bowel complaints. I'or
sale by Gruhler linn.,' Druggists.
Sprung Any Leaks Lately?
We can't stop, the leaks from the clouds but
Bell, tho plumber, comer Main and Centre
streets, can stop all your leaks in water and
gas mains with satisfaction.
My little boy, when two years of age,
was taken very ill with bloody llux. I was
adviwd to UkV Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera
and Diarrhoea Remedy, and luckily pro
cured part of a buttle. I carefully rend the
din-i tions and gave it accordingly. He was
v iw, ,jiw!y and surely he began to
v. prove, gradually recovered, and is now as
stout and strong as ever. I feel sure it saved
his life. I never can (praise the JEcmedy
lull' its worth. I am sorry every one in the
v . ' 1 docs not know how good i; is, as 1 do.
Mi--. J.lnn S. Hiuton, Grahamsvitle, Marion
Co., Florida. For sale by (iruliler liros.,
When you want good rooting, plumbing,
ga fitting, or general tinsmithing done call
on E. I Gallagher, 18 West Centre street.
Dealer in stovi s. 8-1-tf
Six weeks ago I suU'crcd with a very
severe cold; wa.i almost unable to speak.
My friends all advised me to consult a phy
sician. Noticing ( 'haiuberlain's Cough Itemed-
advertised in the St. l'aul Yolks Zeitung
1 proturcd a bottle, and after taking it a
short while was entirely well, I now most
heartily recommend this remedy to anyone
suffering with a cold. Wm. Keil, (178 Selby
Ave., St. l'aul, Minn. For silo by Gruhler
liros,, Druggists.
employes l'nlil,
Tho unployos of tho P. & IS. C. & I. Co.
in the St. Xichulas district received their pay
MaU-y, tho jeweler, for your wedding rings,
Hi -North Main street. tf
It May Do as Much tor Vim.
Mr. Fred. Miller, of Irving, 111., writes
that he had a sovero kidney troublo for
many years, with aovoru pains in Ills back
and also that lit bladder was affected. He
tri.-d many called kidney cures but with
out any good result. About a year ago he
oegan use of hicctnc lilU'ii am1 found re
lief at once. "Klcctric llittei.s is especially
adapted to cure of all kidney ami liver
troubles turn often gives allium instant relief.
One trial will prove our statement, l'rice
only 30V. tor large Dottle. At A. Yiasloys
(bug store.
Not Ice.
The IIchai.d no longer occupies the olliccs
in the Kcfowlch building. The only ollico
tlio paper has In fills town is at tlio now
quarter, Xo. 8 South .lardin street.
The Ideal l'uimcco.
James I. Francis, alderman, Chicago, says ;
"1 remit d Dr. Kline's New Discovery as an
ideal pauactu for coughs, colds and lung
comnliiiiU, having used it In my family for
the taut five ytmrs, to tlw exclusion tf pliy-
sif.tuti,! tirikfc.rliiHittis in otliul lirutul m limit: "
liov. John Ilurgns. Keokuk, Iowa, writes
"I have been a minister of the Methodist
KpisoixU otiiircli fur 110 years or mort, and
have never found anything so beneficial
that nave me Mich ioedv relief as Dr.
King's Xow DiscoM'ry." Try this ideal
cough remedy now. Trial bottles free ut A.
Wuuey's drug store.
lluy Keystone Hour. Do sure that tho
name I.kmhhi & Hakk, Aslilaml, l'a Is
printed on every sack. tf
"I was completely covered with sore.
Uvery uiutcle lu my Itoily ached. Had been
sick for rive years. Doctors could do mo no
good. Most of my time won xnt in bed;
was a complete wreck. Itunloek Wood Hit
ters have completely ruretl ine in three
months." Mrs. A'uiiie Zoepen, Crookstown,
Duller lo fii-ow-rlcs, Flour, l'ro islons, Teas,
Coffees, etc Coods dUhcrt-d fret.
losso II. Davis, iif Frechind, wrts a visitor
to town yesterday.
Jamoi Slilelds, tho liveryman, spent to-day
at the county seat.
Kihvard Hughes returned homo after a
visit to llazletim friends.
George D. I'atterson, of Ashland, called at
the HniiAM) olllce to-day.
Richard Amour made a business trip to
Philadelphia this morning.
Max Schmidt and son, Harry, visited
friends at Shaniokln to-day.
Mr. and Mrs. D.mlel lledea spent Inst even
ing with Girardvillo friends.
Harry Gleuwright, of Mlnersvllle, spent
last evening as a guest of town relatives.
Sam Schloss left to-day for Carlisle, where
ho has secured a position in a clothing houso.
Misses Annie and Sadie Ltngliam have re
turned from a visit to friends at Tower City.
Missos Maine McDalo and Maggio Garner,
of Girardvillo, wcro town visitors last even
ing. Lawrence Little returned yesterday from
Sbamokin, where he spent several days visit
ing friends.
Miss Xollio llurnett, of Scranton, who wns
a guest of friends In town, returned to her
home to-day.
Mrs. J. S. Kistler and children arrived
home yesterday .from iv pleasant visit in
licrks county.
Miss Mary II. Wasley has gone to Illooms
burg, to remain with friends until the school,
term opens bote.
Mrs. George Williams, of Xortli Jardln
street, is spending a few days with friends In
the CutilwissH valley.
Miss llridget Wade, of Philadelphia, is
spending a short vacation with her parents
on West Centre street.
Mrs. J. and family, and Miss Ida
Izenstark, of Chicago, are spending a short
vacation in Philadelphia.
Misses Annie and Hannah Diiscoll, of
Philadelphia, are the guests of the Whalcn
family, on West Cherry street.
John Keck, agent for the Ilarbey Brewing
Company at Hazlcton, was the guest of
Anthony Schuiicker hist evening.
Frank X. Iteilly, of Pottsvllle, who is tho
architect of the new building of tho Phoenix
Hose Company, was in town to-day.
Mrs. Ulizabetli Wilde, Mrs. Win. Wilde and
MissTlllie Y. Wilde, of Hazleton, aro spend
ing a few days with Mrs. M. A. Crawshaw,
on North Jardln street.
Mrs. Henry Sampsell, Sr., and son, Earl, of
Dllengowan, have gone to Eititz, Lancaster
county, to spend a month with Mrs. bump
sell's eldest son, liev. A. M. Sampsell.
Zeph. Hobbins was a caller at tho Hi:i!Al.l
oflice to-day. Mr. Ilobbins will leave to
night on n trip to Atlantic City, Capo May
and Coney Island and will bo accompanied
by George Moll, of Pottsvillc.
Three Wonts.
Reason's whole pleasure, all the joys of
whole pleasure, all
Live in three words, health, peace, and
So says the poet. Competenco counts lor
little wlien one is slcK, anil peace is iiisiurneu
when health is upset, so that the poet, rightly
places health first. To have good health you
must have pure blood. From the blood the
system receives all its material of growth
and repair. The best blood-purifier is Dr.
Pierce s Golden Medical Discovery, which Is
world-fumed and sold everywhere, It Is a
sovereign leniedy for all diseases due to im
poverished or impure blood, as consumption,
bronchitis, weak lungs, scrofula, old hores,
skin diseases, and kindred ailments.
Delicate discus, s of either sex, however
induced, promptly, thoroughly and per
manently cured. Send 10 cents in stamps
for large illustrated treatise, bent securely
sealed in plain envelope. Address, World's
JJispen.sary Medical Association, ou.s .nam
Street, Ilutlalo, X. Y.
Ills Weak Spot.
A Wm. Penn man, who in years past took
an active interest in National Guard matters,
strolled down .Main btreet last evening and
observed the crowd of loungers who nightly
assemble at Fergusou't, theatre building.
He met John A. Rcilly, the saloonist, and
asked the causo of the gathering. Iteilly
can never resist a temptation to joko nnd,
knowing the Win. Penn man's hobby, ho
replied that he, with Capt. George W.
Johnson and others, had called a meeting to
re-oiganizo the old company of tho National
Guard, and the crowd was awaiting tlio
opening of the hall. The point struck and
tho visitor at onco became Interested, He
asked to bo admitted on the ground floor and
laid before Heilly his qualifications for u
lieutenancy, ltl-llly kept up the 'joko in
such good order that it was borne time before
tho Wm. Penn man discovered the truth.
Ho took the result in good part and Iteilly is
having lots of full out of it, as those who
know tlio party referred to cannot fail to
appreciate the story.
Annual Session,
Commencing Tuesday, September 17th, the
Stale Council of Pennsylvania, Junior Order
United American Mechanics, will hold its
annual session in tho city of McKcosport,
Allegheny county. It is expected in many
respects to bo the greatest in the history of
the order. Tuesday afternoon a parade of the
Miveral councils of tlio onlor and tho com
niniidorlos will take place. A magnificent
fireworks display, and reception and ball on
Tuefcday evening; memorial exorcises on
Wednowlay evening ; a boat excursion on
Thursday evening, with concert mtittle and
other entertainments not yet enimwratal,
will mako up a program to please overyono.
I'lDinliieiit Visitors,
It. G. Kodjlianoir, of Macedonia, Turkey,
and T. S. Fden, of Jamaica, West Indies, who
aro students ut the Lehigh University, are
spending their vacation visiting tho various
towns of the coal region. They will remain
hero seornl days, and during their stay will
willelt biiWriptlom for Dr. Francos K, Clark's
book, "Our Journey Around tho World."
Tho book contains UI0 pages and iiiO illustra
tions, together with a map otitllng the
journey. It is a valuable work, and so far
tlinwa gunfltftiioii have met with flattering
Visitors From Ashland.
The following party of Ashland people
made a trip to town yesterday over the Trac
tion road i.Mrs. George Krauso, Mrs, George
Patterson, Mr. and Mrs. William H. Heaton
and Misii Florence, Libbieand Mary Garnoi'
After dining at the Ferguson House they
Journeyed toMahanoy City over the Lakeside
road and returned to Ashland via the Gilber
tou route of the Traction line.
random Tnouairfs.
Kxprpsslons of iTromliicnt l'eoplc I'lckeil
Up by Our Itcpnrtcr.
Ground hogs come out thick after a shower
nnd can always be seen sitting up near their
holes If the sun shines brightly nftcr a rain
fall. A. D. Gable.
Lamps, have not advanced in price, for the
reason that the light of Quay's countcmineo
beams upon Schuylkill county. H, Jeff Yost.
The people who put oil' buying a "bike"
until next your, with tho expectation of
buying them cheaper will he fooled, as tho
standard wheels willbothosamo. George H.
Tlio Hkk.VLD has the finest and most con
venient quarters tho paper has had in its
existence. A. II. Roads.
For tho preservation of good health there is
nothing better than eating an apple before
going to bed, C. II. Hagenbticli.
The people aro clamoring for connections to
tho public water works so great tliatthoy can
not be made quick onough, Superintendent
I wish you success in your undortnking.
Send me tho HintAM). James Champion,
The Democrats will win tills fall, and then
it will be our time to laugh.1 James Cloary.
ItiK kleu's Aralcu Salve.
The best salvo in the world for cuts,
bruises, sores, ulcers, salt rbeiini, fever sores,
tetter, chapped hands, chilblains, corns, and
nil skin eruptions, mid positively cures piles,
or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give
perfect satisfaction or ninny refunded. Prlco
S3 cents per box. For sale by A. Wasley.
News of tli' llullrnnd.
Orders for 730 new freight cars havo been
received at the Alt nana shops.
The P. & It. has put twenty additional men
to work in the Palo Alto repair shops.
The excursion season thus far has been ono
of tlio most successful in the history of the
roads in this state.
In transporting coal from the mines to
tidewater there is much delay, tho Pcnilsyl
vania having practically a blockado on its
A passenger
recently made
three minutes,
train on the P., W. & 11.
a run of B l-10th miles in
ii rate equal to 102 miles an
The Pennsylvania has placed an additional
order for 0,000 tons of steel rails at $21 a ton,
which makes n total of 50,000 tons recently
General Manager I. M. Provost, of the
Pennsylvania, accompanied by a party of
friends, aro making a cruise along tho
Atlantic coast.
Xo rust is likely to accumulate on the rails
of tlio seashore lines these days, as the
constant running of tho wheels makes it
almost impossible.
In September the heavy locomotives run
ning on tho Atlantic City Division of tlio P.
& It. will bo taken to Heading and overhauled,
after which they will do passenger scrvico
on the mainline.
Owing to tlio large amount of work ou
hand requiring immediate attention, the
employes in all departments at tho P. & It.
car shops aro working from 0 a. m, tq 7 p. in.
with the usual hour for dinner.
The passenger business on tho Catawissa
branch of tho 1. & H. is not what it was in
bygone years, all business having diverted to
the Shaniokin division. The latter is ono of
the best roadbeds on tho P. & It. system.
Assistant Master Mechanic James Millikeu,
of the Pennsylvania Machine Shops, at
Altoona, has been promoted to tho assistant
siiperintcndency of the Philadelphia, Wil
mington and Baltimore railroad, with head
quarters at Wilmington.
Tho report that the railroad magnates
were about to abolish tho olllce of traveling
freight and passenger agents on a number of
lines has caused the latter employes no little
uneasiness. It is not thought such measurers
will be attempted at preseii.
Coming Kvents.
Aug. 15.Ieo crejim festival in Hobbins
opera houso under tho auspices of IIopo
Section Pioneer Corps.
Will Servo the Clients.
Meado Peters, tho well-known caterer who
won fume at the Ferguson Houso .and Mc
Klhenny's cafe, will assumo charge of tho
lunch counter in "Tho Tunnel," Franey's
building, corner of Main and Oak streets,
next Monday.
Around Again.
Tlio little German band that gets to town
about onco a mouth was on our streets to-day
rendering many popular airs in a very in
spiring manner.
What Shall 8 Do?
U tho earnest, almost agonizing cry of
weak, tired, nervous women, andcrowdetl,
overworked, struggling men. Slight dif
ficulties, ordinary cares, housohold work
or dally labor, magnify themselves into
seemingly Impassable mountains.
This Is simply because the nerves are
weak, tho bodily organs debilitated, and
they do not
proper nourishment. Feed the nerves,
organs ana tissues on rich red blood, and
how soon the glow of health oomos to the
pale olie. ks, firmness to the unsteady
hind, and strength to tho falter'ng limb.
purifies, vitalizes and onrlchos the blood
and Is thus the beet friend to unfortunate
humanity. Be sure to get Hood's nud
only Hood's. All drCK;;!slo. fl j si for J5,
Hood's PHfc
the -.rtcr-illnner pill .ind
fan; 1 cathartic. MSc,
It Is a matter of vist Importince to mothf rs. S
The manufacturers of the OAIL IIORDIIN
1'Alil.ll MKANU lUIUlirO!:i MILK.
j& Issue a pamphlet, entitled "INFANT HEALTH," &
jR which should be In every home. Address, NEW t
5 Street, New York.
A Shrewd Ono.
A Hungarian residing at Wm. Penn on
Tuisday night prosecuted a countryman for
asskult and battery and tho accused man was
boil, Tho noxt day tho prosecutor sold tho
lioliso he lived In and tho fumlturo It con
tained for $140 and was nbout to lcavo for
parts-unknown when Jtistlco Grcon caused
unarrest, fearing ho would not appear to
prteecuto tho caso at court and tho costs
would bo put on tho county. The Hungarian
promptly deposited $t7 to Insure payment of
tho costs In caso ho should fall to appear and
was roleased. After his departure It was
learned that tho houso ho had sold, or pro
tended to sell, belonged to tho Wm. Penn
Coal Company nnd tho furulturo H contained
wouldn't bring more than ten or fifteen
dollars undor most favorablo circumstances.
Tho Hungarian who bought "A pig In a
bag" Is now on a huut for his shrewd
countryman and, it is said, has traced him to
To Ocean drove.
Tho P. & It. ltallroad Company will run an
excursion to Ocean Grove on tho 20th Inst.
Tho tickets will bo sold nt 4 and will bo
good for eight days.
l'oot Hall Game
Manager Coughlin's foot ball team has been
matched to play a game with a Mahauoy City
team lt Lakeside on August 15th. The
former will practice to-night on Lino street.
Ilrokn Ills Thumb.
Joseph Griimm, a fireman at Plank Ridgo
coliiory, fell yesterday and hroko his thumb.
Mr. Gruiiun says there is nothing poetical in
the injury.
Church l'lenlc.
Tho congregation of tho English Lutheran
church hold a picnic at High Point Park
to-day and spent several very' pleasant hours
in the- beautiful grove.
Viewed Our l'liiut.
Among the people who paid a visit to tho
Hkhald's now plant to-day were W. D. Ode,
of Pottsvllle, Thomas Snyder and Dr. J. W.
A New Tenni.
John D.ilton, the Ilarbey Brewing Com
pany's agent, yesterday received a handsome
team of gray horses from Heading.
Mississippi Democrats for Free Silver.
Jackson, Miss., Aug. 9. Tho Demo
cratic convention horo incorporated in tho
report of the commlttoo on resolutions tho
resolutions adoptod nt tho convention of
the silver Democrats of Missouri nt Pertle
Springs, and they wore adopted as th
declarations of the Mississippi convontlon.
United States Senator A. A. MoLaurln
was nominated for governor by acclama
A Woman for County Register.
Fort Scott, Kan., Aug. 0. The He
publicans of this county have Introduced
an Innovation In county politics by nomi
nating Miss Stella Strait for register of
deeds. It is the first time In tho history
I of tho oounty that a woman has been nom-
innted for nny principal county ofllce.
Of a liciri'spltttliiK luwliu-'lie Immediately re
Anti-Headache Powders.
They aron positive and speedy euro and are
gnarantei-d absolutely harm lees. Their great
success is ample proof that they arc an effective
article, which can he ahvays used with the best
of results. Procure them from Gruhler IJroM.
Wholesale Liquors.
Wollur's, Berliner and Weiss Beer.
22-2-1 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Reliable : Hand : Laundry,
All work guaranteed to bo flrtt-clrw In every
particular. Silk tics nnd laco curtains spec
nils'. Oooilt called for anil delivered. Atrial
order solicited.
Oil HALK. Three dnnblo dwellings, situated
In bobt nart of Mt. Ciirmel. will hn
single or as u whole. One of the best paying
properties In town. Address I.. S. Wotters, Mt.
Carincl, l'u. tf
'irtOH SALK. Ono piano, ono oriran and a
J." . bicycle. All In good condition. AVill bo
sold cheap. Apply
to 103 West
Line street,
tcntlon of the retail liquor tralllo of Schu yl
kill county is hereby called to the resolutions
which were unanimously adopted at a meetlngnf
tho Liquor Iaguo held In JIahanoy City, July
26, 1890. Tho Liquor Ixmguo of the utoto of I'cnn.
nylvunln hua IndorHcd tho ruanlutlona nnd will
use every mcaim known to the law In Its efforts
to compel Hocused vendors to fctrlctly obey the
lawn contained in the Ilrooks Illgb License Hill.
Wo therrfora publicly warn nil persons that nnv
trunitKrett'doiiof the law by HccnHedicrHOilH will
be rebuked nnd tcvcrely dealt with by the
State League of the Liquor Dealers' Association
oi i uuunyivnnia.
For Scientific DontUtry go to
I'lfteen years actual experience. Gold, Amal
gam and f'orcelaln fillings, Gold Crowns, l'nr
volaln Crowns, Aluminum Crowns, llest teeth
$10.00, no better made nt any price. Teeth ex
tntetod with vitalized nlr. SOo. Kxtracted with.
out air, 5e. Allowance mode where teeth are
out on now piatou. All work guoranteed. Lady
Olllce hours: Kvery day, 1 to 5 n. m. Sundayi
1 to II p. m.
30 4 East Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa
Max lteese'8 residence, front room upstairs.
The Only Romedy in tho World that Refunds Purchase
Price if it Fails to Cure tho Tobacco Habit in i to
10 Days is
It Cures While you Continue the Use
of Tobacco.
The greatest discovery of tho age I
A certain, pleasant, permanent
cure, '
A lifetime's suffering ended for
Why Bmolco and spit your llfo
away ? "Why suffer from dyspepsia,
heartburn, and drains on your vital
forces V
Stop using tobacco, but stop tho
right way I Drive the nicotine from
your system by tho use of this won
derful remedy.
NAitcoTi-cuitn is warranted to re
move all desire for tobacco In every
form, Including Cigar, Cigarette and
Pipe Smoking, Chewing and Snuff
Use all the tobacco you want whllo
under treatment, nnd in from four to
ten days your "hankering" and
"craving" will disappear the weed
won't tasto good.
Then throw away tobacco forover.
Naiicoti-Cujik is entirely vegetable
and freo from injurious Ingredients.
It never fails to give tone and now
vigor to tho weakost, constitution.
lletnember Naiicoti-Cukk doesn't
deprive you of tobacco while effecting
a cure ; doesn't nsk you to buy several
bottles to be entitled to a guarantee ;
doesn't require a mouth's treatment;
and, finally, doesn't enablo you to
stop tobacco only to find yourself a
slave to tho habit of tablet chewing.
"With NAHCOTi-CxntE, wlien you
are through with tobacco, you aro
through with the remedy. One bottle
No Longer an Experiment.
We are Here to Stay.
We have proved to the merchants of this' city and vicinity that we
can sell as cheap as they can buy in Philadelphia or New York and
save them the freight. We invite any merchant who has not called on
us to come and be convinced.
Wholesale Grocers
105 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
SAM LEE, - Chinese Laundry,
lO North
Clothes of all description neatly douo lip
familios in this town as tq my care in washing
I do my work better and quicker than any
Just Received
A Large stock of Diamonds, Diamond and Gold Rings, all kinds of Watches,
Clocks and Musical Instruments which will be sold at lowest possible prices.
Call and examine our goods and be convinced.
E. DEULL, 206
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Kooms for
painless extraction of teeth. Gold and Silvor
fillings. If your artlfical teeth do not auit
you call to sco us. All examinations freo.
Wo mako all kinds of plates. Gold Crowns,
Aluminum Crowns Logan Crowns, Crown
and Ilridgo work and all operations that por-
tain to Dental Surgory.
No charges for oxtmctiug whon plates nro
ordered. Wo aro tho only users of vitalized
air for tho painloss extinction of teeth.
Dental : Rooms,
(Tltman's IJlock)
East Centre Street.
Onice Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
A genuine wclcomo awaits you at
Cor. rialu and Coal Sts.
Pool room attached, l'lnost wlilskoys, beers,
porter and ale, constantly on tup. Choice ttllli'
peranco drinks and cigars.
Of l'ottsvlllo.
Subject to Ilepubllcan rules.
Send for hook of prominent testi
monies like the following :
Huntinotox, Mass., March 18, 1895.
The Nauooti Ciiiimidal Co.,
Pprlntillcld, Muss.,
Gentlemen : I have used tolmoro for
over twenty-lire yenrf, chewliiKnud Binok
Inp every day from 7 a. m, to J p. m. slop
ing only for meals,
On Monday, February 1, I called nt your
olllce In Springfield, nml boiiRDt n bottle ol
tho Conn which I used as directed, and on
tho tenth day the desire for tobacco bad
left mo and it has not returned. I did not
lose a meal while tnkliiK the Cuke My
appetite has Improved and I consider
NAitcoxi-CunE ii Rrnnd thing.
Very respectfully,
Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Chlcopeo Falls,
Mass., late Inspector of Public lluildings
for Massachusetts, says :
I used tobacco for twenty-fivo years, and
was ft confirmed smoker. In Just eight
days' treatment with NAiicoTi-ConE I was
through with tobacco, in fact tho desiro for
Very respectfully,
If your druggist is unable to give
full particulars about NAitcoTi-CurtE,
send to us for Book of Particulars
free, or send 5.00 for bottle by mall.
The Narcoti Chemical Co.,
Main Street.
in first-class manner. I can refer to scores ofl
and superior neatness in doing up clothings
other laundry in tlio city.
South Main Street.
Ofllce Kirnn hulldlmr. corner of Main and
Centre streets, Shenandoah.
y N. STEIN, M. V.,
Office Room 2. Kirnn's New nulldlnir. corner
Main and Centre streets, Shenandoah, l'a.
Ofllce hours ! 8 to 10 n. m.i 1 to 8 p. m. i 7 to 9
p. m. Night ollico No, S10 Went Oak street.
Lloyd street.
Company building-, 20 West
Shenandoah, I'o.
When It comes to
Our stock speaks for ItseK. If you don't come
to town send your orders. They will bo accu
rately and promptly filled.
29 East Centre 'steef .
Tonsorial Artist.
12 West Centre street.
Stylish hair cutting a specialty. Clean towo
with every shave.