The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 08, 1895, Image 2

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i:sTAiLisnr.i INTO.
PiiMIhoit every Uwnlnir, Kxcrjit Sunday, nt
8 SoiTtt .TARIitN frrUKET, NRAH t'KSTItK.
Tlio Herald ! ilrllvprnl iiiShonnnilonh mill the j
Kiirroiindliifr town for six coiiN n week, lmy
iiblc to Hie uirrlrm. lly mnll SI.CO i year, or 25
cents a month, pnyahlc In ndvimce. Advertise
ments chHrKetlnecmiMiiKtopiMcpniHl position.
The mihlishers reserve the rlfht to elmtiRe the
lMHiition of Advertisements whenever the pulh
Mention of news ilenmmli It. The rlilit is
reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
imlil for or not, tlmt the mhlllicrs nmy ileem
improper. Ails ertt-lnx nites mmle known
upon iipitllentlon.
Kntered at the potoftlee at Shenantloah, l'n., bs
second class mail matter.
TKU5 1 '1 1 0X1! CONWKOT ION.
Evening Herald
THl'liSDAY, AUGUST 8, 1S05.
Tiieke was a law tnse4 at tlio lRt legisla
ture providing against tlio exhibition of
human freak, tinder a s?nalty of 1,000, yet
tin' law in plainly being violated in the
present political ctiiniixign in tills state.
Ir it is true that the Hastings delegates
from Urifton were escorted t the convention
hall in lluzloton liy coal and iron police, it is
time that tha people find out where they
stand . Wo may next expect to hear of voters
going up to the polls shackled hand nnd foot.
has heen Assistant liishoji of the Episcopal
Diocese of Central l'ennsylvanl.i, which in
cludes the church in this town, and now
hecomes Bishop of the Diocese, is a man of
flue presence nnd an eloquent speaker. He
lias frequently visited and helped very
materially to establish tho local church.
One of the evidences of tho approach of
better times is tlio resumption of two col
lieries in the vicinity of Jit. Ciirmel on full
time. Other collieries in that vicinity have
hcen ordered to work ten hours a day and six
days a week. There seems to ho a decided
improvement in the coal tr.ido and it is hoped
the miners of this section will soon boable to
share the good fortune that has fallen to tho
lot of the miners at Mt. Carmel. ,
Tin: silver jubilee session of the Catholic
Total Ahstinauco Union, now in session
in New York if, attended by twelve
hundred delegates from all parts of the
country, representing many thousands who
are earnestly devoted to the principles ad
vocated ly Father Matthew. Their proceed
ings were opened with prayer by Father
OX .illiighan, an eloquent divine of the
1'aulist church. An eloquent address on
ti mpcrance was delivered at tho religious
.-. r ice s by Archbishop Ryan, of Philadelphia.
hoped tho movement to run down
. ho hold bogus miners' certificates is
noiie. The greatest evil does not lie
li-.iuil itself, but in tho fact tlint the
l thousands of men arejeopardized by
1 -e
n o of incompetent aud unqualified
.n i. Thero is no workman whose quuli-tioii1-
should be moro closely scrutinized
n t be men engaged in mining. The history
of t lir operations shows that one incompetent ' an cause the death of u hundred human'
h nigs in an instant.
Tin: present contest in tlio Republican
party of the state is developing souio
pc tiliarly interesting phases, Ono of the
lat st to show up is the ambition of John
AWiuumaker to be premier under tho next
lit publican administration. Mr. Wnnamakcr
knows tlmt Senator Quay's pWurenco for tho
Presidency is ox-Speaker Reed, while his own
is i x-Presldent Harrison, hence the Philadel
phia Telegraph, owned by Wanamaker's son-in-law,
is making tho bitterest fight of all
the Combine organs against the Junior
Senator It looks very much like kicking
against a windmill.
The Reading iiapers are publishing a story
of the famous riches of a bachelor named
Rv. rt, who left Reading many yours
aso mid settled in the coal region, the
; ict location not being known. His
In i ri; have employed u lawyer to look up
i hi - fortune which is said toamount to J3.000
oiio They claim the Reading compauy is
l i rating some of the Evert hind. There is
- i ib' ii nt ambiguity in tho announcement to
irnii-i -iiipieion tlAt tho ail'air is another of
i In many fakes that have been concocted
Lid ly to fill spuce in the newsjiapers of dis
lun lines. If, however, there is foundation
i i movement by the heirs of the alleged
i ..I. in lor we ftdvie them to advance quickly,
in liny will find their ulnlm full of boh.
so mi: silly people Iwve itarted mi equally
m11 report to the effect tllut the people who
Iiiim the contract for making the water con
neinous have been bought up by the old
w a t. r (ompany and tliattliatia the secret of
i. lay attending the work. From to
il ., uivei hy the coiitmctori and niein
l t In Borough Council who are devot
hi ir pcwonal attention Ui the niatU'i;
not the slightest foiiuUatlou for any
i port. The delay appears to be simply
o net lect of manufacturers to furnish
1 1
tl i contractors hare ordered, and
i k . innot proceed until the supplies
1 1 uiy one euu show that a deal has
uml. t-re should bene deky 111 placing
itter before Council. If the report
. ,. ,
inrth from illumination it is 11 ill list to
iitl the ater company.
Indicated i:ntiijiile.
From the Ashland Local.
The Shenandoah KvKNLNa ItKltALD, which
made its apporance yeat entity for the llrst
time under the new management, U a wel
I eoiuo exchange at the Local oilleo, Y ester
I day's issue indicates vigor and enterprise.
Tlio Local extends to tho publishers its beet
wishes for future success.
I'liml llxcntsliiii.
The M'cond and last excursion to Atlantic
City over the Philadelphia &. Reading rail
road will take place on August 22nd. Full
particulars will be announced in duo time.
Secretary Smith Npmks linthutlnstlrnlly of
Industrial Progress In That Section.
IlAI.TlMonn, Aug. 8. Hon. IlokePmith,
secretary of tho Interior, In a spooinl in
terview with tho Manufacturers' Record
In regard to tho business outlook of tho
south, based on investigation during his
recent trip, says: "I have never seen tho
south look so prosperous, especially
Georgia. Hnrd times tiro rapidly becom
ing extinct, and 1 bcllovo that tho south
ern states aro moving on to tho most pros
porous epoch in their history. The raising
of all needed food supplies loaves cotton a
surplus crop and proves tho diversified
agricultural possibilities of that section."
Secretary Smith is enthusiastic over the
Blgns ot prosperity among tho fruit grow
ors of Georgia. "Moro peaches," he said,
"hnvo boon raised and murkotedthau ever
boforo In tho history of tho state. They
nro largo nnd juicy. Tho magnitude of
this industry can bo appreciated from tho
fact tlmt (luring tho season one railroad
has beon hauling from sixty to ninety car
loads of pouches in refrigerator cars dally
from Georgia to eastern points."
Secretary Smith says that ho noted many
evidences of industrial progress, nnd bo
licves that tho industrial boom in the
couth, which was temporarily sot back by
the late panic, is on again. Cotton manu
facturing was never more successful in
tho south than it is today, unci nil through
tho cotton belt now mills nro being erected
and old mills aro bolng enlarged. In the
iron district of Alabama a number of fur
naces have recently gone into blast, and
tho workmen in that section lire now fully
etnployod, and many of them at lncrensed
wages. All over tho south tho demand for
labor Is constantly increasing, and at good
"1 look forward," said Sooretary Smith,
"to tho south's future moro firmly than
over before. Tho place for a young man,
an old man, n rich man or a poor man
willing to work and unxlous to improve
his fortune, is in tho south."
To Copy After the Coiumoia.
WASHINGTON, Aug. 8. Xows has just
roached tho navy deportment that tho
French government has shown Its appro
elation of tho fine capabilities of the fleet
crulsor Columbia by ordering tho imme
diate construction of two vessels as nearly
a duplication of tho famous American ilyer
as can bo miido In the absence, of our ex
act plans. Thoy aro to bo known aspirate
The Indiana Not Itoliberg.
Market Lane, Idaho, Aug. 8. It has
boon discovored that tho robbery of houses
broken Into In tho upper part of tho val
loy and charged to the Iudlnns wero com
mitted by six men belonging to the res
cuing party of fifteen men who enmo from
Landor to assist tho settler. Tho offend
ers wero followed thirty-flvo miles and
caught, and stolen property recovorcd.
Chinese AllnUter Dismissed.
PEKIN, Aug. 8. Hsu-Yung-Yl, the
chiefiulnlsterof tho 'isung-li-yamen (Chi
nese foreign offico), has been dismissed,
owing oblofly to tho part which he took
in tho negotiations for tho Russian loan
nnd In tho convention recently arrived at
betweon China and France, by which tho
latter country was granted gront conces-
Her Conundrum.
It is ofton hard to dctermino hit from
"good wit" In tho cmo of children, nnd
some of their Hashes of precocity seem not
to bo unconscious, but rather tho frag
ment of some remembered knowledge.
A littlo maid of 5, who had been listen
lng quietly to tho puzzles nnd conundrums
of the older children, seemed at lust to dl
9luo tho method of their construction, and
after some thought asked:
"What could you get on n, vory high,
stoop mountain?"
Tlio answers wero lco, snow, rocks, ea
gles' nests and tho ilke, to nil of which
tho littlo ono purslstontly shook hur head.
When asked to toll tho nnswor, sho tri
umphantly cried, "Nothlngl"
"But wbyf" asked tho othors inn breath.
"Beenuso you couldn't get up thoro nft
cr It," was tho domuro reply. Youth'8
White Swelling
Came on my leg after typhoid fever, and
pieces of the bone came out. Rheumatism
joined the scrofula to put mo in misery.
Hood's Snrsamrllla nroved iust the medi
cine; relieved me of pain, gave me a
good appetite nnd I laid aside my crutch
and cane. Having taken 10 bottles
Hood's Sarsaparilia
my limb is entirely healed nnd now I am
perfectly well." Gborqk W. Chomwhll,
Mt. Pleasant, Maryland, f 1; six for 5.
Hnnr?o Dtllc oasy to buy, casv to taku,
liUUU Is fillo easy m effect. i'5c.
Ifrtf&ot He&ltb
j It Is nutttr of vrt Important, to mnhm.
m The manufcelursrt of the OA1L HOKIlIiN
I te ,lueapampht.nUtld"INANTllAI.IIl.',
i iC whkhshouldbe In every home. Address, NEW
1 V v.uVnrb.
5? -
General Value's Yacht Will Itaoe the How
Fill Heel Stoop.
NKwroitT, H. I., Aug. 8. Tho Vigilant
sailed forllrlstol lasttiight aud all oonfi r
onceson tho strained relations between
sho and Defender has resulted in nothmir
definite The meeting of tlio rejiiitu
conimlttoo, hold last night, was llkuwiso
frultloss. Yachtsmen aro discouraged at
tho situation, ns soma decision from tho
regatta committee was anxiously looked
for. The comlttee had sovoral consulta
tions on board the flagship Sylvia, but
thoir proceedings Wero kept secret.
During tho afternoon Secretary Ciuis
Cnnlleld and J. Fred Tains, of tbo Ainer- '
ten's cup ootnmlttee, went on board tho i
Vigilant nnd had ii long talk with Mr. !
Wit lard. They returned to tho Sylvia '
and roported the result of their in tor view '
to tho regatta committee, but tho nature i
of it oould not bo ascertained. Messrs.
Canflold and Tnms had no sooner left the '
Vigilant thnn tho sloop weighed anchor
anil sailed away for Urlslol.
The Jubilee will compete with tho Do
fendor this afternoon cvou if tho Vigilant
does not go into tho race, which is now
considered oxtromoly improbable. There
is not much Interest shown in tbo
though tho Jublleo will be iu better trim
to meet the Dofondor than sho has been
bofore this season.
Late last night tho disappointed yachts
mon woro suddonly surprised by a roport
that tho rogatta commltteo had refused to
sustain tho Vlgilant's protest iu tlio recent
races. An Investigation proved this to bo
a fact.
National League.
At Philadelphia Bnltimnro, 7; Phila
delphia, 6. At Now York New York. 0;
Washington, 3. At Cincinnati Cincin
nati, 0; Chicago, 5. At Pittsburg Pitts
burg, 18; St. Louis, 1. At Clovchmd
First game: Clovoland, 18; Louisville, 8.
Second gamo: Clevolaud, 5; Louisville, 8.
Kantern League.
At Wllkosbarro Wltkosbarro, 9; Buf
falo, 0. At Scranton Scranton, 8; To
ronto, 7. At Springfield Syracuse, 0;
Sprlngflold. 6. At Provldonce Rochester,
5; Provldonce, 4.
Pennsylvania State League.
At Lancaster Lancaster,8; Carbondalc,
3. At Allontown Alloutown, 15; Hnzlo
ton, 13.
New York's Victorious .Strikers.
New York, Aug. 8. Tho strlko betweon
the Brothorhood of Tailors aud tho Cloth
ing Contractors' association Is about over.
Up to 10 o'clock this morning 500 of the
035 contractors had furnished tho required
bonds ns a guarantee that they would live
up to tho articles of ngrcoment for the
period of one yeor. This roprosents 14,000
garment workors who have either gono to
work within tho last fow days or will re
sumo work bofore tho and of tho week, at
which time It Is expected tho strlko will
be over.
Shot to Death by n Iosso.
Svlvaxia, Ga., Aug. 8. News of a sen
sational battle botwoeu ollloers aud r. des
por.ito criminal has reached here. James
Burns about two years ago killed Frank
Bondor on account of jonlnusy of a wo
man. Ho escaped and for two years has
been in hiding. On Tuosday ho was dis
covered In n swamp noar boro aud n gang
of deputy sheriffs Btartod out to capture
him. In tho battle which took place
Burns received olovon bullets in his body
and died soon after.
Frleliteneil by a Hroknn Trolley Wire.
iN.'i.'ANAPOLia, Aujf. 8. A broken trol-
loy wire caused an accident on n Clifford
avenue car and created a panlo among the
fifteen p n-.ivlgers. Tho car loft the track
with a jolt and the wire dangled about
tho windows, omitting Hashes and crack
ling. Mrs. Barbara Cregle filing herself
from tho car, aud received fatal injuries.
The conductor closed tho door, preventing
tlio other passongers from jumping, and
thus avoiding othor Injuries.
Crushed to Death by Fulling Enrth.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. By tho caving
In of a gravel bank on Cumberland street,
Gottlelb Gitmnn and Harry Wolnberg.
aged G2 and 35 yoars, rospectlvely, woro In
stantly killed. The men were engaged In
digging out tho bank from undornonth
when suddenly tho overlying portion fell
In, burying tho two mon completely under
tbo mass of earth and gravol. Bofore help
could reach tho unfortunato men thoy
were suffocated to death.
Jnmped from a Roof to Death.
New Yoke, Aug. 8. Sarah Barton, 20
yenrs old,' committed suicide by jumping
from the third story window of her home,
No. 2215 Third avenue, to the roof of Xo.
210 East One Hundred and Twenty-first
street, and from thero sho again jumped
to tho street. Sho was ttikon luto her
house, whore sho died luashorttlmo. Tho
cause ls unknown, but is bollovcd to be
temporary Insanity.
Twenty Thousand Italians for Africa.
Home, Aug. 7. II Corrlero says that a
conferouce has beon held botween tho pre
mier, Slgnor Crlsplj the minister lor for
oign affairs, Baron Blanc; tho minister ot
war, General Jlocennt. and Gonornl Bara
tlerl, the commander of tho Italian forces
in Africa, who ls at present In this pity,
nnd that it has been decided to send nn
espodltlon ot 30,000 mon to Abyssinia in
A Duel with l'ocket Knives.
Littlk Rock, Aug. 8. Joe Hammond
and Clarence Chapmnn, ot Loueoke
eounty, cut each othor to death in this city
with pookot knlvos because they oould not
agree as to which owned n bull yearling.
Tho fight lasted fully fifteen minutes,
bo'th mon standing up and jabbing until
life was almost extinct.
Cuban Insurcmts Using Dynamite.
KEY WEST, Aug, 8. Reliublo ndvices
received hero from Cuba are to tho etTect
that the Insurgents have blown up with
dynnintto tho railroad bridges neur Sauctl
Splrltus. It is ulso reported that Coudo
Lorsuudl, or Sersundl, hns joined the in
surgents. Scalded to Death by Steam,
I Baltimokk, Aug. 8. Stephon Soofleld,
' colored, wns scalded to death by the ex-
1 plosion of a bailer at tho Tyson Chrome
works. He was worklug nrouud the boiler
when the top blew out, nud his body was
completely covered by the escaping steam.
District Attorney of Alaska.
Wasiiinotok, Aug. 8. Tho president
has appointed Burton K. Bennett, at
Washington stnto, to be United States
district nttorney for the district at Alaskti.
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, Delaware,
Maryland und District of Columbia, fin?;
slightly wanner; southwesterly winds.
Act almost Instantly, speedily curing tho
most obstinate cases. Rheumatism cured
In from 1 to 8 days. Dyspcpsln nnd all
stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh
positively cured, llendncho cured in 5
minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured.
Kidney troubles, Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma
and nil Femalo Complaints quickly cured.
Munyon'a Vltallzer imparts now llfo and
vigor to weak nnd debilitated mon. Ask
your druggist for a 25-cont vial of ono of
Jltinyon'B Cures, nnd if you nro not bene
fited your money will bo refunded. Thia
f 'oijpany puts up
L cure for every disease
ItorVo Hacing Without Oam'itlng.
CHICAGO, Aug. 8. Atter a rose of sev
eral weeks tho Chlongo Fair Grounds as
sociation, operating tho Harlem race
track, has arranged to resume its thor- j
otlghUred raolng, wlilcit was provonteu oy
tho Clvio Federation. Hopes of legislative
action In tho direction of n turflnw which
would permit pool n-lling on tho tracks
having failed, an olfo't will bo made to
conduct n m-etlng without nubile betting.
Beciuiso of n great public demand for
racing it Is believed that tbo tittondauco
Will more than pay tho purse. That tho j
horsemen bellevo tills may be learned from ,
tho fact that ovor 300 good horsos nro now '
stablod at tho track. Public opinion favors
racing, and the management hopes to bo
nblo to secure such patronago as will war
rant tlio running of tho $25,000 national
derby and other stako evonts.
A Supposed Cuban Fltlhllsterer,
Jacksonville, Kin., Aug. 8. Tho Brit
ish stodtuor Jason came Into this port
Tuesday morning and began loadlngwlth j
orange box material for Jamaica yester
day. Tho United States cutter Botitwoll I
stoamcd up tho river and dropped nuchor '
within u short distance of the Jason. A
careful watch was kept nil day on tho
Jason, sevoral Cubans belngpartlcularly
interested. Her load was completed last
evening, and she took on nluo passengers.
Tho announcement was made that alio
would leavo this morning. At 11 o'clock
last ovcnlng sho qulotly sllppod away
from hor dock, and was followod ten min
utes later by tho Boutwcll. Sho Is thought
to be concerned in a Cuban expedition.
Many Cattle Killed by Antlirax.
Then-ton, Aug. 8. P. L. Vnndcgrift,
special milk Inspector, who has been at
work In south Jersey districts, infected
with tho dlseaso known as anthrax, ro
ports to State Dairy Commissioner George
McG uiro that sovonty-two head of cattlo,
horses and mules have died of tho disease
In Cumberland county alouo. Ho also re
ports many other animals sick. The in
spector has proventod tlio sale of milk
from tho infected district.
Avenseil His Mother's Honor.
Macon, Mo., Aug. 8. A warrant was
sworn out nt Woodvllle, this county,
charging Mr. Lcnon, aged 40, with at
tempting to nssault n widow named Whit
nker. A posso of twonty started nftor
Lenon, and when they found him Mrs.
Whltaker's 10-ycar-old son Immediately
shot him twice, ono bullet striking him in
tho face and the other in tho breast, dan
gerously Injuring him. Young Whltnker
has not been arrested.
Hnjes Held oa u Murder Charge.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. Tho coroner's
jury rondBi-od n vordlct of "death due to
drowning by being pushed overboard by
Barney, alias Skinner, Hayes," in thoenso
of Mrs. Jennlo Jones. The woman, who
was 85 years old, mid lived in tho rear of
556 Clalrbouruo street, was drowned in
tho Delaware river off Potty's Island, luto
lust Saturday night. Hayes was sent to
jail to await tho action of the grand jury.
I'ltllatlelphla Tnllnrs Satisfied.
Philadelphia, Aug. 8. The executive
board of Union No. 10, United Gurmont
Workers of America, Inst night declnrcd
that tho report from Chicago that mem
bers of tho organization In Now York nud
Philadelphia woro about to strike has no
foundation in fact, so fnr as this city la
concerned, tho garmont workors bore
being well satisfied with their condition.
lamp Chimney Scale Agrenil To.
PiTTsiiuno, Aug. 8. Tho flint glass
workers and tho manufacturers reached '
an agreement on tho lamp chimney scale.
Tho rnte of tho last two years waBnccopted
with tho proviso that It trado warranted
It thero was to be n double advanCo next
Preparing to ltenew Hostilities.
London, Aug. 8. Tho Rio Junolro cor
respondent ot Tho Times tolographs to
that paper that it is bellevcil, that tho Rio
Graud do Sul rebols will reject the sug
gested terms of peaoo. Both sides aro pre
paring to ronow hostil'''"
A Thiers Shot Mny I'rovo l'.ni,
Chicago, Aug. 8. Iu uttonipting to
steal a coat from n dummy in front of
Simon Fishor's olothlng storo John A,
Heart, alias William Hughes, colored, shot
and seriously wounded the proprietor ot
the store nnd probably fatally wounded
I'olloemau Alexander M. Cameron, who
tridd to arrest him. Jfcurt thun ran. Po
liceman Cameron fired threo shots after
him, striking him iu both legs. Heart
was captured.
Desperate Women Squatter.
Maiunrtte, Wis., Aug, 8. -A riot broke
out iu Shantytown, the laud ot which ls
claimed by the Menominee River Lum
ber company, on which aro moro that 300
squatters. Tho lumber company erected
n fence, and thirty or forty women tore It
down. When another gang attempted to
rebuild the fenoe tho women chased thom
away with clubs and hot water. John
Luu berg, the foreman, wns seriously hurt.
, 1
All Unlet unit "No Indium."
Washington, Aug. 8. The war depart
ment lias received a telegram from Gen
eral Ccppiuger, dated at Jackson's Hole.
He says that he has sent out two more
scouting parties, nud that one Jias re
turned. This leaves three in 'the field,
eacli iu command of an riflloer. He rt
porta that all ls quiet and "no Indians."
Groat Harbor Improvements at Havre,
I'AftlB, Aug. 8. The department ot
seine lnferleiire has lieeu authorized to
raise a loan ot -1,000,000 f runes for the pur
pose of enlarging the port ot Havre. Tho
total cost ot the projected improvements
will bo 87,000,000 fran os. The works In
clude two new pier of double width ex
tending fiOO motors (1,000 feet) luto the son.
the State Convention Defeats Free. Silver
by n Voto 001 to 430.
Maisshalltown, In., Aug. 8. Ono of
tho most notnblo stato conventions in tho
history of tho Iown Domoorncy closed in
this city Inst evening. Thero hns boon tl
blttor strifo botweon tho two opposing
clomonts In tho party ono contending for
n ticket nnd plntform on n sound nionoy
basis, tho other clamoring for f reo coin
age without waiting for an International
ngroemcnt. Tho resolutions commltteo
got into n wranglo on tho flnnuclnl plank
that kopt thorn In tho committee room till
nearly 4 o'clook. the currency resolutions
being overhauled and reconstructed two
or throo;tlinos boforo un ngroomont was
roached, nnd tho mnjorlty making porsls
teut elTorts to avert the introduction of
tho minority report.
During this Intorvnl tho convention did
nothing but llston to froo sllvor spoeohes
by radical whlto motnl champions. Tho
"sound monoy" mon prcservod silence,
except that Cato Sells made a short talk
of n conciliatory chnrnotor. Whon tho
minority report favoring frco colnngo was
Introduced another prolonged sliver dis
cussion wns proclpltatod, nnd for a whllo
tho proceedings woro tumultuous. Tho
final roll cnll on the resolutions showed
tho whlto motnl crowd dofonted by n vote
of 051 14 to 420. A mighty shout,
mingled with groans, hisses nnd nnntho
liios, follced tho announcement of tho
rosult. A largo liumbor of frco silver del
egates Immediately left the ball, not wait
lug for tho nominations.
Tho stnto tlckot was then nominated,
ns follows: For governor, Judgo W I.
Bnbb of Mount Pleasant; lloutonnnt gov
nor, ox-Govornor S. L. Bestow of Charl
ton; superintendent of public Instruction,
Lymnn B. Pnrshnll of Mnquokotn; rail
road commissioner, Colonel Georgo James
of Dubuque; supremo jndgo, Sonntor
Thomas G. Hnrpor of Des Moluos.
Three Men Hurled by a liantlslltle.
Pottsvillk, Pa., Aug. 8. Frederick
and Charles Shaughnessy, Michael Mc
Carthy and E. McLaughlin woro working
In a mine bronoh stripping coal at Contra
lia for tho mining firm of h. A. Illloy &
Co., tho weight of tho top soli caused a
landslide, and tho men yvero burled un
der fivo feet of loose earth. Thoy were ox
trlcatcd nfter some difficulty by other
workmon, who imperilled their own lives
by renson of the possibility of nnother and
grontor landslide All woro painfully In
jured, nnd It Is feared McLaughlin will
Charged with n Heavy Embezzlement.
HonoKEN, N. J.. Aug. 8. Julius Berg
hoff wns nrrested horo yesterdny nt tho In
stanco of Chnrlcs F. Mattlngo & Son, pro
vision dealors of Now York. Ho was
caught just ns ho was ubotit to board a
steamer for Hamburg. Tho order upon
which ho was arrested was Issued by Su
premo Court Justice Lipplncott, aud tbo
amount Involved is said to bo In tho vicin
ity of 20,000. Mattlage & Son employed
Borghoff to buy nnd ship to them salmon
from tho stnto of Washington. Ho was
given unllmltod credit at tho firm's bank
ors. The Cuban Insurconts' Powerful Army.
LOXDOX, Aug. 8. A dispatch to Tho
Times from Havana glvos tho details of
tho fltrht noar Bayamo on July 13, iu
which General Santoclldos wns killed.
Tho correspondent says: "Tho Cubans
counted 3"8doad and wounded Spaniards
on tho field. Tho Cuban loss wn3 14 killed
nnd 78 wounded. Tho Cubans captured
425 rlflis, 10 cases of ammunition, 110,000
in cash nnd tho baggage nnd pack nnl
mals of tho Spaniards. Over 20,0.;0 in
surgents aro under arms now in the
provinco of Snntiago do Culm alone."
A Noted Sons Writer Dead.
CniCAGO, Aug. 8. Georgo F. Hoot, tho
noted composer, dlod nt 'Bailey's Island,
Maine, on Tuesday, U2ed75. Dr. Georgo
Fredorlck Root Is probably tho most hon
ored and popular writer of patriotio nud
sentimental songs that Amoricn has pro
duced, and millions' hnvo sung his "Rnlly
'Bound the Flag, Boys," "Tramp, Tramp,
Tramp, tho Boys nro Marching," "Thore's
Music In tho Air," "Ther Vacant Chair,"
"Rosalio, tho Prnlro Flowor" nnd other
familiar pieces.
Hoaten nnd Itobhotl by Trninps,
Raiiwat, N. J., Aug. 8. Tramps sol
upon Georgo Scott at Colonta, a small
station on tho I'onnsylvnnla railroad near
hero, with tho purpose of robbery. Thoy
beat him into lnsousibillty nnd then
dragged him to a vaonnt barn near tho
Colonln stntlon, whore ho wns found
stripped of nil his valuables nnd sufferlug
intonsoly. Scott's injurios nro so sorious
that it wns said nt the hospital that ho
would probably dio.
Serious Illness of Justice Strong.
Washington, Aug. 8. Word roaches
this city ot tho precarious Illness of Jus
tlco Strong, ot tho United Statos supremo
court (rotlred), at Lake Mluowskl, N. Y.,
whore his family is staying. The justlco's
illnoss is due to the results of a fall down
a flight of steps, which occurred somo
time in June. His advanced ago rondors
his condition critical. Ho milled from the
effects of tho accident sufficiently to bo
taken to New York.
rFHE bestinvestment
J- in real estate is to keep build,
mgs well painted. Paint protects
the house and saves repairs. You
sometimes want to sellmany a
good house has remained unsold
for want of paint. The rule should
be, though, "the bept paint or
none." That means
Strictly Pure
White Lead
You cannot afford to use cheap
paints. To be sure of getting Strict
ly Pure White Lead, look at the
brand ; this one is safe :
"John T. Lewis & Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s
Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
These colors nre sold In one-pound cans, each
Can beln? sufTielpnt to tint twiiitiHa nf ctrtrtltf
Pure White Lead the desired shade: they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly l'ure White Lead.
A good many thousand dollars have been saved
property-owners by having our book on painting
ana color-card. Send us a postal card and get
both free.
"For Charity Suffcreth Long."
Mrs. Laura C. Phoenix, flllwaukee, Wis.
"Matron of a benevolent Home
and knowjng tho good Dr. Miles' Ncrvlno
has dono mo, my wish to help others, over
comes ay dlsllko for tho publicity, this
letter may gtvo mo. In Nor. and Dec, 1S93,
Tito inmates had tho "LaGripjic,"
nnd I was ono of tho first. Resuming duty
too soon, with tho caro of so many sick, I
did not regain my health, and in a month
Ibecamo so debilitated and nervous
from sleeplessness and tho drafts mado on
my vitality, that it was a question if I could
go on. A dear friend advised mo to try
Dr. Miles' Restorative Semitic.
I took 2 bottles and am happy to say, I am
In better health than ever. I still contlnno
Its occasional use, as a nerve food,
03 my work is very trying. A letter ad
dressed to Milwaukee, Wis., will reach me."
Jnno 6, 1S0J. Mns. Lacha O. Phoenix.
Dr. Miles' Ncrvino is sold on a positive,
cuarantco that tho first bottle will lenofit.
All druggists sell it at (1,0 bottles for $5, or
Dr. Miles' Nervine
Restores Health
Hillions of Dollars
Go up in smoko every year. Tako no
risks but pet your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
Also Llfo and Accidental Companies.
Ulcers In Jtouth, Hair-Falltngl Write COOK1
Chlenen, III., for proofs of cures. Cupl-t
mi, wiiUUrViuii. Worst cases cured In ICS
to unys. luo-pneo noolt free.
Chtchciilcr8 Kncllfth Diamond I!ran4.
Orljrlnnl anil Only Gcniitnc. A
safe, alwaya reliable, ladies sk i
Urugzlst for Chithtstcr'K rng -h "-
mnndJlranft In lted and (gold metalllaxVjy
Iboxpa, acalcil with blnt ribbon. TnUo V
no other. Kefurt dantjtrou uhslitu V
fioru ami imitation. At rtrnnElKta. or ientl .1 I'
ll) Btamps for particulars, tmtlmoniat anl
iieuer ror (.amen," in ifrier. xj return
Moll. KMIOO Ti-tlmoolaH. Xamt l"ap:r.
f Ainu. jmiuo itMimoDiui. .itnt itip'ir,
Chlr-h eater LfipmIculCo..Alu,1l!tn -miiir?
Eoll bj all f 101 rmwiats. I'bUtu.... lo-
Has stood Test ot Time
turns- i--u") i n ruiN ii.t. otUHA II
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lofofe,
329 N. 15th St.
Itclow Cnllowhill
To secure il imnltivn nnd iifrmniient euro of
Krrorn of Youth and Lc of Munlioocl and of
nil tllHttaen of tin blood, Kidney, 1 ladder,
rKin ami uurvous yhtem conwiut at onw i'r.
MAwnevn. uiiiiuuriiic ui i iiiivm mini j uu jiic
to Ilnl th and Strength by building "P the
IJW.U, ..... I.,.l. T..I, .uinti,
ttnauereu nervou ftyriiem anu muunjc now mo
mid energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and examinations free and Mrictly
eoulldential. Ofllce limirw, dally and .Sunday,
iron, v a. m. to a i. m. anu it to v eveninw.
Head his book on error of Youth and obscure
diseases of both exee. Sent fret.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bohemian Beer.
1 sl Worn JS&!
Brantsi)nritnsriHfWtt. MM. K
MtbD iVJEiCTP. - Fine WM H
MSb 1
.tw Yoat. ls ly eg