instanllf Relieves SKIN TORTURES A warm bath with Cutlcura Soap, .a single application of Cutlcura (ointment), the great skin cure, followed by mild doses of Cimoiiu Resolvent (the new blood purifier), will afford instant relief, permit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy cure in every form of torturing, disfiguring skin humours. Gold thrftiehout the world. Brltlih dlKtl NtwrjlRr, London. 1'ottkr I)RcoftCntu.CoRP.,lloitontU.8.A' M. J. LAWLOR Justice of the Peace Insurance and Real Estate Agent, 123 East Centre St. TWO-STOUY Frnmo Btilldlnir, 30x13 fect on South Chestnut street. UcuU for $18 per month j will bo sold cheap. FOR SALE. Half lot nnd two houses, situated on West Centre street. Will pay 12 per cent, on Investment, nnd can ho bought on easy terms. I71AHM FOIt SALE. A farm of 83 ncrcs, with J in three miles of (rood market. Twenty nine acres under cultivation, nnd four ncres of trood timber. Frame farm house, six rooms, Kood bam and all In Rood condition. Will be sold for $1,200 cash. IIIOB SALE. Vnlunhle property on ICast Lloyd ) street. Lot 45x150 feet; seven houses, in- cludlne restaurant. Airirreirato rental, S0 per month. A rare barfjnln. Apply to 31. J. Lawlor, Justico of the Peace, No. 12a Kat Centre street. HUMPHREYS' Nothing has ever been produced to equal or compare with Humphxojs' "Witch. Hazel Oil as a curative and HEALING APPLICATION. It has been used 40 years and always affords relief and always gives satisfaction. It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching.and Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas. Relief immediate cure certain. It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and Contraction from Burns. Relief instant. It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated Wounds and Bruises. It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald Head. It is Infallible. It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts and Sore Ninnies. It is invaluable. It Cures Salt Rheum, Tetters, Scurfy I Eruptions. Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters, Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions, Sore and Chafed feet, tstmgs ot insects. Three Sizes, 25c., 50c. and $1.00. Sold by Druggists, or tent post-paid on recelptof price. lll'XrmiElS' BED. CO., Ill & IIS Wllllim St., New Tork. When it comes to GROCERIES Our stock speaks for itself, to town send your orders, rately nnd promptly lllled. If you don't come They will he. acell- HU5SER & BEDDALL, 29 East Centre Street. Pennsylvania R. B, SCHUYLKILL DIVISION. July 6th 1895. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above dato for Wiggans, Gilberton Frack ville, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville, Ham burg. Reading, Pottstown, Phoenixville, Norristown, and Philadelphia (Broad street station) at 6 (IS and 1145 a.m. and 4 15 p. m. on week days. For Pottsvillo and inter mediate statons 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For Wiggan's, Gilberton, Fraekville, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville at fl 08, 9 40 a. m. and 3 10 p. ni. For Hamburg, Beading, Pottslowr, Phoenixville, Norristown, Phila delphia at C U0, 9 40 h. 111., 3 111 p. in. Trains leave Fraekville for Shonandoah at 10 40 a, m. an 12 M, 5 04 7 42 and 10 27 p.m. Sunday II 13 a. m. and 5 40 p.m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15, U 48 a. 111. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at 10 40 a. in.. 5 15 p. 111. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station) for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 4 10 anil 7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leave atO 50 a. m. Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, for New York. Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, n 50, 7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 10 30 (Dininn Car) 11 00, 11 14, a. in., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p. m. Dining Cars) I 40, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, 5 00, 5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 6 50, 8 12 10 00, p. in., 12 01 night. Sundays, .1 20. 4 05, 4 60, 5 15, 8 12, 9 60, 10 30 (Wiling Car), 1 1 03 a m., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 22), 6 20, 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 60, 8 12, It 00 p. m., 12 01 night. Express for Boston, without change, 11 00 a. in., week-days, and 6 50 p. in. daily. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington 3 60, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, IMS, 1138 a. m. (12 31 Limitnd Din'ng Car), I 12. 3 46, 4 41, (5 16 Congressior al Limited, Dining Car), 6 17i 0 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 1 1 18, 11 38, ft. Ul., 1 12, 4 41, 6 65, (Dining Cor), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and 12 05 night. Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Express 6 00, 8 20 9 30 n. in., 1 00 (Saturday only), 2 0(1, 3 00, 4 00, 4 20, 600 5 40, p. n . week-days. Sundayx, Express, 6 00 " 30, 8 00, 8 30, 900, 9 45 . 111. 130, p. 111. JUkaur Bion, 7 00, a. m. daily. FOB CAPE MAY, Anqlbska, Wiuiwood, and Holly Biucii. Express 9 00 a. m.2 3i), 4 05, 5 00, p. ni. week-days. Sundays, 8 20, a. m. Cope May only 1 SO p. m. Saturdays. Excursion, 7 00, a in. daily. FOB SEA ISLE CITY Ookan City and Avalov Express, 9 10 a. in., 2 30,4 20 p. in. week-days. Sundays, 8 50 a. in. Excursion, 7 00, a, ni. daili. FOR SOMMERS POINT. Express, 8 20, 0 30, a. m 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. m, week days. Sundays, S 00, 9 I 0, 9 45, a. m. 8. M. Pbkvost, J. R. Woop, Gen'l Mananer, Gon'l. Pass'g'r Agt. But the Dashing Defender Again Shows Her Superiority, KHOOKED OUT BY AN ACCIDENT. IIorroslinfTs Latest Creation llnil tlio Itnco Well In llnnil When Her Dun? llrolto unci Slio Was CompiiUcd to Withdraw. Jublloo Defeat Votunteor. NKWPonT, H. I., Aug. 8. Tho Vigilant Won tho Goelot cup for sloops yostorday becauso tho Dofondor vrns forcod to with draw from tho raco within half a dozon mile of tho finish on nooount of a brokon gaff. Hut for this nccldout tho Vigllim would probably hnvo boon nluo minutes or more behind tho Dofondor. So far as prnctlonl results go tho raco only roltorates what ovorybody knows, that tho Dofondor Is tho fastest light weather boat ovor built In America. Sho outpointed and outfooted tho Vigilant In tho beat to windward, which was tho first log of tho course, and gained much moro on hor during tho second leg, a run dead before tho wind, a course supposod to bo most favorable to tho conterboard yacht. But just as tho now vosscl undertook a strotcli for home, with only six and a half miles of tho ontlro thirty-eight to cover, hor hollow gaff snappod In two and sho was compolled to glvo up. At the first mark tho Dofondor led tho Vigilant by six mlnutos, with Jublleo third and Volunteer fourth. On the run to West Island Dofondor gained materi ally on tho Vigilant, going around tho second mark at 8:44:10, whllo tho Vigilant did not show until 8:65:45. Tho Volunteer was nowhero. Sho did not turn until 4:11:50. At the turdlng of tho second mark the Defender was seven and n half minutes ahoad of tho Vigilant on tho time con sumed from tho start, and sho had tho same opportunity to longthon tho gap that sho hod off Sandy Hook on July 22, whon on a long strotch for homo sho Increased hor load. Tho last part of tho race waB a closor stretch, but tho high pointing qual ities of tho fln koolcr justify tho statomont that she would hnvo gained on that log. Although tho Vigilant won tho cup, It Is a growing opinion that tho American cup committee aro satisfied that no formal trial races will bo necessary, because tho sailing of tho Dofendcr yesterday wus good onough to ovldonco her continuous improvement, and that Is all that Is wanted In tho way of information. However, a test of tho boat In a blow Is still ossentlnl, for tho Defender has not yet boon tried In that sort of weathor, hut it is hoped that this ono undlsplayed qual ity of tho yacht will bo brought out bo foro this crulso of the Now York Yacht club Is ended. Tho Jublleo and Volunteor, which also started yesterday, wero uover In tho hunt with tho Defender and Vigi lant, although tho Jublleo did mako bet ter tlmo than tho Vigilant on tho eight- eon nuio run Dctoro tno winii trom liiocic 1 xsiauu bo uui vos& iinuu ligiusuip. Tho Defender had not boon past tho mark more than a mlnuto when her mainsail was seen to collapso. A second glauco showed that tho gaff had spilt right in tho middle, nnd its two parts woro sticking down into tho head of tho mainsail. Club topsail and mainsail began to llap, and tho boat was Instantly thrown up Into tho wind. After a moment's consultation be tween Jlr. Isolin and Captain Huff it np pcarcd as if thoy had concluded to try to finish. Tho yacht was kept on hor courso for tho home mark closo hauled. For flvo minutes sho was kept at it, but sagged so far to leoward that it was decided to glvo up tho raco, and tho Defender was taken In tow for Bristol. Tho Vlgllnnt wont on and won tho cup, gaining very muoh on tho Jubilee on tho last strotch. Such little interest as re mained after tho Dofondor obtained hor big load on tho others was altogether lost whon tho accident occurred, and only bo camo a matter of universal regret that it could not bo soon how much tho now boat would come In nhoad of tho Vigilant, for it Is concodod that tho Defender does bet ter ovory tlmo sho starts. Tho raco between tho schooners was a very secondary consideration. Laska got homo first, and won the cup on time al lowance. Murdered and Laid on the Truck, MlDDLETOWN, N. Y., Aug. 3. Tho body ofu young man was seen lying on the tracks of the Erlo road near Stairway by Engineer Knauss, but all efforts to stop the train wore fruitless. Twenty cars passed over tho man. His arms wero cut oft, his right breast mnngled and his neck broken. A bullet holo was found in tho left breast. Tho body was cold. A letter found In tho man's pockot Is addressed "Mr. C. J. Twist, Klrkwood House, Gen ova, N. Y.,'" and signed "Your Frlond, Katlo." A suspicious looking fellow who, it Is thought, may have murdorcd the man, took a train at Pond Eddy yestorday for Blugbamton. Wisconsin Forest Fires. nPestiiiqo, Wii., Aug. 3. Forest tiros havo again mado tholr appearance In Mar- lnetto county. At present they nro con fined to tho torrltory lying botwoon Ellis Junction and Mnrlnettce, adjneont to the Chlcniro, Milwaukee and St. Paul track, but fears nro ontortalncd of n moro widely spread calamity, as vegotntlon is nsdry as tinder, owing to tho continued drought of tho past two months. Daestrow's Insanity Tlea. UNIOK, Mo., Aug. 8. At tho trlnl of Arthur Duestrow. tho St. Louis million aire wlfo nnd child munlorer, a numbor of witnesses for the defense were examined yostorday. Their testimony shows that thoy considered him lnsano. Many of his alleged strnngo acts wero told. The stato will Introduce wltuossos In robuttnl to ro futo tho claims of Insanity mado by tho dofonso. Another liulgarlan Leader Attacked. Uhiiltn, Aug. 8. A tologram from Sofia statos that M. MatakieiT, an lutlmnto friend of tho late M. Stnmuulnff, nnd loader of tho Liberal porty at Tutor Ha- lurdjlk, oastaru Itoumclla, has beon at tacked by ussasslns and fatally wounded. IncalU for Free Sliver. CLADWKLL, Kan., Aug. 8. Hon. J. J. Ingnlls addressed about 1,503 peoplo yes terday afternoon ut thu Chlcakaskn Vet eran association. After paying tributo to tho old soldiers, ho closed by declaring In favor of freo celnago of silver. Tho Weuther. For eastern Pennsylvania, District of Columblu, Now Jersey, Delaware, Mary nud, threatening weather; slightly .varmorj southeasterly wlnds. 1 A Professional Ntirso Afflicted With llrlght's DIsoaso of tlto Kidneys Finds 11 Cure. IFrom the Buffalo A'etcj.) lira. A. E. Taylor lins resided In Buffalo for over 40 years, her address Is 250 Her kimer Avenue, as a professional nurse she has nursed back to health many n sufferer. DIscaso in nil its varied fonfts linve be come as familiar to her ns to tho regular practitioner. Her. occupation is one that taxes tho strongest constitution, but the fatlguo of long watching and nursing nt last brought her to n bed of sickness. Mrs. Taylor speaks of her complaint and euro as follows: "After being confined to my bed for somo tlmo my dlscaso assumed such a serious aspect that a doctor was called in. Ho pronounced my ailment Bright'a disenso of kidneys in tho third do grco nnd a very bad case. 3Iy limbs swelled up so thnt I could not wnlk ncross tlio floor, or, indeed, help myself in any way. iuy Inco bloatcii up nun my eyes swelled m that tho sight was bntlly im paired. This condition continued for nearly two months without nny marked improvement from tho doctor's treatment. I have taken quarts of buchu nnd juniper. I tried battery treatment, hut all without nny lasting benefit until I felt like finally giving up in despair. Hearing of Dnnn a Kidney Pills I gave them a trial, nnd niter taking three boxes I was nblc to get up without assistance nnd wnlk, something I had not done in months. I continued steadily to improvo with their use. The swelling in my leg left, tho color returned to my face, changing from a chalky color to a healthy bloom. I now consider mv- self entirely cured and I shall never rest praising the llttlo pill thnt saved me. "Doan's Kidney Pills nro certainly a sur prising discovery for kidney ailments. I shall bo glad to tell anyone of the won derful euro they performed on me." For sale by nil dealers price, 50 cents. Mailed by Fostcr-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., solo agents for tho U. S. For sale at Kirlln's Pharmacy. Lauer's Lager and Finest, ' Purest and Healthiest. Chris. Schmidt, A?t.,- 207 West Coal Street. Ml fl (P TWPPB :317 Arch St. Phila.Pa. jjw Consult Oli V 'ilj cured flit 5.M t'liniUlnt'd. '1 lit, 1' buel (lbla, ili il jWfrSS lirovWcount 3wy5 American U Consult Old Honest Dr. Tlirrl. win oioro bunerers tnun nil otuers 1 ho oIiU'hi", spccuuiat in riiii iIlDioiniiH niKi ceriircntt'K countersigned uv hecreu-ry 0 iin lx2iitlon at llertln. nutwlth htunalug wnatuuuCKS nnu specialists uu rV vertltu ur huv. There Is none to t'duulhlm n tile treatment of hoccIuI dUeaNCH of botu ' illouu poison, 1111 1110 huh eneriH 01 roocliiitl rrrorn, lout power, hltuhti'riltlditcv, 111! uuil iierroiiH iilordern, etc, frcbh ciises. inviliii'l lUdai'H. ltollefnt oure. l' lu.Jl Huuereis, consult Old lr. G. lf. Thecljtue oulrueuuliio Npcclnllxt, who has miulr u study c-f tliesg dtsenea under l'rof. Jnhr, Iloimco iutliie,anil I'rof. Mtillcr, Allopathic, Hie two tvnrldretiowned specialism. Tbla is my oiiulim! !ilcrtleiuent. Slum and avoid tlio youua uou!a-bo old specialists copying same in part or tvnolc. They do t'ils to mislead you. I am the only ot e who ever exposed quacks and warned sufferer? usalnstlmpostere. The qunckH openly asserted 11 Ur. Thuel Inserts a new advertisement to-day we will copy or cl'-ungo same somewhat andthepubllr vlll not Lno-tuut we aro the very person he er posed, Ofilco Hoars, fl A. M. to 3 I. M.: ev'gs. e-8.9 Wed. and Sat, ev'Bs, 6-9.30. Sunday.O A. M. to 121 Ben J live two-cent stamps for boon "Truth." op. one exposing quack and beBt for old and youu,, single or married, poor and rich. A new trick of 3OU0C Inexperienced doctors and quacks Is thlsi They run an old established olllco of un old decease! physician, having an ola man (no physician) In their olllco whom they use as a decoy. The Backus Water Motor Is the Most Economical Power Known, and the Best in the World for Driving1 Light Machinery. It takes but little room. It never gets out of repair. It can not blow up. It requires no fuel. It needs no engineer. There is no delay; no firing 110 tinhm to clean away; no extra Imiiranoe to imy, no ro pnlrliiK necMKKiry; no coal Mil to pay, and it is ulwuys randy for uo. It Is Invulimlile for MowiiiK Church Orifaiw, for rimnliiR Printing, 1'reswH, Sowing Jliichlniw, Turning l.'ithes, Scroll Kiwh. Grind Stomw, ColTeo Mills. Sausage Sliiohlnw, Feed Cutters, Corn Mills, Jtlovatoro, Kto. l'oiir-Iiorho power ut 10 pounds pressure of water. It is iioIsuIcm, neat, compact, stoody, und aliove nil IT IS VERY CHEAP. Price, $15 to $300. Send for circular to the Ilackus Water Motor Co., Newark, N. J., stating imper you "' advertisement in. We als6 manufacture Patent Rotating ' and Exhaust Fans. Sena for Special Catalogue on Ventilating. Sequel to a Celebrated Buffalo Kid naping Oaso ONE 0P THE KIDNAPERS CAUGHT. O. O. Cottle, Who Wan Captured mid Im- lirlmincd In nu Ilinpty House, Charged with Accepting Money from Olio of Ills Ahdiietnr to Obtain n Pardon. UUFFALO.Autr. !). Gooreo Allen, ono of tho moil who kidnappod Lawyer O. O. Cottle for ransom hero somo tlmo ngo, wus urro9tod ut tlio Mansion Houso yos tonlny. Ho retained Hugh l'enteoost, tho ono tlmo preacher, for his nttornoy, nnd i'enteeost tolls a romnrUiiblo story. The orlmo that was committed by Allon, nnd ono Emery, was ono of the most darinif over perpetrated hero, lawyor Cottlo was , inveigled into taking it bunny r0 to look ' ut Bomo property, nnd when ushorod Into ' a vacant house was ovorpowerod nnd 1 thrust into a cell, haudcuited and chained i by his nnklos to a post, gntrgod, nnd then i unuor threats of death eompolleil to write ' a note to his wlfo asking for J5,0001mmo- i dlatoly. When this noto was dollvored Cottle's son, suspecting thnt his lather i was In durance, attempted by porsoual Interviews with Emory to tomporlzo, but of no avail. It is gonornlly bollovod that tho monoy wus paid. The older Cottle was thon llborntcd from his dungeon, whllo his enptors mado tholr escapo into Canada. It was first loarncd thnt Emory was an alias assumed by Claude Strong, of this city, who had, undor tho nnmo of Emery, become n f ugl tlvo from Cincinnati j ustlca nnd a resident of Toronto, Canada. Ho had employed Cottle ns nttornoy to obtain n pardon to permit his return to the states, and claimed to havo paid him something llko 814,000 for getting tho pardon. Cottle falling In this endeavor, howevor, Strong, alius Emory, had sought restitution and finally devised upon kldnnpplng nnd ran som to effect It. Allen admits his ldontlty now, although ho says his real nniiw is John McDonald, and his place of nativity Louisville, Ky. lie also confesses to tho kidnaping. Hugh Pentecost was Intorvlowod last evening. Ho nsserts that Cottle swindled Emory out of $5,000, and that Carlton Strong, a prominout architect and n brother of Emory's', had also swindled Emery. The Now York lawyer claimed to havo documentary ovldonco in proof of all this, und showed tlio roportor two receipts signed by O. O. Cottle, ono for $2,000 and tho other for $1,000. both receipts also contained tho Btatomont thnt the money was to bo roturned to John C. Emory In case Emory was not pardoned or his sen tonco commutod. Two hundred dollars of tills amount, It was stipulated, was kept by Cottlo, to bo paid to William C. Outos, a representative in congress, now gover nor of Alabama, who, it was claimed by Cottlo, was to aid In securing Emory'B pardon. Both Cottlo and Carlton Strong, said Pentecost, had told Emery they paid larga sums of money In Washington In theli 4Lcuorts to secure his pardon. Thoso men, x'eniecosi, saiu, no utiu visilcu anu iuuuu that thoy hud not received a eont. Being unable toget any satisfaction from his lawyers or his brother through eutroaty, Emery concolvod tho Idea of forcing tlio matter to publlo attention In tlio unlquo manner afterwards carried out. Moro writing to tho newspapers, added Mr. Pentecost, would havo been useless, as none would havo bolioved him in opposi tion to two men considered so respectable In ovory way us O. O. Cottlo and Carlton Strong. Allon has beon connected with Emory moro or less Intimately for many years. Both ho aud his counsel say that ho ciuuo to Buffalo with tho express purposo of forcing Cottle nud Curlton Strong to olthor hund over tho money or tuko the step which they havo taken in causing his arrest. Indians Returning to Their Reservation. O.MA1IA, Aug. 3. A dispatch received at tho headquarters of the department of tho Platto says that the Indians are returning from Juckiou s Holo by u straight lino to the reservation. Thoy said that there had been no fighting, and no desire to fight on their part. Tho scare seems to bo over nud settlors understand thoy aro trying to mako tholr way back to tho rosorvation to avoid troops. This information Is thor oughly reliable. Strikers Will Vat Riot. New Yohk, Aug. a. Acting Chief of Police Coullu had a conference yosterday with Meyer Schoenfold, tho leador of the striking tailors. Tho chief had heard that thu strikors might resort to violenco, but the leador assured him that none but peaceuLlo methods would bo resorted to. The strikers aro gutuiug dally, and it is bolioved that nil will bo at work on tholr own terms early next week. STOCK AND PRODUCE MARKETS. Closing Quotations of the New York nnd riillndolplila Kxchauges. New YoitK.Aug. 2. A lower rango of values was established in a large majority of the stocks traded in on tho Stock Exchange The general cause of tho depression was heavy realizations by bull pools. Closing bids: Uel. & Hudson 130H N. Y. Central 101 D.. L. & W 1U) N. Y. & N. E 85 Erie - Lake Erie & W.. .. 87 Lehigh Nav 4tf Lehigh Valley 37)4 New Jersey Cen...lUiH Pennsylvania MJ4 Heading 17 St. Paul 7UJ4 V. N. Y. & I'a.... Of, West Shore 105M General Markets. l'mi-ADUM-MiA, Aug. 2. Flour steady; win ter super., S-'.oOSJS.M; do. extras, $2.70'; No. 2 winter family, S2.IKI-'1.10; Pennsylvania roller, clear, f3.15aa.50; do. straight, $.1.10 3.70; western winter, clear, SS.BO&y.HO. Wheat lower, at 7l)4j&71Vio. for August. Cum dull, at 488?2o. for August. Oats inactive, at IftMax-JKo. for August. Hay firm: choice tim othy, $1717.50. lleef steady; beef hums, $17 17.50. Pork dull, but steady; family, $13.50 14. Lard easy; western steum, $11.13. lluttcr very Arm; western dairy, lUaiUo,; do. cream ery, l91Ho.; do. fuotory, Sifolilo.; Elgins, 18Ko.; imitation creamery, 11 Ho.; New York dairy, ll17c.; do. creamery, 180.; Penn sylvania und western creamery prints, fancy, !!Uu.; exceptional lots higher; do. fair to choice, 170100.; prints jobbing at 21illo. Cheese steady; New York large, 5$7)go.; omull, 6 OUfcio.i Part skims, SjS'iu.; full skims, 1 lHu. liggs stronger; New York and Pennsyl vania, 112150.; western fresh, 12HMc. Live Block Markets. Nkw Youk, Aug. 2. Sloers active, higher; bulls and cows slow, barely steady; native Btwut. grass anil oorn fed,; prime stllloro, SJ.W3V7l): oxen. S8r,. Calves lower; poor to oholoe veals, $M7; grassers und but termilk oulve,$.'.5Uis.S.AQ. ttlieep.xlow, barely siuadyi prime luwu llriu, others very dull; poor to prima a'l jep. $'.'?il.l0; e.ioloe to prime lambu, $i.5UM lioiis arm at M.Uo.'W.CU. An experiment b'tt a Proved Success. Thotis- ands of housekeepers who at first thought they ucver could use any shortening but lard, now j use COTTOLENE aud couldn't be induced to i change, simply because it is better, cheaper aud j jl llllllli Illllllllllllllffl For Colic, Cramps. Cholera Complaints, there is no cure equal to Paln-Killer. Get a bottle to-day. Keep it constantly on hand, for there is no kind of pain or ache ain-iiifler' will not relieve. Accept no imitation or substitute. Oetniine lias PliRRY DAVIS & SON on bottle. The quantity hti been doabled, bat the prlco Is Btlll 25c. fcsBW "DIRT DEFIES THE IS GREATER THAN Itcsult in I Toeks. , ft Smim For silo by V. I D. KIHUN, Sbeimmloah, Pa. 1 IN EFFECT JUNE 20, 1894. Trains leave SI cnnmloali as follows: For Now York via 1'liilalolpliia, week das, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m. and 12 58, 2 55, 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. in. rov row xorK via .uaiicii i;imnn. troeu duys. 5 25, 7 20 a. m. and 12 OS, 2 55 J. in. tor Keadinc and l'liuadeninia, ween dayi, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20. a. ni. anil 12 58, 2 55, D 55 p. . Sundays. 2 10 a. in. IV Pottsvillo, ""cek days, 2 li, 7 20 a. in. and 12 58, 2 55. 5 5D ps in. Sundup 2 10 a. in. Foi Tainanua and Jlalianoy City, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m. and 12 58, 2 55 i 55 p. in. sunuavs, i w a. m. For Williamspoft, Sunbury and Lewisliurg, week (lavs, 3 25, 1 1 30 a. in. and 1 50, 7 20 . ra. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mahanov l'lanc. week days, 2 10, 3 ?5, 5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. m. and 12 .' S, 1 50, 2 55, 5 55, 7 20, 0 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m. For Ashland and Sbamokin, Wfek days, 3 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. in. nnd 1 Sl 7 20, 9 35 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. tr. For Baltimore Washington and the West via B. 1; O. It. It., through trains leave Read ing Terminal, l'nuadolphln, (,r. & n. it. it.; at 3 20, 7 55, XI 26 s. m. and 3 -10, 7 27 p. m. Buudays 3 20, 7 00, 11 2 u. m and 3 46, 7 27 p.m. Additional trains irom rwenty-iourtn and Chestnut streets station, week days, 1 50, 5 41, 8 23 p. ni. Sundays, 1 35, 8 23 p. in. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leave New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. in., 1 3, 4 00, 7 30 p. in. and 12 15 night. Buudays, 6 00 p. ni. Leavo New York via Maueh Chunk, week days, 4 30. 9 10 n. in. and 1 10, 4 30 p. m. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, weok days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 00 a. In. and 4 00, 6 02, 11 30 p. in. Sundays, 1 1 30 p Leave Reading, woek days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 08, 11 50 a.m. and 5 55, 7 67 p.m. Sun days, 1 35 a. m. Leave Pottsville w. ek days, 2 35, 7 40 a. m. and 12 30, B 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m. Loavo Tamaqca, week days, .1 18, 8 50, 11 23 n. in. and 1 20 7 15,9 21 p. in. Sundays, 3 18 a. in. ' Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 n. in. and 1 A, 7 39, 9 54 p. in. Sundays, 3 45 a, m. Loavo Mahanoy Plane, week duy,2 40,4 00, 11 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. m. and 12 68, 2 Oil, 6 20, 6 28, 7 63, 10 10 p. in. SuuiIhts, 2 40, 4 00 a. in. Leave Williamsport, week days, ? 42, 10 10 a. in. and 3 35, 11 15 p. r... Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut St. Wharf nnd South Street Wharf for AtlRlltio City. Weok dnvs Express. 9 00 . in., (Satur days only i 30). 2 00, 3 00, 4 09, ft UO p. in. Accommodation, 8 00 u. in., 6 45 p. in. Sunday Express, . 00,9 00, 10 00 a.m. AecoinmaHotion. S 00 h. ni. and 4 30 p. ni. RETURNING LEA V -5 ATLANTIC CITY Depot,enrner Atlantic ml Arkansas avenues, Week days tixpreo., 7 00, 7 16, 9 00 a. in., 3 15 and 5 30 p. ui, Accommodation, 8 16 a. m. and 4 32 p. in. Sunday ExpresH, 4 00, 5 15, 8 M p. in Accommodation, 7 15 a. in., ami 4 15 p. in. . Parlor Cam on all Kxpros trains. I. A. SWi'IGARD, C. u. HANCOCK, Geueral Superintendent. Hen Paw. Agt, Eyan J. Davies, LIVERY AND Undertaking ! 13 N. Jardin Street. more healthful. The genuine has this trade mark steer's head in cotton-plant wreath j on every pail. Look for it. Made only by Tho N. K. Falrbank Company! j CHICAGO, mid 13 J Ji. Delaware Ave., l'hllada. Morbus and all Summer ? internal or external that KING." THEN ROYALTY ITSELF. When In doubt vVt t- !-' f r Vcn-oii' D.liIHty, Loli of Scxuil Vwrr i" cilhpf scxi, Impotent y, Atrcj.i . VarHucelc an I etner wtak.iicjMJs, 1iui:i tiny l.ius., us Scxnc Pills. Drams .! 1 a-J f 11 ' t riukLly re tor.-1. If n -;Iccte I, such troulles result fatally. ?.'ilfl anhere, sciled, 6 l-oxci 5.00. With every fs 00 imler we H.e a k'I iniariiu to cure or refund tlio Adiiresj PLAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland. Ohio. In Kpkkot Maiicii 21, 1 895. I'aiBPnger trains leavo ShciiHiidnah ir Penn Haven Junction. Moucli Chunk, Lo highton. iS! itmirton, White Hull.Calnsauqnn, Allentown,lli'tlilehem,Easton and Weatherly at fi 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m., 12 41. 2 r, 7, 5 27 p in. For Nov.- York i.nd Ph 1-dolphift, fi 01, 7 38, 9 15 a. in., 12 43, 2 57 . m. For Qua Icake, Switchback, Gerhiirds and Iludsondalo, 9 15 a m. anil 2 57 p. in. For Wilkes-Barro, White. II j von, Pittston, Laceyville, Townnda, Sayre, v.'avcrly and Elniira. 0 01, 9 15 a in, 2 57. 5 27 p m. For Itns'.instcr, Bull'ulo, Niagara Falls and tho Wesl, 9 15 a. in. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Ilolvidore, Delaware Winer Gup and Stroudsburg, fi 04 a. in, 2 57 f. :n. For Lambortvillo and Trenton, 9 15 a m. For Tankbannoek, 0 04,d"15 a. m., 2 57,5 27 p. m. For Ithaca and Geneva, C 01, 9 15 a ni, 5 27 p in. For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27, p ni. For Jeancsvillo, Leviston and Beaver Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. in. For Stockton and Lumber Yard, fl 04, 7 38, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 01 p. m. For Silver Brook Junction, Audenried aud Uazieton, 6 01, 7 38, 9 15 a ni, 12 43, 2 57, 627 aud 8 08 p m. For Scranton, fi 04, 9 15 a in, 2 57 and 5 27 p m. For Hazlebronk, Jeddo, Drifton and Free land, 6 04, 7 33, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27 p. in. For Ashland, Girardville and Lost Creek, 4 40, 11 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 40, 4 10, 6 35, S 22 p. m. Fr Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmel and Shiimokin, 13, 11 14 a in, 1 32, 4 20, 8 22,9 15 p. in. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 5 50, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave Sbamokin at 5 15, 8 15, 11 45 a. m., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive Shenandoah at 8 04, 9 15 a in , 12 43, 2 57, 27. II 15 p. m. Leave Shenandoan for Pottsville, fl 04, 7 38, 9 0 j, 1 1 05, 1 1 30 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 08 p. in. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, C 00, 7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. in., 12 S2, 3 00, 4 40 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 10 p. in. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, C 04, 7 33 9 15, a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27. 8 OS p. in. Leave Hazlcton for Shenandoah, 7 35, 10 05, 11 00 a. in., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 26, 7. 58, p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, Mt. Carmel and Sbamokin, C 45 a. in., 2 40 p. m, and arrive at Sbamokin at 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. in. Trains !ave Slinmokin for Shenandoah at 7 55 a. m. and 4 00 p. and arrive at Shen andoah at b 49 a. in. and 1 58 p. ni. Trains leave for Ashland, Girardville and Lot Creek, 9 40 a. in., 12 30 p. tn. For Hazletun, Blaok Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauoh Chunk, Allentown, Uothlehem, Ea.ton aud New York, 8 49 a. in , 12 30,2 55 p. m. For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 66 p. m. For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Delano, 8 49, U 35 a. in., 12 30, 2 55,4 58, 8 OS p. in. Leave Uazieton for Slionaudoah, 8 30' 11 30 a. in., 1 05, 6 30 p.m. Laave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 55, 8 4V, 32 a. m., 2 40 p. ill. IHave Pnttaviile for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. in., I 36, 5 16 p. in. ROLLIN II. WILBUR, Genl. Supt., South Bethlehem. Pa, CHARLES S. LKE, Genl. 1W. Agt., Philadelphia. A. w.NOnN'FMACHKR, Asst. G. P. A.. South Bethleb"ii-,Pa. Atlantle City's Favorite Resort Brady House ! l.iHaitlon, South ArkauiMM avenue, Atlantio City, X. J., nour the miwii ; room niry and pluaannt ; liaiidfomtily furnished; kiwhI board; In rue garden and lawn. Send for circular. Kates iiiotlerute ; 1. O. llox 207. JAMES 11UAUY.