The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, August 02, 1895, Image 2

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. .' "ST
Published every Kvcning, Kxccpt Sunday, nt
8 SotTii -lAUDis Htiiket, N'kaii Cksthk.
Tho llirulil la delivered In Shenandoah nnd the
surrounding towns for six cents n week, pay
able to tlie carriers, Hy mall $.'1.00 a year, or S3
cotits a month, payable In advance. Advertise
ments charged according to space and position.
The publishers reserve the right to ehnnge the
position of advertisements whenever the pub
lication of news demands it. The. right is
reserved to reject any advertisement, whether j
iiiihi ior or lira, inni loe puiinsiHr limy uccm i
upon appllention.
Kntcred at the postolllec at Shenandoah, l'n., as
second class mall matter.
Evening Herald
CouKcn. should convene earlier and get
work before tlmo for adjournment conies,
TiiKRn Is an Aldormau at Wllkcskirre who
reforms wife-bcutcrs by tnklng them into his
pri ate olllee nnd punching tliein Into penl
teuce. -May his arm ever remain strong.
As the whole Bannock tribe of Indians
does not iiuiubcr more than three hundred
warriors, tho government should not have
much trouble in restoring good order among
AND still Schuylkill county has no Con
troller. We presume tills plum Is held up be
fore tho bald-headed statesman of Schuylkill
ilaven to keep hlin nerved up to his task of
smashing Quay.
Tin; newspapers that refer to the contest
in the Kepublican ranks in this slate as
"Quay's war" display an Ignorance of the
drift of tho times that is inexcusable. It
should not bo necessary to btntc that Quay is
not the attacking party.
Cold water is to play an important part in
the politics of Luzerne county this year. A
full county Prohibition ticket has been placed
in the field. If there is any virtue in taking
time by the forelock tho "i'rohihs" should
land pretty near the goal.
Tub liazlcton Iron Works arc working to
their fullest capacity and hope to continue so I
through the summer and coming fall and I
winter, it affords us pleasure to chronicle
this prosperity in llanleton, and we envy her
olily in that we have no like industries to
start up on full time.
A SltAJIOKlX soldier walked to Washington
ragged and without a cent to have his pen
sion reissued, and returned to hishome witha J
grant of $21 per mouth. He is to be con
gintulatcd upon having met with more sue-'
cess than Coxcy and his army did, but in his '
case there was doubtless more merit than the
"keep oft' the grass" men showed. i
Axothkk Schuylkill county politician has
fallen among the Philistines of the Philadel- I
phia Press. W. John is the
personage, and he rises up in his wrath to ,
deny that he talked with Senator Quay.
We can readily believe this, as that is not j
the game W. John is playing in the present
i nnu st
ill n esteemed cotemporary, the Pottsville
Hi publican, should, give Shenandoah liepub-,
lii.ins credit for at leant some honesty. Its i
lusiu-.Mtioiis about tho Hastings Club arc,
.ibout as correct as Us report of the nioeting
of org.iniiiatinu. Tho latter was at- '
tended K, about thirty active I!epublican,
;it our riteiiiiorary could see but lour. A
til i use of shortsightedness.
I'll': report-, published by the Philadelphia '
. to llir
ellect that the cmplojesol the'
I'lni.idclpbia it Heading Company are being
. .ii n i d inio ,-iiipportiiiK Senator Quay's dele
i.' sunder penalty of dismissal from their
-itioiis. is trashy and only n sample of the (
- hi pies that are being resorted tu in an
lUi-mpt to stay the title of public fccutiment 1
in favor of the Junior Kenator. l
( iotiJiAN's victory in Maryland means a ,
trig knockutit for Qrover, and the Cuckoos arc 1
in mourning over the result. It uiei'i.t, the,
beginning of tho ending of tho Cleveland
third term scheme. Some of the Itcpubli
eaus of Pennsylvania should heed the lesson
furnished by tho result, as the light against
Ouriuan was inuuh like the vyiir tlwt i Wing
made against Senator Quay.
Lack of patronage caused tho death of
base bull In Pottsville as It did in Shenandoah.
It is milto certain that the game cannot be
jnadcprolltnble in either town unless both are
in the lleld. The people like the game, hut
to Induce thuni to patronize It there must be
an active rivalry. There Is little doubt that
with good clubs under competent manage
ment lu each of tho towns n pennant nice
can lw made next swwiu,
Yauhanuy should not bo tolerated by the
borough authorltled to tho slightest degree.
As h rule tramps are only soout for burglars,
and while at houses inoro to acquaint them
helve with their arrangement and occupants
than to stlfy their hunger. Wherever
tmiupd are nlluwi'il to roam at will burglars
w ill seek tt field of operutiou; in fart, it is not
mlicnuiiitly that the tiamps themselves
prnc cracksmen of a wry expert type.
People of this tiny anil generation nro not
disposed to give things away, When there
fore, the. Mount Lebanon Shakers recently
stated that any one could net n bottle of
Digestive: Cordial by calling in person nt their
New York olllee, it excited a great deal of
One of the lending dallies of tho Mctrop-
olis sent a reporter to find out what wns
Ine.Hlt. It developed Hint 1 110 preparation
In mtcstlm. has proven beneficial in so large I
n majority of cases that iilne-tcnths of the i ' " ' my unancini embarrass
people who nre sutlleiently anxious to call for '.'! ' ,ioJhnP 1 not the only in
a sample, llnd so tnucli relief thnt they eon- dividual whose resources hnve boen lm
Unite the product's use nnd tell their friends 1 paired during the last throe years. I re-
about it. as a result n very large ui inn i
tins been created.
long record of success ,
The Shakers hnve a
as inventors nnu men- vnnous incuicinai pro-
ducts have always enjoyed n high reputation. I
The Digestive Cordial Is not only nourishing I
, i..,...d,ii),i .
SU-opUw iiiRlilrt, spots bolim? tin eyes nnd J
u sri.-.f ... ..i. ....v. v....,,K, nuous oi nts unugiitor, Jins boon liberal.
weigni aim gei era. k,,csS a e m,,K u As to the part Ohio people havo tnkon in
common symptoms of indigestion which it tu,tfn' T ,.. "v V " l"u" I
.1.. t i. i.. ..! !.... ... tno mnttor, 1 may snv thnt n cront nnm- i
pruinoii.v ii-iu-i-s, ii ii. ji is Ki-uiiYiug in , . - , - ; " " :
.- i .n,.i. i.,wiitv.. ,..,.1 i,..M,.i,u.u ! her hnvo expressed nmirovnl. but I have
remedy as the Dige-tive Cordial should have not aoara whnt has beon accomplished In
at last been devised. that state I havo noticed names of men
The common idea about consumption Is ' us participating who, to my own knowl
that it Is a lung trouble, but this is not all. , edge, hnvo not been approached.
Why is It that the consumptive, gets thinner ..The trust com,)any tImt foreclosed hn?
and thinner until be has wnsled ton skele- reen tit tn l.,ut M,nf T .,,iiii..
ton! Uecause lb,- loud he eats doc not , RE, '"sUt thftt' 1 dMiy children
nourish him. It i- not digested. , should vucnte our homo nnd glvo them
"he 1 rst s un ol the anpearaiice of con-
sumption is gro" ng thin, wasting: this
before the rough : before the expectoration.
Stop the wasting and recovery will follow in
the incipient , s, nnd the disease will be
retarded in aihanced cases.
Ho Itldlcules -Ylurilor Clmrges, Which Are
Const intly I'lllnc Up.
Philadelphia, Aug. 2. H. H. Holmos
agnln unburdened himself to a nowspaper
man yesterday. Ho lntimntes that ho was
nearly In the not of killing Hon jiunlu Plte-
zel on several occasions, but donies that
ho did kill him. Ho declares that Put
Qulnlun has nothing to confess, nnd says
ho hns positive evidence thnt his wlfo Is
loyal to him. Ho snys Mlnulo Williams
was his best friend. Ho claims thnt he Is
n rich man, with $200,000 to his credit. He
declares thnt ho can prove that he loft the
Pltezel childron In safo hnnds, and thnt
I Benjamin Pltczol took his own life. H
does not believe that the man Hatch, In
1 whose care ho loft the Pltozel children, ia
In jail In Arkansas, or In any other prison.
I Holmes says ho wns married throe times,
but explains in a jocular way that only
l ono of the marriages wns legal. He says
i that the lady calling hersolf Mrs. Howard,
i nnd who Is now in Philndolphla, still loves
j him, but that she is not his legnl wlfo be
cause ho hnd a wife living when he mar-
I rlod her under tho name of Howard, j
Holmes ridicules tho idea that he can be
convicted of murder.
GREENSBUno, Ind., Aug. 2. Facts have
ilovoloped hore which mako tho supposi
tion very strong that Hnrry Wnlkor, who
mysteriously disappeared about two ycara
ago, became another victim of H. H.
Holmes, "Walker, who was about 23 yenrs
old. wns n jeweler. Ho became acquainted
with Holmos, who offorod him a position
nt 11,000 n year, which ho nccopted, and
wont to Chicngo. Soon afterward he dis
appeared. It Is now known that his life
wns insured for ?15,000 in Holmes' favor.
Anderson, Ind Aug. 2. Mrs, Phllla
Cigrand has returned from Chicago, and
sho and her mothor say they do not bo
Hove Holmes' statoment thnt Emllina
Clgrnud wns married to him nnd then
went Into n convent In Minnesota. All
ngreo In tho belief that Emillno was mur
dered by Holmes, and that one of the
skolotous found wns her.
It Is Strongly Urccl by the International
Geographical Jonffress.
London, Aug. 2. Tho Daily Nows an
nounces that thoro Is roason to bollove
that an International Antarctic explora
tion, ns suggest.-d by tho International
geographical eongioj.s nt its meeting on
July 29, will become un accompllshodfact
nt no distant dato. Tho congross yostor
day adoptod the resolution of tho vice
presidents recomm m.ling Berlin as the
placo for tho mooting of 1890.
Previous to tho do tislon boing arrived
nt to hold tho noxt s.uslon of tho inter
national geographical congross in Berlin
tho Norwoglan ct()loror, Borohgrovlmk,
concluded his account of the voyngo which
he mado to tho antnrctlo regions, nnd said
ho believed thoro oxlstod in tho oxtrome
south n gront continent having an aron of
about 8,003.000 miles, and containing
many aulmabs unknown to tho inhabi
tants of tho southern hemisphere. In
conciusl(m i,,, said thnt tho tlmo wns now
ripo for nn expedition to tho antarctic
Tho congross passed n resolution to tho
effect that explorations of tho antarctic
regions formed the groatost work still to
bo undertaken, and that, lu view of the
addition of knowlodgo to ovory branch of i
..1.1.1. .,.1 It I
science which ivumui rusuib iiuiii buuu ua
ploratlon, tlm o.mgress doslros tho scien
tific societies of tho world to urgo In tho
most offectlvo mnunor that tho work bo
undertaken beforo tho oloso of tho century.
Flrn Among Shipping.
Brooklyn. Aug. 2. Flro destroyed the
covered pier of Beard's stores and did con
siderable dnning.i to shipping. Tho bnrk
Calrnjo Hill, from Calcutta, took flro, as
did two ennnl boats, three llghtors and a
pilo driving vossol. Tho Calrnlo Hill was
towed out In tho stream, whoro, after a
stubborn light by tho men on board nnd
by tho two flroboats, tho flumes wore ex
tinguished. Tht canal bonts woro nlso
towed nway bofore thoy had sustained any
lrropnrablo Injury. Ono of tho llghtors,
howover, belonging to tho New York Con
tral Knllroad company, was ontlroly de
stroyed. A rough estimate places the
total loss at about $150,000.
l'olillc Debt Stutmncnt.
Washington, Aug. 2. The monthly
tronsury stntemont of tho publlo dobt
shows the totnl dobt on July 31, less cash
in tho treasury, to havo boen $910,108,005,
an increaso for tho month of f'JS.iSS.OSS.
This Increaso Is due to tho delivery to tho
London syndicato during tho month of
$31,157,700 in 1 per cent, bonds, together
with a loss of $3,000,023 In tho avnllnblo
Charged with Sloonahlnlng.
ItALKloil, N. C, Aug. 2. John Wllklns
nnd wlfo, onoh 70 yours old, nro under
nrroBt, caught In the act of operating an
illicit still In Johnson county. Deputy
marshals located tho still and found some
oorn whisky In n smokehouso on the Wil
kin place. Bocauso of their ago the couple
have escaped suspicion for many years.
Thev are In lull at Goldsboro.
the Daughter or th Fnmsms Chief Justice
Telia of Her Troubles.
New Tonit, Aug. a. Mrs. Koto Choso
has arrived In this city from Washington,
nnd Is stopping nt ft hotol hore. In con
versation Mrs. Ohnio sold:
"So many, somewhat contradictory,
stories have appeared of late throughout
tho country in regard to my undertakings
to rodoom KJgorrood, tho homo of the lato
Chief Justice Chnso, thnt It Is wise, per
imps, for me to state that tho momont has
not yot arrived for mo to give n full and
M,Mlnf. 1. I i . . .. ...
r,.. "k... ,117' .omo"cln? ao In0t9
grot mo lenor ol those articles, for thov
cannot fall to bo misleading,
.r llo nn.nnn,.i,, p f...i .
it,nt . - , , V:, T
. V,mon and .women of large wealth to
"!'- ia uuiuuut Ul JJl U1H
",u, "Kuwoou, a vaiuauto historic land-
nf thn vni.v.imi. t c
Chaso, and to reliTivo the ureoiit pecuniary I
""uvu possession, i navo oeon com-
polled to find domlello for my invalid
daughter nnd hor companion, nnd I nm
now actually without a homo. Tho fund
necessary to clear EJgowood Is not suffi
cient, and I mnko this statement .that
thoso who may cure to iutorost themsolvcs
may know that tho need hns not passed."
Maryland Prohibitionist.
GLYNDoy, Md., Aug. 2. Tho Prohibi
tion state convoutlon which met horo ye3
tordny was well nttondod. Tho plntform
ndoptcd declnrcs ngnlnst Hconslng tho
liquor traffic nnd In fnvor of n tariff for
revonuo nnd equltnble commercial rela
tions with other nations. It says tho cur
rency of tho country should consist of
gold, sliver nnd pnpor, all of oqunl vnluo
und secured by tho government. It in
dorses civil servlco for tho state as well ns
tho nation. It declnrcs In fnvor of tho
election of United States sonators by di
rect voto of the people, for tho restriction
of Immigration, for proportional repre
sentation of political parties In lcglslntlve
bodies, agnlnst sectarianism In tho schools,
for a roassossmont of tho property of the
stato, in fnvor of Snbbnth rest, ngalnst
child labor, and for equal suffrage. Tho
following ticket wns placed In nomina
tion: For govornor, Joshua Levering of
Baltimoro; comptroller, Dr. J. L. Nlco
domus of Frederick county; attorney gen
oral, W. Frnnk Tucker of Baltimore.
An Appeal to Governor Morton.
ALBAKT. Aug. 2. Tho Contrnl Labor
union of New York elty has wrltton to
Governor Morton denouncing tho treat
ment alleged to hnvo been neenrdod to
King Mitchell nt the Ijlnilrn reformatory.
Tho letter gives details of tho n-sults of
punishment, Inhuman in its character, In
flietod upon Mitchell, who It says Is now
dying in tho Jainaie.i hospital, in Queons
county. Mitchell was sent tofElmlra for
stealing a horse. When ho went to tho in
stitution he was a large, healthy young
man, when ho inturned ho was frightfully
euineiatod, and his lower lfiubs paralyzed
so thnt he cannot u.iu them. An investi
gation is urged.
Brlcn nnd Antl-Ilrfco Fornea.
SrisisoFtKLD. O . Aug. 2. Tho Brlco
nnd antl-Briro forces, led by ox-Mnyor
j Burnett for Brlei und Hon. John H.
Thomas against IJi'Iee, had n snvngu tlmo
I nt tho Dcmounuiu primaries to seloct
delegates to county couventlonsSaturdny.
j Double sots of delegates in throo of tho six
words wero selected, representing Brice
I nnd Thomas, Tho lattor Is the free silver
candidate for Brico s seat In tho sonnto,
' nnil oxprovns satisfaction ovor tho rosult
nt his homo.
ills skull Crinlieil with an Ax.
Bentonvillk, Ark., Aug. 2. John En
y.irt, a farmer living nt lloblnson, was
killed nt his homo. His head wns crushed
with tin ax. Enynrt nnd hU wlfo qunr
rrd d bocauso ho whipped two of her first
husband's children, and as thoro Isnothlng
to indlcato n mntivo for n crime outsldoof
tho household, an investigation is boing
mado on tho supposition that tliq crlmo
wns committed by some memberf-of the
Slirriff Tiuvumi Indicted.
New Youk, Aug. 2. Tho grand jury
hns been investigating tho escapo of tho
pustofflea robber.), Killornn, Allan nud
Itussoll, from Ludlow street jnll on July
As a riwiH. of thi Investigation the
inr.v lndliiied Sheriff Tanison, ex- Wnrdan
Ueeve.-i. ex il ir iJiiuen und ox-Keopcr
Schncor. Ti'ison v.a. indicted undor
iejtlon ii.: ).' : i i cilo.
A Monster Chime of Hells.
Vl'IIT VT,!f l,, A Kllllll-..irf. Ima lna,
j been nwa-il -i tn t'i Mcneoley Boll com
pany, of Troy, for plao nz n peal of bollsin
the elty hull and court house of Minne
apolis. Tho bells will be about 260 feet
from tho ground, und will bo, It Is snld,
tho largest chlmo of bells In this country.
PeiBecutlnitr HtamliuIolTs Widow.
SOFIA, Aug. 2. Tho poMcoutlon of the
widow of M. Stnmbulurf does not abate.
Tho eorvants are nut ubU to leave tho
house without being arrested, searched
and catechised as to tho doing of tho
family, and menaced unless they ugree to
quit servlco.
A Lending Journalist Head.
Cincinnati. Aug. 2. George 1'orklns, a
woll known editorial writer, wns found
dead in his room in tho Grand hotel horo
lit midnight. His death, It Is believed,
was cuused by an overdoso of morphine.
In tho Diirant trial at San Francisco
only six jurors hnvo boon drawn ns yet.
In tho Slstorvlllo oil field, In West Vir
ginia, a 1,400 barrol woll has beon struck,
und thero Is great oxcltomont.
The Tammany olootlous yosterday In
New York tho Croker-Grant combination
won, defeating Purroy and Gllroy.
Hi i- T. F. Wade. K. C. B died yesterday'
at Cambridge, England, agod 75. Ho
gained distinction In Chlneso dlplomnoy.
Cnughllu und Gourge, horso thieves and
inurdurors, bud n desperato bnttlo with
lHoars near Salt Lako City. Tlieoutlnws
At Chnnoyvlllo, Tox., a mob brutally
beat Bon Gulnnn, who hnd boen ncqultted
'in i charge of assault. Tho judgo was
& -vj kii 'cked down.
You want of a medicine Is that It shall da
you good purify and enrich your blood,
throw off that tired f eollnjr, and glvo you
health, strength, courago and ambition.
Sarsaparllla Is the only truo blood purifier
prominently in the publlo eye today, and
it meets these requirements perfectly.
This is proved by the testimony of thou
sands of people. Hood's
Builds up tho nerves by feeding thorn on
pure blood, creates an appetite by toning
the digestive organs, overcomes That Tired
Feeling by giving vitality to the blood,
and elves sweet refreshlnr Bleep. You
may reallzo tuat llooa'8 sarsaparma
this by giving It a fair trial. Insist upon
Hood's nnd only Hood's. $1; six for f 5.
ilnnrl'c Dlllc f harmoniously
Hood's Sarsaparllla.
Ills Assnsslnntlon Wan Singularly Idlio the
Ending of Julius Ciosnr.
Tho 2Cth of March, 1801, wns tho day on
which tho Emperor Pnul of Itussin was ns
snsslnnlcil. Pnul had received somo whis
pers of tho plot ngainst his life, nnd had
nrrmiged to lcavo St. Petersburg tho fol
lowing tiny nnd go to Moscow, whero ho
fancied ho might bo safer. On tho ovoning
of tho 25th ho retired to rest at nn early
hour thnt ho might thoroughly rest him
self beforo commencing his journey. At
11 o'clock about nscoro of tho conspirators
offlcors holding high rank in tho army
nppenrcd nt tho gnto of tho pnlnco. It
wns closed, hut tho officers presented on
ordor, signed by tho emperor hlmsolf or
rather with n forged signature attached
and, informing tho sontlnol that thoy woro
cnllcd to hold a council of war with tho
czar, wero admitted.
Tho emperor's nhl-do-cnmp wns ono of
tho foremost of tho conspirators, nnd wont
In advance of tho others to Paul's bed
chamber, beforo tho door of which wns n
Cossack soldier on guard. "Tho emperor
sleeps, said tho man. "I must rouso
him. Thoro is flro in tho city," ropllcd tho
tronchorous aid. Tho Cossack, Booing
others push forward, shouted out to alnrm
tho emperor nnd linmodlntoly foil piorcod
by the swords of tho conspirators. Pnul
nttempted to bolt tho door, but, being un
nhlo to do so, seized his sword nnd turned
boldly on them. "Whnt Is your design?"
ho demanded of Count Pinto Zouboff,
"nnd whnt do theso men want who nre
with you?" "Wo demand your nbdlcn
tlon," replied Zouboff, who thon read a
formal docd, which had beon previously
"Whnt! Do you, who havo boon loadod
with bountlos by mo, turn thus upon your
mnstor?" snld tho emperor.
"You nro nolongor our mnster," replied
Zouboff. "Tho nntlon hns provided you a
successor in tho shnpo of your son Alexan
der." Paul nt this raised his sword, nnd tho
conspirators, who had not oxpectod him to
show so much courago, drow back, with
tho oxcoptlon of a man named Bonlngson,
who urged tho others forward, saying:
"If you hositato, you nro lost."
Then Count Vnlerinn Zouboff struck tho
first blow nnd tho others quickly followod
his example. As Paul still struggled nn
officor s snsh was passed around his nock,
nnd tho llfo wns choked out of him, his
Inst words boing:
"And you, too, my Constantino I"
Pittsburg Dlspntch.
Utility or the Shark.
Somo usof ul products from what may bo
termed n nqvol sotirco nro enumorntcd by
Tho Bovuo Sclontlflquo, ns showing tho
ingenuity and diversification of modern
Industry nnd tho vnluo of that bandit of
tho sea, tho shark. Thus tho liver of this
prodntory croaturo is found to contain nn
oil of n beautiful color, which novor bo
comes turbid nnd possesses medlclnnl
qualities of a vory vnlunblo charactor. Tho
skin after boing dried takos tho polish
nnd hardness of mothor of pearl, and on
boing marbled boars a resemblnnco to fos
sil coral, so thnt it is employed by jowolors
for tho mnnufneturo of fancy objocts, by
blinders for making shagreon and by cnb
Inotmnkors for polishing wood. Tho fins,
Independent of uso by somo ns nn nrtlclo
of food, nro suporlor for conversion into
flsh gluo, compotlng in this lino with tho
woll known sturgeon gluo prepared In
Itussin, nnd nro used for clarifying beer,
wlno nnd other liquors, nlso for tho prcp
nrntion of English talTotas and nsroagents
in chemistry, oto. Tho llesh, too, dosplto
its oily tasto, Is In somo places caton ns
food, nnd, nlong with tho bouos, is con-
Coxey Nominated for Governor of Ohio, i
COLUMlitis, O., Aug. 2. J. S. Coxoy was
nominated for governor by tho Populist
state convoutlon today. Tho bnlanco of
tho ticket has uot yot boon named. Tho
committee on resolutions Anally ludorsod
tho Coxoy bond scheme. Thoro wero soven
votes against It. Tho other planks of tho
platform nro nbout tho samo as thoso of
tho OniAhn platform.
Speaker Crlip In Kngland.
London, Aug. 2. Charles F. Crisp, the
speaker of the United States house of rep
resentatives, is sightseoing in London. Ho
recently visited the place where ho was
born, in Sheffield, Jan. 29, 1845, while his
paronts were on n visit to that city. To
day ho started on n steam launch for Ox
ford. Freeitng on Mount Washington,
Mount Washington, N, H., Aug. 3.
Atl o'clock Wednesday morning tho tern
poraturo wns 1 dog. below freezing, and It
was only 4 degs, abovo during the day,
Tho northwost storm which begun Tues
day provallod all day yestorday, with no
Indication of un abatomejit.
A Philadelphia Physician Honored.
EniNBUltail, Aug. 2. Tho Edinburgh
university hns conferrod the degree oi
LL. D. upon Dr. S. Weir Mitchell, ol
Phllndelphln, who is described In the uni
vorslty oration as "the ohlof ornament to
medical sclonco la tho now world."
Mors French Troops for Madagascar.
Toulon, Aug, 2. Orders have boen re
ceived by the commandant here to pre
pare for tho Immediate dlspatoh of fresh
detachmonts of troops to Madagascar to
i-eplace th invalid troops who nro ordered
Blio Wns n Ijirty of Ilnnle, nml Her Putlei
Included l'lg Tending.
An extract from tho journal of Eliza
beth Wood villi', tifterward Lndy Grey and
finally qucon of Edward IV. shows that
tho girl of tho fifteenth century was a very
nil round kind of person. It Is doubtful if
even our up to tlnlo lln do sleelo girl could
equal hor 400 years buck slut it in activity
nnd vnrlety of housekeeping accomplish
ments: Monday Morning. Ho so ft io'clooknnd
helped Catherine to milk tho cows, lln
rhol, tho diilrymnld, having scnltlcd her
hntid In so bad n mnnnortho night before,
nndo n poultlco nnd gnvo Kobln n penny
to get Komothlng'rom tho apothecary.
Hlx o'clock. -Wio buttock of beef too
much bollod nnd boor n llttlo stnlo. Mean
to talk to tho cook about tho f.mlt
nnd to mend tho other myself by rapping
it fresh barrel immediately.
Soven o'clock. Wont to walk with tho
lady (my mother) In tho courrynrd; fed 25
men nnd women; chid lloger Eovcrely for
oxprosslng somo 111 will tit attending us
with somo broken meat.
Eight o'clock. Went Into the paddock
br'.ilml tho house with my intiii. Dorothy;
caught Thump, the llttlo pony, myself;
rode ii matter of t'on miles without saddlo
or bridle.
Ton o'clock. Wont to dinner. John
Groy, n most conioly youth but what is
thnt to mo? A virtuous mnld should be
entirely under tho direction of her parents.
John nto but llttlo nnd stolo a greut many
tender glances nt mo; said women could
never bo hnndsoino in his oyos who wero
not good temporal. I hopo my tcmpor is
not Intolerable Nobody finds fault with
it but Hoger, nnd ho is tho most disorder
ly' youth In our house. John Groy likes
whlto teeth; my teeth nro n pretty good
color. I think my hnlr is ns black ns jet,
though I say it, nnd John Groy, if I mis
take not, is of tho snmo opinion.
Elovon o'clock. Roso from tho tnblo,
tho company nil desirous of walking in tho
flold. John Groy lifted mo over ovory stllo
nnd twico squoozed my hnnd with much
vohemonco. I cannot say I should hnvo
much objection, for ho plnys nt prison bar
ns well ns any of tho country gcntlomen,
is remarkably dutiful to his paronts, my
lord nnd lady, and novor mlssos church on
Thrco o'clock. Poor Fnrmcr Robin
son's houso burned down by nccldontnl flro.
John Groy proposed a subscription nmong
tho company for tho rollef of tho farmer
nnd gnvo no loss than 4 with this bonov
olont intont. (Mem. Novor saw him look
60 comely ns nt this moment.)
Four o'clock. Wont to prayers.
Six o'Clook. Fed hogs and poultry.
Now York World.
They Are Peculiar Fish How They Differ
In Different Waters.
Tho small boy who angles for kllllcs
with n bent pin for a hook may not know
that thcro are In North America 11 gonera
of kllllos, including 63 species. Tho kllllo
Is most widely distributed. It is found In
Cnnadn and in nil parts of the United
States, nnd in Mexico nnd Central A mor
ion, nnd in South Amoricn. The soveral
kinds of kllllcs found in this country rnngo
at full growth from 1 to 6 inches in length,
and thoy nlso vnry greatly in form nnd in
nppoarnnco. Thero nro somo hat nro beau
tifully mnrkod nnd somo thnt nro almost
Of tho kind commonly known ns the
bass mummy, which is used ns a bnlt for
striped bnss, tho fcmnlo kllllo Is marked
with stripes running longthwlso nnd tho
mnlo with bands or vortical stripes. In
tho south tho kllllo Is cnllodnmummichog.
Thoro is n mummichog whoso brown sides
nro ndornod with strlpos of black mado up
of tiny round spots in lino, each nt tho base
of n scnlo. This kllllo has a high back fin,
which is of a pearly tint nnd marked with
bluo spots. In Contrnl Amorlca nnd in
South Amorlca tho kllllo nttnlns n some
what largor growth than in this country,
and many of them thoro nro ns gnyly col
ored as tropical birds.
Even tho plulnost kllllo tnkes on bright
er colors In tho breeding Beason, as almost
all flshos do.
Tho kllllo is wonderfully prolific, nnd it
will llvo in water warm enough, it would
almost scorn, to boll other flsh. It is ul
ways on tho go, nn alort llttlo flsh, moving
In schools, nnd sometimos In lines of per
fect front, llko so many soldiers. Thoro is
a Bouthorn kllllo called tho top swimmor,
from its habit of swimming on top of tho
wntor with its head out.
And with nil its beauty tho kllllo Is sim
ply n senvongor. It cats superfluous nnd
decayed vegetation nnd wnsto mnterlnl of
every sort, nnd thero nro bo mnny of thorn
that, small ns thoy nro, thoy consumo Irn
monso qunntitiosof rofuso. Tho kllllo thus
helps to prcsorvo tho healthfulnoss of tho
neighborhood lu which It oxlsts, nnd tho
vory substances which It consumes, thnt
might otherwise havo proved doloterlous to
mankind, it convorts Indirectly into good
food for mini, for tho kllllo is onton by ed
lblo flsh. Now York Sun.
Sloney Making Scheme.
"I knowed n feller," said tho mnn with
tho gingor betird, "who used to pick up
from 1,000 to $1,500 a year sollln frog
"Sollln what?" nskod tho grocor.
"Ifrog choirs. Ho'd git n lot of frogs to
gether, big frogs, llttlo frogs, medium
sized frogs, an mnko 'cm sing popular airs.
Toll you it was a sight or anyhow a hear
in to hoar thorn bullfrogs como in on tho
bass. After ho'd got 'om to golu straight
ho'd soli om to tho sldo show fellers."
"It Is quoor I ain't novor run across
anything of tho kind In no sldo show."
"It nln't so qucor after you know tho
straight of it. Foot is, this feller was a
sort of Swlnegally tho fuller in that thoro
novel, you know. Ho had them frogs hyp
notized. Soof An when, thoy got out of
tho sphoro of his inflooonco, as ho usod to
call it, their ideas of tuno playod plumb
out an left tho sldo show man with noth
in hut a lot of reptiles on ills hands that
wasn't fit for nothln oicoptsnako feed."
Cincinnati Tribune
Dangerous Ground.
Hloks Whnt mado you run out of that
jewelry storo tho othor day when tho po
llcomuu ciuno in?
Wicks Why, thoro was any quantity of
wedding and engagement rings thore.
Hioks What of that?
Wicks What of that I Don't ou know
thoy can urrost a follow for being prosont
where thcro nro gambling lmplomonts?
Boston Transcript.
Tho British that Is to say, tho immi
grants from tho British isles form tho
lnrgost proportion of tho foreign ulomont
in tho status of lthodo Island and Penn
sylvania. Gasco bay, in Mnlno, has its namo from
nn Indian word moaning "crano." Thoso
birds wero formorly plentiful on its shores.
Mrs. J.l. Bell, Otisatcatomic, Kan,
wife of tho editor of Tho Graphic, tho load
ing local paper of Miami county, writes
"I was troublcil tvith heart disease
for six years, eovoro palpitations, short
ness of breath, together with Buch ex
treme norvousness, thnt, at tlmos I would
walk tho floor nearly nil night. Wo
consulted tho best medical talent.
Xfccy said- there icas no help for tne,
that I had organic dlseaso of tho heart for
which thcro was no remedy. I. had read
your advortlsemont in Tho Graphic nnd
a year ago, as n last resort, tried ono bottlo of
Jir. Miles' A'cw Cure for the Heart,
which convinced mo that, thero was truo
merit in It. I took thrco bottles each of tho
Heart Curo and Kcstoratlvo Nervlno and
It completely cured me. I sleep
well at night, my heart beats regularly and
I havo no moro smothering spells. I wish
to say to all who aro sufforlng as I did;
thero's relief untold for them hcy will
only glvo your remedies just ono trial."
Dr. Miles neart Curo Is sold on a positive
guaranteo that tho ilrst bottlo will benellt.
All druggists sell ltat$l, 6 bottles forts, or
it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
by tho Dr. Miles Modlcal Co., Elkhart, Ind.
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
. Restores Health
nillions of Dollars
Go up in smokfi every year. Take no
risks but get your houses, stock, fur
niture, etc., insured in first-class re
liable companies as represented by
nAVlT FATTsT France Agent,
UAVID rAUdl, 130 South Main St. .
Also T.lfo nnd Accidental Companies.
UllfC Vflll Throat, Pimples, Copper-5
EtlftlL IUU Colored SDots. Aches. Old Sores.l
Ulcers In Month, Halr-V&lltngt Wrltr'COQKfl
iKiiujju x uu., uv? jtiusonic 'XempleJ
unicniro, mil., ior proois oi cures, fjupl-1
siai, cftouujutr. worst cases cured lu X l.
Bio aayi, luo-paie Doolt. free.
P Chichester's English Diamond Tirana.
-Ui-lfflnal Ana Unly Genuine
sate, alwssTi rcIltvUe. ladies ttt a
Drufrist for Chichester English JJla-t
mona urana ia ura ana iota mcutuav
boxes, leaJftd with bine ribbon. Tnko 1
nn nt ric-i. HrfuA&d&naeroui aubifif u
tion and imitation. At J)rngglH, orsn44
tn lUmpi for particular!, teitlmonUU and
"iicuei ior wifliM." .ncr,oymiirn
Has stoari ihe Tett ol Tlmo 1
After All Others Fail
Ml i
Dr. Loob, fl(
!tll Cr Uclow Callow-hill
HQ N 1 fjtll Qt Below Callowl
047 U. lOUl Ol. Philadelphia.
To secure a positive nnd permanent cure of
Krrors of Youth and Loss of Manhood nnd of
all diseases of the blood, Kidneys, Iilndder,
Skin nnd nervous System consult ut mice Dr.
Lobb. Ho Kiiurtuitecs in nil cases cntisod by
Excesses, imprudence or Inheritance to restore
to Health nnd Strength by building up the
shattered nervous system nud adding new life
nml energy to the broken down constitution.
Consultation and oxnndnntlons free and strictly
conlldentlnl. Ollleo hours, dally nud Sundny,
from 9 A. M. to a 1 M. and 0 to J evenings,
ltend his book on errors of Youth nnd obscure
diseases of both sexes. Sent free.
Agent for
Shenandoah and Vicinity
Beer and Porter.
Bohemian Beer.