The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 30, 1895, Image 2

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1883 BUllN-ED OXjfc 1893. '
K r
Published dally, except Sunday, by tlio
Office Kcfowich bid jr.. South Main St.
H. C. nOYHIt, Kdllor.
W. J. W ATKINS. Local Editor,
J. 21, BOYEll, Trens. mid Business Manager.
Tr-i 44ta M Is delivered In Sheii-
i ne neraia nndonimmi tiior-
loutullnctovrn for lx cents n wcok, iwiynble to
the carriers. By innll, !8 00 a year or 23 cents a
month, payable In ndvnucc.
Advertisements clmrircd according to spnro and
position. The publllhers rrevrvo the right to
change the position of advertisements whenever
the publication of news demands tt. The right
"la reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether
riald for or not, tbnt the publishers may deem
mproper. Advertising rules made known upon
Entered nl
second clnss mall matter
Entered nt the postodlca ntSlicnnndoah, ln., as
Eoening Herald.
TUESDAY. JULY 30. 1895.
The Gllkeson-Quay flght Is now assuming
a shape that seems to leavo Quay a walk
If the pumping station at Davis' Run
proves as effective when in full opera
tion as It looks tlie people of Shenandoah
will bo justified in placing great pride in It,
It is certainly a very pretty plant.
was tno stutinnra
coma to stay.
ot tiiovorut, atrd'flnu
No mnltcr what tho dtscaso is or how
many doctors linvo failed lo euro vou, ask
V'iur druggist for a S.t-ccni vial o'f ono of
Munyon's Cures, and If you nro not bene
fited your money will bo refunded. This
Company puts up
A cure for every disease
Final Utterances in the Great Fi
nancial Controversy.
The approaching Republican state delc
oate elections are not stirrinc up much
wind. But they may bo
Ing fire and break out bjf ..jft blazo a
few JayrArtuuay of battle arrives.
"Vhen tho IIeiiAld reported several
weeks ago that tho people of Girardvllle
were making soundiugs for a water works
plant Decker's Item contradicted tho re
port and said the people hail dropped such
ideas. It now appears that tho Heiiald
was right, as the borough has secured an
option for a site for a reservoir at Gordon.
Friend Becker should keep better posted on
homo events.
Both DlspntnnU Agreo Tlmt It Is Small
In Comparison with the Wcnltli of tho
World Mr. Ilorr Snys l'ree Silver
Would Drive Gold from the Land.
Chicago, July 80. Tho Inst day of tho
Horr-Harvoy dobato oponod yostcrdny nf
tornoon. The day's nttack was directed nt
the question of tho feasibility ot inde
pendent action by the United States for
tho romonotlzatlon of sllvor and its froo
and unlimited coinage nt a ratio of 18 to 1
with gold, rogardlcss of the nets of other
nations, Mr. Harvey arguing for suoh no
tion, Mr. Horr against ft.
Mr. Harvoy presented a tnblo showing
the oolnago of gold and silver from 17J2 to
- ii - . ,JwiiiFrar the first fifty yoars
Ll.uviarion, and that stiver did not from
tliat time till 1873.
Mr. Ilorr declared It was useless to try
and fix the rolatlvo value of any two sub
stances by legislation. Tho law of supply
and demand stopped in thero, and tho his
tory of tho world's legislation showed that
it was Impossible to maintain a fixed ratio
betweon tho precious" mo tills.
Mr. Harvoy said that gold wns lrrogu
larly producod and vt hoarded by tho
fow rlob. Silver, on tho contrary, whon
moro valuable than gold, was hoarded by
tho mass of tho peoplo, thereby conferring
a gonoral benefit. It was for this roason
that silver had boon a moro stable motal
in tho past than gold.
Koforrlng to Mr. Harvey's statomont
that the remonotizatlon of sllvor would
Turning to Mr. Horror.' Mr. Hdrrrsaid
ho wanted to roclprofntdtho CQUrtosy of
Mr Hnrvoy In prosontltifrKfm (Mr.'-jllorr)
with a silver dollar.wIrjf'Hor sold he
proposed to present iVr. "Hnrvoy with' two
coins of different metals, beotuso Mr.
Harvoy wns a blmotnlllst. Mr. Horr thou
handed over two Chlneso coins, Olio of sll
vor wortli twenty cents, and one gf copper1
worth otiQ mill, and proceeded to sny that
tho nation which struck theso colus-lmd a
silver standard. Its laborers woro paid M
per month; Its peoplo dltl not rldo in car
riage?; Its civilization hud gone to sloop.
Tho sllvor coin presented lilln by Mr. Har
vey was struck by n progressive Ilnli6h. It
did very woll thon, but tho growth of civ
ilization and commerce had since de
manded a chnugo in the standard. That
standard should be gold.
Mr. Harvoy, rising for his oloslrtg ad
dress, said ho accepted tho present from
Mr. Horr of tho Chinese, coins. Ho ob
jected, however, to tho roferemes ot Mr.
Horr to tho sllvor oolu. The United Statin
wns tho chief producer of sliver. Until
187U it wns tho most sacred itietnl of our
coinago. It was tho measures of all value.
Iu 1S73 It was struck down, as CuMtir was,
by tho dagger of an assassin.
In closing Mr. Harvey denounced tho
president's forolgu policy mid financial
policy, and declared that tho friottd.i of
sllvor wcro fighting tho battle of tho
peoplo of tho world. Ho declared that a
second declaration of Independence In the
United Stntes was needed.
It should bo said that tho attendance nt
tho sessions of tho discussion wiU'lty' curd
only, and was limited to tho oapnolty of
tho hall, which was libout 200. This space
wus gonerully fully occupied. -
Mr. Itnekofeilajtf?; , , ,
cvr s General Dental.
' Are Hko Firo. .
The? hl-o
Good Servants
Hut mfiko
Poor Masters
To kcop your Nerves steady,
Your Head blear,
Build up your Strength,
Sharpen your Appetite,
You must have
Pisre Etich Blood
Tho Best Medicine to Vitalize,
and Knrich the Blood, ia
Tho Ono True Blood Purifier
Prominently in tlie Public Eye.
Hood's Pills curo all liver Ills, bilious
uuuu a fins ness. headache. 23c
He Will Start for tho Nortli,Polo
in a Monster Balloon,
Dr. Elkholtn, tlie SvretHuh MeteorollgUt,
Will Accompany M. Anilroe In Ills II old
Enterprise, and PredtctsItsSucceis Tho
Expedition Will Start Next .Inly.
A topic for ladf
seems paradoxical to all seo liquor
dealers league appealing for a strict en
forcement of tho Brook's high llceuso law.
The members of tho league can brlngabont
a compliance without any trouble. If they
obey the law, dealers who aro not members
will bo afraid to violate It. It is hoped
special attention will bo given dealers who
sell liquor to children.
"My Swcnthenrt of Years Aro,"
is a beautiful waltz song and chorus. Pub
lished for Piano and voico, also Mandolin
and Guitar; Mandolin- and Piano, h'ull
Band and Orchestra. By way of intro
duction, either of tho arrangements will bo
mailed to any address on receipt of 15 cents
lu stamps when ordered direct from Isaac
Doles, (Pub.,) Indianapolis, Ind. Regu
lar price, CO cents each. 7-30-lt
A Larco Wnlst
Is not generally considered a necessary
adjunct to tho grace, beauty or symmetry
of the womanly form. Within the body,
however, is a great waste mndo necessary
according to the condition of things con
tinually in process and requiring the per
fect action of all bodily functions to ab
sorb or dispel tho refuse. When there is
irregularity or inaction, ladies who value
a clean, pure, healthy body will take Dr.
Pierce's Favorite Prescription the only
icmedy for woman whioh being once used
is always in tavor.
To those about to become mothers, it is a
priceless boon, for it lessens tlie pains and
perns ot cnuumrtii, Bnorteus labor, pro
motes an abundant secretion of nourish
ment for tho child and shortens the period
of confinements
Dr. Pierce's pellets onre biliousness.
constipation, sick headache, indigestion, or
iiyspepsia, ami mnureu uiseascs.
or irom inn io -r TIjb
Ho did this to show tl vULS7Xf?fTS'f m D. Koikefellcr, who wnsgarnlshccd
"" In tin. f nor. nnn m.,. 1... II,
American Steol Barge company, wm filed
In tho common ploas court yesterdny. Tho
ilefendnnt claims that ho did not at tho
tlmo of tho sorvlco have nny monoy be
longing to Alfred or Loonldas Merltt,
nor wns he Indebted to them In any stiin
whntovor. It will bo romembered thnt
tho'Morrltts recovered n Judgmout for nl
most $1,000,000 against Mr. Kockofoller In
tho Minnesota courts, and us soon as tho
Judgment was roudered tho bargo com
pany, who claimed that tho brothers owed
them 8125,000, gnrnlshoed Mr. Rockefeller.
From LaGrippe.
How Dr. Miles' Nervine Restored
One of Kentucky's Business
Men to Health.
roduoo debts by ono-hnlf, Mr. Horr said
that by far tho largost part or tno aeuts
in tho Unitod States woro loss than one
yoar old. Tho short tlmo dobts woro con
tracted undor tho exporting gold basis,
and to roduco thom ono-half would be to
repudiate that ono-half.
Mr, Harvoy said tho gold advocates
feared that debts contracted In gold would
bo paid In silver, and tho man who had
stipulated to pay in gold would have to
buy it at a promium. This was fallacious.
It at tho. noxt gonoral oleotlon a blmotnlllo
congress should bo oloctod, tho rublcon
would bo passod tho noxt day. Silver
would nt onco bogln to upproclato and
gold to dopreciato, but It would bo at a
parity boforo the mooting of oongress.
Mr. Horr said that tho savings bank de
positors had81, 713,000,000 on doposlt, which
it was proposed to cut in two. Building
and loan associations had l,723,000doposit
ors, with an nggrogato of $325,832,000 duo
thom. In addition to those woro tho trust
companies, llfo lnsuranco companlos and
state banks, all of which woro to bo al
lowod to pay in dopreciato money. All of
this for tho benefit of 20,000 sllvor mon.s
Why, tholr output was not worth half as
much as the eggs yearly laid by tho hods
of the Unitod States, and was about equal
in valuo to tho peanut crop. But tho
worst feature, he asserted, would bo tho
destruction of oil crodlt. It would bring
about tho worst panlo tho nation over
saw. fri'
Mr. Harvey thanked Mr. Horrfojrfp' .
IM.iaf,.nHhr. na f.n thft ATrtnll MWfKTtt -4 tt
"""" ' T"i r?Junt of all
at .
LtljUfO'UiiOOJJt 'i
Says Sbo Was Ilypnntlzed.
Portland, Ore., July 80. Dolly Agnow,
tho young woman confined In tho county
Jail on n charge of larceny, only ono of
many Bimllar previous escapades, has mado
tho startling claim that sho Is subject to
hypnotic lnduonco. Sho claims that Will
iam Woodward forced her to steal In splto
of horself. When sho is roloascd hero she
will bo taken to Tacomo to answer charges
of wholcsalo thlovory framlodglnghouses,
hotols, oto., nnd her friends will endeavor
to show In defonso that tho young woman's
criminal carcor of tho past two years Is
duo to the peculiar power exorcised over
her by Woodward, her accomplice In some
of tho robberies.
If you are suffer-
weakness, and feel exhausted
and nervousj are getting thin and all
run down, uumore s Aromatic Wine
will bring roses to your cheeks and
restore you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers', use it for your daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for,
all ailments piculiar to womanhood.
It promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
1O6 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Tho Onnnrdor Auranla Detained.
New York, July 80. Tho Cunard line
steamer Auranla, which sailed from Liv
erpool July 20 aud Quoenstown July 21,
and was duo at this port on Sundny, hns
been sighted by throo vessels, two of
which she signnllod that her machinery
was disabled. Ori July 27 tho Auranla
yrns spokon by tho Norfh Gorman Lloyd
Btcamor Saalo, Captain McKay reported
a light dof oet ot tho englno. Repairs woro
bolng made, and ho hoped soon to bo able
to rosumo his voyago. What tho nature
of the damage was Captain Mailer was un
ablo to ascertain, but it was not serious.
Silk Crepons With Oriental Designs Pop
pies, Roses and Bluets.
Bodices continue tol)o highly fantastic,
In Btroug contrast with tho sovcro simpllo
lty of tho overfull skirts, fow of which
novo any trimming whatever. Many bod
ices nro different both in color and material
from tho skirt and sleeves, silk or velvet
bolng favorites for this purposo in the
brightest' col6rs.
A now material for theater jackets, tea
gowns, blbUses and bodices is n 6llkcrepon
printed with doslgns principally orlontal.
Tho effect is ns of hand painting on crinkled
gauzo, and tho hang of tho fnbrio is quite
perfect, .soft, graceful and nrtlstlo. Thore
is a gTont futpro for this new fubrlo, and
wo tuny expect to boo much of it.
Blouses mudoof white chiffon over white
silk nro exceedingly protty for evonlng
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
829 N. 15th St.
Below Cnllowhlll,
To geenre n positive nun permanent cure of
Errors of Youth and Lota oOInuhood and of nil
diseases of the Mood. Kidneys, lllndder, Skhi
nnd Nrrvous System consult nt oncq Dr. Lobb.
Ho -guarantees In all cases caused by Excesses,
Imprudence or Inheritance to restore to Health
and Strength by buikllnfr up tho shattered ner
vous ststum and nddfner new life and cuerirv to
tho broken down constitution. Consultation nnd.
exumtiintlons reoandbtrictly contidentlnl. Office
hours, daily nu bin, day, from 0 A. M. to 3 P.
M nnd 0 to 9 eveninp. Uead his. hook on
errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both
sexes. Sent free. '
Tar n
No DISEASE has ever prosented so many
peculiarities as LaOrlppe. No disease
leaves its victims so debilitated, useless,
sleepless, nerveless, as LaOrlppe.
Ir. p. W. Hilton, state agent of tho Mut
ual Llfo Insurance Co., ot Kentucky, says:
"In 1889 and '90 I bad two severe attacks
of LaGrippe, tho last ono attacking my ner
vous system with such severity that my life
was despaired of. I had not slopt for moro
than two months except by the uso of nar
cotics that stupofled me, but guvo mo no
rest. I was only conscious ot intense mental
woaknecs, agonizing bodily pain and the
last that I was hourly growing weaker.
When in thU condition, j commenced using
Dr. Miles' fUstoratlve Nervine. In two days
I began to Improve and in ono month's tlmo
I. was cured, much to tho surprise of all who
knew of my condition. I hayo been in ox
JuxAaxA hoalth since and bavo recommended
j your remedies to many of my f rionds."
' LOuisvUlo, Jan, 23, 1605. D. W. IIimon.
Dr. Miles' Nervine Restores Healtli.
pVjVpass' 1
kit aase4 I
eosweli. a. hobo.
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics
are scientifically and carefully
prepared Remedies, used for
nearly half a century by the
people with entire success,
so. erEcinc ron
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.,
2 Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Collo....
3- Tccthlnai Colle, Crying, Wakefaloess
4- DInrrbea, of Children or Adults ,
7 Conghs, Colds, Bronchitis
8- NeurnIgln, Toothacho, Faceacho......'
O-Ilcndaches, Blck Headache, Vertigo..
10- Dyspcpsla, Sillousncss, Constipation.
11 Suppressed orl'nluful Periods...
la-Whites. Too Prof uso Periods
13- Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness
14- Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.,
15- IthcuimitIsni, ItheumaUo Fains..
lli-ainlnrla, Chills, Fever ana
ID-Catarrh, Influenza, Cold W
QO-U'linanlnr. Hnnnli
M7 ii.luney jJlsenscH
Instantly Relieved
And Speedily Cured by
London, July 80. Tho session of tho
International geographical congross was
occupied 'with tho discussion of polar es
plorattons. Dr. Noumnyor and Mr. Joseph
Hooker, a survivor of tho Artio expedition
headed by Sir John Koss, 1820-33, urged
that fresh expeditions bo equipped, nnd
Dr. Murray, lender of tho Challenger ex
pedition, arguod lh behalf of the thoory
that tho An tn rot lo contthont wns not n
succession of volcanic Islands nnd that In
vestigations in tho Antarctlo ocean ought
to bo undertaken by tho navies of tho
world nnd not ns a result of prlyato onte,r
prlse. A coiilmlttoo wns appointed todraft
o resolution In favor of further explora
tions. Most of tho Intorost of the day cantered
In n paper road by M, S. A. Andree, pro
posing a ballooaxouto to tho njrth polo.
Tbo.hjoftVl.We'nslblo nsopoV'3'1 by
tno exploror. Tho only dilllculty np"i;
to bo how to mako sufficient gnslf?.'110
balloon. Thon, agnln, prominent gedtt-
raphlsts seemed to think the proposal
would fall without the' uso pf boats, .with
much provisions, to rely upon In caso of
acoldent. The goncral' Impression, of tho
congross, howover, was that tho" proposal
was lacking in practical application.
M. Andreo has secured the sanction of
the Swedish Scientific socloty to his bal
loon projoct, nnd has1 rocelvod a liberal
donation to help defray ozponsos from
King Oscar of Sweden. Sufficient funds
havo, in fact, beon obtained, and tho at
tompt is assured, but M. Andreo naturally
deslred tho approval of so authorltatlvo n
body as tho International geographical
congress. Ho oxplalnod' that M. Ybh;'6f
Paris, has ontorod Into a contrnct to make
tho machine of doublo silk, of which
about 5,500 cubic nloters will 1)0 required)
tho. cost, being 3,200. The balloon Is to bo
capable of carrying throe persons, with
tho necessary instruments and ballast
and four mouths' provisions. It will be
sufficiently gnS tight to hover in tho air
for thirty days at a height of 830 meters.
M. Andreo calculates that 1,700 to 1,800
cyllndors Ailed wllh gas, under a pressure
of 100 to 200 atmospheres, will be required
for the expedition, in order to refill the
balloon from tlmo to time. Ho bollevos
ho will bo ablo to guide tho machine by a
system of sails and ropes, acting as a
brako In caso of need by dragging on tho
earth. Tho car is to bo spacious onough
to contain a slodgo, a sailing boat, several
weapons, with ammunition, and a photo
graphic camera.
Early nost spring It is proposed to erect
a balloon housd, and after filling tho bal
loon to start on tho aerial voyago for tho
polo in July, with a fresh south or nearly
south wind. The duration of tho voyago
must, of course, largely depend on the
strength of thelwind." .-It might possibly
la'st only flvb'or six bouts, but M. An'drce
expects it will take at least forty. Thirty
days; he bollevos, will suffice fpr cruising
about tho central polar basin in all direc
tions, and taUIrtg'a'compljjHo survoy of it.
The roturn Journey lslo bo mado to
wards tho Inhabited jnrts of .Horth
Amorica or northern Slboria. With a
wind of average volocity, M. Andreo says
the balloon can mako 10,406 kllOmetros in
thirty days, whereas the distance from
Spltzbergen to tho Bohrlng straits', via
tho polo, is only 3,700.
Dr. H. Wichmaun, of Gotha, ono of the
most prominent German g'oographers,-ln
commenting on thq project, says:
Tho execution ot this bbld enterprise
may, of course, be materially Influenced
by many unforseon contingencies ' , -
but has been natural y d MUtlmuA
worked out in tho light f j Th
is best proved by the . t fi k
holm, tho eminent r nliit
wasifirgof tho j, obBseat
inn.'' i. 4ftcn i .
A warm batH with CUTICUR A SOAP
and a single apnllcatlon of CUTICURA,
(ointment), will afford Instant relief, per
mit rest and sleep, and point to a speedy,
permanent cure of the most distressing of
itching and burning skin and scalp diseases,
after all other methods fail.
Sold throughout th lroriti.
nritlih depott r. NsirntBT k
Som, IKIng EdirrjHL, Lon-
don. FotriE DrcoAmd Ciibu.
Uosr.,Sola rropi.,huton,U.S. A
PennsylmiiiaR. B,
July 6th 1895.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the
abovo date for Wiggans, Gllberton Fraek
villfi. Now Castle. Et. "Clair. Pottsvillo. Ikhi.
J burg, Heading, Pottstown, I'hoonixville
Noriown' nni1 Philadelphia (Broad streei "
station) l&M wLllf'if; ttDd.4,1?!
ml on week ,fajsVorPollsville and injl
,mediato stat ons 9 10aTmr 1 fm '"III
For Wlggan's, Gilberton, Frackvllle, ITow
Oasilo", Bt. Clair. Pottsvillo 'at 6 OS, 9 40 a.
m. and 3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstown, Phoenixville, JTorristown, Phila
delphia'at 6 00, 9 40 a. in., 3 10 p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllle for Shenandoah
at 10 40 a. m. am" 12 M, 5 04 7 42 and 10 2T
p.m. Sunday 11 13 a. m. and S 40 p.m.
Leavo Pottsvllle1 for Shenandoah atl0 15.
1148 a. m'. and '4' 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. ni-
fc)un day at 10 40 a. in., 6 15, p.,in.
Imve Philadelphia (Broad street station)
for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 4 10
and 7 II p. m. week days. Sundays leave
at 6 5P a. m.
Leavo Broad Street 8tation, Philadelphia,
for Now York. Express, week-days, 3 20,,
4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20, 950,10 30
(Dininr Car) 11 .00, 11 14, a. fn., 12 noon,
12 35 (Limited I 00 a'nd 4 22 p. m.Dining
Cars) 1 40, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, 6 00.
5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 6 50, 8 12, 10 00,p
m., 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20, 4 05, 4 5V?
5 15,8 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 1103 a.
m., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited.
4 22), 5 20, 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 50,
8 12, l(i 00 p. m., 12 01 night.
Express' for Boston, without change, 11 00
a. in., week-day:,. and 6 50 p. m. daily.
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 7 20
8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 38 a. m. (12 31
Limited Dining Car), 1 12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 16;
Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 6 17r
6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m.,.
and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50.
7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 38, a. m., 1 12, 4 41, 6 55,
(Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and
12 05 night.
Leave Markot Street Forry, Philadelphia,
Express "i 00, 8 20 9 30 a. ra., 1 00 (Saturday
only), 2 00, 3 CO, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40,- p. m.
weok-days. Sundays, Express, 6 00 30,
8 00, 8 30, 900, 9 45 a. m. 4 30, p. m. Excur
sion, 1 00, a. m. daily,
FOR CAPE MAY-, Aholksea, "Wiidwood,
a ,n m- -"eek-days. Sundays, 8 2(
Excursion? fd ? P- Bafurd.yfc
vrm bpaIVJ00'" m. daily.
Avai ntt "ft ISLE CITy 0csAH Cl ANI
Anv il'roaa. v iw u. iu., ov.t p. ill.
7 nn p ' Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Excursion,
0 , S0MMERS POINT. Express, 8 20;
,Z' a. m., 2 00, 3 00, 4 U0 5 40, p. m. week
o ileV8, Sundays, 3 00, 9 10, 9 45, a. m.
S . M. PnEVosT, J. R. "Woon,
Gen 1. Pass g'r AgU
in Spitzbor&ifi -
tho Head.
nnu-i ij.'.ous i.voiuty.,
ver in the "United States. That was the
olalril of the sllvor mon. Thoro was no
danger but thot the demands would soon
absorb It. Tbo nation could toko all tho
ellvor whloh nations of tho world would
bring to us In oxobnngo for produots in a
slnglo year.
Mr. Horr, In turn, said ho spoko boforo
not of tho quality of silver in the country
In comparison with oggs, but of tiio an
nual'' output of ellvor. Thoro was a con
siderable dlfferonco In the staying quali
ties of sllvor and of oggs.
.Tho trouble, Mr. Horr dcclarod, was that
with froo allvor coinage gold would leavo
the otliintry and our business would bo on
a basis different from the rest of the
Mr. Harvey declared ho wns In favor of
Independent notion by .this country bo
cause it would right a groat wrong.
Mr. Horr then proceoded to arguo lu be
half of tho slnglo stutldard of monoy, say
ing that tho stability was Its chief merit,
nud a stable moa3uro could not bo main
tained with t.wo standards. Gold, ho said.
WRfui Philn chiffon is prefcroblo to th?
ombrqjderecl sort as being moro delicate
Popples nud roses nro succeeding violets
among fashionable millinery flowors, as
tho latter have beon so universally worn
that they havo lost all Individuality, not
to say novelty. JUorgo bluets aro also among
. tho nowojst blossoms producod by tho arti-
Uoiai liower mnkcr,
"Largo meshed veiling is now worn by
tht majority of women ns boing moro be
coming to tho complexion than tho flno
new formerly popular.
Some of tho prettiest summer capes' nro
those made of oloth having an all over pat
tern of cut oJnbrpidory. ;riiosp nro jnado
oxcpodlngly fplj' aptl hnVo'ii 6llk lining of
a contrasting oohpr, nud sombtlmos a frill
or flno plaiting of idlk matching tho oloth
Is ndded around tho urt'go. A full ruche of
ribbon oovors tho collar.
A rrrent' doul of ornamentation 1b om-
tilo.ved for soma rjf tho bouffnnt fuimmei
Eleovea, ghlrriug, tugks tiul plaited frills
giving an jpjnbqfni enoct to inouireauy
larao ballhfih.
, J.'hsntjcii sliows o dress bdinmt of
cpargo ruset btraw, with eprujs nf liuinvo
dohllns, with their fcilitic, at tlu back
nud front. Un the ril.t hide is j 1 n . d an
aluret of Ivory lute, while iei tlie leit t
duhlin Is arruued tu fall in im the l.-ur.
30- Uriuary Weakness
31 Soro Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria..
77" for HAY FEVER
8oM bv DrnrKlitt. or Bent nrerald cm receipt of price.
SSc., or B for f 1., (mr bo asaorted). except 28, 11. else onlr.
I'm. tiiraraitKTfrMlMUAL(KoirKeaiieTiieaKMAii.BDruKB
UCJll lllItlo'aEU. CO., Ill A 111 MUlliuSU.SewYeri.
.a that ho will take part In the ex-
jiLi.tUlon, nnd ho predicts Ohtiro success.
ytfjjfi ' Last ovoniug Hon. and Mrs. George N.
uurzou guvo u ruuuuiauu mu iiiberua
tional Geographical socloty at their man
Tho Weather.
For oastorn Pennsylvania, Now Jersey
and Dolawaro, showers; southerly winds',
becoming westerly. For District of Co
lumbia and Maryland, slightly warmer;
southerly to westerly winds,
WANTED. A good girl of experience for
general housework. Apply nt the HeiiALD
oillce. 7- 4-lv
AKEB Situation wanted. Steady situation
ns first or second linnti hy a sober, industrious
am! exuerlcnccd younc n nn. Adorers "J. F
T.," caro of IIuitALD oillce, Fheunniloali, I'n. tf
TjiOR 8AI.E. Three double ilwetliiiprs, situate
x in best part of Sit. Carmel, will be sold,
single or as a whole. One of the best paying
properties In town. Address L.H. Walters, Mt.
Carmel, l'a. tf
TOR 8AI.K. A large book case, fan bo
houcht on reasonable terms. AddIv at the
Heiiaui oillce. tf
STRAYED. From the premises of Anthony
J-' SiraKis, 13 North West street, a white and
blac cow, with short tall an-t one turned horn.
Left about ono veok. Rno, A BUiUhle reward
will be paid for its return. 7-30-lw
l,v o-ivo.Il tlmt thn t,.tnvalil.
' J p- . - -" ' . .. I "vityiuiB
inai too pattnersh ii
between J.nwBon anil P. A. CLerrlnyt
under the Arm name. of Cherrlncton Ilron.. im
this day been mutually dissolved, tlie former
havl g withdrawn from the firm. All moneys
. i . . . . .i . 1 1 i . . . . , .
UUO lllV U(U1UJC HI UD JJH1U 1 . A. VlOirillBlOU
Bhenandoah, Pa., July 25, 1893.
pROPOSALS.-Propogals will be received by
"- 111 - Bcliool Hoard of Shenandoah. Pa., un.
til 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, August 7th.
for the laylngof a lhigsto eand tar laiement
on the iiotth, east andKOuth sides of thqjardiu
street school building. Tho Uog slonoa must not
uo iron iimn p icet long aiiu 4 lect wide, and the
thlckneM must be given, frlce must bo given
on both bhio and red flagstones per square
foot; alsojon the tar pavement per fquare foot
It will reriulroano foet of flagstone and 8 '0 feet
of tar pavement, moro or less. A bond of one
li.lf of the total cost of contract must lie fur
nished, conditioned upon the faithful iior-
fonuanco of tlie work, ami said work must he
cumpieicu mini -hi uaya nuer Ilia con tract Is
awaidM.or the u nd will bo forfeited. All
bills juust bo marked, sealed nnd sent to the
secretary of (he School Hoard. The rluht to
reject onv or all proposals Is reser ed by the
. . . HuiLniso Committee,
Shenandoah, Po., July 271h, 1895 JJ7,30,al,3,6,0
Closing Quotations of the New ( York and
Phlladelphln Exchnnges. '
NeW Yoiik; July 20. Spe'eula'tion on' the'
Stock Exchange was very active today, and
the trading generally' strong in lone! Closing
bids: -
Del. & Hudson ....130M
I)., L.& W . -
Erie im
Lake Erie & W.... S1H
Lehigh Nav H
Lehigh Valley 38
New Jersey Cen.103
N. Y. Central .....101W
N. Y. &-N. E 65H
Pennsylvania St
Heading 18
Bt. Paul 71M
W. N.. Y. & Pa-... Oi
West' Shore lOSHi
General Markets.
Philadeli'UIA, July 29. Flour Arm: win
ter supertlne,52&S3.05l winter extras, i2.70
2.00; No, 2 winter family. 82.005J3.10; Penn
sylvania roller, dear, 83.lMfc3.50;' Pennsylva
nia roller, straight,; western win
ter, clear, Ba.aJSja.wj. Wheat strong, higher,
With Tie, bid and 71Mo. askod for Jjily. Corn
dull, firmer, with iSMo. bid and iSKc. asked
for July. Oats quiet. Armor, with SlKjo. bid
and 32o. asked for July. Hay firm; choice
timothy, 817.&OS18. Beef steady. Pork dull.
Lard Arm; western steam, 8S.67K. Dutter
Arm; western dairy, 1018o.; do. creamery.
jAiuUy-u.i uu. .i.u.u., b78u..r4ut..iKinB, ioo,;
Imitation creamery, HQMc; New York dairy,
HOUo.t do. oreamery, UiaiBo.; l'ennayl
vahla.and western creamery prints, fincy,
20o.; exfceptirfnal lots' htgherfdo.falr to oholcs,
170.10c; prints jobbing at 21(&2c. Chees
quiet; New York large, 8i7Jlo. ; small fanoy,
mWio-i part skims, ZlSSlio.i full skims, JJ
QUlo. Eggs quiet; New York and Pennsyl
vania, 13tttHo.; western fresh, 1213He.
1.1 ro Stock Markets.
New Yonic, July 29. Steers higher; oorn
and grass fed, poor to prime, S3.75SW.60; Tex
ans, S3.Wa3.W-, common to choice stillors,
81.105.70; stags and oxen, S2.75i; bulls,
Sl.oOt; dry cows, 81.25a2.73. Calves active.
higher; poor to prlmo veals, 81S0.50; grassers
and buttermilk calves, 82.752Ji7M. Sheep in
fair demand; Iambs active, higher; poor to
prime sheep, 8&&3.87K; common to Mrlotly
choice lambs, 83,878?- Hogs .steady at
Ea Ed p" j i "" ttf t Uy
nrlme, 8o15haut16fe'rsOWoVbBlIV,,,
cows and stags. SI. 75713.10. Hogs steady
light grades, SI.M3.5.55; tuh, 83-20lQi5'30;
roughs, S,1.504,40, Sheep and lamb ktrong at
oaturaay's price.
Gen'l Manacer.
hSi0&s and
u; . s: . fit. 'If ,' , '
t Kinos., urestneolthifst.
feisSelfttlMt; Agent
207 West Coal Street. Shenandonh.
Atlantic City's Favorite'Sumnier Resort,
Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantlo
r'ity, N. J., near tbeoceau ; rooms airy
aud jileusant; handsomely furnished;
Rood hoard! largo garden and lnwn.
Send for circular. Bates moderate,
P, O. Box 207.
The Schuylkill Valley Cottage
Owned by Peter GriflUlis, Girardvllle.
Two and one-half squares from P. & IJ. station'
hnlfsriuare from beach. Repainted, repapered
and refurnished. Fverythlng comiilete for con
venience of patrons. Mlt9. M. A. QHIFFIN,
- Proprletres