The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 27, 1895, Image 4

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    Save The Baby's Life,
Safety for Palo, Weak, Sickly
Babies in Hot Weather.
A Perfect Substitute for Healthy Vig
orous Mother's Milk.
To tbe thnnghtrnt pnrcnt hot weather
bring i the consciousness of Increased cate
nnd Tor-lhounht regarding tbe diet of the
little ones, it is appaling to anyone under
standing tbe subject to see tbe careless
ness of parents and nurses in tbe matter
of infant feedmg.
witn cnoiera latttntuoi racing ns it is
East and West tbin bo turner, the facts
cannot be put to patent too plainly.
This mortality is not a necessary evil,
fur, as every single writer on tbe subject
(from the emlneut Dr. rliatb, to whom
every physician tnrns for advice, down to
the honest medical student, whose opin
ions see light in tbe popular medical jour
nal) Agrees, it arises principally from the
improper feeding of children.
Watch yonr baby's actions carefully, e -pecially
at this seasau of the jcar eo trying
to nttie cnuuren. is ne cross, irettni or
peevish? Is be troubled with constipation,
colic, or diarrhoea? Is his sleep short or
easily broken. Then hi food disagrees.
and be is in serlona danger of fatal dis
"What can I do?" we hear you ertk.
Change at once to lactnted food, n pureaud
scientific food that makes tbe sick baby
well and keeps tbe healthy child hearty
and strong even in summer'd dangerous
The best physicians prescribe it, intelli
gent mothers recommend it and use it and
babies living on it ptove iU worth by tbeir
healthy and happy faces. The worry and
sadness that it keens nway is alone soffi
cient reason for using lactited food, but it
U also very economical, costing less than
live cents a quart, when prepared from the
larger sizes. The email size costs only 25
cents, and will be mailed on receipt of
price by the manufacturers, Wells, Kich
ardson & Co., BurliuRtjn, Vt. It your
druggist bnsn't it in stock, do not let the
sun go down before you have ordered
Dim r. Tf ...n,r cnt-c. fr 1. a linlin'j 1 i ta
cftprtpri liv fhp hent. nt"-"" weedier IS
ous for tho lc ..uu is often danger
wMfnW -umut. It is much safer to
" .an the child and put it upon this re
liable food that is always the same.
One man's word is no man's word; we
should quietly hear both sides. Goethe.
a j,ost opi'onxrxiTV.
When first we met she was three feet high
(In the matter of size we made a pair) ,
She had round pink cheeks and a bright
And her smile was winning beyond compare.
1 hated society's wear and tear,
I thought coquettes were a fearful bore,
And was shockingly rude, as I'm now aware.
When she wanted a kiss at the age of four.
She took my hand with a little sigh
As we met at the turn of the winding stair.
And offered her lips for a kiss, while I
Wished deep in my heart I had learned t
Of course you can't expect savoir faire
When one is but six or a little more,
So I pulled at her curls in sheer despair
When she wanted a kiss at the age of four.
At first she was much inclined to cry,
Hut wisely decided to forbear,
To another swain I beheld her hie
(I was eating ice cream, so I didn't care I)
Seventeen ears have passed and where
Is the chance that 1 cast away of )ore?
Vanished the time like a breath of air
When she wanted a kiss at the age of lour.
Alas I what a strange what a sad affair!
With another man at the ball-room door
Is the girl I love, and I pulled her hair
When she wanted a kiss at the age of four.
The horse is fast being superceded by tbe
force of electricity as a motive power.
All Free.
Those who have used Dr. King's New
Discovery know its value, and. those who
have not. have now the opportunity to
try it free. Call on the advertised drug
gist and get a trial bottle, free. Send your
name and address to II. K. lJucklen : o.,
Chicago, and get a sample uox ot Dr.
King's New Life Pills free, as well as a
copv of Guide to Health and Household
instructor, free. All of which is guaran
teed to do you good and cost you nothing
at A. Wasley's drug store.
Though it's fizzing out of tbe soda-ater
business has a boom just the tame.
Good Offer.
Attention is called to the advertisement
o fieri tig two valuable properties on White
street tor lale.
Eugland imports
potatoes every year.
$3,000,000 worth of
Mrs. Khodie Koah, of this place, was
taken in the night with oramplng pains and
the next day diarrhoea set in. She took
half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got
no relief. She then sent to mo to see if I
had anything that would help her. I sent
her a bottle' of ' Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Uemedy and the
first dose relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a week
and had tried dlft'ereut remedies for
diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent
him this same remedy. Only four doses of
It were required to cure him. Ho says he
owes his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs, Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich.
For Bale by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
Tbe Ohio coal carrying roads all report a
good business.
-tVho Baby was kk, we gar her Cottorla.
When she was & Child, she cried for Castoria.
When tho became Miss, she clung to Oastorta,
When she had Children, she gavethem Castortt
A National Typewriter, almost new and
In nerfect condition, for sale cheap. In
quire at IIuitALD office.
201 Weit Centre Streot.
Dealer in groceries, flour, prcvi&ons. teas
Still Unearthing Evidence Against
the Aroh Conspirator,
Thil Mao Who la Serving n Sentence foi
IloriJ Theft, Declares That One of the
IVIUInmi Glrlsl Still Atlve Important
Evidence Looked For.
CniCAOo, July 97. Workmen nt Holmes'
morgue yesterdny dug up a piece of bono,
Mid Dr. Koblnson says It Is part of human
unntomy. The dector says It is certainly
human bone, but be cannot dotormlno to
what part of the anatomy it bolongs. An
old sponge wag also found, and as it is
discolored the police suspect that possibly
it was once saturated with blood. A
chemical annlysis Is boing made.
Tho most Important discovery made at
the Central station Is the disclosure of tho
Identity of tho expressman who is sup
posed to bavo done the trucking for
Holrnei. Ho lives in tho neighborhood,
and pending his examination by tho de
toctlvos tho department refuses to reveal
his name. It is doclared this man was ac
customed to visit the flat Into at night or
very early in the morning. This was at a
time when Holmes' troubles were greatest
and he was dividing tlmo bstweon causing
women to disappear and dodging all man
nor of creditors.
George W. Harris, alius B. A. Zlegle, Is
In the custody of a dotectlve agency un
der suspicion of being a confederate of
Holmes In his insurance swludlos. Harris
has passod under a string of nllasos, hav
ing been also known as B. A. Slmpkins
and Alfred H. Post. He was chief pro
motor In tho Taylor addition first mort
gage swindles in St. Paul, which caught
many Chicago people. Much importance
Is attached to the arrest of Harris, as It Is
believed by tho police nnddetoctlvo ngoncy
which now has him In charge that If they
can run down peoplo who woro associated
with Holmes in his Insurance swindles
thoy will And those who can tell of tho
murdors which It is supposed Holmos has
Ono of tho important finds made by tho
ponce m inoir soarcn 01 tno "castlo ' was
a bonch covered with stains resembling
blood. Tho bench was found in a deserted
store room noxt to tho apartmont .In
which Pat Oulnlau alont. r-Tpiamr-
who --''Jji-J' "bln
w u.Miinine uiu huuu
s on
tho bonch, suld they woro undoubtedly
blood. It Is bolioved by tho police that
Holmos used tho bench as au operating
table on which ho. dismembered his vic
tims beforo disposing of their bodlos.
Chief of Police Radonoch put Pat Quln
lan and his wife through another severe
examination yesterday. It Is believed
that tho pair can glvo sensational evi
dence If they can bo made to talk, and
Quintan will bo kept under police guard.
Minnie Williams While In Denver.
Denveh, July 27. Tho untortunato
Mlnnlo Williams and her slstor, whom
Holmes Is accused of having murdered,
came to Donvor early In 1893 with"
their brother, who was In poor health.
Thoy took rooms at "Tho Devonshire "
an apartment house at 1435 Logan ave
nue, ana soon became very popular
with tho othor guests. Mlnnlo was about
5 or CO years of ago, and besides being ap
parently woll educated, was an accom
plished elocutionist. She oppoared for
throo weeks on tno stage o: tno oia mi-
tconth Street theater as a member of a
stock company. Those who know her af
firm that hor feelings for Holmes, whom she
know as Harry Gordon at that time, what
ever It was, was no headlong infatuation
for a romantic hero. Tho brothordled In
the latter part of the winter and tho sis
ters took tho body homo to Texas. Holmes
reappeared In Denver some time after tho
World's fair, and told sovoral friends of
tho girl that she had married and had
gone to India with her husband.
lie Was a Pal of Holmes.
Little Rock, July 27. It was discov
ered at Fort Worth, Toxas, a few days ago
that tho Arkansas ponltontlary holds a
former pal of H. H. Holmos, tho alleged
murderer of Pltezol and others, and that
bo Is in possession of valuable informa
tion. His name is John C Allen, alias
John H. Caldwell, alios John C. Cold-
well, and ho Is serving a llfteon year sen
tence In tho Arkansas penitentiary for
horse stealing. Sheriff W. M, Boa, of Fort
Worth, had a long conversation with
Allen yostordoy. Tho latter, bo tho sheriff
lays, declined to give any Information ex
cept to say that one of tho Williams girls
is dead, but that tho other Is alive. Sheriff
Reo will remain In Llttlo Rook two or
throe days longer, and Intimates that If
Allen will glvo him the Information he
wants he will nave accompusnou more
than all the detectives In tho country who
have beon working so long on the Holmes
The Top of Iler Head Blown Off,
Minneapolis, Minn. , July 87. A strange
and bloody murdor was committed on the
farm of Krnost Lan go, seventeen miles
west of this city. The body of little Mag
gie Cralgle, the 14-yoar-old daughter of
Captain Charles Cralgio, of the Minneap
olis flro department, was found with the
top of her head blown off by a charge from
a shotgun. Futllo efforts had been made
to remove the traces of blood in the up
stairs room whore tho murdor was com
mitted and along the stairs where tho body
had been dragged down. Mrs. Lango's 8-year-old
son Freddie finally confessed that
bo had killed the girl by accident.
niehnrd Vai' Will Found.
Philadelphia, July 27. It has been
generally supposed that Richard Vaux,
ex-congrossnnn, ox mayor and distin
guished jurUt, wbe altd last .March, lelt
no will, but suoh a document has beon
found. After making u number of minor
bequests It leaves the residue of theostata,
whloh is valued at auout sw.uw, 10 tno
widow, Mary AValu Vaux, for life, nnd at
her death to bo divided among tho chil
dren. Tho document oonoludos with those
words: "I dlreot that no Inventory be
made of my estate. It is uobody's busi
ness but those who are interested In It."
Fatal Election Itlot in Hungary,
VIENNA, July 27. Rlota ocourred at an
iloction for inagUtratoat Magyasso, Hun
gary. Peasants stormed the town hall
and the gendarmes fired upon the rioters.
Four were killed, twenty wounded and
thirty arrested.
Daby Mangled by a Itunawuy.
Canton, O., July 27 The 11-msinths
old child of Alfred Kouchonbaugh, being
wheeled across the street by his brother,
was instantly killed and horribly manglod
by a runaway team.
are made by covering a linen collar or
cuff with "ceUuloid," thus making
them strong, durable and tvaterproof.
When soiled they can be cleaned by
simply wiping off with n wet cloth.
No other waterproof goods are made
with this interlining, consequently no
other goods can possibly give satisfac
tion. Do not forget that every piece
of the genuine is stamped as follows:
Insist upon goods so marked and re
fuse anything else if offered. If your
dealer docs not keep them you can
procure a sample from us direct b
enclosing amount and stating size and
whether stand-up or turned-down col
lar is wanted. Collars 35c. each. Cuffs
50c. pair.
The Celluloid Company,
42M29 Broadway, New York.
lie Adds a Prison Ounrd to Ills In
I.Ist of Victims. ... .'
Fort Smith, Ark., .Iif"?L' " Vol
Bill got his hindf """y !j--Chor0,
last night, andV", Q another rovolvoi
liberate prU'ased ,n,a1n atto,nPt "
rnu- nf -lO'Onors conflnod In murderers
i . -tho United States iall. His at
'tho.rVt wos u bold ono and resulted In tht
death of Larry Keating, tho oldest guarC
01 ine lorce. un account or tno no
wenthor nnd the long days the prisonori
nrn tln,r-n,l tn ....,..l In tho nnnl ,1 nri
...v 11 LV. .1.I11EI11. . 1 . bUW A uua I
until nearly 7 o'clock.
Whon running In tho prisoners all ro
tired to tholr colls, nnd tho two uppoi
floors woro run In without Incident. Af tot
tho brako had boon thrown on murderers'
row Eoff went in to lock tho cells, whllt
McConnell remained at tho door. Wher
Kofi reached tho coll noxt to Cherokee
Bill's he found tho keyhole plugged, and
while he vas trying to clean It out Chero
kee Bill came to tbe door and fired, shoot
ing Keating through tho stomnch. Hf
ran to the end of tho corridor and fell
Eoff ran back to the corridor on the east
lido of the colls, and McConnell, Parkei
and several deputies ran In and opened lire
on Cherokee BUI whenover ho tried tc
leave his cell. His ammunition was nearly
exhausted, and ho agroed to surrender hli
pistol to Henry Starr, which was done. I
The pistol with which he did the deed
was a now ono. How ho got It is a mys
tery, but Joslo Brown, his sister, who has
been here Bovorol doys and visited him
twlco, has been arrested for it, and is now
In the county jail.
Keating had been employed at the jull
for ten years, and was a careful man. He
leaves a wife and four children, besides
many other relatives here. He was very
popular, and many threats of lynching
Chcrokoo BUI have been made, though the
citizens, who were torrlbly oxcitod, aro
now becoming cooled down. Nouo of tho
prisoners loft their colls except BUI, and
he Immediately jumped back Into It, and
the guards now have everything In order,
though there Is much confusion among
tbe prisoners.
Crawford Goldsby, alias Cherokee BUT;
alias Gorilla, Is only 19, but has been con
victed of train robbery and murder. Ono
murder case is 'pending In the suprome
court of the United States, and tho charge
of killing his brother-ln-law Is still on the
docket here.
"Fromlneuts" May Ignore T.nw.
CniCAGO, July 27. On Feb. 22 last Gov
ernor William McKlnloy wos tho honored
truest of tho Union Loague club, of this
cliy, at a banquet, the menu of which in
cluded ruffled grouse. It wus fully a
month past the time when tho game laws
of tho state allowed tho eating of grouse,
and tbe state wardens at onco began the
prosecution of the club officials. Yester
day tho case camo up for trial before Jus
tice Glonnou, who discharged tho club
officials because tho club house was not a
public restaurant, tho game was not for
sale, aud no evidence was submitted to
show that the club had either killod or
trapped grouse. Tho wardens are lndlg
nant over tbe decision.
Tramps Invade a Train.
ERIE, Pa., July 27. At Ashtabula, O.
a gang of thirty tramps boarded a passen
gor train on tho Lake Shoro road. As
fast as they wore ejooted from one' car
thoy Jumped into another. The passen
gers became tntonsely excited and a force
of police was tclographod for to meet the
train. Whon It arrived tho hoboes mado
a dash for. liberty on seolng the police,
and only eight out of the thirty woro cap
tured. Julian Mullen, an Erie brakeman,
has boon found near the station with his
skull crushed. It Is believed ho was
robbed and thrown from his train by the
An Artitocratlo Forger.
London, July 27. Lady Francos Rose
Gunning, widow of tho late Kov. Sir
Henry John Gunning, I)art.,and daughter
of tho Rev. the Hon. William Henry
Spencer, nnd granddaughtor of tho first
Harou Churchill, was arrostod In this city
upon an extradition warrant charging
her with forgory. Tho presont Baronot
Sir George Wilam Gunning is the son
of the late baronot by his first wife. Tho
only charge lodged against hor was that
of forging her father's name to a bill for
50, but the police are Investigating other
chargos of forgory.
How rerdlnnnd Snubbed Stambnloff.
SOFIA, July 87. The Svoboda (news
paper) publishes a lotter which Stambu
loll wroto to Prlnoe Ferdinand on July 6,
complaining that former letters had beon
unansworod, requesting ponnlsslon to
leavo the country, and begging the prince
to order the arrest of Unless and Tufekt
clilnff, tho murderers of M. Beltlohef, who
were constantly bunting around bis house.
Another Insurgent Defeat.
Madrid, July 27. Au oflleial dispatch
received hero from Havan Aft lit ft Hint T.1t
tonttut Colonel TJada ha routed a band
'U"ur8uuis uuuor mumtin Batidorn, In
the neighborhood of Santa Bnrburu, tho
nsurgonts losing fourtoon killod and u
hundred wounded. Tho Spanish loss is
am 10 ue mreo Kiueu and soven wounded.
Killed Nine Men for Moner.
St. PETEnsotmo. .lulv QT.smMI tin
traders who woro passing the night In tho
uuu mr nt AinorosiuKa, district of Tag
anrog, woro murdorod and robbed of 48 1 .
000 roublos by a man who Joined thorn In
tho guise of n trader. Tho niurdurer was
arrosted and coufossod that he had killed
mu.u, niter urugging litem with morphia.
No Color Line at I.oulivllle
Columbus, O, July 27.-J H. Mllllken,
ui.uv.iui Btuurai ui mo u a. it. arrange
ments at Louisvlllo, says In a lettor to G.
A. It. men hero that all,i.
lng tho proposed drawing of a color Hue
at tho national oucanipmont against negro
o-uiuicu lire nusoiuteiy miso.
Ilriilge Juniper Cnllatinn Fined.
New YoitK, July 27.-"KIug" Callahan,
who Jumped off the Brooklyn bridge last
Monday on a wager of Jl, 700, was fined $10
In tho Tombs police court yostordav br
rHi...n. n ... ... -
uubism-uiu .uniun. xiosam no fell oil the
iook. Calluhnu paid his fluo.
yArTKD. A good girl of experience for
general housework. Apply nt the IlEnALD
olllce. 7- 4-lw
1 AKlill mtuntton wnntcd. btenny situation
n first or second lmnd by n Bober, industrious
and experienced youtiR n nn. Addres "J. K.
T.," euro of IIeiiald olllce, Hienniuloah, Pa. tf
VANTED. fifteen girls wanted M ndaj
morning, next, to work on machine. Ap
ply nt the Keystone Hat Jt Cap JUnufac'ory,
15) and U 1 North Bowers street. "-26-2t
-tfOn ALE. -Three double dwelling, Bitmte
In best part of Jit. Cannel, will bo sold,
slnirle or as a whole. One of the best paying
properties In town. Address I- S. Watters, Mt.
Carinel, Pa. tf
K? s L In3t-Jr: tC -book Case, f nn be
11 1'.ii a i.iJ uuivr.
r ANTED. 25 girls. None under 16 years of
ago need apply. Only those In need of
work shoul I apply. Apply nt Schuylkill Hat &
Cap Factory, 235 East Coal street, Lautcrstein fc
Self. 7-22-tf
foOTICE OK DISSOLUTION. Notice is lierc-
S l,.. irlrrti 1 1, At thf t,nrtnfrrshll hprtofnrn
existing between I.awBon nnd P. A Cherrington,
under the linn name of Ulierrmgton Bros., Inn
tills da Y beOH mutually dissolved. tllB formCf
, , ,,, f m .1 . ,i A,, , . , ..
due the firm are to be paid to P. A. Cherrington.
I". A. CnEnnisorojr.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 25, 1895.
"PROPOSALS. -Proposals will be received
-1- 111 - Kptinnl Tlnnrrt of ShpnHtlflnnll. Pft..
tu 12 o'clock, noon, on Wednesday, August 7th,
for the laying of a flag nto eoud tar ravenient
on the north, east andaoutb sides of the Jardin
street school hullding. The flag stones must not
be lfss than 6 feet long aud 1 feet wide, and the
thiekness must be given. Prices must be given
on both liluo and red flagstones t-er square
foot; also2n the tar pavement per square foot.
It will require 8 O feet of flagstone and 8"0 feet
of tar pavement, more or less. A bond of onc
ImH of tho total cost of contract must be fur
nished, conditioned upon the faithful per
formance of the work, nnd naid work must be
completed withln'SD days nfter the contract Is
awn ded, or the b nd will be forfeited. All
uttis must be marifeci, seaiea ana sent to ine
secretary of the School Board. The right to
reject nuv or nil proposals la resor cd by the
Building Committee.
Shenandoah, Pa., July 27th, 1895 J27,30,b1,3,5,6
To take orders for MARION HAIt LAND'S
NEW BOOK, "Home of the Bible," rare,
radiant and charming. Hundreds of new
photos: lands, scenes, tieonle nnd places. Storv
of travel in the Holyland portraj ed for the first
time uy n woman's ncn uttyers plenty, over
200 million people constantly read Marion
Hnrland's books, nnd every ono of them will
wan a couv of this ureal, new work. Goods
shipped on credit. OneiiBcntin rsew York lias
sold 109 copies in a little over one week's time,
iu centes in one clay; iu entiles in ono Hour; d in
one house, to 15 bouses in succession. Ife hns
cleared ns high as t50 in n single day. Tbe
secret of his success is here, he has n good
tiling, and price the lowest ever known Don't
fail to send at once for illustrated samples and
nut partictrars. Acmress iiiiokii;ai nii
1 1 N orth Jardin Street-
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oils,
Our delivery wagon will do the rest.
Echps Oil Company,
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, Etc.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa
Mail orders promptly attended to-
1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa.
Ii'iinch cured iii ;To to lilt dtu , lllutcliee,
b ice. n. on... i.iBvti-c.1 nciTuu. Ifl'UUUr
nud Krroru ot outli. Loss of Power nnd
Bnirii-iuniB inu iiuuum t. ureu lor n iuo
I Lost Manhood nnd Smnll Shrunken Or
Kiiiin i-uuj- iiesioroil.
Sclentltio method never falls unless
case Is beyond human aid. Heller at
once, aud you feel llkea man among
men In mind and body. AW losses
checked Immediately ond continued
improvement. .Every obstacle to
liapny married lite removed. Nerve
force, will, energy, brain power.
When falllllir nr Inst, fire rMlmM t
I the combined N15W treatment. Victims oi
I Abuses and excesses, reelalfn vour manhontt
I Sufferers from folly, overwork, early errors, lll-i
health and excosws In married lire regain
your strength. Don't despair, even If In tbe1
last states. Don't U dlscouruced. If ouacks
have robbed you. I will prove to you that!
9u,cuu.iu friwuw uuu uuuur cult exist, iseua
tlve2-cent stamns for book "TIMTTir "tho
I only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter
what they advertise to suvo themselves from
exuosure) their tricks and devices, ralllnu
Itbem fives celebrated and famous, giving free
jtiuYii-u uuu Kuuruuiev, cuargiug enormous
ppnees tor cneap, poisonous urugs, ana there
by ruining thousands. Hours i e to a Uven
infi. S-K Kh Wwl. i4twl But .'.., ILal
v-i notice ah amicteu witn aangerouB and
snopeiess citsm annum can ror examination.
KDailv. from Wed. au l Sat. eve'a-s. 6-B. and
"uu .0-li. Wtitoorrnii. Treatment by mall
Ihe Only Remedy in the Wo
Price if it Fails to Cure
10 Dnys is
It Cures While you Continue the. Use
of Tobacco.
The greatest discovery of the age !
A certain, pleasant, permanent
A lifetime's suffering ended for
$5.00. -
Why smoke and spit your life
nway? Why suffer from dyspepsia,
heartburn, aud drains on your vital
forces ?
Stop using tobacco, but stop the
right way ! Drive tho nicotine from
your system by the use of this won
derful remedy.
Xaiicoti-coiie Is warranted to re
move all desire for tobacco in every
form, including Cigar, Cigarette and
Pipe Smoking, Chewing and Snuff
Use all the tobacco you want while
uuder treatment, and in from four to
ten days your "hankering" and
"craving" will disappear the weed
won't taste good.
Then throw away tobacco forever.
Nahcoti-Cuhe is entirely vegetable
and free from injurious ingredients.
It never fails to give tone nnd new
vigor to the weakest constitution.
ltemember Naucoti-Cuke doesn't
ueprive you ot tobacco while effecting
a cure ; doesn't ask you to buy several
bottles to be entitled to a guarantee ;
doesn't require a month's treatment;
wi, nnaiiv. iioesualiM-rrrrr-fn-
stop-Wff.icco only to find yourselt a
slave to the habit of tablet chewing.
AVith Narc iTl-Cuitn, when yoi
are through with tobacco, you are
through with the remedy. One bottle
No . Longer an Experiment.
:-: We are here to Stay.
We have proVen to the merchants of this city and vicinity that
we can sell as cheap as they can buy in Philadelphia or New
York and save them the freight.
We" irtvite' any merchant who has not called on us to come
need. ' -,
NAholesale Grocers,
M s-t ism- Q M ra 1 r-i Qf
The Last Clearing Mid-Summer
Sale of Millinery Goods,
Consi-tins of trimmed leghorn hats from 1.25 to $2.50. Largo line of. bell-top
ilor aud Knox hats from 25 cents to S1.25. Plain sailor for 15c. LadiC3 untrimmed
ats from 20c. up. Silk mull hats $1.00, Infants caps 5c. up. Icfunts' and children's
mbroidered bats reduced to 25c. Silk hats 6Uc. Crape bonnets from SI. 75 to S2.25.
Morning goods very cheap. Nuns veils from
26 Soutn Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Itesult la 4 weeks.
For Sale by P, 1 D.
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
Base Ball Goods
Celluloid Frames,
Paper Covered Novels, Fine
Stationery, Rubber Stamps, etc.
Agents for Daily Papers.
For Scientific Dentistry go to
Dr, J. Donaldson Ford,
Fifteen years actual experience. Gold,
Amalgam and Porcelain fillings, Gold
Crowns, X'orcolaln Crowns, Aluminum
Crowns. Best teeth vS10.00, no better
made at any price. Teeth extracted
with vitalized air, 60c. Extracted
without air, 25c. Allowance made
where teeth are out on new plates.
Lndr attendant nlrftiys present.
Office hours: Every day 1 to 6 p. m.
Sundays 1 to 3 p. m.
30, E. Centre St., Mar Reese's resid
ence, front room, up stain, Shen
andoah, l'n.
A genuine weloome awaits you at
Joe Wptt's Saloon,"
Toolroom attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, potter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks nnd clears.
M In. R.jr.ui.l., Pmvlm.o
tin- Tt.t.i.v.. Ui,jt jn 4 (o I 1
Send fir 1-v Hi- of mon'tiient testi-
Uiuuifce llkr liie fi.liutt' llg :
Hi' Mass , Marcli 18, 1893.
TUB JfAHCOTI Ciiemioal Co.,
PprlngMeld, Mass ,
Gentlemen : I bavo used tobacco for
over twenty-lire year-, cliewlnp; and smok
ing every day from 7 n. in. to 0 p. w. stot
Iuk only for menl.
On Monday, February 4, I called nt your
olllce in Springfield, and bought n bottlo ol
tho CrnE wMlch I used as directed, and on
tbe tenth day the dprlre fur tobacco bad
left mc and It lias not rttuineil. I did not
loe a meal while taking the Cubc My
ntipetite has improved and I consider
NAitcon-CuRfe n Brand thing.
Very respectfully,
Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Cbicopee Falls,
Masx.; late Inspector of Public Buildings "
for Massachusetts, says :
I used tobacco for twenly-tlvo years, nnd
wns a con 11 r mod smoker. In Just eight
days' treatment with JfAiicoTi-CVitr. I was
through with tobacco, in fact thedesiro for
Very respectfully,
If your druggist Is unable to give
full particulars aboutNArtcoTi-Ccitrs,
sld Jo. aw. -for. Book of Particulars
free, or send S3.00 for bottle by mail.
The Navcoti Chemical Co.,
QUAnanWnaU Do
51.25 up.
When In doubt what to use for Nervous Debility, Low of Sexual Foer (In either
sex), Impotent', Atrophy, Varicocele and other wciknestes, from any caube, use
Sexine Pills. Drains checked and full ior quickly restored. If reelected, such
troubles result fatally. Mailed anywhere, sealed, forji.oo: & boxes for $ 5.00, With
every fs-oo crrler we nlve a leral guarantee to cure or refund the money. Address
PEAL. WEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
KIRLIN, Shenandoah, Pa,
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms
for painless extraction of teeth. Gold
and Silver fillings. If your artiflcal teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All exanil
nfttlons free. "Wo make all kinds ol
plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns
Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge "Work
and all operations that pertain to Dental
No charges for extracting when plates
are ordered. "Wo nra tho only users of
vitalized air for the painless extraction of
SIiCttaudoalL Dental IIqoius,
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, j .
Office Hours; 7 it. m. to 8 p. m.
SliQunncioah'H Reliable
Hand Laundry
Cor. Lloyd and White gts.
All work guaranteed to he flrst-flass In every
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for anil, delivered. A trial
H'tctttc. uca ueuvercu iree