IVWVVWWWWVX vvvtvwvivuvwws 1 After THttFF MONTHS of Daily Wear This Collar :Is Still in Good Condition.. iThat,sbccauscit'sthc,,CELLULoiD,, Collnr. Its orieiual co9t was it ct9. ! and it cost thcwcnrcr nothing after- J yarus to Keep it clean. Wlicn soiled, J simply wipe off with sponge or wet J : cioui. a These collars and cufls are ivaier-i ; proof, and arethc only waterproofs icooas mauc mm au interlining ot J linen; therefore the onlv ones that 5 Jum last and gjvc absolute satisfac-J tiou. Every piece of the genuine is S i stamped as follows : J "TRAD ! LLULOIQ Refuse nnvthlncr that is not so! ! marked, and if your dealer has not ; got me rigut kiuu scna uirect to us, 5 enclosing amount, and we will mail 5 you a sample postpaid. Collars 25 J cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair. Give J 'size, and state whether stand-up or! d 1 1 .1 : . - . 1 f , iuiuuu-uuwu cuuar is wanted. 5THE CELLULOID COMPANY.! 4JT-JO Ilroadmir, NEW YORK. Obltttnry, Mrs. Winifred Faflden, wife of the la'n James Fadden, died nt her home at Prim rose, Sunday niRbt, aped about 70 yeare. Mrs. Fadden ai a resident of Primrose lor abort CO years and was a lndy of emi nent respectability, being eMeeracd and be loved by nil with whom she came in con tact. She was a sister f Mrs. Henry Mul doon, 1 f tli town and mother nf Ex Abeittxut State Librarian, Janes Fadden. ..Distressing Kidney and Madder diseases relieved in six hours by the "New Great South American Kidney Cure." This now remedy is a great surprise on account of its exceeding promptness in relieving pain in the bladder, kidneys, back and every part of the urinary passages in male ofemaleT It relieves retention of water and pain iu passing it almost immediately. If you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sola at the Uity Pharmacy jfSx South Main street, next to tli1? -W" Shenandoah. v&.Jprn"xt Lpost office, tcrth" 4.9-3111 A.eVfmt ' ' iltd ,v" iur'flroUB ItnHnn Knocked Oat. SIIAMOKIN, Pn., July 23. Antony God Ills lloal Capsizes in tlio Tumblinj Jiun Upper Dam, DKOWNED NEAR THE 00VE liowin Prosperous linlcornndLoUnted In 1'ottnvlllo Two Yours Atro Tlio Coroner Tubes Cluu-iro of IIIh Hirects. from the Miners Journal. Wendel Graf, a single tnau, about 38 years old, iloluit business as a bak. r at 201 north centre mett, vrns drowned iu the upper datu at I untitling Kun lust evening between 0 aud 7 o'clock. Grat catno here from Shenandoah two years ago where he was engaged at his tiade on Jatdin sir et for nbflut five year. He has no friends or relatives iu this section, and it is believtd his nearest ot kiu intbis couutry is his siste r who is living in u convent iu Chicago. His parents, who are wealthy farmers, live at Baden, Germany, fiom which place Wen delltft for Auieiii'a nront 12 yf-nrs.ago. Tlio llont Capsized. Graf and John Schutt, a baker em pi ojed by Ueury Li.cchtl, spent the after noon together and visited a number of beer saloons before they s'arted for Tumbling Run at about 4 o'clock, Boih were in a hilarious spirit wheu they boa ded Nick Schutt'a trolley car, and bad u few words with the conductor. The men rolled ten-pins after they reached Tumbling Run and got iuto hot words about a ctrtain master. Then they hired a boat from Joseph Gorman and took a row to the oppo-ite side of the data and lauded near the cove. They undressed, leaving nothing on but their drawers, and got iuto their boat. Schutt, who it stems is the only living witness of his friend's death, says when they got out 'about 20 feet from shore, the boat capsized and threw both men into the water, whirh is only about nine feet deep at this point. Schntt held rn 10 the boat but Grat lost his bold nnd disappeared beotath tbe sui face of tbe -water. He never came up and the theory is that be must have bten seized with cramps and became helpless He waa a good swimmer acd had the repu tation of being a good oarsman. Schutt became so excited toat he rowed back to shore and put his shirt on inside out. Then he gave an alarm. Tlio Jlody round. Grappling hooks were furnished by Mr. Gorman and George Maeer. William Tnir and Thomas Llojd pulled the body to tbe (.urlace within 20 minutes alter the man sank out of eight. Th tried to lewcttatQ the man with no avail. The body wsj BEAUTY. BOW TO tNCItBASK Itf WJJItfilT AND OTHKIIWISK IMPROVE ONE'S 1'KHSOVAI, APl'EAltANOK. Kvory normally constituted' man and woman wants to look wells This is nal urnl nnd right. We hnve little sympathy for tboso people who through indolence or gluttony have permitted tlieiuselves to take on too much tlesh. They know that by living nbstoinlonsly nnd taking plenty of exeroiso they can got bnok to their normal weight. We do, however, lmve n groat, ilfal of sympathy for those poor, pale, thin suf ferers who either lmvo no nppetlte or else whose food distresses them to such a de gree tlmt tboy are forceil to llvo on 11 most frugal diet. "Going Into a decline." How often do we bear this oxpresslon. AVhut does it menu ! It means that people are losing llesh, growing thin, wasting. Their troublo nrlsnv frntn ti, h.i they are unable to digest sufficient food and when the stomach is out of order and fails to do its proper work, foods are woise than useless. They simply ferment in ilia stomach and (111 tho system with poisonous principles. What these people need is something that will digest their food after it has been eaten, aud it is just such cases that tho Digestive Cordial ns mado by tho Mount Lebanon Shakers Is proving remarkably successful. It Is so iiromnt In Its action th of relief almost immediately follows tbe nrsi uose, auu a rapia increase in weight is soon noted. Tho Shakers have issued an interesting pamphlet which may bo obtained upon inquiry at any drug store "Dust covered furnitme with a new soft brufh which will clean out the deepest crevices. naineLnssio & IJaeu, ASi..fico printed on every sack. nat 1 e I'm. is tl on shore and hfr there until Ifiepu 1 a. ej?iiWi?H Did You Ever Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and gocreiiei. 'J his medicine has been found to be peculiarly adapted to tho relief and cure of all female complaints, exerting a wonderful direct lulluonce in rtlvinir strength and toue to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, head ache, faiutlug spells, or are nervous sleep less, excitable, melancholy or troubled with dizzy spells, Electric Hitters Is the medicine you need. Health and strength are guaranteed by its me. Large bottles only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store. hflfnrA rnnhifi.y.'niarJSfT' -"Uter bOBr " vuuulUH) y , uieaiy Charged with Toljonlnc Hor Ilutband. MoKTOOMfittv, Aln., July S3. Tho coro nor's Jury In tho casoof Mrs. Mary Splvoy, charged with poisoning hor husband, re eelved tho report of tho stnto ohomlst. It was to tho effoct that no trncos of mor phine could bo found In tho stomach. Ho stated, howovor, that It did not follow that poUou wns not tnken. Tho body hadJjoon embalmod, and ombalmlug fluids aro often fatal to successful dotcctlon of poisoning. Tho Jury returned n verdict that tboilonth of tho deceased was caused by an ovordoso 01 poison numiuistcrod or caused to bo ad ministered nt tho hands of his wife. Yellow Fever and Clintorn. WASHINGTON, July S3. Tho following nro tho lntost advices to tho Marino hos pital service Dr. Hurgoss, at Havana, cobles ns follows: "Yellow fovor Is mark edly increasing In Havana among civil ians." Consul nt Hlogn, Japan, cables thnt cholorn is provnlllug. Consulnr re ports from Morsln, Asia Minor, roport ns follows on cholorn 1 For tho week ondlng -Julyl, 450 cases, 300 doatlu In Tursuss COO cases nnd 300 deaths in Adann, nnd 3 cases and 1 death In Morsln. m To Settle on Nnntlcolio ltlvcr. BALTlMOKE, July S3. Z. F. Deijens nnd C. W. Vnndorhoogt, making nn inspec tion of tbe Eastern Shore counties of Maryland for tho purposo of Bolcctlng a slto for founding a colony of natives of Holland, have decided to locntn nlnnr Mm Nantlcoko rivor, In tho unpor part oil uorcuostor county, tho colony will num hor about 500 persons, aud if tho first set tlers nro pleasod thoy will bo followed by a, largor nuiubor of their countrymon. Thn On1v T?oinni1tf i.i fl, r.i 1 Tr.... 1 t. , .j i). UIU II UH'l Uiaj J.IB1HUUS 1 lU'Cll SO Price if it Fails to Cure the Tobacco Uubit in 4 to 10 Bays 19 eures While y ouvcLntinue the.Use of Tolbacco. It Itevolutlon In Colomhln. uolon, uolotnbla, July S3. A roport nas roacuou nere that a revolution has broken out In thrco of tho donartmonts. News was rocolvod early In Juno of afresh outbronk noar Barrnuqullln, which was said to bo duo to the forces marched into Colombian territory from Vonozuoln. The success of General Alfero's revolutionary movement in n.cunuor nas neon expected to roawnKen the revolutionary spirit in uoiomuia. jou want them white ml Hhnt placed ner Ulemens arrived lieRSSri'epuiy i;oro composed of tbe foUsS&p5mpaiieled a )urj ir , m...i -rorn.tmin... Wili:v, T orelll, an Italian, shot at a towd of boys yostordny, and tho bullet imbedded ltsolf In tho corset of Mrs. Horujokor, without doing nuy injury. Later ho drow his gun on Domlnlck Jlorrolll becauso tho latter took exception to tho shooting, and Mor relll immediately seized u pick handle and fractured his opponont's skull. Godorolli will probably die. Morrolll was arrested. Damage to Allnuegotn Wheat. MlNKEAroLlS, July S3. Specials to the Journal confirm tho reports of smut on wheat iu tho nortlforn part of tho Red River valley, running from Grand Forks to tho line. Smut is also found in scatter ing fields of barloy and oats. Tho condi tion is reported ns not serious as yet, tak ing the whole acroage.but it is expected to lower yiolds considerably. The Nicaragua Commission nt Work. New York, July 28. The Nicaragua oannl commission, whloh nrrlvod on Sun day on tho United States cruiser Mont gomery, has oponed headquartors in tho Arruy building. There the commission will work on Its report to President Cleve land. Tho roal work of getting tho report ready will not bogln until tho early port of next week. K-nutdv. CluuJ?& drawing: William J etison,-auH.ViVs Clauser, William Stev iiSi"u(utr,lose? Rothstein, John Roland eeJiii' Robert Howell. The body was rowed to the opposite shore after viewing it the jury repaired to the hotel where the testimony ot tnoae who tonna the body was heard. Undertaker Heiken brought tbe lemains to the late home ol tbe deceased a few minutes before mid night. The bearing of testimony will be resumed at the drug store of Deputy Cor- oni-r Clemens at 12 30 l' si. to day. Johu Schutt will then give his testimony. A 1'rosporou- lluslnoss. Graf was prosperous in nis business and bad three teams on the road, lie em ployed two bakers, Charles Olt, foreman, ijd a man named Charles Eienhart, He occupied (be old Miller bakery. His honsekieper was Miss Annie McG'one, who kept the place in a very tidy condition, and looked after the business of tbe store besides giving her time to the household work. Very little is known about Graf's business i r his antecedents. A pocket book c ntainine $18 was found iu bis clotbes. A key to bis private cash box was also found in his clothes. This box con tained a bag filled with eilvtr. The Deputy Coroner bas the money in bis possession nnd has taken charge of the bakery which under his instructions will be closed to-day alter tbe bread and other goods in process of mnUng nie disco3ed of. A big crowd collected in front of the honse ivhen the news of the drowning he came known and several men were kent husy beeping tbe morbidly curious Irom invading the home. Tile Dlsnstur nt Hreux, Ilolicmla. BniJUX, Hohomla. July S3. It has been 'definitely iihceriaiuoU that tweuty-flvo houses have been totally destroyed und fifty-nine partly destroyed by tho romnrk ablo sinking of tho onrth hero. Tho disas ter has turned noarly 2,500 porsons out of tholr homos, for it Is feared that other houses will collapse In the samo district. Sensatlounl Iteporti Denied. PoOATEIiLA, Idaho, July 93. There is no truth In tho sensational reports sent nut from hero regarding the outbreak of Indians, and no demonstrations lmvo been made such ns tho Indians alwnys make be fore hostlli ties are couimonced. There Is no excitement In I'ocatella, and no further trouble Is anticipated. Mrs. Ithodie Noah, ot this place, was taken In thenlcht with cramnlnc pains and tbe next dav diarrhoea set in. She took half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got no relief. She then seut to mo to see if I bad anvthlnn that would help her. I sent her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and tbe first doso relieved her. AnotbeV of our neighbors had been sick for about a week and had tried different remedies for diarrhoea but kent netting worse. I sont him this sauia roinedy. Only four doses of it wero required to cure Mm. hto says ne owes his recovery to this wonuertul rem edy. Mrs. Mary Blbley, Sidney, Mich For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists. shortcake and watermelons Five Tnnra for Defaulter Srebblns. Giieekfielu, Mass., July 23. Defaulter Albert L. Stebblns, ex-tax collector of Deerfield, was yesterday sentenced by Judge Mnynard to five years in the county jail. HU friends' rostorod to tho town $7,000 of the missing 7,SQ0 embezzled. When Baby was sick, we gave br Castorla. YTnen die was a Child, sbe cried for Cfistorla, 'When she beotune IIm, be alung to CMtorta, When she bad Chlldrw, she gave them CastorU Wneu you waut good rooting, plumbing gas fitting, or general tiuiHrnlthlug done call on 15. V. Gallagher, 18 Wtst Centre st i-eet. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf Splendid Crops nnd Good Times Are in sight In all portions of tho country traversed by the Hues of the Chicago Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway. Corn, wheat, oats, barley aud flax In Northern Illinois, Wisconsin, .Michigan, Missouri, Iown, Minnesota, South nnd North Da kota. Now Is the time to go West and look over the country. For further infor mation address W. E. I'owell, general immigration agent, Old Colony building, Chicago, 111., or John R. 1'ott, district passenger agent, Wllliamsport, Pa. 7-20-eod-3t A cargo of GOO Ions of coai bas been re ceived at San Francisco from Cook's inlet, Alaska. - A Household Treasuro D. W. Fuller, of Canalobarle, N. Y.. says that he always keep Dr. King's New Lit.scovery in tne nouse and nis tamllv has always found the very best results follow ItJ use; that he would not be without It, if procurable. G. A. Dykeman, druggist, Catskill, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly the best- coucu remedy; that he has used it iu his family for eight years, aud it has never failed to do all that is claimed for It. Why not try a remedy so long tried and tested. Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug store. Regular size GOc. and 1.00. Sprnnir Any Lenlrs Lately We can't stop the leaks from the clouds t. 211, tbe plumber, corner Main and Ci:vo streets, can stop nil your leaks In water and gas v., w.i:i tt'. faction. Pare fruit with a silver or plated kniie, if .you would not stain yoar fingers. Heller In Six Honrx. Distressing kidney and bladder diseases relieved iu six hours by the "New Great South American Kiduoy Cure." This new remedy is a great surprise on account of lis exceeding promptness In relieving pain lu the bladder, kidneys, b.tek and every part of the urinary passages in male or female. It relieves retention of water aud palu iu passing it almost Immediately, f you want quick relief and cure this is your remedy. Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist, 107 S. Main street. NOTICE OP APPEALS. Notlro is hereby Riven by the tinderslfrncd Schuylkill County Commissioners, to the tnxn b'e inhabitants and other owners of property within said countv that nppcalrt relating to the assessments innde for 1893 will be held for the several boroughs and townships of tbo county ns follows : ror Pincirro"o borough, f'incfjrovo nnd Washington townshlns. at Edward Hummel's hotel HI i esrrove. t 10 A. si., Tuesday July 33rd. I-'or Tower City and forter townlbii, at Win. tynVc.'Jiotel Tower City, Wednesday July 21. I Vtr".0.'r!r,4w-.Tremonl, Frniley nnd Itellly townships nt Iillicld'Sfclfo'im Trcmunt, Thurs lay July 25. For Mlnersvlllr boro 'Rh Cass, Foster nnd Brand) townships at fierce JIahers hotel, Mill crville, Fridn. July 26. , ForMBhnnoy City borough, Delano Kline Ityan nnd Malinnoy townships, at Knler'a hotel, Mauanoy City, 10 A. M . Monday July 29. For Shenandoah, at I3enJinln Klcharda hotel Tuesday July 30. For Union, North and Ea Union townships, at Isaac Aplegate's lio'el, Rlngtoivn, Wednes day July 31. Pr mlltprtnn nnd FrAckvllle borouirus and W ft Malm ioy townships atGeorgo Haldzuhn's. Hotel, Jiananoy riane, iniirsuHy auku Fi r Tninanua borough Itahn, Hus , chuyl kll nnd Walker townships, at the United States hotel, Tamao.ua, 9 A. M Mondnv .ligust 15. For West I'enn towhshlp at William Mantz's hotel, Wehr 1. O. 10 A. sr.. Tuesday August 6. For New KlnBgold nnd Por Clinton boroughs nnd Fast Brunswick townhip at Koch's hotel, New Hlnggold, Wednesday, August 7. For Orwicsbure and Ijuidhmvl lo boroughs. West Brunswick nnd Soutli Manhcim town ships n iho Arcadian Hotel, Orwigsburg, Thurs day, Augu-tb. For hchuylkill Haven, Auburn nnd Cressonn boroughs, 1 nyne township, nnd for Mcllot's nnd focht's district of North Manbelm town. Blilp nt Itoberl Ebllng's hotel, Schuylkdl Haven Friday, August 9. ForGlrnrdvillo boiough and the East nnd North Districts of Butler township at Louis Blass' hotel, Girardvillo, at 10 A. sr., Monday AnmiRt 12. For Ashland and Gordon boroughs and the South, West and Norlhwcst districts of Butler township nt the Union house Ashland. Tuca .1... 1 I? For Barry township and tie East district ot Eldred at Hillerman's lotel Taylorsvllle, Wed nesday, AtlgUbt 14. For Hrgln's township nt Sclioffstnll's hotel. Valley View, nt 9 A. sr., Thursday, August 15. For Ilubley.townshipat the Sacramento hotel at 2 r. sr., Thursday, Augut 1 ForMnhnntongo township nt D. K. Heplcr'i hotel nt 9 A. sr., Friday, August 10 For West district Eldred township nt 2 r. sr., Friday, August 16, at D. M. Snyder's hotel, For Saint Clair. Palo Alto and Port Carbon boroughs and New Castle township nt the court house. Hottsvillp. Monday. August 19. For Yotkviile nnd Mount Carbon boroughs nnd Norwegian, East Norwegian and McDer mott's nnd Brown's districts of North Manhelm township, nt the court house, Pottsvlllo, Tues day, August 2H. Forlilytho township. New Philadelphia nnd Sliddleport horonglis nt tho court house, Potts ville, Wednesday, August 21. For the Northwest, Middle nnd Soutli wards of Pottsvllle at the court house. Thursday, Au gust 22. For tho Southeast, Northeast, North and Sev enth wards of ottsville nt the court house, Fri day, August 23. Appeals will be heard between the hours of 9 and 12 A, si., and between 1 and 5 p, si., excopl where it is otherwise stated. All persons who feel themselves agrieved by the assessments aud valuation of their monerly roreque ted to attend, for redress at the time and plac ns anovo siniea lor cacu uisirici. The greatest discovery of the nge I A certain, pleasant, permanent cure, A lifetime's suffering ended for ?3.00. Why smoke and spit your life away ? Why sutler from dyspepsia, heartbnrn, nnd drains on your vital forces ? Stop using tobacco, but stop the right way I Drive tho nicotine from your system by tbe use of this wbn derful remnly. NAncon-CDitn is warranted to re move all desire for tobacco in every form, including Cigar, Cigarette nnd Ripe Smoking, Cbewiug and Snuff Taking. Use all the tobacco yon want while under treatment, and in from four to ten days your "hankering" and "craving" will disappear the weed won't tasto good. Then throw away tobacco forever. Nakcoti-Cukb is entirely vegetable aud free from Injurious ingredients. It never fails to give tone and new vigor to the weakest constitution. Keinember Naucoti-Cuke doesn't deprive you of tobacco while effecting a cure ; doesn't ask you to buy several bottles to be entitled to a guarantee ; doesn't require a month's treatment ; and, finally, doesn't enable you to stop tobacco only to find yourself 11 slave to the habit of tablet chewing. With Nauc ti-Cviie, when you are through with tobacco, you are through with the remedy. One bottle cures. Send for bonk of prominent testi monies like the following : HUNTINGTON. Mass , March 18, 1893. The NAncoTi ChesiicaL Co , Ppriiigllcld, Mns , uentlenicn : I havo need tobacco for over iivemy-uve year-, cnew nig ami smok ing every day from 7 n. m. to 9 p. 111. aton ing only for meal". On Monday, February i, I called nt vour ofllco In Springfield, nnd bousht n liniMa .,1 tho Cciie which I used os directed, nnd on-1 1110 iciuu nay mo uoMre lor louacco hsd left tne nnd it 1ms not returned. I did not loso n meal while taking tho Ci-Rr.. My appetito has improved and I consider NArtcoTl-CcnE n grand thing. Very respectfully, CHAS. 1. LINCOLN. Mr. Frank H. Morton, of Chlconce Falls. Mass., late Inspector of Public Buildings I used tobacco for twenty-five years, nnd wns a confirmed smoker. In just eight dnV treatment w-llb NAiirnTt.CrnT- T wno through with tobacco, in fact thedfsiro for tooncco vanished like a dueasi. Very respectfully, FRANK IS. MOItTON. If your druggist is unable to give full particulars about NAiicoTi-CtntE. send to us for Rook of Particulars lree, or send fo.OO for bottle by mail. The Narcoti Chemical Co., SPRINGFIELD ,MAS8 E. B. FOLEY, FINE ; GROCERIES 201 West Centre Streot. - Dealer in groceries, flour, prcvis'inu, teas ofie&setc. God d ell vered free' Blackberry are ripe. Ituckuell University. John Howard Harris, president of tho collego, with four coursos of study leadlug to degrees; academy for boys; ladles' in stitutoj inusio sohool. Thirty-acre campus and ten buildings, including now gym naslum, new laboratory and new observa tory. For catalogue, outs of buildings and other information, address the Itegistrar, Wm. C Grelzinger, Lewlsburg, Pa. 19-2w Gilt frames should be washed with rain water with a little flowtr of sulphur dis solved in it. Last summer one of our grand children waB slok with a severe bowel trouble. Our doctor's remedies bad failed, then we tried Chamberlain's Collo, Choleia aud Diarr hoea Itemedy, whloh gave very speedy relief. We regaril it as the best medicine ever put on the market for bowel com plaints. Mrs. K. G.- Gregory, Frederirks town, Mo. This certainly Is tbe best ined leiuo over put on the market for dybentery, summer ooinplaiut, colic and cholera in fantum in children. It never falls to give prompt relief when used in reasonable time aud the plain printed directions arc followed. Many mothers have exprehsed their sincere gratitude for tbe cures it has effect ed. For sale by Gruhler Bros., drug- gUte. All fensanllty is one, though it takes many forms; all purity is one. Tboreau. A National Typewriter, almost new and in perfect condition, for sale cheap. In quire at Herald oftice. Genuine simplicity of heart is a ben'ing and ctmentin principle. Burke. The best Salve iu the world for Cuts, Brurses, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever 8dres, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, Corns, nnd all Skiu Eruptious, and posi tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or money refunded. Price 23 cet'ts per box. For sale by A. Wasley. & N 0 Longer an Experiment. S We are here to Stay. We have proven to the merchants of this city and vicinity that we can sell as cheap as they can buy ' in Philadelphia or New York and save them tie freight. We invite any merchant who has not called on us to come and be convincea'. TH0S. fLMMIIRI Wholgle Grocers. 'M No. 105 S. St., Shenandoah, Pa. 1 The Last fering Mid-Summer SaleVlillinery Goods, Consisting of trimmed legit sailor and Knox hats from Ho hats from 20c. up. Silk mull embroidered hats reduced lo Morning goods very cheap. from S1.25 to S2.50. Lare line of beli-tun Kl.25. Plain sailor for lGe. "Ladies untrimmed , Infants caps 6c. up. Icfants' and children's hats 60c. Crape bonnets from SI. 73 to $2.25. from 1.25 up. , Cover Ihe bauds with paptr bsgu while blacking tbe store. Rational NEURALGIA and similar Complaint, manntaotnrea nnaer tne stringent GERMAN MEDICAL LAWS. II It ... t A 1 t- - A injjrcBCHDeaDy eminent puysioiansij DR. RICHTER 8 fi& ftl A Bl i OnW mmulne with Trade Mark"Anchor."l JlianufacturoriOomiuer.iPTiraihDr linbtcrof I IF. Ad. nichter&Co.,17Wirreact.,HSW JCILI 29 HIGHEST AWARDS. 12 Branch Bonees, Own Glassworks. 1 2S & 60 i'H. in Bhcn tndoiilt sale y V V 1) Kirlm bM. main wt , .1. M lllllnl . 71- M.1111 M , II iU -Vtenbuih, N. JJ mr Mum &j Bf n-- 1.1. iT.a CHAS. P. ALLEN. 1 FRANK ItENTZ, V County Commissioners. JNO. P. MARTIN.J Atifi' Iinr.. .T. (InxSKLL. Comrulsaloners Olllce, Poltsvllle. Pn July 2, 1695 2,6,9,13,16,20,83 OPEN EVERY DAY ! Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms for nainlose oxtractlon of teeth. Gold and Silver flllinft. If your artiflcal teeth do not suit you oU to w-nt. All osarai- nations free, wo make all kinds of plates. Gold OrownB, Aluminum Orowns, Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge Work and nil operations that pertain to Dental Surgory. No charges for oxtracting when plat' are ordered. "We are tho only users of vitalized air for the painless extraction of teeth. Slieaaudoalt Doiital Itooius (TITMAN8" Ii'LQOKy-''- East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Office Hours; 7 a. m. to 8 p. m. Your Stomach Cnnnot fetaud ll.v mune w&thiuw that your noon do, una uie water jou uruiK m' . fl (...il, IT.,.. Lorenz Schmidt's Beor aud Porter JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Dranoh. MRS. 26 Soutnl IJ. KElLY, Streot, Shenandoahj Pa. Cry womasm rdf'Mi. nonthlr. rcralatlnc medioine y-Mgs should be useJ. II you want th but, get Onlr barmUss OSd Ucsult In 4 weeks. vn SCM el er For Sale 'pd certain In result. The t enalrie (Or. Peal's) oererdlsap tArei.w. Aaareu r&u. mkdicime u uevsisna, u. , ib. KIBLIK, Shenandoah, Pa. JS CHINES1 :-: LAUNDRY, 1 T No, 10 Kwin Street, Shenandoah, Pa. Clothes of all dioscrintion nBP up 1 a first class'mannor. I can refer to seorte -DC l il,tn .. tn .mvnshlnff nnrl filinorinr nAntnasa in Ininrf nn nlntli. m CHAHLES LEE, Manager. K J 4 ing: Ids my work better ami Garden's Stfall Paper Stor': Vo havo Just received rfio of the most beautiful and artistic papers 1,1 market, which we wllffery reasoname prices, we nave also in great deal of last yeary18 which we are selling at a sacrifice. Co see our lino ot goods & v ueuumui unu urns 11c paperg. Largest Paper Store g"n. Finest Stock and Lowest 3". 3ES-A-.3D3E!3Ji House, Sign and Decoratfting- 224 West Centr firs promptly attended to. , For Scleutitio Dentistry go n Dr, J. Donald rd, Fifteen years actual expe Amalgam aud Porcelaliij Urowna, l'orceiain urow urowns. west teeth s made at auy iirico with vitalized air, Without air, 25c. Al' whore teoth are out AliL AVOItll GUAItANTl Ludv nUeudaut ahvoye Office hour : livery da, buiidays 1 to 3 J ence, front room, up ti nnuoiui, tin t, Gold luum bettor racted :racted mado pates. ltl-' r j i i GREAT REDUCTION Ofirdnie'r millinery, incl' t -.i!- ir:.,s.i 1 ft.:ij. , and bonnets. Special bargains in mourning goods. Prices the lowest. ( x Alice Jennings, 214 South Main Street Advsrti4in The HeralcL 1 ) J