The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 22, 1895, Image 4

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1883 IlCltNMill OCT-
MOV DAY, .TtriA' 22, 1808.
OAMPBKl.t- On the 20th lust., at SUen
amloali, I'a., Thomas, son of Patrick and
Mary Campbell, aged 10 years and 16
days. Funeral will take place on Tues
day, 33rrt inst., at 10 a. m., from tlie family
res Id en c on South Bowers street. Ser
vices in the Annunciation church, on
AVest Cherry street. The funeral will pro
ceed to St. Clair via the lt:4S a. in, Venn
aylrania It. It. train. llelatlves and
friends respectfully Invited to nttuud. !2t
A Katlonul Typewriter, almost now niul
in perfect condition, for sale cheap. In
quire at Hkuald office.
Splendid Crops niJd Good Times
Are in sight in nil portions of the country
traversed hy the linos of the Chicago
Milwaukee & St. Paul Hallway. Com,
wheat, oats, barley and flux In Northern
Illinois, Wisconsin, Mlchlgau, Missouri,
Iowa, Minnesota, South and North Da
kota. Now is the time to go AVest and
look over the country. For further Infor
mation address YV. K. Powell, general
immigration agent, Old Colony hulldlng,
Chicago, 111., or John It. Pott, district
passenger agent, YVllllaniBport, Pa.
Don't forget that Coluuihta Beer Is made
of the hest hops and malt that this nud
foreign markets can afford. It is thoroughly
fermented, which makes It ahsolutely pure
and wholesome. Its equal Is not made.
A UlojoloTrlp.
12. B. Brumm, T. T. Bedford, F. Portz
and "William Nelinau, who started for
Philadelphia vesterday morning, nt i
o'clock, on hlcycles, reached their destlna.
tiou atfl:30 o'clock last evening after a very
pleasant run.
Humor is wit and love. Thackeray.
Good Oirer.
Attention is called to the advertisement
offering two valuable properties on White
street for ale.
Soft is the music that would charm for
ever. Wordsworth.
Thousands are suffering excruciating
misery from that plague of the night,
Itchine Piles, and say nothing about it.
through a sense of delicacy. Instant relief
in Doan's Ointment. It never fails.
The Spanish
Savannah, Ga.,
Eteamer, Ida, put into
with fire in her coal hunk-
The hest Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcors, Salt Hheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and post-
tlvelv cures Piles, or no pay required. It
isf guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 ceuts per box
For sale by A. Wasley.
The Alabama Coal & Commercial Co.
has applied for a charter in Florida.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved In six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain iu
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages iu male ofemale-r
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold at the City Pharmaoy, 107
South Main street, next to the post office,
Shenandoah. Pa. l-0-3ni
Terrible Accident to n Tarty of Men Near
Wlltlnlnatnwn, Mns.
Wiluamstowk, Mass., July 3S. Four
jnon wore instantly killed whllo crossing
the Fltchburg railroad track, about two
miles from this place yesterday nfteruoou.
A party of six men wore riding In a two
seated covorod carriage Thoy wore re
turning to North Adams from Benulng
ton, and worn struck by n west bound ex
press. Two of the men, Clarence Prlndle
nnd Edward White, both of Williams.
town, escaped by jumping. The killed
were: Oliver Dudley, Nolson Trudenu,
Peter Kocke and Joseph Tayton, all of
North Adams.
As tho men approached the crossing a
freight train was passing oastwnrd. Thoy
wnlted until the caboose of the freight
train had eono by nnd then started to
procood, apparently not seolng tho west
bound train, which was advnuclng at ex
press speod. Tho carriage was directly
cross tho tracks whon tho ouglno struck
It. Prlndlo and White, catohlng a glimpso
of tho oncoming train, had just time to
shriok nnd jump, thereby saving their
lives. Tho othor man, with the carriage
and one of tho horses, was hurled Into
the nir and came down In nn lndoscrlblo
Dudley was tho only one who breathed
nfter tho accidont, and ho expired aftor a
low brief gasps. Tho others lay lu n quiv
ering mass among tho broken and twisted
remnants of the carriage. Tho mangled
enrcass of tho horse lay a Uttlo atono sldo,
whllo beside it, and attached to it by tho
harness, stood Its mato uninjured.
As soon as possible the train was stopped
and several people rushed to tho scene.
The bodies wore taken out from among
tho wreckage and borno to tho baggago
car, and thsnco to tho Pownnl, Yt., sta
tion, half a mile beyond. It Is stated that
both engineers whistled and rang tho bell
at tho propor dlstanco from the crossing,
but that theso signals were cither un
heard or disregarded by the men in tho
The Latter WUI Malto Another Kllbrt to
Defeat the Xew Yacht.
New York, July 22. Whon tho Vigi
lant, moots tho Dofondcr over a triangular
course of thirty mllos outsldo of Sandy
Hook this afternoon sho will carry a larger
club topsail than that undor which sho ap
peared on Saturday, whon tho Dounder
defeated her by 2 min. 4a socs
mile race to windward nnd looword. She
will also have a bigger balloon Jib top-
will, and ltte fair to presume that tho sail
area added by those changes will assist no
little In sending tho yncht through tho
wntor faster than sho went on Saturday.
Bollovccs In her ability to loot the now
boat In light weather nre, howover, fovv in
number, oven though sho carry additional
Nobody knows definitely what tho Do-
fonder can do in a strong wind. It Is be
lieved that she ran at least equal Valkyrie
III, whlh boat was plainly built for light
woathor. Mr. Isolln and Captain Hull
hnvo no fear of tho result in a hard wind.
but tho public wants to know with cor
tatnty thut the keel vessel Is ifnnll nrmind
boat. If It could Ik- possible to judge from
Saturday's performance, It might bo said
that sho is all rlcht, for in tho breezo
that did prevail the Defender stood up
stralghtcrthan the Vlgilant.and Increased
her lend In proportion to tho strengthen
ing of tho wind.
Mr. lllard.who has charge of tho Vigi
lant, was wllliutr to admit today that his
boat was outsailed on Saturday, but ho
holds tho opinion that he can still glvo tho
now boat a closer race. All tho sailors
who have hitherto been Insistent that tho
ceuterboard model was superior to tho
keel nre vory modest In their usser
tlons today. They poldt tho fact
that never betore was a ceuterboard
beaten bv a keel, and declare that there
must bo further test boforo thoy will con
fess defoat. They have dropped their
boastful manner, though, and aro only
preparing a gentle fall for themselves to
tho theory that tho fin keol, or "compro
mise," as they call It, Is the proper thing,
after all.
White Oloreo, Snllor lints nnd Perishable
Cliimm 1'nratols.
Thero Is ft fanoy In Paris for whlto
glovos stitched with white. The fashion
o white gloves, unless they bo wash leath
er one, is oxpeuslve, for in order to bo
wcnrnblo they must be immnoulnto. Noth
ing looks worso than soiled white gloves.
This rovived stylo is becoming only to
email, well shaped hnnds nud should be
avoided by women with largo estromltlos,
ns white gloves, like white shoes, linvo a
magnifying effect.
The sailor hat is perennially fashionable
apparently. It is most correct whon prac
tically untrimmed that Is, whon finished
with a plain band but ornamented onos
have come more or less id the front for
several years past nnd nro scon ngalu tills
season. They are not ndoruod quite llko
thoso of last summer, which, with their
symmetrical bundles and choux, alike to
n hair on each side, reminded ono of a sldo
wheel steamer. A llttlo diversity is now
perrnlttod, and a tall spray or loop breaks
Heading Disbands.
The Heading Mate League Base Ball
Club plaved its last game on Saturday and
disbanded for good. Torrevson and Hut-
term oro have Piuocd with Titusville. lleurv
and Beaumont go to Hridgetou, N. J., nnd
veaou nnn i.verson nave slgntd with Car
lisle. Michael will leave for his home at
Pittsburg, while Leanion and Leldy are
undecldt-d unit ale considering PeveinUflat
tetiog offers.
OrliUtU Won tho Ituco.
Jnkyn Griffith, of Mahanov Cilv. de
feated Billy Woodward, of Ashland, in a
hundred yard foot race at the latter pUce
Saturday. It was to be a scratch statt
and il they fnilid to get off inside of half
an hour they were to he started by pistol
shot. This was the result and a pistol-flrer
was cho'eu. Botn men left the scratch to
gether, Griffith winning by about tour feet.
Purse, $100.
Poison iu tlio Outs.
Several mules owned by tha Philadel
phia & Heading Coal & Iron Compauy, at
Draper colliery, have died within the post
few days, and all the others in the stable
have been sick. An investigation showed
that the oats with which they were being
fed was mixed with arsenic.
Tho l'ottsvllte Institution Was
uially Opeuert Today.
The Only Remedy in the World that Kofuuds Parch so
Price if it Fails to Cure tho
10 Dnys is
Tobncco Habit in 4 to
It Cures While Lj ou Continue the Use
of Tobacco.
Tin TTtnnnfnnv ht ctatull rrr n r nn fVin In ft".
in a thirty , , TJ, uhl -niinr .t i worn bv
women who npprecluto tho fltnoss of
things and who prefer to put tholr furbo
lows on something that is not intended
essentially for rough and ready woar.
Plain wiilto is much worn this season, as
It wos last 'Whenever It Is fashionable
comments aro modo ns to lta troubloaomo
Inosa, nud it doos Indeed demand to bo kept
In tho bust ol order. It is no moro deli
cate, howover, than light colors and washes
inflnitoly better, being almost In
looking as will after it Is washed as It did
Chiffon parasols nro particularly mvored
this year and aro as dainty as could bo do-
slred, but aro ospensivo to buy ami ol
short lived beauty, chiffon being, a ma
terial which is soiled and crumbled almost
ut n glnnco.
Tho gown Illustrated la or suedo mine.
Tho codct skirt is flnishod with stitch
ing nnd opens on tho left sldo over oquillo
of whlto fnlllo. Tho closo fitting bodlco
jfastens invisibly on the left sldo nnd Is
felightly rounded nwoy nt tlio throat, whoro
it la adorned with embroidery or buouo
Isllk. A largo open flchu oomposcd of two
wido rufllas of laco covers the shonlders
and tho upper part of tlio arnrs and Is held
in place nt the front of tho bodloo by two
straps of bluet velvet fastened with an
tique buttons. A largo collar of velvet
finishes tho neck. Tho sleeves nro tight,
buttoning over tho forearm nnd completed
by a lace ruffle at the wrist,
Strong sonpeuds mixed with stove polish
gives n tine lustre.
When Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla,
When she was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria,
When she had Children, she gave them Castorli
Notice to Applicants for Evening
Applioauts for evening schools are re
quired to have their applications in the
bauds of the Sohool Board oa or before
August 6th. Thoso who desire to be ex
amined for certificates to teach evening
schools will meet the Superintendent at his
office on Thursday, August 1st, at 9 a. m,
747-lt. Superintendent.
Alleced llnrglnrs llri alt .Intl.
MirFLINTOV.-s, Pa., July 2-2. Frank
Evans nnd Joseph West, claiming to bo
respectively irom fuuaueipum anu uni'
capo, who are charged with the Hertzler
burglary at Port Royal last April, broko
joll yesterday and have not been roenp-
tured. They snwbd off the window burs
and used the bod clothes for ropes by
which to reach the Davoment. Purker,
the third member of tho gang, mado a
desperate attempt to escupo during tho
confusion following the discovery, but he
was subdued. A supposed confederate of
the fugitives was nrrostedond Imprisoned.
The robborv of Noah Hortzlor's store oc
curred on the morulug of April 25. Tho
safo was blown open and cash aud securl
ties aearegatliiK over fiw.uou in valuo
were taken.
rather aud Sou Electrocuted.
Philadelphia, July so. two men,
father and son, wore electrocuted by
"live" olectrio light wires belonging to
tho Kenslugtou Electric Light company
on Saturday In tho yard ot tho wheel
wright shop at Nos. 1307 and 1371 Frank-
ford nvonuo. James Lower, aged 53, and
his son John, aged S3, tho proprietors of
the shop, were the victims. Both were
instantly killed. Whether the wires broVo
or tho mon were attempting to take them
down is not known.
New Coats How to Line tlio Fuhlonnme
Tho last departure in jackets shows a
decided change of form from that which
has prevailed hitherto, instonii or u:i
skirt being- so full as to lx ruffled uiul
crimped about tho lower part, tho now
models are straight and perfectly Hat, as if
thov were molded to tnu llguro. The luteal
patterns hnvo these straight backs, with
out oven a seum uown the liiiiiuio ana i n
back forms. This smooth expanse of cloth
is becoming only to women who have a
well rounded waist and hips, but the fash
ion will no doubt bo adopted by everybody
merely beoauso it Is new.
Tho skirts ol the now lacKots are aouui
the samo longth as thoso heretofore worn,
but look longer because of their ostromo
flatness. One of theso coats has front, sides
nnd back without more fullness than an
ordinary waiter's jacket. It is rounded at
tho fronts, is single breasted nud has rory
pointed rovers, a turned over collar and
tho usual big sleove3 drooped at tho el-
Tho P.ttatlili Tfnsnltal will be for-
mally opened to dy. 6a Saturday the!
interior was iuspected by a Ir.rge number
of people, a reception being held by the
Ladles' Auxiliary from 4 r si. to 8 P. M'
The building is a large square brick
three-stories high, and is located on a slight
elevation at the corner ot Mauch Chunk
and Jackson streets.
The ttjff consist' of the fallowing :
Superintendent Mies Elizsbetb Evans, for
merly of bt. Luke's hospital: Assistant
Narse,- Miss Jeannetle Flynn, formerly of
St. Luke's; Student Kline, Bliss May
Sturnian, of Mecbanlcsvilte, Clerk, Miss
Lottie Christian; Resident Physician, Dr.
Harry W. Dechert, of Schuylkill Haven,
Orderly, Charles T. Warren. The staff of
town doctors for July and August, is com
posed of Dr. J. H. oswnvinB, surteon; Dr.
R. 8. Cbrisman, physician; Dr. A. A.
Seibert, specialist.
Lebiuh Vnlley Hnilroad.
Special rate of single tare the round trip
to Baltimore, on account of Baptist Young
People's Union convention. Tickets sold
July lGth and 17th, limited for return to
August nth.
Mrs. lthodie Noah, of this place, was
taken in the nicht with cramping pains and
the next dav diarrhoea set iu. She took
half a bottle of UlacKoerry coram mil got
no relief. She then sent to me to see 11 t
had auvthine that would help her. I sent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic.
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Remedy and the
first dose relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a week
and had tried dillerent remedies for
diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent
him tula same remeuy. uniy lour uoses oi
it wore required to cure him. lie says he
owes his recovery to this wouderlul rem
edy, Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich,
For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
Bucknell University.
John Howard Harris, president of tho
college, with four courses of study leading
to degrees; academy for boys; ladles' in
stitute; music school. Thlrty-acro campus
and ten buildings, including new gym
nasium, new laboratory and new observa
tory. For catalogue, cuts of buildings and
other information, address the Registrar,
Wm. C. Grelzinger, Lewisburg, Pa. 19-2v
Buv Keystone tiour. Be -t- mat ll.r
nameLussio & Baek, Asi-aca. Hm.. i
printed on every sack. ti
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oils,
Our delivery wagon will do the rest.
E clips 0 i Company,
Oils, Gasoline, Caudles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, Etc.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa
Mall orders promptly attended to1
The greatest discovery of the age I
A certain, pleasant, permanent?
A lifetime's suffering ended for
Why smoke and spit your life
away '! Why suffer from dyspepsia,
heartburn, and drains on your vital
forces ?
Stop using tobacco, but stop the
right way ! Drive tho nicotine from
your system by the use of this won
derful remedy.
NAncoTi-cuitE is wnrrauted to re
move all desire for tobacco lu every
form, Including Cigar, Cigarette and
Pipe Smoking, Chewing nnd Snuff
Use all the tobacco you want while
under treatment, and in from four to
ten days your "haukeriug" and
"craving" will disappear the weed
won't taste good.
Then throw away tobacco forever.
NAKCOTi-CnitE is entirely vegetable
and free from injurious ingredients.
It never fails to give tone and uew
vigor Vo tho weakest constitution.
Remember XAitcoTl-CunE doesn't
deprive you of tobacco while effecting
a cure ; doesn't ask you to buy several
bottles to be entitled to a guarantee ;
doesn't require a month's treatment ;
and, finally, doesn't euable you to
stop tobacco ouly to find yourself a
slave to the habit of tablet chewing.
With NAltc Tl-Cviin, when you
are through with tobacco, you are
through with the remedy. One bottle
Send for book of prominent testi
niouteh like the following :
Hpstisoton, Mass., Mnreli 18, 1S95.
The Nakcoti Chemical Co.,
PprhiKlieUI, Mis.,
Gentlemen : I lmve used tolmeco for
over twenty-five yean, clien iiiR and smok
ing every day from 7 n. m. to a p, ui. slop
inir only for menl.
Uu Monday, Fcbrunry4, I called nt your
olllce in Springfield, nnd bought n bottle ol
the CfliE which I used as directed, ami oil
the tenth day the detlre for tobncco htd
left me nnd It 1ms not returned. I did not
lo-o a meal while taking the Cuke. My
nnpetlte has improved and I consider
Nabcoti-Ci'KE n Brand thing.
Very respectfully,
Mr. Prank H. Morton, of Chlcopco Falls,
Mas., late Inspector of Public Buildings
for Massachusetts, says :
I used tobacco for twenty-flvo rears, and
was ft confirmed smoker. In Just eight
days' treatment with Naecoti-Cche I was
through with tobacco, In fact the desire for
tobacco vanished like a dream.
Very respectfully,
If your druggist is unable to give
full particulars aboutNAncoTi-CoitE,
send to us for Book of Particulars
free, or send $3.00 for bottle by mall.
The Narcoti Chemical Co.,
No Longer an Experiment.
:-: We are here to Stay.
We have proven to the merchants ol this city ana vicinity that
we can sell as cheap as they can buy in Philadelphia or Nev
York and save them the freight.
We invite any merchant who has not called on us to come
and be convinced.
Wholesale Grocers,
No. 105 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
1 -
Sin U a basilisk
venom. Quarlos.
whose eyes are full ot
Relief lu Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney aud bladder diseases
rlleved In six hours by the "New Great
South Amerioan Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a grant surprise on account of Us
aacceedlng promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female,
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this Is your
remedy. Sold by Isaao Shapira, druggist,
I0T S. Slain street.
A Plucky Woman with a Revolver.
PlTTSBUlto, July as. lion Hlcharus, a
desnerate oolored burglar, was hold u pris
oner tor hours at iuj beconu nvonuo uy
Miss Hnzon Bowman, a pluosy young
women, with a revolver. Miss Howninn
saw the burglar peerlno through a sky
light. Sho pretended to he asleep, ana as
the man (rot half way through the oper
ture she drew her revolver and ordered
him to stop. Iu that condition sho kept
him until an oitloor came along.
The Last Clearing Mid-Summer
Sale of Millinery Goods,
Consiitinc of trimmed leghorn hats from SI. 25 to $2.00. Large line of bell-tup
sailor and Knox hats from 25 cents to $1,25. Plain sailor for 15c. Ladies untrimmed
hats from 20c. up. Silk mull hats $1.00, Infants caps 5c. up. Irfants und children's
embroidered hats reduced to 25c. Silk hats 50c. Crape bonnets from $1.75 to $2.25.
Morning goods very cheap. Uuns veils from Sl.25 up. ,
26 Soutn Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms
for painless extraction of teeth. Gold
and Silver fillings. If your artifical teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All oxami.
Sometimes ceeJa a reliable, monthly, recrnlatinc medlolne. Only harmless and
the purest drugs should be usea. If you want th be-el, get
Ther are prompt, eafo and certain in result. The gonalne (Dr. Fcxd'a) oeTerdUap
oolnt. Seat any where, 81.00. Address Fsal Ukdicivb Co., Cleveland, O.
For Sale by P. 1. D. KIBLIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
No. io North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
ninllina nf nil dir.srrlntlnn npntW dnna nn In n first nlnBs'mjinnflr. T r-ftn rnffir tn annrtw
nations free. We make all kinds of Lffamillea in this cltv as to mv care in washing and suuerlor neatness in doincr un cloth.
Ing, 1 do my worK hotter ana quioker than other laundry in too city.
By ?arohln5 the old
Jap: .itee.
learn the new.
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provihonS; teas
ofleeeeto. God dell vered free'
Three Hurt In a Ituunway.
Woodstown, Pu., July 2S At Point
Airy Station, u few miles from hero,whlle
unloading produce nt me uopot, h team
rontalnlng Franklin Huziiy. his son ami
Simon Wontzell beoHine frightened nt a
nasaluir freiuht train. 1 lie team ran
wildly down the road, throwing out the
three oocupunts. Buzby was injured in
various plaues about the body and his sou
had his arm broken. Wontzell was aUo
slightly Injured.
Disorderly SoclulUU at Sofia,
SOFIA, July 33. After the funeral of
ex-Premier totambulorr on Saturday a
crowd of socialists paraded in front of the
French oonsulate aud cheered for the atti
tude ot the French press on the death ot
Stninbuloff. They then marched to tho
Austrian consulate with the intention to
attack it, but the cavalry prevented this
and uiipersed the socialists.
bows. Indeed the tendency of gleoves to
bag aud drug down at the elbows seem to
inoreaso. Quito as muoh cloth is used as
formerly, but Instead of stiffening that
makes them stand out the new linings are
softer and make the material haug in
rounded fulds
Whatever ma,- be reported, wires ore not
put in the skirts made by tho best dress
makers. Very good lining are employed,
alpaca ur silk instead of ootton, which soon
loses Its firmness, and a facing ot haircloth
ubout it foot deep. The holroloth Is put on
so that the horsehair lies jionzontuuy anil
is fitted flat to the shape of the foot of the
skirt. ThU keeps It well out irom the leet,
while the substantial lining gl.o the sKtrt
body and make the fold round aud rich
looking, , ' .
A sketch 1 given of a tyouae of line
striped taffeta glace ohanglnjr from mauve
to green, more is ihm. iimv m o wiu
dle of the back, while tho fvoit is fulled at
the ehouluer eam uuu wmi anu ua in
the middle a wide plait of blck wttln.
Junib Ciioixet.
plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns,
Login Crowns, Crown and Bridge Work
and nil operations that pertain to Dental
.No charges for extracting when plates
nre ordered. We are tho only users of
vitalized air for the painless extraction of
Sliouaiuloufi. Dental Rooms,
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, 1-.
Office Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Garden's Art Wall Paper Stor
Wo have Just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic paper i,
market, wnicu we win sen at very reasoname prices. v e nave also in
great deal of last year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Co
gee our nnn ui gouus e nave me muni ueuumui aim urituc papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centr
All orders promptly attended to. ;
Hooks & Brown
For Scientific Dentistry go to
Dr, J. Donaldson Ford,
Full lino of
Base Ball Goods
Fifteen years actual experience. Gold,
Amalgam and l'orcelalu fillings, Gout
Orowus, Porcelain Crowns, Aluminum
Crowns. Best teeth flO.00, no better
made at any price. Teeth extracted
with vitalized air, 60c. Bxtraoted
without air, 25o. Allowance mode
where teeth are out on new pi a to.
All Woiik GrAiiANTKKP.
Ladv attendant always present.
Office houis . livery day 1 to 0 p. in-
Suudays 1 to 3 p. m.
)i K. Centre St., Max Ileee9 mid-'
enoe, front room, up stain, Shell-
nndonli, l'tt. -
Celluloid Frames,
Paper Covered Novels, Fine
Stationery, Rubber Stamps, etc,
Agents for Daily Papers.
NO. 4 n. MAIN st Advertise in The Herald.
QnWr millinery, incl
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrenti...
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings, -
214 South Main Street