1 THE best investment in real estate is to. keep build, ings well painted. Paint protects the house and saves repairs. You sometimes want to sell many a good house has remained unsold for want of paint. The rule should 'be, though, "the best paint or none." That means Strictly Pure White ead You cannot afford to use cheap paints. To be sure of getting Strict ly Pure Whitav.Lead, look at the brand ; this one is safe : "John T. Lewis &Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. J Jtliese colors are sold In one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 33 pounds of strictly PUre White Lead the desired shade ; they are In no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors In the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been saved property-owners by having our book on painting ana color-card, Send us a postal card and get row tree. . JOHN T.LEWIS & BROS. CO., rhibdelphi. Jn Efkelt Maki-h 24, lotto. Passenger trams leavo Shenandoah, for Teun Haven .TuUetioti. Mauch Chunk, Le hitjUton, Slntmetoii, White Hall,Catasauqtin, Allerjtovii,Bctlilohotn,Enstou and Weathorly (( at 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m., 12 43. 2 57, 5 27 p m. 1 fur New York and Philadelphia, 6 04, 7 3, 9 15 a. 111., 12 43, 2 57. p. in. For Qua kake, Switchback, Gerkards and Hudsondalo, 9 15 a m. and 2 57 p. m. For "Wilken-Bivrrc, Whits Haven, Pittston, laceyville.Towaniiu, Sayre, Waverly and Elmira. 6 04, 9 15 a ni, 2 57. 5 27 pin. tor Kocbester, uu lalo, Niagara fays ana tho West, 9 15 a. m. ahd'2 37, 5 27 'p.1 hi. For Belvidore, Delaware Waier Gap and Strnudiburg, ft "4 a. m, 257 pt m. l?"r Lnmuertville and Trenton, 9 15 a m. I F.-r Tankhannock, 604,9 15 a. ni.,257,5 27 l). in. F.ir Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 27 p m. For Auburn, 9 15 a in, 5 27 p m. Fur Jeauesville, Leviston and Beaver ilviKtow, f o a. rn., ma p. in. Fnr StocAon and Lumber Yard) 6 04; 7'38j 9 15 a. m 1 43. 2 57. 5 27. 8 08 p.m. For S i'j3rook Junction, Audenried and HazlefW, fl 04, 7 3S; 9 15 a m,'12'43, 2 57,-5 27' and 8 08 p 111. For Scranton, (1 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27 p m. For Hazlehronk. Joddo, Driftdn and Free- la'id, 6 04, 7 3s, U 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Ashland, Girardvillo and Lost Creek, 440, 6 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. in., 12 35,1 40, 4 10, 6 35, 8 22 p. tu. For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carniel : and Shamokin, 13, 11 14 a in, 1 32, 4 2p, 8 22,9 15 p. in. '' , 1 ' ! For Yatesville, Park Place, Mahanoy City and Jlelano, 5 50, fi 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave Shamokin at 5 15,8 15, 11 45 a. 111., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah at 0 04, 9 15 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. 111. Leave Shenandoan fnr Pottsville, fi 04, 3S,9 08, 11 05, 11 30 a.m., '12 43, 2 57,4 10, 1 27, 8 08 p. 111. Leave Pottsville for 6henmjdoah. f, 00, 7 40, 9 05,. 10 15, 11 48 i4 lii., 12 32, 3 00, 4 40 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 -10 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton', 6 04, 7 38 9 15, a.m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 OS p. rn. Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 7 35, 10 05, 11 00 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 56, p. ni. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven, Run, Centralia, Jit. Carniel and Shamokin, 6 45 a. m., 2 40 p. 111, and arrive at Shamokin ai 7 40 a.' pi. and 3 45 p. m. Trains leave Shamokin for Shenandoah ai 7 55 a. 11). and 4 UO p. in., and arrive at Slien .wnnl. ... o In ... 1 no i ( uimuau m. o ty u. ill. uu t,ja t. ill, j Trains leave for Ashland, Girafdvillp and Jjom ureok, 9 4i a. n.,,l2 3 ) p. m. nji vjcuivi v a. till ji. ill , For Hazleton, Blaok Creek Junction, Penu ilaveu Junction, Jlauoh Chunk, Allentown Bethlehem, Eastou and New York, 8 49 a. 111 , 12 30,2 55 p. m. - For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 55 p. nj. For Yatesvilie. Park Place. Mahanov Citi .and Delano, 8 49, U 35 a.m., 12 30, 2 56,4 iji, H U3 p. m. 1 T.nnvA TTa'lfar.i. f.i.. Slinnamlnnli. 8 301 IpIJnt j Leave Shoflaiidph, Ppttsyjlle, 5,55,, i . 1 49,9 32 a. m.2i40 p.iin Leave Pottsville' for Shenaudoah 8 30, t 40 a. m 1 35, 5 15 p. in ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Genl. Supt., i South Bethlehem, Pa,. UHAKL1SS o, LrJt., Ueul. ..Pass. Age, ' Philadelphia, .' A. W. NOiNEMACHER, Asst. O. P. A.. South Bethlohom, Pa. Millions of Dollars Uo up in smoke every year, Take no risks but get your houses stock, furniture, etc., insured in first- is, reliable companies, as repr senu by Pavid ' Iaust, Insurance Agen .120 South Main Street. AlTOi le ana Accidental CornoameB, 'EL KAIER, HAS. BURCHILL) Prop, N oi tli Jlwaiu Street ( llahauoy City Large t and nucst hotel in thbjreglon, Fmeft ace mmodatjoiia. Haudsomo Uxtiirva PI Poc, Rami nillianl Rfiom Atlnchtd. D. BRENNAN, l bor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts. i Beers, "Wines anil Litiuois Choice Temperance prluks, Best Brands of 5 and lOo Cigars ChlchUr KnslUh Diamond llnincf tNNYROYAL PILLS uriEinni mu whij wi Art, 4iwy rUUUe. LAD Proarlrt tor CJMcktr'& Enoli motui Brand la lied kudXioid ll.UUnl And ftnl flnntn. hum via- msUllu haiM. MAi&d litL blue ribboa. Take "lULlef for lmdU,n Uer, by return WHILE Fearful Collision Between Two Italian Passenger Steamers. HUNDRED AND FIFTY-EIGHT LOST, The Stcntner Ortigia Cradles Into the Mn ' tin 1. nml tho Lattnr Vessel Sank In Thtpo Sllnutcs Only Twenty-eight Porsoiu Survlvcil tho Disaster. ' GENOA, July 22. The Italian stearrjorfl Ortigia and Jfnrlii V. collided of Isla del Pinto, at tho entrance of tho Gulf of .Go uoa. Tho hitter sank and 148 passoniers: ware drowned. Tho Mnrja P. was bound from Naples td La Plata. Thero vfn& a crow of soVoriteon and tho passoilgerfl numbered 173. Sho was calling horo oil routp trt hot1 destlna tion. She was ontorlng the Gulf of Genoa nt 1.80 o'clock yostorday morning, whon she met tho Ortigia, outward bound. They only noticed each other when o, col lision was luovltable. Tho blow of tho Ortogla crashed into the starboard sldo of thoIarla P.,polifttraU lngslx yards, and ripping Up tho Jlarla P. llko matchwood. Tho water rushed In through tho hole, and tho Marin P. sank lit threo. minutes. The majority of the passongors wero asleep at tho time of the accident, and had uo time to oscnpo after the alarm was given. They woro ongulfed with tho ves sel. Tho Ortigia remained on the spot until 6 o'clock In order 'to pick up tlio sur vivors. She rescued fourteen Of tho.orow and twenty-eight of the passcugors of the Maria P. Other stcamors have been dis patched to tho scone of tho dlsas,tor, und aro now searching for further survivors. The Ortlgla's bow was gmnsheil for a. spaco of twelve feot along tho water1 Hue, There is somo comment 'upon tho fact brought to mind by thJ disaster that the' Ortlgln once collided on tho eonlO spot with the French steamer Undo Joseph. At tho conclusion of the sitting of the chamber yesterday nt Ropic, tho iplnlstcr' of marine announced the news of tho dis aster In tho midst of u profound sensa tion, adding that nn officer, a soai)lan, a stoker and 141 passongers of the Mnrln P, had perished. Tho Ortogla had twenty-flre passengers on board. The Maria P.'s captain was numed Forrarn. Tho chainbor has orderod an Inquiry Into the disaster. The sky was overcast at tho tlmo of tho accident, and there was llttlo sue. Both captains wcro asleep, and the third ofllcer, Revello, W)is o,n watch qn the prtjgla; aUA' Second' OUlcor DfAngel'o wnS.on watch on , tho Maria P. Tho Ortigia was going a tho irate of eloveu mllos' un hour 'arid thij Mu-' rln P. at tho rate of eig'ht miles. Both ves-1 sols saw tho lights of tho otlior and con tinued on their proper roads till the mis-1 toko was mado, It Is not established by( whom,, which brought tho Maria P. broad side towards tho Ortigia. , Third Officer Revollo of tho Ortigia, saw tho danger and ordered tho engines roversed, but tho order ,came too, lato. Ail tno noats oi tne urtigia woro low ered, and tho crows' rescued all they could of the survivors. Tho lnttcr, for tho most part, remain In such a state of terror since tho rescuo that they aro Ur(ablo to glVo a single, detail of tho dlsastar.' Captain b errara. who was saved, salu that he was slooplng in his cabin when ho was nwokoncd by cries and shouts and a groat noise. Hd rushed upon deck and 6aw the Ortigia backing olT.whllo his own ship was sinking. Seeing that all was lost ho jumpod into the &ii, whore he was picked up by tho Ortlgla's boat. A passenger named Balena, a Jeweler, was on board with his wlfo ana throe young children. Ho suld that ho had not turned in whon tho collision occurred. Ho solzed two of tho ohlldren, ntid his wlfo caught up the third, and they ran upon deck and jumped Into the sea. The chil dren wolghed him down and ho sank after a hard struggle, When )io came to the surface, his children had disappeared, His wife hod managed to cling to a piece of yreokngo till file Ortlgla's boat saved her. They lost everything. Second Officer D'Angolo.of tho Maria P., who was pn watch on that sh(p when she was struck by the Ortigia, ,wns drowned. Among the saved is u child or 8 years, who Is tho only survivor1 of n fnmlly of seven who wont down with tho 111 fated ship. . , ' Serfoualy Injured at a Fire. x ') GuTTENUEKd, N. J.. July ;i: Three . ( . 1 : 1 . 1 1 l . ' nouses anu u noipi, owueii uy .urs, unro liue Asnius, wero badly damalred b'y.flro, andjtho occupants had a harrow ase'apo for tneir uaos. it was, several -were iui juretl. Mrs, Kull, wife of Frederiek Kiill, a baker, who occupied onii of tho houses, leaped f rbm' u window t6 oscapo the flames, and wna probably fatally Injured. One or Hull's sons, who also jumped from a win dow, was ulso'very seriously injured, It Is thought Internally. A little girl, who was staying with' Irs. Asnius, In attempt ing to oscapo, fell down a lllght or stairs and WU5 found in an unconscious condi tion. , Another. Alleged flllbUsterer. New York, 'July 22. The single screw steamer Cauca cleared this port for soa yestorday afternoon, bound on what la hnllnveil to be a Cuban flUbustorlnir expe dition! Shq flow the flag of, the United States of Colombia at the peak and tho French flag at the storn. fane is com, TnuTiilnil hv Pimtain Hormnhol. The SUD' posltlou Is that she 'will lay to soniewn'ero between this ana qno or tne uuuuu purm and take on men ana crows. Wanted to Lynch the Umpire. Otrriioi'. 'ills'. July 22! Alter the base- ball game yestorday the crowd made an attonint to Ivneh Umpire Frank Heath, of Pontlac, Ills., and was only preventod by the" police und sheriff, the latter being baoked Up by a posse. It was claimed that Iheuihplre had robbed the Qulnoy nine of yesterday and Saturday's gaines. He was roughly jhaudIcpytfore;the officers could Another Ylctiiil of the Crlcsann'. New IiOsdon. July 22. The, second fa tality resulting froin fhe accident fbat bappeued on the torpqdo boat Ericsson last weeki occurred when David Cody died yestorday morning, HJs parents, who reside In Worcester, Mass, wero with him when death came. Ills home was 111 Jer eov City, wheru he loavos a widow and 0ne child. i The Death Watch on To Murderers, Washington, July 22. The death watch wan vastordav set On Joseph A. Beam and Thomas A. Tuvlor. who ure to be hung hero on Friday next, the former for the,. murder or his siepuaugnter, uuiuuiwt HI iLDIN All Hor Uro Itoppj' Release at Last of Miss AHco Totniff, tIio Resides at 302 Alexander Street, Rochester, N. Y. (fVom Tfocnesfcr Democrat and Chronicle.') Our representative was received very pleasantly at B92 Alexander Street, by Miss Alice Young, who told' how since childhood Sho liatl been hold In the bond hgo of paiu from her buck, hover re lncmberlng tho time that sho had not suf fered pain or aches in tho region of the kidneys. Many wero tho means she used to And rolicf, but thcro seemed uo remedy for her caso and sho still remained a cap tive ; then along comes these little enemies to backache, Doan's Kidney Pills, and a half box releases the bomls, as Otic by one tho achos' and pains disappear, sho finds herself a slave to p'aitl' no liioro, by their continued use. Shesitysi " 1 wits entirely relieved of all my sulforing and now I am perfectly strong, healthy ami well." "How did you tokc this' remedy ?" Miss Young was asked by our representative. 6l(c replied that she followed directions explicitly. MUs 'Ydilhg' then told li6v the inaiauy auecicti iter, saying jipr symptoms Were: "Stooping, betiding oyer, walking or standluc anv Jcncth of time alwavs gave mo a pain In tho small of lliy back,' ji liatl a pain in the Kidneys ail tho time, arid (f ' I cailbht cold It Would always Settle there ; the pain I suffered was of a vcrv oxhaustini nature: at nicht 1 .Could only Ho Hat on my back .any other position causing pain anu suucnng; ino hcrVes! passing up jny back, we're alfeCt'cd and this brought with it severe headaches. but as' I Said before, Doan's Kidney Pills have remoVcd all pain and shfTerint en tirely and I never fcli better and healthier himyjlfc." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by ill dealers, price GO, eent& mailed by Foster MilbtirnCo,, Buffalo, N. Y., Solo Agents for the United States. ' ' r i FOr Sale at Kirlin's Pharmacy. SYSTEM. IN EFFECT JUNE 20, 1891. Trains leavo'Srenaudoah as follows': For New York via Philadelphia, weok itas, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m. and 12 53, 2 55, 5 55 p, m. Sundays, 2, 10 a., m. , nor iew irorK yia .waucii utiunk, .ween a. 5 25. 7 20 a. m. anil 12 US. 2 55 r. m. or Reading and 1'hiladelnhia. week (lavs. 10, i25, 7,20, a. m. and 12 5P2 55, 5 5i"p., . .Sundays, 2 10 a. m. , , ;, For Pottsville, TOeek days, 2 10, 7 20ia. m. And 12 58, 2 55. 5 55 p. m. Sundnp 2 10 a. rn. lor Tamaqua ,and Wfthanoy Uity, week days, .2 10, ,5 25, 7 20 a.m. and 12 58, 2,55 55 p. m. bundays, 2,ip u,m. Kor 'W.illiauisDort. Sunburv.aml Lewiaburs. week days, 3 25, 11 30 a. m. and 1 50, 7 20, p. . Sundava, i 25 a. m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 3 25, 25) 7,20, 11,30 a. in. ana 12 IS, 150 2 55, 55, 7 20, U 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 in, 3 25 3.i in. For Ashland, and Shaniokm, , week days, 25, 7?0, 1130 a. m. and 1,5(1 7 20, y 35, ri . sunuavs, 6 a. m. ForlJaltimore. Washincrton and tbo Westl a II. .t 0. K. U. through trains leave Read. iiig Terpiinal, 1'hlladolphia, (1'. .t R. It. Jt.) at 3 20, 7 55, II 2fi a. m. and 3 -IB, 7 27 p. m. Sundays 3 20, 7 00, 11 26a. ra autl 3 40, 7'27 p; m. Adaiuonai trains iroui iwmty-i;ouriii and Chestnut streets station, week days 1 50, 41, 8 23 p. la. undays, 1 35, S 23 i. m. TRAINS FOR StltNAifpOAII. Leave New York via i'hilaiielphia, week ays. 8 00 a. m., 1 30, 4 00, 7 30 i. nv. anil 12 15 night. Rundays, 6,00 p. in. Leave Hew Yorlc via JUauch UhunK, weeK lays, 4 30, 10 a. ni. and I 10, 4 30 p. m. Leave 1'hiladelnhia, Reading Termiual, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 1 00 a. in. and 4 00, 6 02, 11 30 p'. m. Suriifays, U' SO 'p.'n.. Leave Reading, week days, 1 Jo, l.lv, 10(10,1150 a- ni, and 4 55, 7 57 p.m. un- aye, i jo a. m. 1 Leave I'otisvine vrt eK aays, a ta, i -in a. m. and 12 30, 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 m. Leave Tamanua, week days, 3 18, S 50, l 23 a. m. and 1 20. 7 15, 2i p. m. Sundays, 18 hi in.,, i , , L&vo Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 21, 11 47 a. m. and 1 51, 7 39, 9 51 p. m. Sundays, 3 45 a. m. 1 . ' ' Leave .Mahanoy i'iane,ween uay,z -ju, t im, 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. ill. and 12 58, 2 0, 5 20, 6, 26, 7 53, 10 10 p. m. Suudays, 2 40, 4 00 m. Leave1 Williamspdrt, ' week 1 days, 7 42, 10 10 a. m. and 3 35, 11 15 p. rn. Sundays, 11 15 p. in. , , . i , ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION Leave Philadelphia, jChestnut St. Wharf I'd South S(rqet Wh'arf f6r Atlalitio'City. , j Week daVs Express, ll 00 a. 111'., (Satur days onlv 1 30), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 5 00 p. in. Accommodation, 8 uu a. m., 4S p. ni. ' Snnday Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00 a.m. Accommadotion, 8 00 a..m. and 4 30 p. ni. KETUJINING, LEAVE ATLANTIC? CITY Depot,oorner Atlautio and Arkansas avenues, Weeli days .Express, 7 uu, ta, v uu a. rp., 8 I? find a su p. m. cconimouaiiou, o 13 a. m. and 4 3a p.m. Sunday Express, 4 00, 5 15, 8 00 p, m Accommodation, 715 a. ni., and 4 15 p. in. . l"anor uars on ail Jixpresu iraina. I. A. SWIGARD. C. G. 1IANQOCK, JOHN DALTON, AGENT FOIt -'OK Beer,and Porter. ! ,1 ll i 1 BONDAGE fekrbey's Bock Beer. TERRIBLE BUTCHERY. A llrutnl Murderer Kills Three and Fa' -tally Wonmli Four Others. New OltLEAJis, July 28. Last Friday night, on the Torre Haute plantation, In St. John's parish, a torrlblo butchery of human beings took place While Rosarlo Giordano and his family woro seated at tho stippor table Joo Noska walked up to the door, and leveling a double barreled shot gun, II red. Mrs. Giordano fell to tho floor a corpse, and the bullets that did not go through hor wont through both logs and the head of the 4-nionths olil In fant sho held In hor arms. Gloraduno, fearing that tho tender babo would be klllcdjln the fuM, sprang forward to olasp It, and the assosln then fired again. Tho buckshot ontorod tho crolu and leg of Gi ordano. Tho 10-yenr-old girl, on seeing her mother fall, ran forward and received a portion of the load of buckshot that struck hor father. Tho shot entered hor abdomen, literally tearing It to pieces, At the snmo time llttlo Nloolina, 10 years old, foil to tho floor, wounded through tho hdad. Tho assassin did not nioye from the srjot, but when ho saw llouedltto Gior dano, a nephew of the dead'woman, and Cliarloy Columbano coming toward him lid cobly placed two fresh shells In his gtin and waited until they got very close to, him. Then ho raised thoNgnu and fired both barrels, the two men falling to tho ground dead. The murderer, tltrowlng his gun over his shoUldor. niado his' os capo to tho woods. Citizens are Hi pur stilt of. the murderer, ' ' TRAGEDIES AT A' PICNIC. A ltow Itetilt4 In the l'robablA Death of Three l'eroni. , j Gallatin, Tenn., July 82. One of the bloodiest tragedies ever Witnessed In this county took place on Saturday at anionic In1 tho northern nart of this County . Threo persons lost thel? live. Wes( Dixon, of this place, took his wlfo vho Is said to bo a Iwomau of badchnractcr, to thfe picnic, and soon a fuss aroso about hdr, which wps quieted, arid Dixon and bts wife toolc a eat in a waifon. As. William Ddyldsonj a jnnn sono )i0 years of age, was pnsslhg by the wagoh Dixon drew his pistol and without ,.a moment's warning shot him through tne head, killing him on tho spot. Ho und his wife broko to run, and a crowd of Duvldson's friends started In pursuit, firing ut thoni at eVcry oppor tunity. Finally Dlson foil, mortally wounded. His wlfo wa-4 also shot twico, blhg fatally wounded. ,01x611' Is a man of very bad character, having killed threo men, one a deputy shorlff at Frankfort, Ky. Davidson' was ulso a man with' u rocord. Ho killed the sheriff of Robertson county several years ago. . llrutnl atlsslslppl pteeroes. , , jPuiiVIsv Mlss..Tuly 22.-AbputO p. m. a terrible tragedy was enacted at tho homo of A. D. Ilartllcld, a highly rpspeoted and, prosperous farmer who lives nbout ten miles cast of this place,. Mr; Hartfleld be ing absent his two daughters, aged H and i( years,, wont put thoowpon to turn put tho calves. Mrs. Hartfleld, who rqmalncjl In tho house, heard the girls scream and, parted to where they wore, but sho was shot dpwn ,by a nogro, Sho was pot seri ously hurt, howevor, nnd managed to glyo the olaTin.. Upon returning to tho houso the two girls ware found lying In tho cowr lipn uneonsciotis. One of them recovered sufficiently toytato that thoy wero.nt- tacked by two negroes with a hatchet., One pf tho'girlfi is badly Injured, and will do. Mrs. Hartflold was shot threo times, put will probably recover, Robbery supposed to bo'the motive1 of the crime. Is A Youthful Italtrtn 31urderer. 'Bp.OOKI.YN, July S3. One Italian was shot dead und another sovorely Injured In h tenement houso at 30 North Second Street last nights Geadon Chorio, 30 years ol d, of 237 North Sdcond street, was killed Instantly, anil; the lujurod mail is.Viu cejnzo Bolnclo, of Hoboken, N. J. The al leged murderer, Bamba Demart, is only 10. years old. Ho escaped and tho police have emit out 0 gqnernl alarm for lilnii A, number of Italians who had gathered In tlio basement of tho house quarreled, nnd Dpmart pulled a royolvcr and lireu sey-. oral shots, ono bullot hitting Cherlo In In tho heart and anothor entering Bela clo's arm. Killed by a Iialky Horse. PlIILADBLl'HlA, July 22. A horse at tached to a carriage eoutalnlng an un-i kpown woman became unmanageable near the Popular street entrance to Fair mount park last evening, and, dashing Into tho footwalk, struck down Kdwnrd Spollln, aged 0 years, and his sister Nelllo, aged 10, who wero walking with thalr pjirents. Thp boy tiled almost Immedi ately in his father's arms, und tho other child is lying fatally Injured at, u hospital, Joseph Scollln, , tho futber, foil fainting with tho corpse pf his. child, n his arms, apd H Is feared that .the mother will be come Insane from grief. In tho exclto njent following tho accident tho team dis appeared. ' I A Connecticut Haute (3obb Wrong. jWilmmantio, Conu., July 22. Bank Commissioner Crofut created a sensation hpr last night whon ho announced that from discoveries made since his examina tion of the Dime Savings Bank a week ago tho institution is insolvent by at Jcast 30,000, and he sees nothing to be done but tp closo tho bank at once. John "Wnlden, who for flftoou yoars was cashier of the liank, reslguod last Wednesday at the re- quest of the corporators and has not been seen since Friday. I DUgntted with Prince Ferdinand. Lospos, July 22. A correspondent of Tho Standard at Carlsbad says that the conduct of Prince Ferdinand, since the murder of Stambuloff, has caused much scandal. "Ho feels, or affects," the cor respondent continues, "a gayety which Is simply revolting under the circumstances, ,10 that tho Indignation of the public hero threatens to find unmlstakeable expres sion. He Is reported already to havo been hissed by a orviwd of Carlsbad visitors." . 1 Darant Clalmi an Alibi. SAN Frakoisco, Cal., July 23. Interest In the horrible Emanuel Church murder, which shocked the whole world.'Avas ren vlvcd today, when the trial of Thoodore ( Uurant was commenced, utirant ana his attorneys say that on alibi can be proved that will shatter tho case. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Fire In a Unseed oil factory In Chloago yesterday caused f 100,000 loss. Miners of Hie Wilmington (111,) coal field will help the Indiana miners to re sist a reduction in wages. A dispatch mm San Salvador says that soveral Hondunns nnd Nlcaraguans have been arrested1 and expelled from the country. I Crisp Pastry 1 Free from all the disagreeable greasy effects that result from the use of lard will be had, If COTTOLENE is used. Fish and Cakes fried in it are simply delicious because It adds a flavor to them that paunot possibly be obtained from the use of any other frying matprial, Get the genuine COTTOLENE, as there are numerous trade mark , Sold in 3 and N. K. tai ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL CIGARETTE Has stood the Test ot Tims MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED After All Others Fail gONSUllT THE , FAMOUS SPECIALIST Dr. Lobb, is?9, N. 15th St. Delow Cnllowhill, I'hilndelphiu. , (To Hociini n iositlv and permanent euro of EfrorH of Youth mul Low'of (nnliood hihI nf nil dlpenscs , of fhe Illood, Klnvyi, lllnildcr, Ski" nml Nervous tyfrtem confciilt nt once Ir. Xlb. Hp fcuhrnuti-es in all ci-cm ciir.ied by E.cc, Iintirudeuru or Inheritance loHsloroto Health mhl BtrenKth )y buililiiiK up the shattered ner vdu system Ami nddlpf; new; llfp and energy ti the broken down enntitutloiu. Conu1tAtion anil enniinntlonsfivcniNliitrletlj'rinlldenUnl. Olllce hours, dally and Sunday, froth 9 A. JI. lo 3 1'. SI. and G to 9 evenincs. itend bit book on errors of Youth Und obscure 'illse.iseH of both sexes. SXCJ pent free. firilmoi'e's Aromatic Wine- IA! tor"ic for ladies. If you are suffer- itlg frbin weakness, and feel exhausted 1 f and nervousj are getting ,thin and all i rtlii' down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will bring- roses to -your cheeks and restore 1 'you to flesh' and plumpness. ft Mothers, 'use it for your daughters. It is thpbest regulator and corrector for a 1 ailments peculiar to womanhood. Ii ''jJrrimotes digestion, enriches the b ooli Valid, (gives, lasting strength. 06 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. Pa. IlllUC Vflll "ore Tnroat, I'lmples, Coppcr-J IHAYt IUU Cnlnroil Snots. AchL'3. Old buret I JCJlcers In Mouth, Halr-Valllngl Write COOKl ItKMEUY CO., U07 Munonlc TemlleJ Chlcaicn, III., lor rrpota or cures. i:nli-l Kal, HSWOJOO. Worst cases curea in Ilo US day. lOO-imee book free. M. J, LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace, : Insurance and 1 Real Estate Agent. 123 E. Centro'St, Shenandoah, Pa. TWO-STOltY Frame IlnilfliiiK, Jto let on South Choktnut ttreet. IteuU ' for 818 per month i will be i-olil tlienp. 1 ' ,T?OH SA1.K. Half lot and two Iioum;, ituat X .in ',t Centre utreet. Will liny 12 per cent, on lnetnuiit terms. and can bo bought oil dasy n Altr 1.-OU KAL15. A inrm ol 38 acreu. with- V 1 llir.... m11..u tf irnn.l market. Twcntv- Hino acres under cult(vntjon, anil four acre of good tilnber. Frame ' farm house. tix rooms, tooil barn and all in cood condition. Will be gold for 81,200 cash. UBSajZi T?OH 8ALK. Valualile property on Kat l.Joyd 4 street. I,ot 45x150 feet ; seven liouxei", in 'eluding rentanrant, ARKrep;ate rental, SSO per inoniM. A rare narKwiu. siyiny u .u ustfeo of tlie Peace No, 123 Kast Centre street. When it comes to GROCERIES, Our stook speaks for Itself. If you don't como to town, send your orders. They will he nicely .1114(1. -MUSSER ' & BEDDALL,- 29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah. 6iantHDiiiciwtuii'UjiJtsL'i'iJi)ticiiL w0X m. iHr AMERICAN TOBACCO tWAHSUttESSCR. V I mwvQIH MB K Sold by ', V ,J. ' ' , questionable imitations. The Biven here is on each pail. 5 lb. pails. Made only by The Fair-bank Company, OII1CAUO, ami N( Delttwnrc Ave., l'llllailu. FOR SALE CHEAP ! 2 Valuable .I'roperkios, Qu North Whlln Street, bHENANDOin. 1 ivllo nioek' ot dweluntrs, .Nofj Minim 38 North white street, hetweun Cuitr'- at d lfloyd streets. Also, a double block of dwellings, N J 10 and 118 North White' street, belwe os. eei Jjlovd and uoal streets. Apply at the HERALD OFF1CK A CLEAN, QUICK SHAVE Can always 'be1 hlid at Charles Derr's Barber Shop, Fir-.i-class hair cutting and siugelnij. "O wad pofne power the Rtltly Kie u. To tlee oiirselvefi as others pee "hr ' Wtiep not .riding a "Vaveulev." In mythological times therp were Cen itriurs creatures half man. half horse. VVhqt i could be nearer the r modern Centaur than the-union of man and a "Wavekley" Scorcher. Highest of all high grades: J. S. HOUSENICKi .Exolusive Acentr Shenandoah,. Pa. PRQFESSIONAL CARDS. m. iivukk, ATTOHXKiiT-LAir, , OlHce Ecriu building, corner of' 3Ialn and Centre streets, Shenandoah.' : w. N. STKIN. M. 1)., 1'in'SWUX .LVD SVliGKOX. ' OlHce llooui 2, Egati'H New llulldlng, corner Main and Centre streets, Shenan doah, l'a. Oflice hours: 8 to 10 a. in.; 1 to ;l ji. m.; 7 to 0 p. in. Night office No. 230 Svest Oak street. 9- Jf. HAMILTON, JI. !., J'llYSJCIfii?. 1-V SURGKftX, OlHce Water,., Company bulhliug, 2fi West Lloyd street t 1,. ,, , , , ( g C. Hl'AI.DINO, JI. D DISEASES OP THE 11EAHT AND LUNGS A SI'ECIAI.TV. OtUqo and rideuce, Np. street. Ollico hourst 7 to .0 and 7 to 0 p. m. 20. White a. in., 1 to 3 SDH. A. aVsSIsSkT,-'' , . . r i SieclalliInJIHh,i)f.of the ( Eye', Er, lybse .arid Toat. 207j'eit jfarket St., Pottsville. Hours 8.30 a. m. to 12 ill; 1 to 4 i. to 8 p. ly m. Sundays, 9 a. in. to12 m. Excellent mum- ooy and evening' at . WEEKS MUSEUM, 17 South Main Street (Jrand display of ljirJs find aninytlcof al kinds and finest painting In the county. Hast Hear, Porter and Alas, i Finest Bra'pds of Cigars. ' I Free luncfi .every morning and evening, i .fouy Weekb, Proprietor. Shenandoah's Reliable Hand Laundry J Cor. Lloyd and White 8t. All work guaranteed to- be flrst-iflasa, III every particular. Silk tie and lace curtains a spec ialty. Goods called for and delivered.' A trial solloltBd. A gatitune Wolcm await you at Joe -Wijatt's - Saloon, MAIN jVND COAI4 TS., Pool room attached, fflnest whiskeys, beers, porter and ale constantly on tap. Choice temperance drinks and clears. for the murder of bU wire. CtltbMtrC&tialciklCa.,MUaa4iMre, j I I