EVENING HERALD 1H83 UUIIMKU UUT- 18U3. . - Published dally, oxcepfVaiimlny, by tbo HERALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. Office Itefowlch bldg., South Main 1. H. C. UOYBtl, IMItor. AV. J. W ATKINS. iiOcnl Kdltor. J. M. HOYEIt, Trows. bihI UuMneM Manager. TU 4-)rtal-1 J delivered In Slleiv i nene ra i a Hiiimth nmi ni u- nmndlni? townx for Mx rente n week, payable to tlie carriers, lly mall, !8 0ii your or 25 cents n month, payable In advance Advertisement chnrircdnecordlnKtnpnce niul position. The publllher reserve the rtnlit ti change the position of advertisements whenever the publication of news tlemrfml It, The rlcht Is reserved to reject any ndvcrtieiient, whether pant ror ornot, hum me pnonners mny oeein improper. AdvcrtMnir rates made known upon Bpnlieallon Kntercd a Kntercd at the potolTice at Hhenandoah, l'n., second class mall matter. Eoening Herald. MONDAY, JULY 22, 1805. The local police forco is adding laurels to its many achievements. It has now made its fourth disorderly house raid and the soiled dovos in limbo this time will not bother the respectnblo people of the localities they infested for some time. One excellent point in favor of tho police force is that it conducts its raids with so well guarded secrecy the movements never partake of a farcical aspect. It is now charged that the shell men who make their homos in this game town work their thriving practices on tho roads leading from tho offices of the collieries on the days tho minors receive their pays. The scoundrels who thus lay traps to de prive the wives and children of tho benefit attending the inedgre earnings tho hus bands and fathers squeeze out of hard toil in the mines cannot be too severely puu ished, and it is hoped tho operators of tho collieries will do all they can to clean on the robbers. It is true that tho men who will dally with the fakirs and lose their hard-earned money are not deserving of sympathy, because repeated warnings bave been given and the victims should know better than to try and win at tho game, is true to a great extent, but there are hundreds of men who live in tho patches who never heard of or saw the game, and it is to catch these that the unprincipled sharks have selected the vicinities of the colliery pay offices as their stamping grounds. It is pleasing to hear that the police of this town will pounce upon the shell game men at every oppor tunity and we trust thoy will make the town so hot for tho worthless gang that it, will cheerfully seek other fields. The shell game should ho placed on a par with couuterfltting, as an offeuso. Scop, Jjuly, Stop ! Lean and lank, He's such a crank; My stars I I thank Vol not his wife; He'd make my life A scene of strife. Stop, lady, stop I his liver is out of order. "He's just too nice for anything," his wife says, "when ho is well." Every wife's husband should, if sick, take Dr. Pierce's Goldon Medical Discovery. It puts the liver and kidneys iu gol work lug order, purifies tho blood, cleanses tho system irom all impurities, irom whatever i ause arising, and tones up tho funotions generally. Once used, it is always in favor. Sold by all dealers in medicine. Dr. Pierce's Pellets permanently euro constipation, sick headache, indigestion and kindred derangements. Great efforts are being made at fit. Minn, to a mite the smoke nuisance, Paul Last summer ono of our grand children was sick with a .severe bowel trouble. Our tloctor's remedies had failed, then wo-tried Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera aud Diarr hoea ltemedy, which gave very speedy relief. Wo regard it as the best medicine ver put on the market for bowel com plaints. Mrs. K. G. Gregory. Fredericks town, Mo. This certainly Is tho pust med cine ever put on the market for dysentery, summer complaint, colic and cholera in fantum iu ohildren. It never fails to give prompt relief when used in rousonahlo time and the plain printed directions tiro followed. Many mothers havo expressed their sincere gratitude for tho cures It has eftected. For sale by Gruhler Bros., drug gists. Slander Jonbett. is the Bolace of malignity.- Dld You Ever Try Electrlo llitters as a remedy for your troubles? If not, get a bottle now and get relief. This inedleitie has been found to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and euro of all female complaints, exerting a wouderful direct luliueuco in glviug strength and tone .to the organs. If you have loss of appetite, constipation, head a nil a. fnlntlnr? Hiiells. or are nervous, sleep- ovnitnlilB imilaiiclinlv nr troubled with dizzy spells, Electric llltteM is the medicine you need. Health and strength rim rniiranteed hv its use. Large bottles only fifty cents at A. AYasley's drug storo, Warm and not hot water should be used ou Japanese goods. A Housouoia Treasure . D. W. Puller, of Canaioharle, N. tlmt he nlwaviikeen Dr. Klnc's Now Discovery iu the house and his family has Alwnva found the verv host results tollow lt use; that ha would not be without it. if procurable. U, A. uyKeiuau, uruggisi, iatniiHl. N. v.. sava that Dr. King's New Discovery is undoubtedly tho best cough remedy; that he has used it in hjs family for eight years, aud It has never wiled to do all that Is claimed for It. Why not trv a remedy so lone tried and tested, Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug utore. Regular size 60o. aud 51.00. iHQLM He Is Suspeoted of Still Another Double Murder. BRUTALITY WITHOUT PARALLEL The. Mysterious Dlsnppearnnce of Mrs. I. I Connor- and Her Child, Tocethcr with Her ltrlntlous with llnluies, Lends to the Heller that Ho Killed Them. Chicago, July 23. A local paper soys: To the long list of murders and other crimes directly traced to tho arch fiend. H. H. Holmes, must now bo added tho rnystoriouj dlfepneuranco of Mrs. I. Ij. Connor and her 18-yonrold daughter, with u reasonable oartainty that they may have been dlspood of in tho same manuor in which tho rest of his victims met their death. Mrs. Connor and her child were last seen in tho company of Holmes In this city iu ISM. Since then all traco of them hus been lost, and the shrowdest of dotectlves, nt tho instigation of tho woman's family, who havo beon working on the case, uro now of tho opinion that tho finding of their bodies Is the only possible solution of tho mystery. Thoro uro circumstances which, whllo at first soomlngly suscepti ble o explanation, now point in tho direction of another double murder at tho hands of the greatest villlan of modern times. Mrs. Connor came originally from Dav enport, la., whero she was married to L li. Connor, a jeweler, nearly fifteen years ago, probably In 18SC, when sho was about 18, though tho exact time is unknown. To thorn a child was born, and in 1SS9 Con nor and his wife and girl, thon 7 or 8 years of ago, cumo to Chicago. Holmes at that time was just beginning to framo the swindles for which ha later became notor ious, and had started a drug and jowelry storo in Englowood. Connor wont to work for Holmes, and moved his family into a flat over tho storo. It was not long after this until Connor became awaro that tho relations between his wife and Holmes woro not of a nuturo consistent with tho law of society. Before long Mrs. Connor and tho child disap peared, and no trace of them has sinco been found. It is the intention of the Chicago polico to mako evory ollort to havo H. H. Holmes, the insurance swindler, brought hero to answer tho ehurgo of having murdered tho Williams sisters. The local officers are convinced that the murderE&ho Will Hams girls was tho first committed by Holmes, and thoy argue that fn conse quence ho should be required to stuud stand trial for it first. Thoy aUo insist that they will bo ahlo to produce ovidonco that ho did murder the sisters. Tho po lice aro by no means convinced that tho analysis mado by a doctor on Saturday that tbo substance found in tho big stovo in Holmes' old office was flro clay and not human bones. Thoy say that lire clay would not becomo brittle iu any kind of heat, wheroas a portion of that found In tho stovo cruniblod in the huuds of Detec tive Fitspatrlck. It doveloped yesterday that tho sub stance on which tho first report of tho finding of tho bones of Minnie Williams was hinged was In tho hands of Detoctlve Goyer, of Philadelphia. It was said that ho visited Chicago a week ago, and wheu he loft carried with him positive proof that a body had beon burned iu the big stovo in Holmos' office. It was also learned that Detective Goyer would come to Chi cago after ho completes his search for the remains of Howard Pitczel in Dotroit, and will co-opcrato with the Chicogo officers iu whatever muy be dono hereafter. In polico circles it was said today that tho only hope of couvlotlug Holmus was in Chicago. It was said that tho Phila delphia authorities could convict him of nothing moro serious than insurance swindling, and that tho Canadian author! ties would not go to tho expense of extra' ditlng und trying him. In the event that Dotectlvo Geyer falls to locuto the body of Howard Pltezol in Detroit, everything will depond on tho work of tho Chicago polico. Dcfnultliic Cashier Caught In Mexico. Chicago, July S3. Chester V. Rowo, the defaulting cashier of Poweshiek county, Iowa, Is undor arrest in tho City of Mexico, and a largo part of tho $20,000 which he mado away with has boon at tached by Pinkerton detectives, and will Ukoly be returned to this country, from which it was taken. Richard Itowe, brothor of the absconding cashier, is also uuder arrest as an accomplice. It Is some what doubtful, however, whether cither of tho brothers can be taken back to Iowa for trial. Under the Mexican law a forelguor may go there, renounce ull alle giance to tho country from which ho came, become a Mexican citizen and thus avoid extradition. Childish Frank May Resnlt Fatally. AI.LKXTOVN, Pa,, July 23. George Jjaner met witn a peculiar but serious ac cident in tins city, xio was lying in a hammock whon a numbor of neighbors' children thought it would bo groat fun to throw him out. which thoy accomplished by violontly swinging the hammock. He landed ou his head, and his backbone was Injured In such a muuner as to paralyze his ontire body. Ho may die from the ef fects. Poisoned the Mules' Oats. SlIENANDOAH.Pa., July B3.-Several mules owned by tho Philadelphia and Reading Coal and Iron company, at Draper col liery, havo died within the past few days, nnd all the others in tbo stables nave boon Blok. An Investigation showed that the oats with which they wero belug fed was mixed with arsenic. The oats was put In only a few days ago, and it Is not known whothor It was poisoned In tho oar or after It was placed In the stable, Prosecuted for Stealing n Penny. PlTTSUUIiQ, July 22. Ono of the most Insignificant court cases ever known hore came before Judge wnuo on Saturday. C. H. Wober, uged 9, was suod by tho Fresbyterluu Sunday school, on tho south side, on a charge Of larceny. It was claimed be stole tbo contents or tno contribution tux. and ho was convicted. The amount be topk was just ono cent. Tbo judgosus- ponded seuteuce onjiayment of oosts, HI. Ufa for I'ls Friend. Wlt,KKSBAllltK, Pa., July 22. Michael Zuniuk, while bathing In the river ut Port Blanchurd, a mile from here, got beyond his depth und In a gallant attempt to res cue him his inena, John u. Tecki, was drownod. Teckl had brought Zunr.uk near to tho short when the latter must havo seized him, for both sank and were drowned. THE BASEBALL REGOfttS,", Standing; of the Clubs In the. ltuce for Chain plonihlp PcnlianW' o'( x ' CMJBS. W. I. P.O. CMJM., w li National League,;"' Halttmore..40 27 .607 1'kllarta. 8 32. Cleveland...6 3i .690 Brooklyn'...&8 33 Plttburit....42 30 .553 New YOrk.57 33 Uoton 38 29 .607 Wash'ton...21 39 Cincinnati. II 32 .5(12 St. Louie. ...SO 48 Chlcaeo 43 3d .510 Louisville...!! 59 P.O. .533 .820 .881 .851 .200 SATUHDAY'S NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. At Louisville (first gamo) Now York, 7; Louisville, 5. Socond gamo: Louisville, G; Now York, 1. At Pittsburg Pittsburg, 12; Philadelphia, 6. At Cleveland Cleve land, 2; Brooklyn, 1. At Cincinnati Cin cinnati, 11; Baltimore, 5. At Chicago Boston, 15: Chicogo, 12. At St. Louis St. Louis, 6; Washington, 2. SUNDAY'S NATIONAL LEAGUE GAMES. At Loulsvlllo Louisville, 5; Cleveland, 8., At St. Louis St. Louis, 18; Waihlng ton 8. At Chicago (12 innings) Brooklyn, 1; Chicago, 3. At Cincinnati Baltimore 10; Cincinnati, 0. Knstern League. VL.VUS. w. I P.O. CLU11S. W. l SprinKfluld.43 22 .6! Buffalo 118 37 Provld'nce.41 20 .012 Hochester..31 43 Syracuse. 38 29 .501 rcranton....20 38 Wllk'sba'o.35 30 .538 Toronto... .22 49 P.O. .603 .419 .400 .310 SATUHDAY'S KASTElttf LEAGUE OAM13S. At Kochostcr Kochestor, 17; Wilkes barro, 11. At Buffalo Buffalo, 10; Prov idence, 4. At Syracuso Scranton, 13; Syracuse, 8. SUNDAY'S KASTKHN LEAGUE GAMES. iH Rochester Wllkosbarro, 11: Roches ter, 7. At Buffalo Providence, 8; Buf falo, 8. Pennsylvania State Leacne. cluus. w. I,, p.o. ci.tins. w. r P.C Carbond'le.17 10 .030 Lancaster...!! 13 .458 .128 Hnzlcton....l5 12 .550 PottvIlle....l2 10 Heading ....Disbanded Allentown.10 10 335 SATURDAY'S PENNSYLVANI AXE AGUE GAMES At Allontown Pottsvllle, 7; Allen town, 5. At Reading Reading, 8; Carbon- MU1U, 1. A "Tony" London Club Itnlded London, July 22. It has doveloned that o polico raid was mado upon tho Palace' club on Thursday. A number of promt- nent Americans wero caught in the raid, Tho club is one of several fashionable night clubs in London whero tho doml monde rosort. It opens at miduicht und closes at 6 a. m. Latoly the Palace has boon very riotous. Tho club is elegantly appointed, having twenty-flvo men ser vants und a baud playing nightly. A hundred men and women, oil in evening dross, wore captured. Among thorn wero u United States senator, a congressman, a promlnout low official of nn eastern stato, and nn Amorican polico officlul. All savo the proprietor and servants of tho club wero reloased. Thoy wero remanded. Married on Ills Deathbed. WILMINGTON. Del.. July 22. Years am Miss Kuthorlne Kllpatrlck loaned to John T. Walker a sum of money to go Into tho shoo business. Walker prospored on tho money, and now, in his 63d year, Is tho proprietor of an establishment on East Third street, and is worth $40,000. Walker was not ungrateful to his benefactress, and as tho years passed tho friendship rip ened into a warmer feeling, and Saturday nignt, as bo lay on his deathbed, ho was married to the girl whom ho had fre quently named as his prospoctlvo hoir. Tho relutives of Mr. Wulkerare said to be strongly opposed to tho union. Strangled as He Slept. LANCASTEU, Pa., July 23. Adam Sav ior, who was it resident of Mount Joy, came to his death in a slngulur fashion. With his body stretched on a baggage truck In tho Pennsylvania railroad sta tion, but with his head hanging down, Kaylor slowly strangled. Ho had laid down on tho railroad track near the sta tion to sleep. Ho would have been cut to pieces by the cars had not sovcral young men found him about midnight and care fully placed him on the baggage truck. The English Elections. London, July 23. As a result of the pollings thus far hold In tho general elec tions the Unionists now show a net gain of 68, giving tho government a majority of 108 The districts to be heard from during the coming week are almost en tirely in the couutles and the shires. The number yot to be heard from is 100. Tho majority of theso woro represented by Liberals in the last parliament. Probable Drowning nt Atlantic Atlantic City, July S3. A full suit of masculine apparel was found last night In ono or tno uain nouses atuicneu io uro dle's bathing establishment, and no one uppeared to claim the garments. Tho pro prietor of the establishment has no rccol lection as to tho ocoupant of the compart ment, who, It Is tbought,has been drowned whllo bathing. Two Farmers Instantly Hilled. Vinelanu, N. J., July 22. Sodgwlqk Sandors nnd Honry Clark, farmers, whllo attempting to drive over a railroad cross ing near Maluga, were struck by a north bound train and Instantly killed. They woro thrown u distance of fifty foot and horribly mangled. Both men loava widows and small families. Crushed to Death by a Train. Amstkhdam, N. Y., July 22. Frank Kelly, aged 24 years, of Cloveland, was killed yesterday while attempting to jump on a frolcht train of tho West bboro rait road. In the Yankco Hill cut, in this city. He fell under tho wheels and was crushed to death. Ho had been working here In a Btono quurry. Rnn Down by a Ferryboat. Brooklyn, July 23. As the Twenty- third streot ferryboat to New York was nsarlng the Broadway slip tho yacht Mag gie was struck and capsized. John Mo Mahon, of 280 Broadway, was drowned. Charles O'Connor and' John Williams were qtiite seriously Injured. Another Sunday Rather Drowned. Lancastkh, Pa., July 22. Clyde Yean- lsh, aged 14 years, was drowned whila bathing with a number of companions In tho Conestogayesterday afternoon. Tho body was recovered. Ycunlsh was sub ject to eplleptio fits, and it Is supposed was seized by one of these while in the water. Polien In tb River Water. Ghkensiiuko, Pa., July 22 Harry Her- rlngton, uged 10 years, of West Newton, died of poisoning, due to his swimming In the river, whloh was strongly impregnated with sulphur aud other waste products from tho mines in that vicinity. Drowned at fitoverdnle. .HtJMMiosTOWN, Pu July 22. Harry Bro'nemunu, aged 17 years, was seized with cramp while bathing at Stoverdale yester day afternoon and was drowned. Tho body was recovered. White Swelling Catno on my-leg otter typhoid fever, and pieces of tho bone comoout. Rheumatism joined the Bcrolula to put mo in misery. Hood's Sarsaparilla provpd just the medi cine; relieved me of pain, gavo mq a good appetite and I lain aside my crutch and cane. Having taken 10 bottles Hood's Sarsaparilla my limb Is entirely healed and now I am perfectly well." UEonais W. CroMwell, lit. Pleasant, Maryland. Jlj six for ?5. Hood's Pills easy to buy, easy to take, easy in effect. 25c SUMMER RESORTS. Atinntic City's Favorite Summer ftcsort, THE BRADY HOUSE. Locatiou South Arkansas avenue, Atlantic nty, X. J., near thuocean ; rooms airy and pleasant; handsomely furnished; good board! large garden and lawn. Send lor circular. Kates moderate. P. O. Ilox207. JAMES Bit ID Y. The Sehufil Valley Cottage Owned by Peter Griffiths, Gllardvllle. 122 SOUTH MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, 1 1 ATLANTIC CITY i PA. Two nmi ono-lmlf f-qiinreH from P. A K. stntion half square from bench. Ucpnhitcd, repnpered nud rcfurntelicd. Fverythinjr complete for con- . . . .mo it ntifwi.'! Vcmcueeoi patrons. onio. iu vv. vimrrm. Proprieties MISCELLANEOUS. WANTKD -25 Rood plrli nt once. Apply in pen-on at overall factory, (iirnrdvllle lib erie and BIb-o. 7-2-tf Tl A1T1I Qlh.nltnit ii'nnln.1 dtaitdv sltllnttnn ni firft or second hnnd by n sober, Industrious nmt n-ttierleiieptl voiincr ninn. Addreuft "J. K. T.." care of ilr.nAt.n olllce, Phenandonli, Pa. tf T70U BALK. A mni;n1flccnt folding bed. Al 1 most hot. In shape of a wnrd-obo when closed. Front of French plate ml rnr Mid no'ld wnlnut. Bent eprtner nmi tun nmr insures Will be sold clients Party Inn no use for It. For particulars call on Max Reesui .-19-3t T o ST.- On Julv !0th. between inv store nnd iJ stnble ft snift'l money sntcbel. F-nd-r will le stiltnblv rewarded hv returoimr same to C. Sch elder, 13G North Main street, Shenandoah, ra. T OST A cold Ibadgo con'nlnlnK Inscription L -'llnnn "i-pllnn Nn. 10. J T of II. A: T." Finder will please return to Georijo Kclst, 113 S. Gilbert Street. " tJOll RAI.I5 Three double dwellfncs. situate 1 in best part of Mt. Carniel. will bo sold, sineleornsn whole. One or tho ict paytnii ironerties in town. Aditross wntiers, jui Carracl, I'a. tf OH SALIC A lrpo book case. rnn lie bought on reasonable terms. Apply at inc Hekalu ottlce. tf ANTF.D.-25 ( clrls. None under 10 years o' ace need apply. Only tho-e in need o1 work shout-i npplv. Annlvat Schuylkill Hat St Cap Factory, 235 East Coal street, l.auterstelu A; seu. 4--.il John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS. Mineral waters, Weis-i beer. liottler of tho fluent liRcr beers. 17 and 111 Peao h Alley, Shenandoah, P JOHN A. REILLY, Wholesale and Retail LI QU0R - DEALER, 21 ind 21 South Main St.; Shenandoah; ' Audits forD. G. Yueniillng & Son's celebrated Beer. Porter, Ales etc. EMlL J. BEYER 'S, (Formerly Murphy Bro.) Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant, 19 North Main Stveet. TJio bar supplied with Jlrst.clusp winos iquorsboer, ale porter. UtioicQ cigars, to 12 m. r rooiiiDcn iromy u. m EVAN J. MVIES. LIVEItY AND Undertaking ! 13 North Jilrdin Street. nrThoel 1317 Arch St. 1 1 I IIUUI PHILADELPHIA, PA. The only (lennlnr Deelaltit In Amprlcs, notnlthttsndln t others adirertlie. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Dpenai i ueasea ana Mrlctur.'i ?erraiuentlr Cured lu a to 6 daji BLOOD POISON ancurbrentfre?T new method la 30 to w days, a years' Euro pean Hospital aud 32 uraUtca) experience, as Uertlacates anC Ulpfoiuss prove, bend five UOOK exposing Jxv:ii ifuvwi s "u uimcibu- rerrlslnir as c! slDir as creai, vyeiiuM. a uuo ureuu to all, nullerers aw to thn&a contemplating, I The RemaiikabieStory Tol4 by a Hospital Putieut. HER BODY TILLED WITH NEEDLES, She Und rorced.Tliem Into Her Left mid Feet While nn Occupant of n OmiTent, ex I'tinMi'iii-iit fi-Otl'ouses Committed, lli-r Condition imtlcnl. Cincinnati, July 23. A well drcMert lady applied at tho Cincinnati Hospital for admi-slo'i Saturday afternoon. She presented a letter from the mother supe rior V)f tbo'CouvjhtvHtf&ijtJ)rt young lady hndreiiddd. Vh Oftr sflltt t beoiev, Miss Nellie Thomas, had been employed at Hie convent for some time, and was suffHrina from s)vollou Jogs and feet. NijtlihigpSjViit tlHi.syriiptoms referred to in the ltttif Was fuuuU ou tap preliminary rd1niuotlbn. but later It was decided to lauco the foot, when It was found tho limbs and f.-t-t were lmbeded with pins aud ueodles. KdffShoiie twcdles wero ox- trteatd,fry,irTii:r.Wdy. atljl she m not uHiiro f urthor ooer- UUIU l-iii Jf rail .y.ifi,) ly tlous. whW tn mrffe weWlftctrlct'ltod, and it is thought others will bo found. The physicians four blood poisoning will set iu, aud that the en iu tiny uvbilfc may pr.ovo hopeless. The girl protested till after the opera tions that she could not toll how her foot and limbs became Imbedded with these needles, but fluully she bald that Sho had been at tho Convent of tho Good Shep herd for several yettrs. , f5ho wasuu orphan aud alone lu the world. During her stay there slut had done wrongr-notonce ulone, but porsls'tCntiy. Sho had dotiethat which sho knew was not right, aud for every siu sho had committed sho had duuo punuueo by thrusting a ueedlo.lnto one of her legs. Sho oxplalued that Ouch operation had caused hor agonizing pain, and that at times was almost unbearable, but sho felt that she must hear tho pain as a recom pense for the sin committed. , This mode ot doiiig pc-mweo' she said,. had'coverSd indro than tv$'yfirs. Her wrong doings had beeu of frtcittout occur rence, and she was unable to estimate the number of needles she hud placed In her limbs. Sho said she and another girl In tho convont had become unnaturally In fatuated with each other. Thoy had acted as lovers, and had together slnnod agdiust God and nature, bbo said she had con fessed to a prlost ot tho convent, who was groatly shocked at the confession sho made. Tho sisters wore groatly surprised utthestatemont mado by the girl, and could not understand how such condi tion could huvo existed in the institution without their knowledgo. They mado no attempt to dony tho story, but wore no doubt in ignorance of such relations exist ing botweon any porsons. Sister Superior Mary Malone stated that tho outcome of tho examination of Miss Thomas was a startling rovolatiou to her. Sho had beon awaro of the condition of tho patient's legs and feet for several months, but had no idea of tho cause. On Saturday Miss Thomas' limbs wero so swollen und her condition so serious that tho mother superior Insisted upon her go ing to tho hospital.- As to that portion of hor story regarding Miss Thomas' lnfotuu tlon and Intimacy with another fomalo iu tho convent, Sister Malono deolarod she know nothirtg of it, arid was surprised nnd shocked beyond measure. Miss Nollie is ablo to talk, but is very weak and suffering Intense pain. The Dock Laborers' Strike at Colon. Colos, Colombia, July 23. Tho strike of dock laborors still continues, and the strikors are increasing tholr demands, but tho steamships and tho railroads still re sist them. Laborers from Panama and the crows of tho ship arc discharging tho cargoes. Order has been maintained throughout the strlko, and tho transit of frolght is unimpeded. Students Reported Captured by Indians. Phixceton, X. J., July 25, Tho party of Princeton students reported to bo cap tured by the Bannock tribe of Indians In Wyoming is thought to be the Prlnpoton oxpedltlon whloh loft Princeton for tho Bad Lands on Juno 20. Tho object of tho expedition Is to collect geological fossils. Professor J, P. Watcher Is in ehargo. Reported Wounding of Cainpos. Tampa, July 22. Passengors from Cuba and private lotters announce that General Cumpos is wounded and besieged in Ba ynmo, Tho Spanish papers stato that be sides Sautoscides various other officers also fell, aud it is rumored thut ono of them is tbo son or uampos. i'ussengors report that a railway car arrived at Vllla- quevu station in Hovunu closed so thut no ono knows Its contents, bomo say. this :nn contains Campos and others liinlntulu that It holds the body of hls,sop. She Seized the TJilef. , Penxrokoyk, N- J., July 22. Whllo on his way to Atlantio City W. A.' Summer-1 111, of this, pluce, )i)M his gripsaok 9nttbe platform of thocuri Wh'on ho, roturnad hb found thhlj $48 In nionoy1 had been stolon from. Jtf Ms. Etta Boilny, whpj ; was on tho train, caught hold of the thief, but utter a tussle ho escaped. All subse quent efforts to capture him proved nn- available Ground to Deuth-in'H Wreck. Hazleton, Pa., July 22. A frolght train on the Lohlgh Valley road parted u Iho jnlddle. between Sbetlandodlr and! Mahanoy City, and as thp loqpmotiva, stoweu up wie iwu secuuus euniu iuuiujii with n crash; A - man named, Campbell; mipposedjtp.be ntramp. was ?n ,tne raar end, and he was'groiind to ' dedth.' Three pars of nierchandlso wore destroyed.. H . Blabbed In n Religious Quarrel. autcqxjj. Pa., ly'-ll&P?t brnwl ubawrolfgionAlexnndor MoCoua chv und John McCafferty, a formor coun cilman, drew knives against quch. other I5oth were badly out. hfldMcOafforty Ji$ fa' a critical condition. McConaghy was taken to Jull, suffering from stab wounds on tho head and Injuries irom kicks in ruo laco, A Drunkard's Fearful Jump. Pr.ovipEj;i;K, July 22. Johu Nolan, of this cltv. while drunk, jumped from a sec ond story window at his humo ou Hloclc-' stouo streot. und was Impaled on a picket feuce that surrounded tho promises.. 'Thru body was terribly lucerated. but tho mou was not killed, although his condition is critical. The Weather. For e; Dolawuri Tile wlm' trict of Columbia, showers ; slight cnanges in temperature; light, variauio wiuu, wr astern? Pjunsylvaula, J0ffi"4firsl! EART DISEASE, iiko many other allmcnta when they havo taken hold of tho system. never gctd better of its own accord, hut Conntatitlu grbim iconic. Thcro aro thousands who know thoy havo a defective heart, but will not admit tbo fact. .They don't want their friends to worry, and Don't know what to taho for it, a thoy havo been told tltno and again that heart dlscaso was incurable Such waa the case of Mr, Silas Farley of Dyesvllle, Ohio who writes Juno 10, lfffll, as follows! "I mil heart dlseaHB for 3 year, my heart hurting mo almost continually. Tho first 15 years I doctored all tho time, trying sovcral physicians and remedies, until my last doctor told mo It was only a question of tlmo as I could not bo cured. I gradually grew worso, very weak, and completely dis couraged, until I lived, propped half up In bed, beaauso I couldn't lie oiri nor Sit up. Think ing my tlmo had come I told my fam ily what I wanted dono when I was gono. But qn tho first day of March on tho recommendation of Mrs. Fannie. Jones, of Anderson, Ind., I commenced taking J9r. Stiles' A'cir Cure for the Heart and wonderful to toll, In ten days I was Tbtklng at light wOrk and on March 19 com menced framing a barn, which is heavy work, and I hav'nt lost a day sinco. I am 50 y oars oldC f t. inches and weigh 2501bs. X believe I am fully cured, and I am now only anxious that everyone shall know of your wonderful remedies." Dycsvillo, Ohio. Silas Paiilbt. Dr. Miles Heart Ouro is sold on a positive guarantco that tho first bottlo will benefit. All druggists sell It at tl, 0 bottles for 85, or it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prico by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Miles' Heart Cure Restores Health Pennsylvania R. Bi SCHUYLKILL DIVISION. ' July 6th 1895. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above dato for Wiggans, Gilborton Frack villo, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville, Ham bur?; Reading, Pottstown, Phoehixville, Norristowni' and Philadelphia (Broad street station) at 6 OS and IMS a.m. find 4 15 p. m. on week clays. For Pottsvillo and inter mediate stations 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. JK'' For Wiggan's, Gilbertonj FrackYillo.MTv.n Castlo, St. Clair, Pottsville at 6 Os.jlLja, m. and 3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Keailifigrt "PnttatAwn . Thnr.nl?rvlllfl. Tnrrislnwn "Phil- delphia at 6 DO, 9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. m. Trains leave Frackvillo for Shenandoab at 10 40 a. m. an.' 12 M, 5 04 7 42 and 10 2T p.m. Sunday II 13 a. m.aml 5 40 p.m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at!015, 11 IS a. m. and 4 40, 7 IS and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at 10 40 a, m., 5 15 p. m. Leave Philadelphia (Broad street station)' for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 410 and 7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays leave at 6 50 a. ra. Leave Broad Street Station, ' Philadelphia, for New York. ' Express, week-days, 3 20, 4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20, 0 50, 10 30 (Dininr Car) 11 00, 11 14, a. m., 12 noon, 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p.m. Dining Cars) I 40, 2 30 (Dining Car)t 3 20,,4 00, 5 00, 5 58 (Dining Car),' fl 00, 6 50, 8 12 10 00, p. m.,12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20 4 05, 4 50, 5 15. 8 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 1103 a. m 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited 4 S2), 5 20. 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 50, 8 12, l(i 00 p. m., 12 01 night. Express for Boston, without chance, 11 00 a. in., week-days, aud 6 50 p. m. daily. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore' and Washington 3 50, 7 20, 8 31,'!) 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 38 a. uo. (12 31 Limited Dining Car;, 1,12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 IB Congressional Limited, Dining Car), 6 17, 6 55, (DiniDg Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50 7 20, 9 10, 11 16, 11 38, a. ., 1 12, 4 41, 0 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and 12 05 night. Leave Market Streot Ferry, Philadelphia, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Express 5 00, 8 20 '9 3t) ai m., 1 00 1 (Saturday only), 2 00, 3 HO, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. tn. week-days. Sundays, ExprcBS, 6 00 " 30, 8 00, 8 30, 900, 9 45 a. m.4 30, p. m. Kxcur- . sion, 7 00, a. mi daily. FOR CAPE MAY, Anolkska, Wildwood, Ann Holly Beach. Express 9 00 a, m. 2 3n, 4 05, 5 00, p. m. week-days. Sundays, 8 20, a. tii. Capo May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays. Excureiou, 7 00, a m. daily- FOR SEA JSLE CITY, Ocean City aw A valon. Express, 0 10 a.jin., 2 30,4 20 p. m. week-days. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Excursion, 7 00, a, m. ilailv. FOR SOMMERS POINT. Express, 8 20, 9 30) a. m.,i 2 00, 3. 0t, 4 oft 5 40, p. m. week days, Sundays. 3 00, (10, 9 45, a. in. 8. M.'PriSvost, J. H. Woor, I .- Gonfl Manacer, tion'i. I.'as:g'r Agw Lauer's -V! il i ,i' I !-'. , ,Im;(A Finos', PurMt, Healtnieet. 207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah. i i- if i, :i i Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the same washing that your boots do, nnd the water you drink isn't tf r even (It for that purpoxe. Use ijioronz Schmidt's Beer and Torter, J JAMES SniELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. H1 Lager and I. X