The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 20, 1895, Image 4

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    Collars and Ccffs that arc water'
proof. Never wilt and not effected by
moisture. Clean, neat and durable.
When soiled simply wipe off with a
wet cloth. The genuine are made by
covering n linen collar or cuff on both
sides with "celluloid" and as they are
the only waterproof goods mode with
such an interlining, it follows that
they arc the only collars and cuffs that
will stand the wear and give satisfac
tion. Every piece is stamped as follows:
If anything else is offered you it is an
imitation. Refuse any but the genu
ine, and if your dealer docs not have
what you want scud direct to us, en
closing amount and stating size and
whether a stand-up or turned-down
collar is wanted. Collars 23c- caeh.
Cuffs 50c. pair.
The Celluloid Company,
427-429 Broadway, Hew ifork.
Georce D. Howells, aeed 66, a residen
of .Girardville, died at an early hour
Friday morning. He was mine foreman at
Preston colliery No. 3, for seven years for
the P. & R. C it I. Co., after which he re
aiui.ed i! lid went into tho livery business
and was em;ap,ed in tha' business when he
died. He leaves a widow and nine child
ren, Ifour pods and five danj-hters, three .of
whom are niarrud There names are,
Thomas J. Howell?, George, John, Lewis
and Lillie, Annie, Ida, Lizzie nnd Mrs. J.
T. Davis. The fnneral will take place
Snndny at 1'30 l. M. and will proceed to
the Baptist church. Interment will be
held in the Odd Fallows' cemetery.
ltucl-nell University.
.lolin Howard Harris, president of the
college, with four courses of study leading
to degrees; academy for bnyc; ladles' In
Mlluto; music school. Thirty-auto campus
arid ten buildings, including new pyui
illinium, new laboratory and new observa
tory. For catalogue, cuts of Imililings and
other information, address tho Registrar,
Win C. Grelzlnger, J-ewisliurp. l'a. lU-Jw
Green freblfpar, or
onnd near Pike's Peak,
.A moron rIodc,
in Colorado.
' 'If all the. gold in mint or bank.
All earthly tliincs that man call wealth
Were mine, with every titled rank,
I'd civo them all lor precious health."
Thus, in anguish, wrote 11 lady teacher to
a near lrlenil, telling ot pitiless headache,
of smarting pain, of pain in back and loins,
of dejection, weakness and nervous, fever
ish unrest. The menu Knew uoth cases
and cure and Hashed hack the answer,
"Take Dr. Pierce's Favorite Prescription."
The distressed teacher obeyed, was re
stored to perfect health, and her dally
duties once more became a daily pleasure.
For lady teachers, salesladies and others
kept long standing, or broken down by ex
hiiusting work, the "Prescription" is a
most potent restorative tonic, and a certain
cure for all female weakness. Send for
free pamphlet. Address World's Dispen
sary Medical Association, CG3 Main street,
Buffalo, N. Y.
Fibroid, ovarian and other Tumors cured
without resort to surgery. Book, with
numerous references, sent on receipt of 10
cents In stamps. World's Dispensary
Medical Association, Buffalo, N. Y.
Maryland Coal Co. piys
eemi-anouial dividend.
a 2 per cent
Lild You Ever
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles? If not, get a bottle now and
get relief. This medicine has been found
to he peculiarly adapted to the relief and
oure of all female complaints, exertiug a
wonderful direct Intiuence in giving
strength and tone to the orgaus. If you
havo loss of appetite, constipation, head
ache, fainting spells, or are nervous, sleep
less, excitable, melancholy or troubled
with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is the
medicine you need. Health and strength
are guaranteed by Its use. Large bottles
only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store.
Oar copper production is more than two
fifths that of all other countries.
VThen Baby was sick, we gave her Castorla.
TVhen she was a Child, gbe cried for Castorla.
When Bhe became Silas, she clung to Castorla.
When she had ChUdrtn, she gave them Castorla
Maley, the jeweler, for your wedding
rings, 16 North Main street. tf
Notlco to Applicants for Evoutus
Applicants for ovenlng schools are re
quired to have their applications in the
hands of the School Board oa or before
August oth. ilioio who ileblre to be ex-
anilped for certificates to teaoh evening
schools will meet the Superintendent at his
office on Thursday, August 1st, at 0 a. m.
M. P. WlllTAKEIt,
7-17-4t. Superintendent.
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, prcvlvmg; ttaB
otlets etc. Gcd delivered free
The Cleveland' Selection nf n Name for
Their Vouneest Daughter.
BUZZAHD'8 Bay, July 20. Marlon, a
French rendition of tlio musical name
Mary, has beon decided upon by 1'rosldont
and Mrs. Clovoland a9 tho natno for tho
biiby born to thorn about two weoks ago.
The fact was officially announced by Pri
vate Secretary Thurber yesterday after
noon, and the ninny residents of this vi
cinity who havo been waiting pntloutly
to lenrn what the third dnughtor In tho
president's family would be called took
up tho news nnd the name was noon being
repeated In every household. Thore was
no uuusual ceremony attondmit upon tho
naming of the baby except that which oo
curs In any household upon suoh occa
sions. When It became known that tho name
Marlon had boon solcctcd tho poople of
Buzzards' Bay at bnco Inquired for whom
tho child was named. To this thoro could
bo obtalnod no other auswor than that tho
namo was suggested by that of tho boautl
ful spot on tho shores of Buzzards' bay In
which tho president and his wife passod
several months previous to their selection
pi Gray Gables as tho slto of tholr summer
"homo Marion. Mass.
Waller's Fight for Freedom.
Washington, July SO. Mr. John M.
Langston, counsol on bohalf of ex-Consul
Waller, said today that In tho futuro ho
would bo assisted In tho prosocutlon of
Mr. Wallor's Interests by Mr. Crnmmond
Kennedy, of Wushlngton, and Mr. Mc
Gulnn, ot Baltlmoro, Mr. Kennedy taking
tho place of leading counsol. Tho case
will bo pressed with the utmost vigor
Mr. Langston said that the question of
Mr. wallor's arrest, and of his stepson
Bray's doportatlon from Madagascar, are
by no moans tho only points Involved, but
back of these, nnd responsible for them, Is
tho question of tho tttlo to tho concession
mado to Wallor by tho Hova government,
and that this mattax will bo takon up
forthwith. Mr. Langston himself ex
presses tho utmost coufidenco in the regu
larity of Wallor's concession.
A Desperate Prisoner's Suicide.
Spokane, Wash., July SO. H. E. Smith,
a condemned murderer confined In tho
county jail, mado an lnoffectual attempt
to escape, and, being overtaken, commit
ted sulcldo in sight of his pursuers. Smith,
when ho found that ho would bo over
taken, made for tho rlvor and sought to
cross, but tho rapid current carried him
back to the shoro. Ho was seized by ono
of his pursuers, when ho suddenly drew
out a razor and almost severed his head
from his body. .
A riorse Cunning Factory.
POTItLAN'D, Ore., July 20. Tho horso
canning plant of tho Wostorn Packing
company, located at Llnnton, ten mlle'
from this city, has commoucod operations.
Tho establishment has all tho facilities
for slaughtering, packing nnd preparing
horso meat for shipment, and It Is tho
only ono of its kind on the Paclflo coast.
Several carloads of horses huvo been
shipped hero to bo slaughtered. It is ex
pected that a good market for horso meat
Will bo worked in foreign countries.
Mnrle Ilurterl (Jets ft Stny.
New Yoisk, July 20. Amos H. Evans,
counsel for Mario Bortcrl, condemned to
electrocution for killing her lovor.fllod yes
terday with Wurden Sage, ot Sing Sing
prison, tho chief clork of the general ses
sions and tho district attorney a notice of
nppcal from tho sentence of death. This
notlco acts as a stay. It may be months
boforo tho court of nppoals will decide tho
case, nnd It Is therefore certain that she
will not bo executed In tho week begin
nlug Aug. 10.
Pray for the people you don't like and
God will show you something in them you
do like.
Relief in Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of ics
exceeding promptness in relieving pain lu
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male orfemale.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing It almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist,
107 S. Main street.
Don't wear shoes with extremely pointed
toes. The lound English toe is in better
The largest diamond ever found in Cali
fornia weighed nearly eight carrats.
The heliotrope baa been
New Mexico and Georgia.
discovered in
Gobd Offer.
Attention is called to the advertisement
offerluc two valuable properties on White
street for laic.
Buy Keystone flour. Be Jnat tlf
name Lessio & Baf.ii, As aca. Pa. is
printed on every sack. t;
Thousands are suffering excruciating
misery from that plague of the night,
Itchlnc Piles, and say nothing about it,
through a sense of delicacy. Instant relief
In Doan's Olutment. It never fails.
Don't have coat, troueers and traveling
or bicycle cap from the same piece ot cloth,
An harmonious variety is pleasing.
A Household Treasure .
D. W. Fuller, of Canajoharie, N. Y.,
says that he always keep Dr. King's New
Discovery In the house and his family has
always found the very best results follow
Itl use; that he would not be without It, If
procurable. G. . A. Dykemau, druggist,
Catsklll, N. Y., says that Dr. King's New
Discovery is undoubtedly the best cough
remedy; that he has used it iu his family
for eight years, nud It has never failed to
do all that Is claimed for It. Why not
try a remedy so loug tried and tested.
Trial bottles free at A. Wasley's drug
store, ltegular size GOo. and f 1.00,
If the whole earth could know the truth
about God to-day the millennium would be
here to-morrow.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Bait Itheuin, Kever
Uore, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, mid all Skin Eruptions, nud' poH
.i -in i Tr4
livttif uurtw j-ubb, ur iiu jwy reijiiX'VM.
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 26 cents per box.
For sale py A. Wasley.
Don't wear a double-breasted
waietcosil with n cutaway coat.
Cholera Infantum Now
Menaces Homes.
Diet Wrong When Infant
Cries Continually.
Children of Physicians Fed on Lac-
tated Food.
Delicate, Siokly Ones Thrive Won
derfully on it.
The hot weather puts a pressing ques
tion to every mother a question that de
mands an immediato answer.
It is impossible to postpone looking tho
great problem of infant feeding fully in the
face. Has overy precaution been taken
to keep baby well duriug tho summer? Is
tho baby running any risk from cholera
People havr begun to learn that medi
c'nes for infants are more sparingly used
in physicians' families than In any others
and that the well-educated physicians,
when the mother's milk for any reason, is
not sufficient, brings up his own children
on lactated food.
There are no healthier or plumper babies
than thoso fed on lactated food. Fewer
cases of summer diarrhoea and cholera in
fantum occur in homes where this superb
nutriment is employed than in others.
The most carefully, intelligent guarded
children are those fed on lactated food.
Every infant who is not thriving, has poor
color, or shows small gains in weight
and size, should be given this periect in
fant food. It is relished by young chil
dren, and no difficulty in inducing
them to take It in quantities sulhcient to
insure their growth and healthy condition.
During the exhaustive not days ot summer,
while teething and during tho weaning
period, lactated lood stands its best test as
an ideal imam :oou tor an trying occa
AVhen for any reason tho mother can
not nurse the child, or when her milk is
insufficient or poor in quality, the best
trained nurses use lactated food at once.
It is known to invariably mako firm flesh
a clear skin, bright eves, nnd to strengthen
tho b.'dv so that diarrhoea, cholora -man
turn and exhausting summor sickness do
not easily gain a looting,. And a great
blessing it is to countks hurablo homes
that for 25 cents 11 'mother can buy
package that contains enough to make 10
pints of pure cooked food.
Pull Tlmo In tho Lolilfrli Helton.
The Lehigh Valley Coal Company an
nounced tint full time will be vnrked text
week at all its collieries in the region.
Last summer one or our grand children
was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our
doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholcia and Diarr
hoea Remedy, which gave very speedy
relief. We regard it as the best medicine
ever put on the market for bbwel com
plaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fredericks
town, Mo. This certainly is the best med
icine ever put on the market for dysentery,
summer complaint, colic and cholera In
fantum in children. It never falls to give
prompt relief when used in reasonable
time and the plain printed directions are
followed. Many mothers have expressed
their sincere gratitude for the cures it has
effected. For sale by Gruhlor Bros., drug
gists. Leul-jli Vnlloj llnilrond.
Special rate of single tare the round trip
to Baltimore, on account of Baptist Young
People's Union convention. Tickets sold
July ICth and 17th, limited for return to
August Jitb.
First P. As K. It. It. Excursion.
The Philadelphia and Reading Railroad
Company will run its first excursion of the
season to Atlautic City, S;a Isle and Cape
May on Thursday, July 25th, at the rate of
3,50, good for ten "days. Tickets will be
good for special tralu leaving Shenandoah
at 9:30 a. m., arriving at Philadelphia at
2:10 p. m. and Atlautic City the same day.
There is more help ia an ounce of en
couragement than tbere is in a ton of good
Humor ia wit and love. Thackeray.
l.-lr.t Nnilnnnl Hnrit. at Shenandoah. In
In the Slate of Pennsylvania, at tue close of
business, July Jltti Ib'JO.
Loans and discount .....$ 265,621 80
Overdrafts, secured and unsecured... 353 80
U. 8. Bonds to secure circulation.... 100 000 00
Stocks, securities, etc - &S.8&8 79
BnnkliiR-liouse, lurnuure, unu m- ,.,.
tures I.800 00
Due from National Banks, (not
Reserve Agents) il
nun rrnm fiintR Ilnnkg nnd bankers.. 2.CC2 87
Duo from approved reserve agents... 25,111 88
Checks and other cash Items 6,01-1 32
Notes of other National Hanks 12,517 O0
Fractional paper currency, nickels,
and cents
237 27
Specie $M,5S9 30
Legal. tender notes 12,500 00
U. S. Certificates of deposit for
legal teiuleis
Redemption fund with U. S. Treas
urer (5 per cent, of circulation)...
69,059 30
4,500 00
Total i 578,132 87
Capital stock paid In t 100,000 00
surplus lunu
Undivided prollu, lets expenses and
Surplus fund 20.CO0 00
taxes paiu..
11,251 71
90,000 (X)
33,738 56
4.655 73
167.218 90
National flank notes outstanding..
Due to other National Hanks
Due to State Banks and bankers
Individual deposits subject to check
Demand certificates of deposit 55,SS 96
Time certificates of deposit vo.oio ui
Total 8 578,432 67
State of Pomuvlvnula, County of Schuylkill, ssi
I, 8. W. Yost. Cashier of the ahove
uamed bank, do solemnly swear that the above
statement is true to the best of my knowledge
8. W. YOST, Cashier,
gunsoribed nnd sworn to before me this 20th
day of July, 1895
INotary Public.
Correct Attest.
Sweet little maid vdih wlntoma ey8
mat laueii an day tlironah the tans ed ha r.
Gating with baby locks to wise
Over tho arm of the oaken chair,
Dearer thin you It none to me,
Dearer than )ou there can be none,
Since In your laughing lace I see
uyes mat leu 01 nnotner one.
Here where the firelight softly glows.
Sheltered and sale, and snug and warm,
What to jon Is tho wind that blows,
Driving the sleet of the winter storm?
Round your head the ruddy light
uimti on tne goiu lrom jour tresses spun,
Put deep In the drifting snow to-night
Over tho head of the other one
Hold me close as you sagely stand,
Watching the dying embers shlnt;
Then shall I feel another hand
That nestled once in this hand of mine,
oor little hand, so cold and still.
Shut from the lleht of start and ton.
Clasping the withered rosea still
mat time tue lace 01 tne sleeping.
Laugh, little maid, while laugh you may,
Sorrow comes to us all. I know:
lienor, perhaps, for her to stay
Under the drifting robe of snow.
Sing while you may your baby songs,
Sine till votir babv davs are done:
Dili, oh I the ache of the heart that longs
Nlgnt ami any lor the other one.
The Hoohnan.
Mrs. Rhodie Noab. of this place, was
taken in the night with cramping pains and
the next day diarrhoea set In. She took
half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got
no relief. She then sent to me to see if I
had anything that would help her. I sent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera nnd Diarrhoea Remedy and the
rifaf ilnca 1 lio, Anntliov nf n.
neighbors had been sick for about a week 1
nnd had tried difteient remedies for
diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent
hint this same remedy. Only four doses of
It were required to cure him. He says he
owes his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mick.
For Bale by Gruhler Bros.,. druggists.
The man who loves Christ will obey
Him, no matter how nines it may cost.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved lu six hours by the "New Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male ofemale'r
It telleves rotehtlou of water and palu lu
passing it almost Immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold at the City Pharmacy, 107
South Main street, next to the post office,
Shenandoah. Pa. 4-9-3ni
X New Appenl.
The 30 davs allowed ex-Counly Treasurer
Thomas Pepper and ex-County Commis
sionets Elian Reed, Samuel G. DeTnrk and
James Bowee to appeal from Ihe order sur
charging (hem witn about J1,8G8.73 will
expire to-morrow. The gentlemen were at
the court hou?e yesterday and filed recog
nizances. Ex-I'oor Director Thomas
Tracy is i lso one ot the number surcharged.
OIlTov Camp.
The two Pottsville military companies
Third Brigade Band and Fourth Ileuiment
Drnm Corps, boarded a special P & R.
traiu fit 3 20 this morning and steamed
away lor Mt Gretna where they will go
into camp. The Girardville, Mabnnoy
City, Tnrnaqua and St. Clair
companies wi-re carried to Pottsville in
special trains which were attached to the
Pottsville train at Mt. Carbon Junction.
A Colliery to Jtcsumo.
A special from Shamokin eays: Luke
Fidler colliery, at Shamokin, which was
on Ore and then flooded, entailing a los of
$200,000 and five human lives, will reautuo
operations iu September. One thousand
men and bnjs will be given employment
The colliery has been idle since last Octo
ber. The poorest man is not the one who has
the least, but the one who wants the most.
Go to the Shonandoah Dental Kooms
for painless extraction of teeth. Gold
and Silver fillings. If your nrtiflcal teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All oxami-
nntions free. wo mako nil kinds of
plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns,
Logan Crowns, Crown nnd Bridge Work
and all operations that pertain to Dental
No chargos for extracting when plates
are ordered. We are tho only users of
vitalized air for the painless extraction of
SIienaudoalL Dental Rqois
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, I -Office
Hours; 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
Base Ball Goods
Celluloid Frames,
Paper Covered Novels, Fine
Stationery, Rubber Stamps, etc.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Get our Vyces on
Gasoline and Headlight Oils
Our delivery wagon will do the rest.
Eclipse Oil Company,
Oils, Gawllue, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, lite.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Hartford, Cons.
Or a HARTFORD, $80 60.
Boys' or
(let a Columbia Catalogue. Free at
any Columbia ngency j by mall for two
a-cent stamps.
No Longer an Experiment. :-:
:-: We are here to Stay.
We have proven to the merchants of this city and vicinity that
we can sell as cheap as they can buy in Philadelphia or New
York and save them the freight.
We invite any merchant who has not called on us to come
and be convinced.
Wholesale Grocers,
No. 105 S. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
may assail you at
. ing. You nre at a
so sudden and
imiraa juu uic jjiuvmeu wiui a sure cure.
The surest cure, the nuiekest nnd sif("-r. i' SS!
n.i j t .
ouiu oorj wucro ut
tho genuine has
The Last Clearing (Viid-Summer
Sale of Millinery Goods,
Consisting of trimmed let-horn hals from SI. 25 to S2.5D. Laree line of bell-ton
sailor and Knox hats from '2o cents to $1.25. Plain sailor for 15c. Ladies untrimmed
hats from 20c. up. Silk mull hats $1-00, Infants caps oc. up. Infants' and children's
embroidered hats reduced to 25c. Silk lints 50c. Ci ape bonnets lrom $1.76 to 2.25.
Morning goods very cheap, Nuns veils from 51.25 up.
26 Soutn Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Result In i weeks.
,-ery 15.00 oraer G
For Sale by P. P
No. 10 North Main
Clothes of all diescrlption neatly done up in n first class manner. I can refer to scorte
of families in this city as to my care in wasning and superior neatness in doing up cloth
Ing. I da my work better and quicker than other laundry in the city.
Garden's Art Wall Paper Stor)
"Wo have just received a fine line of the most beautiful and artistic papers i
market, which we will sell at very reasonable prices. "We havo also in s
great deal of last year's patterns whioh we are felling at asaorifloe. Com?
see our line of goods "We have the most beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Pi
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Stn
All orders
For Scientific Deutistry go to
Dr. J. Donaldson Ford.
Fifteen years actual experience. Gold,
Amalgam and Porcelain fillings, Gold
Crowns, Porcelain Crowns, Aluminum
Crowns. Ilest teeth $10.00, no better
made at any price. Teeth extracted
with vitalized air, 50o. Extracted
without air, 25c. Allowance made
where 'teeth are out ou new platea.
Lady attendant always present.
Office bourn : Every day 1 to 0 p. m .
Sundays 1 to 3 p. m.
30W B. Centro St.. Wax Itoeee'i rttcl-
' enee, front room, up llt,
nutlcmh. l'a.
Advertise in
COLUAfllAS-rtitoffipast fly. "
wont cure you
.will medicine;
Bicycling will.
All you need is to get out doors
and let the tonic of rapid motion
put new blood into your veins
and tissues.
Buy a
Girls Hartfords, $50.
any time, -without warn-
complete disadvantage
violent is their attack
9 G8lk .v&
re fig- as a a & .'jm&t&
aoc a uoiue. peo mai you get
. ... .. ... . ic- '"r
"Perry Davis & Son" on bottle.'S
3&ag2ssgsr. "tf"s"""""":
Ski OtHATrlTvltti?
When In Hnubt vhat to use for Nervous DeHl ty, Los? Sexual IV t tr
sex , lin,. tto 1, A-ropl j , Varit-oCw'e 1 i-th r veak.n-- . tr .rn .r
Seur.e Fills. Drain cheLkei and fu'l ig. r -l!y M.r. 1. It j c
trculj'.s result fatally. Mailed anywhere, seitf.i, fur !.. , u ! -tu . r J
., - h
tt ith
cve a legal g uanmee 10 Lure ui reiuua ..em it . .
CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
KIIILIK, Shenandoah, Pa.
Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
promptly attended to.
Ofsumnier millinery, )
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens' 1
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
214 South Main Street
I) . I
3 -taramm-!' -