EVENING HERALD 1888 UU11NKD OUT- -1895. Published dally, except Sunday, by tlie HUALD PUBLISHING COMPANY. Oulco Kefowldi bldg., South Mnln St. II. O. HOYHIt, IMIIor. W. 3. W ATKINS, I)cnl Kdltor. 3, M. VOYEll, Trcas. niul Huineiw Malinger. Tl, it J Is delivered In Shen- i ne tneraia ndoh ami um ur- joundlng towns for six is-nts n week, payable ti Hie carrier. Hy mnll, 13 0n year or 25 cents i month, payable in ndvntire. Advertisements charged according to splice and position. The publilhers reserve Ihe right to change the position of ndvertleinenls whenever the pulilleiition of news demands it. The right ts reserved to reject nny advertisement, whether paid for or not. that tlie publishers limy deem Improper. Advertising rales made known upon application. Kntoicd tlhopotoffioe nt Shenandoah, Pn second ehiss innll uiHtter. Eoening Herald. SATUKDAY, JULY 20, 18U5. In Ills selection, of Maurice Morrison as a member of tlio lloanl of Health to succeed Mr. UrouRhall, whoso term ox plrea, Prosident McGuire has aRalu dis played tho oxccllent judgment which has so frequently marked his administration as presiding ollicer of tho ltorough Council. Mr. Morrison is ono of tho oldost and most highly respected and substantial residents of the tovt n and as a membor of tho Hoard of Health he would bu found conservative, consistent and conscientious. Ir all that is said upon the streets re garding tho recent School Board committee desk contract is truo, there is ample room for complaint on tho part of tho unsuccess ful bidders, and tho protesting School Di rectors are justified in insisting that the whole matter shall bo laid beforo tho .School Board. It has frequently happened that false economy has been practiced by accepting tho lowest bids, but in the present case it is charged that one of the' lowest bidders offered a better article than the ono adopted by the committee and af forded all necessary protection to guard against imposition, but there did not seem to be a disposition to have the merits of all competitors fully weighed. Undor these circumstances it would be far more satisfactory to tho people to have tho School Board consider tho matter fully than to allow the action of tlie committeo go unchallenged. More than this, tho committee should court a full consideration of the matter and relievo itself of any suspicion that might bo thrown upon its action by outsido discussion. The com mittee certainly cannot loose anything by such a course. If the action taken was hased upon good judgment thero are cer tainly men of sulllciont intelligence on tho Board to realize it and add their endorse ment. If tho facts aro to tho contrary, any mistake that may have been made in the committee can bo easily rectilled and tho committeemen will have an opportunity to show that what they did was done in accordance with their best judgment at the time, and not by reason of any im proper motive, IrtliESPECTlvis of the merits attending the claims of tho other competitors, it can he truthfully said that in awarding the contract for making the public walor works connections to Mossrs. Gallagher and Lamb the Borough Council has placed tho important work in very proper and re sponsible hands, and it is seldom that such an Important step is taken and maro gen eral satisfaction follows among the people. There is no doubt that the work could have heen entrusted to any of tho gentlemen In competition with jubt as much safety and promise of favorable results, but there seems to have heen an almost universal opinion among people in the town who have taken an interest in the public water works, that should the contract fall into the hands of Mr. 13. F. Gallagher it would Tie only part recognition of the almost In valuable service which that gentleman rendered In the establishment of the works, especially last year, the closing year of his term on the Borough Council, when he pertormed (.ervlce without pay that he could not Improve upon If the work had heeu his own. The services he rendered on the publio water works last year gratuit ously is sufficient guarantee that the con tract Just given him with -remuneration attached will be tarried out satisfactorily to all concerned. Mr. Lamb is also especially adapted for the undertaking, in that he has heen Identified with the water works siuce their establishment was first agitated, and therefore is qualified to judge the character of work that should be performed and is expected by the people under tho coutract. We therefore say, with all due respect to tho unsuccessful competitors, that the con tract could not have fallen into hotter hands. 'Eloonence will sometimes provoke right' eone indignation, but it cannot produce ligbteouiness o: me. The Bereft Mother Identifies the Bodies of Her Children. TORONTO'S OASE AGAINST HOLMES Chicago Furnishes Another Sensation In the Illscovery of Charred Hones, Hollovod to bo Those of Mlnnlo William, In a IIouso Formerly Occuplod by Holmes. ToitoNTO, Out., July 20. Yesterday Mrs. Pltezel Identified tho bodies of the two thlldrcn found Monday night in tlie collar on St. Vincent street as thoso of hor girls, Allco nnd Nelllo. Tho latter sho identi fied by hor hair and tho former by a pecu liarity of her ttppor front tooth. Sho was; not nllowod to soo nny other parts of the bodies, as both woro in such an advanced etngo of decomposition that it was thought tho shock would dorango hor. As It was, Mrs. Pltozol broke down completely and lobbed nnd cried throughout tho trying ordeal nnd long afterward. Detectives Geyer, of Phlludolphla, and Cuddy, of tho local stall, and tuo doctors aro perfectly satisfied with tho identification. The enso which tho Canadian authori ties now have ugnlnst Holmes is very com ploto, and Is much stronger than that made out against him in Philadelphia, which fact leads ti groat many hero to be lieve thnt tho prisoner will certainly bo extradited. Summed up, this is tho case: Holmes haB boon traced from tho United States to this city with tho children. His Identity was established nt tho Palmor houso, and that of tho children at tho Al bion. Thon both murderer and victims woro recognized at tho very scono of the crime, not by ono witnoss, but by soveral. An Immediate motlvo for committing tho deed is nlso clearly shown, being duo to tho fact that Mrs. Pltezel was in tho city und might at any momont moot tho children on tho street. Agnin, Holmes borrowed a spado on the last day that tho girls woro scon nllvo at tho cottago or any whoro olso, giving ns his roason for doing so that ho wished to mnko a bin for some potatoes, which stntemont was shown to bo palpably false. All this, nnd his going nwny tho noxt day aro strong corrobora te focts from which Holmes will find It hard to escape. Tho finding of the toy be longing to tho llttlo girls in tho houso and tholr partially burnt clothing is also an other link in tho chain. A CIIICAOO SENSATION. The Charred Hones of Minnie Wllllami Found In a Stove. Chicago. July go. Another appalling crimo will bo laid at the door of H. H. Holmes, tho notorious Insuranco swln dlor and the alleged murderer of tho Plto-, zols. That Mlnnlo Williams, or Fort Worth, Tex., met her doath at tho hands of Holmes thero Is scarcely a doubt. That she died in this city in a violent manner has boon proven almost conclusively. Late last night tho pollco found in a stovo in tho thrco story brick building nt No. 701 Sixty-third street, which was built by Holmes, and In which both ho and tho Williams girl lived, a quantity of charred bones, buttons known to have boon on n dress owned by Mlnnlo Williams, and a partly molted portion of a watch chain, which was positively identified as having boon tho property of the girl. All of tho ashes and dobris removed from tho stovo wero carefully presorved and takon to the polico station, where a more careful oxamlnotlon will be made of them. Tho pollco aro now of tho opinion that not only Mlnnlo Williams, but her younger ststor Anna and the boy Howard Pitozol mot death in this house. This morning at 6 o'clook they started to ronew the Bearoh of tho house, beginning with tho huse- ment, which is being dug up. Thoy aro of tho opinion that thoy will Hud either tho body of Anna Williams or that of Howard Pltezel before they havo concluded their work. O'Donnelt Ensily Defeats Woods. Montreal, July 20. Great lutorost was manifested In tho battle betwoen Ste-e O'Dounell, Champion Corbett's sparring partner, and Billy Woods, of Denver, in tho Crystal Rink lust night. Tho big nu ditorlum was crowded. Both O'Dounell and Woods wero urrestod during the af ternoon at tho lnstanco of the Cltizons' League, but were balled out by frlouds. No attempt was made to stop tho fight, which was a ono sided affair. In the twelfth round Woods could hardly hold his hands up, and hung around O'Dou noll's neck to save himself from punish ment. Iu tho flftoonth O'Donnoll gave Woods a smash which sont him down like a log, and he was carried from tho ring at the expiration of the ten seconds. Indian Uprising Feared. ClIETENNK, Wyo., July SO. The news from tho north today is of a moro alarm ing naturo than any heretofore received. Governor Roberts is taking every precau tion to provont an uprising, and if tho nows from Lander, that tho young Arapa hoe and Shoshone braves aro leuviug their reservations for tho purpose of joining the Bannocks Is confirmed, troops will bo or dered to the Hold at once. Probably Lost with Sixteen Souls. SANTA BARBAltA, Col., July 20. Tho sloop Restless is reported lost off Santa' Cruz iBlana, witn sixteon persons on hoard. Last Monday a party of young people left this port for a pleasure trip to the islands on tue xtosuess. xno sioop started in the morning, and was expected back two days aero. Tho latest reports from down tho coast are that the Restless has boon wrecked. No Officials st StauilMllotl's Funeral. Sofia, July CO. Prince Ferdinand has telegruphod that, in view of the attltudo of Stambulofl's family, and being unwilling to expose his faithful servants to insult, he la compelled to forbid any state, olllalnl from taking part in the funeral. Prince Ferdinand's decision is due to the widow of StambulofI having refused the wreaths ho sent. Murderer Small Identified. BALTIMORE, July 20. Abe Small, col' red, arrested here a few days ago as the luspected murderer of Patrolman Neve, of Havanuah, Ga., was positively Identified yesterday by Jamos T. Johnson, assistant inglneer on the steamer Decatur H. Miller, tvbo was present when bmall shot Neve. The Kenosha. Strike Spreading. KENOSHA, Wis., July SO. Contrary to expectations, the strike hore U spreading. Yesterday tho crew of tho novelty works went out, and the omployei of Allen Sons' tannery notified their employers that un lets wages wen raised by Monday they would leave. . Know Hood's Cured Because It Made Pure Blood. "I was all run down and could not sleep at night on account of the continuous and severo pains through my body. I had also atom ach troubles and catarrh. After taking Hood's Sarsaparilln a short lime I com menced to lm provo, and after using three bot tles In all, my complaint en tirely left mo. I now have an appetite, sleep woll nnd am free from all stomach trouble. I know Hood's Sarsaparilla has cured ine, and I cheerfully recommend Its use by all woman who aro run down and need a bulldlntr up medicine." MISS Alice Wray, y. Brldgewnter, Pa. Hood's Sarsaparilla la tho only True Blood Purifier promi nently In the public eye today. U rrrt'c Dille easy to buy, easy to take, rlOOa S rillS easy In effect. Mcents. SUMMER RESORTS. Atinntie City's Favorite Summer llcsorl, 'THE BRADY HOUSE. Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantic "ity, is. .1., near the ocean ; rooms airy and pleasant: handsomely furnished; good board! large garden and lawn. Send for circular. Itates moderate. P. O. Box 207. JAMES Bit ADV. Ihe Schufli Valley Cottage Owned by Peter OrlflUhs, Gttnrdvlllc. 122 SOUTH MISSISSIPPI AVENUE, ATLANTIC CITY, PA. Two nnd one-hnlf smmrcs from P. ,t It. station' half fuaro from beach. Itcpninted, repnpered nnu rciurnisneu. rTeryinmg complete tor eon. venieuco of patrons. MltS. M. A. OltlFFIN, rroprtctrcs MISCELLANEOUS. WANTED. 23 good girls at once. Apply V person at overall factory, Girardville lib erie and lilacs. -2-tf T?OH SALE.' B Flat" and "C" Clarioncttes. Also two cases All for 25 cash. Apply at this office. -19-2t TJAKKU Situation wanted. Slcadv situation as first or second hand by a sober, industrious and experienced young man. Address "J. t. T" caro of IIeiialpoIucc, fheiiundoah, Fa. tf WANTF.D. ltellahlc, energetic msn to take chnrge of a branch house controlling whole sale aim retail traue lor ivaiicuti-cukk. opieu ,11.1 nnpnlnf. Wnrlh 91 and u. ver to rtplit per. koii 6"ly those with 8300 cash and good ref erence need apply for interview. This Nakcoti-Chemical Co., 7-lS-3t Springfield, Mass, 1?OK SALE. A magnificent folding hed. Al 1 most now. In shape of a ward ohe when closed. Front of French plate mi ror and solid WHiuut. nest spring: anu iuu mur mittrcss, "Will ho sold cheap. Party bus no use for 11. For particulars call on Max ltccse. 7-19-3t r I ronITM wanted for Merchant Trade OMLLdlVICIV Good weekly pay. Samples free. No delivcriesor collections. Wide line or exclusive. Address, MANUFACTURERS, tVU Market St., Philadelphia. WE WAHT SALBSMFH EITHER SEX. To tako orders for MARION IIARLAND'S NEW BOOK, "Home of the Bible," rare rtdiant and (harming. Hundreds of new photos, lands, scenes, people and p'accs. Story of travel iu Iho Holyland porlrajed for tho first time hv a woman's pen. Rovers Plenty. Ove 200 million people constantly read Marion Il land's hooks, and every one of them will wan a copy of this great, new work, floods shipped on credit. One ngent iu New York has sotd 109 conies in a little over one week s lime 10 renies in ono dav; 10 copies in ene hour: 3 in one house, to 15 houses in succession. He has cleared as hlirh as 550 in a single day. Tho secret of his success is here, he has n good thine, and mice the lowest ever known Hon t full in send ut once for illustrated samples au full particulars. Address HISTORICAL PUB LIS1IINU CO., PHILADELPHIA. John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of tho finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenaud oah, I JOHN R. REILLY, "Wholesale and Retail LIQUOR - DEALER, 2i ind 21 South Slain SI., Shenandoah. Accnts for D. G. Yucncllng & Soh's celebrated Beer. Porter, Ales etc. Dn. j. s. callen, , , , No. 31 South Jardin street, Shenandoah Oitjcb Houits: 1:30 to3 and 6:30 to 8 p. m. Except Thursday evening. No office work on Sunday except by ar rangement. A strict nuuereuce to tne onice hours Is absolutely necessary. Lout Manhood nnd Small Shrunken Or sann Fully Ilcntored. Bclentlllo method never falls unless case Is beyoud human aid, Keller at once, and you feel like a man among lucu m luinu nnu uouy. All losses checked Immediately und continued Improvement. Every obstacle to happy married lite removed. Nerve force, will, energy, brain power, when fallini; or lost, aro restored bv the combined Nl'.W treatment. Victims of abuses and excesses, reclaim your manhood ! HutTerers from folly. ovcrworK, early errors, ill health and excesses In married life regain rour strength. Don't desnalr. even tf In the fast stages, llon't be discouraged. If quacks nave roeoea you. 1 win prove to you mat mikll.Bl u.nnMt nnd hn.inr hIIII evlat R.nri HnveZent stamps for book 'TRUTH thp Snnl. MnHli-nl tmnlf nrriA.ln nttairm inn ma,n wbat tbey advertise to save themselves from exposure) their tricks and devices, calling themselves celebrated and famous, giving free1 ,advlce and guarantee, cnarglng enormous! E rices for cheap, poisonous drugs, and there y rulntnir thousands, llourm tf to 3. Kven I ncs. 8-8.SO. Wed. and Bat. JOve'gs. ft-aso. hun. -r nonce au amiciea wun aangerous ana nopeiess cases sDcmia can for examination. Dally, from 0-1. Wed. an-1 Bat. eve'gs, s-. and un , I'-li Wrlleorrnu. Treatment by mall. dr. f heeli 1 1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa. I IBLOOD POISON Kn,,:!,"SIreeI1,1n'!i,7.1 eaneH cured In ,'iO to IIO dn M. JIlotcliea.H WUIeern.fcdilii HUeaxcx, .Nervoun Debility ami Krrora of Youth, Loaiiof 1'owernndH HfrlrtureH No f.'ufflnirl f'uro.l f,,, , lir.B Hiline. m Weak, Irritable,Tired 1 Was No dood on Earth." Dr. Allies' Nervine strengthens tho weak, builds up tho broken down constitution, and permanently cures every kind of nervous disease. "About one tjcarnoo I teas aflllctcd. tctth iicrvotwiirxH, slcejtlcssneas, Cvccpttio sctiHfif ion in mu legs, tslitiht palpitation ofmu heart, instructing con usion of thetnimt, Serious loss or lapse oftnemory. Weighted itotrn telth care and teorrU' I comjdetelu lost appetite And felt mu vitality wearing out, I was ucal;, irritable and tired, 31 V weight teas reduced to 1GO lbs., In fact X was no good, on earth. A friend brought mo Dr. Milos' book, Now and Start ling Pacts," and I finally decided to try a bottlo of Dn. Miles Ke- oratlvo Nervino. Beforo I had taken ono bottlo I Could sleep as well as a lO-yr.-old boy. My appctlto returned greatly increased. H'liot X had taken the sixth bottle JUg weight increased to 17G bs., Tho sensation in m v legs was gone; Mil nerves steadied completely; My memory was fully restored. 3Iy bra in seemed clea rcrthan ever. I felt as goodas any man on earth. Dr. Jllilcs' Itcstorattve Kcrvine is A great medicine, I assure you." Augusta, Mo. Walter It. Bonn an k. T)r. Mlle-q' Nervino la Rold on n. nrnltlvo cuarantco that tho first bottlo will benefit. Alldrugglstssollltnttl.a bottles forfS, or It will bo sont, prepaid, on receipt of prlco by tho Dr. Miles Medical Co., Elkhart, Ind. Dr. Allies' Nervine Restores Health Pennsylvania R. B. SCHUYLKILL DIVISION. July Oth 1895. Trains will leave Shenandoah after the above date for Wiggans, Gilborlou Frack ville, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottaville, Ham burn, Heading, Fottstown, Phoeuixville, Norriatown, and Philadelphia (Brond street station) ate us and 11 45 a. in. and 4 16 p. m. on week days. For I'otlsvillo and inter mediate stat ons 9 10 a. m. SUNDAY. For Wiggan's, Gilberton, Frackvillo, Now Castlo. St. Clair. Pottsville at B OS. 9 40 a. in. and 3 10 p. tn. ror Hamburg, Heading, l'otlslowr, l'uoenixvillo, jNornstown, I'nna dclphia at 6 00, 9 40 a. m., 3 10 p. m. Trains leavo Irackville fur Shenandoah at 10 40 a. in. an-4 12 M, 5 04 7 42 and 10 27 p. m. bunday II l.i a. m.and 5 40 p. m. Leave 1'ottsviue lor tjiienanaoali at 10 15, SI 48 a. m. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m. Sunday at iu 4U a. ni., s i p. in . Leavo rmiaaeipma (moan street station) for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 410 and 7 II p. m. week days, bundays leave at 0 50 a. m. Leavo Broad Street Station, Philadelphia, for Now York. Express, week-davs, 3 20 4 05, 4 50. 5 15, 5U, 7 3, 8 2(1, 9 50, 10 30 (l)miu uar 1 1 imp. ii 14, a. m., 12 noon. 12 35 (Limited 100 and 4 22 p. in. Dining (Jars) i 4U, 2 3U ( uining uar), ;i 2u, 4 uu, 5 uo, 5 56 (Dining Cur), fl OH, 6 50, 8 12 10 0U, p. m., 12 01 night.- Sundays, 3 20 4 05, 4 50, 5 15. b 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining (Jar), 11 03 a. ni 12 35, 2 SO (Dining Car), -4 00 (Limited 1 22), 5 20, 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 SO, 3 12, 11' 00 p. in., 12 01 night. Express for Boston, without cjiange, 11 00 a. in., wcek.days, and 6 50 p. ni. daily. WASHINGTON AND THE SOUTH. For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 7 20, 8 31, 9 10, 10 20, II 18, 1138 a. m. (12 31 Limited Dining Car), 1 12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 16 Congressional Limited. Dining Car), 6 17, 6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m., and 12 05 uiglit week-days. Sundays 3 50, 7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 3S, a. ni., 1 12, 4 41, 6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and 12 05 night. Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia, FOR ATLANTIC CITY. Express 5 00, 8 20 9 30 a. in., 1 00 (Saturday only), 2 00, 3 0, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. u.. week-days. Sundays, Express, 6.00 "30, 8 00, S 30, 900, 9 45 a. m. 4 30, p. ni. Excur sion, 7 00, a. m. daily. FOR CAPE MAY, Anglesea, WiLnwoon, and Holly UuAcn, Express 9 00 a. m. 2 3o, 4 05, 5 00, p. in. week-days. Sundays, 8 20, a. m. Capo May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays. Excursion, 7 00, a in. daily. FOR SEA ISLE CITY. Ocean Citv and Avalon, Express. 9 10 a. m.. 2 30.4 20 n. ni. week-days. Sundays, S 5U a. ni. Excursion, 7 uu, a, in. daily. FOR SOMMERS POINT. Express. 8 20, 9 30, a. 111., 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. in. week days. Sundays, 3 00, 9 00, 9 45, a, m. 8. M. Prevost, J, R. Wood. Gen'l Manaeer. Gon'l. Pass'g'r Agt. Lauer's L&0637 and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest, iloaUliiesi. Chris. Schmidt, Agent 207 "West Coal Street, Shenandoah. Your Stomach : : : Cannot fctand the same washing that your boots do, and the water you drink Isn't even ni lor mat purpose, use Loreuz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. FINANCE AND TRADE. The Ilnslncis ntitlnolc ns Viewed hy the On at Commercial Agencies. New Yoiik, July 20. It. G. Dun & Co.'s weekly revlow of trade says: Tho wcok's news is not entirely encouraging, but Is all tht' more natural becnuso of sifins of midsummer dullness. Wheat prospects are not quite so kooiI as last week, but 6tlU there aro lower prices, as corn and cotton have boon lowered. Tho exports of gold and tho loss Livoi-ublo treasury re turns for July urn not unexpected and menu nothing ns to coming business. Therr is poTcoptlble decrease in tho de mand lor most mnnuiMcturcu prouuets and Ihe actual dlstrlbutloii to consumors naturally lessens in midsummer. Much of tlio reeent buying was to anticipate a rise in prices und suuh purchases fall oil when prices have rlKoii. Tlieru aro still numerous advances In Wages, nut strikes grow more numerous and important. In n.nt because business was unusually largo In tho first Jinlf of July, n quiet tone meets reasonable cSDectntlonS. Tho heavy bank failures' nt Montreal do not effect finances here. Bradstroets' review says: All tho pre viously reported favorable industrial und commercial matures are continued this week, the oudurontt? in tho rovlvul of tho demand for iron atid steol, tho further ad vances in prices of the sumo, und addi tional Increases of wages of industrial employes being most significant. Mer chants at almost all larger citlos aro pro paring to send out travelers, ami Until they begin to exhibit results no exact estl nuito of how full trado will open can bo prepared. At this time tho outlook is re garded as highly favorablo'. YESTERDAY'S BASEBALL GAMES. Xntloiuil League. At Pittsburg (first gnmo) Philadelphia. 7; Pittsburg, 3, Second game: Philadel phia, 0; Pittsburg, 5. At Chicago Bos ton, 5; Chicago, 3. At Clovolnnd Clevo Innd, 0; Brooklyn, 4. AtCincinnnti Bal- muuii:, 3; oiuciunuu, 1. ijouisvilie V IT 1. , n . . .... . . tv 1 oris, iu: iouisviiio, a. At St. IjOUls St. Louis, 13; Washington. 4. Kitsteni League. At Toronto Providence, 2: Toronto. 0. At Itochestor Rochester, 10; Surnnton, 5. At Syrucuso Syracuse, 7; Wilkeiburro. 0. At Buffalo- Springfield. 9: Buffalo. 0. rennsylvniitit Mtute Lenciie. At Laucnster Lancaster. 0: Pottsvllle. 6. At Heading Hazletou, 14; Heading, 9. A Freight Thief Confession. WlLKESBAUItE, Pa., July 20. ThoLabar family, husband, wife nnd chlldron. and Levi Sickles, arrested for breaking Into freight cars of tho Wllkcsbarro and East ern railroad and stealing merchandise, have been hold for trial at court. Robert Labor, one of tho defendants, testified that tho work of breaking Into cars had beon going on for noarly a yoar. Tho con ductor of ono of tho cars, he allegos, told him on several occasions to go into the produce car aud got meats. Tho meat was then carried to tho cabooso and cooked. Tho crow woro also In tho habit of tapping boer kegs and drinking nil tho boor thoy wanted. The railroad company clnlms to have lost goods to tho value of $2,000. Electioneering In England Hazardous. London, July 20. II. Rider Haggard, tho author, who is standing in the Con servative interest for East Norfolk, has mndo his olectlon tour In a four-horso drag, und has beon roughly treated, mud and stones being thrown in somo cases. Near Ludhnm, ono of the purty, Miss Hartcup, had her hoad cut by a flying mlssllo. At Stalhamtho party was obliged to tauo rorugo In a hotel, which' was bo sioged. The elections, so far ns they have beon doclared, leaves tho stato of parties as follows: Conservatives and Unionists, 320; Liberals, 80; Parnollitos, 0; McCnrty itcs, 44; Labor, 2. Total opposition, 133. Tho net Unionist gain up to date is 55. All Got Out Alive. Ikon Mountain, Mich., July 20. The Imprisoned miners at the Pewnblo mine wore rolensed about midnight, and not one of them was injured. Tho escape is considered tho most romurkable ono in tho history of mining. The mou suffered no inconvonlonce. Thoy hoard the first orash of tho breaking timbers and made their escape to n dry drift on tho first level bofore the cave In occurred. The Impris oned mon wore without food, but plonty of frosh air was pumped down into tho chambor in which they woro caught. Buffalo Wants the Convention. BUFFALO, July 20. Under tho chair manship of Mr. E. H. Butler, editor of Tho Evening Nows, a committed of ronro seutatlve Kepubllcau citizens ot Buffalo yesterday began the preliminary work as m committee to soouro the national Re publican convention for this citv in 1800. The committeo will go about tho endeavor In a buslnessliko and determined wuv knowing thnt tho sentimont of the city is ununimousiy uack ol them. Postofflce ltohher Shot. Lake City, Flu., July 20. Buro-lurs uroKo into tne postolllco at Watertown Thursduy night and blow open tho safo. Fifty dollars In stomps woro taken. A negro was seen yesterday with nn incrimi natlug packago and when ordorod to sur render shot at the shorlff and ran. The sheriff fired, bringing tho man down. Ho was taken to jail. Mexican Strikers Defy the Authorities. Citv of MEXICO, July 20. Tho miners employed at Corro Dolooro.stnto of Moxlco, to tne number ot between 150 and 200. rose in revolt against their employers and, tuKing reiugo in a nelfrli boring town, for tified themselves and are now dufvlntr tlie authorities. The manager of the mine took flight, being In Immediate dunger uf assassination. Captain Devery Itelnxtated, New Yohk, July 20. William S. Devery, captain, and Edward Glennon, patrolman. were reinstated to their respective grades, with back' salary from Aug. 81, 1894, by wio pouce boura yesterday. They were ordered to report to the acting chief of po lice, who has instructions to suspend them both pending trial on another indictment. Threatened Lynching In Minnesota, Fahjiinqton, Minu., July 20. Edwurd Anderson, ufter attempting to ratio his 12- year-old niece, Josephine, daughter of Sever Shordol, of Eureka, followed her three miles to a neighbor's, where shoiiau been sent for safety, uud cut her inroau He is at this place, and may ue lyncueu. I'nddlers to Get More Wage. Lancaster, Ph., Juls 20. Notice- has been posted In the Ponu Rolling Mill that puddfers' wages' will bo rulsed on Monday from 2.75 to W a ton, and the wages ol thr HinnlnrpB In nrowoitlon. Ihree tundred men ttre affected. MUNYON'S falls to relieve In three days. Bhenmatlsm Care never in three hours and cura DvSDcnsla Cure is guar anteed to correct constipation nnd curr all forms of indigestion and stomacn trouble. MUNYON'S Catarrh Cure soothes and heals the afflicted parts and restores thorn to health. Nofailuro; a euro guaranteed. MUNYON'S Kidney Curo speedily cures pains in tho back, loins or groins and all iorms of kidney disease MUNYON'S Nerve Cure cures nervous ness and builds up tho system. MUNYON'S Vltalizcr Imparts new llfo, restores lost powers to weak nnd debilita ted men. 0 Prlco $1.00. No matter what the disease is or how many doctors have failed to curo you, ask your druggist for n 25-cent vial of ono of Munyon's Cures, and if you are not beneV filed your money will he refunded. Our Plans of Operation ASSURE Absolute Safety of Investment. Dividends Payable Monthly. Principles of LIFE INSURANCE and BUILD ING AND LOAN ASSOCIATIONS Superseded. $10 to 5.000 Business Boom. Can be Invested with tatetv. Wilt convince any rcntonnble person that mis isn trutbful statement. Tbe Iodk looked for tmsiwt revival Is at band. Every tndtcnttin In tbe financial world tioniflea an snvunco In values. Prior to My 1 prices of everything were at or below tbe cost of production. Will you Join th procctrion and renp tbe benefits or this boom ? Responsible. Sale, Conservative. Will establish these fuett by refer ring to some of tbe leading Banks and TrtiJt Companies of our city oc ..ill Our past mceat Justifies us In POP Centl atatlnK that ne feel assured or ' our ability to pay a monthly dlvl- tlflr rVlnnth. dend of 25 per cent or more on 1 4 an investments. INVES- I If you want to make money, Brirwtr TIGATE.) bbk is iur you 10 mvaiigaie our newt anu ontrinni mcmoas. win guarant iee iu convince toe most sitepucai Full partlcu.Ar sent free on Applies lion, nepreeeniniivea rvaiuea, Co-operative Trading Ass'n 15 Dearborn St., Chicago, 111 NOTICE OP APPEALS Notice la herebv iziven bv the undersigned Schuylkill County Commissioners, to the taxa- Dio lnuanunnta ami otner owners of property within said county that appeals relating to the assessments made for 1S95 will be held for the Bevcrnl boroughs nnd tovuiship of the county as followH: For rineirrove boroucu. "Ineerovo and Washington townshliN, at Kdward Hummers hotel Pirecrove, nt 10 a. si., Tuesday July 2.1rd. ' For Tower City and 1 orter townlhlp at Win. Frank's hotel Tower City, Wednesday July 21. For Treniont borough, Tremont, Frailey and Iiellly townships nt Dilileld's hotel. Tremi.nt, Thurs.lay July 25. Fur jlinerrville borot:li r-ass. 1-ostcr and Branch lownshlns nt Pierce Mailers hotel. Mln- ernvllle, Krldai July 20. For Malumov Cilv lioroui.il. De ano. Kline. Itynu nud AlHlianoy townships, at Knler's hotel. Munaiioy Cily, 10 a. m Monday July 20. For Mhoiiaudonh. at lleni-iinin Itichards hotel Tuefadav July 30, For Uiiton, North aud Kasi Union township-, at Isaac Aplcgate's lio'el, Klngtown, Wednes day July 31. For Gilberton nnd Friickvllle boroughs and W st Jlnlitnoy towiishli.s ntOeorgo Ualdztibn's hotel, Mahauoy Plane, Thursday August 1 For Tntnaqua borough Hahn, Rus , chuyl kiil nud Walker townships, at tho United States Hotel, -ramaqua, a A. i .uonuav iiigust n. For West Penn towhshin at William Mantz'8 hotel, Wehr V. O. 10 a. m Tuesday August 6. For Now Itlnggold and P ir Clinton boroughs and East llrunswiek township at Koch's hotel. New Itinggold, Wednetidny, August 7. lor urwigsourg anu i.anuingvi lo.oorougus. West Hruusivick and South Mnnlieim town ships a tho Arcadian Hotel, Orwigsburg, Thurs dav, Augu.t 8. For r-cliuyiKiu iiaveu, Auuurn aim iressona boroughs, nyne township, nnd for JIellot' and eochfadlstric of North JIanhelm town, ship at Hobert Killing's hotel, Sehuylk, 11 Hnven Friday, August v. For Girardville hoiough and the East and North District of Butler township at Louis Muss' hotel, Girardville, at 10 A. M., Monday August li. For Ashland and Gordon boroughs and the. South. West and Northwest districts of Butler township at the Union house. Ashland, Tues day, August 13. ior iiarry townsnip ami tee r-usi uinm-i u Eldredat Bitierman'a hotel. Taylorsville, Wed nesday. August 11. For Hegin'a township nt SchoIIstall's hotel. Valley View, at 9 A. M., Thursday, August 15. For Ilubley township at the Sacramento hotel at 2 P. M., Thursday, August IV i-or .iianant ingo townsnip at iv. uoiuci hotel nt 9 A. 51., Friday, Angus 16 For west district Klrtred townsnip ni r. Friday, August IB, at I). M. Suyderra hotel. FWHalnt Clair. Pnlo Alto und Port Carboi boroughs and New Castlo township at the court house, Pottsvllle, Monday, August 19. For Yoikvllle and Mount Carbon boroughs and Norwegian, East Norwegian and McDer niotfa aud Urown's districts of North Manhelm township, at the court house, Pottsvllle, Tues- UaA-. A.U.B4?' . . .... tf oruiyine townsnip, new rmi.siiiu .. Mlddlenort lioroUL-hs at the court house, Fotts- vllle, Wednesday, Auiiist 21. For the Northwest, Middle and South wards of Pottsvlllu at the court house Thursday, Au- BH5t2r. ,..-. .. ...... a. por 1116 SOUlueiBl, luriUBlsl, .'uim nnu entli wards of rottsvllle at the court house, Fri- AnnsnU will ie beard between the hours of 9 and 12 A. M., and between 1 and 0 p. M., except where It Is otherwise stated. All persons who feel themselves agrlcved by .1 , a ., ...1 ,..)....,(.... .,r .hair monerty are requeued 10 attend, lor rearess " and plae J as above stated for each district. OIIAS. F. ALLKN, I .iM FRANK HitNTZ. 5-County Commissioners. JNO. P. MARTIN, J Attest; PUII.. J. CoNNEtx. Ti., 1mR Commissioners Olllce, t'ottavUlePiuJuIJ. 1S05 EMIL J. BEYER'S, (Formerly Murphy Bro.) Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant, 19 North Main Street. Tho bar supplied with first-class wines iquors beer, ale porter. Choice oigars. Free lunch from 0 u. m. to 12 m. EVAN J. DAVIES, LIVEIIY AND Undertaking ! 13 North Jardin Street m. 1. vmm. s' tJm I mi V I mi 1 1 9