The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 17, 1895, Image 2

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1883 BUUNED OUT 1895.
Published dally, except Sumlny, by the
Office Refowlcli blilg., South Main St,
H. 0. ItOYHlt, Kditor.
W. J. W ATKINS, Locnl IWItnr.
J. 51. HOYElt, Trens. mill Business Mnunger.
The Herald
I delivered In Shan
Aiulnali nutl the ur-
roundlnir towni for six cent a week, payable to
the carriers. l)y mull, J3 0 year or 28 cents a
month, payable ill advance.
Advert tftemcnt charged according to apace and
position. The ptiulliHcn reserve the rlulitto
change the iositlou of advertisements whenever
me puoiicnupn ot ncwmienuumi it, nie nuiii
Is referred to.Vc.lcet ally advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that the publisher may deem
lmpropciv Advertising rntes made known upoh
Entered at the lmstofficc at Shenandoah, I'a.,
ccond class mall matter,
Eoening Herald.
'"WEDNESDAY, JULY 17 , 1895.
ToMOiutow night's meeting of the Bor
ough Council will be au interesting ouo, as
the awarding of the contract for connect
ing the properties with the public water
works will corno up. It is hoped the mat
ter will he disposed of at the meeting as
there is none too much time to get the
works lu full qperation heforo the winter
season opens. Delays always arise from
unexpected quarters in such undertakings.
We aro in receipt of sufficient letters on
the late riot in Win. Peun to form a foun
dation for columns of material on tho
affair, hut tho commuuicatious that aro
the most Interesting aro sent by annony-
raous correspondents, and therefore cannot
be published. It is surprising how much
more some people can say' in writing to an
editor of a paper over assumed names than
they can when they have no scruples as to
the use of their real names.
TnE Pottsvillo people are happy onco
more. Their season of base ball is to bo
prolongod, their team having been snatched
from the brink of dissolution. In this ro
spect they have displayed more enterprise
than the people of this town. They realize
that a base ball team of prominence is a
benefit to a town if in no other than an ad
vertising channel. Shenandoah never has
a more lively summer season than when it
is properly represented on the diamond.
Last summer one of our grand children
was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our
doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic. Cholera anil Diarr
hoea Itomedy. which cave very speedy
relief. Wo regard it as the best medicine
ever nut on tho market for bowel com
plaints. Sirs. E. 6. Gregory, Fredericks-
town, Mo. This certainly is the best med
icine over put on tho market lor dysentery,
summer complaint, colic and cholera in
fantum in children. It never fails to give
prompt relief when used iu reasonable
time and the plain printed directions aro
followed. Many mothers havo expressed
their sincere gratitude for the cures it has
enecteil. Jfor sale by liruhler Jiros., drug-
Captured tit Treniont.
Costello Portlano, was arrested at Tre
mont yesterday by officer Walter Duubert
of Shamokin, charged with buying goods
by tne wholesale under lalee representa
tions trom Dominick Olees, ot Shamokin
Costello skipped and was located at Black-
Did You Kvor
Try Electric Bitters as a remedy for your
troubles ? If not, get a bottle now and
got relief. This medicine has been found
to be peculiarly adapted to the relief and
cure of all female complaints, exerting
wonderful direct iiitlueueo in giving
strength and tone to tho organs. If you
nave loss ot appetite, constipation, head'
ache, fainting spells, or aro nervous, sleep
less, excitable, melancholy or troubled
with dizzy spells, Electric Bitters is tho
medicine you need. Health and strenntl
are guaranteed by its use. Large bottles
only fifty cents at A. Wasley's drug store
I.oIiIkU Valley Kallroud.
Special rate of single fare the round trip
to Baltimore, on account of Baptist Young
People's Union convention. Tickets sold
July ICth and 17th, limited for return to
August fitb.
Itellof In Six Hours.
Distressing ICidney and Bladder dis
eases relieved in six hours by the "New
Great South American ICidney Cure
This new remedy is a great surprise on ao.
count of Its exceeding promptness in re
lieving pain in tho bladder, kidneys, back
and every .part of the urinary passages iu
male or female. It relieves retention of
water and pain iu passing it almost imme
diately. If you waut quick relief and
euro this is your remedy. Bold by Isaac
Shaplra, 107 South Main street, Shenan
doah, Pa,
Buy Keystone flour. Be srrt nmt the
nameLBsero & Bahk, Ae..tu ri. .8
printed on every sack. ti
Mrs. Ithodie Noah, of this place, was
taken in the night with cramping pains and
the next day diarrhoea set in. She took
half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got
no relief. She then setit to me to see if I
had anything that would help her. I Bent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Iteraedy and the
first dose rolieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a week
and had tried different remedies for
diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent
him this same remedy. Only four doses of
it were required to euro him. Ho says lie
owes his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs, Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich.
For sale by G rubier Bros., druggists.
ComluK Events,
July 17. Ice cream festival In Bobbins'
Opera House under the auspices of the
Aug. 15. Ice cream festival in Bobbins'
opera bouse under the auspices of Hope
Section Pioneer Corps.
Merita of Gold and Silver
Brilliantly Discussed,
Ex-Cnngresstiinn llorr and Wllllnm II.
Hurcy Meet In an Oratorical Contest
as to the Itelntlvo Merit of the Two
Metals as Mediums of Exchange.
CHICAGO, Juno 17. The great tea days'
iebato botweou Roswell G. Horr.tho witty
ex-eongressmnn from Michigan, now n
tesldont of New York, and William II.
Harvoy, tho author of "Coin's-FInanclal
fccliool, ' was oponeil yesterday bcloro n
elect audlouoo at tho Illinois club on Ash
land avouuo.
Both made brief preliminary addresses,
Mr. Horr speaking for a gold standard
and Mr. Harvoy for free colnago of silver.
Tho audience was Impartial, applauding
tho telling points mado by each contestant
Tho debate propor bogan by Mr. Horr
asking hla opponent to tell plainly If thoro
was evor any such school hold as that de
scribed in tho book "Coins Financial
Sohool." Mr. Horr said: "I find all through
tho book a largo number ot statements at
tributed to a very considerable number of
business men of Chicago, and I am in
formed that theso nion novor one of them
attored a single word attributed to them.
If the book is written as an allegory I
would like my friend to state why ho did
not uso, us all literary men have always
done, the namosgf. fictitious Individuals?"
Air. Harvey "Tho 'school' is an alle
gory. It marshals tho opinions of tho
two sides of the controversy, so that ono
In Imagination can seo the coufllct of
opinions and tho contest as it proceeds.
It puts in the mouth of tho gold standard
advocates their woll known vlows, fairly
itatcd, with which tho country had been
Hooded up to tho time tho 'sohool' was
written. Tho strength of tho book was
intended to be in tho fairness of stating
thoso vlows. The faot that a little boy In
kneo pants was tho instructor of tho men
was supposed to be sufficient to flx tho
itory as allcgorioal.
Mr. Horr "Now I come to the motto of
tho book, which is this: 'I thunk Thee,
oh, Father, Lord of heaven and earth, be
cause thou bust hid thoso things from tho
wlso and prudont and hast rovealcd thorn
unto babes.' Does my friend desire to in
timate that the kind of ilnanco which he
toachos is something that babqs will un
derstand, but that paoplo who know any
thing will novor be able to comprehend"
Mr. Harvey "Mr. Horr misinterprets
Ihe meaning of that verso. The word
babos is intended to mean tho puro of
mind and unselfish. It is in that sense
that it is used in tho Bible, and means
that thoso puro of mind and unselfish
can see clearly thoso things which tho Im
pure of mind and selfish cannot see or un
derstand." Mr. Horr "I submit that that motto
does not glvo an excuse for a boy because
bo is In kneo breochos to stop telliug tho
truth. It docs not give the boy any right
to mlsroprosent facts."
At this point tho contestants discussed
at some length tho definition of money.
Coming to tho money system of the United
States Mr. Horr said:
"Tho first law that was -ver passed in
the United States on tho subject of money
was July 0, 1785. That was two years
after the subject had boon discussed In
svery shapo and form by the people and
press of tho United States. It was ro
iolved that tho monoy unit of tho United
States of Amorloa bo ouo dollar, that the
smallest coin bo of copper, of which two
hundred should pass for ono dollur. That
Is ull the law there has evor boon on tho
lubject and all that has ever been said
about it anywhere. So wo had first the
money of tho daddlos, of copper, no doubt
about it. Now comes tho next important
legislation upon this subject: 'Kesolved,
that tho standards of tho United Statos of
Amorlca for gold and silver shall bo oleveu
parts lino and one part alloy.' Originally
that was tho weight of ulloy in nil coins of
the United Statos. Afterwards wo reduced
tho alloy so that It was ono part in ten."
Mr. Harvey "What Mr. Horr says about
coppor used us money during the Conti
nental days procedlng tho adoption of tho
constitution is trivial to bo used in this
argument. After tho udoptlon of tho con
stitution a blrnotullic system was provided
for in the constitution. Section 10 suys:
'No stato shall ooln money or make any
thing but gold and silver coin u tender in
paymont of dobts.' It says gold and sliver,
not gold or silver. This is the constitu
tion. Tho statos surrendered to oongross
tho right to soparatoly coin monoy, but
BxproBBly retained tho right to the uso of
silver and gold as monoy, neither as tokon
money, ono representing tho other, as sil
ver is now coined representing gold, but
both as money lu their own right."
"The men who framed this constitution
then proccoded to givo it the construction
intended. They gavo both metals free and
unlimltod coinage. Both were glvon full
and unlimited use in tho payment of
dobts. There was uo discrimination made
In tho use of tho two metals except that
tho unit of vulue was to resldo in tho sil
ver dollar, and that gold coins are to be of
the valuo of so many silver dollars.
"Daniel Webster said: 'Gold and silver
Is tho monoy of the constitution. The
constitutional standard of valuo Is estab
lished, and cannot be ovorturned. To
overturn it would shake-tho whole sys
tem. Gold and sliver at rates fixed by con
gress conBtltuto tbo legal standard of
valuo in this country, and neither con
gross nor any stato has authority to es
tablish any other standard or dispose of
Mr. Horr "My friend Harvoy thinks
tho government of the United States orig
inated In 1703. I had supposed this gov
ernment commenced on July -1, 1770. In
1787 congress resolved that the standard
of tho United States of America for gold
and llvor,,both together, should booloven
parts flue and one part alloy. That was
proclsoly as they bad doclded before. They
wore organizing a new system of money,
something that had nover boon known on
the face of tbo globe making money his
tory. Is that trlvlalf Why, it was tho
important aot of the ago. Why, it was
the basis of the ontlr action of 1702?
Mr. Harvey "The straits to which the
colonies wero put between 1770 and 1700,
when we, as a govornraont known as the
United States went into operation, were
those of oxpedleney, but no permanent
system was adoptod. Tho Amorlcau con-
f;rei, .ot its 'second session, onactod the
aw of 1799, and section P of that act is the
one that settles this question by whiph
only a silver unit was provided for."
Mr. Horr "Now,' all this talk of Mr.'
Harvey's Is of very little Importance as far
j I am concerned. What I say Is that
when thoy passed that law thoy lntondod
to establish bimetallism In the United
Statos. Wo did not uso tho gold standard
at all up to 1834. Tho gold dollar was
worth moro undor tho first mlntago than
tho silver dollar, consequently we did
havo and ho Is right about it tho sllvor
standard in this country up to 1834."
Mr. Harvoy "I want now to call atten
tion to tho faot that for sovcral years our
sldo has claimed that silvor was fixed in
1702 as tho unit of valuo, continuing to
1873, aud as strenuously denied by tho
other sldo. And now wo conio faco to faco
with tho other sldo where thoy do not daro
to mislead; and In tho first joint debated
question In this controversy thoy aro
forced by the truth to admit that 871f
grains of sllvor was fixed os tho unit of
valuo by tho act of 1702 and remained such
to 1881."
Mr. Horr "I want to say hero tho ques
tion of tho unit has not beon disposed of
today. I want to- give a word as to why
thoy recolnod tho gold instead of tho sil
ver. Tho ronson was becnuso wo wero on
a sllvor basis, and did not Intend to dis
turb tho relation of money to tho business
of tho country,;'
Dyspepsia, Indigestion
And distress in the stomach caused me
intense agony. I lost flesh, strength and
energy. I was so weak that I could not
walk without my cane. My family and
friends prevailed on me to try
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and now I am a well and strong man of
60 years. I owe my life to Hood's." W.T.
Bpenceh, Fort Mitchell, Virginia.
Hood's Pills oa3ytiy.!ytotak8,
tiuuu o r-ui easy In effect 25a
Pennsylvania R. B.
July 6th 1895.
Trains will leave Shenandoah after the
above date for Wiggans, Gllborton Frack
villo, New Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville, Ham
burp, Reading, Pottstown, ' Phoenixville,
Norristown, and Philadelphia (Broad Btrcot
station) at 6 OS and 11 -15 a. m. and 4 15 p.
m. on week days. For Pottsville and inter
mediate stat ons 9 10 a. m.
For Wiggan's, G'tlberton, Frackvillo, Now
Castle, St. Clair, Pottsville at 6 08, 9 40 a.
m. and 3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading,
i'oltstowp, i'lioenixvillo, norristown, inua-
telpula at 6 (10, 9 40 a. m., 3 11) p. m.
Trains leave Frackville for 8henandoah
at 10 40 a. m. and 12 '4, 5 04 7 42 and 10 27
p. ni. Sunday 11 is a. in. and 5 40 p. ui.
iieavo 1'ottsvillo lor Shenandoah at 10 15,
11 48 a. in. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m.
Sunday at 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. oi.
Jjcave i'liuaaoipuia (Uroail street station)
for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m.. 410
and 7 11 p. m. weok days. Sundays leave
at n 5(1 a. m.
Leave Broad Street StntioD, Philadelphia.
for New York. Express, wook-days, 3 20,
4 us, 4 ou, a is, e an, i as, a zu, j su, id 30
(Umiiii Uar) HUH, 11 14, a.m., 12 noon,
12 35 (Limited 1 0U and 4 22 p. 111. Billing
cars) 1 4U, 1 M (.uining car), a zu, 4 uu, 5 uu,
5 56 (Dining Car), 6 00, 6 50, 8 12 10 00, p.
m., 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20 4 05, 4 50,
5 15, 8 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 03 a.
m., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car),4U0 (Limited
4 22), 5 20, 5 56, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 CO,
8 12, If HO p. m., 12 01 night.
Express for Boston, without change, 11 00
a. m., weeK-days, anil o ou p. m. daily.
For Baltimore and Washington 3 50, 7 20,
8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 38 a. in. (12 31
Limited Dining Car), 112, 3 4B, 4 41, (5 16
Congressional .Limned, liming (Jar), n 17,
6 55. (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Uar) p. m.,
and 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50,
7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 38, a. m., 1 12, 4 41, 6 55,
(Dining O'ar), 7 41) p. m. (Dining Uar), and
12 05 night.
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express 5 00, 8 20 9 30 a. m., 1 00 (Saturday
only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. ui.
weok-days. Sundays, Express, 8 00 " 30,
uu, ju, vuu, u 13 a. m. 4 3U, p. m. JSxcur
siou, 7 00, a. ru. daily.
FOR GATE MAY. Anui.hsha. AVn.nwnnn.
and Holly Beacd. Express 9 00 a. m. 2 3n,
4 05, 5 00, p. ra. week-days. Sundays, 8 20,
a. m. Cape May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays.
Excursion, 7 00, a m. daily.
FOR SEA ISLE CITY, Ocean Citv and
A valon. Express, 9 10 a. m., 2 30,4 20 p. m.
week-days. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Excursion,
7 00, a, m. dailv.
FOR SOMMERS POINT. Express, 8 20,
9 30, a. m., 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. m. week,
days. Sundays, S 00, 9 00, 9 45, a. m.
8. M. Pbevost. J. R. Woon,
Gen'l Manacer. Gen'l. Pass g'r Agt.
Pilsner Beers,
Ffaj$Sf Purest, Healthiest.
1 -
,14 '
CtinsV Schmidt, Agent
207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
Chief Monro Will Warn Us ot Approach
lag Htorins of Unusual Violence.
Washington, July 17 With tho objoct
of giving warning of tbo approach of trop
ical hurricanes, as woll ns tho sovcro and
daugerous storms that pass across tbo lako
region abd Atlantic coast, tho weather
bureau bus adopted a sprclal signal to bo
kuown as the hurrlcauo signal. It will
consist ot two red flags, with black con
tors, displayed one above thu othor. Tho
signal will bo dlsplnyod at all wcathpr
bureau ofllcxM and wind signal display
sttnlous on tho Atlantic mid gulf coiisU
and the great lakos and ut uumorous other
In n number of Instances arratigempnts
havo been mndn with steamship and
stonmboat Uuu to display tho signals on
their VPSseR Tugs, pilot boats, revenue
cutters or ot'ier sto 1111 vcsseli will d splay
tho hurricano signal by day and flro rock
ets by night.
Clilof Mooro, of the bureau,, suggests
that in all localltio? where hurricane
storms aro liable to oause instruction, ar
ran?oment3 bo made by cltizons for dis
tribution of the ofllolal warnings to points
beyond tolographlo comnimlicntiou 1 r
sight and sound of tho signals. This may
bo dono by iiuani of oottrlors oa liorso
back displaying signals from high points,
or firing rockots. Tho bureau has decided
to uso for this purpose red metoor rockots,
which ascend 300 or 400 feet high and emit
a brilliant red star which burns to tho
ground or water's odgo.
The English Elections.
London, July 17. Up to midnight the
returns from the parliamentary election
shows tho following results: Conserva
tives and Liberal-Unionists, 831; Llborals,
44; Parnollitos, 4; McCarthyltes, 12;
Labor, 1. Tho gains which tho Unionists
have securod la the elections thus far held
insure them a majority of thirty-two In
tho noxt houso, oven it tho remainder of
tbo seats to bo voted on remain tho same
as horctoforo. Lord Salisbury's youngest
son, Lord Hugh Cecil has boon returned
for Greenwich. A Labpr mombor, Will
iam K. Cromer, who rocontly mado a
Journey to America to urge tho udoption
of an arbitration treaty, has boon unsoatcd.
Tho chief event of the day was tho dismis
sal of ox-Postmastor Goneral Morloy,
making tho fourth ex-minister in Lord
Kosobory s cnbiuot who has boen sent into
seclusion. Tho ro-olectlou of Spoakor
Gully has olicltcd congratulations all
Prison Onlolals Severely Censured.
New Yoke, July 17. Tho fodoral grand
jury mado a presentment yesterday in tho
matter of tho oscapo from Ludlow strcot
jail of Klllorau, Alien and liussell, tho
allogod Hobokon and Springfield (Ills.)
postofllco robbers. Sheriff Tamson is con
sured for neglect in keoplng subordinates
who did not know tholr duty. The prin
cipal responsibility for the escape is fixed
on ex-warden Kaubn, who, tho jury says,
Is guilty of gross and culpublo negloct,
while the under keepers Schucer, Schoon
and McCabo aro found to bo utterly unfit
nion, who displayed at tho critical mo
mont not only cowardice, but stupidity,
If nothing worse.
A Desperate- Lover.
Philadelphia, July 17. Jealous Josoph
Connor shot his swoothcart, 19-yoar-old
Kate Connolly, at the houso of his mother
in tho Konsiugton district, and thou at
tempted to commit suicide. Both were
removod to the hospital with bullets In
their heads. Their recovery is predicted.
They had a lovers' quurrol, and Miss Con
nelly threatened to break off their engage
ment. Hence tho shooting.
Tho Amateur Oarsmen at Knratof;n,
Saratoga, July 17. It is olliclally
etated that the Saratoga lake regatta of
the National Association of Amateur
Oarsmen will begin nt 3 o'clock this after
noon, l'orty-flvo boats und 150 oarsmen
aro on the water und nothing but aquatics
are talked. The three crack Canadian
crews from Toronto, Wiunlpog and Kat
Portage uro eousidered good dark horses.
The Flood nt 1 Pnso.
El Paso. Tox., July 17. Twelve square
miles In oast El Paso, aro umler water,
causing 815.000 ilamuge. Tralllo over the
Southern Pacific has been entirely blocked
for twenty-four hours. Evergreen ceme
tery is entirely uuder the llooil, which was
tho blggost evor known horo. The freshet,
however, whloh was cuused by heavy ruins
In Now Mexico, is now recodlnjr.
A Clergyman'! Death at Sea.
New Yoiik, July 17. The Rov. Arthu
Brooks died on board tho steamship KuldV
onlier passage from Southampton to this
city. He was n brother of tho late Bishop
Phillips Brooks and pastor of the Churoh
of the Incarnation, this city.
A Woman Lawyer Debarred,
WASH IKOTON,' July 17. Mrs. Mary E.
Hauseo, of Ellohvllle, N. Y., has been de
barred from practice in the Interior de
partment for unprofessional and unlawful
conduct. in oxooutlng Improper declara
tions iu pension cases.
M. Trubert has boon appointed secretary
of the French ornbassy at Washington, to
succeed M. Tanguy.
Ou Saturday tho uow yacht VulkyrloIII
will loavo .England ror New York to con
lost for the America's cup.
Aiarua uowkcs 1011 neaaiong into a
chute at the Klchards colliery at Shamo
kin, i'a., and was instantly killed.
At Reading, Pa., John G. Witman, aged
80, was overcome by gaa at the Colebrook
furnace, and died a few mluuteslater, .
Simon M. Ehrllcb, chief Justice of the
New York city court, died aX his home in
Wejtcheitcr lost night from typhoid fever.
Cures the Tobacco Habit
Use All The Tobacco You Want Till Your "Carcing,"
is Gone.
Naucoti-Cure is the only remedy in the world that acts directly
on -the ntyves and drives the nicotine from the system in from four
to ten days. ' ' It leaves the patient in better health than before taking,
and is warranted free from any injurious ingredients.
Narcoti-Cure is popular because it allows the patient to use all
the tobacco he wants while under treatment, or until the "craving"
and "hankering" arc gone. It is then no sacrifice to throw away
tobacco forever.
Narcoti-Cure is sold at the uniform price of $5.00 a bottle, and
one bottle cures. j , 1 , '
Money refunded if a cure is not effected when taken according
to directions.
Of AinlK-ml.MnjK., ChRwcilTnlmccn roi-40
Ycnrs, mid Was Ciui-it by Xnrcoil-Cure.
Amherst, Mass., Februarys, 1893.
The Naivcotl Chemical Co.,
Hprlngflcltl, Mass.
Gentlemen: Replying to yours of tlio 1st,
would pay that I have uxed tobacco for 4S years,
anil of late have consumed nlO-ccnt plug n ilny,
besides smoking considerably. I commenced to
use tobacco when I -was only 11 yours old, and
have never been nblo to give up the habit until I
took Nabcoti-Cuhe, although I have tried other
so-called remedies without cilect. After using
your remedy four days, nil "hnnkering" for
'chewing disappeared, and In four days more
smoking became unpleasant. I havo no further
4dcsirc for the weed, and experienced no bad
ell'ccls, n-Iiat?ver. I am gainiiigiu ilisli,nnd feel
better than I have for a long time. To all who
wish to bo free from tho tobacco habit I would
say. use Narcoti-Ccrc
Yours truly, W. N. WAITF.
II .;,
Has stood the Test of Time
After. All Others Fail
famous jjr Lobb
829 N. 15th St.
Uelow Callowhlll,
To secure a positive aim permanent cure of
Errors of Youth and Loss of Slanliooil and of nil
diseases of the Wood, Kidneys, Madder, Skin
and Nf-rvous System consult nt once I)r. Lobb.
Ho guarantees iu nil cases caused by Excesses,
Imprudence or Inheritance, to restore to Health
nnd Strength by building up the shattered ner
vous system nnd adding new life and energy to
tho broken down constitution! Consultation and
examinations free and strictlyleonlldenlinl. OlHce
hours, dally and Sunday, froTh9 A. 31. to 3 P.
M. and 0 to SI evenings, itead his book- on
errors of Youtli and obscure diseases of both
sexes, bent free.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
A ton''c for ladies. If you are suffer
ing from weakness, and feel exhausted
and nervous; are getting thin and all
run down, Lrilmore s Aromatic Wine
will bring roses to your cheeks and
restore you to flesh and -plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for
all ailments piculiar to womanhood.
It promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strencth.
Sold by
06 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Excellent musw aay aud ovenlng at
17 South Main Stkeet.
Grand display of birds and nnimalsof ul
Kinus ana nnost paintings in the-county.
Best'lleer, Porter aniAks" . '
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning and evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor
Mild &Xic,tfi.FiNi
If your druggist is unable
to give you full particulars
send to us for Book of Parti
culars free, or send $5.00 for
a bottle by mail.
SpritiEfielu, Mass.
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
Base Ball Goods
Celluloid Frames,
Paper Covered Novels, Fine
Stationery, Rubber Stamps, etc.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oils.
Our delivery wagon will do the rest.
Eclipse Oil Company?
Oils, Gasoline, Caudles, Lamp Wicks,
Burners, Etc.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Mail orders promp tly attended to.
OfHco Ecan bulldiufj, corner of
and Centre streets, Shenandoah.
N. STUIN, M. 1).,
Office Boom 2, Bean's New Building,
corner Main and Centre streets, Sliouau
doah, Pa. Offioe-hours: 8 to 10 a. ui.; 1 to
a p. in.; 7 to u p. in. .Nlgnt onlce jno, 231
West Oak street.
Office Water Company b'uildine. 26
West Lloyd street.
Office ami residence. No. 20 S. White
street. Office hours 7 to 0 a. m., 1 to 3
and 7 to 0 p. m.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon,
Poolroom attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
Choice temperance clrinksand clears.
Specialist Inldlseaseslof the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
'. SOflWeBt Market St., Pottsville.
Hours 8:30 a. m. to 12 mi 1 to 4 p. m.,
tuVBiinilayu, 9 a. in. U2 m.
to 8 p.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry
j - Cor. Lloyd and White Sts.
y. '
J All work guaranteed to be lint-class in every
particular. Silk ties and lace curtains a spec.
lMty. Goods called for and delivered. A trll