Eli ENINr HER1LB VOL. X. NO. 173. SHENANDOAH, PA, THURSDAY, JULY Jl, 1895. ONE CENT. 3 i .-It REFRIGERATORS BABY CARRIAGES URGE STOCK! BEST M&KE! LOWEST PRICES! w South Main Street, WILBLIKTSON'S 11EADY 111 SUITS Al PILOT CASES. Our sheets are all 2 yards long, with 2 in. hem at the top; prices 50c. to 75c. each. Well-made pillow and bolster cases for 8, 10, i2j4, 15, iSand 25c. each. Men's fine white shirts, first-class in every way, only 35c. each better than 50c. kind of other stores; Ladies' ribbed vests, all sizes, 7c. each, or 4 for 25c. Every department is up to date in prices and qualuy. Come and see us for bargains. L J. Wilkinson, 29 S. Main St. CHERRINGTON BROS. No. 122 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. nprial of 0il c,oths Preserving Jars OpSCiai Oaie andjelly Glasses. Best qualities of OIL CLOTHS from 22 to 85 cents per yard. All th latest patterns. Mason's preserving jars at So cents a dozen. Jelly glasses with tin lids at the lowest possible prices. Do not forget that we carry the best brandi of flour at lowest prices. REMEMBER ' That we carry the heavy and shell BAR All sizes constantly Also a large line of our line. No. 21 North Main F. J. Portz New Carpets. This week wo offer a new line ot choice patterns of Axmin ster and Moquotte Carpets. A full stock of Velvet, Tapestry and Body Brussels. Also another lot of new Ingrains at 35 cents, exactly the same quality as we have been selling at 50 cents. Ingrain at 25 cents, reduced from 40 cents All Wool Ingrains Extra Quality A large stock of Bag Carpets, all prices and styles. New Moquette Bugs at low prices. Linoleums at re duced prices, Specials in Canned Goods. We received today anothor lot of Fancy Northern Sugar Corn, 4 for 25 cents. The best we have had at tho price. Also anothor lot of Fancy Cold Packed Tomatoes, 4 for 25 cents. Fine Table Peaches, 2 cans 25 cents. California Pears, 2 for 25 cents. Alaska Salmon, 10 cents a can. TodayA lot of Striktly Fresh made Fancy Dairy Butter. TO -A.RJEtIV3E3, Three cars No. 1 Timothy Hay, Two cars Choice White Oats. One or Heavy Winter Wheat Middling r One car Yellow Corn. At Keiter's, liams & S Shenandoah, Pn. finest and cheapest line of GLASSWARE in the county. in stock. beautiful table glassware, see Street, Shenaudoah, Pa. & Son, m t'lo.asint? Entertainment in UeddalPs Hall Last Night. THE S. OF V. AND LADIES' AID A Joint Colpbrntlou Held by tlio Organization With tlio G. A. It. nnd Families ns Ouests Pocn lioutns Anniversary. A Joint anniversary celebration was bold in Deddall's hall last night by Henry Hornoastlo Cntn) No. 40, Bona of Veterans, jliid the Ladles' Aid Society, which Is nn auxiliary organization to tlio former. The members of Watkln Waters l'ost No. lit), G. A. It., anil the Women's Relief Corps were honored guests and were afforded a very pleasant evening. Tho Camp was thirteen years old on tho 2nd inst. nnd tho Ladles' Aid Society will bo nine years' old on the 23rd Inst. The two organizations got together nnd decided to make one event of the two anniversaries and haven reunion of the local surviving war veterans and their families, and It wasa. very gratifying success. A very interesting and pleasing program was arranged for tho occasion. William Wlllman, a member of the Camp, offi ciated as master of .oeremouies and ac quitted himself of the duties" lfia creditable manner. His opening address was followed by singing by tho audieiico and a prayer by Rev. John Bath, after which there was a very pleasing duett by Misses Bella Brown and Edith Morgan. Miss Lottlo Bowman gave an interesting recitation and Misses Martha Iiichards and Edith Morgan sang a duett, which followed by an exercise entitled ".Planting the Tree of Liberty," in which nine children participated. This was followed, by remarks from Rev. J. W. Meredith, pastor of the Methodist Episcopal church, and who is a veteran of tho war. An intermission was then taken and refreshments served. They were well selected and abundant. The second part of the program was opened with a trio by Misses Richards and Morgan and John Price, Jr., after which the chairman issued a general invitation for remarks and a number of responses wore made by the honored guests and members of the Camp and Ladles' Aid. The addresses were followed by a trio by Misses Martha Richards, Edith Morgau and Bella Brown. Miss Maggie Daddow gave a recita tion and upon Its conclusion Itev. Meredith offered prayer. The program was then closed with the singing of an old odo by the audience. The event was so suc cessful it is probable that the Sons of Vet erans and Ladies' Aid will celebrate their anniversary jolutly In tho future. Both organizations are in a prosperous condi tion. Chief of I'ollce Tosh was the first captain of the Camp and Mrs! John Dad dow the first president of the Ladles' Aid Society. D. OF V. AXitlVEHSAKV. Juniata Council, No. 31, Daughters of Pocahontas, will celobrate its fifth anul versary tomorrow by having a day out at High Point park. Tho members of the Council will leave town in a body at 10 r m. for the rendezvous and It is expected a "large number of friends .will beek the generous hospitality the squaws will dis pense at tho wigwams. A largo delega tion of the braves from Shenandoah Tribe No. 155, I. O. of It. M., will tako trail and make tho forest of High Point ring with war whoops. Prices Speak Loud or Thau "Words. Our French balbriggau underwear is not all sold yet. In order to close out our summer stock tD preparo for fall we will sell them at 85 cents a suit, and nlso n nice line at 50 cents a suit. And the only place to get a fashionable hat is at Max Levit's Up-to-date hat and gents' furnishing store, 15 East Centre street, Titnmu's now build ing. 7-10-3t Broken a Second Tlmo. John Poff, a resident of town employed at the boro hole near the red bridge, tripped over a spreader chain anil in the fall frac tured his left wrist, which was fractured about fivo months ago in a similar manner, Hoarders Wnuted. Two permanent boarders wanted, ply ut 215 North Main strcot. Ap- Will Drill. Tho St. Mary Magdalon Temperance Cadets of Lost Creek will drill on Main street this evening, using tho street from Centre to Chorry for the purpose. After the exhibition the cadets will loave on electrlo cars for Ashland, to display their skill before the people of that place. Watson rtouse Free Luuoli. Mock turtle soup tonight. Clam chowder tomorrow morning. Dauce at tho Park. The dance at Columbia Park last night was well attended. There were forty-four couples on the platform and thoy daucod to the muslo of the Schoppo orchestra until a late hour. Souolily IIouso. Mook turtle soup tonight. Clam chowder tomorrow night. Spring ohiokon. Hard and soft shell crabs. The only baby medicine Inks' Syrup. rn TUOUOIIT8 OF TI1K MOMENT. As I'nrimrnphoil liy tlio Pon nnd Pencil Men. It is a mistako to snpposo that thero aro no more days of graco In tho payment of notes of hand. If you give a note payable on August 1 you will still have threo days of grace. Tho law nhollshlug days of grace does not go into effect until Jnnuary 1, 1890. Everything has its compensation. Peo o who growl about tho numerous trollov and othor overhead wires can pluck com. fort from the rellectlon that they scatter tho electrical resistance and minimize the dangers of llghtulug strokes. At any rale, that is what tho electricians say, and they night to know what they aro talking ibout. Tho chostnut trees nre now in full and beautiful bloom. Themagulflcent blossoms, arrayed as they aro in creamy white, con trasts splendidly with tho dark green follago of the other forest trees with which they aro surrounded. If profusion of blossoms indicates a full crop of nuts, chestnuts will be very plentiful during the latter part of September. We sometimes wonder if tho window screen now on duty in almost every houso isn't a source of enjoyment to the averago house fly. If he laughs at all he must laugh at Its eflectlvcuessJhjJsgiiBjiini X5t2jjlaro equal to that of the parental kind. Flies are like somo people. This assertion may seem a trltle out of joint, hut they aro all the same. Somo people aro never content In the present, hut as soon as It is past then that time's worth twice of this. 'Tis so with tho fly. When he is on tho outside he wants to got in, aud ho won't ho satisfied until that want has been gratified. Once in ho wants to get out, and then's when tho screen gets in its most effective work by holding him a prisoner until tho good housewife raisos tho barrier and "shoos" him out. Watch aud see if this is not truo as preachinc Thinking over the recent school com mencements the sweet girl graduates and boys, too of their essays, poems and other original productions, the thought comes that there has been loss bowing at tho shrines of Greeco and Home than has beon the custom for many years. This is a change for the better It means that tho lines of thought aro being dlrcctod In a more practical direction more to tho point on matters at home, and more In keeping with the teachings of those who are selected to fill tho youthful store house with kuowl. edge. Greece and Rome aro all well enough in their way. Their history and traditions read well, but what we want here is moro thought on what Is likely to become tho points of friction In our day aud generation and in years to come a solving of problems with which the dim past has nothing to do any moro than has the old query ns to who it was that struck Billy Patterson. This idea may not jingle with tho views of some, but it is sort of American-like, and anything stamped "U. S." is legal tender. Hives are not dangerous to life, but thov are a prolific breeder of misery and pro- lanuy. uoan s uintinent gives- instant renor, even in tue worst cases ot tins and other exasperating diseases of the skin. Sprunir Any l.i-nks Lutoly J We can't stop the leaks from tho clouds but Bell, tho plumber, corner Main and Centre streets, can stop all your leaks in water aud gas mains with satisfaction. Buy Keystone Hour. Be sure that the name Lessio & Baek, Ashland, Pa., Is printed on every saok. tf Postponement Criticised. The postponement of action on the public water works by tho- Borough Council has caused considerable criticism by citizens. Last night several were heard to remark it seemed strange that at the present critical stage of the project It is Impossible to get more than a bare quorum of Couucilmen to attend the meeting. Another meeting of Council to either accept or reject tho plant has been called for this evening, The members should attend this meeting, even if compelled to make a personal sacrifice, and thus allay the fears which some citizens seem to harbor by reason of the postponements. "If takeu into tho head by the nostrils two or three times a week, Thomas' Eoloc tric Oil will positively relieve the most offensive case of cfltarrh." Rev. E. F. Crane, Dunkirk, N. Y. Colvtmbln'a Anniversary. Tho Columbia H. & S. F. B. Co. colo- brated its twenty-fifth anniversary today by having an outing at Lakeside. It was a big event and one of the most successful of the kind in the company's history. The trip to Lakeside was made this morning on a P. & R. trniu and the firemen, their families and friends packed the eight oars to the platforms. About eight hundred people were on the train. The Grant Baud was in the crowd. A number of people missoil the train, but caught it at Mahanoy City by making a trip over the Lakeside road. Pure blood and good digestion are an insurance against disease ami suffering. Burdock Blood Bitters keeps the blood pure, the digestion perfect. A National Typewriter, almost new and in perfect condition, for sale aheap. In quire at Hbkald office. THE MOT AT WM. PE1 Carried Into Court With a Venge ance. UPWAKDS OF TWENTY OASES Mr. Bonder Makes a Stntoniont Con cerning tho Jtlot nnd frays Ho Fired no Shots, But Some Woro Fired. The law suits arising from the riot nt Win. Fetin last Saturday night promtso to monopolize tho next term of court. Thero ale now ponding upwards of twenty law sultB. Charges and countercharges havo multiplied to such an exteut that Justice Green, who has charge of tho Wm. Penn end of tho feud, aud Justlco Shoemaker, who has been Issuing warrants to the par ticipants who would not placo their cases before tho former justice, have been un able to keep track of them. Justlco Green's docket shows nearly twenty cases and Justice Shoemaker's about ten more. The charges nre of various degrees, rang ing from simple assault to aggravated as sault and battery and Inciting to riot. The Justices nnd Constables will reap n harvost from the affair and the people who may bo obliged to draw heavily upon their bank jpppunts. It is estimated that even nt this carlysrSEeTiiaases are so numerous, It would require about" 'Mk to pay the costs. Tho litigations started onTNrrgutrf - number. Everybody sued turned around aud entered countersults and sworo out nn extra warrant for good measure. Had half a dozen people been killed In tho riot the excitement that prevails over the affair at Wm. Penn could hardly havebeeu greater. Should the cases go to trial tho witnesses will form an army aud operations at the Win. Penn colliery may be thrown idle for want of hands. Ouo officer who has been giving attention to the affair says that the witnesses to bo subpoenaed will number close to seventy-live. Aud tho litigations aro still accumulating. Last night Louis Bender, the hotelkeeper, was again beforo Justice Shoemakor to answer a series of charges. Ho furnished 5300 bail for his appearance at court. Mr. Bender visited tho Hehald office yesterday and stated that no shots wore fired by him, or anyone olso during the riot. He claims that William Taggert nnd others threw stones and ho chased them away from his place. Ho also says that two pistol shots were fired from the Tag gert house about two hours after the riot and that no shots were fired at Justice Green's ofiico. Mr. Bender's version, of course, does not conform with that gleaned from other sources, aud it will be protty hard to tell which is tho correct version until all parties have their say under oath before a jury. There are enough versions to fill a book and the affair will go down in the history of Wm. Penn as one of the most exciting events that havo occurred In the place. It promises to establish a feud that will be heard from in tho Justices offices aud courts In one shapo or another for years to come. Have your carpets, feathers nnd mat tresses cleaned by the Steam Renovating Co., 32 East Coal utreet. 4-17-3m Mnu Mlsslus. Thomas Ryan, a doaf mute, disappeared from his home in Brownsville June 28th, aud was last heard of on Juno 30th, at which time ho was in Nuremberg. He is about 33 years of age aud appears to be slightly demented. Any information as to his whereabouts will be cheerfully received at 1175 West Centre street, Shenandoah, Pa. Exchanges pleaso copy. Maley, tho jeweler, for your wedding rings, 10 North Main street. tf Evldoncoof Success. Tho Ashland Dally Local, published by J. Harry James, Esq,, has appeared in six column and geuorally improved form This is an indication that the paper is a success and is to remain with us. It is welcomo and wo hopo Editor James will enjoy prosperity. He knows enough to push a good thing along. An unfailing spoolflo for cholera morbus, cholera infantum, diarrhoea and all those other dangerous diseases incident to the summer season, is found in Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry. LeltlRli Villi oy Railroad. Special rate of sluglo fare the round trip to Baltimore, on account of Baptist Young People's Union convention. Tickets sold July 10th nnd 17th, limited for return to August 5th. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tiuismlthing done oallon E. F. Qollagber, 18 West Centre street. Dealer in sto'voTr 3-4-tf nnmi nnvi.. V Attention is called to tho advertisement. offering two valuable properties on White street for sale. Givo teething ohildren Luks' soothing syrup. stooU Arrives. William Neiswenter's western stook has arrived at Mahanoy City. It oomprlsoa SI horses and 2 mules. The publio sale takes place at Mahanoy City next Wednesday. See advertisement in another column, THE BUSY STORE: 110 nnd 11H North Jlnln St. OUR MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Salo still continues. We add ed this week a number of other, garments, equal in quality and reduced in price. LADIES NIGHT GOWNS. An extra numlfer with tucked yoke, 50c. Another with feather stitch braiding 50c. Another with ruffles, 50c. LADIES DRAWERS. The best value you ever saw, with Embroidery, 50c. LADIES SKIRTS. In price none to equal them. MUSLIN REMNANTS. Sc. Quality 5c. Our odd number of pieces of best sateen as well as demitees and lawns, will be sold at a price you never sajy thGIll Sold' at Sic ,v-' Look-in our window. Max Schmidt - - - - ' PERSONAL. Councilman James Kane has recovered from the spell of sickness that confined him to his house several days. M. J. O'Neill went to Minersville this morning to attend the funeral of a relative. Miss Nellie Fluuey, of Pottsville, is a guest of town friends. Mrs. J. C.Seltzor, son and daughter, of Reading, aro guests of Mrs. P. P. D. Kir lin. Mrs. Joshua Rlohatde, of Royersford, spent last evening in town. ., Miss May Burns, a daughter of Chief Burgess Burns, left for Philadelphia yes terday to spend her vacation. -,, Mrs. James Heaton, of sA. j ' her daughter, Mrs. HuiVSrd jueisel, al Hazletou. Captain A. C. Huckey, formerly mail agent on the Willlamsport & Port Clinton route and recently an employe in the Phil adelphia mint, is conducting "Tho Col umbia" hotel at Cape May. Maurice Morrison visited the county seat this morning. ,j Mrs. J. Cather, Mrs. George Powlck, neo Shaffer, and her slstfr, MlSsHattie Shaffer, visited St. Clair friends today. Miss Laura Huttou has gone to Wasli-' Ington to visit friends. . Mj-s. E. B. Hunter was a visitor to Pottsville yesterday. B. J. McGuinuess left for Atlantic City yesterday for a short vacation E. C. Brobst left for Altenton n -.. l-i Prof. Malkamez and Miss c.nr.. Neideureich, of Hazletou, were tlu- u it-st- of Mr. and Mrs. O. L. I?a y-est--i 1 1 John Henuessy and Sauiuei i - u , visited friends at Riugtowu yesterday Miss Mauio Potts, of PottiViUe, u- n. town today. School Director Charles' Hooks and ! n Matter visited Tumbling Run, Pottsville's - pleasure resort, today. Kirlln's compound blackberry cordi il is the best. It's the Lender. Of nil the beers sold in Shenandoah Columbia Lager Beer is the best. It is strictly pure aud for family use excels all others in the market. Special This Week. Ladies' vests, 5 cents; Brussels carpets, 42 cents; a nice uubleaohed muslin for 5 cents. P. J. Monagiiak, 30 South Main street, Shenaudoah. 8-11-t' CoiuIuk Events. July 17. Ice cream feativ i' i ' i-uis' Opera Houso under the.au f tia Aug. 15. Ice orenm A Bobbins' of Hot opera house under the Section Pioneer Cor. We have all The things you want to fit yon out for the picnics, and we wiil endeavor to treat you so well that!t well be like going a picnic to visit us often through v out the year. 122 North Jardin Street. CM li lefirw I A 4