The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 10, 1895, Image 2

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1883 BUnSKD OUT 1803.
Published dally, except Sunday, by the
Plllcc Itcfowlcli blilf-., South Main St.
W. J. AV ATKINS. Local Alitor.
J. 31. 110YKI1, Treas. and Business Manager.
The HcralH I" delivered In 8hen
rountlliiR towns for fix cent n week, payable to
month, irnvHlilc in advance.
Advertisement clmi-geil accoriliiiK to space and
iwltion The laiblllTicrs reserve the rlKiit to
fl K? ii e V01"?" of 'Ivertlenieiit8 whenever
... ,.,.....,,. u, news iieiiiunim n. Tile rlirlit
IS reserved to reject any ndvcriieiuent. whether
miuior or not, that the nub slurs mnv .ln,..
imlliln " """ "l'"M
t Jiri . illivrriiaiiiir ntina maafA L-nnnm ...r...
iintered at the iKiitofliee at Shenandoah, l'a as
second class mall matter.
Keening Herald.
WEDNESDAY, JULY 10, 181)3.
J. he anti-Quay organs nro trying to
make a tcn-strlko with tho declaration that
the Junior Senator found hut two friends
in 'SVilkesbarro. Tula la undoubtedly a
canard, but if it is truo "Wllkesbarro can
boast of hnving at least two wise men,
41 over tho stnto Frank "Willing
J'?i's not hi roslgiilrg a good paying
polrflcal situation rather than turn higrato
to Senator .Quay is being praised by tho
The Pottsville people are in sorry
plight with a hospital without a stato ap
propriation and a stranded baso ball team
on their hands. Judging from the atteu;.
xion given tho lattor teeing jt
.-.leasoirhas begun
WSrftl?r5our.lf by ensti.-
a" cause the
along the fruit fta'"
The political candidate is becoming
numerous, in tho laud and his grip and
smile is reaching all quarters. Hail to tho
candidato ! Ho is tho embodiment of
bope, perseverance and Ingenuity.
Quad's friends aro having lots of fuu
with that "Quay against the farmers"
circular at tho oxpeuso of country news
papers who swallowed tho bait of the
Administration boomers. The attempt to
recoucile tho fanning interests with thoso
of the Hog Combine verily fell llat.
THERE Is an Inconsistency in tho Cuban
situation that creates distrust In tho con
servative mind as to Spain's standing. Tho
mother country sends but numerous dis'
ipatches daily announcing great victories
er the InaurceutS and declaring that tho
urreotlon is practically dead, yet with
same dispatches announcements that
Bpain is buying up all tho Bhips 'sho con
lay hands on and sending thousands of
troops to the troublesome little Island.
An example should bo made of tramps
who dare Impose upon the good nature of
nnprotectod women, and a start should bo
mude with tho man who abused tho West
street woman because sho failed to pro
pare a hot lunch for him. A tramp is a
barnacle upon society and there Is no ox
cuise for hie existence. His aim in life is
tv subsist without tho expense of energy.
Ha is only among us by virtuo of Biiffrance
ind when ho attempts to abuse the privi
lege he forfeits all claim to consideration
or mercy. Unfortunately, there are too
many peoplo in need of work, and it would
be robbing Peter to pay Paul to make the
tramps who come to the town repair the
streets, but solitary confinement and bread
and w"r for ilv dnj would have a ben
oticinl effect.
Last summer 0110 of our cratid children
was slok with a severe bowel trouble. Our'
doctor's remedies had failed, then wo tried
Chamberlaiu's Colio, Choleia and Diarr
hoea Romedy. whloh cavo very speedy
relief. Wo regard it as tho best medicine
ever put on the market lor bowel com
plaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fredericks
town, JIo. This certainly Is the best mod
(fine tw put on tho market for dysentery,
luinutr qWHldnlnt, colio and cholera in
1 i-.tuuitwdSBdren. It never falls to give
. nnit Ttitlif when used in reasonable
i- ndtlra plain printed directions nro
m1 Many mothers have expressed
1 -mcere giatitmlo for tho cures it has
i.i-iitl. For sale by Gruhler Bros., drug
gists. DeedH Itocorded.
John Bevin tt al. to Samuel II. Gilbert,
two lots in Shenandoah.
II. B. Chambers, by attorney, to Samuel
II. Gilbert, two lots in Shenaudoah.
Hendy for All Work.
The HhkaIiD has made ample arrange
ments for a continuance of Its extensive
business in the job printing lino and is
prepared to turn out nil work with prompt
ness, and duo atloution to excellence of
workmanship. Orders left at tho new
office in the Itefowich building on South
Main street will receive prompt attention
Tlio Dlscovory Snvod Ills Llftj.
Mr. G. Caillouette, Druggist, Baavers
ville, 111., says : "To Dr. King's New
Discovery I owe my lift). Was taken with
la grippe ami tried all the physiciansor
miles about, but of no avid I and was
given up and told I could not live. Hav
ing Dr. King's New Discovery in my
store I sent for a bottle and began its use,
and from the first dose began to get better,
and after using three bottles wns up and
about aeain. It is worth its weight in
gold. We won't keep store or houso with
out it.'1 Get a free trial bottle at A, Wes
ley's drug store.
.rgiUmJKJw. I mr nn rM r.-.-... . i ,
API 1 Ml Mil. l---
Scrofula Broke Out
ja our Doy when n baby. Wo gave him
much treatmont without avail. Noticing
in the papers Hood's Sarsoparllla was rec
ommonded for scrofula and blood diseases
we gavo it a trial. We soon saw a change
for tho better. lie has taken four bottles
Hood's Sarsaparifla
and Is now entirely well, hearty and free
from all scrofulous symptoms. I have
also taken thrco bottles for nervous head
S ?rnd.fa'Brrl1' "gnyo me great relief."
Mita. T. M. Smith, Ruther Glen, Va.
Hood's Pills
habitual constlpa.
Price 2i centi.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "Now Great
boutli American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
exceeding promptness in rolioviug pain in
tho bladder, kidneys, back and ovorv n.arr.
of tho urinary passages in male ofomale'r
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If v0u
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold nt tho Citv Pharmnnv. irrr
South Main street, next to the nnsr. nfllnn
Shenandoah. Pa. a nnm
A sweepstake
held nt the V.artl,
day, JubUfltoWTvo Twcro thoso frpmPi' "
.-',ln1iMn tt-bn rtnt.iiw' " .
"-.jafivovei, itingtown, on f rl
u st.. " Live birds and blue rocks
Will be 8ho t at.
Tho best Salvo lu the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guarauteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. l'rlco25 cents per box.
For sale by A. Wasley.
Don't wear designs in dead bair.
Hedneeil ltati's to Uoston.
From July 8 to 11, inclusive, the Penn
sylvania Kailroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to Boston, Slass., going aud
returning by tho satno route, at a single
faro for tho round trip, account Christian
Endeavor and Voting People's Christian
Uniou meetiugs, to bo held in Boston, July
10-14. The tickets will be good to return
until July 31. Excursion tickets, good go
ing via one routo and returning via an
othor, will be sold on tho samo dates at a
slight advance over tho ooo-faro rate for tho
round trip.
Don't wear tourquoise screw ear-buttons
if j 011 are over 50.
Sirs. Ithodle Noah, of this place, was
taken In tho night with cramping pains aud
the noxt day diarrhoea set in. Sho took
half ,1 bottlo of blackberry cordial but got
no reliof. She then sent to me to sco if 1
had anything that would help hor. I sent
her a bottle ot Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera aud Diarrhoea Ifemedy and tho
first doso relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a week
and had tried different remedies for
diarrhoea but kont cettinc worse. I sent
luui this same romeuy. unly tour uoses 01
It wore required to euro lilm. Ho says lie
owes his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrsi Mary Sibley, Sidney, Mich.
For Bale by Grubler Bros., druggists.
Don't, if you were once
"gypsy-like," wear largo
rest of jour life.
told you were
gold hoops the
Itollortu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South Amorican Kidney Cure." This new
remedy Is a great surpriso on account of Us
exceeding promptness in relieving pain lu
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages In male or female.
It relioves retention ofvwator and pain in
passing It almost Immediately. If you
want quick rolUf'and cure this is your
remedy. Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist,
107 S. Main street.
Don't think you are too practical to wear
jewels wtar a
clasp orbuiton.
good practical jewel, a
Ccro for lloadacho.
As a remedy for all forms of headache,
Electric Bitters has proved to bo tho very
best. It ellects a permanent euro and the
most dreaded habitual sick headaches
yield to its inlluence. Wo urge all who
are aflllcted fo procure a bottle, and give
this remedy n fair trial. lu of
habitual constipation Electric Bitters cures
by giving the needed tonic to tho bowels,
aud few casos long resist the use of this
medicine. Try it once. Large bottlos
ouly fifty ccuts at A. Wasley's drug store.
Don't think yon are too poor to wear
j ewelry. A 10-cent pin may show peifect
AVIiut a "Word Will Do.
Byron reminds us that a word Is enough
10 rouse manKiuu xo mutual slaughter.
Yes, there Is power lu a word Marathon,
mi iiioiuuiu, ii nmiiuv, UDIloullig, A(l
pomatox. Great battles these, but what a
fA. n.lnn... r., . .-1 H . 1 . .. .
great name is going ou in many a slok and
stiilerlng body. Iu yours, perhaps. Take
courago. You can win. Call to your aid
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Disooverv.
It acts powerfully upon the liver, oleanses
uio system 01 an uioou-tamts ami impurl
lies; cures an nuuiors trom a oommou
blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula,
salt-rheum, "fever-sores," scaly or rough
skip, iu short, all diseases caused by bad
blood. Great eating ulcers rapidly heal
under its benign inllaeuce. Especially
potent in curing tetter, eczema, erysipelas,
bolls, carbuncles, soie eyes, scrofulous
sores aud swellings, hip-Joint disease,
"white swellings" and enlarged glauds.
ur. riorce's 1'eiiets oure
e permanently
slok headache
oonstlpation, biliousness,
aud indigestion.
The festive fieckle now gets in its tine
wotk on the maiden's nose.
Terriblo Aooident on a Canadian
Twonty-nvo Others Seriously Injured, and
Some or These, May Dlo Tho Accident
rrobnbly Iluo to tho Cnrolcssncss of nn
iiBlncer Who Is llond.
WumiEC, .luiy io.-A torrlblo accident
occurred on tho Grank Trunk railway nt
Crags Koads Station, about fourtooon
mllos west of Levis, at 3 o'clock In tho
morning, ns tho rosult of which thlrtcon
persons woro killed and twonty-flvo others
moro or loss seriously injured, two of
whom may dlo.
A lnriro nilcrrlmnirn fen,,, ci,.i,. i
Windsor Mills and Richmond had loft
tlio lattor town fop tlw f,i,nnn. ni.n.
shrlno of St. Anno doBoaupro. Tho train
carrying tho pilgrims was divided into
bMO.S0,0t. OnB'.o"0r",lnluff fw minutes
bohlnd tho other. Tho first section reached
Crags Road about 8 o'olook, and stopped
at tho tnnk to tako water. Duo precau
tions wero takon, and tho somaphoro was
thrown to mark "danger" against tho fol
lowing train.
Only tho trainmen wernnstlr TbTnii.
man In tho roar was wrapped In slleuco,
tho sloopora all unconscious of tho tor
rlblo fate that was rushing upon them,
buddonly tho second section wbinb i,,i
passed tho somaphoro nt full speed, dashed
into tho roar Pullman of the llrst soctlou.
Tho onglno embedded Itself In tho sleepor
and the latter plunged forward and par
tially tolescoped tho noxt car In front.
Every berth in tho sleeper was tilled,
nnd many of tho occupants wore killed as
thoy slonfc. Others nwnlrn in l,ni- i,n..i.
ble surroundings maimed, bleeding and
uiuiauu, conscious ot little 018011111-.
; tha
agony that rackod thorn. Tt, to.-.-":
lu 1110 a
u V' , i "
.H.. . - r. . . - - - - - .
all sides, wbllo as a canopy that sorved as
a veil to tho tragedy tho steam from tho
sbattorod ongluo roso in clouds that
blinded all observation for tho tlmo bolng.
Tho ronson why tho socond section did
not observe tho dangor signal will proba
bly never bo known, as both tho engineer
and flromon wcro killed. It is bollovod,
however, that tho onglnecr, McLcod, had
fallen asleep at his post. No othor expla
nation soems posslblo, as thoro ovldontly
had been no attompt to stop tho speed of
tho onrushlng train.
Tho Pullman conductor, Mr. Moore
Wood, had a narrow escapo. Ho had luck
ily stopped out on tho roar platform just
In tlmo to soo the oncoming train and
jump. Ho thus escaped injury. Tho on
glno of tho colliding train seemed to rear
up, thon turned complotoly over. Tho rest
of tho sooond train was derailed and badly
smashed up. In an Instant aftor tho crash
the air was filled with tho shrioks and
groans of tho injured and imprisoned pas
songors. Tho few train hands aud station
employes on tho spot sot to work manfully
and cxftlcatod tho passengers as quickly
as posslblo.
Mr N. J. Qulnlan, tho Grand Trunk
passongor ngont, who was on the first
traln,lsnot soriously woundcd.aud in con
versation with an Associated Press corres
pondent said ho could not say how ho es
caped doath, as tho Pullman he was in
was completely shivered into splinters.
The portor of tho Pullman at tno tlmo ot
tho collision, Bonnott Baslcr, said he
could not account for thoaccldout. At, tho
tlmo, ho wus putting up a berth in tho
Pullman. P. MoIIUgh, ono of tho In
jured, said ho was sitting in the car In
front of tho Pullman whon tho accident
occurred. He saw tho locomotlvo of tho
second train coming through his oar and
ho was only saved by a frloud.
Tho arrival at Lovls of tho train boarlng
woundod passongors from tho 6C0110 of tho
accidont boggnrs doscrlptlon. Hundreds
had congregated at tho station at Lovls
and numerous express wagons containing
imittn;660s and pillows were awaiting the
arrivalof tho train. Tho poor victims
woro covorpd with blood and thoir olothos
were torn toVhrcus.
Tho sceuo in tho Hotel Dieu aftor the
arrival of tho wounded was a sad ono. Tho
unfortunate pilgrims all occupied bods in
tho different wards of tho hospital, and
wore attoudod by physicians of Levis and
Quoboo, and nuns aud ladles of Lovls. The
crios of gome of the wounded woro fearful
as thoy woro attondod by the physicians.
The dead aro: tihnrles iseilnrt, mall
clork, Richmond; Miss Bcdart, Rich
mond; Heotor MoLood, onglncer, Rich
mond; Richard L. Parkins, fireman,
Richmond; Rov J. T. Mercior, Richmond;
Itov. F. P. Diguau, Windsor-Mills; Mr.
Cogan, Richmond; Miss Valln, St. Joseph
do Lovls; aunt of Miss Valln, name un
known; Miss Pbanouf, St. Joseph do
Lovls; Mrs. J. B. Caver, Dauvlllo; MUs
Dolaoourto, Shofllold; John O'Farroll,
To Outdo the Eiffel Tower.
CHICAGO, July 10. Practical steps have
boon taken In Chicago for tha erection of
a tower attraction, doslgncd not unly to
rival hut to outdlstanco tfce Eiffel crea
tion. Tho tower will be 1,150 foot In holght
nnd 850 feot nt the baso. Throo thousand
tons of steol will bo used in its construc
tion. It will bo 140 foot fiom tho baso to
tho first landing, 810 to tho socond, ftlO to
the third and 1,040 to the fourth. Above
this will be adomo, ornamented by a flag
staff, 1,150 foot from the baso. Tho olovn
tors will bo oporated by electric power,
and eleotrlo display? on and around the
tower will bo wonders.
Forgery-'by Wholesale.
Ukdana, O., July 10. Tho affairs of Z.
T. Lowls, tho brokor, are causing a big
sensation here. Forged bonds have already
turned up to the amount of f50,000. It Is
bollovod the amount will roach ovor $100,
000. Twenty thousand fraudulent bonds
are known to be in existence from High
land county, 85,000 Kenton city school
bonds and 10,000 Tlppocanoo city school
bonds. Lowls suddenly disappeared Mon
day night, and all traces of him aro lost.
Killed by Heat at Atlantic
Atlantic City, July 10. John Llnd
borg, an employe of tho Hotol Mnjastio,
was ovorcomo by tho heut yesterday and
died last night. New'York Lodgo, Xo, I,
of tho Order ot Elks, who are guests at
tho house, have made up a purse of
monoy fer the widow, who lives at As
toria, N. Y.
Striking Steel Workers Win.
Canton, O., July 10. The striking em
ployes of tho Canton Steel company re
turned to work yesterday with a general
Increase in wages of 18H per cent., to af
fect all departments engaged lnthestrlko.
About S7S men wero Involved In tho strike.
the Tobacco
Use All The Tobacco You
XT .1. .1
iiAiaunuKB is 111c omy remcciy in tlie world that acts dirprrtv
mi me iicivra uiiu unves me nicotine
to ten clays. It leaves the patient in better health than before taking
and is warranted free from any iniurious inprwlffrni-e. '
Narcoti-Cure is popular because it allows the mtient to ikp nil
the tobacco he wants while under
and "hankering' are gone. It is
1uu.11.uu luruvur.
Narcoti-Cure is sold at the
one Dottle cures.
Money refunded if a cure is not
to directions.
Of A111I1111.1, Mnsn.yClirwcilTolincco ror
niiiiiunniLUrdl nj- Amcolf-Ciiie.
Amiieiist. Mass.. FcbrnnrvS. IKfl.v
Titn Naiicoti CnnannAT. fn
fleiw -v Hi,rl,,lt..l,l HT.. '
"UffiP3SWMllKj ' of'(he - ,
MUiiUtMiifii. i"-i'ij .iu.iui-y
.....iilil Hitv Hint. I linvn ll9ed tobiiccoltf
nnd oflntclinve consumed nlO-celit pliiR n day,
be.ldcbmokiiifceonsidrrnbly I commenced to
use tnbncco when I was only 11 yenra old, nnd
liavo never been nblc to Rive up tlio habit until I
look NARCOTI-Cimn, nlthoiigli I lmvo tried other
to-cnllcd remedies without cil'ect. After uslnit
vour remedy four days, nil linnkerliiR" for
J hewing dlxnppcnred, nnd lu four dnya moro
pmokliiK beciuno uniilcnMint. I have no further
desire for tho weed, nnd experienced no bad
pllects, wlmt?ver. I nm Bail"Kl" llcfh, nnd feel
better than I have for n long time. To nil who
wifh to bo free from tho tobacco habit I would
say, use NAiicoTi-rcnE. .,,n
Yoiim truly, W. N. MAITF.
nunmaMuiiw'umwisL'ruiMnu. fm
wk E
wtwiroiniijctoccwH'tsicctssn. yZ I
hwtoim Mai. Lr H
Hat stood the Test oi Time
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
829 N. 15th St.
Below Cnllowliill,
To secure a ponlttvu mm permanent euro of
Errors of Youtb mid Lops of Mnnliood nnd of nil
discnpeM of tbo lilood. Kidneys, ninddei, Hkin
mid N rvoua HyMcm consult nt once Dr. Lobb.
Ho KiinrnntceH in till rapes 011111.011 by Excesses,
liiiiirudenec or Inheritnneo to restore to Health
mul Strength by building up the bhnttered ner
vous svstein nnd nddlnir new lifo nnd energy to
the broken down coutitutlori Consultntion and
uxnnilnntlons free mid strictlyteonlldt'iitlal. Olllce
liourH. dully nnd t-nndny, froth 9 A. M. to 3 I.
M. nnd G to 0 evenings, Hcnd bis book ou
errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both
sexes. Sent free.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine-
tonic for ladies. If you are suffer
ing, from weakness; and feel exhausted
and nervousj are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
will bring roses to your cheeks and
restore yon to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for
all ailments p:culiar to womanhood.
It promotes digetion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
t06 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Excellent iiuuiu nay and ovenlng at
Weeks' Museum,
17 South jIai Stukkt.
Grand dfiplay of birds and ttiiltnnliof al
kinds mul iirjeit paintlnt in the county,
jieat ller, l'orter and Alo,
rFinett llrnnils of Olgara.
Free lunoh ovory morning nnd o veiling.
i John "Wekks, Proprietor.
Habit ii
Want Till Your ''Caroina
.... . .
irom tlie system in fiom four
treatment, or until the "cravinc"
then no sacrifice to throw n.wnv
uniform price of s;.oo abottl
e, and
effected when 'taken accord
If your druggist is unable
to give you full particulars
to usjbr BookjofParti-
culars free, or send $5.00 for
a bottle by mail.
Suringfip.ld, Mass.
In Hot Weather.
Finest and coolest ice cream
parlors in town. Vll flavors con
stantly on hand. Families sup
plied and delivered at short no
tice. Fruits and confectionery.
Bread and cakes.
L. Little,
Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets.
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oils,
Our delivery wagon will do tho rest.
Eclipse Oil Company,
Oils, Gasoliue, Candles, Lamp Wicks, '
Burners, Etc.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Mail orders promptly attended to.
Office Egan building, corner of Main
and Centre strcots, Shenandoah.
y n. stein, m. d.,
Office Boom 2, Egan's Ntw Building,
corner Main and Centre streets, Shenan
doah, Pa. Office hours: 8 to 10 a. m.; 1 to
3 p. m.; 7 to 0 p. m. Night office No. 230
west Oak street.
Office Water Company
West Lloyd street.
building, 20
Office anil residence, No. 29 S. White
street. Office hours 7 to 0 a. m., 1 to 3
aud 7 to !) p. m.
A geuume welcome awaits you at
Joe Wtjatt's Saloon,
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beors, porter aud alo constantly on tap.
Cholco temperance drinks and clears.
Specinllut In diseases of tlio
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market 6t., PolUvlllo.
Hours 8;30 n. m. to 12 in; 1 to 4 p. in.,
m. fcSimclays, 9 n, m. to It m.
to 8 n.
Shonaiuloivli's Koliublo
Uniitl Lnumlry.
Cor. Lloyd and Wlil(o Bt.
All work giinmnleed o In) llrt-lin III DVOry
811k tlm and lnco ciiilntna n unvo-
inlty. OooiU oalled for and delivered.
A trial
Pennsylvania fi. I
July 6th 1895.
Trains will , .
burg Heading PciUtoiB'
Castle, Bt Olair, I'ottaviilo at 6 03, 9 40 a.
delphia at 6 00,9 tO V. .n. 10 ".'. La'"1'
atTnn8 'aV0 TrPoltvlllo for Shenandoah
at 10 40 u Di. an-' 12 M, S 04 7 42 and 10 27
p.m. Sunday 11 13 a. m. and S 40 n.m.
Lcavo I'ottsv llo for Shenandoah at 10 15,
11 48 B. m. anil iin Tie -.i m . r
i . -a 7- i u uuu iu uu n, m.
Sunday at 10 40 a. ni., 5 16 p. m.
fim0 1,1'ilnilolPulB (Dfoal street station)
forShonandonh nt & sr nn,i g .
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
r New York. Exnrn. na.t.j... o nn'
4 05, 4fi0. 5 1! 6 SO, 7 33, 8 20, gSo.'lOSf
Dinin, Car 11 00, 11 14, a. m!, 12 'noon,
12 35 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p. m. Dining
M40-' 2 n (?i,,inK Cftr' 3 20, 4 00, 5 Oof
5 58 (Dining Car), 6 on, (I 50, 8 12 10 00,-n!
111., 12 01 lllirht. Sllliilnvn. 3 911 Jit ,
5 'JH'J 50' 30 J)i,,1"S Car), l'l 03 a.'
tn., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited
illK'ZS' 5S6' (DininP Cm), 6 35, 6 60,
Mm, v v i '. in., 12 m nigut.
LxnrcsS fnr rtnntnn. wIM.nt.l ii niv
. , ---"--I lilluuUCf ll vv
a. m., iveek-days, and 6 50 p. in. dally.
For Baltimore and Winh'lnotnn s sn i 9it
8 31, 10, 10 20. 11 18, 11 38 a. n. (12 31
Limited Dining Car), 1 12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 1ft
Congressioi al Limited, Dining Car), 6 17,.
6 55, (Dinine Cnrl. 7 40 fDinlnw nri n. m..
and 12 05 night woek-days. 8undays 3 50.
7 20, 0 10, 11 18, 11 38, a. m., 1 12, 4 41, C 55,.
(Dining Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dining Car), and
12 05 night.
Loavo Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express 5 00. 8 20 9 30 a. m.. 1 00 ( Sot
only), 2 00, 3 CO, 4 00, 4 20, 500 6 40, p. m.
wceK-aayB. HunctayB, Express, 6 00 " 30,
8 00, 8 30, 900, 9 45 a. m. 4 30, p. m. Excur
sion, 7 00, a. m. daily.
FOR CAPE MAY, Anolesea, Wilwood,
Ann Holly BEAcn. Express 9 00 a. m. 2 3n,
4 05, 5 00, p. m. week-days. Sundays, 8 20,
a. m. Capo May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays.
Excursion, 7 00, a m. daily.
FOR SEA ISLE CITY, Ocean. Cirr and
Avaion Express, 9 10 a. m., 2 30,4 20 p. m.
week-days. Sundays, 8 5o a. m. Excursion,
7 00, a, m. dailv.
FOR 60MMER8 POINT. Express, S 20,
9 30, a. m., 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. m. week
days. Sundays, 8 00, 9 00, 9 45, a. m.
Gon'l Manaeer.
J. R. Woon,
Gon'l. Pass'g'r Agt.
Pilsner Beers,
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing,
"(""ipi" lion?" Bui'dinc
llllirvnil Sore Throat.
Pimples, Copper
II U 1 1 1 1 .-,-1 ,1 (J .. .. . . .... . , -l .. 1:
Ulcere In Month, Halr-Fulltngt Write COOUl
, urn oor
Ii. t.u x iu,, UU7 juaionlc XempleJ
Chlcniro, III., for proofs ot cures. Cuiil-1
till, W.'.OO.OOO. Wont cases cured In 151
llo ;ir, uiiys. loo-puice liooU free.
Undertaking !
13 North Jardin Street-
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
Base Ball Goods
Celluloid Frames,
Paper Covered Novels, Fine
Stationery, Rubber Stamps, etc.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Aliunde City's Favorite Summer Resort,
Locution Bouth Arkansas avenue, Atlantic
Oity, N. J., near the ocean ; rooms airy
and pleasant; handsomely furnished;
good board! largo garden and lawn.
Bund for circular. Italea moderate
1. O. Uox 207.