The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 09, 1895, Image 4

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    Waterproof collars and cuffs that will
not wilt, arc not effected by moisture
and look just like liucu arc all the
fashion now. They arc made by cov
ering a linen collar or cuff with "cel
luloid" and are the only waterproof
goods made with on interlining, con
sequently the only ones that will stand
wear and give perfect satisfaction. Try
thctn and you will never regret it. Al
ways neat, and cosily cleaned. When
soiled simply wipe off with a wet cloth
or sponge. Every piece of the genu
ine is stumped as follows :
Ask for those so marked and refuse any
imitations, as they cannot possibly
please you. If your dealer does not
keep them, we will send a sample di
rect on receipt of price. Collars 25c.
each. Cuffs 50c. pair. State size and
whether stand-up or turned-down col
lar is wanted.
4T-139 Broadway, New Yorlu
Tho watermelon season has begun. You
an satisfy yourself by casting an eye
along the fruit stands. It will be a source
of gratification to many to learn that this
will probably bo a fine season for water
melons, as far ns quality and quantity are
concerned. It is also hoped that there will
be plenty of watermelon weather and a
strong demand for the cooling fruit. The
watermelon has not much flavor, but It Is
full of liquid and very refreshing. No
drink lias a cooliug effect as a large piece
of good, fresh melon. The melon's qualities
are genuine. It is a really valuable hot
weather food. Hut unless tlie heat is con
siderable there is not a great demand for
them. It is when the temperature
causes serious dtscoiutort that the
watermelon Is preferred to more highly
flavored but loss cooling fruits. The melons
now arriving are of good size. They como
almost entirely from Florida. The Georgia
melons aio also coming lu and the Soittb
Carolina melons are also making their ap
pearance. They should Increase in size
and quality from now on. An experienced
dealer says that South Carolina now sup
plies more good melons than any other
state. Georgia held the palm for a long
time, but the crop has fallen oft In recent
years. Next month the melons of tho
uortl )ru states will be in tho market. It
is a very difficult matter to judge the qua!
ity of a melon successfully from its appear.
auce, because the eatable part is far from
the outside. The ability to do this a valu
able stoolc in trade. The average consumer
must be at the mercy of the retailer from
whom he buys. A good melon should have
iirtnt weicht for Its Bize. The heavier It is
the hotter, as a rule. Weight is an ludlca.
tiqn thnt the melon is full of juice. The
rind should be firm. As a rule the host
melons are of a good red color inside. The
pulp should be liriu, but not too hard
Some of the best melons have very thin
rinds, but these aio not often sold here, as
they are usually damaged and spoiled in
passage. Don't oat a watermelon that Is
not entirely abovo suspicion. This is
very important summer "don't." A melon
that Is over ripe or uuder ripe is likely to
cause sorrow, suffering, and even death. It
is nluo important to avoid eating tho
greenish-white part of the melon, next to
the rlud.
Last summer one of our grand children
was sick with a severe bowel trouble. Our
doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic, C'h..leia nnd Diarr
hoea Itemedy, which gave very speedy
relief. "We regard it as the best medicine
ever put uu the market for bowel com
plaints. Mrs. E. G. Gregory, Fredericks
town, Mo. This certainly is the best med
icine ever put on the market for dysentery,
iiimnr nmunlalnt. colic and cholera In
fantum in children. It never falls to give
prompt relief when used in reasonable
time and the plain printed directions aro
YnltnwMi. Mnuv mothers nave expressed
weir slucere gratitude for the cures it has
Restel. For sale uy uruiuer jjros., arug
Ton of Con! Fixed by Low.
OneoJ the'laws of wideepiead interest
in Pennsylvania siured recently by the
Governor is that fixing 2240 pounds as a
ton of cobI. Dealers who sell lees tbnti
that can now be fined. In tome pa'ta of
the Stale dealers have been giving only
2000 pounds for a ton, nud the complain
ing housekeeper could not easily get ro
dreec. Now the ex set ton is fixed1 by law
nod coal deal'is will have to look tharp
1mh tbev tumble into a trap by giving
light weight,
When Baby was siek, we gave her Costorio.
Wha she was a Child, she cried for Castorla.
Wh4n she became illm, she clung to Castorla.
When She bad Cbildrea, she gave thsm CastorU
201 Wast Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provlsons, teas
A Would-be ltoljli'r Slint nml
Klllert liy
n I'ollceiimii.
Chicago, July 0. In wostorn desporado
style n nmn supposed to be C. K. Colo ns
GFiultod nud nt tempted to rob P. J.'Mo
Glolu, in his miloon nt 01 Adams strdot,
In tho hotirt ot tho business illstrlot of
CJilongo, last; night. After seriously
Wounding .McGloln tho thief escaped nud
mudo tho moat rcmitrknblo rnoo for liberty
ovor Been In tho stroets of ChlcaRO. Aftur
firing Into the mob thnt pursued him, mid
seriously wounding three citizens, ho was
run down and killed by Ollloor Hmouthnl
opposlto tho euttunce of the Auditorium,
on Congroa street.
Tho wounded ro: P. G. McGloln,
saloon keeper, tlireo woiids In the bond,
will recover; II. M. Sti.rfiUurg, shot In the
nbdomen, will probably dlo; Samuel
Stone, shot In tho right leg, will rocover.
McGloln wiw nioue in his suloon when
Cole onterodimd ordered 11 glass of beor.
Ho thou nsked the snloon kocper to get
him some men) thut ha olnlmud to hnve
left In tho loe uox of tho snloon. McGloiu
walked to the entrnnoe of tlio Ico bos, nud
Colo, drawing 11 roVolvor, ordered him to
go Inside mid stay there. McGloiu turned
nud struck tho robber In tho face, nearly
knocking him down.
The two men then clinched and fought
dosper.itoly. Colo managed to get one
nrm free and with hU revolver he pounded
tho saloon keeper viciously, Inflicting
three severe wounds on the bond. Tho
robber then broke loose and rushed to the
street, followed by the bleeding snloon
keeper mid iwi excited crowd. Officers
Rosenthal nml Daly joined In tho chnso,
nnd Colo fired sovornl shots Into tho
crowd. Tho.i Kosentbnl, nftor ordering
tho fugitive t'i surrender nnd rocoivlug n
shot lu return, fired with fatal effect.
The Mils Will " Out Together."
Atlantic City, July 0. This city is
ovorrun with Klks, who are nttendlng tho
third annual convention of tho grand
lodge of tho Benevolent Protective Order
of Klks, which opened at Morris Gunrds'
nnuory nt 10 o'clock todny. Tho conven
tion promises to be tho groatest In tho
history of tho order. Tho last batch of
delegates to nrrlvo were thoso from Phila
delphia, who oanio down this niornlugSOO
strong. At a meeting of Grand Exalted
Ruler Edwin II. Hay nnd Monde T. Dot-
wller, of Harrlsburg, who was elected
grand exalted ruler by tho Buffalo fac
tion, yosterday It was agreed to compro
mise tho differences existing botwoou tho
two factions. Mr. Dotwller is hero with
full authority to net, und it is now u set
tled fact that tho order will bo united bo
fore the convention adjourns, which will
probably bo n Friday.
Tho I.hw Wa Not Violated.
Piedmont s. C, July 9. Sunday oven'
nig Ira Johnson, a young negro, shot and
mortally wounded Frank Lnnirioru, n
young white man of Marietta, S. C, with
out cause. The negro ntonco tried to make
his escnpe, but was so hptly pursued that
he took refuse In a houso 11 short distance
away. Ho was promptly pullod out and
tied, and in about thirty minutes ovor
00O people wore nround him, somo with
guns, pistols and ropes, crying "lynch
him. A fow cool heads wore present,
and Anally prevailed on tho crowd not to
lynch him. Tljo negro was taken to tho
Greenville jail. Everything 6Coms quiet
hero, nud no further fears of lynching are
now entertained.
Onngurnus Slinnlg Unguarded.
AVasiiixgton, July 9. From obscrvn
tions madu by tho llghthouio board it np
pears that the second attempt to erect a
lighthouse on tho dangerous Diamond
shoals, off Cane Hattoras, N.C., has failed
Just what stops will bo noxt taken to
guord tho Important coastwlso traffic
against the perils of this veritable grave
yard of ships hns not beon determined
Thcso shoals lie off Hattoras about ten
miles. Tho difficulties thus far encoun
tcred far exceed thoso overcome in the
caso of tho celebrated Eddystono light.
To Enlarge Now Jersey's State I'rlsnn.
Trbntox, July 9. Tho Now Jersey
state prison building commission yester
day afternoon opened about twenty-flvo
bids for tho construction of tho new 200
coll wing nnd hospital for the prison. The
contract for putting up tho now building
was nwnrdod to Charles W. Kafer. of this
city, for 545,342, nnd for constructing tho
cells to tho Pauloy Jail and Iron Building
company, of St. Louis, for 680,807.12. Tho
nmount whloh tho logislaturo nppro
prlatod for tho work was $180,000.
Shot nim for Cnralnc Ilcr.
Little Kock Ark., July 0. At Kln
michi, I T., Snlllo Harklns, n young
whlto woman Uvlug near that placo, shot
and killed John Burgess, a negro, who
cursed her because sho charged him with
burning hgr Jathor's houso. Tho negro
admitted tho crime, and said ho was sorry
sho was not In tho houso whon It burned.
MIbb Harklns replied by putting two bul
lots into tho negro's hoad.
Silver Cllir Gold Kxcttement.
Silver Cliff, Colo., July 0. Excite
ment Increases ovor tho Willotto gold
camp southeast of Silver Cliff. Now strikes
nro being mado dally, and business men
and housekeopors nro boooiuing prospec
tors. A gonoral minors' meeting has boon
called to mako camp rules und organize,
tho district. Picks, shovels nnd 'Winches
ters nro numerous,
Jllany Drowned by n Cloudburst.
Bucharest, July 0. A cloudburst on
Saturday night destroyod half tho vlllngo
of Olnnosol, In tho district of Vnlcoa.
Many persons porished and ton bodies
have boen recovered. In othor villages
there was muoh damage.
The khedlve of Egypt Is now in Alexan
dria. Ho will start for Constantinople on
July 15.
The collieries of tho Philadelphia and
Heading company will work three days
this week.
Sanger, tho oyollst, announces that he
will ride hereof tor only whero monoy prlzos
lire offorod.
The British parliament hns beon dis
solved nnd writs for a gonoral oloctlon
have been Issued.
Von der Abe, of the St. Louis baseball
team, rofused an offer of $25,000 by Mnok,
of Pittsburg, for Broltonstoln, Peltz nnd
By tho caving In of a ditch whloh work.
mn were digging for n water plpo In St.
Louis two men were killed and three fa
tally Injured.
William Best, the most notorious resi
dent of Point Lick, Ky., was shot and In.
stantly killed yosterday, In a quarrel, by
Speed Nunn. The killing of Best wipei
out the last ot a family ot outlaws.
The humnli HtomitPh li n lioar-nhapcd
11IK into w hn'h all food drop at mint
.icn swallowed. Three thlnus Iiiiimu'm :
the blood ru-hes Into the subitum!?
of tho stomach (not into its Interior) to
ieat it; thousands of little ducts or
ilpos pour copiously forth 11 fluid called
ho mistrlc ItilRoiuml. then, tho stomach
begins .1 wnvo-llke, churning move
ment which thoroughly mixes the
gastric juice with the food, und by-nnd-liy
changes the whole into 11 gray look
ing, semi-nqum iinsieoiuiea online, this
is digestion as it tnkos placo in health.
Hut, look you! If tho stomach fails to
furnish the gastrin juice, or falls to fur
nish enougn or it, tno looa simpiy lies
in thostoninch nnd turns souv, putrefies,
ferments ns It would in n warm, moist
nlr outdoors. This Is indigestion, dys-
nensla or trastrltls. llnvintr 110 other
way of escnpe tho poisons so engendered
Hiss 11110 me circulation mm set UP a
rnln of results like these: hotulneho!
foul taste in tho mouth; loss of appe
tite and nausea; furred tongue; dis
ordered heart action; nervous wenk-
10ns nnd prostration: chills followed
by heat flashes; distress and weight in
the chest after entlnir: fmritlvo inns.
cular pains, followed In time, bv gravo
local ailmonts, ote. All this, boar in
mind, comos of n moro or loss complete
failure of tho stomach to socroto gastric
Having studied this subject for many
years the Hhnkors of Mt. I.obanon, (i.
V.,) famous as medical chemists nnd
Herbalists sought nmong tho plants
cultivated by them only for n remedy
which should hnve the distinct nnd
cspecinl effect of stimulating the flow of
gastric juice to a normal amount and at
the same time of the full, natural di
gostlvo strength. No other so-called
romeuios tor dyspepsia nave tins pur
pose In viow, yet it is the absolutely es
senttul thing. .Successful in their efforts,
oven ueyonci ineir nopes, moy nave
placed their discovery on the market
under the name of he Shaker Digestive
Cordial. Its effects aro Immediate and
radical, ltelief is felt at and a per
manent cure soon follows. It Is tlio sure
nnd scientific remedy for indigestion
and dyspepsia.
Confident in their work tho Shakers
offer trial bottles at tho nominal price
of ton cents. For sale by nearly all
Hurled to Death.
Patrick Bakey, of Mtnt-rsville, who was
engineer of the Lytle colliery pomps, was
instantly killed y sterday morning. After
starting the pumps early in the morning
Iiakey dest ended the slope to oil the worn
inns. A quaot ty of gas had collected
there over Sunday and Bakey'B naked
lamp ignited it, thus causing a teniae
txplosiou which cost him his life. The
airttavs of the place wi-re dib-
lociltd, timbers were torn from I
thtir plaws and that pnrfc of the mine lo-
tntty detnolienert. The loss to the company
will icnch into the thousands of dollars.
As soon as the di'astr occuried a leaeumg
party was formed The men emend fie!
mine and found Bukt-y's maugltd nuSs of1
humanity. Patrick Bakey lived in Miiirrs-j
ville and was 32 yea-s ot age. He was I
married and is survived by lib wile and J
several childien.
A Hcnvj Sr.rcuniMO.
It is soid the County Auditors have
charged ex-Sheriff Woll upwards of $.,200
for credits nit allowed him for hori-e hue
nud other incidentals claimed hy him in his
last report.
Elcotrlo Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, hut perhaps more generally
needed in the spring, when the languid
exhausted feeling prevails, when the liver
is torpid and sluggish nud the need of a
tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use
of this medicine has often nverted long
and perhaps fatal bilious fevers. No med
icine will act moro surely in counteracting
and freeing the system from the malarial
poison. Headache, indigestion, constipa
tion, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters.
Only fifty cents per bottle at A. "SVasley's
drng store.
Notice is hereby Riven by the utulerslftned
Bclmylkill County CominUsioiiers, to the tnxa
ble iiilinbitants and other owners of property
within said count) that nnpeds relntlns to the
assessments mudo for 1893 will be held for the
several boroughs and townships of the county
ns follows:
For 1'Iueprove borough, i Inegrove and
Washington tow-nslilH, nt Ktlwnrd lluiiiincl's
hotel Plregrove, nt 10 A. t Tues.lay July 23rd.
For Tower City and forter townihlp at Win.
Frank's hotel Tower City, Wi-cluosilay July 21,
For Treiuont borougli, xrcmoni, irnue
anil Rcillv township-,
nt Dlltlcld's hotel,
Trcmom, Thurslaj-JJuly 25.
For Aiinertvine ioro ifu
Chsr. Foster and
Branch townshtus at Pierce Mailers hotel, Mln-
eritvtlle, Krldav July 26.
For Mahnnoy City borough, lano Kline,
Kyau and Mahauoy townships, at ICaicr's hotel,
Wahanoy City 1(1 A. Monday July 29.
For tSbenandonh, nt lienjaiuiu Richards hotel
Tuesdny July 3 1.
For Union, North and Ea3" Union townships
nt Isaac Aplegate'a hole), Hlugtown, Wednes
day July 31.
For Qllberton and Fr.ekvllle borouchs and
i t Mahanuy townships at Ueorgo Unldzuhu!s
hotel, Jlalinnoy l'lane, Tliursuoy August 1.
ForTnmaqun borough ltalm, Has , chuyl
klll nnd Walker townships, nt the United Stales
hotel. Tamanua. OA. M Mondar Micilst S,
For West Penn towhshlp at William Mnntz's
hotel, Wehr, 1'. 0. 10 A, r., Tuesdny August 6.
For New lilnggolil nnd I'or Clinton boroughs
nnrt Kast llrunswicu townsnip at kocu's notei.
New Itinggold, Wednesday, August 7.
For Orwlgsburg nnd I.nndingvi In boroughs,
West Hrunswick and South Manhelm town
ships ii' the Arcadian Hotel, Orwlgsburg, Thurs
ilnv. Auirut 8.
For f chuylkill Haven, Auburn nnd Cressona
boroughs, ' nyne township, nml for Slellot's
and focht's district of North Manheim town
ship at Hobert Kbllng's hotel, Schuylkill Haven,
rrinay, August v.
FYir (JlriiriW'ttla hnroucrh nnd the East Alic!
North Districts of Ilutlcr township at Louis
Hlass' hotel, (Jlrardvillc, nt 10 A. M., Monday,
AUgllSl 12.
For Ashland nnd Gordon boroughs and the
South, West and Northwest districts of Butler
township at the Un'on house, Ashland, Tues
day, August 13.
For Harry lownsnipnnu xrc rrfisi uisiric. u,
Kldrcd at Hillerman's totol Tayloravllle, Wed
nesday. August 14. ,
ror iiegin B townsnip ni ncumittuui b uuici.
Valley View, nt 9 A. M., Thursday, August 15.
For Ilubley township at the Sacramento hotel
at 2 p. M , Thursday, August IV
ForMnhantongo township at D. K. Ho pier's
hotel nt 9 A. M., Friday, Augusi 10
For West district Kldrcd township at 2 p. M.,
Friday, August 10, nt D. M. Snyder's hotel.
For Saint Clair, I'nlo Alto and Fort Carbon
boroughs and New Castle township at the court
house, Hotlsville, Monday, August 19.
For Yotkvllle and Mount Carbon boroughs
nnd Norwegian, Host Norwegian nnd SlcUer
inott's and Brown's districts of North Mntiheim
township, at the court house, I'ottsvllle, Tubs
day, August 20.
Forlllytho township. New Philadelphia nnd
illddleport boroughs at the court house, Potts
vllle, Wednesday, Auust 21.
For the Northwest, Middle and South wards
of Pottsvllleat the court house Thursday, Au
gust 2
KorTho Southesst, Northeast, North and Sev
enth wards of ottsvllle nt tho court house, Fri-
Anneals will be heard betweon tho hours of
9 and 12 A, u.. and between 1 nnd 8 p.-m., except
where It Is otherwise stated.
All persons wu ira iu.." .ti..
the assessments and valuation of tuolr ptonony
re refluetted to attend, for redress at the time
at)"4 plaojns above stated for each district.
Fit ANK UKNTZ, County Commissioners.
Attest: Puil. J. Cosxell,
Commissioners Olllee, I'ottsvllle, Pn July 2, 1895
Itewnrd of Honesty.
Mr. ChugwAtor, who was taking n rido
on n strootcnr, had just haudodn half dol
lar to tho conductor. Ou counting tho
chnngo given to him lu roturn ho colled
"Conductor, you didn't keep out your
nlckol. You'vo given mo 60 conts."
So I have," repliod tho conduotor,
counting It himself. "I must havo drop
pod n dlmo in my nlckol pookofc by mis
take Thanks."
Ho took bnok tho dlmo, put It into its
proper pocket, and Mr. Chugwotcr rodo to
his destination suffused with tho comfort
ahlo glow that comos with the conscious
ness of having done o manly, honorable
upright act.
And It was not until Mr. Chugwntor
hod got off tho car thnt It downed upon
him ho had pnld 10 cents for his ride,
Chicago Tribune,
Dixon nnd Plimraer will hardly fight nt
Dnlln, Texas. The forwei's manager snys
the colored boy can nn longer fight nt 118
It wns proposed to 1-nve ex-Cliamplon
John L. Sullivan travel In a
company next ymr with the present cham
pion, Jnmes J. Corbett.
Tho Full Torill.
Tho Shnmokln Business College will re
open August Cth. Persons desiring to pur
sue a thorough business or shorthand
course should consider tho advantages
offered by this school boforo deciding to go
olsewhere. The College office will be opou
during vacation for the reception of visi
tors and enrollment of applicants. For
cataloguo and College Journal address W.
F. Magco, principal, Shnmokln, Pa. 7-3-flt
Uendy for All Work.
The IIekald has made ample arrange
ments for a continuance of Its extensive
business in the Job printing line nnd is
prepared to turn 'out all work with prompt
ness and due attention to excellence of
workmanship. Orders left at the new
office in the Eefowlch building' on South
Main street will receive prompt attention
Coining KvoUls.
July 17. Ice cream festival In Bobbins'
Opera House uijder the auspices of the
Aug. 15. Ice cream festival In P.obblus'
opera house under the nusplces of Hope
Pection Pioneer Corps.
T-JTe turnout
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manntactured nnacr tho stringent
ypresciioeaoy eminent pnysiuausij
SOnlr rrennlnerrith Trade Mnrk"Anchor."l
F. Ad. Eichter&Co.,17WineaCi.,HS'!7 7022.1
12 Branch Houseis, Own Glassworks.
i V fi 60 cts. In Shenandoah for sale by
1. P. D. Klrlln, 0 S. AMln w., .1. M
, Hihi.n.T Jlaln rt , (. H. iin-
kKcnbuch N. E, cor. Mnln
WANTED, Twenty gills wnntcd to work nt
" sewing machines, Apply nt tho New York
Progress lint ifc Cop Factory, North White street,
on Mondny, 15th inst.
pKOPOSALS. Proposals will be received by
x tho undersigned until July 15th, 1893, nt 7
o'clock p. in., for 5G0 square foet of blackboard
nnd 175, or more single desks. Tho committee
reserves all rights to reject nny, or nil bids.
John Lee, Chairman.
Shenandoah, Pn., July 9, 1895. 7-9-Ct
WANTF.D -25 good girls nt once. Apply in
person at overall factory, Glrnrdvllle. Eb
eric nnd lllass. 7-2tf
niSSOLTJTION NOTICE. Notice is hereby
a-' given thnt the Arm heretofore existing be
tween Nicholns Friebnlid and Abrnm Levine,
under tho llrm name of the New York Progress
Hat anil Cap Factory, hns this day been mutually
dissolved, both members htvlng withdrawn. All
bills ngnhiHt tho said firm nrc to be presented to
the said llrm, to whom nil debts are to be paid.
FniEDASD & Levi.vk
Shennndonh, Pa., July 6, 1895. 7-9-3t
In Hot Weather.
Finest and coolest ice cream
parlors in town. Vll flavors con
stantly on hand. Families sup
plied and delivered at short no
tice. Fruits and confectionery.
Brrad and cakes.
lu. Little,
Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets.
Get our Prices on
Gasoline arid Headlight Oils,
Our delivery Wagon will do the regt.
Eclipse Oil Company,
Oils, Gasoline, Candles, Lamp Wicks,
ISuiuers, Etc
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Mall orders promptly attended to.
Uqw York Gash Store
29-N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time in tho
season, 200 different shapes (rimmed and
untrimmed cobs for cost and less. Child
ren's $1.70 Erabroidend dresses goes for
81.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., at cost. Tills
Socriflce Salo begins Saturday, June 8th
for 3 weeks onlv. Its the eroutdst money.
saver yet olfered. Como early and select
your bargains.
would be a more appropriate name for thnt common
cause of suffering dyspepsia because most cases of
dyspepsia can be traced to food cooked with lard, Iet
COTTOLENE take the place of lard in your kitchen
and good health will take the place of Dyspepsia.
Ask your grocer for it.
If he can't supply you d op us a postal card.
We-will see that he delivers it to you.
Result In 1 weeks,
For Sale by V. V
Wholesale Grocers,
Carden's Art Wall Paper Store.
Vo bavo just rcceivtd a line lino of tho most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, whieb Me will sell at very reaeonablo prices. "Wo liave nlo in stocl" a
great deal of Inst year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and
see our linn of goods "Vo have the nibst beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Pric
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly attended to.
Half the nriee in Millinery Goods
poods in Millinery has just arrived-and the
Hats trom loc up; 1'reiicli tlower ustrlcli Roods lu all styies. intants Caps from oc up.
Hats, all embroidery, 25c. Ladies' Mill Hats, all colors, SI. 00. Iufants' shorr white
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 75c up; Infants' lone Coats, embroidered on cape.
SI. 00 up. When you want good
you cannot no suuea eisewnere. wo must
over. Kim's veils from S1.00 up. Mourning
MRS. J. J.
10 North Main
Clothes of all dioscription neatly dono up
of families in this city as to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up cloth,
ing. I da my work better and quicker than other laundry in the city.
Corner Jardin and Oak
Of summer millinery, including
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens' hats
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
214 South Main Street.
For Scleutlfio DentUtry go to
Dr. J. Donaldson Ford,
Fifteen years actual experience. Gold,
Amalgam ami Porcelain fillings, Gold
Crowns, Porcelain Crowns, Alumluum
Crowns. Beet teeth 510.00, no better
made nt any price. Teeth extraoted
with vitalized air, 50c. Extraoteo
without air, 25c. Allowance made
where teeth are out on new plates.
jVu, "Womc Guaranteed.
Lady attendant always jirescnt.
Office hours : Every day 1 to 5 p. in .
Sundays 1 to 3 p. m.
30 E. Centre St., Max Reese's resid
ence, tront room, up Btalr, Shen
andoah, 1'a.
Wholesale and Ketall
22 and 21 South Main 3U Shenandoah.
Agents forD. ?. Yueen & S'" eelbrilted
Beer, l'orter, Ales etc.
Try it. Every pail of the genuine
COTTOLENE bears this trade mark
-steer's head in cotton-plant wreath.
Mode only by
Tho N. K. Fali-bank Company,
133 N. Delaware Ave., I'lilliula.
Samuels & Com'y
105 South Main Street,
Vfhtn In doubt vhat to um tot Nenmn TVMKty, Loss of Sexuil Tower fin either
se), IrrpDtency, Atrophy, Varicocele anti other veikn-e-, ! -n nny cause, uie
Sex.r.j l'llli. Drains checkaJ anJ fll Mffor qUckly rtorei!. If nepiettLd, such
troat' Ics result fatally. Madid anj where, se?leil, forfi.oj bhmif r f 5 00 With
e 'rvfe- j f rder e give a Icjfal gurife to cure or reiund t..e niviKy, Address
PEAL MEDICINE CO., Cleveland, Ohio.
KIItLIK, Slaeuaudoali, 1'a.
- IN - 1873.
and Xotlons to reduce stock. The rholcest
cheapest of the feason. Hie. lot of Sailor
poods and cheap, come to ICKLLY'S, when
close out our stocicj will carry no goods
goods our specialty.
Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
in a first class manner. I can refer to ecorte
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Largest Assortment nml I.owet Trices.
All orders iiroiuptly attended to
Qo to the Shenandoah Dental llooms
for painless extraction of teeth. Gold
nnd Silver fillings. If your artiflcal teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All exami
nations free. "We malce nil kinds of
plate. Gol(l Crowns, Aluminum Crowns ,
Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge "Work
and all oporations.that pertain to Dental
No charges for extracting when plates
are ordered. We are the only users of
vitalized air for the painless oxtruotion of
Slionaadoali Dontal Rooms,
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pit.
Oflloe Hours: 7 a. m. to 8 p. ra.
When it coiner to
Our stock speaks for itself, If you
don't come to town, send your
orders. They will bo nicely filled.
29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
couees etc. uoou ueuvereu nee-