I T 'I- A IN paint the best is the cheapest. Don't be misled by trying what is said to be "just ns good," but when you paint insist upon having a genuine brand of Strictly Pure White Lead It costs no more per gallon than cheap paints, and lasts many timc3 as long. Look out for the brand of White Lead offered you ; this one is sure : "John'T. Lewis & Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co. 'a Pure White Lead Tinting Colors. These colors are sold In one-pound cans, each can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of strictly Pure White Lead the desired shade J they nre In no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to tint Strictly Pure White Lead. A good many thousand dollars have been saved propcrty-owners by having our book on painting and color-card. Send us a postal card and get both free. JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. ) Is Effect Mahcii 24, 1895. Fassonger trains leave Shcnnwlnah lor Poun Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo hiebton, Slatington, White IIall,Catasauqna, Allentown,Bcthlohoin,Easton and Wealherly at 6 04, 7 38, 9 IS a in., 12 43, 2 67, 5 27 p m. For New York and Philadelphia, 5 04, 7 38, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57. p. m. For Qua kako, Switchback, Gerhards and Huiisondalo, 0 15 a m.'and 2 57 p. m. For Wilkes-Barre, White Haven, Pittston, Lacoyville, Towanda, Bayro, Wuverly and Elmira. 0 04, 1) 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 p 111. For Rochester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West, 9 15 a. m. and 2 57, 6 27 ). m. For Belvidere, Delaware Water Gap and Btrourlsburg, fi 04 a. m, 2 57 p. m. For Lambertvillo and Trenton, 9 15 a m. For Tankhannock, 0 04,9 15 a. m.,2 57,5 27 p. ra. For Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04, 9 15 a ni, 5 27 p m. For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27 p m. For Jeanesville, Leviaton and Beaver Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. m. For Stockton and Lumber Yard, C 04, 7 38, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. 11). For Silver Brook Junction, Audenried and Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 am, 12 43, 2 57, 527 and 8 03 p m. For Scranton, C 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27 p m. For Hazlehrook, Jedilo, Drifton and Free land, 6 04, 7 33, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Ashland, Girardville and Lost Creek, 4 40, 6 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. m., 12 35, 1 40, 4 10, 0 35, b' 22 p. 111. For Raven Run, Centralia, Mount Carmel .and Shamokin, 13, 11 14 a in, 1 32, 4 20, 8 22,9 15 p. m. For Yatesville, Fork PJnce, Mahanoy City and Delano. 5 50, B 04, 7 38, 9 15, 11 05 a. m., 12 43, 2 07, 5 27, H 08, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave (jhamokin at 5 15,8 15, 11 45 a. m., I 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah at 0 04, 9 15 a. m , 12 13, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. m. Leave Shenandoan for I'otUville, 6 01, 7 38,9 08, 11 05,11 30 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 08 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 6 00, 7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. in., 12 S2, 3 00, 4 40 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, -10 p. in Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, ft 04, 7 38 9 15, a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, R 08 p in. t 1 V. V '.D . - ... iieavo uuzioton lor biienauunaii, i a, 10 05, 11 08 a. m., 12 15, 2 58, 5 30, 7 25, 7. 50, p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, Jit. Carmel and Shamokin, 6 45 a. in., 2 40 p. m, and arrive at Shamokin at 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. Trains leave 8hamokin for Shenandoah at 7 55 n. ru. and 4 00 p. m and arrive at Shen andoah at 8 49 a. in. and 1 58 p m. Trains leave for Ashland, Girardville and Lost Crook, 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m. For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Ponn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehom, Easton and New York, 8 49 a. m., 12 30, 2 55 p. m. For Philadelphia, 12 30, 2 6Sp. m. For Yatesville. Park Place. Mahanov Cltv and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. m., 12 30, 2 55,4 5S, OOJp. rn Leave Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30' 11 30 a. in., 1 05, 5 30 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsvillo, 5 55, 819,9 32 a.m., 2 40 p. m. Leavo Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8 30, 10 40 a. in., 1 35, 5 15 p. m. ROLLIN H. WILBUR, Genl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa, CHARLES S. LEE, Genl. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia. A. W-.NQiiNPMACUER, Asst. 0. P. A.. South Bethlehom, Pa. Millions of- Dollars Go up in smoko overv venr, Take no risks but get your houses, stocK, mrniture, etc., insured in first class, reliable companies, as renr- sented by David Faust. Insurance Agent. 120 South Ma'lu Street. Also Life and Accidental Coiuuanles. SotelkSer; CHAS. BUKCHILL, Prop., North Main Street, Mahanoy City Largest and finest hotel In the'rcglon, Finest accommodations. Handsomo fixtures Pool and Billiard Ilooms Attached. ED. BRENNAN, ' Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Bts. Finest Uoers, Wines and Liquors. Clioieo Teiupernnco Drinks. Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars, .Pennyroyal pills 9 kTW Urlfflnal and Only Uenolne momi Stand a lA uid (luLi nieUllia' Iboxea. nlad wliL bin ribbon. TiiLo no other. RtJu dangtrou lufctttu- txatu ajui imiljAiiHL. XI DrnvsUti. or mbA 4a. Id Mftmps for ptrtlcultri, tUmooiill b I " ltuier tor iaairm" m ir, dj rrivrti MaIL 1 ft DOM TtlmoBlftli. Xam Jtxvtr. It Covered an Area of Two Hun dred Squaro Miles. IMMENSE DAMAGE TO PEOPEETY. The Loss of life, However, Is Compara tively Small, Though a Few Additional Fatalities Are Itejiorlod Orowlne drain Mowed Down by Wind. KANSAS CITV, Mo., July 0. Tho storm during tho past throo days covered a largo torrltory, and roports show that tho on tiro oaatorn watershed o( tho Rookv moun tains from tho Nebraska nndlown lines to loxns wns swopt by a storm. Tho storm focus ombraced nn aron of two hundred squaro miles, with tho southwestern cor ner of Missouri ns n center. Tho greatest toss ot lire is reported from Winona., Mo., whoro olovon corpsos havo boon found, with as many moro missing. At Baxter Springs, in southwestern Kansas, flvo woro killed and sovon wcro sorlously Injured by n ovclonothat accom panied tho storm. Ono porson was drowned ac uoiuinbus and two at Ottawa, Kau At Van Durcn, Ark., a mothor and her babo woro drowned. A family of flvo woro oncamped on tho bank of Fish crook, In tho Indian Torrltory. Nothing of thorn or tholr belongings was found oxcopt a part of their wagon on a pile of driftwood. At Thomnsville, Mo., whoro tho rainfall was four Indies In ono hour, flvo persons woro lost. Unconfirmed roports aro re ceived of loss of life as follows: Threo at Fayottavillo, Ark.: ono at Puolo, Kan.: ono at Richards, Kan., and six of 11 hunt ing party In tho Indian Torrltory. This gives a known atid probablo loss of forty three lives. This total will bo Increased when tho receding waters permit a thor ough search. Fields of grain that promised tho most bouuttful yield in many years woro swopt bare of vegetation. In sovoral Instances tho soas of rain was abetted In their work of destruction by tornadoes. It Is too oarly yot to sum up tho loss, but the total Is ap palling, and thoso to whom tho angry ele ments spared llfo havo llttlo loft to sus tain It. The stories aro so similar that n statistical summary is all thoro Is loft to toll. Four Inches of Ittlifall. ' FREDONIA, Kan., July 0. A blinding rain storm, lusting forty minutes, accom panied by high winds from tho west.passed over this locality, extending three miles I north. Fully four Inches of water foil, washing away sldowalks, nnd for a timo tho Missouri Pacific tracks woro undor water. At Lafontalnc, Kan., nlno mllos south, tho residence of R. Giles wus blown off tho foundation and burned up, and at New Albany, Kan., olght miles west, tho roof of tho brick school house was blown away, damaging tho building to tho amount of $1,000, Also tho Christian church In courso of construction was leveled to tho ground. Tho family of John Cox, con sisting of husband, wife and sovoral chil dren, whllo crossing a small stream, wcro thrown from a buggy Into tho wator, but fortunately managed to roach a landing. Swept All tiefora It. AltDMonE, I. T., July 0. A terrlflo olco trie, rain and wind storm swept ovor this section Sunday night, doing great dam ago. In certain loculltlos tho force of tho wind equaled a tornado. Tho main forco of the storm scorns to huvo spent ltsolf about fifteen mllos southeast of Or, noar Mnrlotta, I. T , whoro a numbor of houses wero blown diwn. Bob Brazil's houso wus blown from ovor tho heads of him self and family, and thoy had a narrow escapo. Mr. Hudson was killed by light ning at Bob station, twenty miles south i n blown down Tho wind ownnr. "a3 ulowu uow"- 1 "lua BW0P6 nvnrvtlilnn- 111 its nnt.h for n.n nrnn nf i everything In its path for an area of a mllo and a half and sovoral miles In length. Corn Holds, fonoes and buildings woro laid down. A Freight Train Illown Over. Newton, Kan., July . A very heavy wind storm passed over Harvey county nnd did a great deal of damoo, but cnusod no loss of llfo. Tho path of tho storm was from northwost to southwest, and covered a wedge shaped area fifteen mllos wldo at tho northern portion, and extending u length of nearly flfty mllos. Two-thirds of tho windmills In tho path of tho storm are down, and sheds and barns without numbor aro wrecked. A freight train was ovorturnod at Canton. Orchards woro badly damagod, and at loast half of tho Immonso fruit crop was badly loveled, but It will not bo seriously damaged. A Clereyman'B Will Set Aside, Trenton, July 0. Tho Morcor county orphans' court yesterday sot asldo tho will of tho Into Rev. Dr. John Miller, of Prinoo ton. Ho loft proporty valued at 830,000, but tho will was not proporly executed, tne wltnessos to tho instrumont testifying that thoy did not know what tho paper was whloli thoy signed. The proporty, novortholcss, will go to Dr. Miller's throo daughtors, as provided in tho will. Dr. Miller was trlod for horosy by the Presby torlan General Assombly a fow years ago, and was oxcommunlcatod. Tho Cumber land prosbytory udmlttod him to mem bership lator and ho continued to proach. Ho was ono of tho ablest theologians In the country; Dynamite for Widow Chauiberf. CentbAUA, Wash., July 0. Mrs. Mattlo Chambers, a widow, has rocolved an In fernal machlno contoluing dynamite through the malls. It Is claimed that it was sont to hor by a rojocted suitor who Is now In Raleigh, N. C. The curiosity of the postmastor soved tho woman's life. He saw sand papor protruding from tho end of the box, and pried tho lid off with out Igniting the matorlol. The police au thorities aro Investigating. Annapolis Went Democrat!. Annapolis, Md., July 9. Annapolis ilty went Democratic yesterday in a mu nicipal oloctlon. Tho Domocrats have flvo of the oiv-lit aldermen. John II. Thomas was ro-eloctod mayor by about twonty majority. Tuoro was a good deal of cut ting of Domooriitlo candidates. Killed by Her Sao. Winston, N. C, July 0. In Montgom ery oouuty, during a light between two brothers, Pink and Frank Williams, their mother attomptou to tauo a revolver from one when she was shot in tho abdomen and klllod, The Weather. For eastern Pennsylvania, New Jersey, nflinwnm. District of Columbia, Alary- land and Vlrglula, fair; cooler; westerly winds. HELD IN BONDAGE All Hor Llfo Happy Holcnso at Last or Miss Allco ounj, who Ilcshlcs at 892 Aloxnmlcr Street, llochcstcr, N. Y. (From Hochetter Democrat and Clirontcle.") Otlr rClirOSentntlvn Wna nvnlvnl vrrv pleasantly at 802 Alexander Street, by Miss Alice Young, who told how since childhood she had been held In tho bond ngo of palu from her back, never ro moniberlng tho timo that she had not suf- lcrcu pain or nehes in tho region of tho kliluoys. Many were the means she used to find relief, but there seemed no remedy for her case and she still remained a cap tive; then along comes these little enemies to backacho, Doan's Kidney Pills, and a half box releases tho bonds, as one by one tho aches and pains disappear, she flnda hcrsolf a slavo to pain no more, by their continued use. Shosays: " I was entirely relieved of all my suffering and now I am perfectly strong, healthy and well." "Now did you take this remedy ?"Mlss Young was asked by our representative, she replied that sho followed, directions explicitly. Miss Young then told how the malady affected hor, saying her symptoms wcro: "Stooping, bending over, walking or standing any length of -timo always gavo mo a pain in the small of my back. I had a pain in the kidneys all tho time. and if I caught cold it would always settle there ; the pain I suffered was of a very exhausting nature: at niirht could only He Hat on my back any other position causing pain and suffering; tho nerves passing up my back, were affected and this brought with It severe headaches, but as I said before, Doau's Kidney Pills have removed all pain and suffering en tirely and I never felt better and healthier In my life." Doan's Kidney Pills are for sale by all dealers, price 50 cents, mailed by Foster Milburo Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Solo Agents fortlio united states. For Rale at Kirlin's Pharmacy. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 18,1891. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows: For New York via Philadelphia, week da s, 2 10, 5 25. 7 20 a. m. and 12 32, 2 55, 5 55 p. m. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. nor jnow xoru via juaucn inunit, woe days, 5 25, 7 20 a. m. and 12 32, 2 55 u. ill. For Reading and Philadelphia, week davs, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20, a. m. and 12 32, 2 55, 5 55 p. m. Sundays. 2 10 a. m. For Pottsvillo, -"eek days, 2 Id, 7 20 a. ru. and 12 32, 2 55. 5 55 p. m. Sundap 2 10 a. in. For Tamaqua and Mahanoy City, weok days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m. and 12 32, 2 55 5 55 p. in. Sundays, 2 10 a. m. For Williamsport, Sunbury and Lawiaburg, week davs, 3 25, 11 30 a. ui. and 1 35, 7 20 p. m. Sundays, 3 25 a. ni. For Mahanov Plane, week days,2 10, 3 25, 5 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. in. and 12 32, 1 35, 2 55, 5 55, 7 20, 9 35 p. m. Sundays, 2 10, 3 25 a. m. For Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 3 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. m. and 1 35 7 20, 9 35 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington anil the West via B. ,fc O. R. R., through trains leave Read ing Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. fc R. R. R.) at 3 20, 7 55, 11 26 a. m. and 3 46, 7 27 p. in. Sundays 3 20, 7 00, 11 26 a. m and 3 46, 7 27 p.m. Additional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chestnut streets station, week days, 1 35, 6 41, S 23 p. m. Sundajs, 1 35, .1 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leavo New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. m., 1 3il, 4 00, 7 30 p. m. and 12 15 night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m. Leavo New York via Maucb Chunk, week days, 4 30, 9 10 a. m. and 1 10, 4 30 p. in. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, 10 00 a. m. and 4 00, 0 02, 1 1 30 p. ra. Sundays, 1 1 30 p. . Leave Reading, week days, 1 35, 7 1", 10 06, 11 50 a.m. and 5 55, 7 57 p.m. Hun days, 1 35 a. m. Leavo Pottsville weok days, 2 35, 7 40 a. m. and 12 30, 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. m. Leave Tamanua, week days, 3 18, 8 50, II 23 a.m. and 1 20 7 15,9 23 p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. in. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, 9 21, 11 47 a. m. and 1 61, 7 39, 9 54 p. m. Sundays, 3 45 a. in. Loave juaiianoy naue,weoK uayF.a 4u, i uu, 0 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. m. and 12 5S, 2 OB, 5 20, 6 26, 7 53, 10 10 p. m. Suudays, 2 40, 4 uu m. Leave Willhuusport, weok days, T 42, 10 10 a. m. and 335,- 11 15 p. r.i. Sundays, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut St. Wharf ami South Street Wbart lor Atlantic Wty. Week davB Express, no a. m., (Satur days onlv 1 30), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00. 5 00 p. in Accommodation, uu a. m., o 4 p. ra. SDiuiay Express, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00 a. m Accoramndotion, 8 00 a. ra. and 4 30 p. m. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC CITY Dopot.corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues, Week days Express, 7 00, 7 15, 9 00 a. m., S 15 ami 5 30 p. m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m. and 4 32 p. m. Sunday Express, 4 00, 5 15, 8 00 p. m Accommodation, 7 15 a. ru., and 4 15 p. ra. . Parlor Cars on all Exprosa trains. I. A. SWSIGARD, C. G. HANCOCK, General Superintendent. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOHN D ALTON AGENT FOR SHENANDOAH and VICINITY -FOR- Beer and Porter, Barbey's Boek Be6r.lmandor-,nchleIofthenrmy- A BRAVE MOTORMAN. Stuck to Ills Car When It Carried rtlm to Death. East Liverpool, O., July 9. An elec tric street car running botweon this city and Wollsvlllo got beyond tho control of tho motorman Inst evening and plunged over a brldgo into a run, falling thirty feet. Tho car was smashed, and it wns miraculous that any of the passengors escaped allvo. As it was, only Jamos Hamilton, tho motorman, was killed, and ho met death at his post after doing ull ho could to stop tho car. Thlrtoon othors woro moro or less In jured, among thorn: Mooloy Coburn, a fnrmor, bndly hurt In tho back, will prob ably die; Mrs. Magglo MoDolo, of this plnco, badly iujurod about tho head, back and shoulders, will probably die; Frank Green, a boy, hurt about tho head, mny die; Mrs. Frank Andorson, Hochoster, Pa., badly bruised; Frank Anderson, Hochos ter, Pa., badly bruised. Tho passengors wero crushed and Jammed Into tho wreck of tho car, and had not roscuors quickly arrived on tho tcouo soiiio of thorn would havo beon ilrowned, as tho run was dammed and tho water roso rapidly about tho wreckage. THE SITUATION AT ELKHORN. Threats or tho Strikers Causes GraTest Apprehoiislon. Bltjefield, W. Vu July 0. Tho situa tion is very gravo In tho Klkhoru region. Colonel White, Governor MacCorklo's pri vate scorotory, says tho danger Is Immi nent and that troublo may occur at nny timo. A tologram from Governor Mao- Corklo to Colonol Tiorny says that,lf any moro, parading with guns Is done by tho minors tho troops will bo sont imme diately. Throats of burning tho tlpplos are made, and this, with tho dorallmunt of cars, has created serious alarm. Tho heavy guard of United States marshals, togother with Govornor MacCorklo's telegram, Colonel White thinks, has had a boneflclol effect Tho company hero Is In readiness to mora at onco If noedod. Colonel Whlto left for Klkhorn last night. Negro laborers Kept as Prisoners. San Antonio, July 0. Dr. F. Trolling, a prominent physician of this city, who was dotallod ono month ngo to visit tho negro colony in Tlahuililo, In tho state of Durango, Moxlco, and Investigate tho real situation and condition of tho negroes who woro romovod from Alabama and Georgia last winter, has returned. Ho said thero woro 830 uogroos in tho colony, wallod In and closoly guarded. Fully 60 por cent, oro suffering from a dlsoaso resembling malaria, from which a largo number havo died. Tho doctor says tho colony company Is dovoloplng 52,003 acres of agricultural land and overworking tho negroes. As tho lattor aro cltlzons of tho United States, tho attention of tho de partment of stato at Washington will bo called to tho coudltlou of affairs at tho colony and an official investigation re quested. Not a Man Applied for Work. Cleveland, July 0. About 1,500 strik ing workmon wero gathered about tho American Wlro oompauy's works yostor day. Tho company had placed notices that tho plant would bo started. A largo dotnll of police was on hand, but there was no troublo of any kind. Not a man ap plied for work, und tho starting of tho works was postponod for tho timo being. No attempt was ruado to rosumo work at tho Baackcs wlro nail or II. P. Nail com pany's works. Nearly 8,000 men are ldlo on account of tho strlko. Canadian Cabinet Crisis Imminent. Montreal, July 0. It Is stated freely today, by members of parliament who know, that tho dissolution of tho Domin ion parliament is near at hand. Tho French members havo for somo days boon ready with a voto of censuro of tho government for tholr inaction In regard to tho Manitoba school question, but tho Liberal English members refused to sup port It. MacKeuzlo liowoll is to resign shortly and Hon. John Huggart, minister of railways and canals, Is said to bo the coming premier. Wholesale Jail Delivery. AsnEYlLLE, N. C, July 0. A wholesale delivery from tho county jail occurred at Hondorsonvlllo during the night. Tho prisoners picked tho locks to tho cagos, cut n holo through tho plastering of tho colling, thon passed out through a vonti lator by tying tholr blankets togother and lotting themsolvos down. Bloodhounds woro telegraphed for, and It Is thought tho prisoners will Boon bo recaptured. Six made thoir oscapo. Murdered by a rinymate. Albion, Mich., July 0. Whllo playing ball two boys, Gustavo Nauss, ogod 1S3, and Ernest Kussroo, aged 10, bocamo In volved In a quarrol. Kussroo had a plckot In his hand, which ho had beon using as a bat, and struok Nauss on the head with It. Tho blow ruptured ono of the largo blood vcssols at the baso of tho brain, causing instant douth. Two Workmen Killed by a Fall. CniCAOO, July 9. Two workmen wore Instantly klllod at Frunklln and Madison streets by the falling of n scaffold, Thoy woro at work on n swinging support sev- enty-flvo feet from tho ground, when tho supporting ropos partod. Tho men's names wero unknown. Tholr bodies wero frightfully mutilated by tho fall to the sidewalk. Troops tn l'rovont a Lynchlnc. Richmond. Vn.. July 9. Govornor O'Forrall was yosterday called upon by the civil authorities of Clarke county to furnish military protection to Henry Rob inson, a negro on trial there for commit ting nn outrago on a white' lady. The governor ordered tho Mouticello Guards, of Charlottesville, to the scono. Another German Asylum Scandal. Berlin, July 9. A surprise visit by an official commlttuo mado to tho prlvato lunutlo asylum of Huns Kannen, near Amelsduron, bolouglng, like the notorious Mariaberg asylum, to tho Alexlan broth erhood, rovoalod such gross scandals that tho provlnolal administration talks of closing It and rebuilding. Ten Year for Sirs. Johnson. Galesuuiiq, Ills., July 0. Tho jury in the cose of Mrs. Ida Johnson, charged with murdering hor husband, ex-Alderman Charles F. Johnson, brought In u verdict finding tho dqfondant guilty of manslaughter and fixing tho sentence at ten yean, in the poultoutlary. Lord Itobert Ua Not Declined. London, July 0. It 1b learned on tho best authority that It Is untrue that Lord Roberts has declined tho position of com- No matter what tho dlteaso Is or how muny doctors havo failed to euro you, ask yourdruirglstforn 25-cetit vial of ono of .nunyoii 3 turcs, ana if you aro not bene fited your money will bo refunded. This Company puts up A cure for every disease Sir Thcoi 1317 Arch St. Vi I llwul PHILADELPHIA. PA. Thv.onlT (Icnnlnr Uneriallst In Amprlcs. notultlruniimn, t others advertise. NERVOUS DEBILITY ! ANO THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION Special Diseases ami Stricture "crnisnciitli- Cured iu & tn & dnri BLOOD POiSQk EimM; now method ludO to uodayg. fl years' Kuro ; wean Hospital anil 32 practical experience, as Certlflcatea and DliiiomPh ttrnvn. Hand flvo j 2-ceutBtamps for book, f TlttTJf tlioonly uw exposing uuai'K uociors auu oinersau Yertlting an reut specialists. A true friend to all fcuffpriTH ftiul to Ltuisfl mntmnnlAtlricF marriage, iue most tuiuum and dangerous ' eases mmclted. Write or call and be saved 1 uoura. HTe-fl o-t woo. ana Hat. eve's i twu i eun. success m treatment oy mall. M. J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 123 E. Centre St., Shenandoah, Pa. rpWO-STORV Frame Bulldiiip, 30x15 (ect on J- South Chestnut street. Rents for 818 per month j will be sold cheap. Tf OR BALE. Half lot nnd two lioue, situate on Weft Centre street. Will pay 12. per eent. on Investment, and enn bo bought on easy terms. TjVAUM FOR SALE. A Inrm oi 33 acres, with in threo miles of good market. Twenty nlno uere under cultivation, and four acres of l?ood timber. Frame farm house, six room!, good linrn and all In Rood condition. Will be sold for 81,200 cash. "POn SALE. Valuable property on East Lloyd x street. Lot 43x150 feet ; seven houes, in cluding restaurant. AKBrennlo rental, SSO per month. A rnre bargain. Apply to M. J. Lawlor Justice of tho Peace, No. 123 East Ccntro street. John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS. Mineral waters, "Weiss beer. Bottler of tho finest lager beers. 17 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoxh, Pa When in Pottsville Stop at Phil. Woll's Hotel, t'OO North Ccnlie Street. Meals nt nil hours, liadios' dinineroom attached. Finest wines. Honors, cicars. EMIL J. BEYER'S, (Formerly Murphy Ilro.) Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant, 19 North Main Street. The 1 nr m plied uith nrst-chifs wines inuorp beer, ale porter. Choice cigars. Open nil night. Free luucli from 9 a. m. to p. m. "O wad some power tho giflle Kie us, To see ourselves nsothers beo us." When not riding a "Waverley." In mythological times thero were Cen taurs creatures half man, half horse. What . could be nearer the1 nfbdern Centaur than the union of man and a "Waverley" Scorcher. Highest of all high grades. J. S. HOUSENICK, Exclusive Agent, Shenandoah, Pa. FOR SALE CHEVP ! 2 Valuable Properties, On North Whlto Street. SHENANDOAH. Uoublo niook of dwellings, Nos. tSuaim 32 North Whlto otrettt, between Centre mid Lloyd streets. Also, a double block of dwellings, N's. 110 and 118 North Whlto street, betwuen Lloyd and Coal streets. Apply at tho HERALD OFFICE Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand tho samo washing that your hoots do, and the water you drink Isn't even tit for that purpose. Use Lorenz Schmidt's Beor nnd Tortor. JAMES SHIELDS, Manager Shenandoah Branch. UIG PEACEW1TII CHINA Ex-Seorotary Foster Deokres Thai It Will be Permanent. JAPAN'S DEMANDS HEAS0NABLE The American Adviser nf tho Chlnene Gov ernment Declnres Hint Our (loverntnent Came Out of the Diplomatic Contest with Hotter Grace Thn Any Other. Washington, July 9. Kx-Secretary ol State John V. Foster arrived In Washing ton yesterday from Ciituii, where he has taken conspicuous part In the diplomatic branoh of the Chinn-Jnpan eonfllot. He is fatigued with Ills long journey, but other wise In vigorous henlth, notwithstanding tho hardships Incidental to the closing ot the eastern war. Mr. Foster bring a fund of Information on tho status of the China Japan troublus and the Intoresttne events ofp' ro. c.-.iux'. ins, '. v.'l.lo! !. '','. a " fim pirn l'i amwerto In'nilri-"-. Mr."V,Vyt. . a sA'itnmanr in which ha Raid tliSf thera wt. pood reason to expect ue.jOTUiont peace botweon Japan and Cliiun nn thikre-B'-'l of th ti-nntv of SMiu mibshI. li,d . dmunuded by Jnpcn nift, h -''', i i r the clrc'.ur.itnne? M wtWil l 4 jsonable, osp'-elallr In va f rt? rrtro--U.u of the hliio Tuns iK'n'i.aula "T''C .ity hm ljeou obo."Tcd rxiiil ouvrl d -'t ('Mini with r.t;-t!1.iui ji'.'-'Mi TTi 'ii'luct lu this CT-oi hi- pi:'.!".! ;. -v f movable imnrsslou !n J.ipan. Tli.i l'irtii jut coiwl i i'd l'i 'J . ! -si in intl'K-.co vill one' 'a ,i to pay th. first t-.v liutnllir. S tl. 1 lem nity. Those two installments cover halt of tho indemnity, and the balance, ex tending over six years, will lie n compara tively onsy burdon for tho Chinese govern ment If any skill M shown In the mnn.i; jnonr of the Imperial revenues. T1k coun try Uiw grant reio'irces and luu ucvr v failed In It flnanflnl encjoietuonts. Hence the penoo conrludnl lit fcUmone sckl is not likely to be brokou on account of the shortcomings of China. If u ru,, turo occurs It Is moro likely to be br'u ',f about by tho Intormcddlug of the Knr pi':in powrrs. The Intervention of Rmsla on accourt of the terms of peace was not unexpected, and Is not unnatural in view ot her pre dominating lntores1- in tho orient, -"--chilly on tho North Pacific coast of Asia. That France followed the lend of El- - created no surprise In tin uiv.t. 'mt that Germany slioull ui.lto with tl". -m u n display of forco against Japan was en tirely unexpected, and is not yet under stood. British residents In China and Japan aro vory blttor In criticism of tholr government for Its abstontlon in tho mat ter. They nllego that Its failure to join with tho other powers in rearranging tho terms of pcaco has lost for their coun try much prcstlgo and has left Russian free hand in Its lnllaonco and control nt Pokln. 4 Of all tho countries diplomatically con cerned In tho contest tho United States has como out of It with bettor graco than any other. From tho first her interest has been recognized by both belligerents ns purely disinterested, hor only desire being to rondor such sorvlco as would bring about an honorable and lasting pcaco. Tho conduct of tho state depart ment in its vory dolleoto relations with both combatants has beon marked by good judgment and by fow mistakes, and tho good olllcos of our m Inisters and con suls In China and Japan, where they rep resented tho Interests of both govern ments, havo boon very useful, and aro highly appreciated by both. liolng asked why ho docllned r!. invita tion to romain in China us tho ncU uf tho government Mr. Foster said tl. ' ha hnd spent tho greater portion of tin ast twonty-flvo years In foreign Unds, and that whllo his resldonoo nbroad a 1 bueti generally n pleasant ono, ho had fuuu- n oountry oqu'al to his own notivo laud, and hodoslrcdtospondthorost of his days In his own country and his own homo. Ho confessed that If the Invitation had como flvo or ten years oarller ho would probably not havo docllned It. Ruth and Esther Aro Not Jealous. Buzzard's Bay, Mass., JulyO. In com pany with Joseph Jefferson, Mr. Cleve land spent uenrly all of yostorday trout fishing nt East Sandwich, where Mr. Jofforson has u prlvato stream. Tho party loft oarly In tho day and did not roturn until nearly six o'clock. Ruth and Esther did not drlvo with tholr nurses to the vlllago, as thoy havo done almost every day slnoo their nrrlval nt Gray Gables. The children romatned nt their play, often chnttorlng us thoy ran about tho piazza and lawn ovor tho llttlo siat-r so recently Introduced to them. Both.'oi dron soom delighted with tho idea of liv ing another llttlo one in tho household. Tolograins of congratulation coutlnuo to arrive To an Inquiry us to tho condition iQgMrs. Cleveland and thojbaby Dr. Bryant reiterated his former words: "Mother and baby are both doing well." I.Hlbuch .tenia Shaken by Kleetrteltjr Trieste, Austria, July . A even shock of earthquake occurred fU-- day jty Lalbaoh, Austria, whioh ,lnStia4fc,,wi rlosofsovoro earthquake shnnfar "oft- tfflp1 night of April 1 1, of this year. atU they continued with abating soverity during April 1(1, 17 and IS. Nearly all the Inhab itants fled from the town and camped In the field, and woro confirmed In their tears by another shock on April 22. After they had commonced to return to the da- aged town there was again a shm .v u April 29, which renewed the terror the citizens. Since that time there was a slight shock on May 81. l'ennsy tvdnla Outlaws Convicted. Kinqwood, W. Vu., July 0. The trial of tho Pennsylvania outlaws wbj co. -cludod by tho jury's vordlct ot guilty. Tl.e outlaws are Bud Smltley, Hank Harv y and Archibald Pattorson. Tho jury i m.u1 each guilty of unlawful shooting, the n olty for whioh is lmprlsonmout from me to five years In tho ponltontlary. These outlaws shot and dangerously wounded. Sheriff Shaw, of this county, who, with a posso, was attempting tholr arrost last April for horso stealing. . Tho prisonera live in Fayotto oouuty. To Improve the Weather Serrlea. Wasiiikoton, July 9. Tho resumption of the old plan of forwarding dally weathor messages, excopt on Sunday, to all forecast display stations rocolvlngsuoh Information by govornmont telegraph ser vice, was decided on by tho Agricultural department yesterday. It Is tho first im portant iohomo for Improving tho foreca service to be put Into operation by Chief Moore, of the wsather bureau, 1