HEESLB E1TENIN VOL. X. NO. '17 J. SHENANDOAH, PA , TUESDAY, JULY 9, 1896. ONE CENT. 0- REFRIGERATORS BABY CARRIAGES URGE STOCK! BEST MAKE! LOWEST PRICES! . P. Williams & Son, J South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. TBE NEWS OF THE DAY A. Law Suit Over an Policy. Insurance IMJIISONAL. Main street Schuylkill OAUSE OF DEATH DISPUTED TUo Clntmauta Sny tlio Insured Died of Pneumonia and the Iusurnnco Company Alleges Xlint Heart Disease Cntuod Dontu. HMD I Ml) u oiiMJiu mill iiwwvn wiuuu. Our sheets are all 2 yards long, with 2 In. hem at the top; prices 50c. to 75c. each. Well-made pillow and bolster cases for 8, 10, 12,15, 18 and 25c. each. Men's fine white shirts, first-class in every way, only 35c. each better than 50c. kind of other stores; Ladies' ribbed vests, all sizes, 7c. each, or 4 for 25c. Every department is up to date in prices and quality. Come and see us for bargains. L J. Wilkinson, 29 S. Main St. CHERRINGTON BROS. Tliero Is considerable discussion in local insurance circles over a law suit which Is about to be Instituted by the heirs of tho late Miss Ella Connor for the recovery of $1,00,0 on a life Insurance polloy Issued on the life of the deceased. It Is said that if tho case goes to trial it will be an in terestlng one. The policy was Issued by tho Prudential Life Insurance Company and when the return of death was made tho cause was stated as pneumonia. For some reason the company was not satisfied with the return and sent an Inspector to this town. Tho result of his investigation was such that the company declined to pay tho amount of the policy, claiming that the death was due to heart disease. It is said that the company will attempt to show that Miss Connor was a victim of the dis ease when she was matron of tho county Jail and that n physician who attended her nt that time determined tint point. It Is also alleged that a town physician also de tected heart disease Ju tho patient and treated her for it. The case will no doubt be of considerable interest, as it will bring to the witness stand several medical experts to proclaim what, in their opinion, aro symptoms of heart disease as distinguished from pneu monia. Up to the present time four doc tors are interested in the case. Carl Ilolderman, the North jeweler, spent yesterday nt Haven and Pottsvllle. Mrs. Gatos and Mrs. Ivlmmell, of Chi cago, nud Mrs. Mankenell, of Wilkesbarre, who were guests of town friends, today went to Pottsvllle, where they will spend several days. It. Stockcr made a business trip to tho county soat today. B, It. Severn spent today at Harrlsburg in his own interest for the COntrollcrshlp appointment. Miss Mary Kiinmol visited friends at Pottsvllle today. Joseph K. Kehler and daughter, Miss Jda, went to Minersvllle this morning to Visit friends. Miss Kehler intends to spend three weeks there. . Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Bobbins, Miss D. Bobbins, Auber Itobblns and Mrs. II. W. Tltman have gone to Ocean Grove. MUses Lizzie Keithan, Levare Bobbins and Maggie Jacoby have gone to Boston to attend tho Christian Endeavor convention f I. O. Callahan, of Philadelphia, repre senting the Catholic Times, transacted business in town yesterday and appointed James Mullahy, of East Centre Btreet, as local agent for the paper, James Brenner returned yesterday from Harrlsburg, where he visited his parents. Deputy Sheriff Beddall and Attorney "Wndlinger, of I'ottsvllle, were town visl tors today. S. G. M. Hollopeter, Esq., returned from Philadelphia last evening. He wanted to show the rhiladelphtaus bow to ccjebrat? P Michael Gaiigbun Succumb3 at tho Shenandoah City Colliery. WORKED ON A DIRT BANK Wns Tnkou Suddenly III Wliilo nt His "Work nucl Expired lu a Tow Minutes While Cnred by" Follow Employes. THE BUSY STORE; llfl nnd 118 North Jlnln St. FINE GROCERS, Sp No. 122 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CIo of Oil Cloths, Preserving Jars eCiai OaSe andjelly Glasses. Best qualities of OIL CLOTHS from 22 to 85 cents per yard. All th latest patterns; Mason's preserving jars at So' cents a dozen. Jelly glasses with tin lids at the lowest possible prices. Do not forget that we carry the best brands of flour at lowest prices. That we carry the finest and cheapest line of heavy and shell BARGLASSWARE in the county. All sizes constantly in stock. Also a large line of beautiful table glassware, see our line. Soholily House. Hot free lunch tonight. liurko I I Tho Hloodliotmd tit People passing Boddall's block, corner of Main and Centre streets, were startled to see tho life-size figure of a man sitting in one of tue windows, whose dark and hideous features, ornamented by a short, stubby growth of beard, at once proclaimed him the assassin nnd robber. This is a fac-slmile of. Burke, the Blood hound, now-serving a long sentence in Sing Sing prison. Another window shows an interesting group, showing the "Stocks," an old-time mode of punish ment, Within are thousands of interesting models of Middle-age tortures, Madame Dlmanche, tho horned woman of Franco, Santo Cnesatlo, the assassin of Carnot, Maria Barlta, noted Italian female brigand, and others collected from Paris, Berlin and Vienna. Kone should fail to see this marvelous collection hore for a few days only. Open 8 a. m. to 10 p. in. daily, for men only. Friday afternoon, from 2 to G p. in., ladios only. Admission to all, 10 cents. F. J. Fortz & Son No. 2i North Main Street, Shenaudoah, Pa. New Carpels, Wntaon House Froo .Lunch. Pork and beans tonight. Calf's liver and potato salad tomorrow morning. Bled. McAlbe. At Shenandoah, Pa., on the Gth lust., Joseph, son of Ann and Slat thew McAlee, aged 27 years. Funeral will take placq on "Wednesday, 10th lust., at 9 a. in., from tho family resldenco in Turkey Itun and proceed to the Annunciation church, where high mass will be cele brated. Interment in the Annunciation cemetery. Friends and relatives respect fully invited to attend. 7-8-2t the Fourth, but failed, lie says they are "too slow." Major Heber S. Thompson, of Potts- yille, and ex-Senator King, of Mahanoy 'City, were early morning visitors to town today. M.'Grahain, candidate for Poor Director, visited Pottsvllle today. "Tom" Joyce, of Mahanoy City, spent fa few hours in town last evening. Harris Seff has gone to Saratoga, X. Y., Ato spend a vacation. Mrs. Sarah Day and son, Harry, of Wllllatnstowu, aro vlsitlug friends lu town. Edward Bartholomew, of Sunbury,!is the guest of his brother, P. M. Bartholomew, of Ploppert's bakery. Miss Mary Maley and her brother, Mar tin, were visitors to Baruesville today. Clay Osborne, of Wilkesbarre, is a guest of Dr. W. N. Stein, of west Oak street. Miss Annie Stein visited Gtrardvllle to' day. Patrick Moriarty, of Trenton, Is. J., an old time resident of this town, is visiting friends here. M.J. Toomey and wife, of Pbillipsburg, are visiting friends in town. Miss May, of Shamokiu, and Mleses Dolley "Wythe and Maude Lyons, of Mahanoy City, were town visitors last eveulng. James Eeese, of Centralla, was lu town laBt evening. Justice T. T. Williams is on the sick list. - ' ': . Mr. and Mrs. Simon Karnofsky, of Mt. Cnrtnol, were the guests ot thet' Leyiue family yesterday. - Jonathan B. Itogers, a retired merchant of this town and who was one of Its resi dents for the past 20 years, yesterday leff for Mt. Carmel, where he has purchased a residence and will make his future home. His family, consisting of Jonathan Bogers, Jr., and Mr. and Mrs. George O'Donuell, accompanied him. Michael Gaughan, an old and well-known resident of town, died Biuldenly at the Shenandoah City colliery, yesterday. Tho case was decided as one ov sunstroke, making the second of the kind In two days, James MoAleo, of Turkey Run, having died from the effects of the heat ou Sunday while at work at the Qllberton colliery. Gaughan was employed as a dump mau on one of the dirt banks of tho Shenandoah City colliery nnd his work was such that he had no protection from the scorchinc rays of the sun. He suddenly became ill and the employes of the colliery carried him to the office, where he received tender caro. He expired within a few minutes. The deceased resided ou West Cherry street. He was about 51 years of age and left a wife and six children, tho youngest child being about nine years of age. The sudden deaths of MoAleo and Gaughan are evidences of hardships en dured at this season of the year, uy men 2:0 Are obliged to -work ou the imt u'uu rock banks, where the heatls intense when the rays of the sun are strpng.and is re flected in all directions by: tho coal and minerals. OUK MUSLIN UNDERWEAR Sale still continues. Wo add od this week a number of other, garments, equal in quality and reduced in price. LADIES NIGHT GOWNS. An extra number with tucked yoke, 50c. Another with feather stitch braiding 60o. AnothVr with ruffles, 50c.. . . LADIES DRAWERS. The best value you- evor stiff, with Embroidery, 50c. LADIES SKIRTS. In price none to eqoi'l MUSLIN REMNANTS. 8c. Quality 5c. Our odd number of pie best sateen as well as- demitees and lawns, will be sold at a price you never saw them sold at Sic 4 This week wo offer a new line ot choice patterns of Axmin ster and Moquette Carpets. A full stock of Velvet, Tapestry and Body Brussels. Also another lot of now Ingrains at 35 cents, exactly the same quality .as we have been selling at 50 cents. Ingrain at 25 cents, reduced from 40 cents All Wool Ingrains Extra Quality A large stock of Hag Carpets, all prices and styles. New Moquetto Rugs at low prices. Linoleums at re duced prices, Specials in Canned Goods. We received today another lot of Fancy Northern Sugar Corn, 4 for 25 cents. The best we have had at the price. Also another lot of Fancy Cold Packed Tomatoes, 4 for 25 cents. Fine Table Peaches, 2 cans 25 cents. California Pears, 2 for 25 oents. Alaska Salmon, 10 cents a can. Today A lot of Strictly Fresh made Fancy Dairy Butter. 370 .iSLDEt.JR.I'V'ES, Tliree, oars No. 1 Timothy liny. Two oars Choice White Oata. One car Heavy Winter Wheat Middlings. One car Yellow Corn. At Keiter's. Are you suffering from rheumatism? Thomas' Eclectrlc Oil has cured thousands of the yorst cases of this terrible disease, il only costs nu ceuis 10 iry 11. A Firm Dissolves. Messrs. Friedbaud and Leviue, who have boon doing business under the firm name of the New York Frogress Hat and Cap Factory, have dissolved partnership. Un. der an agreement made between them when the firm started the surviving part nor, in the event' of a dissolution, retains the right to use the firm name and Mr. Friedband and P. F. Monaghau will oonduot the business in the future, but will rem,ove the establishment to the factory formerly occupied by the Souuylklll Hat and Cap Manufacturing Company, on North White street. Exton. slve improvements will be made and the factory will be in full operation on and after Monday, 15th Inst. Put an end to mlBery. Doan's Olutmont win mi Mm worst case of Itching Piles thorn Bvnr was. nnd do it almost instantly Years of suffering relieved lu a single night. Get Doau's Ointment irom your dealer. Tenth Auuunl Fair. The Mahauoy Valley Arjrioultural Asso elation will hold Its tenth annual fair at the Lavelle fair grounds on September 10th to 12th, lnolnslve. teething children Luks' soothing Give Good OtTbr Attentlomsoal'ledto the advertisement offering two valuoble properties ou White street lor sale. Go to Maloy's for ladles' buckles, 10 North Main street. sliver belt tf Look in our window, Max Schmidt. ScUelfly Ilonso. Hot free lunch tonight. An Arbitration Eudod. The case of Harris Bublnski, of Potts ville, against Isaac Orkon, of town, has been decided by arbitration. The suit was brought on a book account of dry goods. Orkon dculed liability and claimed that he never dealt with' Bublnski, but that tho goods were purchased by his father-in-law, a Mr. Jaffe. The goods wero sent in the name of Orkcn and ho claimed they wero so sent because Jaffe wanted them sent in his care. Bublnski claimed that Orken made an arrangement in his store nt Pottsvllle whereby the goods were bought on Orkeu's credit, but for tho use of Jaffe. Orken denied this agreement, but tho arbitrators, who were James Grant, of town, and Henry Hause and Charles Boyor, of Potts vllle, decided against him. Kirliu's compound blackberry cordial is the best. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlmsmltuiug done call on E. F. Gallagher, 18, West Centre street. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf DIDX'T KSOW, AS USUAL. His Arm Plorcod by a Bullet Fron u Bovolvor. Adam Shamansky was accidently slmt by John Varbotsky this morning. TL. shooting occurred in the First ward. Th . bullet passed through Shamansky's loft arm, punctured his vest pocket, and burufi his body. It was a thirty-two calili e revolver with which tho shooting was rtmiu aud.the wound is an ugly one. Verbetk, was arrested by Special Officer Saba am' placed in the lockup to await the resultf of the injury. Vorbotsky called at Shamansky's plate aud wanted to sell him a headache cure. Shamausky offered to exchange a revolver for some of the cure and handed the weapon to Verbetsky. Tho latter asked if the weapon was loaded and at the same time pulled tho trigger with the result stated. Schoiny House. Hot free lunch tonight. Tlio Prlsou Accounts. Tho prison accounts for the month of June, as audited by the Commissioners yesterday are as follows: Cost of maintenance S 605 CI Weaving 2W 99 General expenses US .5 Knitting SKS M Improvements nnd repair 41 08 Hhoes 0 50 Salaries 598 00 UrURS i Tobacco nml commutation 62 02 Gas consumed . 35 00 Sales from weaving,. Bales from knitting.. S 1,012 04 . 74 CO .. 310 40 Cash received from conn costs m, Mnn Mlsslntr. Thomas Byan disappeared from his home in Brownsville June 28th, and was last heard of on Juno 30, at which time he was in Nuremberg. He is about 33 years of age and appears to bo slightly demented. Any information as to his whereabouts will be cheerfully received by his brother, Stephen Ryan, Brownsville, Pa. Ex changes please copy. Luks' soothing syrup for cross babies. Couucllmnulo Meotlncs. A special' meeting of the Borough Council was held last evening and Messrs. Mc Guire, MoElhenny1, Boehm, T. J. James, Gable, Dougherty1 and; Hand spent two hotirs lu reviewing the '"tax exoneration lists for 1893 presented by Tax1 Collector Scaulan. Tonight another special meeting w;ill be held to consider water works. Tho recent official tost aud connections will be considered. A. Hold Tramp. A tramp called at the 1 - of Mt. rotor Nork, ou West street, ; . rd.iy, and asked for something to eat. ' Nork good naturedly prepared a tape - but. the road gent kicked because tt'ttas hot lunch. Special Officer Jones hani-ned u. bo passing the house at the time . i Ik took the tramp to tho Cafe do uurns, wuero tramp's wine and pie is served in shining cups and platters three tlmos a day A number of spectacles, razors, razor strap aud other articles were found on die tramp's person. Soliellly House, not free lunoh tonight. 1,175 48 Cash nald for commitments. $119.89; nverage nutntier of prisoners per day, 127; average cost per prisoner per day, 13H cents. Tho contract for furnishing the county prison with yarn, was awarded to Tinkler, Dtofender- ler t;o rnimueipu n. Looks Llko Severn. It was stated this morning upon what ap peared to be excellent authority, that B. B. Severn would be reappointed Controller of Sohuylkill county today. Senator Coylo is reported as having made a positive state ment to that effect. Painful Injury. Harry Master, of North Jardiu street. had one of his feet pafhful'y Injured yes terday by stepping ou the -upturned point of a rusty uall. The nnil entered r through the solo of his shoo aud penetrated.' tho foot at the ball to the depth of an iuqh. The foot has swollen badly. ' A National Typewriter, almost now and in perfect condition, for sale oheap. IU' quire at Hbiiald ouloe. Nearly all summer complaints are due to bad blood and uuhealthy bile. Dr. Fowler's Ext. of Wild Strawberry euros by attack, ing the root of tho trouble. It uevev f ills, The only baby medicine Luks' Syrup. Sprnns Any Leaks Lately ? We can't stop the leaks from the clouds but Bell, tho plumber, corner Main and Centre streets, can stop all your leaks in water and gas mains with satisfaction Au Excursion. Members of the Independent Order of Sons of Benjamin, of town, are making excursion to from New York and Wilkesbarro will be there ou the same date. Max Beese, the excur sion manager, is making the arrangements. Why suffer from indigestion? Burdock Blood Bitters cures Dyspepsia nnd all disorders of the stomach, liver and bowols. E.lootmont Granted. The case of tho City of Philaflplphia trustee under the will of Stephen Girard. deceased, against Maria Deane, ha Ueeu decided In favor of the plaintiff. 1 1 was brought for possession of a lo- . Lost Creek described as being ou tho V nan doah creotoand, peasnriug 75 bf lnOfret It was part of tlie Samuol Scott tra. ' BuyKoystono flour. Be sure -'..at the name Lessio & Babb, Ashland Tn., ta printed on every sack. Hay Wbkou Party. David Faust gave his famll wagon ride to Bingtown today was gaily decorated with rUif- . lug. tf h.y n-.,. nm .tjvL-uLl Sr4"r.r-luMomr" J?iJ..S'Z2aS.ZI Have yoafturpett nd BlBt- Cas received from prison cost.-:.....' SO 17 YOKO AHn """fa 7 4rM'M. 0J fcV IfilT, nnM 4-17 -3m. To be Married. Owen Brennan, the liveryman, and Miss Bridget Finuegan, of West Centre street, will bo married at 7 o'clock tomorrow morning, in the Annunciation church, on West Cherry street. They will spend the houeymoon at Atlautlo City. Maley, the jeweler, for your rings, 10 North Main street. wedding tf Book Contracts, The Methodist Episcopal Sunday school of town and tho Yatesville Sunday sohool have decided to furnish the soholars with now singing books. Messrs. Hooks & Brown have received the contraots to supply both schools. ' The Host. .' Everybody HUes Columbia beer because It is the host beor brewed and the people want only tho bast. Tor family use It 1b equalled by none. Try It. Co., 32 East Coal street. Babies made happy with Luks' 8yruj. We have all The things you want nt yotf out for the picnics, anil we will indeavor to treat em so well that it well be like going to a picnic to visit us often through out the year. GRrFS 122 Korth Jardin Stree;