The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 08, 1895, Image 2

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1883 BURNED QUT--1895.
Published dally, except 8unilny, by the
Oftloe-Hcfowlcli Wi1r South Mnln St.
H. C. DOYHlt, Kdltor.
AV. ,T. AV ATKINS, Load Editor.
M. BOYElt, Trons. nml UutliiesOIniinircr.
Tt- i-i t-s A 1r delivered in Shen
I 11B Tlera IU umlonli nnd the Bur
rounding towns for six cents week, ymynblo to
the carriers. Uy mull, 83 0n yenr or 25 cents n
Inonth, iwynble In advance.
Advertisements chnriced nrcordliiK to snnce nnd
Hosttlon. Tlie publllliers reserve the right to
change the position of advertisements whenever
the publication of news deniauds it. The right
is reserved to reject nuv Advertisement, whether
paid lor or run. nun ine piiunsners inny iirem
Improper. AdvcrtMnit rates made known upon
Entered at the tto"
Intered at the lKlofnce nt Shenandoah, Pn., as
second class mall matter.
Eoening Herald.
MONDAY, JULY 8, 1895.
The work of rebuilding on tho site of
the burued district lias been very slow.
Dornbnch's building Is under roof nnd
will soon receive its finishing
When the Republicans of tho Nation
looked' for success six years ago they were
not disappointed, Senator Quay was In
command and ho won, and he will win
again next year at the head of tho national
General Goiiin, of Lebanon, is to
have a party of his own. Ho will be quite
lonesome after he gets through with the
experiment. If he ever expects to go to
Congress or be returned to tho State Senate
again he had better join tho Quay forces
and be with tho people.
Such beastly weather that was furnished
us on tho evening of July 4th after the
promise of something fine, was enough to
quench the ardor of tho most patriotic of
patriots. Wo hope the superintendent of
tho weather bureau will not be guilty of
playing us such a mean trick again.
The Poles and Lithuanians of town made
up the Fourth of July procession by a great
majority. These adopted citizens take great
pride in making a good showing on every
occasion, and each succeeding year it seems
to be larger thau tho preceding one. Tho
two military companies Warsaws and
Kosciuskos made an unusually fine ap
The Hastings-Quay fight is by no means
a complicated one. It Is as clear as day.
light. Hastings wants tho chairmanship
of the Republican state convention am
wants his friend Gilkeson mado chairman
of the Republican state committee. Quay
concedes the convention chairmanship to
Hastings, but not tho committee chair
manshlp. There you are; it is all in a nut
shall. Hastings is backed by the Hog
-Combine and, naturally, wants everything,
If 'he should get all he wants it would bo
God help the Republican party in 1806,
-ive are for Quay.
Governor Hastings has tho samo
"weakness" that Is charged against Sen.
ator Quay. He writes personal appeal
urging his friends to support his candt
dacy for the chairmanship of the Repub
lican state convention. Fault cannot be
found with either for doing this and it
should not be characterized as weakness
but we do think that when the Governor
embraces In his personal letter an appeal
to his friends to down Senator Quay in his
candidacy for tho chairmanship of thu
state committee he betrays the presence of
wheels where brains ought to bo at work.
TUo VaU Tavm.
TheShamokiu Business College will re
open August -5th. Persons desiring to pur
Hue a thorough business or shorthand
course should consider the advantages
offered by this school before deciding to go
elsewhere. The College office will be open
during vacation for the reception of vlsl
tors and enrollment of applicants. For
catalogue and College Journal address W.
F. Magee, principal, Shamokiu, Pa. 7-3-6t
The revolt in Mactdonia
spreading rapidly.
is said to be
Last summer oua of our 'grand children
was sick with a bevere-bdwol trouble. Our
doctor's remedies had failed, then we tried
Chamberlain's Colic, Cholera and Dlarr
ltHinedv. which cave very speedy
relief. We recant it as tho best medicine
ever put on the market for bowel com
plaints. Mrs. H. G. Gregory, Fredericks
town, Mo. This certaluly is the best med
icine ever put on the market for dysentery,
Bummer com idaint. collo and cholera in
fantum in children. It never falls to give
prompt relief when used in reasonable
time and the plain printed directions are
followed. Many mothers have expressed
their sinoere gratitude for the cures it has
eltected. For sale uy uruuier aim., unig
The first anniversary of the assassination
of Preaidi-ut Carnot wasobserved through
out France.
Bendy lor All Work.
The HERAliD has mado ample arrange-
jneufcpr a continuance of It extensive
business iu the job priutlng Hue aud Is
prepared to turn out all work wlthprompt-
nens and. due attention to excellence of
workmanship. Orders loft at the new
office In the Refowlch building on South
Main street will receive prompt attention
Hip fiisiase- f
Results from a scrofulous and' Impure
condition of tho blood, and It is cured by
Hood's Sarsaparilla
the great blood pu
rifier. Tho father
of a Philadelphia
girl writes this:
"Wo gave Hood's
Sarsaparilla to our
little girl, who had
symptoms of hip
disease Sho could
not put her foot
down on tho floor
when wo com
menced giving her tho medicine, but In a
short time sho was able to get off the
couch and to reach her playthings. Since
then she has steadily Improved, thanks to
Hood's Sarsaparilla, and her general
health is all that could bo desired.
When any of the other children are not
well wo glvo them
Hood's Sarsaparilla
and wcearnestly recommend It to others."
E. BERRY, 203 Richmond St., Philadelphia.
U.-JIn nil eay to buy. easy to take
MOO CI S rillS easy In effect. S3 cents.
Distressing Kidney anil Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Groat
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of Us
exceeding promptness In reliovlng pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages In male ofeinale'r
It relieves retention of water and pain In
passing It almost Immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this is your
remedy. Sold at tho City Pharmacy, 107
South Main street, next to the post office,
Shenandoah. Pa. 4-9-3ni
Jonathan Nesbit. of Waahincton County,
Md., shot and instantly killed Alexander
Tho best Salvo lu tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt liheuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to glvo perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box
For sale by A. Wasley.
Ex-Mayor Filler can tell Soldier Dan
something about Presidential booms.
Reduced Rates to lloston.
From July 8 to 11, inclusive, tho Penn
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to Boston, Mass., going and
returning by tho same route, nt. a single
fare for tho round trip, account Christian
Endeavor and Young People's Christian
Union meetings, to bo held in Boston, July
10-14. The tickets will bo good to return
until July 31. Excursion tickets, good go
ing via one route and returning via an
other, will be sold on the samo dates at a
slight advance over tho oflo-fare rato for tho
round trip.
Even Grover had fireworks.
Mrs. Ehodio Noah, of this place, was
taken in the night with cramping pains and
tho next day diarrhoea set lu. She took
half a bottle of blackberry cordial but got
no relief. She then sent to me to see If I
had anything that would help her. I sent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the
first dose relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for about a week
and had tried different remedies for
diarrhoea but kept eettluc worse. I sent
him this samo remedy. Only four doses of
it were required to cure him. He says tie
owes his recovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs. Mary Sibloy, Sidney, Mich.
For sale by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
Third Baeeman Quimby bos been elected
captain of the Yale team for next year.
Roller lu Six Hours.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "Now Great
South American Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
tho bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately, if you
want quick rollef and cure tills is your
remedy. Sold by Isaac Shapira, druggist,
107 S. Main street.
Reitz. of St. Louis, plays a deep' r second
base than any man in the League.
Marvelous Reouls.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun-
dennan, of Dimotidale, Mich., we uro per.
muted to make this extract : I nave no
hesitation In recommending Dr. King's
New Discovery, as the results ere al most
marvelous in the case of my wife. While
I was pastor of the Baptist church at
Rives Juuctipn sho was brought down
with pneumonia succeeding la grippe.
Terrible paroxysms of coughing would last
Hours with little interruption mm it beemeu
as if she could not survive them. A friend
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery;
it was quick In its work and highly satis-
tactory lu results." Trial bottles ireeat A
wasieys urug store.
Pitcher Hawk!s long rest is now attrib
uted to a recently-broken wrlt.
What u AVord Will Do.
Byron reminds us that a word Is enough
to rouse mankind to mutual slaughter.
Yes. there is power In a word Marathon,
lor instance, Waterloo, Gettysburg, Ap
pomatox. Great battles these, but what a
great battle Is going on In many a .sick aud
sullerjng body. In yours, perhaps. Take
courage. You can win. Call to your aid
Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery.
It acts powerfully upon tho liver, cleanses
the system of all blood-taints and impuri
ties; cures all humors from a common
blotch or eruption to the worst scrofula,
salt-rheum, "fever.sores," scaly or rough
skin, in Short, all diseases caused by bad
blood. Great eatiug ulcers rapidly heal
uuder Its benigu influence. Especially
potent in curing tetter, eczema, erysipelas,
boils, carbuncles, sote eyes, scrolulotiH
sores and swellings, hip-joint disease,
"white swellings" and enlarged glands
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanently
coustlpation, biliousness, sick headaohe
and indigestion. 1
The new waterway from the Baltic to
the North Bca was christened KaUer Wil
helm Canal.
Their Strained Relations Over the
Frenoh-Guiana Boundary,
A Question an to Whether Our Government
Could, Under the Monroo Doctrine, In
terfere lu h fontrovcrsy llotween Two
Iteptibllca ftj Situation Critical.
Wabhinoton, July 8, Tho strained re
lations between Franco nnd Brazil ovtir
tho Fronoh-Gulaua boundary appear to be
come more complicated dally. Tho sub
ject is nunlngous to tho British-Venezue
lan trouble, In which tho United States
has taken a huud, und in tho opinion of
officials horo tho Fronch controversy with
Brazil Is rapidly assuming an aggravated
aspoct, which may again call for the at
tention of the United States, as tho Mon
roo doctrine applies to ono no less than to
tho other, Armed conflict has occurred In
tho disputed territory botweon French
soldlor and Brazilians, Tho French gov
ernment has domauded redroas, aud the
Brazilian congress has passod a resolu
tion, couched in sharp langungo, calling
for an explanation from Franco. A cnblo
report from Brazil states that tho govern
ment regards the subject tvs so menacing
that a strict censorship has been estab
lished on all Information regarding It.
The armed conflict has merely brought
to a crisis tho long contention over the
French-Gulnua boundary. Both countries
claim a large trnct of territory extending
north from tho Amazon rlvor, and equal
in extent to what is usually designated on
the map as Fronch Gulauu. As each
country regards the occupation of this dis
puted territory as unwurrantod, tho fault
for the recent conflict cannot be placed.
In one respect tho disputed territory
presonts a more picturesque aspoct than
that which is at issuo lu Venezuela.
French-Gulnua Is used by Franco as a con
vict colony for tho deportation of tho
worst classes from the French prisons. As
a result the population is a strango mix
turo of French, Arabians, Malasians,
Greeks and the riff raff of Paris. Ono of
tho most noted convicts sent there of late
Is Captain Dreyfus, of tho French army,
whose trial for selling urmy secrets to tho
Germans was tho sensation of tho day. He
wus convicted of treason, his sword was
publicly broken, and ho was sent for llfo
to tho convict colony at Guiana.
When convicts aro discharged they usu
ally settle in the locality, and as a result
the territory now in dispute Is peopled by
theadventurers and ex-convicts from the
penal colonies. Thoy are a desperate and
lawless class, A few years ago one of
those adventurers, a Frenchman nompd
GrQss, attempted to set up an lndopondcnt
country. He established a capital, and
called his government "Independent
Guiana." Gross addressed the different
powors and sought to bo recognized as a
ruler. Ho conferred numerous medals
and decorations on distinguished men in
order to secure their favor. Brazil was
tho first to take steps against Gross, and
u military expedition swept away him and
his mook government. But this same
class of adventurers continue to occupy
the disputed territory.
Tho boundary dispute has run through
two centuries, and has tho distinction of
bolng an article In two famous treatlos
Utrecht and Amiens. Brazil was orig
inally a Portuguese colony, and Portugal
Insisted thut It oxtonded up to the French
Guiana boundary nowshowu on the maps.
Franco clnlmod that her territory ran
down to the Amazon. In tho treaty of
Utrotcht the river Vlncot-PInzou was
llxed as a boundary. Portugal then
claimed that this river was the northerly
stream now marking the boundary, while
France claimed that It was the stream
near the Amazon, so that tho treaty left
the dispute as far opon as over.
During the Napoloanlo wars England
and Portugal united In occupying French
Guiana. In the tho treaty of Amiens,
France surrendered horolalms to tho land
down to tho Amazon. Brazil thon sue.
ceeded to tho rights of Portugal, A com.
mission met about 1840 to settle the boun
dary, but It 'did not succeed. Since then
the dispute has continued, and two years
ago another commission was formed. Now,
however, both sides appear to bo tired of
delay, and both are Intrenching them
selves in tho territory. Each side has
its forts and military stations. The re.
cent policy, .of France has been toward
colonial aggression, and this has led to a
determined position in occupying tho land
down to the Amazon. 'Since tho recent
armed conflict Frenoh soldiers have
crossed the boundary and permanently es
tablished thomsclves In the disputed ter
ritory, with tho purpose, it is believed, of
holding It by force.
In roforrlng to the French-Guiana trou
ble, a prominent member of the diplo
matic corps said that an interesting ques
tion might arise as to whether tho Mon
roe doctrine applied to u European repub
lic, 11 lie France, as It did to a monarchy.
for one of tho original purposes of Its
enunciation by Prosldent Monroo was to
' ward limiting tho oxtonslon of monarch
lal institutions on tho western continents
Since then, however, Franco has become
a republic.
Bad Tragedy at I'lttston, Fa.
PITT8TON, Pa., July 8. A sad tragedy
took place hero yosterday. Miss Kate
Council, aged 34 years, found a rovolver
in her brother's pocket. It contained two
cartridges. She hoisted the window and
began, firing, at some sparrows. One of
the bullets strugk Mrs, u. Aeliy, an aged
woman, who was In the yard at the time.
Death resulted almost Instantly, Miss
Council gave hereself up, and was com
mitted to jail. It Is f eured that she will
lose her mind over the occurrence.
Fatal Fight Among Italians.
Allentown, Pa., July 8. As a result
of a free tight among the Italians em
ployed In the enlargement of the city
water basin at the southwestern outskirts
of the city, one man was killed, another
injured and the murderer Is In jail, The
allnlr occurred at the Italian shunty about
00 yards from the works. A light oc
curred between Vlto Corttz, aged 10, and
Brono Slnopoll, 80. Jim Vitro, S3 yeurs
old, triod to sottlo the fight, and was shot
and killed by Cortlz.
The Luteit from Cuba.
HAVANA, July 8. The news of tho death
of Arumbuo, the insurgent loader, Is eon.
firmed. He was 'pursued by a baud of
troops aud lost eight klllsd. It Is rumorsd
.that ubout eighty, men, have landed. In. tho
neighborhood of Santa Cru,z', commanded
by a Venezuelan, Great ftnhtlns. Unex
pected within a few days between Generals
Gascos and Navarros troops and Macno,
who is gala to be surrounded by them.
f Cures the Tobacco Habit
. IN4T0 10 DAYS
Use All The Tobacco You Want Till Your "Carcing',"
is Gone.
Nakcoti-Cuke is the only remedy in the world that acts directly
on the nerves and drives the nicotine from the system in from four
to ten days. It leaves the patient in better health than before taking,
and is warranted free from any injurious ingredients.
Naucoti-Cure is popular because it allows the patient to use all
the tobacco he wants while under treatment, or until the 'Icraving"
and "hankering" arc gone. It is then no sacrifice to throw away
tobacco forever.
Nakcoti-Cuke is sold at the uniform price of $5.00 a bottle, and
one bottle cures.
Money refunded if a cure is not effected when taken according,
to directions.
Of Amhrrfll, Muss., Chewed Tohncco ror-lft
VcnrSfUiidWiiH Cmt'tl by Aitrcoil-Ciii-e.
Amherst, Map., Februarys, 1&95.
The Naiicoti Chemical Co.,
ttrtrinirllcld, Mass.
Gentlemen: Itcplyinc to yours of the 1st,
would pay that I have used tobacco for -Ifi yours,
nml of latobnvc consumed nlO-cont pltiK inlay,
besides smoking considerably I commenced io
use tobacco when I was only 11 years old, noil
have never been nlile to Kivo up the habit until I
took NAiicoTi-Cimis, iiIUioiikIi I have tried.other
so-called remedies without effect. After using
your remedy four days, ail "hankerinc" for
chewing disappeared, and in four days nioro
smoking became unpleasant. I have no further
desire lor the weed, nmt experienced no bad
effects, what aver. 1 am gniiilngin flesh, ami feel
better than I have for a long time. To all who
wish to be free from the tobacco habit I would
say, use Xakcoti-Uure,
Yours truly, W. X. WAITF.
KtMimoiHiuui fAuruiiujcuiiiiJmoi! i H
Mild VpcTn. FitAC H
mwfORH us a. S a
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
829 N. 15th St
Below Callowhill,
To secure a Dowltlvn nnn iiernmnent corn of
Errors of Youth and Loss of Mnnhood and of all
diseases of the Wood, Kidneys, nimbler, pltiu
and Nervous System consult at once I)r. Lobb.
no guarantees m all caseb caused by lixcesses,
Imprudence or Inheritance to restore to Health
dStrcnuthby buililinir tin the shattered ner.
vous system and adding new life and energy to
me nroKcn down constitution Consultation and
examinations free and strictljlconfldentlal. Ofllco
hours, dally and Sunday, frijm 9 A. M. to 3 1'.
M. and 6 to 0 evenings, ttead his book on
errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both
sexes, bent free.
Gibnorc's Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for ladies. If you are suffer
ing from weakness, and feel exhausted
and nervous; are getting thin and all
run down, oumore s Aromatic wine
will bring roses to your cheeks and
restore you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for your daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for
all ailments peculiar to womanhood.
It promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
t06 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
.Excellent musie aay and evening at
peeks' Mus'eum,
17 South Main Stiiekt.
Grand display of birds qnfl.aniwatec-f" al
kinds and llnoet paintings, in tho county.
Best Beor, l'ortorrand Alos,
J Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning and evening.
Joint Weeks, Proprietor.
Has stood the Test of Time
If your druggist is unable
to give you full particulars
send to us for Book of Parti
culars free, or send $5.00 for
a bottle by mail.
Springfield, Mass.
Will be held at the
JUL! 17,
AT 2 P. M.
This sale will lw helil rain or shine.
Anybody wishing to purchase a gooil
horst should await this opportunity.
Horses always on sale at my stables, cor
ner Main anil Coal streets, Shenandoah.
All horses guaranteed.
"Wai. Neiswenteh.
Ofliee 120 North .Tardtn St., Shetiainioab
Ofliiio Egau buildlnc, corner of Main
anil Ceutre streets, Shenandoah.
N. STEIN, M. D.,
QlMce-TIlQoiu 2, Egivn's New Uuilding,
corner Main and Centre streets, Shenan
doah, Pa. Ollire hours: 8 to 10 a. ni.; 1 to
3,p. 111.: ,7 to i) p. 111. .Night orHce No. 230
west uak street.
Oilice--Water Company building, 2(5
Vd. Jjloyil street.
Office and residence. No. 29 S. White
street. Office hours 7 to !l a. tu., 1 to 3
mbJ-W-v-.!" : ...
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Jo'e Wijatt's Saloon,
Pool rofvu aK-ltt'd. Kiiifi)t whlKkoys,
beers, portr and tl coiiHfmitly on tap,
jnoiee ujiniierHiire itrniUK unit eiuarH.
AftFUTQ MAKE bio wans
Cooks a Dinner all at ono
time Grand for Oil or Gt
Stoves, Liberal Terms. EijclUk
tlva Territory. Let us tell yoo
all about It. "
3o6ElmSt. x
Rochester, HV
Pennsylvania R. R.
Juljrfltli 1895.
Trains will leave Bhannmlntt, n(o.
abovo dato for Wlggans, Gllberton Frack
vllle, Now Castle, St. Clair, Tottsvillo, Ham
burg, Reading, Pottstown, Phoonlsvllle,
Norristown, and Philadelphia (Broad street
station) at (I OS and U 45 a. m. and 4 15 p
tn. on week days. For Pottsville and inter
mediate Stat ous 9 10 a. m.
For Wleean's. Gilberton.
Castle, Ht. Clair, l'ottsvlllo at 6 OS, 9 40 a.
in. and 3 10 p. m. For Hamburg, Reading,
l'ottstown.l'hoenixville, Norristown, I'hila-
UipuiU Hb U UV, V 4U h, m., a jo p. m.
Trains leave Frackvllln for Shnimmlnnh
at 10 40 a. m. and 12 M. 5 04 7 42 and 10 27
. m. Sunday 11 13 a. m. and 5 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Hlinnnndnb), ofmiK
1148 a.m. and 4 40. 7 15 nnd moil r, m'
Sunday at 10 40 a. m., 5 15 p. m.
jjonvij x-uiiaaeipnia (uroad street station)
for Shenandoah at .157 nnd a an ... a in.
and 7 11 p. m. week days. Sundays ''leave
at6 50 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
for Now York. Express, week-days, 3 20,
4 05, 4 50. 5 15, 6 50, 7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 10 30
(Dinin Car) 11 00, 11 14, a.m., 12 noon,
12 35 (Limited 1 00 and 4 22 p. m.Dininp
Cars) I 40, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 0U, 5 00
Tl. ,,!... ft-N a nr. a r,. r. n .
u . .1.11.5 vol , , U VIM, U O", ,114 lllUil, p.
m., 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 2 4 05, 4 50,
5 15, 8 12, 9 50, 10 311 rUininc Cart. 1ins..
m 12 35, 2 30 (Dlninir Car. 4 1)0 fLimitpd
4 00 (Limited
r), 6 35, 6 CO,
change, 11 00 )
n, daily. '
a), 0 2, s 00, (.Dining uar)
, 1, 11. uu i. 111., 14 ui mgui.
Express for Boston, without
a. ni., weeK-days, and 6 50 p. m, daily.
For Baltimore and W&shineton 3 50. 7 20
8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18, II 3S a. m, (12 31
Limited Dining Car), 1 12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 IP. Limited. Dlnintr Carl, fl 17.
6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m.,
aud 12 05 night week-days. Sundays 3 50,
7 20, 9 10, 11 IS, 11 38, a. m., 1 12, 4 41, fi 55,
(.-Lnuiiiir iar;, 1 u p. m. ( uintng uari, ana
12 05 night. b
Leave Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express 5 00, 8 20 9 30 a. m.. 1 00 fSaturdav
only), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. in.
week-days. Sundays, Express, 6 00 " 30,
8 00, 8 ,10, 900, 9 45 0. m. i 30. n. m. Excur
sion, 7 00, a. m. daily.
FOR CAPE MAY, Anqlesea, Wildwood,
and Holly Beach Exnreas 9 00 a. m. 2 3n.
4 05, 5 00, p. m. week-days. Sundays, 8 20,
a. m. Capo May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdays.
Excursion, 7 00, a m. daily.
FOR SEA ISLE CITY, Ocean City asd
Avalon. Express, 9 10 a. m., 2 30,4 20 p. in.
weeK-aays. Sundays, 8 50 a. in. Excursion,
7 00, a, 111. daily.
FOR 80MMERS POINT Exnress. S 20-
9 30, a. m., 2 00, 3 00, 4 00 5 40, p. m. week-
days. Sundays, S 00, 9 00, 9 45, a. m.
S. M. Prevost,
J. R. Woon,
Gen'l. Pass'g'rAgt.
Gen'l Manacer.
Pilsner Beers,
Finest, Purest, Healthiest
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 "West Coal Street, Shenandoah,
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
IlllUC Vnll Throat, I'imples, Uopper-
ttlAlt IUU Colored Soots. Aches. Old Sores 9
Ulcere In Moutli, llalr-Falllngl write C'U
Bit x cu., uu? ainaonic 'I'enuuej
Chlcairo. 111., for nroofa of cureB. (?iftlil4
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