The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 05, 1895, Image 4

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Full oft with starch and glon acrene,
Tho linen collar starts the morn;
Full oft at noontime it 1 teen
All wilted, wrinkled and forlorn.
I That's what you must expect of
sucu collar ; u s uic imcri 01 it.
The stnnd-up collars won't stand
uo. nnd tile turn-down collars will
wiitaown. mecasv. cucap, auu
, pleasant way out of this is to wear
Cuffs. These goods arc made
by covering linen collars or cuffs
nrt lintll ci.loo Toi(1l "Put T I1T Oin."
tlius making them strong and
durable, and waterproof, not affec
ted bv neat or moisture, lucre
are no other waterproof goods
made this way, consequently none
that can wear so well. When soiled
simply wipe them off with a wet
CloUl. v, very piece 01 uic guuuuiu
is stamped like urn :
Tneist nnon cood9 so marked
if you expect full satisfaction , and
i f vour dealer docs not keep them,
nnd we will mail sample. State
size, and whether a stand-up or
HirtiMi-down collar is wantcu.
Collars 25c. each. Cuffs 50c. pair.
14-27-29 Broadway. NowYortc
Misses DeMcrritt and Tooil, of Plymouth,
were in town yesterday, guests of the
family of Superintendent Thomas llaird.
Miss Robenta Glover came up from
rhllade'phia on Wednesday and Is tho
guest of her sister, Mrs. O. A. Kelm.
Miss Carrio Luburg, of Philadelphia, is
the guest of town friends.
TUra. .T. G Brace returned home, on
"Wednesday, from a visit to frieuds iu New
George Moyer, of Ashland, was the guest
of town friends yesterday.
Miss Nellie O'Hara ie visiting friends at
Max Friedberg returned from Atlantic
City yesterday, where he secured quarters
for his family to spend the summer.
Miss Bessie Wndllnger, of Pottsvllle,
was the guest of Miss Lizzie Stank, of
South Main street, yesterday.
James Brenner, a clerk in Refowich's
clothing hall, is visiting his parents at
Thomas Baird, wife, daughters, Misses
Nellie and Ruth, and son, Ileber, have
gono to Roanoke, Va., to visit friends.
Miss Fannie Davis left for Philadelphia
lUvJI. A. Acker made a ilyiug trip to Bead
ing today on business connected with the
Grand Union Tea Company.
Nearly all summer complaints are due to
bad blood and unhealthy bile. Dr. Fowler's
Ext. of "Wild Strawberry cures by attack
ing the root of tho trouble. It never fails.
Nntlnnnl League.
At Philadelphia- Morning: Philadel
phia, 4, WashlURton, 3 At Chlenpo
Morning (10 Inning): Chicago, W; Cin
cinnati, 7. Afternoon: Chloago. 0; Cin
cinnati, 5. At Pittsburg Mornings Pitts
burg, 0; Cleveland, 8. Afternoon: Pitts
burg, 10; Cleveland, 5. At Brooklyn (6
Innings) Morning: Brooklyn, 7; Boston,
1. At St. Louis Morning: St. Louis,
112 ( Louisville, 0. Afternoon: Louisville,
8; St. Louis. 1. At New York Morning:
Now York, 0; Biltlmoro, 4. Other games
provontod by rain.
Tho wlnnors in Wednesday's games wero
Washington, Brooklyn, Baltimore, Cleve
land and Cincinnati.
Kttstern Lengue.
At Scranton Morning: wllkosbarrt,
8j Scranton, 0. At 'Wllkosbarrn After
noon (10 Innings): Wllkosbarre, 3; Scran
ton, 8. At Syractiso Morning: Syra
cuse, 11; Tb.-onto, 3. Afternoon 00 in
nings): Syracuse, 8; Toronto, 0. At
Providence Morning: Provldenco, 10;
Springfield, 5, At Buffalo Morning: Buf
falo, 5; Rochester, 2. Attcmoon: ltochos
tor, 9; Buffalo, 3. Other gnmes prevented
by rain. Thoro wero no gnuios on Wed
nesday. l'enn3lTRul.i Stnte X,encue.
At Hnzlotou Morning: Carboudalo, 1;
Hnzlcton, 2. Aftornoon: Carhondalc, 8;
Hazloton, 1. At Pottsvllle Morning:
Pottsvllle, 28; Heading, 13. Other games
postponed on nccouut of rain.
Tho wlnnors In this serlos on Wednes
day wero Hazloton, Allontown and Lancaster,
Johnson Mnkei a Nr Ilecord.
Waltham, Mass., July 6. Six thousand
peoplo witnessed the athletic carnival at
the Waltham blcyole track yostorday un
der tho auspices of tho Einmett Literary
association and tho Waltham Bicycle
club. The ovonts woro especially note
worthy becauso of thoappoarauco of John
son, Tyler and Sanger In a professional
race for 1,000, and also becauso of n con-
tost betweon sevoral women for a prize
to be given to tho one having the most ap
proved fcmnlo blcyclo costume. In tho
professional race Johnson broko the
world's competitive record for a mile,
standing start, making tho mile in 1.688-5.
This race was run In two boats. Johnson
won the first In 2 mln. 5 2-8 sees., finishing
three lengths ahead of Sanger, who In
turn crossed tho lap about six lengths
ahead of Tylor. In tho final hoat neither
Tyler nor Sanger finished, and Johnson
crossed tho tnpo In 1 mln. 53 2-5 sees. Tho
contest for the bicycle costumes was won
by bloomers, tho close knickerbockers nnd
short skirts. The long skirt found no np-
Kirllu's compound blackberry cordial is
the best.
M " " tl .111 B hlltl'lvi'll VP in 'tci ' ' '
niiRHlmiai'v fnum! a cert 1:11 hark (now
cal I'.ilNnyn or ciuohotin ) 111 tiv mi
t 1 1- 1 i lbf a t" Pern as a cure lor fi-vi-r. TLW
b-d tu the discovery of quinine Its ulkn
lold and active principle. UnginulU ( ou
tlining but n very small percentage ot tho
active principle, the bark of this tree, un
der careful cultivation, now yields several
times the amount.
By the same method tho Shakers of Mt.
Lebanon, (N. Y.,) have developed, but as
to quantity and quality, the medicinal
principles of the herbs from whloh the
Shaker Digesti.vo Cordial, their well-kuown
remedy for Indigestion aud dyspepsia, is
now made. They have persuaded nature
to do for suffering humanity vastly nioro
than she at first intended. As quinine Is
without a rival In its own field so this
preparation of the Shakers Is destined to
become, for nil the ailments of the diges
tive tract, now grouped under tho general
head of dyspepsia.
Some of the symptoms calling for its
uso are as follows : Distress after eating;
sickness and nausea; pains iu tho head,
chest, sides nnd back; foul taste Iu the
mouth aud the rising of an offensive gas
from the stomach; costlveness aud irregu
lar action of the bowels; variable appetite;
sick headache; ringing in the ears; palpi
tation nud heartburn; loss of sleep; the
"fidgets;" a tired and weary feeling; sore
muscles; mental depression, etc.
To relieve nnd cure this universal dis
ease (the source of most others), the
Shaker Digestive Cordial is expressly
adapted. Like quinine it is a specialty, a
specific. Its good effects are felt at once.
Unlike qulnlno it is pleasant to the palate,
always effective, never harmful. For this
the Shakers pledge their reputation as
herbalists. Aud Its success thus far bears
them out.
To settle whether It Is what you need try
a ten cent bottle. For sale by nearly all
Can always be had at
Interstate Ilanrbnll Li-ngu",
ItltAPlv., Pn . Julv ) - A u.-tv basoball
lcajxur, to lie known in the lutursriuo
Li'aguc, Is being orgaui.od, nnd Manager
Wltman of the State League, says that It
will be a Bottled fact within twenty-four
hours Several New Jersey clubs nro to bo
Included, and Carbomlnlo and Hnzlcton
will bo dropped. The now lenguo Is to bo
nu olght club affair, among them being
Lanonster, Wilmington nnd Cnnulon, and
Nownrk, Tronton or Jersey City. It Is not
yot known which of tho Jersey clubs will
bo n member.
Chiel lIiiKlncor llnrthwiclc Out of Dnnirer.
Washington, July 5. A tologrnm from
tho surgeon In charge of the Norfolk Nn
val hospital states that Chief Engineer
Borthwlck, who cut his throat In nn at
tempt at suicide, is now out ot dnngor.
Tho surgeon also reports that tho man was
suffering from mental nbbcratlon when
he nuulu tho attempt.
The New Weather Ilitrcnu Chief.
Washington, July 5. Official an
nouncement was made at tho Whlto
House yesterdny of tho appolutmout of
Willis L. Moore, of Illinois, to be chlof of
tho weather bureau. Mr. Mooro's com
mission arrived In tho morning from Gray
Gables. Ho will nssumo his now duties
within a fow days.
Klnped with n Child.
KALEIGH, July 5. Dr. J. K. Battol, of
this county, ngod 30, has created a sensa
tion by doping with and marrying tho 13-year-old
daughter of C. J. Bright. Tho
inarriago licouso was obtained by n friend
who, it Is said, made nn Incorrect state
ment as to the girl's ngo.
The Rattlmiu Victims.
Mrs. Kattigan aud her sister, Miss Lillie
Miller, who were stabbed by the former's
husband on Wednesday morning, are doing
as well as can be expected, but Drs. Ham
ilton aud Stein say thoy will not venture a
prediction of recovery at present. The
victims are at their home on West Cherry
street. Itattlgau was takeu to the county
jail on a stretcher Wednesday afternoon.
His chances of recovery appear to be very
slim. There are no new developments in
the case. Battigan says he stabbed his
wife because she would not live with him
and he stabbed tho sister because she in-
Hummed the wife. He exnresSbS but one
Cliai'leS Derr'S Barber SllOp, wish, and that Is that his wife may re-
Rattlgau is nixmt ao years 01 age.
At one o'clock yesterday morning bur
glars bmashed the glass In the show win
dows of Andrew Hughes' cigar store on
NVest Lloyd street and stole a quantity of
.r'xigars, tobacco aud pipes.
1 If there were any fakirs around yester
day they did not belong to the Pawnee Bill
Mrs. Bertha, the beloved wife of ex-Coroner
Dr. Euitl C. Luks, died at Koyersford
on the 2nd lust., nnd was buried today.
Her death was the lesnlt of htart disease
and was somewhat suddeu. Dr. Luks has
the sympathy of a large circle of friends iu
this county on his sad loss. She was in her
COih year.
A National Typewriter, nlinost new nud
in perfect condition, for salo cheap. In
quire at Heiiald office.
Buy Keystone Hour, lio sure that the
name Lessio & Baku, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
Comlni; Events.
July 17. Ice creain festlvnl In Bobbins'
Opera House under the auspices of the
LohlKh Vnlloy Itauond.
Sjiecial low rates to Boiuw on account of
tho Christian Endeavor dfeeting, July 10th
, to 14th. Tickets sold jfuiy 8th to 11th,
good for return to Jply Slst. Choice of
j various rail ami vnter lines from New
York. See L. Vffgents for detailed infor
mation. u-2i-tvjy-'--o-o
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
.,s,n House Buildinsr.
2 Valuable properties,
On North White Street.
Double block of dwellings, Nos. 30 and
32 North White Btreet, between Centre and
Lloyd streets.
Also, a double block of dwellings, os.
110 and 118 North White street, between
Lloyd and Coal streets.
Apply at the HERALD OFFICE
It issaid he has been weak-minded since
boyhood. The Rattigans have two chil
dren, aged two aud seven years.
Why suffer from indigestion? Burdock
Ttlnnd Bitters cures Dvsnensia aud all
disorders of the stomach, liver aud bowels.
OCT to Join l'enry.
St. Johns, N.F., July 3. Tho Peary ex
pedition, nud Arctic exploration expedi
tion which nccompanlos It, sailed yester
day In the steamer Klto for Peary's bond
quarters at Inglefield gulf. Tho parties
nro expected to bo gone three months.
A Duel with Snbers.
Rome, July G. In tho Italian deputies
yesterday Slgnor Gulll, under secretary of
state, called Slgnor Meuescnlchl a liar. As
arosulttherc will bo a sabor duel.
NEURALGIA sad similar Complaint?,
nanntaoturea under tne stringent
OJrescrlbeaoy eminent pnysiciansj
rMnnlnntrtU Trnftft Mar kMAnchor."
1 F. Ad. Eichter& Co., 17 Winea EI..HSW yces. I
12 Branch Houses. Own Glassworks.
. 25 & 50 cts. In Sheimiulonh for pole by
l' v. Y. Kin 111. u t. jinin n.. .,
Hlllr.1l.Th JI..UIM.V. fi. "11-
.Ecnbuch R. cor- aun
ll(l rtttlMl.t
An experiment but a Proved Success, Thous
ands of housekeepers who at first fflought they
never could use any shortening but laid, now
use COTTOLENE and couldn't be induced to
change, simply because it is better, cheaper and
more healthiul. i lie genuine
has this trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail. Look for it
Made only oy
Tho ?i. K. Falrbank Company, g
13 1 ti. Delaware Ave, PUUadiu
flomstlnm needs reliable, monthly, reenlatlnj medicine
tho purest drugs should be used, if you want the beet, get
Only harmless and
Des needs a reliable, monthly
tho purest drugs should bi
Dr. Peal's Pennyroyal PilBs
They are prompt, sa.(o and certain In result. The cenulne (Dr. Teal's) neTerdlsaD
nolnt. Bent any where, 81.00. Addreia FsalMedicisb Co., ClOTeland, O.
For Salo by P. P. D. ICIIUjIN, Shenandoah, Pa.
Garden's Art Wall Paper Store.
"Wo havo just received a line lino of the most beautiful and artistic papers in tho
market, which ",i 0 will sell nt very reasonablo prices. AVe have also in stool' n,
great deal of last year's patterns which we nro selling at a sacrifice. C'omo and
see our linn of goods AVe have tho moat beautiful and artistic papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock and Lowest Prie
3". JE. 03lL333E33ST
House, Sign and Decorative Painting. 224 West Centre Street.
All orders promptly Attended to.
No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, P.i.
Clothes of all diescription neatly dono up in a first class manner. I can refer to scorto
of families in this citv as to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up cloth,
tng. I da my work better and quicker than Other laundry in tho city.
CHAKIiES LEE, Mnnnger.
Hnlf tho price in Millinery Goods and Notions to reduce stock. Tho choicest
poods in Millinery has just arrived aud the cheapest of the season. ISlg lot. of Sailor
Hats from 10c up; French tlower Ostrich goods iu all styles Infants' Caps from Be up.
Hats, all embroidery, 20c. Ladles' Mill Hats, all colors, 51.00. Infants' short white
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 70c up; Infants' long Coats, embroidered on cape,
S1.00 up. When you want good goods and cheap, como to KKLLY'S, when
you cannot be suited elsewhere. AVe must close out our stock; will carry no goods
over. Nun's veils from S1.C0 up. Mourning goods our specialty.
When Baby vraa sick, we gave her Castorku
When bhe was a Child, she cried for Castoria.
' When she became Miss, she clung to Castoria.
When she had Chlldrsn, she avo them Castorls
AVhen you want good rooting, plumbing
gas fitting, or general tlmsmlthlng done
Gallon It. V. Gallagher, 18 AVest Centre
street. Dealer In stoves 3-4-tf
201 AYeet Centre Street.
Dealer In groceries, flour, provlsons, teas
coffees etc. Good delivered free'
Notice is hereby Riven by the undersigned
Pchuvlkill County Commissioners, to the taxa
liln itilinliltnnta nnd other owners of property
within said county that appeals rclntliiR to the
98eisinenls nuuieior isuo win oe ueiu lor uio
several horoughs nnd townships or tho county
n, fnltnws
For l'luesrove horough, Finegrove anil
Washington townships, at Edward Itummel's
hotel Pinegrove, at 10 A. a., Tuesday July 2Jrd
For Tower City and forter townlhlp at Wm,
Frank's hotel Tower City, Wednesday July 21
For Tremont borough, Trcniont, i-raue
and Reilly township", nt Dilllcld's
Tntmnnt TIihisHhvMiiIv 25. Slineiwille horo mli. Cass. Foster nnd
Branch townships t Pierce Mahers hotel, Mln-
crnvllle, I'riiiav jury 211 Mfllmnnv f!itv hornu-lh. DelatlO Kline
IJyan nnd Mahnnoy townships, at Kaier's hotel,
Ml,n,. rllr 111a m Momlav Julv J.
For Shenandoah, at Uenjuuiin Itichards hotel
Tuesday July J .
?Cnrth mirt Rmt TTnioii townships
nt Isaac Anlecnte's hotel. Ulngtown, Wednes
day July 31. ... , ,
V..- rillhartnn nn.l T?r.rfev!lle borOUCll3 aUd
WestMnharioy towiishir.B atUeorgo Ualdzuhn's
hotel, Mahnnoy Plane, Thursday August 1
rrni.ianu., Unrnnph Hallu. ltUS . CllUVl-
kill and Wnlker lownships.nt the United States
fntrtu,, nu Qi.M Mnndav UeUBt 0.
For West ftiin towhship at William Mantz's
hotel, Wehr V. O. 10 A. M., Tuesday August 6
un. iv itlnr.irolil nml Clinton horouchs
nnd Fast llrunswick town-nip ai jvocu nuiui,
Katt' Dlnirniilil WrHnoflAV. Alli?list 7.
For Orwicslmra ami I.andingvi.le boroughs,
1Vot Brunswick nnd South Manhcim town
ships at the Arcadian Hotel, Onvigsburg, Thurs
.lav Antrim! H.
For pcliuyikill Haven, Auburn and t resona
boroucb". ay ne township, and for Meilot s I
,.,l H(.rln'.lnirirt of North Manhcim town
ship at Itoliert Killing's hotel, Schuylkill Haven,
liViHav Anirii&t tl
I'nr fHinrilvillp hnrouirh and tho East and
North Districts of Dutler township at Louis
Blass' hotel, Girardville, at 10 A. M., Monday,
Aii.vliaf 19.
T.V.- Aclila.wl nml finnlntl borOUullS mid IllO
South. West and Northwest districts of Butler
inwnsli nnt the Union house. Asninnu, jues-
torn- A llfrllKl t'A
For Barry township and t'o East district of
Eldred nt Bltcerman's lotel Taylorsville, od-
niuilnv All(rlll 14.
For UeRln'H township nt Schoil'stnU's hotel.
r ...... n n . Tlitip.ilav AumistlS.
For Hubley township at the Sacrainunto hotel
at2r. M., Thursday, August 1
ForMuhant .ngo township at I). K.. Hcplci'a
hntcl nt 0 a. m.. Friday. Aiikus. In
For Went district Eldretl township nt 2 r. M.,
Frldav. Auuust 10. at I). M. Snyder's Hotel. .
I.-... 1'iui. M,, Alt,, und I'ortCaruou
boroughs and New Castle township ntthe court
house, Pottsvllle, Monday, August IU.
i.-, v...i-. iu ami tiniiiit Carbon boroughs
and Norweglnn, East Norweian and MclJer-
mott's and Brown's districts ol morui iuaiiiieiui
Inu-nsliln. nt Iha court house. I'ollsviue, llieb-
An...,., on
For lllythe "township. New Philadelphia nnd
Middleport boroughs at the court house, Potts-
..IIIa l' AlL'tlutQI.
For the Northwest, Middle and South wards
nf Poltavll o at tile court IIOUSB i liureuny, vu-
ForThc Southeast, Northeast, North and Sev
enth wards of ottsvlllo nt the court house, Fri
day, August 23
Go to tho Shenandoah Dental llooms
for painless extraction of teeth. Gold
and Silver fillings. If your artiflcal teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All exami
nations free. AVe make all kinds of
plates. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns
Logan Crowns, Crown and- Bridge AVork
and all onerationa that pertain to Dental
No charges for extracting when plates
aro ordered. AVe are the only users o
vitalized air for the painless extraction of
SlLOiLaudoak Dental Rooms
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Offlco Hours: 7 a. in. to 8 p. m.
AV ANTED. A girl lor general nouseworit wuu
'I irood reference. Apply nt 14 Whlto street.
,Tf ,YppnlWnnl clrls nt once.
.I ,prnii nt overall tactory. Girnrdvilfe. Eli-
peron nt ove:
erle nnd Blnss.
Atiply In
Ij CEASED. Letters testamentary
imcntnrv on the
estnto of John P. Hoflmnn late ol sneiinnuoni ,
Scliuylkill county, Penn,vlvnniti, deceased.
.' . - i. ... ,l..i nii.l..i-i.iivn..,l nil
lllWUlg OCeil Briuiift n i.iv. ...--. ....
persons indebted to Miid i-stntii ni-e requested to
make payment, nnd those having claims to
present tlicsame wiinum ueiny iu
1 u'n , ,m llt-nit. Executor.
Shenaiidonh, Pn.
Or his Attorney. J. II. Pomeroy, Shcnnndoah,
Are now offered bv the markets to easily mu.
,!.Al..a,v,ill rii,ftnl pnrli week bv (.peculntiiig,
oiir eiistoiiicrs make big money. Spine to
SSU0 n week on n 100 investment. Cull we not
ii. .i,nn rni. vmi " Sinnll iiinririn icouireu.
Our book on Micce ful speculation and Daily
Market letter, full of money producing pointers,
sent free. Speculate through experts. Thomas
A; Co.. Bankers nnd Brokers, Kiulto Building,
Chicago, ill.
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Comer Jardin and Oak Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Largest Assortment nnd Lowest Prices.
All orders promptly attended to
Shenandoah's Beliable
Iland Laundry:
Cor. Lloyd nnd While Sts.
All work guaranteed to be flrst-clas in every
particular. Silk ties nud lneo curtains a spec
ialty. Goods called for nnd delivered. A trial
Of summer millinery, including
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens hats
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
AVhen it comes to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you
don't como to town, send your
orders. They will be nicely filled.
29 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
1317 Arch St. Phila. Pa.
Dinnn DniPnM Kidney, Ulndiler
DLUUU rU OUI1 nud SMierlnl Ills cured In lilt to 110 tin) h. Blotches,
ITInfr. Skin lliNfUM'M. NervoilN Debilltv
nml Errors ol" Youth. I.omm of Pov'er nnd
Strictures (.Nu C iitllitif J Lured lor n. lilu
Lost alnnhnod nnd bmnll Sln'ujilicu Or-
enns 1'iilly JCestorud.
Scientllif method never fails unless
easels beyond human aid. Itelief at
once, and you ft. I inteainan among
men lu mlud and bodv. Ah losses
checked ImmeUliitely and continued
Improvement. Kverv obstacle to
happy luQrrled llle removed. Nerve
force, will, energy, brain power,
when falltntr or lost, are restored bv
the combined NUW treatment. Victims ol
abuses and excesses, reclaim your manhood '
hurterers from follv. overwork, early errors. Ill-
heRith and exceases in married lite recaln
your strength. Don't despair, even if in the
last stages. Don't bo discouraged, if quacks
have robbed you. I will prove to you thai
medical idence nnd honor still exist. Send
ttve!-cent stamps for book "TRUTH," the
only Medical book exposing quacks (no matter
what tnev advertise to Buvpiuifujiwivin iruui
exposure) their tricks and devices, calling
themselves celebrated ana lamous, giving iree
advice and guarantee, charging enormous
prices for cheap, poisonous drugs, nnd there
liv rnlnlni? thousands. Hours l 0 to 3L Kven
IngB. B-S..0. Wed. nnd Sat. .ve'gs, C-asO. Sun.,1
notlreAll niuieieu niiu'iuintriuno nuu
hopeless cuses &hnina cull tor examination.
Dallv, irom u-l. Wi d. an I Rat. eve ns, B-l). and
uu .0-1 -. Wi lli) or ran, Treatment by mall.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Joe 'Wijatt's Saloon,
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
heers, porter and ale constantly on taj).
Choice temperance drinks and clears.
Wholesale nud Iletnll
22 and 21 South Main St., Shenaiidonh.
Audits for D, G. YueiiKling & Son's eelehreted
Uecr. I'orter. Ales etc.
between the hours of
where it Is otherwise stated.
AunanlM will lie heard
9 and 12 A. M., and between 1 nud S v. M
D U...V. .1 Q.M. w ...
All persons who feel themselves bkhovcu uy
the assessa-euts nnd valuation of tholr moperiy
aro requested to attend, for retire i nt the lime
ana piaoj ftauove atateu lor u...
nirH if AT.T.RN.1
l'KANK ltKNTZ, 1-County Commissioners.
Attral! l'HIL. J. COVNKLL. :t
nnM,nilIniicra Office. Pottsrille. Pn.. July 2, 1 9V5,23;
In Hot Weather.
Finest and coolest ice cream
parlors in town. Ill flavors coiv
stantly on hand. Families sup
nlied and delivered at short no
tice. Fruits and confectionery.
Bread and cakes.
L. Little,
Cor. Jardin and Oak Streets.
214 South 'Main Street.
For Scientific Dentistry go to
Dr. J. Donaldson Ford.
Fifteen years actual experience. Gold,
Amalgam and Porcelain fillings, Uold
Crowns, Porcelain Crowns, Aluminum
Crowns. Best teeth S10.00, no better
made nt any price. Teeth extracted
with vitalized air, COo, Extracted
without air, 25c. Allowauce made
where teeth are out on new plates.
Lady nttondant always present.
Office hours: Every day 1 to 0 p. m.
Suudays 1 to 3 p. in.
30J4 I?. Centre St., Max Reese's resid
ence, front room, up stairs, Shen
andoah, Pn.
Specialist iu diseases of the
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat.
207 West Market St., Pottsvllle.
Hours 8:30 11, 111. to 12 m; 1 to 4 p. in.,
m. Sundays, 9 n. 111. tu 12 m.
to 8 p,
Get our Prices on
Gasoline and Headlight Oil
Our delivery wogou will do the rest.
Eclipse Oil Company,
Oils, Gasoline, Caudles, Lamp WlokS;
limners, Etc.
213 South Jardin St., Shenandoah, Pa
Mall orders promptly atteud ed to,
Will he held at the
uirnurnn&u tin w 1-7 tnnr
I N v iniin
AT 2 P. M.
This sale will he held rain or shine.
Anyhody wishing to purchase a good
horse should await this opportunity.
Horses always on sale at my stables, cor
ner Main aud Coal streets, Shenandoah.
All horses guaranteed.
AVm. Neiswenteb.
Neto York Cash Store
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time in tho
season, 200 difTorent shapos trimmed and
untrimmed goes for cost and loss. Child
ren's Sl.7o Embroidend dresses goes for
$1.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., at coit, Ihis
Sacriflco Sale begins Saturday, June 8th,
tor 3 weoks only. Its the greatest money
saver yet offered. Come early and select
yeur bargains.
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand tho samo washing that your
boots do, nnd the water you drink isn t
...,An ,1, fnv l,n, I iRO
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
Tip EIi'lOS.
Wholesale nud retail.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Atlantlo City's Favorite Summer Kosort,
Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantlo
nity, N. J., neartheocean ; rooms airy
and pleasant; handsomely furnished;
good board! large garden ana
Send for circular. Kates moderate,
I'. O. Bos 207. , ,
13 North Jardin Street-