PAINT cracks It often costs more to prepare a house for repainting that has been painted In the first place with cheap ready-mixed paints, than it would to have painted it twice with strict ly pure white lead, ground in pure linseed oil. Strictly Pure White Lead forms a permanent base for repaint ing and never has to be burned or scraped off on account of scaling or cracking. It is always smooth and clean. To be sure of getting strictly pure white. lead, purchase this brand: "John T.Lewis &Bros." For Colors. National Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting Colors, a one-pound can to a Jj-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance In matching shades, and Insures the best painl that it is pos sible to put on wood. Send us a postal card and set our book on paints and color-card, free; It will probably save you a good many dollars. JOHN T.LEWIS & BROS. CO., Philadelphia. In Effect March 21, 1S95. Passenger trains lenvo Shenandoah lor Tenn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Lo lnchton, Slatinpjton, White IIall,Catasauqna, Allentown,Bethohem,Enatoi and Weatherly at B 04, 7 3S, 15 a in., 12 43, 2 i7, 5 27 p m. For New York and Philadelphia,. (5 01, 7 39,9 IS a. ni., 12 43, 2 47. p. m. For Qua kake, Switchback, Gerharda and Hudsondalo, 9 15 a m. and 2 57-p. in. For Wjlkes-Barre, Whito Haven, Pittston, Laceyville, Towanda, Hayre, Waverly and Elmiro. 6 01, 9 15 a m, 2 57. 5 27 pm. For Itoshester, Buffalo, Niagara Falls and the West, 9 15 o. m. and 2 57, 5 27 p. m. For Belviderc, Deiawar Water Gap and Stroudsburc. B 04 a. m, 2 57 p. :n. For Lambertville and Trenton, 9 15 a m. For Tankhannoek, 0 04, 9 15 a. m., 2 57,5 27 p. m. For Ithaca and Geneva, 6 04 , 9 1 5 a m, 4 27 p m. For Auburn, 9 15 a m, 5 27 p m. For Jeanesville, Leviston and Beaver Meadow, 7 38 a. m., 12 43 p. m. For Stockton and Lumber Yard, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 8 08 p. m. For Silver Brook Junction, Audenri-d and Hazleton, 6 04, 7 38, 9 15 a m, 12 43, 2 57, 527 and 8 OS p m. For Bcranton, 6 04, 9 15 a m, 2 57 and 5 27 p m. For.Hazlebrook, Jeddo, Driftnn and Free land, 6 04, 7 3, 9 15 a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27 p. rn. For Ashland, Girardvillo and Lost Creek, 4 40, 6 15, 7 30, 9 13, 10 20 a. m.( 12 3$, 1 40. 4 10, G 35, 8 22 p. in. For Haven Run, Ccntralin, Mount Carmol and Shamokin, 13, 11 14 a m, 1 32, 4 20, 8 22,9 15 p. m. For Yulesville, Park Plnce, Mahanov City and Delano, 5 50, (II, 7 38,9 15, II Oo'a. m., 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, S.0S, 9 23, 10 53 p. m. Trains will leave Shamokin at 5 15,515, 11 45 a. in., 1 55, 4 30, 9 30 p. m., and arrive at Shenandoah at 0 1)4, 9 15 a. m 12 43, 2 57, 5 27, 11 15 p. m. Leavo Shenandoan for Pottsville, 6 04, 7 38, 9 OS, 1 1 05, U 30 a. in., 12 43, 2 57, 4 10, 5 27, 8 08 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah. 6 00, 7 40, 9 05, 10 15, 11 48 a. ra., 12 32, 3 00, 4 40 5 20, 7 15, 7 55, 9 40 p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Hazleton, 04, 7 38 9 15, a. ra.. 12 43. 2 57. 5 27. s 08 t m. Leave Hazleton for Shenautoah, 7 35, iu uo, ii u a. ni., 12 15, 1 as, S 30, 7 25, 7. 50, p. in. SUNDAY TRAINS. Trains leave for Raven Run, Centralia, mi. uarmei anu snamouin, 0 45 a. m., iw p. in, and arrive at Shamokin at 7 40 a. m. and 3 45 p. m. Trains leavo Shamokin for Shenandoah at 7 55 a. m. and 4 uO p. m . and arrive at Shen andoah at 8 49 a. tn. 1 4 58 p. m. Trains leave for- .itfliland, Girardville and Lost Creek. 9 40 a. m., 12 30 p. m. For Hazleton, Black Creek Junction, Penn Haven Junction, Mauch Chunk, Allentown, Bethlehem, Easton and New York, 8 49 a.m., 12 30,2 .15 p. m. For Philadelphia, 12 3ft, 2 55 p. in. for latesville, Park Place, Mahanny Citv and Delano, 8 49, 11 35 a. m., 12 30, 2 55, 1 58, 6 03 p.m. Le.ive Hazleton for Shenandoah, 8 30' n au a. in., i us, 5 jju p. m. Leave Shenandoah for Pottsville, 5 55, 8 49,9 32 a. in., 2 40 p. m. Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah, 8 30,. 10 40 a. m., I 35, 5 15 p. m. ROLLIN II, WILBUR, Genl. Supt., South Bethlehem, Pa. CHARLES S. LEE, Gonl. Pass. Agt., Philadelphia. 4. W.NOaNFMACHER, Asst. G. P. A.. South Bethlehoin,Pa. Millions of Dollars Go up in smoke eVery year. Take no risks but get your houses, stock, furniture, etc., insured in first class, reliable companies, as repr sentdd by David Faust, Insurance Agent. 120 South Main Street. Also Life aad Accidental Companies. CIIAS. BUnCHILL, Prop., North Main Street, Mahanoy City Largest anil Hnest hotel in therregion. Finest accommodations. Handsome fixtures Pool and Uilllard Itooms Attached. ED. BRENNAN, Cor, Cherry anil Gilbert St, finest Beers, Wines and Liquors. Choice Temperance Drinks. Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars, CMche.ter'a Kngllth Diamond Ilrand. ENNYR0YAL PILLS uriginal ana Only Genuine Arc. ftJv&Ti reliable, iihifa jk UrujgU, for Chickttter'i FnatUA Did A tKonJiiranJ In Ked and Gold meUIIloN uoxu, kiwi witu Din nbtwu. Take i HQ albert JfrfaMdatiiM-Aua auAifiu. liont and imitation. M PratgUti, or mq4 4e. r ItfileffAn JQdt, brier, tjr returi Alllb IU.UUU jtiUUlODIUI. KiXVt i'iipttm G1iIehclrCkcraIculCo.iUatlioaKQuare V ft TRAGEDIM THE DAY Many Murders Mar Independence Day Festivities, A BLOODY RIOT IN EAST BOSTON. An American Protective Association Kin Mom Lends to the Killing of One Mnn nnd Serious Injuries to Severn! Others. Tho May's Trngedles In Othrr Sections. Boston, July 5. Tho Fourth of July parado of tho patriotic societies of Boston nnd vicinity, at East Boston yesterday afternoon, onded In n pitched bnttlo bo tween somo of tho pnrndors nud tho spec tators, In which sticks, stones nnd re VDivorg wero usod with fntnl effect,. .Tolm W. Wills, a laborer of East Boston, ono of tho spootators, was shot nnd Instantly killed; Mlchnol Doylo, of East Boston, hud his head split opon by a club, and uowllos dying at tho city hospital; n young man nomod Stowart had his nose out off with a sabor In tho hands of ono tho paraders; Pntrlck Kolly sustained a sovoro scnlp wound, whothor from a club or a bullet Is not known, and O fllccr A. S. Bates was hit In the mouth by a brick and lost sev eral tooth, besides suffering from sovoro lacoratlons. It Is clalmod that tho trouble all resulted from tho porslstonco of thoso who managed tho paradu In Introducing as a foaturo a Hoot presenting "Tho Llttlo Hod School Houso," which from Its association as the emblem of tho American Protectlvo asso ciation has becomo obnoxious to many persons, cspoolally thoso who do not sym pnthlzo with tho A. P. A. movomont. Tho Fourth of July committee rofusod to per mit this foaturo to npponr in tho parado, and thoso desiring to prevent It tried to have an order passed by tho board of al dermen, but failed. So groat was tho lntorest excited by this controversy and tho oxpressod determina tion of tho porodors to display tho school houso that fully 10,000 visitors gathered at East Boston. Tho police officials In an ticipation of any hostllo demonstration had a spoclal'sqund of .150 mon, In addition to tho East Boston forco, on duty, but they marched at tho hood of tho profes sion. At soverol points the fooling of tho crowd was given vent In hisses at tho 1,600 paraders nud tho school houso, but uo furthor demonstration was mmlo until tho roar of tho parado had reached Put num street, when tho crowd tried to over turn tho lust carriage. Word was sent to tho front for police assistance, and a squad of twonty offlcors wero sent back. Anktrmlsh followed be twoon tho crowd and tho offlcors, and Michael Doylo received n fractured skull. A man named Stowart, of Brooks stroot, bad his noso out off by a Babor In thee hands of Albert E. Andrews, of Evorett, a prlvato In tho Hosebury Uorso Guards, who wont to tho assistance of t ho occu pants In tho carrlago. By this Incident tho fooling of tho crowd was intensified, and whon tho parado broko up and those who had participated wero proceeding In companies to the ferry, In order to reach tho city propor, a group of botweon sixty and sovonty was surrounded on Border stroot by a crowd, who commenced hoot ing nnd throwing stones. A dozon rovolvors wero drawn, and In responso to a fuslllado of stonos olght or nine shots wero flrod. The firing of tho rovolvors brought a largo body of police, to tho spot and tho mob was soon dlspersod. "Whon tho stroot was cleared tho offlcors found John Wills doad In tho street, with a bullet holo In his right sldo, and Pat rick A. Kolly lying seriously wounded about tho head. It was lcarnod later that several othor persons had boon slightly Injured, all of whom wero taken nwny by tholr friends. Tho pollco arrested Harold Brown and John Itoss ns tho principals who did tho shooting. It Is claimed by six witnesses that Brown did tho shooting which killed "Wills and wounded Kolly. Wills, tho murdered man, loavos a widow and six children. CHICAGO TOUGHS XIOUTKD. A Nervy Conductor and a Hold llrnkeman Camo On" Victorious. Chicago, July 5. A desporato fight oc curred yesterday on a picnic train on tho Santa Fo road botwoon tho trainmen and a gang of toughs, who aro known as tho "Henry strcot gang." Conductor A. B. Talbort was shot In tho log, rocolved a painful flesh wound, and Brakonmn Harry Heed was badly beaton and bruised. Two membora of tho gang wore sorlously If not fatally hurt. Ono was struck on tho head with n coupling pin In tho bands of Tal bort, and tho other suffered at tho hands of Brakeman Heed, who struck him across tho faco with a loose section of tho brake, which knocked him off tho train. Ho was unable to rlso, and was curried off by his companions. Tho trouble occurred on a train which was carrying a crowd of picnickers to tho grounds at Columbia park. Two of tho gang started to light, for tho purpose, It Is supposed, of creating a row, during which tholr comrades could rob the passongors who wero watching tho progress of tho fight. Tho conductor attempted to part thorn, whon four of them attacked htm, Ho was struck with the butt end of a re volver and knocked to tho floor and was sovoroly pounded boforo ho could rlso. Ho finally managed to gain his foot, and the fight being In the car directly behind tho engine he ran out on tho platform and grabbed a coupling pin from the tender. One of tho toughs wus about to bit him again with a revolver butt, but Talbort was the quicker and hit tho fellow a crush ing blow with tho pin, knocking him clear off tho train. Tho othors then opened flro, and about twenty shots wore sent at Tal bort, only ono of which hit him. While all this was going on at tho ond of tho train. Brakoman Heed was having a hot ttmo of It In tho second car from the roar ond of tho train. Ha heard the shots fired at Talbort, and wus hurry ing to tho scone of the trouble hon he saw four mon trying to conceal themselves in a olosot. Ho pulled the door shut and called for help. Tho mon managed to broak tho door opon and went for tho brakeman. They got him down botweon tho car souta ond iQ" jded him vlcloujly with tho butt ond of their rovolvors. Two of the mon ran out, und Reed, who Is a powerful man.mado short work of tho two who romalnod. Ono ho chased out of the car and tho other he knocked to the floor. Tho follow who had been chased out re turned and attompted to shoot Heed, but was given a blow squarely ncrosB tho face with a sootlon of tho air brake. Ho fell from tho our and was plckod up and car ried off by his companions; During tha progress -of -'the flght the passongors on the train wore In a state of panic Several women fainted and dozens A Professional Nnrso Afflicted With Brlght's DIschso or tlio Kidneys rinds a Curo. (From the Buffalo jVewi.) Mrs. A. E. Taylor lias resided In Buffalo for over 40 years, her address Is 250 Her klmcr Avenue, as a professional nurso sho hnsnnrsnrl linplf in hnnlMi Innm. n cuflV..,.. Dlseaso in nil its vnrled forms have bo- coino ns lamumr to her ns to tho regular nrar.tltinnnr ITnr nrrnnnMnit Id f.nn 1.4- taxes tho strongest constitution, but tho fatlguo of long watching nnd nursing nt ..lo,, uiuugni, nui iu u uuu oi siCKncss. Mta. laylor speaks of her complaint nnd curo ns follows: "After being conflncd to my bed for somo tlmo my dlsoaso assumed such a serious aspect that a doctor wns called in. Ho pronounced my nllmcnt Blight's dlseaso of kidneys In the third dc greo nnd a very bad case. My limbs swelled up so that I could not walk ncross tho floor, or, Indeed, help myself in nny way. Jly faco bloated up nnd my eves swelled so that tho sight wns badly im paired. This condition continued for nearly two months without nny marked Improvement from tho doctor's treatment I have taken quarts of buchu and juniper. I tried battery treatment, but nil without any lasting benefit until I felt Hko finally giving up in despair. Hearing of Doais Kidney Pills I gave them n trial, and after taking three boxes I wns able to get up without assistance and walk, sometlilng I had not donu In months. I continued steadily to improve with their use. Tho swelling In my leg left, tho color returned to my face, changing from a chalky color to n healthy bloom. I now consider my self entirely cured and I shall never rest praising tho little pill that saved mo. "Doan's Kidney Pills nre certainly nsur prising discovery for kidney nllracnts. I shall bo glad to toll anyono of tho won derful euro they performed on mo." For sale by all dealers price, CO cents. Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., sole agents for tho U. 8. For .Sale at Kirlin's 1'hnrmncy. READING R. SYSTEM. IN EFFECT NOVEMBER 18, 1S91. Trains leave Shenandoah as follows; For New York via Phila'lclnhia. week da s, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a. m. and 12 32, 2 55, o 03 p. in. ounaays. i in a. m. For Now York via Mauch Chunk, week days. 5 25. 7 20 a. m. and 12 32. 2 55 r. m. For Reading and Philadelphia, week days, a iv, o 20, i zip, a. m. ana lz 3H, 2 55, 5 bo p. in. Sundays. 2 10 a. ui. For l'ottsvillo, eek days, 2 10, 7 20 a. m. and 12 32, 2 55. 5 55 p. m. 8undan 2 10 a. m. For Tamnqua and Mahanoy Citv, week days, 2 10, 5 25, 7 20 a.m. and 12 32,2 55 5 55 p. ni. Sunday s, 2 10 a. m. For Williauispor't, Sunbury and Lewisburg, week davs, 3 25, 1 1'30 a. ui. and 1 35, 7 20 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Mahanoy Plane, week days, 2 10, 3 25, 5 25,7 20, 1130 a. m. and 12 32, 1 35, 2 55, 5 55, 7 20, 9 35 p.m. Sundays, 2 111, 3 25 a. m. For Ashland and Shamokin, week days, 3 25, 7 20, 11 30 a. m. and 1 35 7 20, 9 35 p. in. Sundays, 3 25 a. m. For Baltimore, Washington and the West via B. & O. R. R., through trains leave Read ing Terminal, Philadelphia, (P. & R. R. R) at 3 20, 7 55, 11 28 a. in. and 3 46, 7 27 p. m. Sundays 3 20, 7 00, 11 26 . m and 3 46, 7 27 p.m. Additional trains from Twenty-fourth and Chestnut streets station, week days, I 35, 5 41, 8 23 p.m. Bundays, 1 35, S 23 p. m. TRAINS FOR SHENANDOAH. Leavo New York via Philadelphia, week days, 8 00 a. in., 1 3d, 4 00, 7 30 p. ra. and 12 15 night. Sundays, 6 00 p. m. Leave New York via Mauch Chunk, week days, 4 30, U 10 a. m. and I 10, 4 30 p. ni. Leave Philadelphia, Reading Terminal, week days, 4 20, 8 35, In 00 a. m. and 4 00, fl 02, 1 1 30 p. m. Sundays, 1 1 30 p. . Leave Reading, week days, 1 35, 7 10, 10 06, 11 50 fl. ni. and 5 55, 7 57 p.m. Sun days, 1 35 a. in. Leave Pottsville week days, 2 35, 7 40 a. m. and 12 30, 6 12 p. m. Sundays, 2 35 a. in. Leave Tamaqna, week days, 3 18, 3 50, 11 23 a.m. and 1 20 7 15,9 2d p. m. Sundays, 3 18 a. m. Leave Mahanoy City, week days, 2 45, V 21, 11 47 a. m. and 1 51, 7 39, 9 54 p. in. Sundays, 3 45 a, m. Leave Mahanoy Plane, week day ,2 40,4 00, 6 30, 9 37, 11 59 a. m. and 12 53, 2 Oii, 5 20, 26, 7 53, 10 10 p. in. Suudays, 2 40, 4 00 a, in. Leave Williamsport, week days, 7 42, 10 10 a.m. and 3 35, 11 15 n. in. Sundavs, 11 15 p. m. ATLANTIC CITY DIVISION. Leave Philadelphia, Chestnut St. Wharf and South Street Wharf for Atlantic City. Week days Express, 9 00 a. m., (Satur days onlv 1 30), 2 00, 3 00, 4 00. 5 00 p. in. Accommodation, 3 00 a. m., 5 45 p. in. Sunday Expro33, 8 00, 9 00, 10 00 a.m. Accommadotiou, 8 00 a. m. and 4 30 p. m. RETURNING LEAVE ATLANTIC CITY Dopot,corner Atlantic and Arkansas avenues, Week days Express, 7 00, 7 45, 9 00 a. m., 3 15 and 5 30 p. m. Accommodation, 8 15 a. m. and 4 32 p. m. ' Sunday Express, 4 00, 5 15, 8 00 p. m Accommodation, 7 15 a. m., and 4 15 p. m. . Parlor Cars on all Express trains. I. A. SWEIGARD, C. G. HANCOCK, General Superintendent. Gen. Pass. Agt. JOHN DALTON, AGENT FOR SHENANDOAH and VICINITY -FOH BARBEY'S Beer and Porter. Barbctj's B"ock Beer. of children wore placed under tho scats to keep them out of the way of thi' flying uuueis. Two Fntol Shootlnc Accident. PllILADEU-llIA, July 5. Common Coun cilman Charles J Klnslor, was fatally shot In the head during n flng raising at a club houso down town yesterday. When tho flag wns unfurled to the broezo there was a fuslllado of flro crackers and noise producing wenpons, In tho midst of which Klusler fell with u bullet In his head. Ho dlod n fow hours afterward at tho hos pital. James Lcnnon has been arrested chargod with doing tho shooting, which he tlnlms was accidental. At about tho same time, in another section of tho city, Joseph Godfrey, a pugilist, nnd Ooyd "Wyllo, an cx-pollccmaii, both of whom had been drinking, wero celebrating the Fourth with a rovolvor, which exploded whllo lu tho hands of Godfroy, tho bullet entering Wyllo's abdomen and producing a mortal wound. Godfroy Is In custody, although ho Insists that the shooting was accidental. Trlplo Tragedy In Mlsnourl. Meadville, Mo., July 6. S. A. Fields, until recently editor of Tho Post at Polo, Mo., cut tho throats of his wlfo nnd baby with a razor yostorday, and then ended his own life in tho samo manner. Tho bodies wero found in a garden about 200 yards from tho rosidonco of his mother-In-law. Fields, his wlfo and llttlo boy wore visiting his mothor-ln-law, Mrs. William Thomas, two miles northeast of thlsplaco. A noto was found on Mrs. Fiolds saying everything they had was to bo left to her mothor. It scorns that Fields und his wife had plannedjtho tragedy. Wound Dp a Spree by Murder. Philadelphia, July 6. Jamos Hays, aged 41 yours, wound un a druukon sDreo last night by going to his homo at S540 Ann street und having u fit. Whon he recovered ho found thut his shoos had been removed, nnd not being ublo to find thoin lnimedlntoly ho rushed upstairs, solzod a revolver and shot his wlfo, Jean notto, ood 40, In tho neck. Thon ho turned tho weapon on hlmsolf and lodged a bullet In his head. Both aro dying at a hospital. It Is thought that Hoys is of un sound mind, Mnrder at Georgetown, I). C. Washington, July 5. John, alias Patsy Harris shot and killed Matthew Spruell In Georgetown yesterday. Tho victim and murderer aro colored. From nil that can bo lcarnod llttlo or uo provocation oxlstod for tho shooting. Declined to Convict Her Lover. Atlantic City, July 5. Thomas Ar doll, a varloty porformer, who was ar rested two weeks ago for a murderous as sault on Mabel Ernest, a soubrotto, whom ho stabbed, was arraigned boforo Jnstlco Williams, but tho girl docllned to testify against, him. Whon found In a pool of blood on Atlantic avenue, aftor tho as sault, tho girl declared that sho wa3 Ar doll's wlfo. Whon closoly questioned by tho justice sho admitted thut thoy wero not marrlod, although a baby boy had boon born to thorn. Justlco Williams thon delivered a homily to tho couplo, and, un dor his persuasions, thoy stopped up to tho bar and permitted him to marry them, aftor which thoy doparted togother. AllxSi Speedy Trottlnc In a Kaln Storm. ST. JosEni, Mo., July 5. Occasional showers of rain, combined with a heavy wind, at times approaching a gale, con spired to lntorforo with tho program laid out for tho day by tho St. Joseph Fair as soclntlont Notwithstanding tho weather tho attendance wns largo, ovor 9,000 people paying admission. A spoclal feature wus tho utiompt of Allx to lowor hor rocord. Sho startod on u heavy track, between showers, and rolled the mile without a skip or break, the first quarter In 82K. half In 1.03K. three-quarters lu 1.85K, and the mile In 2.07. Down tho homo stretch tho more faced u shower of no small proportions. Alleged Poatotllce Thieves Kscape. NEW YollK, July 5. Tho threo alleged postofflco thieves, Josoph Kllloran.Charlos Allen und Harry Russell, who are wanted at Springfield, Ills., escaped from Ludlow street jail yostorday. Tho prisoners wero about to take tholr dally oxerclso in tho yard of the jail. Keepers Edward Sohnecr and Churlos Schoon were In tho olllco of tho jail, the former sitting with his back to the door and Schoon was walking about the room. Tbo threo men entored tho of fice at tho same tlmo, and covored tho of flcors with rovolvors. Thon thoy secured tho koys, locked tho officers In, and made good their oscapo. The American llniitiuet In London. London, July 5. Hon. Wayno Muc Veagh, Unltod States ambassador to Itnly, presided at tho banquet of tho Amorlcnn socloty last night, lu tho ubsonco of Am bassador Bayard. In Introducing tho Cor noll Gloo club, who havo recontly arrived In London, he said that they must not be confounded with tho Cornoll rowing crow, who will win noxt week's ruco at Honloy. This roraark was greeted with groat ap plause. Responding to tho toast of the ovonlng. which was "Tho Day Wo Cele brate," Ambassador MnoVengh made un eloquent and patriotic spocch. Atlanta's Ilmunne Hull Fight, Atlanta, July 5. Dollnlta detuilshuvo been received concerning the bull fight to bo given In the Mcxlcun vlllago at the Cotton States and International exposi tion. Tho arena will bo arranged In tho rogulur wuy, and some of tho best bull lighters In Moxlco, with a supply of trained horses and of tho finest bulls, will bo brought to Atlanta. It will be un oxuet reproduction of the famous bull fights of Spain, with ono excoptlon, the bull's horns will bo padded, so thut he can do no damuge. Tho horses will likewise ba pro tected by omboss id leather shields. Town Nearly tWlped Out by Fire, Dwiqiit, Ills., July 5. Tho village of Roddlok, nluo miles east of Dwlght, was nearly wiped out by flro Wednesday night. Tho flro started in M. Rellly & Co.'s creamery and spread to thu largo general store owned by the same Arm, and swept the whole main stroot. Only tho depot and a half dozen rosldonces aro loft. The total loss Is $00,000. A Great Rowing Event. AUSTIN, Tex., July 6. Austin will sup plement tho Corbett-Fltzslinmons fight by givlug a gniud international regatta aftor the ovont. The purses will bo (1,000 each for single and double sculls, und 2,000 for a four-oared sholl. This will be tho greatest rowing event ever wltuessod. Killed by an Exploding llallooa. TtFPT YW .Tlllo K . A ttil1ltiiw l.nllrwn ar. ploded yesterday In the shed of one of the barracks. Throe soldlars wore Injured, and one of them has since died. What is Castoriti is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants and Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstancc. It is a harmless suhstitutu for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years uso by Millions of Mothers. Castorla is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cnstorlnlsso well adapted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. AncriER, M. D., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. "Tho uso of 'Castorla Is so universal nnd Its merits bo well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorse It. Few are tho Intelligent families who do not keep Castorla within easy reach." Carlos JIarttn, d. d Kew York City. Tne Centauii Gilmora's Aromatic Wine- A tonic for ladies. If you are suffer ing fromnveakness, and feel exhausted and nervous; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness. Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments peculiar to womanhood. It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives lasting strength. Sold by .A.. WASLEY, i06 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. Pa. After All Others Fail CONSULT THE FAMOUS SPECIALIST Dr. Lobb, tS2Q N lfith Sr- I)e,ow Paiiowhin, IV. 1ULI1 OL. l'lilladeliihiii. To secure a positive nno permanent cure of ErrorK of Youth nnd Loc of Manlic ml nnd of all iIIwiuch of the Wood, Kldncyx, Ilhuhler, Skin nnd Nervous System consult nt once Dr. Lobb. lie cunniuteeH in nil cni-x caused by lixiesfrcx, Imprudence or Inheritance to restore lo Health nnd StrciiKth by building up the shuttered ner vous sj stem nnd nddinjt new life und energy to the broken down I'on.-tUmiurl Consuliution and examinations free and strlcthlconlldeiitiul Olllcc hours, dally and s-undny, frufli a A. JI. to 3 1". M. and G to 9 evenings. Head his book on errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both sexes. Sent free. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE CIGARETTE Has stood tho Test of Time MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTH BRANDS COMBINED $2.50 BUFFALO TO GUVELAND VIA "C. &. B. line," commtiiicinc with upeninc of navigation (about Auril 1st). Magnificent side wheel steel steainor, .State of Ohio" anil "State nf New York" DAILY TI.UK TAIILE, SUNDAY INCLUDED. Lv. Uullalo, I'Mr.ii I Lv. Cleve'nnd.T OOp. M Ar. Cleveland, 8-30 a. M. Ar. llull'alo, 8 30 a. m E.YSTDUN STANDARD TIMi:. Tnko the'-'O. & B. Line"steamors and en joy a refreshing night's rot when onroutu to CleVeland, Columbus, Cincinnati, Toledo, IiidlitiiapollD, Chicago, Detroit, Mnclnno Inland, Northern Lako Tourist Itesorts or nny Ohio, Indiana, or southwestern point. Send 4 cents postage for tourist paraphlot OEN'L PASS. AGT. GEN'L MANAGER CLEVELAND, 0. WANTKD. Itllablo, energetic man to tako .iVK$Tk'HQJa.,,r?ncL' howo controlling ,vliole ale arfil retail trade for Narcotl-Cure, for tho tobacco habit, rejaU ,,g nt ?8.fy 'fl, lm, 1 ,l Only thosoyjtli 300fcsh or ! more? and good references need address TlieNarcot? Chemical Co., bpringtleld, Mass, 7-1-tl r- BUAHMQIHlnU! Hlll'lfi CUHtC I'Uulttim MlUD &K-inxriNC EB g Castoria. ' Cnatorln cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Plarrhasa, Eructation, Kills Worms, give sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years I have recommended 'Castorla,' and shall always continue to do so, as It has Invariably produced beneflclal results." Edwin F. Tardee, JI, D., 130th Street and 7th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 JIubbay Stueet, New York City. SUMMER COOKENS MADE EASY. inCUTQ MAKE Old WAGES ARNOLD COOKER NO HEAT. NO DOTHER. Cooks a Dinner all at ons time Grand for Oil or Gas Stoves. Liberal Terms, txcta. !vo Territory. Let us tell yea all about it. i W1LMOT CASTLE & COL' ao6EItnSt. Rochester, N. V., J, M. J. LAWLOR, Justice of the Peace, Insurance and Real Estate Agent. 123 E. Outre St., SliGiinnjfftah, Pa. rpWO-STOItY lisome Htilldloe, ajfl feet on South Chestnut street.' Routt, for S18 per month ; will be sold thenp. TTOK SAI.r.. Half lot und two housfc., "m 'I on West Centre street. Will Uiy 12 per eent. on investment, and enn be UnijKt on ensy TMKM KOIt SALE.-A inrmo'tsMag in thiee miles of (tood innrSii with- TMfc!iit- nine acres uiiuer (ultlvntlon, nfli cood timber. Frniitn fiirm Imtt kfojiins, Kod burn ami all In good coucH AMU be sum lor ci,.iAi on an. TTOU ALE. Valuable nroi-ertv on F.ust I inr-.i j 1 street. I,ot 15x150 feet seven house-. . resiuiirniu .KBrCKiUC rental, jSII ( r mouth. A rare hnrgnin. AiplvtoM J I ,, r Justice of the I'cnte. No.' 123 East Centre M.e.. t John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS. Minernl waters, WcKs beer. Bottler or tho finest lager beers. 17 and 19 TVncli' Alley, Shfiiianiloah. Pa When in Pottsville Stop at Phil. Woll's Hotel, 2(10 North Centre Street. Menls nt all hours. Ladies' dining room attached. FineH wines, liqnors, cigars. KM11 j J. BEYER'S, (Formerly Murphy Ilro.) Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant, 19 North Main Street. Tin' 1 . r ,i plied win, Hrst-clafs wines iiior-i beei alf purler. Choice cigars. Open all nighi.. Free lunch from 9 a. m. tn 7 p. m. "O wad some power the ciftlo gle us, To see oursclvea as others ee us." When not riding a "Waverlky." In mythological timos there wore Cen taurs creatures half man. half horse. What could be nearer the modern Centaur than the union of man and a "Waverley" Scorcher. Hfirhafit of all high grades, . J. S. HOUSENICK, Exclusive Agent, Shenandoah, Pa.