The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 05, 1895, Image 2

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1883 HUUNED OUT 1895.
Published dnlly, except Sunday, liy the
Onlce Refowieli bhlg., South Slain St.
H. C. nOYEIt, Kdtlor.
AV. J. W ATKINS. IjOoiI Editor.
51. BOYEll, Treas. and BtmtiicflwMnnniibr.
Tl- r 4-1 r t 1 A lR delivered in Slien-
i ne nera ia MHionii nnd the mr-
Toundlni towns for tlx cent week, imyalile to
the carriers. By mail, S8 00 n yenr or 25 cents n
month, pnynlilo in advance.
Advertisement clinrffcd according to snace and
position. The puMHliers reserve the tight to
change the position of advertisements whenever
tlie pullicfltlon of news demand it. The rlaht
Is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not. thnt tlie imblislicrs may deem
Improper. Advertising rates made known upon
Knlered at the poto(r"ce atShenandoah, Pa., as
iccoiul class mall matter.
Eoening Herald.
DID you colehrnte'.
Ix was a glorious Fourth.
Yocno America was in his glory.
Independence Day will never bo tor
gotten as long its Americans live.
QUAY will win with hands down,
'his prediction.
"BaLY 'round tho flag, boys, au.l down
with tho traitors" and ingrates.
HOW iliu patriots of old would enthuse
were they alive yesterday to see how
Amorican freeman celebrated their great
Quay is in command at Philadelphia with
his sleeves rolled up. No one knows bet
ter how to handle a winning campaign than
ho does.
The people of Shenandoah know how to
make a big demonstration. Yesterday's
celebration was a brilliant success and re
flected credit on the joint, committee.
The Shenandoah Republicans are thor
oughly aroused and fully aware of tho real
fight now going on in the ranks. They are
not biased by sentiment and will fight with
their old commander, Senator Quay.
Dukino tho past sovoral days the
Supervisor has done somo good work in
repairing the streets. 'Tis a pity that every
street in town is not paved. It would add
stability to the place and money to the
horonph treasury.
Now that the test of tho water works
has proved satisfactory let the Borough
Council decide upon the connections with
out delay and see what revenue can be
cleaned from the plant. Water Is not
!meded half as bad just now as revenue,
Electric Hitters.
Electric Bitters is a medicine suited for
any season, but perhaps moro generally
needed in the spring, when the languid
xhausted feeling prevails, when tho liver
Is torpid and sluggish and the need of
tonic and alterative is felt. A prompt use
of this medicine has often averted long
ana perhaps tatai bilious levers, no men
icine will act moro surely in counteracting
and freeing the system from tho malarial
poison. Headache, Indigestion, constipa.
tion, dizziness yield to Electric Bitters,
Only fifty cents per bottle at A. "Wasley's
urng store.
Ready for All Work.
The Herald has made ample arrange
ments for a continuance of its extensive
business in the job printing lino and
prepared to turn out all work with prompt
ness and due attention to excellence of
workmanship. Ordors left at tho new
olHcu in tho Refowich building on South
Main street will receivo prompt attention.
Tho Full Turin.
Tho Shamokiu Business College will re
open August 5th. Persons desiring to pur
sue a thorough business or shorthand
Course should consider tho advantages
ottered by thl school before deciding to go
elsewlfere. The College office will be open
during vacation for tlie reception of visi
tors and enrollment of applicants. For
catalogue and College Journal address W.
P. Magee, principal, Shamokiu, Pa. 7-3-fit
Dentil ot Lutiru Clirlutlnu.
News of tbe death of Laura G. Christian
at Philadelphia yesterday, was received by
-eleiiiam last night. She was the daughter
if the late Wllllam Christion, of Ashland,
and a sister of Mrs. John F. Fiuney, ot
Pottsville. She will protably be buried in
Ashland where there are other relatives
Last summer ouo of our grand children
was slok with a, severe bowel trouble. Our
doctor's remedies had failed, then we triod
Chauiberlaiu's Colic, Cholera and Diarr
hoea Remedy, which gave very speedy
relief. We regard it aa the best medicine
ever put on the market for bowel com
plaints. Jlra. E. G. Gregory, Fredericks
town, Mo. This certalniy is the best med
icine over put on the market for dysentery,
summer complaint, colio and cholera in
fantum in children. It never fails to give
prompt relief when used in reasonable
time and the plain printed directions are
followed. Matty mothers havo expressed
their sincere gratitude for the euros it has
effected. For sale by Gruhler Bros., drug
A popular bloating pad is made of stone
found wound tbe t Dermal springs ot the
Washington has 20,3GG factory hands.
what Shall i Do?
Is tho earnest, almoat agonizing cry of
weak, tired, nervous women, and crowded,
overworked, struggling men. Blight dif
ficulties, ordinary cares, household work
or dally labor, magnify themselves Into
seemingly impassable mountains.
This is simply because the nerves are
weak, the bodily organs debilitated, and
they do not
proper nourishment. Feed the nerves,
organs nnd tissues on rick red I lood, and
how booh tho glow of health comes to tho
pale cheeks, firmness to the unsteady
hand, and strength to the faltering limb.
puriOcs, vitalizes and enriches tho blood
and is thus the best friend to unfortunate
humanity. Bo sure to git Hood's and
only Hood's. All druggists, flj six for f5.
Horl'o Dillc the after-dinner pin and
& cathartic.
Distressing Kidney and Bladder diseases
relieved .in six hours by the "Now Groat
South American Kidnoy Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male ofomalo'r
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and cure this la your
remedy. Sold at the -City Pharmacy, 107
South Main street, next to the post office,
Shenandoah. Pa. 4-9-3m
The best meerschaum comes from
province of Angora, in Asiatic Turkey.
Tho best Salvo in tho world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Kheum, Fover
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posl
tlvely cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For sale by A. Wasley.
Lots of bunting about
Reduced Rates to Boston.
From July 8 to 11, inclusive, tho Pcnn.
sylvania Railroad Company will sell ex
cursion tickets to Boston, Mass., going and
returning by the samo routo, at a single
fare for the round trip, account Christian
Endeavor and Young People's Christian
Union moetinga, to bo held In Boston, July
10-14. Tlie tickets will he good to roturn
until July 31. Excursion tickets, good go
ing via one routo and returning via an
other, will be sold on the same dates at a
slight advance over tho oae-fare rate for the
round trip.
The American eagle is getting bis voice
in shape for the annual scream.
Walter ! Boofstenlr, Ilnni and Eec8
for One.
"God gave us meat, but the devil sent us
cooks," is a trite saying. From bad cook
lug, fast eating and overeating, comes a
whole train of dlseasos Indigestion, dys
pepsia, biliousness, catarrh of tho stomach,
headache, dizziness, nnd the like. God
also gave us a brainy man, who com
pounded tho "Golden Medical Discovery,"
a correctivo of all tho ills resulting from
overeating and bad blood. Dr. Pierce, of
uuitalo, has furnished in the "Discovery,
a great desldoratum in America, where
everybody are in such a hurry to make
money, they have no time to eat, and
scarcely any time to live. It Invigorates
the liver, cleanses tho blood and tones up
tuo system.
Delicate diseases of either sex, howevor
inuuceii.speediiy and permanently cured.
Book of particulars 10 conts in stamps,
mailed sealed in plain envelope. Address,
World's Dispensary Medical Association,
UU3 iiain at., uuttaio, n. x.
Any nctor may walk the boards, hut
takes an acrobat to jump a hoard bill.
Mrs. Rhodie Noah, of this place, was
taken in the night with cramping p.iiusuud
the noxt day diarrhoea set in. She took
half a bottle of blackberry cordial hut got
no relief. Sho then sent to mo to bee if I
had anything that would help her, I sent
her a bottle of Chamberlain's Colic,
Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy and the
first dose relieved her. Another of our
neighbors had been sick for nlituit a wei-k,
and had tried different remedies for
diarrhoea but kept getting worse. I sent
him this same remedy. Only four iIosps of
it Wero required to cure him. Ho s.iys lie
owes his rocovery to this wonderful rem
edy. Mrs. Mary Sibley, Sidlinv, Mich.
For salo'by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
Ocean telegraphic cables cost about $1000
per mile.
Roller lu Six Honrs.
Distressing kidney and bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by tho "New Great
South American Kidnoy Cure." This new
remedy is a groat surprise on account of its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain in
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of tho urinary passages in male or female.
It rellovos retention of water and pain In
passing it almost immediately. If you
want quick relief and euro this is your
remedy. Sold by Isaac Shaplra, druggist,
107 S. Main street.
Puget Sonnd strawberries have been
pqt on the market this year for the first
Marvelous Reonlts.
From a letter written by Rev. J. Gun-
dermal), ot Dimoudale, Mich,, we aro per
mitted to lnaKo this extract : "1 have no
hesitation In recommending Dr, King's
Now Discovery, as the results wero almost
marvelous iu the case of my wife. Whllo
I was pastor of the Baptist church at
Rives Junction she was brought down
with pneumonia succeeding Ia grippe.
Terriblo paroxysms of coughing would last
hours with little interruption and it seeined
as if she could not survive them, A frleud
recommended Dr. King's New Discovery;
it was quick In its work and highly satis
factory in results," Trial bottles free at A
Wasley's drug storo.
The wheat crop of France for this year
promises to be abort.
A Hundred Persons Precipitated
Into St, Joseph Biver.
They Wore Gathered to Wltnest a Tnb
llace, nnd Many Were Hurt by Fnllln-r
Timbers The Collapse of a Grand Stand
at IluffiUo.
Bhistol, Ind July 5. At 0 o'clook last
evening, whllo about 300 of tho population
of Bristol woro gathered on n brldgo span
ning tho St. Joseph river, watching a tub
race, ouo hundred feot of tho sidowalk of
tho brldgo wont down, carrying with it n
hundred persons. Tho fall was about
thirty feet, nnd timbers foil on many.
The town was crazed with excitement,
and in a short time tho victims of tho ac
cident wero nil removed from tho water,
nnd nil tho physicians throughout tho sur
rounding country woro summoned to nt
tend tho injured. Thcso woro cared forna
woll as circumstances would permit. Nono
wero killed outright, but aevoral will die.
Thoso most soriously Injured ari:
Dr. C. E. Dutrow, probably futnlly:
Clydo Trumbull, body und head badly
hurt; Jcsso Weso, of Elkhart, Intl.; Hurl
bort N. Nicholson, broken leg and arm;
Daisy Little, brokon arm; Arthur Sassn
man, Mottsvlllo, Ind. j Mrs. M. Llttlo, both
logs brokon; Georgo Roth, Mlddloshurg;
Hubert Nicholson, leg brokon; Miss Lydla
Truttlcr, Porter, Mich., foot crushed;
Frank Fry, Injured iutornnlly; Mrs. E. J.
Smith, arm broken; John Klstner, Elk
hart, sovero wounds on hip nnd head; Mot
Carmen, head nnd foot crushed; Doustlas
Stownrt, injured internally; Frank Itep
loge, wlfo and daughter, all badly Injured;
Jesse Frauo, of Elkhart, leg broken and
hurt internally.
Twonty-flvo others havo minor injuries,
including Mrs. Georgo Williams, Mrs.
Albert Stamp, Miss Mary Miller, Miss
Lydla King, Miss Stuart, Churles Car
men, Garrett Uloomingdnlc, G. B. Floy
nnd Howard Moyer.
The Grand Stand Collnpsed.
Buffalo, July G. The Press Cycling
club's meet at tho Driving park yesterday
aftornoon brought togethor tho fastest
Class B mon in tho country. Eddlo Bald
added anothor to his series of unbroken
wins by finishing first in tho mllo open.
Whilo tho Inst race was in progress tho
grand stand collapsed, seriously injuring
nineteen of tho occupants. Flvo sustained
injuries which moy result fatally. Thoy
aro Frank L Vostor, splno broken; John
G. hlol, threo fibs brokon; Mrs. L. M.
Eirlck, both legs broken: John Gllray,
four ribs brokon and Internally injured;
Airs, nowuru . liorr, both logs broken.
Two Fatally Injured In a Wreck.
DECATUli, Ills., July 5. Wabash train
No. 4, which loft hore for tho wost last
night one hour late, mot with an accident
at Nlnntlo, twenty mllos wost of 'hero, by
which two trainmen ''wero fntnlly injured
and a number of pussongcrs had a narrow
escapo from death, A light engino follow
ing crashed into tho rear sleeper, jamming
it into tho chair car. The injured nro: M.
L. Higgins, onglneer, Springfield, crushed
under tender, fntally Injured; Georgo
Smith, fireman, Springfield, fatally in
jured; Ell Dawson, passenger, cut and
Fatal Trolley Accident In Wllllntnsport,
WlLLIAMSl'ORT. Pa., July 5. A fatal
trolley nccldont occurred on Pork nvenuo,
near Center street, this city, last night. A
wagon containg three persons was over
turned by a pllo of stono, and tho occu
pants were thrown on the railway track in
front of a moving car. Miss Alice Gloco
was Instantly killed and Miss Pbcebe
Koch so severoly Injured thnt her death is
momentarily expected. Tho driver of the
team was also badly hurt, and is lying In
a delirious condition at the hospital.
A Fireman Seriously Injured.
Betiileuem, Pa., July 5. Civic societies,
the fire department and othor organiza
tions eclobrated the Fourth hero with a
big parade, noarlyO.000 mon being in line.
Tho affair was marred by u bad accident.
The horse attached to the hook and ladder
truck ran away, throwing Loidlgh Bach
man, tho driver, under tho wheols. His
hip was badly crushejl, and ho was hurt
Internally, his condition being critical,
Kugiuoor and Fireman Farbolled.
Buffalo, July 5. The crown shoot of
tho boiler of the tug William Stevenson
Mow out.f.itally Bcnldlna; EnglnoorGoorgo
Sutton nnd Flroman William Boylo. Tho
men's flesh was literally parbollod, and
pooled off In strips when their clothing
was being removed. The injured men
wero taken to tho Fitch hospital, whore
Sutton died soon after. Boylo cannot live.
Five Children Reported Killed.
WlLKESBAItUE, Pa., July 5. Five chil
dren, mombors of u family of Hungarians
in Plttston, are reported to havo been
killed by the prematura discharge or ex
plosion of a cannon during the Fqurth of
July celebration ut that plnco yestorday.
It is dlfllcult at this hour to obtain the
namos of the victims or the details of the
lllangled br a Cannon Cracker.
Carlisle, Pa., July 5. A blir cannon
craokor exploded in tho hands of Samuel
Droxlor, ngod 21 years, yesterday. One
hand was torn to shreds and several fin
gers were blown from the other. He was
al6o burned terribly about tho faco and
stomach. The doctors fear he cunnot re-1
Had Ills Arm lllown On.
8HAMOKIN, Pa., July 5, Samuol Dun
moyer, ngpd 14 ypars, had his left arm
blown oft yesterday by' tho explosion of . a
nig cannon cracker. Thelnjured arm was
Secretary Morton's Private Secretary,
Washington, July 5. Secretary Mor
ton has demonstrated his sympathy with
civil service rulos In tho appointment of a
private secretary. The now appointee is
Mr. John Nordbouso, who up to July )
was on tho rolls as tho secretary's stenog
rapher. Mr. Kordhouse entered tho ser
vice as a stenographer In tho division of or
nothology nnd mammology In March, 1693,
and has steadily been promoted to tho po
sition which he now ocouples.
Held for a Doable Murder.
San Francisco, July 6. Ivan Kovaley,
the Russian .convict, has been held, to
answer bofdrn the superior court "for the
muMer'W;Mr. hnd Irs. H. L. Mehor,
fter!nnoxamlnation lasting 'two days. It
is generally conceded that a very strong
ch'ulti of evidence bos beon fOrm'd about
Mm. J. 1'. Veil, Osn(ncatomic,Iian.
wlfo of tho editor of Tho Graphic, tho lead
ing local paper of Miami county, writes
"I teas troubled tctth heart disease
for six years, sovero palpitations, short
ness of breath, together with Buch ex
treme nervousness, that, nt times I would
walk tho floor nearly all night. Wo
consulted tho best medical talent.
X7iey 8U tit there teas no help forme,
that I had organic disease, of tho heart for
which thero was no remedy. I had read
your advertisement in Tho Graphic and
n year ago, as a last resort, tried ono bottloof
I)r, Miles' Xcw Cure for the Heart,
which convinced mo that thero was truo
merit In It. I took threo bottles each of tho
Hoart Curo and Rcstoratlro Nervine and
It completclu cured inc. I sleep
well at night, my heart beats regularly and
I havo no moro smothering Bpells. I wish
to 6ay to all who aro suffering as I did;
there's relief untold for them If they will
only glvo your remedies just ono trial,"
Dr. Miles Heart Curo la sold on a positive
cuaranten that tho iirsfc bnttlo will lmnnfit-
All druggists sell ItatU. 0 bottles forts, or
it will bo sent, prepaid, on receipt of prlco
vy vuu vr. awes oicuicai jQ,, i iart, ma,
Dr. Miles' Heart Cure
Restores Health
"J S. KISTMSll. M. D.,
Office 120 North Jardin St., Shenandoah
Office building, corner of Main
and Centre streets, Shenandoah.
y N. 8THIX, M. D.,
Office Room 2, Egan's New Building,
corner Main and Centre streets, Shenan
doah, Pa. Office hours: 8 to 10 a. ni.; 1 to
3 p. in.: 7 to !) p. m. Night office No. 230
West Oak street.
Q. 31. HAMILTON, M. D.,
Office Water Couipauy building, 20
Weht Lloyd street.
Office and resldeuce, No. 29 S. White
street. Office hours 7 to D a. m., 1 to 3
and 7 to 9 p m.
Excellent music nay and evening at
Weeks' Museum,
17 SojtiTit Main Street.
Grand display of birds and animalsof id
kinds and finest paintings in tho county.
Best Beer, Porter and Ales,
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunch every morning and evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor.
IN 4- TO
Use All The Tobacco You
is uone.
Narcoti-Cure is the only remedy in the world that acts directi
on the nerves and drives the nicotine from the system in fiom four
to ten days. It leaves the patient in better health than before taking,
and is warranted, free from any injurious ingredients.
Narcoti-Cure is popular because it allows the patient to use all
the tobacco he wants while under
and "hankering" arc gone. It is
tobacco forever.
Narcoti-Cure is sold at the
one bottle cures.
Money refunded if a cure is
to directions.
Of Amherst, Mass., Chewed Tobacco ror
eun,nim was lillreu liy Anrtoll-Cure.
AH1IEHST, Mass.. February 8. 1805.
The Nakcoti Ciu:micai, Co.,
Gentlemen: tteplylnn to yours of the
WOUld BUY that I lllll'e liseil fnlinfw, f,.r AH
and of lute have consumed alO-eent plui? 11 day,
iKwideu smokiiiB considerably I commenced to
U8e tobacco when I was only II years old, and
have never been able to give up tlie habit until I
took Naucoti-Ourk, altnouu-k I have tried other
so-called remedies without effect. After usinir
your remedy four days, all "lmnkcrinK" for
chewliiK disappeared, and in four day more
Hmokini; became unpleasant. I have no further
uesireror tne weed, and experienced no bad
effects, whatever. I am Kaininein flesh, and feel
better than I have for a loiii; time. To all who
wish to be" free from tho tobacco habit I would
say, use NahcotiCuiie.
Yours truly, W. Jf. WAITIT.
Pugilist Fitnlmmons Acquitted,
SritAcueE, N. Y., Julys. Tho trial of
"Bob" Fltzslmmons on tho chargo of
manslaughter in-tho first degroo has boon
finished and tho champion mlddlowolght
has been acquitted of tho chargo of caus
ing tho death of his sparring partner,
"Con" Rlordau. Tho vcrdictwns recotvod
with nn outburst of npplnuso, Fltzslm
mons was surrounded on all sides nnd
congratulated, and bronklng awny from
tho crowd ho onterod tho jury box nnd
.thanked tho twolvo mon who had ad
judged him innocent. Ho thou shook
handB with Judgo Uosi, who wished him
woll in all his undertakings.
Pennsylvania Populist Nominees.
WlLLIAMsroitT, Pa., July 5. Tho Poo
plo's party, with 108 delegates presout,
hold Its state convention in this city yes
terday. II. A. Thompson was elected
ohalriunn of tho stnto committee, nnd tho
following nominations woro mado: Stnto
troasuror, Georgo W. Dawson of Beaver;
Judges of the superior court, W. C. Rheom
of Franklin county, John Stovonson of
Pittsburg, John B. Young of Boavor, J.
W. Allison of Erlo and D. O. Coughlln of
Luzorno. A brlof plntform was adopted
In which tho prosont legislature Is branded
as being a corrupt nnd vicious body.
No Order from Japan at Yet.
Philadelphia, July 5. Henry Cramp,
of Cramps' shipbuilding firm, wns Inter
viewed regarding tho published dispatch
from Yokohama that tho Japancso navy
dopnrtmcnt contemplates giving nn order
to tho firm for two fnst armored cruisers
of tho Now York typo. Mr. Cramp would
neither affirm nor deny tho story, saying
that ho had received no order for tho ves
sels thus far. He admitted, howovor, that
Goncral Georgo Williams, a representa
tive of tho firm, had gone to Japan ro
contly, and thut "something might como
of it."
Suicide o. an Kx-Lloutenant Governor.
Chicago, July 5. The body of Charles
D. Sherwood, ox-lloutenaut govornor of
Minnesota, wus found floating in tho
lnko nt tho foot of Peck court. It was un
doubtedly a caso of suicide. Mr. Sher
wood catno to Chicago last March to have
a surgical oporatlon porformed. Ho was
under tho caro of Dr. Hull, of Grand Cross
ing. Ho left tho Victoria hotel, whoro ho
had been staying, and half nn hour later
his body was found In tho wntor. Twenty
years ago Mr. Sherwood was ono of the
most prominent politicians in Minnesota.
No Yellow Fever at Tampa.
TAMPA, Flu., July B. Tho report that
yellow fover is hero, and thnt peoplo are
fleolng from tho town, Is absolutoly false.
All the prominent physicians in the city
wero seen today and a full investigation
mado, but there is no room for any sus
picion whatever. Thero have boon no aus
picious cnsos,nnd the doctors were atnnted
that euch a report had beon sent out. A
prominent physlcinn said that thero was
no moro room to bellovo the exlstonoe of
yellow fever hero now than there would
be in midwinter.
The Derby Winner Defeated.
Newmarket, July 5. The Princess of
Wnles' stakes of 10,000 sovereigns, over
tho Bunbury mile, was the principal event
of tho third day of tho Nowmurket July
meeting. Henry Milnor's Lo Vnr won,
with Leopold do Rothschild's Utica second
nnd Henry Milnor's Nono tho Wiser third.
Thero were elevon runners, Including
Lord Rosebery's Sir Visto, the winner of
this year's derby.
Yelloir Fever nt Tampa,
Atlanta, July 5. Thomas Schrutoher,
Jr., clerk to Mr. F. M. Joly, superinten
dent of tho Plant systom, arrived in this
city yestorday from Tainpu, Fla., whore
ho has boon stationed. He says that yel
low fever bus reached Tompa, and that
many of the Inhabitants aro leaving the
Virginia aillitla In Readiness.
Richmond, Vu., July 5. Governor
O'Ferrall has ordorod tho two military
companies at Roanoke and ono at Lynch
burg to hold themselves in readiness
to prooeed to Pocahontas if tho situation
there becomes mora sorlou
the Tobacco Habit
Want Till Your "CarDing,"
treatment, or until the "craving"
then no sacrifice to throw away
uniform price of $5.00 a bottle, and
not effected when taken accordin
If your druggist is unable
to give you' full particulars
send to us for Book of Parti
culars free, or send $5.00 for
a bottle by mail,
... . .'SmSlSs
Act almost instantly, speedily curing tho
most obstlnato eases, llhcumntism cured
In from 1 to 3 days. Dyspepsia nnd nil
stomach troubles quickly relioved. Catarrh
positively cured. Ilcndncho cured in 5
minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured.
Kidnoy troubles, Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma
and all Fcmalo Complaints quickly cured.
Munyon'a Vitalizer imparts now Ufa nnd
vigor to weak nnd debilitated mon. Ask
your druggist for n 25-cont vial of ono of
Munyon's Cures, nnd if you are not bene
fited your money, will bo refunded. This
Corripany puts up
A cure for evoi disease
Pennsylvania L
June 9th 1895.
Trains will leavo Shenandoah after the
abovo date Tor Wlegnns. Gllberou Fraek
yllle, Nmv Castle, St. Clair, Potuvllle, Ham
burg, Heading, TotUtnwn, Phoeuixville,
Norristown. nnd Philadelphia (Brond street
station) nt fl 1)8 and 1145 a.m. and 4 15 p.
m. on week days. For Vottsvilie and Inter
mediate atat ous U lu . m.
For Wiggan's, Gilberton. Frnckville, New
Castle, Ft. Clair, Pottsville at 6 OS, 9 40 a
m. and 3 10 p. in. For Hamburg, Reading,
Pottstowr, Phoenlxvillo, Norristown, Phila
delphia at 6 UO, 9 40 s. m., 3 lu p. in.
Trains leave Frnckville fir Shenandoah
at 10 40 a m. anH 12 "4, 5 04 7 42 and 10 27
p.m. Sunday II 13 a. m. and 5 40 p. m.
Leave Pottsville for Shenandoah at 10 15,
11 48 a. in. and 4 40, 7 15 and 10 00 p. m.
Sunday at 10 4u a. ni., 5 15 p. m.
Leavo Philadelphia (Broad street station)
for Shenandoah at 5 57 and 8 35 a.m., 410
and 7 II p. m. week days. Sundays leave
at 6 50 a. m.
Leave Broad Street Station, Philadelphia,
for New York. Express, week-days, 3 20,
4 05, 4 50, 5 15, 6 5U, 7 33, 8 20, 9 50, 10 30
(Dinin. Car) 11 00, 11 14, a. m., 12 noon,
12 35 (Limited I 00 and 4 22 p. m. Dining
Cars) I 40, 2 30 (Dining Car), 3 20, 4 00, 5 00,
5 56 (Dining Car), 6 0, 6 50, 8 12 10 00, p.
m., 12 01 night. Sundays, 3 20 4 05, 4 50,
5 15, 8 12, 9 50, 10 30 (Dining Car), 11 03 a.
m., 12 35, 2 30 (Dining Car), 4 00 (Limited
i 22), 5 20, 5 50, (Dining Car), 6 35, 6 CO,
8 12, If 00 p. m., 12 01 nPght.
Kxpross for Boston, without change, 11 00
a. ni., week-days, and 6 50 p. m. dally.
For Baltimore and Wbshineton 3 50. 7 20.
8 31, 9 10, 10 20, 11 18, 11 38 a. ni. (12 31
Limited Dining Car), 1 12, 3 46, 4 41, (5 J8
Congressioi al Limited, Dining Car), 6 17,
6 55, (Dining Car), 7 40 (Dining Car) p. m.,
and 12 05 night 'week-days. Sundays 3 50,
7 20, 9 10, 11 18, 11 38, a. m., 1 12, 4 41, 6 55,
(Dinmc Car), 7 40 p. m. (Dm nc Carl, and
12 05 night.
Leavo Market Street Ferry, Philadelphia,
Express, 5 10, 8 20 9 30 a. m.. 1 00 CSaturdav
only), 2 00, 3 CO, 4 00, 4 20, 500 5 40, p. m.
week-days. 8undaye, Express, 6 00 " 30,
8 00, 8 30, 900, 9 45 a. m.4 30, p. jn. Excur
sion, 7 00, a. m. daily.
FOR CAPE MAY. Akolesea. Wildwood.
and Holly BEAcn. Express 9 00 a. m.2 3n.
4 05, 5 00, p. ta. week-days. Sundays, 8 20,
a. m. Cape May only 1 30 p. m. Saturdavs.
Excursion, 7 00, a in. daily.
FOR SEA ISLE CITY. Ocean Oitv anp,
Avalon Express, 9 10 a. m.. 2 30.4 20 n. m.
week-days. Sundays, 8 50 a. m. Excursion,.
7 (10, a, m. daily.
FOR SOMMERS POINT. Express. 8 20.
9 30, 11. in., 2 00, 3 00, 4 U0 5 40, p. m. week
days. Sundays, 8 00, 9 (0, 9 45, a. m.
8. SI. Pkevost,
J. R. AVoop,
Gen'l. Pass'g'r Agt.
Gen'l Manaeer.
Pilsner Beer
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 "West Coal Street, .Shenandoah
IU1UC Villi tion Ttiront, i'lmples, Copperf
XnAlC IUU Colored Soots. Aches. Old Boreal
KUlcers In Mouth, llalr lalilng! Writo COOttfl
BKKaiKUX vu., UU7 31UIOUIC '1'eminej
Chlcncn. III., for proofs ot cures, Cniil-S
tul, 8500,000. Wont cases cured In 1S
Bio U5 days. lOO-puee, uoou. free.
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphroys'
"Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or HemoJirhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Hurning; Cracks or l-issures ami rjsiuiaa.
Kelief immediate cure certain.
It Cures Burks, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, -ut ana iceratea
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Boils, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It imaiuuie.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
nnd,Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Riiksm, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Knre IJns or Nostrils. Corns and Bunions.
Sore, nnd Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
tlireoizes, 25c, 50c. ana si. 00.
Bold tijDrd'eJ1i;cr tent post-psld on recsiptof price
Ul'irilUKlS aKU. CO., Ill A mnUUin St., 1tr York.