The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, July 02, 1895, Image 3

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    THERE is but one
way i the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and that is
to use only a well-established brand
of strictly pure white lead, pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
"John T. Lewis & Bros.
brand is standard "Old Dutch"
,-pfocess, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co.'s Pure White Lead Tinting
Those colors arc sold In one-pound cons, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they arc In
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors In the handiest form to
tint Strictly Ture White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free.
Philadelphia. t
Dr. Buohanan at Last Pays tho
Penalty of His Orhno.
Knees nt
I'rnys for
Nothing has ever been produced to
equal or compare with Humphreys'
Witch Hasol Oil as a curative and
healing application. It has been
used 40 years and always affords relief
and always gives satisfaction.
It Cures Piles or Hemorrhoids, External
or Internal, Blind or Bleeding Itching and
Burning; Cracks or Fissures and Fistulas.
Relief 'mediate cure certain.
It Cures Burns, Scalds and Ulceration and
Contraction from Burns. Relief instant.
It Cures Torn, Cut and Lacerated
Wounds and Bruises.
It Cures Bon ?, Hot Tumors, Ulcers, Old
Sores, Itching Eruptions, Scurfy or Scald
Head. It is Infallible.
It Cures Inflamed or Caked Breasts
and Sore Nipples. It is invaluable.
It Cures Salt Riiki'M, Tetters, Scurfy
Eruptions, Chapped Hands, Fever Blisters,
Sore Lips or Nostrils, Corns and Bunions,
Sore and Chafed Feet, Stings of Insects.
Three Sizes, 25c, 50c. and $1.00.
(5oldbyDruBElt.or sent post-paid on receiptor price.
HlMrilltKlS' JlhU. 10., HI & 1U limiioiSU.Ifw York.
mama mi nt us ttuiwim m V- hijueiliiil 0M,
Mild flpcxnFiHC gjp
Has stood the Test of Time
more sold than all other
rands combined
CK VM5D. Lettein tefdnmentnry on tlio
ct fce of .Tolin P Hollhinn lnte of VUieiuuidouh,
ScHlylklll county, rcnnsvlvnnin, iki-enst'd,
hnwg been punted to tlio undersigned all
peiHJns Indebted to Mild estate are requested to
muse payment, and thoc having claims to
prtient the Mime without delay to
j William Dkur, Kxeentor
M J Shenandoah, Fa.
IT is Attorney, J. II. Poineroy, Slienniidoidi,
F 1-ti-w-flw
Beer and Porter,
arbey's Bock Beer.
Cooks a Dinner all at one)
time Grand for Oil or Gas
Stoves. Liberal Terms. Exclu
sive Territory. Let us UU you
all about It.
306 Clin St. '
Rochester, N. V
litri. ltuclmnnn Fnlls on llor
Qovornor Morton's Feet 111 id
Her Husband's Llfo The
Deeply Affected,
SlNO Sino. July 8. With two elcctrlo
contacts, consuming not ovor n inlnuto,
Dr. Buchanan wns put to dunth In Slug
Sing prison yesterday. Llko nil others
who hnvo preceded him, ho went to donth
calmly, nnd did not sny n word In tho
dunth ehninbor. Tho only nppcnrnuco of
fright or wonknoss was tho fact Mint ho
closed his oyes when ho entered, nud did
not open them ngnln. Two contnets woro
made, hut nil tho physicians nnil olcctrlo-
Inns chum that tho second coutnet was
moroly precautionary nnd that tho victim
died Instantly. Thero wcro no burns and
no unploasnnt features, nnd every physl'
clan present dcclnred tho execution a suc
cess. Tho body has been claimed by
frloiulfl, uud the enso will go down Into
history as a causo colobro.
Warden Sago's action In procoodlng
with tho electrocution wns tho rosult of a
telegram from tho nttornoy genoral to tho
offect that tho wardon would not bo In tho
wrong If ho carried out tho scntonco In
tho caso of Dr. Buohanan. Tho lndeflnlto
lnnguugo In which tho optnlon was couched
nud tho refusal of the attornoy gonornl to
advlso tlio execution, but only to say that
ho would not advlso Its delay, did not ox-
notly ploaso tho wardon, who had oxpected
thatwhon ho acted It would bo under tho
advlco of tho stnto's legal advisor. But
after consideration nnd consultation nn
ordor was Issued to proccod with tho oxo-
Wardon Sngo said: "I am not pleased
with tho opinion of tho nttornoy general,
becauso It Is not mndo flnnl Instruction
for mo to-proceod; but, as It says that
am not justified In dolaylngtho execution
I shall go on with tho affair."
Tho most natliotlo fonturo 01 tno execi
tlon wns thovnln appenlof thocondomned
man's wlfo for executive clomenoy. Sho
wont to Rhlncollll Sunday night, anil
stopped at tho vlllago hotel. Arising
shortly nftcr 5 o'clock sho wns driven to
Ellersllo, wbero sho was admitted to tno
trovernor's mnnslon. Mr. Morton was In
bed. but on being Informed of Mrs. Buclv
annn's presence In tho house ho nroso, and
boforo 6 o clock mot nor in uis norary,
Tho woman sank on her knees boforo tho
Governor nnd pleaded for hor husband
llfo. though her grief almost prevented
her from spoaklng. Governor Morton was
nlnlnlv ovorcomo by tho woman's plead
lncr. nnd tears stood In his eyos as ho lifted
hor to her foot nnd told her that ho could
not crnnthor rcnuost.
"Tho highest courts havo confirmed your
husband's conviction, nnd I havo no right
to lntorfero. It wns my sympathy for you
that led mo to glvo him a roprlove," said
tho covoruor.
Then tho governor asked Mrs. Bu
chnnnn many nucstlons about horself, ox
pressed sympathy for hor nnd told her that
If slio over nocitou, assistance 10 can upuu
him nnd ho would gladly help hor,
After drinking a cup of coffeo which tho
govornor handed hor, Mrs. Buchanan left
Jlllorsllo and took tho 8 o'clock train for
Sing Sing. During tno oxecution iirs,
Buohanan was In tho warden's houso, hav
I lug come thoro after tho witnesses wero
summoned to tho death chamber. Sho
wns cxtremelv ncrvotis.rnnd whon told o:
tho death of her husband broko down and
wept freoly.' Sho was taken enro of by
Mrs. Sago.
Mrs. Buchnnnn Is In destltuto clrcum
stnnces, hor exponsos to Hhlneellff hnvlng
been dofrayed by Wardon Sago.
Tho persistency with which Buchanan
clung to llfo marked his caso to tho end.
Sluco tho doath of tho wlfo whom ho mur
dered on April 23, 1802, In ordor to ro
marry tho wlfo whom ho had previously
divorced, his caso lias boon marked by un
certainties which havo mndo it famous.
Ho at llrst seemed llkoly to escape sus
picion, and wns not arrested until Juno
0, following tho woman's death. His trlnl
was delayed until March 20, 1893, and
during Its early stages his acquittal ap
peared probablo. Whon ho was convicted,
April 20, 1803, a motion for a now trial
was mado, and tho questions presented to
tho court woro such that a doclslon was
not rondered until Aug. 14 following,
whon ho was sontonccd to dlo Oct. 2, 1893.
On Aug. 15, 1893, ho was brought horo,
and has boon hero uninterruptedly slnco,
with the oxoontlon of two days, whon ho
was tnkon away to bo resentenced onco
to Vow York rind onco to Albany. His
caso has boon twlco beforo tho court of ap
peals of tho stato, onco beforo tho United
states supromo court, mm any muuuur ui
delays and unusual legal proceedings havo
marked its courso through tho lowor stnto
nnd fcdornl courts.
Invitations to his oxoontlon woro sont
out four times by Wardon Sago, but In
tho first threo lnstancos, on ono ground or
another, n rosplto was secured and tho In
fliction of tho death ponnlty was post
poned, and Anally after overy moans of
stayjng tho oxooutiou was exhausted, It
roqulrod two applications of tho deadly
current to ovorcomo tho tenacity with
Which tho man clung to llfo.
Sirs. Buchanan Becomes Hysterical Over
Her Husband's ltody.
NEW YoltK, July 2. Tho body of Dr.
Robert W. Buohanan was brought to this
city last night from Sing Sing by Under
rnknrHuhnn. GeorcoW. Gibbons and his
I partner, Mr. Roach, tho lawyers who de-
fnniinii KiinniiTinii. wcro urubum. iwi nu un
dertaker's ostabllshmout on tho arrival of
tho bodv.
Mr. Huhnn placed tho body In a lnrge
enaknt. covered with bluck cloth and sil
ver handles, A largo crowd was on hand
and tho undortnker allowed ovorybody
who so doslred to pass through his estate
llshmont nnd view tho remains.
At 10 o'clock Mrs. Buchanan arrived.
Sho sllnnod throunh tho crowd unobserved
and passod Into tho room. Whon sho
roaohod tho Bldo. of tho oswkot sho leaned
forward, and In n most pitiful mnnner
said: "Oh I Robort, dear Rub, spoak to
mo. Rob! Rob 1 open your oyes and look
nt me. Hon!"
Leaning forward tho poor woman klssod
tliMnco of nor uoau husband again aim
uglHn, repeatedly culling upon him to
speak to hor. Every momont sho grow
wilder and more hystorlonl until at last,
unable to control horsolf, sho almost
shrieked lu anguish, "Oh, Rob, I lov you
,,,1 ..nlr fn mn. dear Rob I"
After Romo difficulty hor friends sue-
ccoded In getting tho unfortunate woman
nut. nf tlin mum. She Was IUKUU vu u
other room by hor friends.
' iimnri m nub Liiu uimmiiwii in fir nnw 1 .. -
muny doctors have failed to euro you, ask i '
urn luuffisuura zu-ceni vini ot ono or
iunyon's Cures, nnd If Vrill nrn lint honn.
lltcd your money will bo refunded. This
(Jompuny puts up
A cure for every disease
National League.
At Philadelphia (13 Innings-Philadelphia,
5; Bottou, 3. At Brooklyn Brook
lyn, 7( Now York, 1. At Clovcland Cleve
land, 0; Pittsburg. At Chlcngo-Chl.
cngo, 17j St. Louis, B. At Washington
Baltimore, 18; Washington, 8. At Louis
vlllo (7 Innings) Cincinnati, lit Louis-
Specialist In dlfcn'ec of tlio
Ear, Kose and Throat
Knstorn I.engno,
At Wllkosbnrre Scranton. IB; Wllkos
bnrro, 11. At Roohestor Roohester, 12;
Syracuse, 10. At Springfield Providence,
7i Springfield, 8, At Toronto First game:
Buffalo, IB; Toronto, 5. Second gamo:
Toronto, 11; Buffalo, 7.
Pennsylvania State Loagtio.
At Lancaster Rending, 11; Lancaster,!).
AtPottsvlllo Carbondalo, 28; Pottsvlllo.
10. At Hazloton (12 Innings) Hazlototi, 7;
Allcutown, 6.
207 West Mnrlict St., Pottsvlllo.
Honrs 8:30 n. in. to 12 in: 1 to 1 1. 111.. to 8 u.
m. Htincliij.", 9 11. in, lu 12 111. ly
(Formerly Murphy Bro.)
Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant,
19 Xorth Main Street.
Tlio bar nipplied with first-chits wines
inuors beer, nlo porler. Clioieo cienrs.
Open all night. Free lunch from 9 a. m. to
p. 111.
Excellent music day nnd evening at
Weeks' Museum,
17 South Main Street.
Grand display of birds nnd animnlof nl
kinds nnd finest paintings in tho county.
Best Beer, Porter nnd Ales,
Finest Brnnds of Cigars.
EYco lunch overy morning and evening.
John Weeks, Proprietor.
Pilsner Beers,
Finest, Purest, Hcalthies:.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
Thieves at n flro In I'nrlt.
PAltls, July 2. One of tho most disas
trous fires in years occurred lu Godlllot's
military outfitting establishment yestor-
day. Tho water failed, and It was only
posslblo, to Bomo extent, to prevent tho
lire spreading, but fourteen liousos In tho
vicinity woro also burned. Ono flroman
was killed and urtecn injured. Two thoa
sand poople nro thrown out of employment
nnd 2,5 peoplo aro loft homeless. Tho
property loss is 2,000,000 francs. A rcpul
slvo aspect of tho terrlblo ovont wns tho
presence of a crowd of thlovos, who ran
sacked tho neighboring houses, frighten
ing tho Inmates and seizing everything
Fraternal Insurance Order Ilnnlirnpt,
Cleveland, July 2. Grand Raugor
William Oolstrom, of tho Ohio division,
Indopondont Foresters, announces that
tho order in this state will probably pass
out of oxlstcnco within two or threo days.
A lack of young blood Is glvon as tho
causo of tho order's failure, and It is esti
mated that tho mombors will loso In tho
In tho neighborhood of 870,000. Tho poli
cies outstanding nggregato ?"00,000. Tho
order was organized principally for tho
Insurance of mombors on tho assessment
Joseph Alanloy'a Welcome llnine,
AUGUSTA, Mo., July 2. Hon. Joseph
Mnnley, chairman of tho Republican na
tional executlvo eomnilttco, was tendered
a reception last night at his homo on Hos
pital street by tho citizens of Augusta.
The festivities wcro In tho nature of a
welcome to Mr. Mnnley on his return
from nn extended European tour. General
W. S. Chonto delivered tho nddress, to
which Mr. Manlcy responded. Over 2,000
peoplo woro prcsont during tho ovcnlng.
Contractor Dnkln of Syrncuso Tolls
or tlio Flnnl Success of a Itlg
(From the Syracune It. 1'. Post.")
Mr. Gcorgo Dnkln Is n well-known con
tractor nnd resident of Syracuse, and a
roprcsontatlvo business man of that city.
Our rcproscntativo found him oversee
ing tho sower work nt the Arsenal, nnd in
tho following interview ho describes how
ho 1ms finally completed the biggest con
tract ho has ever undertaken.
"Mr. Dnkln, doesn't your business ox
poso you to many unhealthy conditions?"
" Yes, I nm continually catching cold."
" Does it affect your general health?"
"It has brought on kidney disorders,"
"Ilavo vou been troubled from that
source nuy length of time?"
"I think it stnrtcd during tho war, In
which 1 took nn nctivo part, and overy
cold I catch has nggrnvatod It."
"What wero tho symptoms?"
" Lamo back ami trouble with the kid
ney organism. I havo doctored for years
and used all kinds of remedies I heard of,
without relief. My enso is as follows " :
"Some littlo tlmo ago I was in n very
bad condition, hardly ablo to hobblo
around; I had been in Madison County
looking after a contract there for the State ;
I got very wet, uud, ns usual, was laid tip.
I was simply twisted way around ami
doubled up on ono side; when I attempted
to stand tip it seemed as though I would
tear out ono of my kidneys; wliilo In this
condition I saw Doan's Kidney Pills ad
vertised. Being almost desperate, I waa
willing to try anything for relief. I be
gan using them, ana the result was truly
wonderful. I feel as young ns a boy, nnd
It is tho first tlmo in many years that I
havo been perfectly free from pain In tho
small of my back. All urinary troubles
gone. 1 am pericctiy wen, ana no traces
of my former trouble remain. I gladly
recommend Doan's Kidney Pills."
Prlco, CO cents per box ; for sale by nil
dealers or mailed by Fostcr-Milbura Co.,
Buffalo, N, Y., solo agents for tho U. S.
For Sale at Kirlin's Pharmacy.
A Dispute In Koitncky That Slay DHL
nately Iti'unlt In lllnndahed.
AsilLAXl), Kr., July 8. In Carter eminty
thero is Intense excitement because of th
nppenrnnce of strangers who acknowledge
their mlislou to bo to collect tho famoui
railroad tax that has been 111 dispute foi
forty years. This tax grows out of the
bond Usue ot 75,OO0 to the Klljtnbethtown
and Lexington and Big Sandy railroad
from Lexington to Cattlettsburg. The
company nfter scouring the bonds, nbnn
doned the project, selling the bonds nt o
liberal dlsoount to David Stanton, a mill
lonnlro nt Clnolnnatl. Through a mis
take of tho county attorney In drawing lit.
the contract the road' and the people es
coped the liability for construction, nnd
their refusal to meet tholr agreement gave
rife to the contest that has ever since been
successfully mntntnlued. All who voted
the bonds, save a single resident of Cartel
county, aro dead, and 2,B00of the new gen
eration havo organized to resist the colleo
Numoroui attempts havo fnlled, aud It
Is now regarded as worth your life to at
tempt the collections. Two months ago n
deputy collector, after making a levy upon
the farmers' property, esoaped being
lynched by 600 peoplo by slipping oil tn
tho night. Tho men are determined that
no collection shall be made, and openly
nunounco It. If Peck and his deputies re
sort to Imperative measures there may be
bloody scones. All that holds the mattei
from, a crisis now is a doubt of tho sincer
ity of the collector nnd his allies.
Price Gets a Iteprleve.
DENTON.Md., July 2. Marshall E. Prlco,
sentenced to bo hanged July 5, has been
granted a reprlovo by Governor Brown,
his caso having bcon cited to tho court of
npp.eals. Prlco is now In Denton jail,
having boon returned hero from Balti
more jail, whero ho was taken to prevent
lynching. Caroline county peoplo again
talk of lynching, and cite the law's de
lays lu justification. Prlco killed the
school girl, Sallle E. Dean.
Chlchentcr's EnelUh Diamond It ran J.
Original and Only Genuine. A
SArp, fdwayi reliable, ladies ask XiA
DraRgist for Chlchttttr KngKah W-xf
mond BranJ In ltetl anl Gold malllo V5y
iboxea, scaled wttn biae fiudoh. i uko v w
nn ntiA. ItttiiMn diinneroiiM tubatitu V
tiorw and imitations. At Druggtiti, or iead 4c
In stamps lor f ortloulnrt, tcattmontals an 1
itolli.f fi. Kfiilloft." in tetter br return
MalL 10,000 TVMimoniaU. A'ame Mipr.
rhIpl.ptrrl'kcmIcullO..:UUIliii r-nun
Bold Lr ill Local uruutJ.
Cor. Cherry and Gilbert Sts.
Finest Beers, "Wines and Liquors
Choice Temperance Drinks.
Best Brands of 5 and 30c Cigars,
illiUCVnil "r THroat, Pimples, Copperf
llAlt I UU Colored Spots, Aches, Old bores t
Ulcers In Mouth, nali'allinel Write COOKS
Jltr..Ur.ll Y CO., :U7 Jlnmnlc M'empiej
JChlcnir". 111., for proofs of cures. Cupl-
atul, wsu,oou. worst cases curea in 1111
Rio US days. lOO-pnice IpooU free. I
Millions of Dollars
Go up in smoke overy year.
Take no risks but get your houses,
stock, furniture, etc., insured in first
class, reliable companies, as repr-
sented by David 1aust, insurance
120 South Main Street.
Also Life nnd Accidental ConiDnnies.
North Main Street, Mahanoy City
Largest nnd ttnest hotel In tho region.
Finest nccoinmodiulons. Hnmlsomo ilxtures
Pool nnd Billiard Itooras Attached.
Another New York Wlfo Murderer.
New YoilK, July 2. Herman Relckshot
and killed his wlfo Amelia last night. Tho
woman had boon living apart from her
husband during tho last two years under
nor maldon nnmo of worth. Her husband
had annoyed her a year ngo, and sho
finally appealed to tho authorities for pro.
teetlon. llolck wns sent to prison for six
months. Last night ho called on her and
a qunrrol commenced, ondlug with tho
Appointed by Governor Hastings
HAltltIsnuitQ,Jtily2. Govornor Hastings
has appointed William Council of Scran-
ton.Ropresentntlvo William T.Marshall of
Allegheny, Senator J. Henry Cochran of
Wllllanisport, Aloxnnder Dcmpstock of
Pittsburg, and Hnrvoy H. Hubbert, of
Philadelphia, members of tho oxecutlvo
committee of tho Cotton States exposition
commission. Tho governor has called
meeting of tho commission lu this city on
July 0.
The Whisky Trim Itoorennlzed.
SritlNGFlELD, ills., July 2. Tho secre
tary of stato yesterday granted a llccnso
for tho Incorporation of the old whisky
trust, under tho name of tho American
Spirits Manufacturing company, with
principal olllces In Chicago. Capital stool
$o5,000,000, $7,000,000 of which Is preferrod
and the bnlanco common stock. Tho In
corporators aro Charles H. Holdcn, Alfred
S. Austrnln and M. Henry Guorln.
2 Valuable properties,
On North White Street.
Double block of dwellings, Nos. 30 and
32 North White street, between Centre and
T,lnvd streets.
Also, a donblo block of dwellings, Nos.
nn nnd 118 North White street, between
Lloyd and Coal streets.
Apply at the HERALD OFFItlB
Your Stomach : : :
Cannot stand tile same washing that y
lioots do, nnd the water you drink
oven lit for tliat purpose Uto
Loronz Schmidt's Beor and Porter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch
Twlco Sentenced to Death.
Atlanta, July 2, Willlo Myers, aged
10, who lured Forost Crowley, a country
merchant, to a lonoly spot In tho suburbs
of this city ono day last September and
murdorcd him for Ills monoy, was yoster.
day, for tho second tlmo, sentenced
hang. His second trial resulted llko tho
first In a verdict of guilty. Aug. 2 Is tho
dato fixed for the oxecution.
Velxoto's Death Was Very Sudden,
New Yoisk, July 2. A tolcgram to Tho
Herald concerning the death of Pelxoto
says that tho ox-prosldont expected to leavo
his homo for Klo Janeiro fcnturday af tor-
noon, whon ho was attacked with tho fa
tal disease, a combination of bori lirl
fover and abscess of tho liver. Ho v ns
comatose until half-past 0 o'clock p. m.,
whon ho died.
When in Pottsville Stop at
Phil. Woll's Hotel,
200 North Centre Street.
Meals nt nil hours. Ladies' dining room
attached. Finet wines, liquors, cigars.
Shenandoah's Reliable
Hand Laundry.
Cor. Lloyd nnd White Sts.
MI work gnnrnntecd to bo tlrst-clnss In every
particular. Silk tics nnd lnco cnrtnlns n spec
ialty. Goods called for nnd delivered. A trial
John F. Cleary,
Mineral waters, Weiss hecr. Bottler of tho
llncst lager beers.
X7 and 10 Peach Allej, SI eiini drah. Vn
Atlantic City's Favorite Summer Resort,
Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantic
'Mty, N. J., near tlixocenn ; rooms airy
and pleasant; handsomely furnished;
good board! largo garden aud lawn.
Send for circular. Hates moderate.
1. O. Box 207.
Folnonod Her Children nnd Herself.
JEFKEKSONVILE, Ind., .July 2. When
tho sister of Mrs. Benson lionuctt visited
tho lntter's house sho discovered a horrible
sight. Mrs. Bennett and her two children
Homer, 0 yonrs old, and Lotto, aged 12
lay upon tho bod. Tho children wero dead
and tho mother wns In tho agony of a
dondly polsou. Physicians were called,
but Mrs. Bennett Is probably bcyondhelp.
Sho had poisoned tho children, who had
boon dond for soveral hours, aud after
watching them dlo had taken poison her
self. Sho Is tho widow of Benson Ben
uott, who defaulted as treasurer of Clark
lodge, Brotherhood of Flromon, and who
committed suicide some tlmo ngo.
Shlnburn Wnnted Knst nnd West.
Concord, N. H., July 2. Tho question
whether or not Max Shlnburn, tho "king
of bunk robbers," uudor arrest at New
York, will bo returned to tho Now Hnmp
shlro stato prison, Is of much Intorcsb
hero. When ho oscnped from Concord ho
hnd served only nlno months out of a sen
tenco of ten years for participation In tho
robbery of the bank at Walpolo on April
2, 1803. Tho first night after his convic
tion ut Keeno ho gavo tho officers tho slip.
Ho is also wanted by tho Illinois authori
ties. His total stealings aro said to ag
gregate a million dollars.
Their Children Go With Them.
Jacksonville, Fla, July 2. Extradi
tion papers for Thomas Gray nnd wlfo,
charged with tho murder of David Scully,
70 years of ago, near Cpburg, Ontario,
Canada, wero npproved by Governor
Mitchell, and Gray and his wfcfn passed
through hero from Ocala, whero they woro
arrested. They wero lu chnrgo of a deputy
shorlff, who loft with them on tho Clydo
lino steamship for Now York. Five smalt
children accompany tho ncouscd.
Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
A tonic for ladies. If you are suffer
ing from weakness, and feel exhausted
and nervous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine
will brine roses to your cheeks and
restore you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for vour daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for
all ailments peculiar to womanhood.
It promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
jPi.. -WESLEY,
i06 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
Iloebery Charged with Inconsistency.
London, July 2. Tho Post and Tho
Graphic remark upon tbn llloglonl crea
tion of peers by a government uponiwhoso
program tho political oxtlnotlou pf the
houso of lords is prominently inscribed.
Tho Dally Nows says that It must not bo
hastily assumed that Lord Rosel.ory had
suddenly becomo Inconsistent, and hint
that tho pcoragos just conferred were
promised priur to his sweeoh at Hrai'.'otd.
against tho houso oflords.
Irolnnd'a Now Chief Secretary.
London, July 2. Gerald William Bal
four, brother of tho Right Hon. A. J.
Balfour, first lord of th treasury, has
been appointed chief secretary for Ireland.
Gorald William Balfour Is a member of
parliament for control Leeds, Ho was
born in 1853, and educated at Eton and.
Trinity collogo, Cambridge. Ho was ap
pointed privnto secrotary to his brother
whon tlio lattor was president of tho local
government board In 1883.
Case9 Against Strikers Dismissed.
San Francisco, July 2. Tho caso
agulnst nil tho strlkors who wero Indicted
by tho federal grand jury lust Soptombor
for obstructing the United Statos malls
and Interfering with Interstnto commerco
were dismissed In the United States dis
trict court yostorday, on motion of United
States District Attornoy Footo.
Cardinal Gibbons Declined to Leave Us.
London, July 2. A special dispatch re
ceived horo from Homo says that tho popo
has Invited Cardinal Gibbons to surrendor
his dlocoso, that of Baltlmoro, Md., and to
reside In Rome nnd take part In tho poll
tics of'tho Vatican. It is addud that Car
dinal Gibbons refused tho offer of his holi
ness. Stole a llugful ol Gumbllns Cash.
Colorado Si'itiNos, Colo., July 3. A
special from Tollurldo says: Hudson &
Peters' gambling houso was robbod by
two masked men, who, with drawn re
volvers, compelled the Inmates to gather
up tho onsh nnd dollvor It to them in a
tack. Tho amount obtained is not stated.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Joe Wijatt's Saloon,
Pool rooui attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and ale constantly on tap.
lliolco temperance uriuKsaim cigars.
Inspecting the Pnnamn Canal.
Colon, Colombia, July 2. Tho United
Statos worship Montgomery, having on
bonrd tho United Statos commission ap
pointed to report upon tho routo of tho
Nicaragua canal, and tho possibility of
digging that proposed watorway, has ar
rived hero from San Juan dol Sur (Groy
town). Tho commissioners havo visited
Jan Jose, Costa HIcn, and is today to In
spect tho routo of the Panama canal.
Honors for J. Itnndolph Tuckor.
Lexington, Vn., July 2. Union univer
sity, at Sohnectady, N. Y., hns just hon
ored Hon. J. Itnndolph Tucker, ex-nttor-noy
general of Virginia, ex-congressman
from this district nnd now dean of the law
school of Washington and Leo university,
with tho dogreo of LL. D. William and
Mary in 1875, Ynlo lu 1887 nnd Harvard la
1890 conforred tho same dogreo on him.
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
Uprfii" Hnildin?.
Alleged Murderess Acquitted.
LowviLLK.N.Y., July 2. Mary Wright, j
of Watson, was discharged from custody
yestorday on tho ground of insufficient
evldcuco. Sho had boon hold for tho mur
der, flvo yoars ag-j, of her first husband,
James Hughes.
Sir Thpfil 1317 Arch St.
Tho only (ienulnr ocelalht In America,
notnltlietmnlln,. t others ndrertle.
Special diseases nnd Strictures
Permanent Ijr Cured In a to 6 dajs
BLOOD POISON u??urbvent!re7r
new method la su to uu days. 8 years1 Luro
nean llosultal and liruotleal experience, as
I'HiLinratMH ami Dlnlbinps nrove. bend five
i-cent stamps Ut booK, TRUTH," the only
I , fina, k tlrw'inra and oluersau-
vertlJnB as great bpoclaUl.ts. A irue menu
I (..nn ,nff.r. Ainf tu those contemplating
marriage. 'iiiwrnuhfc'.iuuiHnuiuuuuKcvw .
JllClieU, nniOUl l.UttUUWM,INi
lours i -a i ft'u
(-U) Sun. i-il
Successful t
and Sat. eve't
Customs Inspection on the Conadlnn Idnr
Washing-ton, July 2. W. B. Howelf,'
special treasury ogont, has returned from
nn official inspection tour of custom offices
along tho Canadian border. He reports
that tho work of inspecting through goods
at Detroit, Suspension Bridge and Bur
lington, Vt., Is most thorough, aud tho
volume of business larger tbau over be
fore. Well IMeased with Valkyrie III.
London, July 2. Tho Sportsman says:
"Judging from Saturday's rnco wo esti
mate, making a liberal discount for flukes
In ordinary summer wenthor, that Val
kyrlo III would beat Britannia over a fifty
tnllo courso by thlrteon minutes. Lord
Dunravon Is groatly pleased."
Eiecnted on a French War Vessel.
Rio Janbiro, July 2 A dispatch from
Para says that a Brazilian subject named
Pedro Forro was captured by the French
In the frontier fighting between French
Guinea and Brazil, aud was shot an board
tho French dispatch vessel Bengali.
Ills llody Fouud In the Surf.
CAPK May, July 2. Johu Hloe, 20 years
old, ot Wilmington, Del., was drowned
wliilo bathing hero yesterday. His death
was not discovered until the body was
found floating In the surf.
Appointed Under Seoretary of Wat.
Lonbon, July 3. Tho Times this morn;
lug announces that Hon. St. Johu Fro
mantle Broderlck has bcon appointed un
der secretary of war.