HERHLB. VOL X. NO. 1G5. SHENANDOAH, PA, MONpAY, JULY 1, 1895 ONE CENT EUENIN i REFRIGERATORS BABY Ul STOCK! BEST MAKE! LOWEST PRICES! P. Williams & Son, South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa. CHERRINGTON BROS. INE GROCERS, No. 122 North Main becial Sale of 0JLclM,T:re Jars l Miawa Lst qualities of OIL CLOTHS from It patterns. Kson's preserving jars at So cents a dozen. Ily glasses with tin lids at the lowest possible prices. Do not forget that we carry the best An Immense Assortment of the Latest Novelties, Lowest Prices. LAGS and No. 21 North Main Street, Shenaudoah, Pa. MY Ml iur sheets are all 24 yards long, with each. Well-made pillow and bolster each Men's fine white shirts, first - ter than 50c. kind of other stores; Ladies' ribbed vests, all sizes, 7c. each, '4 for 25c. .Every department is up fid see us for bargains. L. J. Wilkinson, ew Carpets. j'his week wo offer a now line and Moquetto Carpets. A full iy Brussels. Also another lot ctly the same quality as wo have heen soiling at 50 cents, ain at 25 conts, reduced from 40 cents All Wool Ingrains ra Quality A large stock of lies. New Moquette Rugs at low prices. Linoleums at re-l-ed prices, fecials .in Canned Goods. We received today another 1, 4 for 25 cents. The best Iher lot of Fancy Cold Packed Tomatoes, 4 for 25 cents. p Table Peaches, 2 cans 25 cents. California Pears, 2 for 25 lits. Alaska Salmon, 10 cents a can. day A lot of imade Fancy Dairy Butter. Three cars No. 1 Timothy Hay. Two oars Choice White Oats. Hue onr Heavy Winter Wheat Mlddllugs. Oue onr Yellow Corn. At Keiter's. CARRIAGES Street, Shenandoah, Pa. jv.j w. www-.. 22 to 85 cents per yard. All the brandi of flour at lowest prices. LANT ERNS. um mttaw niowo 2 in. hem at the top; prices 50c. to cases for 8, 10, 122,15, 18 and class in every way, only 35c. each to date in prices and quality. Come 29 S. Main St. ot choice patterns of Axrain- stock of velvet, Tapestry and of now Ingrains at 35 cents, llag Carpets, all prices and lot of Fancy Northern Sugar we have had at the price. Also Strictly Fresh- Investigated by the Lamp and Watch Committee. THE TESTIMONY PEODUOED. Joseph Temple Says he Saw the Police Drink Boor Tho Accused and the Aliened Uoorteuder Deny the Story. The lamp and watch comtnltteo of the Borough Council met in the Council chamber Saturday night to investigate the charges made at the last meeting of Council by Councilman Gable against Chief of l'oliceTosh and Patrolman Walaltls. It it believed from the result of the investiga tion that the committee will make a report in favor of the accused officers. The investigation was attended by Messrs. Gafllgau, Kerns and D. R. James, members of the committee, Councilman Gable, Joseph Temple, who . was the informer, and the accused pollcemeu. Temple stated that ou the night In ques tion he drank beer out of the same keg in the Columbia brewery from which Tosh and Walaltls received beer, and that the officers drank three glasses each. He said he stood but ten feet from the officers, but they did not, see(hlm, aud that the beer was handed out by a man named Clark, au em ploye of the brewery. Clark was sent for and appeared. Ho denied every part of Temple's story and said he saw Tosch at the brewery several times, butnotnttho time stated by Temple. Once Tosh called him from bed to attend a horse which was sick, and another time Tosh called ou legal business Councilman Gable asked the character of the legal business aud Clark refused to state it. Temple said his reason for reporting the officers was because Tosh had reported that some of the 'firemen were drunk at the recent big fire. Clark said the police never got a drink of beer at the brewery that he knew of. Policemen Tosh and Walaitis emphati cally denied the charge. The former said he courted the fullest Investigation that it was possible for the cointnitteo to make. Ho asked If .there were objections" to' tHo4,turllntne.oincerand dragged him into police taking a drink, or two glasses of beer, and said ho would swear that Temple never saw him take a glass of beer either In the brewery, or any other place in the county. Chief Tosh now has his war paint on and says the police would like to know if the P. Si It. C. & I. Co. keeps men to watch tho police, and if men employed by it drink free beer while in their working clothes and should be at work on the night shift, are not subject to investigation. Schellly XIouso. Hot lunch tonight. Wllllts-Rushworth. Miss Matilda Rushworth, daughter of Mrs. Samuel Rushworth, a former resident of this town aud now located at Cramer Hill, N. J., aud Mr. Virgil Wllllts, Jr., of Camden, N. J., were married last week at the latter placo and have occupied a haud somely furnished home there. When you want good roofing, plumbing gas fitting, or general tlinsmlthlng done call on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre street. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf Hot night. lunch at the Scbeilly House to- Now Conscious. , Miss Agnes Leckle, the young lady who was Injured by falling from a swing at Lakeside last Monday evening, regained consciousness Saturday evening and is making good progress towards recovery, although she is uot able to talk. Hare your carpets, feathers nnd mat tresses cleaned by the Steam Renovating Co., 32 East Coal street. 4-1 7-3 in Too Much Pop. A South Jardiu streot family was aroused from slumber Saturday night by tho report of an explosion, followed by a shattering aud falling of glass. Tho raoket occurred in oueof tho lower apartments of the house aud for some time none of the occupants would venture down stairs. A council was held and It was concluded to wait until tho burglar would show himself nt one of the bedrooms and then shoot him on tho spot. After waiting for some time for the sup posed intruder to appear the head of tho family made an exploration nnd discovered that a bottle of home-made root beer left on the table had exploded and shattered a 812 hanginglamp. Huudreds of precious little ones owe their lives to Dr. Thomas' Electrlo Oil, the sovereign cure for croup and all other throat orlung diseases. Flower .Mission Report. The report of Miss Price, superintendent of '.he Flower Mission, for June shows that soveu (lower bouquets, four baskets of frul',, one glasB of jelly, one loaf of bread and one dish of Ice cream were distributed. Twc dollars was the amount of douatious to tUe Mission. Beventeeu visits were made. I no dose of Dr. Fowler's Est of Wild Strawberry will check any case of diarrhoea if taken at the star; ELECT PARAGRAPHS. Subjedts In Which All Renders Take Deep Interest. "Motlfitr, may I go out to wheel t" "icBf my uiuuiiK dnugliter; I simtiflsc, of course you wont wear skirts, Altljiough I think you'll ouguter." No foreign lings are to be carried in tho parade or displayed in any ot the other public' celebrations of Independence Day In 8an;Franclsco this year. Only the Stars aud Stripes will bo carried or flown. There was much general discussion over the point before lit was settled in this way, Repre sentatives of many organizations wanted to havjft foreign Hags carried In company with nio American flag, but public senti ment settled that Independence Day is an American Day, and only Stars and Stripes have arigbt to recognition In its public celebration. Igan has passed an autl-treatlng t prohlblts'a man from asking an- take something at a bar, nnd also sa penalty for .the bartender that rink before a customer when tho drinkffs paid for by another person. Saloon patron's who like to drink alone will be ple.iseit with the new law, as under it they can Malk boldly Into a place and call nonchalantly for their refreshments, with out fe&r of having to buy drinks for the whole house, whereas under the old con dition they were obliged to .sneak off stealthily down side streets for their quaffs, ortofloa lot Of peeping and recouuoltcr lng bfforo entering a saloon. It will be a hardship, though, ou the thousands of Majors and Colonels that hang around drinking resorts waiting for the call to arms. ' These and the "Don't care if I do's" will have to find some slick way of evadirg tho law, or their tonsils will soon be hung with cobwebs, and a dark brown aridity will decorate the domes of their mouths. Babies made happy with Luks' Syrnp. i-i m ;' Caught nt Last, John Talbuski was placed in the lockup yesterday by John Jones and Policeman Kerwln. Talbuski has been a fugitive for several' weeks aud was arrested while walk ing altfng West Oak street, upon being recognized by Jones. One night during the early part of May, while Chief of PolioiTosh was patrolling South Main street; he ordered a hurley Pole to desist his npls; iy conduct and co home. The latter a saloon. A struggle for several minutes continued between the officer and his assailant. Talbuski was lu the place and attempted to strike Tosh with a poker, but bit Jones. The saloonkeeper and Tosh's assailant were arrested, but Talbuski succeeded In keeping out of tho way until yesterday. Pny-Dny Crop. The pay-day crop of drunks was up to the usual number Saturday night. Four teen reposed upon the wooden benches in the cells. One of them was a woman named Amelia Longofskl, who was put iu on a charge made by her husband that she got drunk and wrecked tho household goods. Amelia is still serving time for tho blow she rendered the coming woman fad. A HIO CHANCE ! A BIG CHANCE ! For Thoso who Need n Now Suit forthe Fourth of July At Golrtlii'a Mnm moth Clothing House. We have ou hand au enormous stock of light summer suits, in all colors, and at greatly reduced prices. Fine French clays nnd diagonals, which were formerly sold at S12.C0, now go nt 8. Summer suits atone-half their value. A great stock of boys' aud children's clothing golug nt any price. Big line of straw hats for men, boys and children selling at low prices. GitBAT Masimotji Clothinq House, 9 aud 11 S. Main St., The largest storo aud biggest stock in the county. 6-27-5t L. GOLDIK, Prop. Journey n la Oliloa Times. Mr, and Mrs. Edward Hennessy will to. morrow leave Mahanoy City for Vermont, They will journey to New York by easy stages with horse and large family carriage, leisurely enjoying the beautiful scenery alonjjthe route. Leaving tho horse and carrljigo In Now York they will journey by stealer to Boston. After speudlug a few days in the city of pork and beans tbey will go to Mr, Heuuessy's relatives in Ysr mout by rail. They will return In atKmt five weeks by n difl'eront route. " Lehigh Vnlloy Rallrond. A delightful trip to the Rockies can be madi cheaply by taking advantage of speclil low rate via Lehigh Valley route to Denjer, Col., on account of the National Educational Association meeting, July 5-12th. Tlokets sold July 2d tooth inoluslve goodjfor roturu until July lflth, with ex tensm of limits to August 31st, If desired, affording ample time for side trips to Colotvulo Springs, Manltou, Pike's Peak, etc. G-27-St A Dog on a Rnu. A large, yellow, bob-tailed dog scared the residents of West Coal street aud Apple alley yesterday morning by running about with froth dripplug from its mouth. A number of people chased the animal and It disappeared In the neighborhood of the Kehler Run colliery. It lbVsald it bit a number of cats and a dog. Male, the jeweler, for L'our wedding rings, 10 North Main street.! tf Mlcl! law. y. other ib provide sets ail Important Matters Which tho L'eoplo Talk About. COMPLAINT ON THE LOOKUP A Llttlo Ureezo In Educational Circles. School Directors Make Somo Dis coveries That nro Not Pleasing-Election ofTcucUors. Much indignation is expressed over tho condition of the lockup. The complaint not only comes from people who have beon compelled to servo time In the cells, but from people who have escaped that mis fortune and have had occasion to visit the place. A gentleman of the legal pro fession says the borough runs a risk of suits for damages by maintaining such a place for imprisonment. Ho says that while the law does not expect that Inmates of tho place shall be provided with up holstered couches and that the floors of tho cells shall be covered with velvet carpets, it expects that a placo of imprisonment shall be such as is fit for a human being, and the prosent quarters are certainly uot up to ,that standaid. The complaint Is certainly not without justification, Tho authorities must admit that the lockup is a disgrace to the community. It has been such from the time of its erection. In tho first place, it is too small. There are times when prisoners are packed in the cells like swine and all grades are mingled. The police themselves are ashamed of the place and there havo been times when their conscience compelled them to convert the Council chamber into a prison. As a model for sanitary regulation the lockup Is a complete failure and as a place for securely confin ing prisoners it is no better. This has been shown by the number of escapes during the past"year. A desperate criminal wlh a desire it, escape can afford to laugh at the locks and bai-viwd several of them have done so. It would be well for the authorities to give a now prison somo consideration. The School Board will hold a regular meeting next Wednesday evening and an olectlooCaeacherajuitLjanltors for the next school term will take placo. It promises to be interesting. Thc-e are twenty applicants for appolutmei.'- as school teachers and twenty-three lor janl. torshlps, besides the applicants now filling the positions. There will bo two vacancies in the corps of teach ers. Mr. Scueuhlne and Miss Leho will not be applicants for . re-eleistlou, The former has gone to Philadelphia to study pharmacy aud the latter retires from the profession in contemplation of matri mony. It is rumored that tho rules of the board so far as they apply to the teachers will be rigidly enforced during the next term. This, it is said, is due to a discovery by some of the School Directors that advantage has been taken by somo of the teachers. It is claimed that during the past term schools were frequently dismissed before the proper time and that some teachers have been sharing in the wages paid substitutes for teaching iu their absence. The ground is taken that tho share of wages a substitute surrenders to a teacher belongs to tho board j that If a substitute Is willing to take a teacher's place for 81.50 a day the board should uot be required to pay f 3. The test of the public wator works pipos has again been postponed. The contractor was unable to make arrangements lu time for this morning, but says ho will be ready at auy time after nine o'clock tomorrow morning. Meanwhile reports have gained circulation that portions of the Kehley Run colliery workings aro caving in and endangering the pipe line leading from tho reservoir. The Borough Council will moet tonight and the situation will probably bo betterunderstood when the Superintendent roports. Luks' soothing syrup for TOM talrffe. Alarm of Fire. The fire department wni qal)e4 $6 the Stable at the rear of William Sehraiqkerti West Coal street property en Saturday afternoon, but It service was not re quired. A second alarm was sounded from the same box, but this was duo to 'jgfme defect lu tho system. Go to Maley's for ladies' silver bolt buckles, 10 Nortli Main street. tf Au Abandoned Corpse. The dead body of a new born Infant was found yestorday in the creek at Beatty's dirt bank, near Girardvillo. Kirlln's compound blaokberry cordial Is tho best. Ton Per Cent. Ilolow the Basis. It Is officially announced that the miners' wages for the last half of Juno and tho first half of July have been fixed at ten per cent, below the $2.60 basis, the same rate prevailing the past month. Give teething children Luks' soothing syrup. Wn tron House. Boston baked beans to Vegetable schil The only ball THE BUSY STORE 110 nnd 118 North Main St. No sign of lettincr un. It is known our goods are most attractive. Buyers find prices lower with us than else where. This is the verv reason whv our tore is always in a bustle. LADIES CORSET COVERS. This opens the sale of Muslin Under wear, Cambric Covers now 15 cents, same with Embroidery, now, 25 cents. At such prices1 never offered before. LADIES' CHEMISES. With tucking or embroidery this week to sales prices ,25 cents, i COTTON COVERT CLOTH. The greatest advantage you cer had is given to you in this lot. Noth ing like it in town, beautifalin effect. All shades this week 9 cents. FANCY SURAH De LAINES. Also included in the above sale different patterns and designs. All we ask you Come and see and you will buy this week, 9 cents. The P. W. Corset is glove fitting. Heminway's Silks are- the only genuin2 to use. Max Schmidt. PERSONAL. Hon. Joseph Wyatt went to Harrlsburg this morning. Michael Scheider, tho North Main strpot. confectioner, made a business trip to Read- lug today. Mr. and Mrs. John Coslett went to Phil adelphia this morning. Michael King, of Pottsville, was a guest of town friends yesterday. Mr. and Mrs. H. C. Boyer have returned from a week's sojourn at Atlantic City. Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Sillman. who married on tff6s2d inst, passed tlrougli town Sfttnrrlnr mi 4l.nl.. from their wedding tour, TcTiTncTuleali"" visit to New York, Philadelphia, Atlantic dtyrOape TVlXyj- !tffll-imdetl atCeutralia. They have located it Minorartlla. Abe Miller andMor.u. ITyraiw, of Havlo ton, were visitors to town.yeb. Uy. Miss Carrie Heldenreiah, of ijileton, was the guest of Mr. and -Mrs. p. L. yesterday. Mrs. J. H. Martin and Mrs. Charles Gir vin spent this afternoon visiting friends at the county seat. Lawrence Culleu, Martin Mullahy and Constable Glblon made a trip to Pottsville ' this afternoon. A Gnla Day. ( Efforts are being made o have the dem onstration of next Thursday eclipse any celebration of the Fourth of July efer held In Shenandoah. The features In preparation are many and unique. It is proposed to causo nil other gala days to sink Into luslgulflcance. The ideas 'and suggestions offered to aud accepted by the committee, aud to be carried out, ,wili present a series of attractions, which can not fall to charm and please the citizens of Shenandoah, as well as tho largo delega tions from surrounding towns who will come here to onjoy the show. The Col umbia Hose Company will hold a picnic on the Fourth and Fifth and will havo a grand fantastic parado of Its own ou the lattei day. Congo's New Venture. Philip Coffee,, of towu, Is making arraugements to open a grocery store a' Tamaqua. Ho has routed a place aud i laying iu a stock. Bought a Property. Justlco T. T. Williams bal; proehased tho Ddrnslfa nrflneri. ltl Aiiil 1JH ' Jardiu street, from Mm, AUta,' for 53,100, 'Twill Be The beet hivoityaant you ever made if you uy a beautiful Tiat of tho latest style ft IS, or auloe black Derby for $1 at Mn Lovlt's Up-to-Date hat aud gents' furnish ing store, IB East Centre street, Tltmon's new building. We have all The things you want tqfit you out for the picnics, and" we will endaavor to treat yoi iowell that it well be like going to h . picnic to visit us often, through out the year. KortU Jardin Street, RAPS I