"mm I. REMEMBER there are hundreds of brands of hite Lend (so called) on the market that are not White Lead, composed largely of Barytes and other cheap materials. But the Lt number of brands of genuine Strictly Pure White Lead is limited. This brand is standard "Old Dutch" process, and just as good as it was when you or your father were boys : "John T.Lewis & Bros. Pno rVitnpc Mallnnal Lead Co.'s Purs While Lead Tinting Colon, a one-pound can to a 35-pound keg of Lead and mix your own paints. Saves time and annoyance In matching shades, and insures the best paint that It Is possible to put on wood, .Send us a postal card and get our book on paints and color-card, free; it will probably save you a good many dollars. A JOHN T. LEWIS & BROS. CO., ' Philadelphia. THE MILD POWER CURES Dr. Humphreys' Specifics are scientifically and carefully prepared Remedies, used for nearly half a century by the people with entire success. fo. STKciFic ron 1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations.. Si Worm, Worm Fever, Worm Colic.... 3 Tccthlngt Colle, Crying, Wakefulness 4 Diarrhea, of Children, or Adults , V1 7-Couahs, Colds, Bronchitis.. 8 Neuralgia, Toothache, Faceacbe. 0-IIcnilaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo.. 10- Dyspcpsla. Biliousness, Constipation. 11 Suppressed or Painful Periods... 1U Whites, Too Profuso Periods 13- Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness 14- Snlt Ithcum, Erysipelas, Eruptions.. 15- Itlicuiiiatlsin, Rheumatlo Tains i. 16-Malurla, Chills, Fever nnd Agtio 1!)-Cntarrli, Influenza, Cold in tho Head. Hbrf -0 Whooping Cough Wm 27 Kidney Dlscnses SS-Ncrvoua Debility .IO-Urlnary weakness ,. 31-Soro Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria.... "77" for HAY FEVER A SoM by Drnggliti, or sent prepaid on receipt ofprlcf, nr ft ffir ftn.ttf ItA dniinrtodl. oiront 2S. tl. tlze OtlXv. Da, HcMfiiiiiTi'MAM'AHEnUrgetiAHevUe.li.MAii.BOrHKa IITJJirJIKElS'SIEU. CO., Ill Ss 113 MUIUm BUtXewYork. UCnnMOinlnCUSrAliDIUiiCEJjLIlUl'I'JJLIiU'.VIIV 1LD ftCXTRAMMC THE AMERICAN TCMKO CGKPAM SUCCESSOR. ktWVDDH UJA. ABSOLUTELY PURE THE OLD RELIABLE SWEET CAPORAL Has stood the Test ol Tims J MORE SOLD THAN ALL OTHER BRANDS COMBINED -p&TATK OF JOHN r. HOFFMAN, DE LottelH testnini'ntiirv on tho CEASED. e&tatoof John P. Holi'man lute of Shenandoah, Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, deceased, having been granted to the undersigned nil persons indebted to said estate nro requested to make payment, and those having claims to procnt tho snine without delay to William Dkiir, Executor Shenandoah, Pn. Or his Attorney, J. H. Pomcroy, Sliennudoah, Pa. l-u-w-6v HN DALTON, AGENT FOIt NDOAH and VICINITY FOK- Beer and Porter, rv - WW f Barbey's Boch J3eer. FOR SALE CHEAP ! 2 Valuable Properties, On North White Street. Double block of dwellings, N". 30 and 32 North White street, between Centre and r Also, a double block of dwelling. Nos. 11U and 118 North Whito Btreet, between Uovd and Coal streets. Apply at the IIKHALI) OFFICE THE TICKET COMPLETED. Kentucky's Moat Memorable State Conven tion Finally Adjourn. Louisville, Juno 28. Tho following is the Domocrntlo stnto ticket in full: For govornor, P. Watt Hardin; lieutenant governor, It. T. Tyler; troasuror, K. 0. Ford; auditor, L. 0. Norman; register of tho land ofllco, G. B. Swango; attornoy general, W. J, Hendricks; secretary of stato, Henry S. Halo; superintendent of public instruction, Ed. Porter Thompson; commissioner of agrlculturo, I. B. Null. Tho most mcmorablo convention ever held by tho Democrats of Kentucky closed hore at 7 o'clock last night, when Con gressman A. S Borry, of tho Sixth con gressional district, adjourned tho conven tion slno die. Yesterday's proceedings wcro of a moro harmonious naturo than thoao of tho pre ceding two days, until ubout 4.50 In tho nftornoon, whon tho warmest fight of tho convention developed In tho raco for sec retary of stato. In this contest thero wero named as candidates Hon. J. Stoddard Johnson, of Loulsvllla; Stato Treasurer Henry S. Hale. Judgo Charles W. Metcalf and John W. Hoadly, of Loulsvlllo, pres ent secrotary of stato. After a hot light and two ballots tho contest centred be woou tho forces of Halo and Metcalf, and tho latter, soolng- that his defeat was cer tain, moved that Major Halo's nomina tion bo mado unanimous. RELIGIOUS GARB BILL SIGNED. Ilut Governor Hasting' Vetoes the 13111 to Create Quay County. Harrisbuho, June 28. Governor Hast ings last night approved tho religious garb bill, which prohibits tho wearing of religious garbs by public school teachers, and votood tho bill to creoto Quay county. He also votood tho bill giving tho auditor gcnerul tho power of appointment of mcr cantllo appraisers in Philadelphia, to gether with eleven other bills. In support of his disapproval of tho bill to croato Quay county out of portions of Luzorno and Schuylkill counties tho gov ernor says that after a careful considera tion of the measure ho has reached tho conclusion that it is without merit, and that there seoma to bo no necessity for it. Ho bolloves it would be onorous and op pressive to tho taxpayers of tho district contained within tho limits of tho pro posed now county, and that tho tax pay ing population of tho district Is not suf ficient to warrant tho oxpouso of oroctlng public buildings and paying tho cost of tho administration of county affairs. Ho adds that tho act is applicable to a slnglo locality, and its constitutionality is moro than doubtful. A Sickening Execution. Columbus, 0.,June2S. Michael MoDon ough, tho Kenton wifo murderer, was hanged at 12:03 this morning in tho peni tentiary annex. Tho execution was sick ening. Tho ropo cut doop into tho neck when tho body dropped, severing tho trachea and jugular vein. Tho blood spurted ovor Dr. Jones, ono of tho physi cians who was standing undor tho scaf fold, then ilowod in a torrent to tho stone floor of tho room. Some of tho spectators turned whito and with difficulty kept their nervo. MoDonough exhibited tho utmost indifference as to his fate up to tho tlmo ho wont to tho scaffold. Ho was tho coolest man who over sat in the death coll. On tho scaffold, however, ho bacamo very norvous, and his knees wero trembling vory noticeably when tho trap was sprung. Election Crooks Sentenced. Philadelphia, Juno 2a In tho oases of Hugh Boylo, Michaol Dovlln and John Walls, judgo and Inspectors, respectively, at tho election held in tho Eighth division of tho Seventeenth ward in Fobruary, 1803, who wero on trial bofore Judge Bid dip, In quarter sessions court No. 3, on tho charge of making a falso return of tho votes cast at tho election, tho jury brought iu a verdict of guilty, and Judge Biddlo sentenced Boylo to pay a lino of $500 and undorgo Imprisonment of ono yoar and Dovlln and Walls to pay a flno of $250 and undergo an Imprisonment of six months each. Stole a Valuable Violin. New York, June 28. Victor Fletcher, formerly of Cincinnati, a dealer and con noissour in violins, is under arrest hore, charged with having in his possession a $0,000 Stradivarlus violin, tho property of Mrs. Bolt, a widow, from whoso husband tho instrument is sold to have been stolen. Tho instrument was taken some tlmo since by two men, who protended to bo desirous of purchasing the violin. Its loss Is said to have brokon's Bolt's heart. It Is said that Nlcolinl, Pattl's husband, offered Bolt 4,000 for the violin, which was refused. Another Stay for Ituclianan. NEW Yokk, Juno 28. Lawyer Arthur C. Butts appeared before Judgo Lacombo, of tho United States circuit court, and applied for a writ of habeas corpus for Dr. Robort Buchanan, who Is In Sing Sing prison, condemned to death oh July 1. Judgo Lacombo donled tho motion, and Lawyer Butts has mado an appeal to tho United States supremo court, which acts as a stay of the execution. Fortnne in an Old Skirt. Fayette, Mo., June 28. In an old skirt belonging to tho lato Mrs. Augusta Kelly, of Lexington, Mo., who died at tho homo of her nleco, Mrs. I. Koller, of this city, on tho evening of Juiio 25, members of tho family have found $9,000 in greenbacks. Whlteca'pa Ue Dynamite. Columdus, O., Juno 28. A house in Adams county,oconpied by Dyos Mathony and a Mrs. Pence, was blown, to ploces by noighbors by dynamite and both wero ter ribly Injured. Causo, disapproval of tho couple residing together. Will Pay Store Tliun the Fo-jle. PlTTSUUHQ, Juno 24 Tho Oliver Iron and Stool company, non-union, yesterday announced that It would pay its puddlers $1.23 a ton nftor July. This is an advance of twonty-flvo cents a ton ovor the Amal gamated scale. NUGGETS OF NEWS. Tho Ohio supremo court doolarod tho law to tax inheritances by direct holra un constitutional. Tho Dunfee-Mooro fight at Bradford, Pa., last night was doolarod a draw in tho flfteonth round. Tho electric locomotive built to haul Baltimore and Ohio trains through tho belt tunnel In Baltimore mado its first run yesterday, and proved a oomploto succoss. Tho famous Barrett Soott murdor case at Butte, Nob., was concluded yesterday by tho acquittal of Mullihan, Elliott ami Harris, tho threo vigilantes who wore ao sused of hanging tho defaulting treasurer )f Holt county. What is Castoria is Dr. Samuel Pitcher's prescription for Infants tiud Children. It contains neither Opium, Morphine nor other Narcotic suhstaucc. It is a harmless substitute for Paregoric, Drops, Soothing Syrups, and Castor Oil. It is Pleasant. Its guarantee is thirty years' use by Millions of Mothers. Castoria is tho Children's Panacea tho Mother's Friend. Castoria. "Cnstorlalsso well adopted to children that I recommend It as superior to any prescription known to me." II. A. ArtcttEn, 31. 1)., Ill So. Oxford St., Brooklyn, N. Y. " Tho use of ' Castoria ' Is so universal and its merits so well known that It seems a work of supererogation to endorso it. Few nro the intelligent families who do not keep Castoria within easy reach." Carlos JLuvrra, D. D New York City. TnE Cestach wmeissassEsim Or.Thee! 1317 Arch st, 19 I I I 1 1 W 0 1 PHILADELPHIA. PA. Tho onlr Gcnnlnr sneclalNt in America, notnltlmandln t others mlrertlse. NERVOUS DEBILITY AND THE RESULTS OF INDISCRETION i Special Dlscnses mid Strlctnrai Permanently Cured in a to & days Dl nnn nniPnSI IMmarv or Second. ULVIUU I UlQUft arv cured Lventlrelv uewmetliodiuao to ) flays. 6 years' liuru- Iean uuspuai auu si iiratueai experience, as Certificates and IHpfumps prove, bend five 2-cent stamrs for book. ' TltUTII," the only hook expolni! Quaes Ooctursaud otliersad vertlslnu ai great Specialists. A true friend to all sufferers anu to those contemnlatlnK marriage. Themoststubtwrnanddangerous cases suiicueu. rue ur can auu ue saveu. Hours i 3-3 ! Eve's 6-fl t wed. ana sat. eve 6-10 Sun. -l 5 Siifiwsufnl trpnfmpnt mnll. WW&SESSZ8S$. Your Stomach : : : Cannot stand the 5iinio washing that your boots do, and the water you drink isn't even fit for that purpose Uso Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter. JAMES SHIELDS, Manngor Shenandoah Branch. EMIL J. BEYER'S, (Formerly Murphy Bro.) Saloon :-: and :-; Restaurant, 19 North Main Street. Tho bar supplied with first-class wines inuors beer, ale 'porter. Choice cisars. Open all night. Free lunch from 9 a. m. to i p. m. Excellent music day and ovenlng at Weeks' Museum, 17 South Main Street. Grand display of birds and aniraalsof 1 kinds and finest paintings in tho county. Best Beer, Porter and Alos, Finest Brands of Cigars. Froo lunch every morning and evening. John Vekks, Proprietor. Lauer's and Pilsner Beers, Finest, Purest, Healthiest Chris. Schmidt, Agent 207 "West Coal Street, Shennndonh. jh Chlcheiter'a English Ditmond Broni. ENNYROYAL PILLS Original and Only Gen nine. Arc. alwftji relUMa. ladic tik DrtjgfHtt for Chitfiuttr EnglUk Dl nond Brand In IteA ind Gold meUlUa itwiei, loaled with bla ribbon. Take nnrtlhi. Rttusi tltinatrouA auhttitu tun and imitation. AlDroxiriili. oneollc la ttampa Air partlculsri, imUiqoqUU iqI "iteuei tor ijitmrv in wtn-ur rrmrn CMctifAtpL'fieiiiIciilOa..Uu(Uun Kauurfc. Local Drussinu. I'bliaJti., i'a. ED. BRENNAN, Cor. Cherry &ml Gilbert Sts. Finest Boors, Wines and Liquors. Choice Temperance Drinks. ' Best Brands of 5 and 10c Cigars, Llccra In Mouth, llalr-Valllngt Write COCIKl i t.i i uu., uiii juuionlc Teminej ClilciiKo. 111., tor proofs of cures. Cunl-i till, IWSOO.UUO. Worst cases cured In Mi to u.r uuys. luo-piiKe book fre"!. Lager 1 U Sou tr ui I . Castoria. Castoria cures Colic, Constipation, Sour Stomach, Diarrhoea, Eructation, Kills Worms, gives sleep, and promotes di gestion, Without Injurious medication. "For several years I havo recommended 'Castoria,1 and shall always continue to do so, as it ha3 invariably produced beneficial results," Edwik F, Pardee, 31. D., 125th Street and "th Ave., New York City. Company, 77 JIurkav. Street, New Yore City. JOHN A. REILLY, Wholesale and Ilctnil LIQUOR : DEALER, 22 and 24 South Main St., Shenandoah. Agents forD. G. YueiiRling & Son's celebrated iicer, l'orter. Ales etc. -DR. A. A. SEIBERT,- Specialist In diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. 207 West Market St., Pottsville. Hours 8:30 u. ni. lo 12 mj 1 to 4 p. nt., to 8 p. m. suiuiays, 'J a. m. toU m. ly When in Pottville Stop at Phil. Woll's Hotel, 200Xorth Uentie Street. Heals nt all hours. Ladies' dining room attached, t inest wines, Uqnors, cigars. Shenandoah's Eeliable Hand Laundry !or. Lloyd and White Sts. r guaranteed to bo ilrst-class in every particular, bilk ties nml lnco curtains n spec ially. uuu(i9 uHiieu lor niiti ueiivereu. a iriai solicited. John F. Cleary, TEMPERANCE DRINKS Mineral waters, Weiss beer. Bottler of th finest lager beers. j7 and 19 Peach Alley, Shenandoah, Pa SUMMER RESORTS. Atlantic City's Favorito Summer Resort, THE BRADY HOUSE. Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantic 'Uty, J. J., near tueoceau ; rooms airy and pleasant; liauilsomely rurnisheil cood board! larco garden and lawn Semi for circular. Rates moderate, P. O. Box 207. JAMES BRADY. Gilmore's Aromatic Wine A tonic for ladies, If you are suffer ing from weakness, and feel exhausted and nervous; are getting thin and all run down, Gilmore's Aromatic Wine will bring roses to your cheeks and restore you to flesh and plumpness Mothers, use it for your daughters. It is the best regulator and corrector for all ailments prculiar to womanhood It promotes digestion, enriches the blood and gives, lasting strength Sold by jPj.. wasley, i06 N. Main Street, Shenandoah. Pa A genuine welcome awaits you at Joe Wtjatt's Saloon MAIN AND COAL STS., Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys, ueers, poner aim aie constantly on tap uuoico temperance annus anu cigars. A CLEAN, QUICK SHAVE Can always he had at Charles Derr's Barber Shop First-olaes hair cutting and singeing. Fe-nsvi II' use Biiildinr;. All Kcady for the Great Raco Be tween Harvard and Yale. PERSONNEL OF THE CONTESTANTS. Only Tito of the Harvard Crew nave Kver Hmrod In a 'Vrlty ltace, Whilo tlio Yaln .11011, with One Exception, Aro All Veterans. ' New London, Conn., Juno 23. Tho Harvard 'Varsity crew, which meets Yalo on the Thames tins evening, win enter tho raco under conditions radically differ ent from anything a crimson eight has experienced in years. No Harvard oars man remcmbuts a crew from Cambridge that has worked harder or mot with moro difficulties than tho eight that will strug gle with tho bluo today. First and most important of all, tho men havo undergone a system in training nltogethor dlfforont from that which has been in voguo at Hurvard for somo yoars, and It roqulred constant attention and faithful applica tion from evory member of tho crow to bo- oomo thoroughly accustomed to the now conditions. For the first time in years tho crew was coached by a slnglr man, Mr. Clifford Watpon, whoso control of tho men was absolute. Ho Introduced his own ideas as to tho tr lining and stylo of rowing, and no on:- ' as allowed to interfere with him. Fennessy. Shepard. nAUVARD. From tho tlmo that ho took tho crow can dldntos in hand last fall thoy havo been undor his watchful oyo in all their prac tlco work, and his careful coaching has continued as tlrolossly this weok us when it began throo months ago. Tho Harvard stroko this yoar is long, with plenty of power In It, and tho oars men, since thoyhnvo been on tho Thames, havo beon pulling from thirty-four to thirty-eight to tho mlnuto. It Is not an essentially dlfforont stroko from that usod by Yalo, both boing a modification of tho English stroko, Tho Hnrvard crow sits stralghter than Yalo and swings woll for ward from tho hips boforo sliding on tho recovery, whilo tholr leg drlvo Is not so snappy as that of tho ialo eight, nnd is Watriss. Btuvenson. HARVARD. started with tho body just a llttlo beyond tho porpendicular. Harvard flnlshos with bodies erect nnd with hands drawn into chost, whilo tho Yalo mon finish with bodies slightly forward and hands soveral Inches out from tho body. Tho Ynlo stroke is bettor dovoloped In somo ways. Tho Harvard oars do not tako the water as cloarly as Yalo's and tho blades aro not brought out on tho re covery very evonly. Tho men who sit In tho Harvard boat aro all oarsmon of some exporlonco, though Bullard and Fonnossy nro tho only two who havo over rowed In a 'varsity raco. Tho statistics of tho crew as now made up aro as follows: Position. Name. Weight. Height. Ae. Stroke. .J. It. liullard 101 5.8M 22 No. 7 E. II. Fennessy...l72 5.100 -22 No. 6, V. N. Watriss 176 5.11 Si No. 6 S. Hollister 170 5.11 SO No. I J.D.Shopard. Jr-170 5.9 22 No. 3.. . .J. E. Chatman 100 5.10 2C No. 2 J. A. Stlllman. ... 107 5.10H 2C How E.N.Wrightlne'n 103 5.10 2C Coxsw'n F. L. Rust 100 5.0K U Sub ..L. T. Damon 102 5.10 21 Sub K. H. Lewis 108 5.!))$ 21 Total weight of crow, lncludlug cox swain, 1,403 pounds. This morning it seems impossible thut Longaore. Treodway. Armstrong. Luuvtord. TALK. Hollister will be able to row, and it is ex paetod thut Jennings, of the freahmen ciow. will be substituted. With ono exception the Yale crew thli year Is composed of veterans. All of them but Lnngford and Longacro rowed on last Ballard. Damon. Lewis. Ilolllstcr. year's crow, and the lotter would hovo been a member of that eight, in all prob ability, If ho had not been suspended. Ho was a member of tho '03 'varsity crow and Is no novico In the sport, so that Laugford, tho freshman, is tho only new mnu who will sit in tho Yalo boat In tho raco. Tho principal fault with tho Yalo team Is that they aro heavy. This fact was tho tauso of much talk last yoar, which reused, of course, after the race wos won by tho heavyweights. It Was said that Holpcmb. D liter. TALE. thoy woro apt to lack tho celerity of a lighter crow, and even "Bob" Cook seemed to bo troubled over this point. Thoy defeated Harvard, though, and It was conceded that their weight was not a matter to havo worried about at all. Nev ertheless tho crew did not pull tho four miles in phenomenal tlmo, and a com parison shows that tho weight of tho crew tins year oxceeds that of last year, ino statistics of tho crow aro: Position. Name. Welsht. Helftht. Age. Stroke....GeorBoLnnirfordl03 6.1H 18 No. 7 K. L. Treadway..lT3 0 21 No. 0 J. M. Lon(?acro...l77 OK- 21 No. 5 A. W. Dater 1S2 0.3 22 No. 4 W. H. Cross 101 0.2W 21 No. 3 W. M. Heard 170 5.8H IP-' No. 2.. . .11. C. Holeomb....l77 S.O -21 Bow II. Armstrong 155 5.6... 21 Coxsw'n T. L. Clark 107 5.3 20 Total weight of crow, including cox swain, 1,523. Sinco tho inauguration of tho Yale Harvard boat races, in 1876, Yalo has won twelvo and Harvard seven contests. Tho bost tlmo ever mado ovor tho Thames conrso was by tho victorious Yalo crow In 18S8, tho timo being 20 min. 10 sees. Yalo Freslunon Win. New London, Conn., Juno 23. Har vard's freshmen eight-oarod crew, confi dent of victory, wcro defeated yostorday by Yalo, whilo Columbia wos third in tho annual triangular race ovor two miles of Thames water. Coach Watson, of Har vard, Is said recently to havo stated that If his freshmen could not win this year there was llttlo hopo for hiB 'Varsity eight. Yalo led Harvard by a length In 10 min. 23 sec. Columbia was fifteen lougths be hind Harvard. HARVARD'S DECLINATION. It is Itecolvori with Itecret by Athletes of Oxford and Cambridge. London, Juno 28. Tho roply of Har vard university's committee on athlotlo sports to tho Invitation of Oxford and Cambridge universities to tako part in an international athlotlo contest in the' Unitod States next autumn in conjunc tion with Yalo university, hns been re ceived. It is a courteous declination, tho roply saying In purt: "Wo could hardly accept your Invita tion without assuming, in appearance at least, that Harvard and Yalo occupy the prominont position among American uni versities which is held among English univorsitlos by Oxford and Cambridge. As there is no foundation in fact for such a protonsion, wo think it hotter for uni vorsity nthlotlcs In this country, as well as for university interests in gonornl, that we should not lend any countonanco to It, and that wo should, furthcrmoro, avoid all scmblauco of a spirit of oxcluslvouoss towards our sister universities." Tho declination has caused much ro grct at Oxford and Cambridge. Tho En glishman had anticipated tho visit with tho greatest possible- Interest and on thuslasm, and the athletes had built up many hopes on tho result of their visit. Tho roasons given by Harvard for declin ing tho Invitation aro rogarded as senti mental rather than roal. Writ of Error for Murderer Frlae. Denton, Mil., Juno 23. Tho luwyors for Marshall E. Prico, tho murderer of llt tlo Salllo Doan, havo boon succossful in their efforts to securo' a writ of error, which will probably delay tho oxecutlou of Prlco until after tho caso goes to tho court of uppoals That is to say, tho exe cution will probably bo delayed should lynchers not take the matter Into their hands. Prlco was to bo hanged a weok henco, but Govornor Brown will prob ubly rosplto him until Octobor, when the court of appeals meets. Hurry Ilayward's Hold Move. . MINNEAPOLIS, Juno 23. Harry T. Hay ward, now in jail undor tho sentence of death for tho murder of Catherine Glng, has made formal application to tho Now York Llfo and Travelers' Accident Insur ance compaulos for the $10,000 insurance on tho llfo of his victim. Ho is supposed to havo takon this action to boar out his claim to Innocence. Tho executors of Miss Glng's estate will bring action to have the assignment of the policies to Hayward set aside as fraudulent. Committed Mnrder for Ten Dollars. Cochran, Ga , Juno 98. Mrs. William Nobles paid Gus Jones, a negro, $10 to kill hor husband. Tho body was buried by tho woman, the negro, nnd tho woman's two daughters. All havo been arrested. Nobles was an old farmer of Twigs county. Whon tho body was fouud Mrs. Noblos confosscd. Jones, in his confession, says It took three blows to kill tho old man, nd that Mrs. Nobles horself struck one of them. Stormy Times In Now Foundlantl. St. Johns, N. V., Juno 38. Stormy iceuea ooourred in the legislature yester day In tho sitting ovor retrenchment. Evon tho government supporters objected to reductions, and a government caucus had to be called to reduoo obstinate mem bers to submission, aud It is doubtful If it will prove successful. Mutterlngs are rife In vurlous quarters, l'urseentlan of Christians Ceaes. Lyons, June 33. Advioes received hero from Shanghai at the headquarters of the Catholio missions suy that the poroeoutlon of forelguors in tho Chinese provluoo of Szchuen have ceased, and that an Imperial decree has been issued ordering the dam ago done to tho property of the mission aries and othors to bo repaired. Beard. Cross. 1