The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 27, 1895, Image 3

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    PAINT cracks It
often costs more to prepare a
house' for repainting that has been
painted in the first place with cheap
readymixed paints, than it Would
to have painted it twice with strict
ly pure white lead, ground in pure
linseed oil.
Strictly Pure
White Lead
forms a permanent base for repaint
ing and never has to be burned or
scraped oft" on account of scaling
or cracking. It is always smooth
and clean. To be sure of getting
strictly pure white lead, purchase
this brand:
"John T. Lewis 8c Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co 's Pure
White Lead Tinting Colore, a one-pound can
to a as-pound keg oC Lead and mix your own
paints Saves time and annoyance in mAtclifng
shades, tnd Insures the best paiiit that it is pos
sible to put on wood.
Send us a postal card and get our book, on
paints and color-card, free j it will probably save
you a good many dollars.
Dr. Humphreys' Specifics
are scientifically and carefully
prepared Remedies, used for
nearly half a century by the
people with entire success.
o. btkcihc fob,
1 Fevers, Congestions, Inflammations..
U Worint Worm Fover, Worm Colic...
3- TectliThln Colic, Crying, Wakefulness
4- Dlurrliea. of Children or Adults
7- Cougks, Colds, Bronchitis
8- XciirnIgin, Toothache, Faceache.
O-Ileadaches, Sick Ilcadache, Vertigo..
10- Dyspcpsln. Biliousness, Constipation.
11 Suppressed orl'nlnfiii Periods...
14 Whites, Too Profuso Periods
13- Croup, Laryngitis, Hoarseness
14- Snlt Khcuni, Erysipelas, Eruptions..
15- Rlicumntisiii, Itheuniatio Tains
lG-Mnlnrln, Chills, Fever and Aguo
10-Cntnrrli, Influenza, Cold JnthoHead.
20 Whooping Cough
27 Kidney Dlscnne
StS-Kervous Debility
.'10-Uriimry Weakness
3'1 Sore Throat, Quinsy, Diphtheria....
"77" for HAY FEVER
Sold by DmtrgUta, or ttnt rrtpold on receipt of price,
25c., or 5 rnr(l.,niA be inmirtevlt, except 59. fl. el re only.
P. Hl'MPHRKT'MAM'ALiEnlr(r,iiAHelleiH, rPFRtR
HCWPJ.KKWMED.U)., Ill IIS llllmHt.. V"York.
Hat stood the Test of Time
L mm
111' I'll fi "1i . S rVd t It . Jh!'i 1 iifi"i!!t 4-W
ft Mild jctiia. Fine; 'WW
L 1
K mi in i mi ii iffwra'jiTihMaap
I ' CEASED. Letter
I,.f ctntu of Jolin P Hotlm
tosUmientnry nit the
llmim late of Slieimmloiili.
Schuylkill c-ouiily, Pennsylvania, ileeenweil,
4 liavmj? liceu granted tu the untlersliieil all
persons indebted to said estate are requested to
iiuike payment, and those having claims to
pruhent the nunc without delay to
William I) nun, Executor
Shenandoah, Pa.
Or hU Attorney, J. II. Ponieroy, Shenandoah,
Pa. 1-a-w-Gw
'Beer and Porter,
I'Barbey's Bock;; Beer.
2 Valuable Properties,
on North AVhite Street.
Double Mock of dwellings, Ns. 30 ami
so Nnriii whttii strata, btitweeu Centre and
I iuoyii stream.
. V Aior a .inniiie block of dwelllugs, Nos,
IjsWB lit) ami 118 North White street, between
H Lloyd aud Coal streets.
K' Apply at the HERALD OFFICE
A Silverito on a Gold Platform in
Ills Speeches In Ills Native Stnto Snld to
Have Had Great Weight In Fixing the
Policy' or Ills Party on the Money Uues
tlon. Louisville, June 87. Tho Democratic
6tnte convention of Kentucky 1ms cer
tainly Indorsed the administration, with
Special tributes to Presldmit Olovoli'ind
"and Ills distinguished eomlvlstr nntl sec
retary, John d. Carlisle. " No outing was
ovr productive of more effective rosults
than that of Secretary Carlisle to the
Kentucky nntl Memphis conventions. Tho
silvorites. Including Senator lllnckburu,
attribute thflrilofoat to tho recontspeeches
of Carlisle and the circulation that was
given thorn.
The free coinage men do not deny that
they expected to control tho convention
and all Its committees, platform and nom
inations. They fought gamoly to a finish,
and acknowledge their defeat, although
they make chargos about tho way It was
done. Tho fteo sliver man wero boaten In.
district meetings that olectcd members of
tho various committees. In the Bolectlonof
Judgo W. M. IJeckncr for temporary chair
man and Congressman A. S. Borry for
permanent chairman and In the organiza
tion of tho committee on resolutions, as
woll as In tho organization of other com
mittees. Yesterday the silver men went down
under tho adoption of tho minority report
of tho committee on credentials, seating
Clay's "sound money" delogatos, as well
as under tho adoption of tho majority re
port on resolutions for sound money and
the Indorsement of President Cleveland
and Secretary Carlisle Tho committee
on credentials Is ono that tho "sound
money" men did not look tiftor, and tho
sliver men had a majority on It, but the
convention overruled tho majority by
adopting tho minority report.
Senator Blackburn and other silver lead
era remained on tliolloorof tho convention
and fought to tho last on tho resolutions
after which they did not take much Inter
est In thoso who, as they said, had previ
ously dosorted them. They woro very bit
ter towards Auditor of Ptato Norman,
who was General Hardin's manager and
hlmsolf a candidate for rouomlnatlon.
In Senator Blackburn's speech against
tho majority report he showed his feeling
toward sonio on whom ho had depondod,
while ho referred very respectfully to Sen
ator Lindsay, Congressman McCreary
aud others who had opposed him openly.
Tho convention was ft record breaker In
groat speechos, oswell as lit other respects.
Tho light between Generals Hardin and
Clay for tho gubernatorial nomination
was much closer than tho Hardin men ex
pected. They stato that If thay could have
forced nominations on Tuesday waruin
would huvo had over COO votes, Instead of
less than 500, and admit that they woo
norvous nil day.
While Hardin held tho silver vote al-mo-t
solid, tho Clay men could not get all
the "sound money" men away from him,
because of his consideration for them In
the organization of the convention and of
his unusually strong personal following.
I'ndor the circumstances the nomination
of Hardin Is considered a groat personal
victory, a fc tho men who framed tho plat
form and shaped tho pellcy of tho party
1 had been working hard for Clay or a dark
In tho present fight the entire daily
press of Kentucky has been against Senn-
tor Blackburn, and tlio uiuclnnatl rn
I qulrer has been his exponent. Last night
tho senator made tho following statement
to tho Enquirer correspondent:
I "I do not feel sore, nor havo any heart
burnings. I reollze, however, that It la
! Impossible to win u fight against a com.
! bination of money and federal patronago.
i especially where both aro furnished in
i unlimited quantities."
I Tho convention did not roach the nom
I nntlons until last evening's session. When
i tho convention rcassombled at "iiOp. m.
dilatory measures occupied almost un
hour, when tho name of boneral Uassius
M Clay was presented by treorgo (J. Lock-
hart for tho nomination for governor and
seconded by Isaac M. Qulgloy. II. J.
Breckinridge, the oloquont brother or W.
C. P. Breckinridge, presented tho name of
P. Watt Hardin, seconded by Jumes Tar
vln aud I. A- Spalding.
Thero were 878 votes, making 410 neces
sary to nominate.
When the countlos were all called it wus
evident that General Hardin was nomi
nated, and before tho result of tho ballot
was announced tho Clay men moved that
the nomination of Goneral Hardin bo
made unanimous, and It carried with a
great .hurrah. Tho result of the ballot
was announced as follows: Hardin, 4081
Clay, 830Hi Stone, 70; Wntterson, 8.
For lieutenant governor tho names of
It. T. Tyler, M. B. Brown and bscar
Turner, Jr.. wero presentod. Tyler was
nominated without counting tho vote,
when the convention, at midnight, ud
journed until today.
Arrested the Wrong Person.
'Philadelphia, June 27. Jamos H.
Noll, who Is said to be a lumber morchnut
of Monongahela Clty.Pa.. and worth fully
$100,000, was arrested horo a few days ago
on tho chargo of assaulting Fronk Hurst,
a conductor on the Philadelphia and Read
ing rallroad.and robbing htm of bis watch.
T.ho assault occurred at midnight, and
Noll was arrested tho next day upon the
description of tho robber circulated by the
police. He was oommltted to prison with
out ball, aud was confined there four days
before ho was able to ongage a luwyer aud
securo his release. Mr Nell says that he
loft his home on June 10 to go to Atlautlo
City for rost, and ho had not been lu this
city a half hour before ho was arrested.
Ho threatens to bring suit for falsa arrest
aud malicious proseautlou.
The English Ohuinplou Defeated.
Newton, Mass., June 27. Dr. Pirn,
cliainplou tennis player of Knglund and
Ireland, was defeated by Clarence Hobart,
the American player, yesterday afternoon
In two straight seta. The games were tho
best ever witnessed lu this country . so say
Ihe tenuis cracks, who wero present in
foroe. Over 1,200 persons witnessed tho
mntoli. Pirn felt his defeat keenly, but
WluMi questioned he said he wus out
I Filibustering Vessel Seltetl.
Kingston, Jamaica, June 27. The gov
ernment, has soUed the brig Poarl, at Port
Maria, ns a Cuban fllibusteror. Thore woro
arms and ammunition found on board of
Mrs. White, a Citizen of Ithaca, Was
(From the Ithaca Herald.)
Our representative, hearing' of tho caso
of Mrs. II. T. White, called to see her at
Seneca funl Plain streets. Wo publish their
conversation In tho following interview:
"Mrs. White, I hear you havo some
thing to say about a new remedy for back
ache nnd kidney disorders. Will you givo
me your statement for publication? "
" Yes, I am quite satisfied to do so. I
think tho public should know when a really
food remedy is to bo had, it is the least
can do iu gratitudo for my recovery."
"Tell mo about yourcomplaint."
"About a year ago I had the Grippe, and
since then my back has pained me con
stantly in tho region of the kidneys; a dull
pain at times, nnd at other intervals, sharp,
darting pains piercing through me, wore
nlmnst unbearable. I seemed to he giv
ing out as tho pain in my kidneys grew
worse, and at last I had to stay in bed tho
greater part of tho time. Finally, I gavo
up altogether. I had terrific headaches,
and suffered so much pain my appctlto
loft me."
'Did tho disorder affect tho bladder?"
" Finally, it did. . Tho urino was hichlv
colored, and varied in suppression and ex
cess. I often told my friends I believed I
should go insane from tho pain. I heard
of Doan's Kidney Pills, and began their
use. 'Attcr taking tliem two or three days
I began to feel their good effects. I con
tinued, and now am pericctly well.
"Am I to understand that Doan's Kid
ney Pills havo entirely cured you? "
"Yes, that's the truth. I havo no more
headaches or paius, and my appetite has
returned. Before using Doan's Kidney
Pills I found it very trying to go up and
down stairs, or to sleep on my back ; but
now I can do so without a single pain, I
feel completely cured, and I wish tho man
ufacturers every possiblo success."
For salo by dealers. Price CO cents.
Mailed by Foster-Milburn Co., Buffalo.
N. Y., Solo Agents for tho U. 8.
For Sale ut Kirlin's Pharmacy-
fir ThRRl 1317 Arch St,
U I I fl 1 1 U U 3 PH1LADELPHA. PA.
I ThP only ienoliK tneclallU In America, ,
Special lllsenses nml Strictures
rermnnentljr Cured In it to 6 dars
Dl finn nniOnM l'rimarr or Second-
ULUUU rUIOUll arvcurwlLivetitlreiy
nevvmethuilliiJO to uudavs. e rears' Euru- i
iiean Hospital and 32 tiraitlcal experience, as
Irttncate:j and DliiluUi?!, lroe. elid five
1 s-cent stamps for UooK. TllUTII," the only
vertlslnSiwerisic specialists. A true friend
to all sufferers and to those conteiiiplatlnir
marriage. Themobt&tuuliornand dangerous .
I solicited, wrueorcaiiauuoesaveu.
Hours. Kve-se-fli vei. ana at. eve's
6-10 j sun. SucceMf ul treatment Ay mull.
Your Stomach
Cannot stnml the cainu wnsliinfr that your
boot On, nml Hie water you drink in't
even tit for Hint purpose Use
Lorcnz Schmidt's Beer and Porter
niKer Shenandoah Branch.
1?TTT. T
(Formerly Murphy Hro.)
Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
'Hie bur Hii.yilied with flrst-clnsb
iiuors beer, nlo porter. Choici
Open all night. Free lunch from 9
a. in. to
7 p. m.
Kxcelleut mus-ic day and evening at
Weeks' Museum,
17 South Main Stkket.
Grnnit display of birds nnd aniniaNof al
kinds and tlnost paintings in the county,
llest Beer, Porter nnd Ales,
Finest Brands of Cigars.
Free lunoh every morning and evening.
John Webks, Proprietor.
Pilsner . Beers,
Finest, P.uret, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
507 "West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
ff ChlclieUr' En si I ah Diamond 11 rand.
B .Tv uritfinm aua uniy tienuine.
W tiff. fclWKM rtdUblt. LADICft ilk
Dragslit for ChUhutert BnolUh Din-
wm,i Hran,l In It A an.l OulJ mttfcllia'
ihoxei, HAled tih blue ribbon. TuLo
no iilhcr. RtftiMt danatroua wubttitu
turn and imitation: At UroggUli, or snt 4c.
Id vtUDpi t'or rmrtleuUrl. KwtlmoaULi aal
"litlici lor ijauiv ij rriurn
51 ill L 10.00O TmtiouHiUU. Xam itoper.
1 DruttsUu, 1'hUtttlu.,
Cor. Cherry aud Gilbert Sts.
Finost Beers, AVinos and Liquors.
Choice Temperauce Drinks.
Bent Brandt, of 5 and 10c Cigars,
UIUC Vflll Bo Ttiroat, Pimples, Copper
Ulcers in jioutn, iiair raiunei write cuuu
tu uut aiusonle Temple
Irhlniird. III., for nroofl at purei. tuilt'
nil, sauilpUuii. wont cases cured la so
to ua days. iunpuire book free
National League.
At Boston Boston. 15; Phlladclnhla. 5.
At Hrooltlyn (13 Intllnsrsl Brooklyn. 1.
Washington, 0. At :Chlcago Chicago, 0,
I -ttsburg, a. At Cincinnati Clnclnuatl,
lis, St. Louis. 5. At Baltimore Baltimore.
6; Now York, 2. Thy dlovclnud-LoulBvillo
gams was prevented by wet rou,tids.
Eastern League
At 'Wllkesbarre Wllkesbarro, 6; Syra
cuse, 4. At Scranton Sornnton. 4; lli
Chester, 3. At SprltiKlleld-Pprlugffeld, 10;
Buffalo, 8.
I'mins.vlvnnin Stnto Lot;un.
At Lancaster Lancaster. 10: Carbon-
dale, 8. At Allentown Allentowu. fc;
Hazloton, 7. At Heading Heading, lil ,
PottBvlllo, 10.
An Aliened Swindler Captured.
SAN Dieuo. Cul.. .1 tine 27. A New York
detective yesterday arretted C. S. Brad-
ioru, who is said to Uo I'lHlip JIo.Mnuii!.,
watited in New York for defraudlni? lilt
realtors out of $10,000 iu tho butter and
t'Kg business. Bradford arrived hereabout
six months ago and Invested In real estate.
iio built savoral houses, aud appeared to
bo a man of fortune. It is alleged that
while In this business In New York, un
der tho name of McMauus, he bought
iMO.000 worth of butter and eggs on credit,
shipped the produce to Philadelphia and
iJoston, wlioro It was sold, and fled with
the proceeds.
Kpworth Leaguer In Convention.
Chattanooga, Teun., Juno 27. Dole
gates from every stato In tho union, from
Maine to California, aud from other chris
tian countries, aro in attendance on tho
international conference of all Epworth
leagues, which convened In this city to
day. Thore aro already 15,000 delegates In
attendance, nnd It is estimated that tho
full attendance will bo about 25,000. The
exorcises aro held In a tent which has a
seating capacity of 10.000 Addresses of
welcome were delivered by Mayor Georgo
S. Ochs and Rev. J. P. Fcrriug, U. U., of
this city.
rennsylvnnln's Now Judges.
Philadelphia, June 27. It Is asserted
hero on good authority that Governor
Hastings has appointed Ex-Governor
Beaver, E. N. Willnrd. of Scranton, and
Henry J. McCarthy, of this city, as judges
of tho superior court, and that thoy havo
accepted. Oilleial notice of tho appoint
ments will bo given out this evonlng. It
Is also stated that thrco of tho remaining
four judges will bo Georgo B. Orlady,
Judge Wicham and Secretary of tho Com
monwealth Frank Heeder There is no
conjecture ns to tho seventh man.
Accused nnnk Ofllclnls Exonerated.
, New Yoitic, Juno 27. Judgo Barrett has
tnsmlssed tho Indictments against Joseph
F. Blant, Ronald T. McDonald and An
drew L. Soulard. Blant was president
nnu tno otnors woro directors of the Madi
son square bank. Tho lndlctnionts charged
that tho men unlawfully received aViinjlts
after they wero nwaro of tho lnsolvoucv of
tho Institution. Dismissal of tho indict
ments was recommended by tho district
attorney, on tho ground that tho evlden
obtainable was not sufficient to convlc.
Itlew Up a House with Dyiinmlto.
Hazletoa, Pa., June 27 The house ol
Matteo Gerod, an Italian residing on Soy-
bcrt street, Diamond addition, was blown
up by dynamite between 1 and 2 o'clock
In the morning. Gerod and his wife were
In the building at the time of the ox
plosion, butesciiped uninjured The build
ing took lire immediately after the ex
plosion and ignitod unother building
owned by Thomas Gallagher It Is be
lieved that the perpetrutor of the deed was
an Italian baker in the employ of Gerod.
Appointed by Governor Hastings.
HAlilUSBUno, Juno 27. Governor Hast
ings last night made tho following ap
pointments: Allen Parkinson Dickey of
Waynesboro, president judgo of tho Grenn
county court; John Jones of Norristown,
trustee of tho Stato Insane asylum at Nor
ristown, vice Charles Hunsickor, removed
Samuol Coxo of Drlfton, trustee of tho
State hospital of tho middlo coal fields
Hazleton, vice Eckley B. Coxo, deceased.
fatal Storms In Great llrltaln.
London, Juno 27. A sovoro thunder
storm raged In many parts of Great Britain
and Ireland yesterday and much damago
has resulted. Lightning struck u treo in
the grounds of the agricultural show at
Darlington, just aftcrthe Dukoand Ducli
ess of York had left, killing two persons
and injuring thrco others. Two miners
returning from work woro killed by light
ning near A ormanton.
Protest Against Currency Chances.
London, Juno 27. Tho Tlmos In Its
financial article this morning says that of
tho stock exchanges In tho following
cities, 4M membors in .Manchester, US In
Liverpool, 11 In Leeds, U In Edinburgh,
uo in blasgow and U3 in Dublin, havo
signed a memorial to the chancellor of
tho exchequer protesting against any
change in tho curroncy systom.
Motorman Killed by Klectrlclty.
LANCASTER, Pa., Juno 27. Freeland L.
Groff, motorman on a local trolloy car.
was instantly killed In the presence of tho
passongers, yosterday, by electricity. A
thunder storm prevailed at tho tlmo, and
It Is uot known whether the doadly cur
rent came from that source or from the
power that propelled tho car.
Youub Fells Not a Parrlrlile.
Watehtown, N. Y Juno 27. In the
alleged murder case at Potsdam. In which
Ernest Fells was uuder arrest, charced
with killing his father, tho Jury rondered
the following verdict: "Fells came to his
death by a disoasod condition of tho heart.
no evidence of .violence having been pro-
Sirs, nuchanan's Final Appeal.
Aluany, June27. Mrs. Buchanan, wife
of Dr. Houry W. Buohannn, who Is undor
eenteuce of death for murder, sont a tele
gram to Governor Morton today In an on
deavor to securo a further extension of
time before her husband suffers the doath
penalty. It is believed tho governor will
not oouslderany furtherplouforolemenoy,
A Victim of Dellrluui Tremens.
FKUNA.NDINA, Fin., June U7. Theodore
Starbuck, tho young muu who wus bitten
by" eat m Jacksonville, and who was
i supposod to have had hydrophobia in con-
died yesterday. Doctors Moss
and Palmer diagnosed
111? oase us manlu
j The Weather
I For oastern Pennsylvania and NewJer
soy, tliuudarshowers;soutboa!terly winds.
For District of Columbia, Mni.vlnud and
Tlr.ljl.Wltn. fl il li -1 r. all rlitl r- unnl annlti.
I i tasterly winds.
Act almost instantly, speedily curing the
most obstinato cases. Itheumatism cureil
In from I to 3 days. Dyspepsia and all
stomach troubles quickly relieved. Catarrh
positively cured. Headacho cured In 5
minutes. Nervous diseases promptly cured.
Kidney troubles, Piles, Neuralgia, Asthma
and all Fcmalo Complain Is quickly cured.
Munyon s Yitalizcr Imparts new lifu nnd
viVnr tn weak and debilitated men. Ask
vour druggist for n 25-cent vial of ono of
Alunyon'a uures, ami u you aro nor, none-
flted your money will bo refunded. Tlill
Company puts up
A. cure for every disease j
Gilmore' s Aromatic Wine-
A tonic for Indies. If you are suffer-
ng from weakness, and feel exhausted
and nervous; are getting thin and all
run down, Gilmore'x Aromatic Wine
will bring roses to your rheeks and
restore you to flesh and plumpness.
Mothers, use it for our daughters. It
is the best regulator and corrector for
all ailments peculiar to womanhood.
It promotes digestion, enriches the
blood and gives lasting strength.
Sold by
jPl. wasley,
i06 N. Main Street,
Shenandoah. Pa.
i Wli(,knlc nml Itrtail
22 nnd 21 South Main St., Shenaixloitli.
Atrent for I). G. YiU'iiirlini: & Son'f ci'lebraU'rt
IIclt, I'ortcr, Alt- etc.
Sjic'cinlNt In tlKen'H of the
Eye, Ear, Mose and Throat.
207 Wit Market St , I'ottsvllle.
Hnur S.'M ii. in. to 12 m; 1 to 1 1. in., to 8 p.
in Hui'flny1, 0 ii iu tu',1- in. ly
When in Pottville Stop at
Phil. Woll's Hotel,
'0 North t'enli.' Street. ut. nil hfiurs. l.lulioll, rliniricr room
attiichod. Finest whips, liquors, cigars.
Shenandoah's lcliablo
Hand Laundry.
Cor. Lloytl anil While Sts.
Ml work Kiinmnlciil to be firnt-tlnss in every
imrtlriilnr. Silk tics nml lnce eurtalni a Hioe
ialty. (mioiK ealleil for anil delivered. A trial
John F. Cleary,
Mineral waters, Weiss liter. Ilnltli-r of the
Unpst lKer beers.
l7 niiil19 reRcli lley, Slieiianilonli, I'a.
Atlantic City's Favorite Summer Kesort,
Location South Arkansas avenue, Atlantic
f Ity, N. J., near tliHocean ; rooms airy
and pleasant: handsomely fiiruisliral;
good board! large garden and lawn.
Bend for circular. Bates moderate.
P. O. Ilox 207.
Millions of Dollars
Go un in smoko every year
Take no riHks but get your houses,
stock, furniture, etc., insured in first
class, reliable companies, as repr-
sentcd by David Faust, Insurance
120 South Main Street.
AUo Life anil Aecideutnl Comuanies.
North Main Street, Muhanoy City.
I.nrKtwt ami tlnwt hotel in the region.
Finest accommodations. llauilHome fixtures
Pool and Milliard Itooms Attnclicd.
A genuine welcome awaits you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon,
Pool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
livers, porter and ale oonstantly on tap.
unoice temiHtrancu iirniKsami cigars.
Can hI ways be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
Pirst-olafs hair cutting and singeing.
Fe:e'.is3a House Bulldlnp.
This Tirao Reports Tell of Cuban
Insurgent Victories.
I.letitennnt llninern, Wlm S,irrendrre,l Ills
Onrrlsmi Wltlinnt n StriiEKli1, Arrested
by Civil Authorities, nml Will l'rnlinlily
be HiMitHticcil to Ueutti by Court Miirtlal-
Havasa, June 27. The most serious
news of S;)tiish dlSHsters rocelvrd hete
(ilDoe the outbreHk of the reliellion renclivd
here lust evening. The giirrlBons of two
towns hiive surrendered ami the places
themselves have been burned by Maximo
Gomez. Flrlntt was heard constantly
around Puerto Principe Tuesday niKht
and extraordinary precautions are being
taken to protect that city. Owing to the
restrictions placod by the government
upon the transmission of telegraphic news
concerning the insurrection only tho most
meager details of the disasters to the
Spanish arms are obtainable.
It appears certain, however, that the
garrison at Hi Mulato, in the pmv tico uf
Puerto Principe, about thirty kilometers
from tho city of Puerto Principe nnd cap!
tol of tho province, has surrendered to
Maximo Gomez. The garrison consisted
of about twonty-five Spanish soldiers, uu
der Llotitonaut Komero, nnd thoy were
quartorod in a guano house, fortified with
pultsados and pierced with loop holes for
rifles. The place wasalsoprovlsloned aud
contained aconslderablo stock of auimunl
During the unexplained absence of
Lieutenant Komero tho fort was sur
rounded by about 1,000 Insurgents, under
tho commund of Maximo Gomez. The
lattor scut a messenger to tho garrison of
El Mulato announcing that he gavo the
soldlors flftoen minutes In which to sur
render, with the alternative of being fired
upon by the full Insurgent force If they
refused to do so. It is added that tho sol
diers wero willing to fight, and woro pro
paring to do so when Ltcutouant ltomoro
arrived at the fort, and his presence being
mado known to Maximo Gomez tho latter
sont him a second note, Baying the Insur
gents had uo doslre to shed blood unncces
sarlly, and, therefore, the lloutenaut was
given live minutes moro lu which to sur
render the fort and Its contents to tho In
surgents. Thereupon the lieutenant sur
rendered the garrison, against tho deslro
of his soldlors, who wero most Indignant
at being compelled to capitulate without
tiring a shot.
Vhon tho garrison was iu the hands of
the Insurgents, Maximo Gomez ordered
the villagoof El Mulatq to boburnod, and
after depriving Lieutenant Romero of his
arms sot lilm at liberty.
The llouteuant was afterwards arrested
by tho authorities of Puerto Principe, und
It la thought probable that ho will bo
promptly tried by court martial nud shot,
like Lloutenant Galloge, who commanded
a garrison which was surprised in a sim
ilar manner while tho lieutenant lu com
mand was away.
In addition, tho town of San Gcronimo,
situated about fifteen kilometers south
west of Kl Mulato, has met tho same fato
as tho latter place. It was attacked by the
Insurgents under Maximo Gome aud was
burned to the ground after its garrison of
about fifty men had surrendered. In this
case, howovor, it is stated that the soldiers
succeeded In burying a great part of their
stores of ammunition before the fort of
San Geronlmo was captured by tho en
Advices which have reached herefrom
Puerto Principe would seem to indicate
that the city referred to Is infested by the
insurgents. Tuesday night flriug was con
stantly hoard aroundPuerto Principe, and
the military governor of that placo has is
sued u proclamation forbidding any one to
come into the town or go out after dark,
and no more than thrco persons are In tho
future to be allowed to assemble In public
Finally uo one is to be allowed on horse
back In tho city of Puerto Princlpo after
It is rumored here that Antonio Maceo
has succeeded in making his way from
Santiago do Cuba Into tho province of
Puerto Principe at tho head of a largo
body of Insurgents, and it may bo his In
tention to join his forces with those of
Gomez and miiko a combined attack upon
Puerto Princlpo.
It Is also rumored here that tho rear
guard of the Insurgent force commandud
by Gomez has boon attaaked by tho Span
ish troops, who killed twelve of theonomy
and captured nineteen prisoners.
Closing Quotations uf the New York aud
l'lillailelplila Excliauges.
New Yoiik, June sMl&peeuliitlon on the
Stock Exchange today was unsettled, and the
trading was only moderately active. Closing
Del. & Hudson 12HH N. V. Central
I)., h. & W UKM N Y. Ai N. E
Erie 04 Pennsylvania
Lake Erie & V.... 214 Hearting
Lehigh Nav mi St. Paul
Lehigh Valley . 37 W. N Y. & Pa.
New Jersey Cen -lUUVi West Shore
General Markets.
PnttDHU'lllA. June 8B Flour stoadyiwln
ter superfine, 82.853; do. extraB, J3.10ffi3.85;
No. 2 winter family, S8.ia.5U; Pennsylvania
roller, clear, J3 503.75; Pennsylvania roller,
straight, 3.T5a3.U0; western winter, clear,
f8.50a3.75. Wheat firm, higher, with 77c , bid
and 77V$c asked for June Corn Ann, lower,
with Mnc bid aud 5Kc asked for June Oats
dull,, weak, with !M!kip bid und 31c. asked
for June Hay tinner; choice timothy. Sit).
Ueef steady. Pork steady Lard firm; west
em steam, 80.75. llutter quieter; western
dairy, 0Ho.; do. creamery, 1218c; do. fac
tory, aaiac.; Elglns, lSc., Imitation creamery,
liaiSc; New York dairy, lK&Uc; do. cream
ery, 17MQ18c.; Pennsylvania oreaiuery prints,
fancy, 10c; do. fair to choice. 15lSc.; prints
Jobblug at ao3c. Cheefo tlruier; New York
large. Base.; small, Okj&HWlc ; part skims, 2Vi
S-Vj.; full skims, IH&Hc Eggs steady; New
York und Pennsylvania, 13t(aitc'.; western
fresh, lU6ai2Wc.
Live Stock Markets.
NhwYohk, JuneW. Deeves slow; steers a
shade lower; men, bulls aud cows steady, na
tive steers, poor to prime ii isai.W; southern
"stiller," poor to prime. fl.40O5ti5; stags
and oxen. S2.tsl81.70; bulls. $2.Ka3mi; dry
cows, Sj8.4i Calves lower; pour to choice
veals. S8.&UJW.; buttermilk oalves, JU.VKa3.ii5.
Sbeep nulling more freely at steady prices,
lamlw uuohaugeU and ill fair demand, poor
tn prime sheep, 11 5U&3 511; very common to
Choice southern lambs, $8&tl.Sj5. Hogs lower
at Sl.lKiO5.05.
Kvr Hurt'AIX), N. Y . June ! Cattle
steady Hogs active and strong; Yorkers,
fl. 7541.85; packers and mediums, fl.8mai.88;
food to choice heavy, $l.H5$pl.!tt; pigs. l. 55
1.05; roughs, SIS1.25; stags, 3(03.50. Sheep
and limbs stronger: export sheep. S3.50ij$l;
;ood to prime heavy, f 3.25(23.50; fair to good
mixed, S .75fc3;!good to choice yearlings. S3.60
ai.25; fair to good, 3.25&3.50; spring lambs,
). ' J
''Vt,VJi4A 1 .i.mM.issssisssBssssjWSWlsMlsBlMWBlsMHW