The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 25, 1895, Image 4

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1883 11URNED OUT IB'Jj.
I'ublMied dully, except Biindny, by Hie
OHIco Kefowleli Wdit., South Main St.
11. C. HOYKR, Ktlllor.
W. J. WATKINH, I-oenl IMitor.
J M. HOYEll, Trcns. and UtulnessMnnnKcr.
-T-l it . I l Is delivered In Shen-
I 1)6 TlCla lU niidoftlimid tho nir
rottndhiR town for six eents n week, pnynlile to
the carriers, lly mall, S3 00 n year or 2S wnts a
month, payable in advance.
Advertisements charueil aecordlnR to space and
position. The publllhcrs rescrvo tho rlt;lit to
chanRc tho iiosltlon of advertleinents whenever
the publication of news demands it, Tho rlpht
is reserved to reject any advertisement, whether
paid for or not, that tho publishers may deem
improper. Advertising rates made known upon
application. , ,
Entered at the postoffice at Shenandoah, l'a., as
second clas mail matter.
EDening Herald.
TUESDAY, JUNE 25, 1895.
Misses llrlilKtit Hums, Mary A. Stack,
Anule Burke, Jane Lambert and Mary E.
Fox enjoyed a trip to Pottsville yesterday
and took in the sights at Tumbling Kun.
Moses Rogers spent a few hours at the
county soat yesterday.
Superintendent Whttaker visited 1'ottS'
vllle yosterday.
Misses Idaho I'. Kolb and Annie Klui
mcl have gone to Hloomsburg to spend a
Mrs. Mayberry and Mrs. G. G. Clausur
yesterday visited friends at I'ottsville.
Thomas S. Johnson, of Peckville, Lack
awanna county, is a guest of relatives in
town. ' N
Miss Sallie Delaney was a guest of
friends at PottsviUe yesterday.
H. C. Boyer and wife tltis morning left
for Philadelphia and will bo absent several
Joseph Hell, the well known and popular
young contractor and builder of town, this
morning left for Uluefleld, West Virginia,
with a view to locating there. Mr. Bell
carries with hi in the good wishes of a
legion of friends and if Bluetleld affords
an opening to iudustrious and enterprising
young men he will soon be one of its
leading citizens.
Kev. Robert O'Boyle spent this afternoon
at the county seat.
Henry Shutz, the Fifth ward assessor,
visited the County Commissioners at Potts
viUe today.
John Govan, of Philadelphia, returned
to that place today after a pleasant visit to
his uncle and aunt. Mr. and Mrs. John
Brittou, of Turkey Hun.
Mr. and Mrs. Rudolph Swank today left
for their home in Uluefleld, West Virginia.
Thnv wnrn nccninimnied as as Pottsville
Ay Mrs. Swank's sister, Miss Mattie
E. Silliman and wife, of Mahauoy Cljy,
were visitors to town yesterday.
Hon. S. A. Losch, of Schuylkill Haven,
was registered at the Ferguson House yes
terday. YV. J. Whitehouse, Esri., of Pottsville,
vesterday atteuded to business in town.
li. F. James attended to business at the
county seat yesterday.
The Uody Unidentified.
The body of the unknown man found
dead ou Locubt mountain Sunday after
noon was removed yesterday by order of
Deputy Coroner Manley and sent to the-
Schuylkill Haven almshouse burial
grounds. An iuquest will be held tonight.
Nobody lias been able to identify the re
mains. Barnes made happy with Lnks' Syrup.
Arbitrators Appointed
John A, l'eilly, ot town, and II. W.
Bartholomew, Esu., and Charles Graeber,
of Pottsville, have been chesen arbitrators
in the suit in ejectment brought by the
Girard Estate against Mrs. Deane, of Lost
Creek The arbitration will take place at
the court house ou July 8th, next.
Hall fell to the depth of six inches near
Akron, Colo., yosterdny.
The New Foundland loan, tendors for
which oponed in London yesterday, has
been oversubscribed.
There are rumors in London and St.
Petersburg that Chlnu refuses to sign tho
Russo-Chinese loan.
Carmen Layns Bazun do Marti, widow
of Jose Marti, tho Cuban revolutionary
leader, arrived in New York yesterday.
Near Arensvllle, Ills., tho family of
Gustaz Kulz ate the ilesh of a diseased
oow. The mother and four children died.
John Knrlgbt, night engineer of the
Charleston (is. C), electric Light and
Power oompany, was killed yesterday by
contact with a live wire.
John Devonshire, clerk of the United
Htatas district oourt for the western dis
trict of Louisiana, was indicted yesterday
on h ohnrge of embezzlement of tl-,M of
the court' funds.
"Vhna Dab? was dek, we gT bar Oastorlo,
TChte rim a. (Mid, ffce ariwl for Oaatorta.
YTww at beae !(, h atusig to Owtorla.
When abe had Children, sbe gave twm Castorh
201 West Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, provisons, teas
coffees etc. Good delivered free-
e theory of the digestion
u I i uuwt
Tito human stomncli is n penr-shuped
ling into which nil food drops ttt onco
when swallowed. Three thlnuH happen
tho blood rushes into the substance
of the .stomach (not into its interior) to
heat if, thousands or mtio uticis or
pipes pour copiously forth n llttld called
the gastric Juice! nnd, then, the stomach
lie-ins n wave-like, churning move
ment which thoroughly tho
gastric Juice with tho food, nnd hy-nnd-by
changes tho whole into it gray look
ing, semi-liquid paste called chime. This
is digestion its it takes plneo in health.
But, look voul If the stomach fails to
furnish the gastric Juice, or falls to fur
nish enough of It, the food simply lies
ill the stomnoh and turns sour, pntrclles,
ferments as it would in n warm, moist
air outdoors. This is indigestion, dys
pepsia or gastritis. Having no other
way of cscnpo the poisons so engendered
pas's Into the circulation and set up a
train of results like these: lieadacho;
foul tnsto in the mouth ; loss of appe
tite mid Hansen i 'furred tongue; dis
ordered heart action; nervous weak
ness nnd prostration ) chills followed
by heat Hashes; distress and weight in
tho chest after eating; fugitivo mus
cular pains, followed in time, by grave
local nilmonts, etc. All this, hear In
mind, comes of a more or less complete
failure of tho stomach to secrete gastric
Having studied this subject for many
years the Shakers of Mt. Lebanon, (Is.
v.,) famous as medical chemists and
herbalists sought among the plants
cultivated by them only for a remedy
which should have tho distinct and
especial effect of stimulating tho How of
gastric Juice to u normal amount and at,
the same time of the full, natural di
gestive strength. No other so-called
remedies for dyspepsia have this pur
unso in vinw. vnt it is tho nhsolutelv es
sential thing." Successful in their efforts,
even iievonu tnoir nopes, tnoy nave
placed their discovery on the market
under the name of he Shaker Digestive
Cordial. Its effects are Immediate and
radical. Belief is felt at once and a per
manent cure soon follows. It is the sure
and scientille remedy for indigestion
and dyspepsia.
Conlident in their work the Shakers
offer trial bottles at the nominal price
of ten cents. For sale by nearly all
National League.
At Brooklyn Philadelphia, 0; Brook
lyn, 3. At Boston Boston, 0; Now York,
5. At Washington Washington, 7; Bal
timore, 2. At Cleveland Clovoland, 7;
Louisville, C. At Chicago Chicago, 8;
Pittsburg, 0. The Clnclnnntl-St. Louis
game was postponed on account of rain.
Kastern League.
At Providence Providenco,5; Syracuse,
8. At Sprlngllold Tho score was 11 to 5
in .Springfield's favor at tho opening ot
the last half when the last ball In the
game was cut. There being no other ball
on tho grounds Umplro Gaffnoy was com
pelled to givo the gamo to Rochester, 9 to
0. The other Eastern League games wore
prevented by rain.
Pennsylvania Stnte Lcnfue.
At Reading Reading, 15; Hazleton, 4.
The other games scheduled in this sories
were provonted by rain.
Will Join the Professional Hanks.
New York, June 25. Wnltor C. Sanger,
ol Mllwnukco, and W. P. Sims, of Wash
ington, two of the most prominent bicy
clists in America, were yesterday sus
pended from the racing track of tho
Lenguo of Amorlcan Wheelmen by Chair
man Gideon. A telegram to tho Amorl-
can Whcelmon from Philadelphia says
that the two riders were suspended for
thirty days from all races, and Walter
Sanger is reported to have said that he
will immediately join, the professional
ranks. Tho chargo against Slras is that
nt tho races at Waltham, Mass, Inst week
ho acceptod a check In lieu of the prize
won by himself. Sanger is charged with
a liko offonso, as well as with selling his
Urelnc Welsh Workmen to Strike.
PlTTsnuito, June 25. Officials of tho
Amalgamated Association of Iron nnd
Steol Workers anuounco that conferences
havo been hold with the representatives of
tho Welsh Tin Pinto Workers' union, and
had been positively nssured that there
would bo a gonernl strike in tho tin plato
factories In Wales in August. Tho Amal
gamated officials are urging tho Welsh
workers to strike because if n lower rate
of wages should prevail it would necessi
tate reductions In tho tin plate factories in
this country In order to compete with tho
foreign tin. Whllo the Amalgamated offi
cials do not stato positively that tho tin
plato workers of America will contrlbuto
toward the strike, they indlcato as much.
Murder Conspirators Convicted.
Foiit Smith, Ark., Juno 25. Tho jury
in the Klttonrlngo case in tho United
States court returned a verdict of guilty
against all three defendants, Mrs. Mary
A. Kittenrluge, Georgo Washington Fra
zler and Richard Calhoun. This onds tho
most Important and mysterious murder
case evor tried In Arkausns. Tho victim
was Mrs. Klttonrlngo's husband, who was
beatou to death by tho side of tho road
noar his home at Muldrow, I. T., for, it Is
claimed, 88,000 insurance on his life. Tho
prosocution's testimony revoalod a con
spiracy of long standing.
Another Row lu the Italian Deputies.
Rome, June 25. Tho Italian deputies
had a noisy sitting yosterdny. During tho
debate on tho Cavnlottl-Crlspl quarrel, In
volving charges by Slguor Cuvalottl of a
scandalous connection on the part of Pre
mier Crlspi with the Danca Romana, the
president's refusal to allow Slnnor Cavn-
lottl to speak led to an uproar nnd tho
sitting nnu twloe to be suspended.
Entombed In a Mine Since October.
SlIAMOKIN. Pa Juno 25. Tho bodies of
George Brown and William Bucavnge,
vho lost their Uvea In the Luke Fldler
mine flro on Oct. 8 last, were recovered
yesterday. All of tho five viotlms havo
baen found, but twenty dead mules still
remain in tho drowned out workings.
The remnlns of Brown and his luboror
were badly decomposed.
Murdered 1IU 11 ride of u Day.
Boston, Juno 36, Frank Brown, an
Italian, who was married Sunday night,
fired four shots at his bride yosterday, ouo
of them taking effect in her loft side. Af
ter the shooting Brown lied without coat
and hat, and ran in tho direction ot Choi
sea, since which tlmo he has not been
seen. Tho victim died soon aftor.
Killed by a Llsbtulug Finnic
Savannah, June 85. A house in Cuy.
ler Swamp, noar this city, in which sorao
negro blackberry piokors had taken rof ugo,
was struok by lightning yestorday after
noon. Maria Johnson was killed, an In
fant was fatally Injured and Jane Bell
terribly burned.
Did you ever see one of the famous
waterproof Interlined Collars or Cuffs?
It's very easy to tell, for they arc oil
marked this way
Mark- w
They are the only Interlined Collars
nnd Cuffs, and arc made of linen, cov
ered with waterproof " CKLtOtoiD."
They'll stand right by you day in and
day out, and they arc all marked this way
cost is the only cost, for
they keep clean a long time, and when
soiled you can clean them in a minute
by simply wiping off with a wet cloth
-mar is uic Kinu mariccu mis way
These collars and cuffs will outlast
six ones. The wearer escapes
laundry trials and laundry bills no
chafed neck and no wilting down if
you cct a collar markca this way
Ask your dealer first, and take noth
ing that has not above trade mark, if
you desire perfect satisfaction. All
others arc imitations absolutely.
If you can't find collars or cuffs
marked this way, wc will send you o
sample postpaid on receipt of price.
Collars, 25 cts. each. Cuffs 50 cts. pair.
Give your size and say whether stand
up or turned-down collar is wanted.
427-29 Broadway, NEW YORK.
MI no Fotemmi.
The men who Hie (-liable for appoint
ment as mine foremen utid who will re
ceive certificate" s i-ui-n are the following:
Sixth District William Baiubrtrige,
Browns illr; George Mnitee, Freelanrij
John Craonv, Mnhaooy Plane; Anthony
Gauehnu, Girnrdville, Fred. Weeks, Gll-
berton; Gethin Powell, Mahanny Citj j
John Cavanaugh, K-bert Painter, Richard
Cloe, Frank Tcrril, Gilbrrton; William J.
Price, Kohit Cixsnu, FiajUvilU; Jaoies
Brennau, Yntesville, Thomas J. Miew,
William Lytich. John LtKau, tit. iSicholas;
Ellas C.ioper, Giranlville; Felix O'Brien,
Kaven Run.
Seventh District Henry J. Wellcr.
Michael Forap. W. J. Yorwortb, John
Lewis, Centra in; U. R. rhonihs, James
G ldeo, Michael Keddy, Shsmnkin; Kobtrt
Taylor, Fred Lewis, Mt. Cnniel; Tbouias
J. Richard, Excrl-inr; James Bitemaa, and
William Howells, NntaUe; Marcus bcbocK,
Sagan P O ; John E. Buckley, Wii'Oui-Ciij
Aucust binkey, Anlani1, AfSMaut mine
foremin Joseph D- itrico, Tievertou; Dan
iel D. Phillip', Wicooiseo; Mntnel J
Wnaleu, 41 1 Carmel.
Emhth District Francis Hale. Pott-
ville; Thomai Keitu g, Mddlepnrt; John
Doran. Uranchriule; Aiartiu Welsh, lower
City; William Edmunds, James Bnrkhart,
John G. Lewis, Miuersville; Michael Fttn
uatrick. Heckscherville; FruK keef,
Forestville; Tboma-i Fudge, Coaldtde;
Anthonv Guilford, Tanisnua, assittaut
mine loreoian: William Lisbman, St. Clair
Finl action bas Dot been taken as to all
the applicants in the Sixth District, and it
is probable a few more certificates will bo
issued both to applicants for foreman and
assistant foremaoships Ironi this district.
To Work Five Days.
The P & R. C & I. Co.'s mines have
received orders to woik five days this week.
This will b good news lor the mirers.
Mothers will find Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy especially valuable for croup and
whorplng cough. It will give prompt re
lief and is bale nud pleasant. We havo
sold it for several years and it has never
failed to give the most perfect satisfaction.
G. W. Richards, Duquesne, Pa. Sold by
Grubler Bros., Druggists.
Mar Lodge, the Duke of Fife's Highlapd
residence, bas been dr&trojed by fire.
Queen Victoria saw it burn.
lttMtuy lor All Work.
The IlEltALU has made ample arrange
ments for a continuance of its extensive
business in the job printing line and is
prepared to turn out all work wth prompt
ness and due attention to excellence of
workmanship. Orders left at the new
office in the Refowich building on South
Main street will receive prompt attention.
About one bnndrtd Cuban lebels were
killed in a a tight with dpuuisu tiojps near
The only remedy in the world that will
at once stop itchlness.of the skin iu any
part of the body, that is absolutely safe and
never-falling, is Doau's Ointment. Get it
Irom your dealer. 1
Don't tbrow rice alter a bride and groom
Keep it for a ytar or so aud give it to them
in a paper bag. They may appreciate it
The fin de siecle bicycle girl cairies
hand gists so that ebe can see whether her
bat U on stinight or not
Try Scbeider'8 Homemade Brjad nud
Cakes. 23 East Coal street. 4 171m
TfiB l amout
NEURALGIA and similar Complaints,
manufactured under tneetringem
ri. ,1 1 1 - 1 i-i . "A
prescribed ty eminent paysiciaosi
fit n iiniinn)'
HnnivfAnutnnwitli Trade AlarkMAnchor."I
SF. Ad. Richter&Co.,17WuHaCt.,Hlw
12 Branch House), Own Glassworks,
25 li 60 its. in Shenandoah for balr by
r r 1 1 jvirnn. 01am n . J. 01
. nliuci, N E cor fuin kj
The hist
Ouo Man Wanted to Put'Ui) His Money
in ltuuk.
The wholesale slaughter of the innocent
lnmbi by the Sands & Astley circus fakir
is tbetoik of the town says the Pottsville
Miners' Journal. Very little pity is
expressed for tboe who tried to beat the
Inklrs but got beat themselves and then
squealed. Potsville furnished the bieg st
crop of suckers that the skin game frater
nity met with this seaoo. The euckets
were so thick that tnev held their beads
up nnd whistled for bait. What is most
surprising is that the lellows who read the
papers nud know nil about the tricks of the
professional gamblers were bigger suckers
than tbe Rubes.
One of tbe biggest swindles was
thwatted by a combination of circum
stances. George Coover, of Indian linn,
came to town on circus day to see the
sights nno fell into the bands of tbe fakirs.
He was told that if he could show np $750
by 3 P. M he would draw the cash prize of
1,600, which was only offered at every
county Beat He hastened to Haeseler's
tobacco store to get tbe money, but was
advi ed to go home and steer clear of the
gamblers. Coover bas moaey in tbe
Miners' National Bank, hot os the bank
was closed he tried all he knew bow to get
it out. He weut to see L. C. Thompson,
who is a brother of tbe president of the
bank, and was told to look up Cashier De
Frehn. Coover said be wanted to close a
lnnrl rloal and UaA In lia nt Tnrtian Pun nt.
! 3 o'clock. Mr. De Frehn had one of the
combinations, but as Mr. Stein had the other
und was at Tumbling Run, Mr. Thompson
argned to send a messenger after him. But
it was too late to do that if Coover in
tended to meet his engagement with the
circus sharper at 3 o'clock and so tbe
money still remains in tbe bauk.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that the
name Lessio & Baek, Ashland, l'a,, is
printed on every sack. tf
Out of TholnGrnvo nt Tnst,
The remains of Georee Brown and
An'hoDy Grujiniskie were found in tbe
Luke Fidler mine Sunday night. They had
been entombed since last October, when a
fire in tbe mine killed five men.
AVhen you want good roofing, tplumblng,
gas fitting, or general tlmsmlthlug done
call on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre
street. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf
"The Crack Train of tho World."
A piomiDent New York merchant and
importer of leatber eoods said in our hear
ing tbe other day, "I have traveled all over
Europe and America, and I consider tbe
traiu which leaves Chicago every day at
G 30 P 31. for St. Paul and Minneapolis,
via tbe Chicago, Milwaukte & Pt. Paul
Railway, "Tbe Crack Tiain of the World."
In wbicb statement thousands of others
heartily concur.
A National Typewriter, almost now and
in perfect condition, for sale cheap. In
quire at Herald office.
Sentence nt Last Imposed.
Pa'rick Maloney who was convicted of
assault and a attery some mouths ago, be
fore Judge Pershing wrs called up for sen
tence yesterday and directed hy Judge
Becbtel to pay the costs ami a fine of $10.
Be lives in Butler township.
MIc C EL L AN liOUti.
TTOl'ND. A sum of money. Owner can pro-
- . ure nniiie upon proving ownrrmp. Apply
to P. 1 D, Kirlin,
druggist, South JInin Mrect,
WANTED Salesman; pnlary from eta
matient lllaCL'; lliown liros. Co., N
start, per-
1 men, itociiesier, s. .
T?OR TtKKT A nice house for a i-mnll family
1 Apply at llefowich'b clothing houe O-ll-tf
LOST. A heavy gold plain band ring with
ini'ials "D. F. S. to N. It. A." engrived In
side. Suitable reward will be paid for return to
the HfiitALD office. b-Jl-JC
I?OUND. Two sums of money on North Main
street. Owners can have same by proving
property nnd paying for this iidvertlsetuei.t.
Applv to R. F. Olll, corner Main nnd Lloyd
streets. b-L'l-Jl
tug samples, soaps-, specialties, books, do
coircpomllng. Send Sylvan Co., t'ii Woocl
wnrd, Detroit, Mich., 10c. for set of samples,
ecelve oiler to you.
WANTED. Wnnted by The Singer Manufac
turing Company, a mnn to net ai snlosmnii
und collector. Must coruo recommended and
able to furnish bond. We want n worker. A
good position for tho right man. No money re
quired. Urains and energy is what's required
Wo furnish the rest. Apply nt tho Singer ollleo,
2-1 Centre street, bhennmlouh. tHlJlf
Uqw York Gash Store
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time In tho
seoson. 200 different shapes trimmed and
untrimmcd cops for cost nnd loss. Child
ren's $1.75 Embroidend dresses goes for
81.00 nlso cloaks, sacks, etc., at cost. This
Sacrifice Sale begins Saturday, Juno 8th,
for 3 wcoks onlv. Its tho greatest money-
saver yet offered. Como early nnd select
yeur bargains.
Your Stomach
Cannot stand the same washing that your
bouts do, and tbe water you chink 1:
even fit for that punose Use
Lovonz Schmidt's Beer and Torter.
Manager Shenandoah Branch.
(Formerly Murphy Bro.)
Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant,
19 North Mnin Street.
Tho bar fupplied with Urst-oliUM wine
iouors beer, ale porter. Choice tricars
Open all night. Free lunch from 9 a. m. to
1 p. m.
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
AVboleeale aud retail.
Agents for Daily Papers.
Has Upset
the old ideas, and revolutionized
cooking- What? COTTOLENE. Why?
Because it is clean, pure, healthful, economi
cal, and makes the most delicate and delicious
food. 5 lbs. of Cottolene equals 7 lbs. of lard,
saving yi the cost. (Jet tlie
genuine, with trade mark steer's
head in cotton-plant wreath
on every pail. Made only by
Th N. K. Falrbnnk Company,
rfc. CHICAGO, nnd
183 N. Delaware Atc, FhlUdft.
gnrcliess ot price,
an inferior wheel.
and guaranteed by the Indiana Bicycle Co , a million
concern, w hoso bond is as good ns gold.
Catalogue free.
T. S. HOtTSENIOK, Exclusive Agent, Shenandoah, Pa.
Garden s Art Wall Paper Store.
Wo have just received a fine line of tbe most beautiful and artistic papers in ths
market, which " e will sell at very reasonable prices. We have also in stock a
great deal of last year's patterns which we are selling at a sacrifice. Come and
see our lino of goods. We have tho most beautiful and artistl: papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock an Lowest Price
House, Sign and Decorative Painting.
All orders promptly attended to.
Corner Jardin and Oak
No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Clothes of all diescription neatly dono up
of fomilies in this city as to my enre in washing and superior neatness in doing up doli
ng. 1 03 my work better anu quicker tnim
Half the price in Millinery GooJs
goods in Millinery has just arrived ami
Hats from 15c up; French flower Ostrich
Hats, all embroidery, 25c. Ladles' Mill
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 75c up;
1.00 up. When you want good
you cannot no suited eisewnero. we must,
over. Nun's veils from 81.00 up. Mourning
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Go to the Shenandoah Dental Rooms
for painloes detraction of teeth. Gold
and Silver fillings. If your artiflcal teeth
do not suit you cnll to see us. All oxami
nations free. "Vo make all kinds of
platos. Gold Crowns, Aluminum Crowns,
Logan Crowns, Crown and Bridge "Work
and all operations that pertain to Dental
No charge for extracting whon plates
are ordered. We are tho only usors of
vitalized air for the painless cxtraotion
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Office Hours .- 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
SVsp'isvj Hons? Bnildiru.'.
Of summer millinery, including
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens hats
and bonnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Price the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
214 South Main Street.
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world
do not bo induced to pay more money
Insist on havinr the Waverlev
SI LB. 80QR011ER, 885. 22 LB. UDIE8', t7B.
Good agents wanted in every town.
224 West Centre Street.
Painter and
Paper Hanger,
Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
Largest Assortment mid Jovet Prices.
All orders promptly attended to
in a first class manner. I can refer to scorto
otlier laundry in tue cil-.
- IN - 1873.
and Notions to reduce stock. The choicest
the cheapest of the season. Big lot of Sailor
goods In all styles. Infants' Caps from 5o up.
Hats, all colors, SI. 00. Infants' short white
Infants' long Coats, embroidered ou cane,
goods and cheap, come to KELLY'S, when
ciose out our siook; win carry no goons
goods our specialty.
13 North Jardin Street.
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of nil kinds promptly attended to
Spring and Summer
Order Spring Garments Noto.
Complete line of domestic and inr
ported novelties in trousers and suit
ings.. We are also sole agents in Shenan
doah for the celebrated Cresent and
Rambler bicycles, rancinu in price
from S25 to $100. Every bicycle sold-
When it comes to
Our stock speaks for Itself. If you
don't como to town, send your
orders. They will be nicely fill'
?,0 E. Centre Street, Shenandoah.
Undertaking !
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