The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 24, 1895, Image 4

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MONDAY, JUNE, 21 1805.
.lvnly Mrmrgle llotwrrn FrleniU unci Op
pnnunM of Setintur llliicUJiiirn.
Louisville, .Tuno SI. Gonernls Hardin
nd Clny, lending cmnlltlnto.4 for tho
Ktibernntorliil nomination it tho Demo
cratic stnto convention tomorrow, Mid all
tho other candidates who huvo heou hero
some days, wero Joined yesterday by niiiny
of tho delegatus, iimonK tho luttor being
tScnnter Jon Blnckbitru, who Is working
(or the chnlr'nnnshlp of tho coinmltteo on
resolutions. Congro-ismnn MeCroury as
pire? to tho (same chairmanship.
Tho nil absorbing topic Is tho resolution
on tho silver question. Tho coinmltteo on
resolutions will oouslst of one member
from each of tho cloven congressional dis
tricts and two mombers-nt-large appointed
by tho chairman of tho convention. Kor
this reason thore is moro contest than over
for tho tomporary organization. Con
gressmen W. .1. Stonoand Albert R. 15orry
nro most prominently mentioned for chair
man, but neither the Clny nor the Hardin
men will namo tholr favorites for chair
man. Although Clay Is called tho gold candi
date and Hardin tho sllvor caudldato, yot
those lines aro not strictly drawn on
them, as nro tho lines of those for nnd
against tho administration. Mr. Van
Zenden, Carlisle's private secretary, and
.cott Nosbitt, tho now appointment clerk,
nre hero, and tboy wero followed from
Washington by ox-Congressman 1'hll D.
Thompson, who Is enthusiastic for Sena
tor Blackburn as chairman of tho coin
mltteo on resolutions.
Aside from tho silver issuo there is n
bitter fight botweon tho friends of Secre
tary Carllslo and Senator Blackburn, in
which Sonntors Lindsay, Buckner, Mo
Croary and other leadors nro with muck
Japnn Tiring of the Kll'ort to Civilize the
r Corenns.
SAN FltANCIsco, Juno 21. Tho steamer
Coptic nrrlved last night bringing the
following ndvicos from Yokohama, June
1; Although no International complica
tions nro npprohonded on Formosa's ac
count the latest Coreau developments aro
justly rognrded with grave anxiety. Count
Inony, tho Japanese representative nt
Seoul, has been recalled o.-u-usiljly to tnko
part In consuUutiuus m to tue fututu pol
icy of Japan, but really, it i bellcvd. to
discuss tho question of nb-imlnnlnir en-
tlrely tho attempts to introduce social
and political reforms into tho corrupt
Unless Count Inony Is permitted to onv
ploy forcible means, his chances of gain
ing ascendency uro small. From tho be
ginning Japan has declared her determi
nation to act only us a frioudly advisor to
Corea, and any attempt to iniposo her nu-
thorlty by violeuco would bo inconsistent
with her professions and her true purposo.
Sho hoped that tho fcoblo country could
be made capublo of self government on
civilized principles. Sho now finds that
It wishos for nothing but to bo loft to its
old misrule, and the outlook is full of dif
ficulties. If tho Japaneso government
gives up its task it leaves Corea at the
mercy of Russia.
Tul Won Kun's grandson, recently ban
ished for treason nnd complicity in mur
der, Is reported to have died at his place of
oxilo. Public opinion credits tho queen of
Corea with having caused him to bu assas
sinated. Sunday Hint In n l'enltcntlary.
.Lincoln, -Neb., Juno m. A riot oc
curred yosterdny among tho convicts of
tho state penitentiary. The guards had
thrown open a tier of colls to let a squad
out, when Immediately an Italian convict
named Sculesl dashed out, armed with n
etllottn. which ho had mndo of scrap Iron,
and savagely attacked a fellow convict
named .Sullivan. Scalesl fought llko a
demon, but lie was worsted by Sullivan,
who Is a powerful man. Tho Italian then
turned on a negro named Howard, who
adroitly oscaped tho knifo. Scnlcsl lunged
at Costello, u guard, and cut him across
the stomach, though not seriously. At
this juncture all the liberated convicts
and the guards joined In tho melee. Kvery
man who harbored a grudge against an
other took advantage of tho opportunity
to "got ovou." Threo convicts attacked
the Itullau, who oxtrleated himself und
fled. Ho soon ran afoul of Guard Dan
Athon, who struck him on the bond with
a loaded cane, cutting a doop gash. The
Italian was removed to the hospitul.
The St Louis Disabled.
New Yoiik, Juno 24 Tho now Ameri
can liner St. Louis met with an accident
Inst Tuosdny, Juno 18, whon In about lat
itude 40.53, longltudo 35.53. Some part of
the steering apparatus cracked and It wns
nocossnry to use it with tho utmost cau
tion nnd disorotlon. Consequently tho
vessel was steered with her twin sorews
as far as practicable until tho lightship
was reached, when the ruddor was again
called Into play. Tho total dlstnuco trn
versed was 3,123 miles, nnd tho time of
pnssago 7 days, 7 hours and 11 minutos.
Murdered on the Highway.
RALEIGH, N. C, Juno 24. In Mndlson
county Henry Holoombo, riding horsebnok
with a woman behind blm, mot his ne
phew, Tom Chandler, who was In a
wagon with two women. Holoombe play
fully struck with his hat at Chandler,
who caught Holoombe by tho leg In the
Bdiiio spirit. Holcombo without a word
drew his revolvor nnd shot Chandler, tho
ball passing through his mouth and lodg
ing In the back of his bead. Chandler is
dead. Holoombe esonped.
A Ilaptlst Deacon Btage Ilnbber.
UkiAH, Cnl., Juno 84. David Oldham,
a. deacon In the Baptist church, hno been
arrested for robbing tbe Mendocino stage
a week ugo. Ho hnd as un acoompllce a
inuu mimed Hilton, who has oonfossed,
Implicating Oldham. Tho robbors secured
f 1,000, and tho officers have rocovored HU
ton's share. Oldham stood well In tho
community, nnd tbo plan wns for him to
swear to nu alibi for Hilton In case the
latter was suspeoted.
201 "West Centre Street.
Dealer in groceries, flour, provUoas, teas
coffees etc. Good delivered tree1
hasGs'vcto power
tar be Ueil on the Itellelout flnrb find
Uunjr County lltlls.
IlAWUSDUHO, Juno SI. Tho religious
pnrb bill will bo taken up this wcok by
Governor Hastings for final consideration.
This measure has excited moro Interest
than nuy other passed by tho recent logls
lnturo. It Is ndvocntod by tho patriotic
Boclotlcs, and strong prossuro Is being
brought to bear upon tho governor by
thoso organizations to have tho bill bo
como a law. Tho governor was nt first In
clined to favor tho proposition, but tho
opposition to It from tho Monn5nltcs and
Dunknrds Is so pronounced that It Is prno
tlcally settled that ho will veto It. Thoso
pooplo claim that If tho bill should bo
come a lnw I would force thoir children
out of tho public schools bocauso of the
slmplo dress which thoy wear. It Is be
lieved that tho governor will take the
broad ground that tho bill Is unconstitu
tional because It discriminates ngnlnst
cortnln religious sects.
The Quay county bill Is also In dnngei
of bolng vetoed. Tho gonoral objection Is
that within the next twenty years the
coal lands in tho territory In Schuylkill
nnd Luzcruo countlos, out ofvhlch It is
proposed to create tho now county, will bo
outworked, nnd that tho lurgo population
will be materially decroascd. Tho gover
nor's friends nlso say that tho population
In tho proposed county Is mado up princi
pally of foreigners, of whom not more
than 10 por cent, pay taxes. When tne
mines nro abandoned thoso pooplo will
drift to other localities, and tho burdens
of tho county government will fall upon
tho agricultural classes.
Defiant IJUliop Ilonannm.
Omaha, .TunoSl. Thedlsputch of Wed
nesday announcing tho revocation by Mgr.
Satolllof thoordorof Bishop Bonacum, dis
pensing with tho scrvlcos of Father Fitz
gerald, of South Auburn, and Father Mur
phy, of Tocuniseh, Is confirmed by the
bishop. In a lotter to thoso olergymen
dated Juno 15 Bishop Bonacum rocallsthe
order, but supplements it with nnotnor in
validating tho priestly functions at noon
July lo unless they comply with certain
conditions of a financial nature. Should
thoy ref uso compliance with tho conditions
Imposed, tho bishop says that ho will take
proper stops to romovo them. The priests
ropllcd to tho letter by domandlng a re
traction within five days, otherwise tncy
will institute action against Bishop Bon
acum In tho papal court nt Washington.
An important point In tho lotter of tho
bishop Is a roforonco to tho propagnndn,
which indicates his purposo of Ignoring
tho npostollo court.
Two Drowned In Ilnrvcy's lake.
WlLKESBAiutE, Pa., Juno 24. .Louis
McCnrthy, nged 18 yenrs, nnd Bow Hard
ing, his cousin, nged 20, wero drowned In
Hnrvoy's Lako yestorday morning undor
peculiar circumstances. Thoy hnd boon
borsoback riding, and drovo thoir horses
Into the lnko to water thorn. McCarthy's
horso became frightened whon in tho
water and throw Its rldor. McCarthy
could net swim, and Harding, hearing his
cries for help, dismounted and wont to
bis roscuo. McCarthy was tho hoavler
man of the two and hold on to his cousin
with n death grip, from which Harding
was unablo to relcaso himself. Before
assistance could nrrlvo both men sank in
ten foet of wnter. Their bodies wero re
covered. Now York's Organized Firebugs.
New York, Juno 21. Mr. Vernon M.
Davis, tho assistant district nttorney, wns
soon at his houso Inst night in referonco to
tho firebugs who, It is alleged, have boen
firing buildings nnd securing the lnsur
nnco money. Mr. Davis said thoro wero no
now developments in tho case. Ho scouted
the statement publishod in ono of tho
papers that n member of tho gang wns em
ployed in tho district nttornoys' ofllco. Ho
was equally emphatic in denying tho story
published In ono of the Sunday papers
which quotes Flro Marshal Mltchel as say
ing that soveral members of tho firebug
gang wero omploycd in his olllco.
Walking Delegates Ordered Out of Town.
New BitUNSWiCK, N. J., Juno 21. Two
walking dologatos from Now York, mem
bers of a hat nnd cap workers' union, wero
ordered out of this city by Chief of Police
Harding. A. Slmmonson had troublo
with his workmen, which was duo to tho
Interference of the walking dologates.
Slmmonson enmo to this city about a
month ugo to establish a branch. Tho
delegates followed him. Tho local board
of trade has agreed to stand by Slmmon
son, and tho outcomo of the troublo will
bo awaited with Interest.
Hank ICobbers Still at Large.
Duluth, Minn., Juno 24. A party of
officers camo up with tho Rainy Lako
bank robbers near Crnno Lako, not far
from the Canadian bouudnry. Aftor a
lively exchange of shots tho robbors es
caped, and tho chaso was then aban
doned. Tho officials of Canada have been
notified to look out for the men. Cashier
Butlor, who was hold up by the two men,
nrrivod in Duluth to consult with tho nu-
thoritles in rcgurd to the robbery.
Xo Protest Against Satolll.
Washington, Juno 24. An eminent
Cathollo ecclesiastic says of the recent
Romo cable to tho London Standard that
Cardinal Gibbons bad presented to the
popo n protest of tho American bishops
against tho contlnunnco pf Mgr. Sntolll's
mission in tho United Stntes: "Tho
Amorlcnn bishops bnve mnde no such pro
tost, nnd tho st at onion t that Cardinal Gib
bons or any ono else is its bearer is nu un
qualified fnlsehood."
A Severe Sentence Awaits lllin.
SAN Fiuncisco, Juno 24. Alonzo J.
Whitman, ex-mayor of Duluth, convicted
of forgery in the superior court, will be
sentenced next Friday. His sentoncowlll
undoubtedly be severe, as Judge Wullaoe,
before whom Whitman wns tried, Is noted
for sovorlty to thoso convicted of felony.
Whitman is confined In tho county Jail.
Sovornl other charges of forgory aro pond
ing against Mm.
Tho Jnpanose flag was ro hoisted at Pe-
kln yestorday in honor of the Jnpanoso
minister's arrival.
At Chicago yesterday the mombora of
the home team wore arrested for Sunday
ball playing. Tboy gavo ball.
For rof using to testify in tho boodle In
vestigation City Assessor Frod E. Films
worth, of Omaha, was sent to jail for
thirty days.
Shorlff P.. It. Grovo, of Brownsville,
Toun., nocldontly shot and killed bis
daugntor, Susan, 24 yours old, whllo care-
lossly handling a revolvor.
Unusual skill as nn artist led to tho
identification of O. H. Smith, a Wichita
(Kan.) Jailbird, nsthemurdoror of Ed. Ott,
near Wheaton, Ills., in December.
Thoy Trnvpl with the Hands nnd Ast
ley droits.
Bewnte of the army of satnkp, bunco
men and fakirs who belong to tbe tiamls &
Astley citcus. The whole circus i n gamb
ling lntltuti enyts tbe I'oUsvlllo Journal
wnrning the public of ;tho danger that
besets the man with a dollar in his pocket
who goes to see the show. The
mnuRBcr and pries neenn nre not to be
trusted as both were nrresled in
l'ottavllle aud if the public can not depend
upon the chief officers for honest dealing,
what must tbey think of tbe low cnt-thtnuts
who operate noder the canva", yea, under
the very eyes of the men who transact the
business of the concern ? But while the
gulllbles die being flteced inside tbe can
ci9, nnother gnog works the crowd on the
outside nnd to numerous nre the tricks and
devices that one must be exceedingly
wide awake net to fall into their clutches
The show is now at Shenandoah and we
siuceicly hope that the unnry to whom
these lines nre particularly nddrtssed, will
lited this wnrning nnd steer clear of the
swnrm of lnkirs who nre u-ing the cirens to
give them a fruitful field lor their opera
tions. It is estimated thHt over three
thousand dollars were filched from the
pockets of the people through various gamb
ling devict-s. Men who pretend to be
shrewd nnd know ull about the tricks of the
professional gnrub'er, wero just as easily
caught ns those who never read the papers.
The fliui-llani game was worked on bank
tnhiers and nwpper men. Of course
tbe game did not work in nil caeca but tbe
man who detected the trick, bad been
her6 before or encountered a bonnier in
tho business.
The show nrrived here from Tremont
Pnturdny und gave two exhibitions nt
Yorkville. There were two rings in tbe
rniin paviliou nnd a. collection of animal
iu the tent ns you enter. The side chow is
the headquarters lor the fakirs.
Ah soon aa the doors opened in the after
noon trie sharks rauvtd on either side of
the canvas und snapped at everything iu
eight. The flitn-flani man wanted cbnnge,
or desired bit! money for small change, nnd
everybody who accommoiated him lost by
tbe transaction. Tbe venders of red
lcraonnde, cnudy, peanuts nnd cigars fliui
Hammed tbe people on the stats Out in
be side show press agent J. N. Wisner,
o oersted or ussiited in operating a game
.ailed the "hee-hive " Fred. Schaal, the
butcher, tried tbe litt e game anl lost $25
in n few minutes. That wnaH the money
be had und represented the collection-!
on a bill for meat supplied tbe
circus. Then one of the bunco steerers
bluffed Schaal and told him he would give
him $200 if he could show $100. Schaal
left the tent and borrowed $100 from a
friend near Seventh nud Market streets.
He hasteuid back greatly excited nud tbe
man who had made the offer was waitini:
for him. Tbe fakir placed $200 in bills
before Schaal and just then Clerk ot the
Court Skortall appeared on tbe scene.
The fakir then called upon Schaal to place
his roll alonside of the 6200 pile which he
did, notwithstanding that his friend Sbortnll
warned him not to do so. Then a conleder-
nte of the fnkir suddenly grabbed tbe
money nnd ran off with it. Wisner is tbe
man accused ot uetting away with
the money. Mr. Shortnll several min
utes later saw him seated in
a trolley car and got a constable to arrest
him just as tbe car st irted for Pottsville.
Wisner was taken b-fore Squire Btnssruao
nnd held in S500 bail to nnnver the cliaiga
of gambling and Tbentiui: nod defrauding.
Manager (Jluy tiled to gel tne man c ear
ot the charge and called in several news
paper men to identily nun at tue press
agent of the circus. Bat that Utile trick
did not work. Wisner and Clny said it
was an outrage, buttooner than be held on
the charge they would reimburse Schaal at
tbe ticket wagon. Constable Leinheiser
took Wisner to the ticket wagon but came
back without the pri-oner or money. The
officer said that Clay and several others
took the prisoner from him and helped him
to escape.
Squire lienseman tnen tssuea a warrant
for Clay's nrrest, on the charge of con
snirncy and aiding n prisoner to escape.
After a long parley Clay gave the Sciuirs
$112.50 paid tbe costs and was allowsd to
go The cost amounted to $3.21. M'.
Schaal thus recovered S 112 50 aud is just
out 12.50.
Manv of tbe victims did not squeal and
rntber than admit of their gullibility they
bore their loses without telling anybody.
Sanire Dunn, ot Braocbdnle, took ul
best girl to Tremont to see the show. He
1 ist $26.50 on tbe bee-hive game and had
to borrow money to cet home He swore
out a warran at Tremont for the arrest of
tbe gambler but tbe Constable let the
prisoner escape. Saoite Benteman and
uianaeer Clay settled by giving tne lirancn-
dnle jostle- $20 nnd paying costs of suit.
Will mm Broohv Inst 57 in a snen came.
George Jones the shell man who has visited
Pottsville belore settled by giving ropuy
4 and nnvim; costs amounting to ii.'zl
Harrv Chance was beaten ont ol If'J in a
shell came and Jones raid be was the man
who did if Chance cot back S1 6U. jouea
paid tbe costs and a flue of $o in each case
Squire Benseman heard both c.vea.
When you want good roofing, plumbing,
gas fitting, or general tlmsmlthing done
call on E. F. Gallagher, 18 West Centre
street. Dealer in stoves 3-4-tf
CJoImr nt a Snorlllco.
The balance of the groceries of Philip
Coffee's stock must be sold by the first of
July. Hero are tbe prices : Navy and
Extra tobacco 27 cents a pouud; extraots ot
nil kinds, lemon, vnnllln, paragorlc, swee
nitre, castor oil, strawberry, etc., 3 bottles
for 10 cents; best sugar corn, 9 onus fe 60
cents; tomatoes, 9 cans for 00 cents; beet
white A sugar 22 pounds for 51 j real Java
coffee 22 cents a pouud. or package; gluger,
alsplce, cloves, cayenne pepper, 8 cents pr
fiuarter pouud: best cocoa, 15 cents a can
best Union soap, 10 bars for 25 cents; lies
white snowflake soap, 2 3-pouud bars
for 25 cents; best oom staroh 7 cents
nackace: Oolong, English Breakfast
Gunpowder and Japan teas 23 cents
nouiid: neas 5 cents per quart; best
creamery butter 22 cents ; rice 5 cents pe
pound ; barley, 7 pounds for 25 cents
There are also several scales and counter
scales for sale, one platform soale, one ice
box, two screen doors, one cheese cutter,
nnd dried beef cutter. The best lard In tbe
market for 9 nnd 10 cents per pound. Best
cheese 10 cents per pound.
Philip Coitbe,
6-21-3t 34 East Centre street.
Senator Quay iu nnrrlsbtirtr.
Habbisboeq, June 23 Senator Quay
nrrlved here this nfternoon aud will remain
nntil Tuesday. He expects to call on tbe
Governor to-morrow.
Two Townn of tho County Will EnoU
Have ii Handsome) New Cliurob.
A great crowd saw the corner stone of
Hie Oiace Evangelical Church, of Schuyl
kill Haven laid yesb?rtay afternoon. Tbe
ceremony took place at 3 o'clock nnd it was a
happy day for tbe Evangelicals of that town.
Hev. C. S. Haman, presiding elder of the
district had charge of the services, llev.
Mr. Snyder, pa'tor of the church, llevs. H.
W. Behu-y, of Pottsville, nul J. Sterner, of
Cressona assisted in the laying of tbe stone.
People ftoru Cressona, Orwigsburg, Potts
ville nnd other places attended.
Tli" new cburcb will be an Imposing and
hnndsome structure, aud United Evangeli
cals have worked very bard for their new
St. John's Qermnu Lutheran Cburcb, nt
Tnuinqun, had its corner-stone laid during
a specially prepared program yestorday.
The services were started ut 1 30 o'clock in
the nfternoon by Kev. Emil E Hahne
mann, pastor of tbe chutch Rev. Pipf.
F. L, Seip, D. D.. who is eresident of the
Ministerium of Pennsylvania, nud who is
President of Muhlenberg College, Allen
town, preached a sermon in Eoglisb, nnd
Rev. Air. Illniu, of Summit Hill, nnd Rev.
Mr. Strauss, of Lehigbtou, delivered ser
mons in Oermau. A great many people
fioin towns in the vicinity assembled to see
tbe cotner-stone laying. Tbe new church
will be n brick structure nnd will be
modem in every detail.
Grand Jury Jtepol't.
The Grand Jury mnde it report Satur
day. Following is tbe report:
Tbe Grand Inquet of toe Commonwealth
of Pennsylvania, inquiring for the
County of Scbuvlkill, for June sessions,
189o, would respectfully report as lol
We bnve acted upon 120 bills of indict
ment that have been presented to us of
which number we have returned Ao ns
not true bills:
Eicht of trie bills ignored charged felon
les and 'it misdemeanor. In the bills
ignored, charging misdemeanors, we have
placed the costs In So cases on tne prosecu
tor or prosecutrix nnd in two cases on the
We have approved tbe report ot viewers
recommending tbe erection ot a county
ridge in the iownshtp of Rush, bchuyl
kill county.
We bnve visited tbe county prison and
found everything nt that institution,
nde- the efficient mauaeement of Warden
Biower, in good condition
We would respecttully call attention to
the many accidents occurring throughout
the county by electric railways. We
think this a very serious matter, and
some steps should Ve taken to prevent eo
many accident1, and perhaps loss of h'e
In conclusion we teiurn thanks ti tne
court and its ouctals, for courtesies shown
nd assistance reud-red.
All of which is respectfully submitted
Jacoh Seajiar, Foreman
M. J. Ryan, Secretary.
Buy Keystone flour. Be sure that tbe
name Lessig & Baeb, Ashland, Pa., is
printed on every sack. tf
The Fourth Is Coming.
The glorious Fourth of July, Independ
ence Day, will soon be here. There isn't
much time left iu which to prepare to
properly celebrate the day. But patriotic
hearts and willing bands will furnish tho
spirit nud Hud tho means aud ndopt the
methods to that end. We" feel that Sben
ando.ih will not be behind band iu celebrat
ing the great national holiday iu n properly
patriotic and becoming manner.
T?OUXD. A eum of money. Owner can nro
J- . nt- nntnn imon urovlnir ownerBhili. AddIv
o 1. 1'. D. Klrlln.
druggist, South Main rtrect
TUANTED. Salesmnii; salary from start, per
manent place; Brown Hroa. Co., N rsery-
men, ltocliester, rs. . i
"fOR KENT. A nice house for a r mall family.
-1- Apply at Kefowich's clothing house C-ll-tf
1ST. A liearv crold lllnlll band rillir
inliinls "D. F. S. to N. 11. A." emtrived in
side Suitable rew ard will be paid for return to
tilt! 11CI1ALD OlIlCO. O-.t-dl
leisure each itav tmould write me nt once.
regarding plennut home work which easily pays
SIS weekly. This Is no deception und will cer.
tainly.iiay you to investlaale. itepiy win
Mau.icil envelope. Mrs. S. A. Stebbins, uw
rencc, nucn. u-i.-n
"T701TND. Two sums of money on North Main
street. Owners can have same by proving
property ana paying lor tins nuvenisemcr.i.
Apply to It. F. GUI, corner Mnln nnd Lloyd
bticcts. 0-4-Jt
ing samples, soaps, specialties, books, do
corresponding. Send Sylvan Co., 7-7 Wood-
waru, jjeirou, mica., iuc ior sei 01 Etuupies,
eceive oner 10 you.
WANTED. wnntod by The Singer Manufac
turing Company, a man to act as salesman
nud collector. Must come recommended and
able lo furnish bond. We wnnt a worker. A
good position for the right man. No money re
quired. Drains and energy is what's required
We furnish the rest. Apply at the Singer olllco,
21 Centre street, Sbenandoab. 0-Il;tf
WANTED, Reliable, energetic man to take
' r rhariTfi nf a branch house controlling whole
sale nnd retail trado for Narcoti-Cvhe. Splendid
opening. ortli 2,oou u year lo rignt person.
Only those with $800 cash and good reference
need apply for Interview.
18-11 Springfield, Mass
Neto York Gash Store
29 N. Main St., Shenandoah, Pa.
Too many goods, at this time in the
season, 200 ditl'erent shapes trimmed nnd
untrimmed goes for cost nnd loss. Child
ren's $1.75 Embroidend dreuea goes for
81.00 also cloaks, sacks, etc., nt cott. This
Sacrifice Sale begins Saturday, June 6th,
for 3 weeks onlv. Its the greatest money
saver yet offered. Come early and select
your bargains.
Your Stomach : : :
Cnnnot btnnd the same washing that your
boots do, nnd the water you drink isn't
even lit for that purpose Use
Lorenz Schmidt's Beer and Porter
Manngor Shenundoab Branoh.
(Formerly Murphy Bro.)
Saloon :-: and :-: Restaurant,
19 North Main Street.
Tho bar supplied with first-olnw wines
linuors beer, ate norter. Choice dears.
Open all night. Free lunch from 9 a. m. to
7 p. m.
It is not
An experiment but fi Proved Success. Thous- !
ands of housekeepers who at first thought they I
never could use any shortening but lard, now i
use COTTOLENE and couldn't be induced to j
change, simply because it is better, cheaper and
Catalogue free.
J. S. HOTJSEKIOIC, Exclusive Apcnt, Shenandoah, Pa.
Garden s Art Wall Paper Store.
"We have just received n line lino of tho most beautiful nnd artistic papers in tha
market, which v o will sell nt very reasonablo prices. AVe hnyo nlso in stock a
grent deal of last year's pntterns which we uro sellinc; nt n sncriflce. Come and
see our linn of goods. We have tho mo3t beautiful nnd artistb papers.
Largest Paper Store in Town. Finest Stock an Lowest Price
House, Sign and Decorative Painting.
All orders promptly nttended to.
Corner Jardin and Oak
No. 10 North Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Clothes of nil diescription neatly dono up in n first class manner. I can refer to scorto
of families in this citv as to my care in washing and superior neatness in doing up doli
ng. I da my work better and quicker than other laundry in the city.
Half the price in Millinery Goods and Kotlous to reduce stock. The choicest
poods in Millinery has just arrived and the cheapest of the senson. BIc lot of Sailor
Hats from 10c up; French flower Ostrich goods in all styles Infants' Caps from 5c up
Hats, all embroidery, 25c. Ladies' Mill Hats, all colors, 81.00. Iufiiuts' short white
dresses, handsomely embroidered, 76c up; Infants' long Coats, embroidered on cape,
S1.00 up. When you want good goods and cheap, come to KELLY'S, when
you cannot be suited elsewhere. We must close out our stock; will carry no goods
over. Kun's veils from $1.00 up. Mourning goods our specialtv.
26 South Main Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Go to tho Shonandoah Dental Rooms
for painless extraction of teoth. Gold
nnd Silver fillings. If your nrtificnl teeth
do not suit you call to see us. All exami
nations freo. Wo mako all kinds of
platos. Gold Cfowns, Aluminum Crowns,
Logan Crowns, Crown nnd Bridgo Work
and all operations that pertain to Dental
No charges for extracting whon plates
nro ordored. We nre tho only users of
vitalized air for the painless extraction of
SIiCiuiudoiilL Dental I'oouis,
East Centre Street, Shenandoah, Pa.
Ofllco Uourt : 7 a. m. to 8 p. m.
Can always be, had at
Charles Dorr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
.?)! f'ison Hons? Bnlldintr.
Of summer millinery, including
Ladies,' Misses' and Childrens' hats
and bqnnets. Special bargains in
mourning goods. Prices the lowest.
Alice Jennings,
314 South Main Street.
more healtlilul. The genuine
has this trade mark steer's j
head in cotton-plant wreath j
on every pail. Look for it j
Mndo only ty j
N. K. Fair-bank Company, Hi
CHICAGO, and :
I N. Delaware Ave.. FhUadiu I
Warranted superior to any Bicycle built in the world re
gnrdloss of prioe. Do not bo induced to piy more money" for
nn inferior wheel. Insist on having tne Wnverloy. Built
nnd gunrnntced by the Indinnn Bicycle Co , a million dollar
concern, w boso bond is ns good as gold.
21 LB. 80anOHER, 286. It LB. LAD1E8', 76.
Good agents wanted in every town.
224 West Centre Street.
Painter and
Pa per-Hanger,
Streets, Shenandoah, Pa.
LnrRCSt Assortment nntl Lowest Prices.
All orders promptly attended to
Undertaking !
13 North Jardin Street-
16 North Main Street.
Repairing of all kinds promptly nttended to.
Spring and Summer
Order Spring Garments Noio.
Complete line of domestic and im
ported novelties in trousers and suit
ings. We are also sole agents in Shenan
doah for the celebrated Cresent and
Rambler bicycles, ranging in price
from S25 to $100. Every bicycle sold
is guaranteed.
"When it comes to
Our stock speaks for itself. If you
don't como to town, send your
orders. They will bo nicely filled.
29 Contre Street, Shenandoah.