The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 18, 1895, Image 3

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HERE is but one
way in the world to be sure
of having the best paint, and t!hat is
to use only a well-established brand
of strictly pure white lead, pure lin
seed oil, and pure colors. The
"John T. Lewis 8c Bros."
brand is standard "Old Dutch''
process, and is always absolutely
Strictly Pure
White Lead
If you want colored paint, tint
this strictly pure lead with National
Lead Co. ' s Pure White Lead Tinting
These colors are sold in one-poun J cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of Strictly
Pure White Lead the desired shade ; they are in
no sense ready-mixed paints, but a combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
Send us a postal card and get our book on
paints and color-card, free.
lor Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Cogs, Hogs,
300 Pago Honk on Treatment of Animals
and Chart Sent I'rtc.
cctieh Fevers, Coneestlnns.Inllnmnintlon
A.A.i Spinal Meningitis, Milk 1'cver.
I!. I!. .Strains, Lameness, Itlicmimtisni.
C.(;..-Ilstcmicr, Mnsnl Discharges
.).--lIots or C.rubs, Worms
K.K.--CmiKli8, 11 raven, l'liruutnnla
)M'...Collc or (irlpc, llcllyaclic.
(.(.Ollscarrlagc. Hemorrhages.
II. II. Urinary nnil Kidney Diseases
J.I.EruptiTO DIxpnKes, Mango.
J.K. Diseases of Digestion, Paralysis
Single Bottle (orer SO doses), - - ,(J0
Stable Case, with Specifics, Manual, .
Veterinary Cure Oil and Medlcator, 87.00
Jnr Veterinary Curo Oil, 1.00
Sold feyDrugtl.lit or otot prrpftld sajitliore ftnd la any
qoanlttj on rteelpt of price.
In uae 30 years. Tho omyeaecissful rtmedyfor
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
and Prostration, from over-work or other causes.
91 per vial, or fi rials and large vial powder, for $5.
Sold bj Prn;K lit, or lent postpaid on receipt o( price.
lICBPIiKKIB'BED. CO., Ill 11 Willi ta hUt KawYurk.
Has stood the Test of Time
C CEASED. Loiters
testnmentni'V on the
eslnte of John f . tlollmnn Into or Shenandoah
C.1 11-111 .iiMtt- l,ncfWn.iln ilDIun..l
lmvniir been granted to the uudcrglcued nil
persons Indebted tn sold estate nro requested to
tnftKO pnyinem, nun mose Having claims io
present tho same without delay to
William Dkrii, Executor,
Rhcnnndoah. Pn,
Or his Attorney, J. If. I'oineroy, Shenandoah,
Pa. l-n-w-6w
Beer and Porter.
Barbey's Bock Beer
2 Valuable Properties,
On North White Street. .
Double block of dwellings, Nos. 30 and
:j2 North White street, between Centre and
Lloyd streets. .. .,.,
o .InnlilA DIOCK OI UWU111UUS. nua,
lib and 118 North White street, between
m,c , d and -;oai sireem.
f, L
'SwiusioiiiiiicujfAitiiaitaidiirjJtiut.'aiL M
wtwyowM US if
v Arr'y at th0 herald:office.
Georgia's Chief Mnglstrntn May Die from
nn Attnck of Appendicitis.
Atlanta, Juno 18, Apprehensions of a
fatal outoomo of an nttock of appondicltls
with which Governor Atkinson wassolzod
on Sunday, thougli removed for a tlmo
yesterday, were renewed Inst night, and
grave fears are now entertained that death
may ensuo. Tho governor rostcd In oom-
paratlve comfort In the nfternoon, but at
night his condition becamo rapidly worse.
A lawyer was summoned and the gov
ernor mndo his will. An operation was
performed on the patient, but the result
is as yet unknown.
Commander Ida Leaves the Alert for Dis
respect to Admiral Mende.
Washington, Juno 18. Commander
Georgo Ide, of tho Alert, now at Panama,
has beon rolleved of his command by a
cable order. Ho will bo succeodod by
Commander Franklin Hnnford, at pres
ent on duty at tho Now York navy yard,
who will tako tho steamer of July 30 for
the Isthmus. Commander Ide, however,
will bo roltovod Immediately, not being
allowed to retain his command until his
successor reaches his ship. Tho reason
for this summary action Is found In
chargos preferred by Roar Admiral Moado
that tho commander had treated him with
Tho incident occurred at Panama last
spring. Admiral Mcado and Assistant
Secretary McAdoo, while cruising In tho
Carribbcan sea, had touched at Colon,
and the two officials crossed tho Isthmus
to Panama on tho railroad. Hero they
mot Coramandor Ido, and It was during
this meeting that tho incident occurred
that led tho admiral to prefer charges
against tho commander. Tho department
acted deliberately in the matter, making
a careful Investigation into tho caso, and
finally sonding copies of tho charges by
mail to Commander Ide to afford blm an
opportunity to defend hlmsolf. Appar
ently his answer was not satisfactory, as
bis removal from his command followed.
Commander Ido will go on waiting orders
for an indefinito porlod of tlmo.
Big Postofllco Robbery at Montgomery.
Montgomery, Ala., Juno 18. A big
postofllco robbory has just como to light
hero. Joslah Morris & Co., bankers, sont
on Saturday a $10,000 packago to a New
York bunk. A postal agont came and re
ceipted to the Montgomery postofllco for
the money packago. Shortly afterwards
the mall pouch was found cut open. Post
master Serows telegraphed Inspector Bar
rett at Chattanooga to como immediately
and Investigate tho mattor. Charles Arm
strong, a postofllco employe, returned tho
package on bunday.clalmlng ho had found
it In tho street. Armstrong was arrosted
Terrible Collision Averted.
Wilkesbarre, Pa., June 18. Yestorday
a heavily loaded coal car broko looso from
its fastonlng at tho Franklin initio and
dashed down the mountain, when it
reached tho main track of tho Central
Railroad of New Jersoy It had gained a
speed of a mllo a minute. A passenger
train from Scranton was expected soon,
and word was sent ahead to clear tho
track. Tho oporator at tho Jersey Control
office ordered a switching englno to bo
run out on tho main track. Tho runaway
car was met and baited, tat tho englno
was smasnea into am iron,
Town Threatened by Forest Vires.
Bradford. Pa.. Juno 18. A torrlblo
forest Are Is rasing In tho Klnzua valloy.
A tolephono mcssago from Mount Jowott
statod that a special train nau juso teit
that place for Kushequa with 100 mon
and all the hose that tho town could spare.
About 400 men are throwing up embank
ments and making every effort to save
tho town. The llro Is advancing toward
the vlllago and nothing, It seems, can bo
done to stop Its progress. Gaffnoy's chem
ical factory Is in the direct courso of tho
great sea of flames and its destruction is
almost Inevitable.
Portugal's Cnpltol Partially Destroyed.
Lisbon, Juno 18. Tho chamber of depu
ties was destroyed by firo yesterday aftor
noon. Flame3 broko out on tho roof at 1
o'clock, tho lire being caused byoplumbor
who bed been at work thero. Tho man
left his work for somo tlmo, neglecting to
extinguish his brazier. Tho flames wero
under oontrol before the fire could spread
to the chamber of peers, but tho chambor
of doputles und tho arehlvos wero de
stroyed. Four persons were Injured dur
ing tho conflagration.
Another Exploding Holler.
ATTICA, Ind., June 18. Whllo work
men woro driving a well with a steam
drill tho boiler exploited. William Smith
was Instantly killed and Frank Potorson
died within twenty minutes. Leonard
Stambard was horribly scalded and will
hardly recovor. J, W. Humor, Alox Ha
mer, Henry Stumar and a youngor son of
J. H. Homer were all moro or loss scalded
and otherwlso injured.
A. Setback for Street Railway Companies.
TitE.NTON, Juno 18. The court of errors
and nppeals decided a number of cases
which woro brought to assail tho logallty
nf tho franchises obtained by tho Camden
Horso Railroad company and tho West
.Tnrsnr Traction company, in btooKton
township. Tho effect of tho opinions 1b a
lotbaokfor both companies.
New Pennsylvania Judges.
HAitmsnniio. Juuo 18. Govoruor Hast
ings has appointed John W. Reed, of
Brookvlllo. president judge of Jofforson
county, and Alexander I). McCounell, of
Greonsburg, additional Judge of West
moreland county, to serve until January
I, 1800. Both offices were created by the
new judicial apportionment bill.
PEPSIA. The shopkeeper who clients us by lying
with rejrnnl to the quality of his goods,
mid tho grocer uml the butcher who gives
in short weights, is a thief. However,
their knuvoiy touches nothing but our
pucketbOok. There is another widespread
form of mUrepruscnt'itlon of a far moro
ilnngeroti nml villainous character.
Vo rofet to the falo statements and
worthless guarantees that frequently ac
company medicines. To guatantee u
mcdicino to curo Is to brand it as a quack
vroduct. If wo can suarnntoo to curo
disen'o, then we can guarantee Hverlnsting
life, for in a large majority of cases people
die of disonse,i the proportion of violent
or accidental deaths being vory small.
Tho Shnkors havo always ben known
ns a most upright and honorable people,
nnd their fucces in the nanufneturo of
medicines Inu always been well known.
It is thcreforo not surprising to find thum
iirstiing u very original and novel plan
Hit) introduction of their remedy lur
These uod-icarint: people, whoso motto
has always been "Try all things and hold
fast to that which is good,'' have put upon
tho market ten cent snmplo bottles of
their product, or sufficient to glvo it a trial.
The Shaker Digestive coruuil is so
prompt in its action that for tho trivial
sum of ton cents a person can usually do-
termmo as to whether or not It meets the
requirements of his caso, There aro forms
of dyspepsia which it won't help, but
these aro very rare. In most ca-es tho
first doso relieves all distress, and an in
crease of nppotite at once follows.
.jiii uruggisis navu u, nuu mu next lime
you aro troubled with indigestion send out
and try this popular and succcsslui pro
duct. It represents nearly a hundred
years of patient investigation and study.
The Uarlem Ship Canal Opened with Elab
orate Ceremonial.
New York, Juno 18. Tho Harlem ship
canal, which connects the Hudson river
with Long Island sound, was formally
opened yesterday afternoon with u mon
ster aquatic and land parado, in which
tho United States army and navy, the
state militia and naval rcservo, the city
police and firo departments and numerous
civic bodies wero represented. The parado
was watched by 50,000 or moro pcoplo sta
tioned along tho lino of march and on tho
banks of the canal.
Tho water pageant was tho feature of
the demonstration. At IS o'clock one of
tho big guns of the warship Cincinnati
boomed out the signal for the divisions of
tho flotilla to take place In line. The head
of the column formod about 200 yards from
When the battery of the Cincinnati gavo
the opening saluto of six guns thore was a
rattling of chains at the railroad crossing
at tho entrance of the canal. All tho
vessels in tho first division wero In lino,
and nmld tho screaming of whistles from
tho whole fleet, and white the Cincinnati's
guns were still booming, tho tug Scandi
navian, which led the procession, swept
through tho opening, closoly followed by
half a dozon llttlo steam launches, which
camo up In doublo file and shot ahead.
Then camo a score or moro of barges
tugs nnd excursion steamers. Tho flag
ship Elalno, with tho invited guests, ted
tho second division of tho parade, and
thero was another blast from tho whlstlos
ns she wont through tho draw. Follow
ins her were a scoro or moro of tug boats,
most of which had been chartcrod for tho
occasion by various organizations. Last
of all camo tho steam yachts. In all thero
wero seventy vessols In tho flotilla.
Tho rowing clubs fell in behind the
Scandinavian In tho first division and
went down tho river four abreast. Pass
ing through tho Harlom rivor tho water
parade made its way to tho rendezvous
just oil Oak Point. There tho land forces
drow up and the saluto from tho Clncln
nati was answered by a salute on land
and tho oheors of the multltudo of peoplo
gathored In tho woods along East Harbor
at Oak Point.
It was hera that the members of the
Young Lady Naval guards with much
ccromony placed tholr hands on tho kegs
darried by tho Elalno, containing tho
waters from historical spots, white tho
waters wero tumbled Into .tho sound nnd
the words of tho marriage of tho waters
wero spoken.
Charged with Forcluir a Fair Will.
SaIPHajjciscu. June 18 James Has
kins died in August, 1894, leaving a will
bonueatklnrc all hl's estate to his widow,
Elizabeth Hnskins. No opposition poing
maao. tno will was uuiy aumiuuu to uro-
bato last Septembor, whert tljo attorneys
for Charlos L. Fr produced a so'coud
Will of James G. Fair, dated Sept. i-'l, 1UU4,
three days Inter than tho stolen will. They
stated that tho millionaire bait oxeoutca
this will in the presence of Mrs. Nellie
Craven and Mrs. Ellzaboth Hasklns. It
is statod that Mrs. Hasklns was skilled In
penmanship to a rcmarkablo degree, and
it Is now charged that Mrs. Hasklns
forged tho second Fair will, as also that of
her husband. A contest for the Hasklns
estate has been commenced by hor nephew,
Murder and Suicide at Trenton,
Trenton, Juno 18. Fredorlck C. Floyd,
a farm hand, aged 10 years, whoso homo Is
at Hoxburg, N. J., shot Hattio Combs, a
domestlo of this city, last night, fatally
wounding her, aftor which he killed mm,
self. The girl died a 1 o'clock this morn'
ing. Floyd mot the girl In Hoxburg sev.
eral months ago, and fell In lovo with her,
She did not reciprocate, but Floyd por
slsted In his nttontlons and often came to
this city to visit her. Ho called last night
and persuaded tho girl to tako n walk with
him, Whon thoy roached tho corner of
Bank anil Wlilow streets tho double trag
edy occurred.
Killed by Her Worthless,
Lancaster, Pa , Juno 18. Joseph West-
gate, nn Iron workor, 43 yoars old, shot
and killed his mother-in-law, Mrs. Chris
tiana Hanbrlght, aged 64 years, last night,
He thon fired a bullet Into his own head,
inflicting a wound which will prove fatal,
Wostgato has boon married to Mrs. Han
brlght's daugbtor for six years, but when
lu drink ho so vlolontly abused hor that,
four years ago, she left him and, with
their two children, took up hor residence
with hor mothor.
Mothers will flud Chamberlain's Cough
Remedy especially valuable for croup and
whorping cough. It will glvo prompt re
lief and Is safe and pleasant. We hav
sold it for several years and it has never
failed to give tho most perfect satisfaction,
G. W. itlchards, Duquesuo, Pa. Bold by
Gruhler Bros., Druggists.
Presents at Holderman's.
No matter vhnt tho dien-o Is or how
many iinctn'if liavo ailed tj c iro you, ask
ymr diUirfnt for a Sj-rcnt Vial of ono of
Munyon's Cures, anil If you nro not bene
fited your mnri-y l'l bo refunded. This
C'umpun.- pit - up
A cure for every disease
rThfifil 1317 Arch St,
The only (lennlw ncclallt In Amprlcn,
notnltli'tnmUn, t others advertise.
. Special Ulsentes nnd Strictures
Permanent ir L'nrrd In U to 6 day
BLOOD POISON Lvclfmlbvl'm'lr
new nic-lho,lu jo lo Wilays. 8 J'eai' Eurie
! nean Hospital and 32 practical experience, as
I Certificates ami DlKlumpsTirove. Send five
I 2-cent stamps for bonk. " rklTll,"tlieonly
OUUK eXpOSlIlK UUafK i'OCMVB U11U uiiieisuu-
vertlslnB as great Specialists. A true friend
to all tufferers anil lo those contemplating
marriage. The most stubborn and dangerous
cases solicited. Write ur call and bo saved.
Hours. 7-3! Ere'a e-8 1 wed. and sat. eve's
6-lUtSun. 9-12 Successful treatment by mulL
Pilsner . Beers,
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
Chichester's English Diamond Krnnrf.
Pennyroyal pills
.Tu-v Original ond Only Genuine. A
rr. reliable, ladies uk fi
iboxes, se&lotl vltti Line nbboa. 1 ako tf
nn nili.r. TlftilAA ittltllttrauM luhjftfUa V
ton and imitations. Ai Draggliti, or nend 4c
In it&mpi for particulars, teitlmoniaU ml
"Itetlef fur rat-lien, in letter, by return
31 all. H'.UUIF iewiiiwmiMi. isamv j-aytr.
Chlphit(pChcniI(.ulCuaMa1Uoii HnuBrt,
Soli tj all Loot. DrussUt. i'hllatlu., I'u.
After All Others Fail
Dr. Lobb,
329 N. 15th St.
Below Cnllowhlll,
To heenro a Dositlve nnd nernianent euro of
Errors of Youth nml Loss of Mnuhood and of nil
iliseacs of the lllood, KidncyH, Ulnddcr, Skin
and N rvous System consult at once lr. Lobb.
He Kunrautees In all cases caused by Excesses,
Imnrudcnco or Inheritance to restore to Health
nnd Strength by building up tho shattered ner
vous s stem nml nddluK new Ufa nml energy tn
tho broken dowti constitution. Consultation uml
examinations free and strictly confidential. Olllco
hours, dally and r-unduy, lrom M A. Al. to u 1'.
M. nml C to 9 evenings. Itead his book on
errors of Youth and obscure diseases of both
sexes. Sent free.
ItllUCVnll Bore Throat, Pimples, Copper!
HnAYC lUU Colored Snots. Aches. Old Hores.I
Ulcers In Mouth, lUlr-Falllnfl Writo COOKl
Eiti:.lljoui CO., uut JHnsonic MempIeJ
Chlcuiro. 111., for proofs of cures. Cupl-I
Dial, S.IOO.OOO. Worst cases cured In IS
Hto ! days. 100-iaffO nook free-
A genuine welconio awaitH you at
Joe Wyatt's Saloon,
rool room attached. Finest whiskeys,
beers, porter and alo constantly on tap.
Choice temperance drinks and cigars.
Wlieu it comes to
Our stock speaks for itself. If you
don't como to town, send your
orders. They will bo nicely filled.
29 E. Centro Stroet, Shenandoah.
"a clean7quick shave-
Can always be had at
Charles Derr's Barber Shop,
First-class hair cutting and singeing.
sv-vt-ipi" Hons Buildim.'.
John F. Cleary,
Mineral wntcrs, Weiss beer. Bottler of tho
llnost later beers.
17 and 10 Peaoh Alloy, Shenandoah, Pa
Hooks & Brown
Full line of
IP EDidGg.
Wholesale nnd retail.
Agents for Daily Papers.
n - w
Gathering for tho Annual Conven
tion at Cleveland.
A Itepnrt That Stephen It. Elltins Will
Oppose Oonrrnl McAlpIn, tho Chnlco ol
tho Now York Delegates Tho Iownna
Will Not Demand Free Sliver.
Cleveland. Juno 18. Many delegates
and visitors have alrondy arrived here to
attend tho National Republican league
convention which begins tomorrow.
Among: those who reached tho city yester
day was Secretary Humphrey, of Chicago,
and President B. Tracy arrlvod today. Ths
Mnrnuctto club, of Chicago, Is coming on
a speclnl. Sonator Warner Miller is com
ing with tho Now York delegation, and
Georgo Gunter, of tho Now York school ol
economics is coming on tho Now York
tinln to answer tho silvorltcs should oc
casion demand it. Professor Williams, ol
Brown university, will also he hero.
Tho ladles' reception commlttco hnva
opened headquartors at tho Hollenden,
with Mrs. Catherine II. T. Avery in
charge Mrs. J. Ellen Fostor, president
of tho Woman's Hopublican Association
of tho United States, arrived at tho Hol
lenden this fdronoon.
It is now reported that Sonator-elect
Stcphon B.Elkins.of West Vlrginta,has en
tered tho race for president of tho league,
and that ho will como to town with the
West Virginian delegation In tho hopes
of winning a victory against the McAlpln
forces. Tho New Yorkers nro entrenched
in their belief that their candldnto cannot
by any possible chance bo beaten.
Thero is a quiet, but strong, undercur
rent of sentiment favoring H.Clay Evans,
of Tennessee, for president of the league,
and tho strength which he may dovelop
depends upon his willingness to allow his
friends to formally present his name bo
.foro tho convention.
Ono of tho early far western arrivals is
Frank W. Blcknoll, tho Iowa member of
tho National league Mr Blcknoll Is tho
editor of the Des Moines Stnto Rogistor,
and is in touch with the politics of his
his stnto.
"Aro tho peoplo of Iowa going to do
rannd frco silver?" ho was asked.
"No sir, wo are going to bo very con
servative on that point. It Is not the prov
ince of this convention to formulate or
even touch upon tho policy of tho Repub
lican party. Wo stand with Senator Alli
son in his speech ho mado at the Pitts
burg Americas club banquot on Grant's
birthday, which Is for bi-mctalllsm. You
may safely say that tho Iowa dologation
will voto as a unit against any silver plat
form outside of the one adopted at Minne
apolis." "Will Iowa boom Allison for president
of tho United States?"
"We will boom him, certainly, but not
this week. Wo bolleve in being courteous,
nnd do not propose to do anything In
Ohio, on Governor McKlnloy's own
Jealousy nnd Murder.
Sandusky, O., Juno 18. B. T. S. Hast
ings, aged 23, who rocently came hero
from St. Louis and stayed at a resort kopt
by his sister, Artie Hastings, on Decatur
street, shot Trlxlo St. Clair, an inmate,
through tho heart In a fit of jealousy. Sho
died instantly. Hastings thon shot him
belf twice In tho loft breast, and Is now nt
police headquarters In a critical condi
tion. Hastings says that ho lntonded to
kill both himself and the girl, as sho had
gone back on him.
Killed by an Kxplodlng Boiler.
New Ouleans, June 18. A fatal boiler
explosion occurred at tho Union cotton
compress works. The building was
wrecked and tho losseo of tho press, Clem
B. Primrose, was killed. Twelve others
wero injured, Albert Krankenbusch and
Preston Kayo seriously.
Oscar Wilde Must Servo Ills Time.
London, Juno 18. Tho attorney general
has refused to grant the application of Sir
Edward Clark for the roleaso of Oscar
Wlldo, on tho ground that tho Indictment
under which ho was tried and convicted
was dotectlve.
Tho Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania and Now Jer
sey, fair; warmor; easterly winds. For
District of Columbia, Maryland, Dolawnro
and Virginia, increasing cloudiness, and
probably thunder showers by tomorrow
morning; warmer; easterly winds.
Closing Quotations of the New York nnd
l'hlladelphla Exchanges,
New Yoiik, June 17. Tho slock market
opened active and llriu as a rule, but the coal
stocks were a notable reptlon. The de
pression In those shares, huTvever. was merely
temporary, and thov soon joined In the gen
eral advance, which continued throughout
the day. Closing bids:
Del. & Hudson llSW
D.. L. & W 102
Erie 10tf
Lake Erie & W... 21
Lehigh Nav 40)6
Lehigh Valley.... 37
New Jersey Cen.. tWK
N. Y. Central 102
N. Y. & N. E 43
Pennsylvania 63J-6
Heading 10$$
St. Paul CD
W. N. Y. & Pa i
West Shore
General Markets.
PniLA.DELi'iiiA, June 17. Flour weak; win
ter superfine, $33.a); winter extras, 83.25a
3.50; No. 2 winter family. S3.533.70; Pennsyl
vania roller, clear, $3.73O3.V0; do. roller,
straight, ljM.15;west6rn wlnter.clear, $3.75
3.W. Wheat weak, lower, with 70o. bid and
70Hc. asked for June. Corn dull, lower, with
&2ij. bid ami 53c. asked for June. Oats weak,
lower, with 33Mc bid and 30c. asked for
June. Hay dull; good to choice timothy, 813
(313.50. Iloef quiet. Pork firm and more
active; new mess, $13.50U.; family, 811;
short clear, 81315. Lard dull; western
steam, 80.70; city, 80.150.35. liutter dull;
western dairy, DJMto.; do. creamery, 12&
16c.; do. factory, B&Viiia.; Elglns, ISc.; Im
itation creamery, ll15o.; Now York dairy,
ll17e.; do. creamery, 16c. Cheese firmer;
New York large, IUi!7K.; small, 58o.;
part skims, 2tc; full skims, llHc. Eggs
weak; New York und Pennsylvania, 11
UHo.; western fresh, UHKaUKc.
Live Stock Markets.
New Yok, June 17. Heevos higher; native
steers, poor to prime. 81.55&0; stags and oxen,
83.1005; bulls and dry cows, $1.703.75. Calves
active, higher; poor to prime veals, 86Q7; but
termilk calves, 3.3i81.30. Shetp selling moro
freely, but not quotably higher, lambs active
but lower; poor to prime sheep, 83.&0&4.23:
common to choice lambs, 8530.75. Hogs firm
at $i.HXo.m.
East LtBEiiTV, Pa., June 17 Cattle quiet,
lower;prlrne,85.50(&5.73; fair to good butchers,
?(. 303,1.25; bulls, cows and steers, 2&3.75.
Hogs moro active, steady; medium Philadel
phia, 81 "Sffl-l 80: fair to best Yorkers. 81-50
1.751 roughs, EJfft. Sheep and lambs slow,
lower; extra.!J.30; fair to good. 8SS2.30;
best lambs. t!.W)..3.80; spring lambs, $303.35;
veal calves, 5 WJ4JU.
All Hor Ufo Happy Holoaso nt Inst
of Miss Alico Young, who Itcsidcs
nt 392 Alexander Street,
lloehcstcr, N. Y.
(From Rochester Democrat ami CironfcIe.)
Our representative was received very
pleasantly at 302 Alexander Street, by
Sliss Alice Young, who told how since
childhood she had been held in tho bond
age of pain from her back, never re
membering tho time that sho had not suf
fered pain or aches In the region of tho
kidneys. Many wero tho means sho used
to And relief, but thero seemed no remedy
for her caso and sho still remained a cap
tive; then along comes these little enemies
to backache, Dorm's Kidney Pills, and a
half box releases the bonds, as one by ono
the aches and pains disappear, she finds
herself n slave- to pain no more, by their
continued use. Sho says: " I was entirely
relieved of all my suffering and now I am
perfectly strong, healthy and well."
"How ilid you take this remedy 1" Miss
Young was a'sked by our representative,
sho replied that sho followed directions
explicitly. Miss Young then told how tho
malady afTectcd her, saying her symptoms
were: "Stooping, bonding over, walking
or standing nuy length of time always
favc mo a pain in tho small of my back,
had a pain In tho kidneys all the time,
and if 1 caught cold it would always
settle there ; tho pain I suffered was of
a very exhausting nature; at night I
could only Ho ilat on my back any other
position causing pain and suffering; tho
nerves passing up my back, were allected
and this brought with it sevcro headaches,
but as I said before, Doan's Kidney Pills
have removed all pain and suffering en
tirely and I never felt better and healthier
in my utc.
Doan's Kidney Pills aro for sale by all
dealers, price 50 cents, mailed by Foster
Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y., Sole Agents
for tho United States.
For Sale st Kirlin's Pharmacy-
Ollloers Elected by Acolnnintlon To
borve Until Jnnuary.
The Justices aod Constables of Schuyl
kill tonnty held a meeting jesietday after
nton in Puttpville. The object was to
tecuie additional legislation so that petty
uiaiinnl tases below the pede of felony
could be settled without going to court.
The follr-wing offictis weie nominated
and electtd by acclamation as there was no
opposition ; Piesif'ent, II. H. Brownmiller,
of Oiwipkbuif.'; Vice-President, P. R.
Walktr, of Bhtnundoab; Secretary, D. M.
Mellon, of Tremont; Assistant Secretary,
P. F. Dev'ine, of Blythe township; Treas
urer, J. W. Conind, of Potteville; Tellers,
Elios KlssiDger, of Gireidville, nnd J. C.
MiGnipnn, of Pottsville.
The following wero present and signed
the constitution: D. M. Mellon, Tremont;
II. H. Btownmiller, Orwigsbnrg; H. Lein
inper, Tiemont; E. W. fest, Orwipsbnrg;
P. F. Devine, Blythe; John Leilenherper,
Mnbnuoy City; H. D Johueon, Giintdville;
T. T. Williams, P. S. Walker, Tally
Phillips, John Dando, Shenandoah; M. T.
Brennnn, Psrk Place; J. J. Fernsler. J. C.
MtGnigon, J 8. Degler, John "W. Conrad,
S. A. Meyeip, Pottsville; SamuMfcteinbacb,
Frarkville; C. S. Kistler, West Penn;
Willibm Kuehn. MiDerBville; M. J Rey
nold:?, Mahunoy Plane; II. C. Kreis, Middle
port; Thomas Martin, Silver Creek.
Justice J. C. MiGinDtts, Frackville; Jus
tice J. J. Fernsler, Pottsville, and C. 8.
Kistler, of Wes1 Penn, were appointed to
prepare questions for debate at the next
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt lUieuin, Fever
Sores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 25 cents per box.
For salo by A. Wabley.
Juno Mntlnir.
Marriage licenses were granted to the fol
lowini:: John Brown, nf Mabanoy Citv.
and Lautetta Horey, of Mahnnoy township;
Wm. W. Hartman" of Delano, und lies ter
Ann Tnbbs. tnmbrn, Luzerne county. Pa.;
Fredk. C. Ealwistle, of Port Carbon, and
Rarah C. Bereeford, of St. Clair; John F.
Kteicer, of Orwigsburs, and Emma S.
Herber, of North Manheim township;
Tbom.v Stanton and Julia Cantwell, of
Mt. Laffeh; Andiew Ksves, of Mabanoy
City, and Ellen Stack, of Yatcsville; Joeeph
Wieko and Mary Sasaiick, ot Mabanoy
City; H. II. Wagner, of Beading, and Har
riett J. Nortbstlne. of Catawissa; Patrick J.
Donahne and Winifred Crane, of Lost Creek;
John W. Cnmtnings and Mary A. McGurl,
of Pottsville.
Distressing Kidney nud Bladder diseases
relieved in six hours by the "New Great
South Atnorican Kidney Cure." This new
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
exceeding promptness in relieving pain In
tho bladder, kidneys, back and evory part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relieves retention of water and pain in
passing it almost immediately. If you
want quick relief anil curo this is your
remedy. Sold at tho City Pharmacy, 107
South Main street, next to tho post office,
Shenandoah, Pa. 4-9-3m
A Railway Sold.
The property of the Inter-County Electric
Railway CompnDj, consisting of 3 miles of
trackage partly in Tamaqua, Lansford,
Summit Hill and Rush township, was sold
by the Bberiff to the Lehigh Coal and Nav
igation Company for JS,G25. The new pur
chaser it is said will finish the road as the
Town Council, of Tamaqua, grants right
of way over certain streets. The liabilities
amount to over $20,000, and includes a
labor claim of $0,000. Only about 30 per
cent, of this claim will be paid. The re
ceivers eold material &c. amounting to
Vroo 1M1I8.
Send your address to H. . Buoklen &
Co., Chicago, and get a free sample box of
Dr. King's New Life Pills. A trial will
convince you of their merits. These pills
are easy In action nnd are particularly
efleotlvo in the curo of Constipation and
Siok Headache1. Vor Malaria and Liver
troubles thoy havo been proved ldvaluable.
They are) guaranteed to be perfectly free
from every deleterious substanco and to be
purely vegetable. They do not weaken by
their action, but by giving tone to stomach
and bowels greatly invigorate tho system.
Hcgular size 25c. per box. Sold by A.
Wasley, druggist.
A National Typewriter, almost new and
In perfect condition, fur sale cheap. In
quire at Herald ofilco.