The evening herald. (Shenandoah, Pa.) 1891-1966, June 17, 1895, Image 3

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cheapest. Don't be misled by
li trying what is said to be "just ai
jf good," but when yotl paint insist
upon having a genuine' 6f and tf
Strictly pure
White Lead
It costs no more per gallon than
cheap paints, and lasts many times
I as long.
() Look out for the brand of White
Lead offered you ; this one is sure :
"Tohn T.Lewis &Bros."
For Colors. National Lead Co.'s
. Pure White Lead Tinting Colors.
"V, These colors are sold in one-pound cans, each
can being sufficient to tint 25 pounds of strictly
Pure White Lead thedealred shade; they arc In
no sense ready-mixed paints, but n combination
of perfectly pure colors in the handiest form to
tint Strictly Pure White Lead.
, A good many thousand dollars have been saved
' property-owners by having our book on painting
and color-card. Send us a postal card and get
both free.
ler Horses, Cattle, Sheep, Dogs, Hess,
SOOPago Bonk on Treatment afAnlmals
nud Cliurt Kent Free.
A.A.jninnl Jlculnaltls. Milk Fever.
11.11. Mrnlns, Lament-, Hliciiiuntlsm.
.. i..i;.jMsicinpcr, nnsm iiiscuargcg
.I. Hots or drubs, Worms.
T..E.-Cniiahn, llcnvcs, Pneumonia
1'. I'. "('olio or Mrlpca, llcllynclic.
;.(;...?IlHcnrrlnc:e. Hciuorrlinecs.
II. II. Urinary nnd Kidney Diseases.
1 1. 1. "Eruptive Dlnonncs, IMnngc.
J.K,"l)lseiiBCs of Uliftftlon, Paralysis.
Single Bottle (OTer 50 doses), - ,00
Stable CngOf with Specifies, Manna,
Veterinary Curo Oil and Jledlcator, Sy.00
Jar Veterinary Curo Oil, 1.00
Sold fcyDrngRLU) or tpnt prtpild aornben tail lossy
daintily od reeflpt of price.
IiniPIIIlEIS'MED. CO., Ill A mUlUtom St, KewTork.
In ubo 30 yean. Tho only iucciBsfa. remedy for
Nervous Debility, Vital Weakness,
-nd Prostration, from overwork or otber causes.
$1 per vial, or fi viala ami large viil powder, for $3.
Sol4 y in-aggUti.or icnt postpaid on receipt of price.
HCJIPmiKYS'flED. CO,. X 1 1 A 1 1 8 William St t New York
Hat stood the Test of Time
More sold than all other
(UUillRlOlSliltUi rAUllUilCtttUIH'UKlL'AlL Mm
Jj' CEASED. Letters testnmentnry on tho
' ' estnto of John P. llollmnn Into of Shenandoah,
Schuylkill county, Pennsylvania, tlecenfced,
having been grnntcd to tho uudersigiied nil
. persons Indebted to tmldeMnlo nro requested to
bl make payment, imil thoe having 'claims to
v present the bnino without delay to
, William Dkiiii, Executor,
) ' filienaiuloah, I'n.
M ur ins Attorney, J, 11, I'omeroy, blicimmlonli,
i-a. i-n-w-mv
, Beer and Porter,
Barbey's Boek -Beer.
2 Valuable Properties,
On North White Street.-
Double hlok of dwellings, Nos. 30 anil
32 North White Street, between Ceutre ami
.Lloyd streets.
IMso. a double block of dwellings, Nos.
l and 118 North White street, between
jyd and Coal streets.
Oblosaal System of Stealing in a
Colorado Mine,
Hnir tho Ontpnt Taken Away During Soma
Month! by nn Organized Ganfr of Hob
hers The Mine Closed IndeDnltoly Peud
Inn nn Investigation.
Denveh. Juno 17. Such a colossal sys
tem of thieving from tho rich Golden
Flceco mlno, at Lnko City. Hinsdale
county, bus been unenrthod that It 1b an
nounced tho company will lndollnltely
closo down whllo an Investigation Is In
progress. To such nn extent had the steal
lng proceeded that thousands of dollars'
worth of rich gold beurlng oro bvcry month
hnd beon carried off by the company's" op
eratives. An amount equal to half the
output of tho mine has been stolen during
sovernl months. This would mean a loss
to tho concern of $20,000 monthly. The
method of the thieves was to carry off
small pieces of the oro on quttlng their
work, and thon ship their stealings to other
points, or sell thorn In Lake City.
Tho Fleece Is owned in Denver, but in
tho samo district there nro Cxtenslvo prop
erties owned by eastern capitalists, nota
bly tho Suffolk mino, which Is ono of the
lending dividend payers of southwestern
Colorado. The stock of tho latter com
pany Is owned In Hartford, but Is not af
fected, unless It should bo discovered that
tho robberies nro tho result of an organ
ized clTort of the minors in tho district.
Tho Fleeco paid its Juno dividend at the
regular rato of two conts a share, but the
uircctors nnvo ucciucu tnai montuiy pay
ments will bo susponded until thoy find
out tho extent of their losses.
In an lntervlow one of tho officials of the
company makes tho statement that at
times tho mjiouut stolon lias exceeded
ono-half of their monthly output. If such
bo the case this robbery Decomes stupend
ous, as the output of this bonanza mine
has averaged at least 810,000 por month.
Theso colossal figures seom posslblo only
when tho extraordinary richness of their
high grade oro 1b taken Into consideration.
Tho company has announced a reward
of $1,000 for information leading to tho
arrest and convlctioniof overy person Im
plicated In theso robberies.
Tho managers Insist that there has been
an organized gang at work making ship
ments to various parts of tho stato, and
evon to Mexico, from whero tho oro was
reshlpped to tho smelters. They say thoy
will run down overy member of tho gang
If it costs them ?00,000 to do so. They havo
placed sentinels at all the workings to
prevent further thefts.
Somo timo ago tho Victor, of Crlpplo
Creek, folt called upon to discharge Its
entlro forco because of similar pllforlngfof
high grado oro, which amounted to thou
sands of dollars The plan of having but
ono entranco to theso high grado mines
and of a rulo that the working force go
ing in and going out shall make a com
plete change of clothing will probably
follow as tho only corrective measure for
this evil, which has been growing In re
cent years.
Murdered In Her lied.
RAIEIOH, Juno 17. Mrs. E. S. Pollard,
wlfo of a farmer living noar Oxford, was
murdored In her home. Mr. Pollard had
left tho house for on hour, and on his re
turn found his wife's body with the skull
crushed by blows. The houso had boon
robbed of $800 In gold. A negro woman
who had boon left with Mrs. Pollard was
arrosted, and the evidonce against her Is
vnry strong, Two other negro women and
a whito man wero also arrested.
6hot Ills Father for a Thief.
Bloomsbuiio, Pa., Juno 17. A probably
fatal mistake was mado when Charles
Jones shot his f athor, Harvey Jones, for a
burglar. They reside at Espy. Tho young
man was awakened by a noise, and taking
his gun went down stairs to Investigate.
On his roturn he saw a man standing In
the room and fired. The lattor proved to bo
his father, who had also heard tho noise.
The shot took effect In tho nbdomon.
Nina Killed by Uurstlug Hollers.
London, Juno 17. Nine porsons wero
killed and eighteen seriously Injured by a
bollor oxploslon nt tho Redoar Iron works
near Guiesborough, Yorkshire. Thirteen
out of tho fifteen boilers exploded. Tho
masonry was hurled a hundrod yards
away, and a volumo of boiling wator a
yard deep poured over tho workmen. The
damage will amount to about $250,000.
Accidentally Shot Ills Friend.
Philadelphia, Juno 17. While return
ing from a riuo drill Saturday evening
Robert Cummlngs, 10 years old, was accl
dontally shot and mortally wounded by
Lewis Carlln, 20 years old. Both young
men wero mombors of tho Third regiment,
N. G. P , and hnd beon indulging in gun
exorcises, when Carlln's rifle, which' was
supposed to havo been unloaded, wont off
with tho above result.
Lire Destroying Wheat.
Allentown, Pa., Juno 17. r Reports
from some sections of tho country say that
lice aro playing havoo with tho wheat crop.
A gentleman who owns a farm a fo vr miles
north of Allentown suys the insects havo
killed tho wheat in somo Instances for the
stretch of a square. In other places tho
entire crop has been destroyed.
An Italian Girl Commits Suicide.
New YoitK, Juno 17. Josephine Riorda,
nn nttractlvo Italian girl botweon 17 and
18 yours old, committed suloldoat an early
hour by swallowing a quanlty of oxalic
acid. She lived but a fow minutes after
taking tho poison. It is supposed that
disappointment in love prompted her to
kill hersolf.
The Haby Was Killed.
Wilkesdaiihe, Pa., Juno 17. Whllo
John W. Evans and Mrs. Isaac Edwards
und her baby wero out driving the horse
beoame frightened nnd ran away, Tho
buggy was overturned and all thrco wero
thrown out. The baby was killed and
Evans and Mrs. Edwards were badly In
jured. 'ilnd Secreted the Money In Ills Shoe.
"VlNELAND, N J., Juno 17. Frank Pot
tor gavo Nick Brown, a tramp, lodging,
and wheu the former awoko the tramp
was gono and $8 wero missing. Two men
started In pursuit of tho tramp. He was
caught "Ud tho money was found In his
Fall from a Cherry Tree to Ills Death.
Pmsqyna, Juno 17. Thomas Coinpton,
45 years old, wbjle; picking cbejrrios for J.
E. Schwartx- ln the east end fell from a
tree and wob killed, his neck being broken.
nrThool 1317 Arch St.
The.onlr (lenntnr nccialt In America,
noiniumniidln t others nilYcrllso.
SpfClal l)lieiio anil StrictnrM
rcrnianentlr Cured In a to 6 days
Dl nnn nniOnU Prlmiirnr Hommt.
ULUUU rUIOUIl nrvM.r.-.rhvinilrnW
new method In 30 to lodara. A veara' Kuril.
pean Hospital and 32 practical eiperleuce, as
OertlQcatea and iMnioinpsnrovn. Hpmi nvn I
!z-cent stamps ror uook, " i iiuth," tneoniy
book exposing Quark Jloctors ana others au
VertUltiff aa izre.Lt Specialists. A true frlund
fcoau suiieiL'ra unu ui iiiumi i.-uiiuJuipiavniK
marriage. Tliemoststulilwrnand dangerous I
I cases 8Q1ICKCU. w rue ur cau auu no saveu.
Hours i 3i Eve's 6-8 1 Wed. and Sat. eve's
C-10Sun. 0-12. Succeasfultreatmentiymall.
Lacfer and
Pilsner Beers,
Finest, Purest, Healthiest.
Chris. Schmidt, Agent
207 "West Coal Street, Shenandoah.
Tho Godet Even For Trained Skirts Tel
low L.ace.
Fashions of tho Henri Quntro period nro
to bo revived this season. Its peculiarities
aro not of tho tempting order. Its skirts
nro wido and full, its sleovos distended and
fully slashed and the waists much whalo
boncd. It remains to bo seen If women, to
whoso repertory of pastimes skating nnd
bicycling nro being rapidly added, will
condono or condemn theso faults und tako
kindly to the revival or simply ignore it.
Astocrlnollno, tho great width of tho fash
lonablo skirt nnd Its distension by means
of wlro and horsehair would seem to bo a
forowarnlng of its coming, and ono won
dors if faith In tho common senso of worn-
en in this particular would bo misplaced.
Suroly not. Thoy will not in theso en
lightened days willingly step Into the
hideous cages that bolougcd to nn Inartistic
ago and causod many a tragedy when they
wero worn.
Tho godot skirt Is very much worn.
Even trained skirts nro mado with godots,
tho wedding gown of n recent Parisian
bride having Immcnso godots. Of courso
tho stylo 1 an exceedingly stiff ono, but
our eyes havo become so accustomed to it
that It now seems nttractlvo.
Thero Is great varloty In fashionable cos
tumo now. Toilets of cropon plisso and
surah glaco go sldo by sldo with tailor
mado gowns, which havo not sunkon from
tho high esteem In which they havo long
been held.
Yellow is a decidedly fashionable color
and Is seen In all shades, from straw to
orange. Somo of tho lemon and buff tints,
In printed und dottod muslins, aro espe
cially pleasing, nnd ns trimming laces of
all sorts, oven vnlenolonnos, are now to be
had In yollow, It is posslblo to get up nn
oxtremely pretty yellow gown at small
Tho Illustration shows a costumo the
skirt of which is of white mousscllno do
sole with bluollowors and is slightly gath
ered at tho waist. Tho blouso bodlco Is of
turquoise glace silk and has a whlto rib
bon belt tied behind. A flchu of whlto
mousscllno de solo with laoe ruffles covers
the shouldors. Tho balloon olbow sleoves
are of silk. .TUDIO CHOLLET.
When Ponce-de-Leon sought to find
The fountain giving back lost youth,
It may be that he hnd in mind
That draught which seems to rnako a
Out of tin fabla ages old,
Por drinking it the old grow young,
It is, indeed, a draught of gold,
Surpassing all by poets sung.
The draught meant is Dr. Pierce's Gol
den Medloal Discovery, of course. It is a
most potent rejuvenator of the weakened
and debilitated system. It drives out all
poison, all Impurity, enriches tho blood,
and makes tbe old and worn out feel
young nnd vigorous, Ponce-de-Leou didn't
discover it, but Dr. Pierce did, and he
rightly named It when he called It a "Gol
den Discovery."
Dr. Pierce's Pellets cure permanently
constipation, indigestion and headaches.
All dealers.
Ilendy for All Work.
Tbe Heuald has made ample arrauge
nients for a continuance of its extensive
business In the job printing line and Is
prepared to turn out all work with prompt
ness and due attention to excellence of
workmanship. Orders left at the new
office in the Itefowtoh building on South
Main fctreet will receive prompt attention.
Stabs Ills Wlro to Ilonth and Mortally
Wounds llor Alleged Parninonr.
Louisville, Juno 17. Arthur Gourdln,
n shoomnker living nt Rowlluton.n suburb
of Powoo "Valley, eighteen miles from tlds
city on tho Louisville and Nnshvlllo rail
road, shot and probably fatally wounded
Thomns Murphy nnd thon stabbed his wlfo
to donth last night. Gourdln suspocted
Murphy of boiug lnttmnto with his wlfo,
nnd had evidently waited for on oppor
tunity to sottlo tho score.
This opportunity enmo last evening
when Murphy was passing Gourdin's
houso on horsebnek. Gourdln was sitting
on his porch, and whon Murphy cnnlo up
Gourdln drow n revolver and commenced
firing, wounding Murphy In sovcrnl places
and killing his horso under him. Mrs,
Gourdln rushed out of tho house nnd her
husband told her to go nway, but she re
fused to do so, and ho thou hit hor several
times with tho butt of his rovolvcr, driv
ing hor back into tho houso, whero ho
seized n knlfo and stnbbod her cloven
times, killing her almost instantly.
Tho dead woman leaves four children,
ranging In ages from 1 to 13 years. Gour
dln was arrostod and placed In Jail at La
The Town of Audenrled Settles and Its
Citizens Are Frantic
Hazleton, Pn., Juno 17. Tho support
ing pillars In tho Beaver Brook mino be
gan to glvo way during tho night, nnd the
town of Audenrlod, which Is built Imme
diately over It, Is thrown Into a state of
wildest excitement. Tho gangways of
tho mino are 000 feet below tho surfneo,
and a total collapso means tho complete
destruction of tho town.
The people wero warned of tho peril by
fissures and openings which appeared In
tho earth betwoen the hotol and the com
pany store nnd Immediately beneath the
houses of the most prominent townspeo
ple. Sovoral buildings careened to ono
side, throwing their occupants' from tholr
beds. Pooplo wore frantic, and pandemo
nium reigned throughout tho town. Tho
openings In tho earth contiuuo to becomo
wider and moro numerous, nnd a total col
lnpso is momentarily looked for.
Nobody thought of saving household ef
fects, und these nro loft in the houses.
Among tho housos dostroyed nro thoso of
Mlno Superintendent D. R. Roberts, Gen
eral Manuger II. E. Lubken, John McGeo
and William Bailey.
Lazzarono Wins tho Suburban.
New York, Juno 15. A brilliant as
semblngo of 15,000 persons paid tribute to
t-o American thoroughbred by thronging
tho grounds of tho Conoy Island Jookey
club nt Sheopshoad Bay on Saturday to
seo the twelfth Suburban handicap de
cided.. All camo with tho expectation of
witnessing tho triumph of tho favorito,
Domlno,ind In no;former year bad such a
decided fuvorito boon slated for any of tho
great racos of the season. Tho result of
tho contest was a great surprise. Domino
collapsed utterly three furlongs from
homo and was no better than fourth at
tho finish, whllo victory porched upon tho
colors of tho Er!o stable, tholr 4-year-old,
Lazznrono, by Spendthrift, out of Splna
way, winning most decisively, whilo the
Onock stable's Sir Walter was second and
tho Blomton stablo's Song and Danco was
third. Timo, 3:071-5.
Fntnl Iletid-End Collision.
Charleston, S. C, Juno 17. A head
end collision occurrod yesterday morning
between two passengor trains on tho
Charleston and Savaunnli railroad at Yo
massco. The engines telescoped nnd wore
completely wreckod, Engineer Bluck
jumped ns tho collision camo, breaking
his leg. Four unknown colored tramps
who wero stealing n rldo on the front
trucks wore ground nnd cut to plece3. Tho
mail car of ono train was torn to shreds,
but Mall Clerks C. P. Croft and J. P.
Beard escaped Injuries. Tho passpngers
were terribly shaken up and thrown about,
but escaped serious harm. The wreck oc
curred through tho negllgenco of an op
erator In giving orders.
A L,ynolilng Prevented.
Mt. Sterling, Ky., Juno 17. Deputy
Polico Charles Evans, who was shot Sat
urday night by John Johnson, tho negro
ex-convict, died yesterday. As soon as
Evans dlod a mob began a journoy to the
jail with the intention of lynching John
son, but tho officers prevailed, and after
Judge Coopor made an immediate bVdor
to hold a special torm of court Juno 28 to
try Johnson the mob dispersed. Evnns
had just beon mnrrlod to Mrs. Ida Lttng
ston, whoso first husband was killed about
five years ago by Samuel Evorett.
Death of Valentine Hall.
London, June 17. Valentino Ball,
LL. D F. R. S., is dond. Valentino Ball
was born In Dublin, July 14, 18I3t He
graduated frbm tho University of Dublin
as a mastor of arts In 1872. In the yenr
1681, on tho completion and opening to the
public of tho now museum of science nnd
nrt In Dublin, he was appolntod to the
companionship of the bath. Ho wrote
several works upon the geology of India
nnd accounts of his explorations In Af
ghanistan, Belochlstan, tho Andaman
and Nlcobnr Islands,
Carl nrowna Weds Coxey's Daughter.
Massillon, O., June 17. Carl Browne
and Miss Mnmio Coxey, erstwhile Goddess
pf Peaco of the Commonweal, were se
cretly married by Justice Folger. The
brldo nnd groom separated of tor tho core
mony, with tho expectation of keeping the
fact to themselves until tho Fourth of
July, whon thoy will have another and a
spootaoular marrlago at Washington, The
groom is 45 years old und tho bride 18.
Died of Ills Injuries.
Jacksonville, Fin., Juno 17. Androw
Yeomnns, who wns shot by P. M. W.
Baldwin Friday, the 7th Instant, died at
12 o'clock last night. He was unconscious
for sovoral hours before his death came.
Tho shooting wns for alleged criminal re
lations with Baldwin's wlfo. Baldwin Is
u prominent man here, nnd Yeomnns hnd
been boarding with his family.
Got the Drop on Ills Opponent.
Mt. Sterling. Ky., Juuo 17. At John
son Station, on tho Kentucky nnd South
Atlantlo railroad, James S. Whltnkor'jnet
Neol Anderson on the road nnd put Uvo
bullets in Andorson's body, killing him
tnstnntli. Whltnkor gavo himself up.
Ho says Anderson has repeatedly threat
ened his life.
Fair's Son Ilrlngs Suit.
Raw PniVfimnn .Tuna 17 Ona nt iha
most Important1 steps In the Fntr will con
test wns taken to-day, when Chnrlos L.
Fair filed his expected suit against the
executors and trustees under what Is
known as the stolen will.
A.n Important Expedition from
Key West Arrives Safely,
Brought by tho Vessel, Which Wns Chased
Twleo by Spanish Cruisers, hut Succeeded
In Out Steaming Iler I'ursuors Slnrtl
Was Iletrnyed.
Gainesville, Fin., Juno 17. Tho fol
owlng lottcr. written by Major F. P.
Bann, of tho Cuban army, has been re
tolved by a friend in this city. Major
Bnnn wns formorly from Pennsylvania,
ind has been In the Cuban service throo
nontlis. The letter is ns follows:
"Ahenbas River, Cuba, Juno 10. Tho
host important expedition thnt has
Cnched Cuban soil from tho United States
ras landed to-day. It consists of 100 mon,
,000 repeating rifles, 2,000,000 rounds of
Immunltion nnd J250.0O0 In gold, under
Dmmnnd of Colonel Hornnndoz. The
essel which conveyed them loft Key
IVost Juno 6, nnd sailed for Bahln Island,
rhoro It took on tho mon and cargo. Sho
ras chased twlco by Spanish cruisers, but
liannged to outsteam them and arrived
lere beforo day this morning.
"Wo nro now making arrangements to
loin Gomez at Tunas, provinco of Camn
(uey, whore ho has his headquarters. We
lavo n march of about forty miles beforo
is, but hopo to join him on the 12th. Tho
nuding wns protected by a battalion of
roops from Gomez's army, who hope to
tojoln him without serious fighting, os no
Spanish soldiers are in thb immedtato
"I am just recovering from attack of
tollow fovcr, but shall risk joining my
bmmand ngaln. Wo hnvo positive nows
Jiat Marti Is dead, Ho was botrayed into
Ipunlsh hands by a trusted Cuban guldo
ind shot down in cold blood beforo ho
rjuld escnpo. I hopo to have moro definito
lows of his death and other matters as
con ns I rejoin my command."
Spain Is snld to havo paid 18,000 for
llartl's assassination.
Many small nrmod bands aro In tho vl
lnlty of Havana. Martinez Campos
iwnlts mora troops from Spain at Nuovi
ns Masso. Antonio Mncco, Miro and
ithor lendors, with 2,000 men, nro near
Slbara In possession of n small town,
thoy had a flcrco battle between Gibnrn
ind Holgin on n railway bridge, which
vus afterwards burnod. A convoy has
leen captured. Mnny prisoners wero
nkon nnd a lnrge sum of money was enp
lured. Guanoboco, an hour's ride by rail from
Bavnna, is greatly excited by tho oppoar
inco of strange ships in the oiling. Gon
ial Ardorius, socond commander of tho
(panish forces, has ordered a concentra
ion of troops to provent a landing of fill
lustorers. Cunvltas, near Santlngo, wns
lurnod by tho Insurgents uudor Major
t)urun on tho 8th. Ollvn, tho guide that
b claimed to have assassinated Mnrtl, is
n tho Hospital Principe Alfonso, wounded
Inngorously In tho left breast with a rlllo
all, said to havo been Inflicted in battle,
Kit it is thought tho Cubans tried to kill
Insurgents rut to Flight.
HAVANA, Juno 17. A small band of
roops at Isabel Cntollca went in pursuit
if tho Insurgents nnd found their cnvalry
ipou tho river nt Gun. Tho troops chargod
mil delivered a hot flro, which obliged tho
nsurgents to rotiro. Thoy lost their nrms
ind horses bosldes four of their number
lead and six wounded. Of tho troops, one
rns killed nnd two wero wounded. At
Jnmpechuola, near Mauznullln, ton in
urgonts havo surrendered. Flvo lnsurg
mts, uogrons, sot flro to tho villngo of San
ri;onto do Cuba nnd burned threo housos.
L small band from San Antonio, Bnnos
aid Havana closoly pursued thorn.
Lynchers Thwarted.
Baltimore, Juno 17. Richard Cadle, a
nrpeuter, who was arrested Saturday at
Jatonsvillo charged with enticing Mnry
!ross, daughter of Conrad Gross, and
larboring her for Immoral purposes, was
Irought to Baltimore- to save him from
lie attack of a crowd of rosldonts of Ca
bnsville who woro masquerading ns
vhltecnps. Fifteen minutes after tho
lillcer had loft with his prisoner tho crowd
ittnckod tho building. They brokodown,
ho door, und wero much enraged whon
hoy found that their proy had escaped.
murdered at a Church Festival.
Huntington, W. Vn., Juno 17. At a
ountry churoh festlvnl Saturday night
here was a fight. Creed Harvoy, a woll
mown citizen, was shot through tho
lenrt, dying Instantly. Mrs. Amy Luns-
ord was scriouuy Injured by being struck
in tho head with a stono. Jack Wnrdand
ilhoda Perduo, tho murderers, leaped
hrough a window and oscnped to tho
voods. A largo posso aro now scouring tho
iountry for them.
Trenton Potters Will Iteturn to Work.
Trenton, June 17. Tho sanitary wnro
lottors met yesterday to recoivo theroport
If tho commltteo appointed to present the
non's demands to the manufacturers. Tho
lommlttee reported that the manufactur
es havo agreed to the proposed new scale
Iractlcally as presented. It provides for
ncrenses ranging from 10 to 40 por cent.
Cbo mon will roturn to work as soon as
ho now seile is signed.
Has Arrived at Kiel.
Kiel, Juno 17. Tho United States
quadron, which will take part In tho
luremouios attending tho oponlng of the
Uorth Son Baltlo canal, entored tho hnr
lor on Saturday. Tho American war
ihips saluted on passing Frledrlchsort nt
iho entranco of tho harbor, and the shore
latterios replied.
Theater Flro In New York.
NewYork, June 17. Jacobs' theater, on
riilrd avenue, wns almost completely de
itroyed by fire this morning at ia:14, from
lomo unknown causo. A rough estimate
If tho loss of tho theater and contents Is
lut nt 200,000. Tho buildings adjoining
Ire estimated to be damaged and partially
lostroyed at a loss of $100,000.
Closed by Atlantlo City's Mayor.
Atlantic City, June 17. The Turkish
fieater, on tho boardwalk, to which objeo
llons wore raised on tho Midwny PI all
Inco at Chicago, has beon closed by Mayor
Etoy, on tho ground that it is an Indecent
The Weather.
For eastern Pennsylvania, falrtwnrmer:
lorthwestorly winds. For Now Jersey,
!alr; warmer; wooterly winds. For Dls-
Irlct of Coluii'blu, Maryland and Delaware,
Wr, foilowi by increasing oloudlness
indshowori tonight, easterly winds.
Allentown Gets .Plot I'lnots nmU tlio
LoHinieNow Huh six Club.
The meeting of the Stafie League rnnn
pgeis whs concluded at 3 o'clock Satuiday
morning. It was a stormy conference due
latpely to tbe cbtonic kicking of Munnger
Witmnn, of IteadiDg. His claims became
to radical that he was told to have the
league and be left tbe room.
After lingetiug about tbe hall forsn hour
he returmd and listed to be reinstated.
The bminess proceeded after tbta episode
with disntch.
It was decided to moke Friday tbe close
of the firtt feilep, and to commence a new
series on Fiiday, June 14. Alltntown in
this way gets fittt place. Tbe work of
framing anew schedule tor tbe six clubs
wa9 slow, nud, a9 tbe men wished to join
their team?, It was approved only to July
8. Tbe remainder of the schedule wbs
made up by tbe committee and the approval
of their work will have to be received be
fore it can be adopted. Following is tho
ecbcdule as faras appioved, to July 8:
fottsvlllent home Bending, Juno Is, 19, July
I, A M ; Alle town June !U, 21, July 2, 3; Lnn
enfter Juno IB, 17; Cnrbondale, June 29, Julv 1.
Kendlnt at home. Poitsvlllo .'uue25, 26, July
4, r. si. Hazleton, June i2. 21, Cnrbondale, Juno
2 , 2t; i ancnoter. July 2 3.
Allentown at lio o Cnrbondale, June 22, 21;
InzIcton, June 58 2Cj Pottsvillr, June 27, 28;
Lnncnster, July i, A M. nnd r. m.
Cnrbomlalo nt bom . Itca inr, June 15 17s
Alltntown, June '8, 19; LancAslcr Juno20, 21;
Hazleton, July 2. 3; Pottsvillo, July 0,8.
llnzleton nt home. Allentown, Juno 15, 17,
29, July; Iicndinp. June 20 21;JulyG, 8; Ijin
custer, Juno 18, 19; Cnrbondale, July 4, A. M. and
p M.
Lnncns'cr t konie. Potlsville, June 2, 21;
Cnrbondale, Juno 25, 2f.; llnzleton, June 27,28;
Heading, Juno 29, July 1; Abentown, July 0, 8.
Those who novel rend tho ndvortlso
mcnts in their nowspapcrfl miss move
than thoy presume. Jonathan Konison
of Bolin, Worth county, Iowa, who had
been troubled with rheumatism in his
back, arms nnd shouldors, read nn item
in his paper nbout how a prominent citi
zen of Fi. Madison had beon cured. Ho
nl-ocurcd tho samo medicine nnd to use
his own words : "It cured mo right up."
Ho iiIho says : "A neighbor and his wifo
wero both sick in bed witli rheumatism.
Their boy was over to mv houso anil
said they were so bad ho fiad to do tho
cooking. I told them of Chamborlnin's
pain balm and how it hnd cured me. Ho
got a bottle and it cured them up In n
week. 50 cent bottles for salo bv
Gruhler Bros., druggists.
William Cu minimis, of Mnhnuoy City,
KIIIh u Iluncarlnn.
William Cummings, of Mabnnoy City,
was ants'ed at Slockdale, a mining village
near Hazleton, for tbe killiog of Joseph
Comilz on Satuiday. Cnrnmings' version
of the crime is that he met a ctranger on
the highway who gave him a watch to sell.
He entered tbe home of Comitz and tho
latter claimed it wns his stolen timekeeper.
CummiDgs refused to give it up and fled
from the village with Comitz in hot pur
suit. The v.atch dealer escaped, but came
tack later. Comitz saw him and advanced
towards him with a knife in his band. At
this juncture Cnrnmings suys he pulled a
revolver and shot Comitz in the head.
Tbe latter died almost instantly. The
story Cummings tells is questioned.
I hnvo two llttlo grand children who
are teething this hot weather and aro
troubled with bowel complaint. I givo
them Chamberlain's Colic and Diarr
hoea Remedy und it nets liko n chnrni.
I earnestly recommend it for children
with bowel troubles. I wns myself
taken with u sovero nttuek of blood
llux, witli cramps and pains in my
stomach, one-third of a bottle of this
remedy oared inc. Within twenty-four
hours I was out of bed nnd doing my
house work. Mrs. W. I. Dunagnn, lion
aqua, Hiekman County, Tonn. For salo
by (iruhlor Bros., druggists.
A Well-Known Ofljcer Dies nt Ills
Home In Lnnaford.
Captain S. F. Peeltr, died a his homo
in Lnndsford, Saturday evening, of conges
tion of the liver. He wns 58 years old and
was chief of Ihe Lehigh Coal and Naviga
tion Company Coal nnd Iron Policf. De-
ctusen uau oten neoiast seven weeks before
death claimed him.
Captain Pteler figured prominently in the
crmnde of tbe late Franklin B. Gowen,
against the Mollie Maguires. He captured
tbe notorious Jimmy Kerrigan and Kelly
and Doyle, who assassinated John P. Jones
and took part in several other important
nnests. He was n earless officer and a
(rpntleman of qnict unassuming manners.
The remains will be taken to Bermick to
morrow fur interment.
Tbe movement in faTor of summer out
ings forpoor children in London and otber
large cities of England is stronger this year
tban ever.
Our better hnlves say thoy could not
lecop house without Chamberlain's
cough remedy. It is used in moro than
half tho homes in Leeds. Sims Bros.,
Leeds, Iowa. This shows tho cstcom In
which that remedy hold whero it has
beon sold for years and woll known.
Mothors hnvo learned that thero is
nothing so good for colds, croup nnd
whooping cough, that It euros the nil
ments quickly and permanently, and
thnt It Is pleasant nnd safe for cfilldrou
to take. 25 and fiO cent bottles for sulo
by Gruhler Bros., druggists.
According to Ihe Commander-in-Chief of
India, 50,000 out cf 70,000 men composing
the army have been sent to tbe hospitals
within two years.
The best Salve in the world for Cuts,
Bruises, Sores, Ulcers, Salt Rheum, Fever
Bores, Tetter, Chapped Hands, Chilblains,
Corns, and all Skin Eruptions, and posi
tively cures Piles, or no pay required. It
Is guaranteed to give perfect satisfaction or
money refunded. Price 23 cents per box.
For sale by A. Wasley,
First ex-Car Horse "I'vo got a city
job," Second ex-Car Horse "Where did
yon get yonr pnll?"
Distressing Kidney and Bladder dlseasos
relieved In six hours by the "New Great
South Amerloan Kidney Cure." This uow
remedy is a great surprise on account of Its
exceediug promptness in relieving pain In
the bladder, kidneys, back and every part
of the urinary passages in male or female.
It relloves retention of water nnd pain in
passing It almost lrainodlntaly, If you
wnnt qulok relief and euro this Is your
remedy. Sold at tho City Pbannaoy, 107
Smith Main street, next to tho post office,
Shenandoah, Pa. 4-9-3m
Personal. An ugly man without
money wants to meet an ugly woman with
out means. Object, to discuss the financial
qnostlon. New Haven Palladium,
The only baby medicine Lnks' Syrnp.